Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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FIGURE 1:SIX ASPECTS OF HEALTH (MEGGITT 2001:2)Environmental healthEnv i ro n m e ntal healthre fers <strong>to</strong> the genera lhealth of the soc i e ty inwhich we live. In areas offamine – where the firstp ri o ri ty for health is <strong>to</strong>obtain enough food –people may be denieda c cess <strong>to</strong> health. Pove rty<strong>and</strong> ove rc rowded livingconditions are alln e g at i ve aspe cts ofe nv i ro n m e ntal health.Physical healthThis is the easiest aspec<strong>to</strong>f health <strong>to</strong> measure.It involves the physicalfunctioning of the body<strong>and</strong> includes thegrowth <strong>and</strong> physicaldevelopment of thebaby <strong>and</strong> child.Mental healthMental health involvesour ability <strong>to</strong> organiseour thoughts logically,<strong>and</strong> is closely linked<strong>to</strong> emotional <strong>and</strong>social health.The six aspects of healthSocial healthSocial health involvesthe way we relate <strong>to</strong>other people <strong>and</strong> formrelationships.Emotional healthEmotional healthinvolves how we expressemotions such as joy,grief, frustration,hurt<strong>and</strong> fear. This ability <strong>to</strong>express our ownemotions <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> react <strong>to</strong>other people’s emotionsleads on <strong>to</strong> copingstrategies for anxiety<strong>and</strong> stress.Spiritual healthSpiritual healthinvolves personal,moral codes ofconduct – as wellas religious beliefs<strong>and</strong> practices.Figure 1: Reproduced with permission from Meggitt (2001:2)105

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