Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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Providing information <strong>and</strong> teachingparenting skills can change families(parents may have inaccurate orincomplete information, be frustratedat their own inability <strong>to</strong> enhance theirchild’s behaviour or learning);Personal counselling can changefamilies (people can have negativeperceptions of themselves <strong>and</strong> theirabilities);Increasing parental empowerment canchange families (better resources,changing a poor environment, reducingstress <strong>and</strong> sharing responsibility reducethe impact of an unhealthy context).(Adapted from Gallagher 1990:543).In a rev i ew of the re s e a rch ev i d e n ce one a rly inte rve ntions <strong>to</strong> enhance the ment a lhealth of children <strong>and</strong> their familiescompiled for the Me ntal He a l t hFo u n d at i o n ,Ba rnes <strong>and</strong> Fre u d e - La g eva rd i(2002) conclude that prog rammes need <strong>to</strong>be po s i t i ve, n o n - d e f i c i t, c u l t u ra l ly sensitive,s ys temic (based on an eco l og i cal mod e l )<strong>and</strong> so matched <strong>to</strong> part i c i p a nt s’ n e e d s.Such prog rammes need <strong>to</strong> be targ e ted onat - risk co m m u n i t i e s, those with high rate sof pove rty, single <strong>and</strong> adolesce ntp a re nt h ood, <strong>and</strong> invo lve both children <strong>and</strong>p a re nt s, without stigmatising individuals.Their rev i ew indicates that bo t hp ro fessionals <strong>and</strong> para - p ro fe s s i o n a l s,wo rking alongside families, should sharedecision making <strong>and</strong> that both pre- <strong>and</strong>po s t - n atal inte rve ntions which do not try<strong>to</strong> ope rate on <strong>to</strong>o many fro nts at the sametime are like ly <strong>to</strong> prove most effe ct i ve. On eof their most telling state m e nts co n ce rn sthe impo rt a n ce of ‘a reasonable sat i s f y i n gt h e ra peutic re l at i o n s h i p’ ( Ba rnes <strong>and</strong>Fre u d e - La g eva rdi 2002: 46 ), w h i c h , if note s t a b l i s h e d, cannot be co m pe n s ated fo rt h rough lengthy inte rve nt i o n s. In otherwo rd s, ra p po rt be tween wo rkers <strong>and</strong>families is essential (Se i fer et al 1991 ).Fawcett’s (2001) review of early childhoodinterventions related <strong>to</strong> special needs forthe DfES concludes, inter alia:-the need <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> a ‘joined up’ modelof delivery<strong>to</strong> build on the model of Sure Start inareas of moderate disadvantage<strong>to</strong> accept that some ‘false positives’ willbe identified, who will later prove theintervention <strong>to</strong> have been unnecessary<strong>to</strong> build the potential of parents <strong>and</strong>paraprofessionals for effective <strong>and</strong> costeffectiveidentification <strong>and</strong> interventionharness the natural involvement ofparents <strong>to</strong> build parenting skillsprovide for accreditation of priorexperience <strong>and</strong> learning <strong>to</strong>wardsqualifications for paraprofessionalsprovide training for ECEC personnelwhich bridges the health-educationdivideprovide training through a variety ofmodels, including distance <strong>and</strong> parttimeresidential coursesimprove interagency communication,underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> mutual respectring fence funding for identification<strong>and</strong> intervention for children from 0-2fund further research136 EDUCATION ANDSKILLS B I RT H T O T H R E E M AT T E R S

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