Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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Meggitt (2001:4) also recommends thebasic needs of babies <strong>and</strong> children forachieving <strong>and</strong> maintaining healthy growth<strong>and</strong> development as being,‘protectionfrom infection <strong>and</strong> injury; shelter, warmth,clothing; access <strong>to</strong> health care;intellectualstimulation; praise <strong>and</strong> recognition ofachievements; social contacts; security;cleanliness; fresh air <strong>and</strong> sunlight; love<strong>and</strong> consistent <strong>and</strong> continuous affection;sleep, rest <strong>and</strong> activity; <strong>and</strong> food’From her own review of the researchliterature, Meggitt lists the aspects ofchildren’s lives that affect their healthas being‘genetic fac<strong>to</strong>rs, pre-conceptual fac<strong>to</strong>rs,antenatal fac<strong>to</strong>rs, perinatal fac<strong>to</strong>rs,nutrition,infectious diseases, housing,income, accidents, emotional <strong>and</strong> socialfac<strong>to</strong>rs, lifestyle – social <strong>and</strong> personalhabits, environmental fac<strong>to</strong>rs, <strong>and</strong>government policy’ (Meggitt 2001: 9-10).The articles of the United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child (UN1989) also stress many health <strong>and</strong> safetyissues <strong>and</strong> the view of protection fromharm in the Convention has a widerinterpretation than that referring <strong>to</strong> childabuse as defined in the UK (Home Office,DoH, DES, Welsh Office 1991). TheConvention,like the Children Act 1989,recognises children’s own views <strong>and</strong>wishes as important – in other words theirpersonhood is acknowledged..Mayall (1996) re po rts on a study of (5 <strong>to</strong> 9ye a r-old) childre n’s own management ofo rd i n a ry health mainte n a n ce <strong>and</strong> note st h at children have tended <strong>to</strong> be theo b j e cts of health ca re ; their opinions havef re q u e nt ly been ‘d ow n g ra d e d’ by healthp ro fe s s i o n a l s.Yet childre n , she assert s,also ‘a c q u i re health-re l ated kn ow l e d g et h rough info rmal learning at home…t h ey use their kn owledge <strong>to</strong> pro m o te theirown we l l - be i n g, in the co ntext of <strong>and</strong> ini nte ra ction with social <strong>and</strong> phys i ca lfe at u res of their env i ro n m e nt’ ( Mayall 1996 :30 ). Ch i l d ren are act i ve ly part i c i p ating inthe mainte n a n ce of healthy life s tyles (theirown <strong>and</strong> others). Pri d m o re <strong>and</strong> Ste p h e n s’(2000) rev i ew of the child-<strong>to</strong> - c h i l da p p roach <strong>to</strong> health education (albeit withre fe re n ce <strong>to</strong> older children) also showsh ow this appro a c h , which is in ope rationin more than eighty co u nt ries wo rl dw i d e,a c kn owledges children as act i vep a rt i c i p a nts in health promotion <strong>and</strong>m a i nte n a n ce of healthy life s ty l e s.While the children on whom this reviewis focused are younger than those citedabove, Post & Hohmann (2000:203)provide guidelines which are relevant<strong>to</strong> children aged under <strong>three</strong>.‘Infants <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>ddlers in group care haveno choice about being in childcare. Eachpart of the day, however, presentsopportunities for choices <strong>and</strong> decisionsthey can make…what <strong>to</strong> hold, look at, orwhether, how <strong>and</strong> how long <strong>to</strong> participatein an activity…Making these choices <strong>and</strong>decisions on a daily basis <strong>and</strong> being able<strong>to</strong> change their mind from one day <strong>to</strong> thenext tends <strong>to</strong> give children a sense ofcontrol over their day.’106 EDUCATIONAND SKILLS B I RT H T O T H R E E M AT T E R S

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