Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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Being CreativeYoung babies explore their immediateenvironment of people, objects <strong>and</strong>feelings through all their senses.Babies quickly make sense of <strong>and</strong>respond <strong>to</strong> what they see, hear, feel,<strong>to</strong>uch <strong>and</strong> smell.As young children become moremobile, they express themselvesthrough physical action <strong>and</strong> sound.As children become more skilful inusing language <strong>and</strong> other forms ofcommunication,dance, music, 2D <strong>and</strong>3D art, they talk about, <strong>and</strong> share inother ways, the things they paint, draw<strong>and</strong> play with.Representing Through Mark MakingYoung babies discover mark makingby chance, noticing for instance thatfingers trailed through spilt juice canextend it or that a h<strong>and</strong> imprint remainsin wet s<strong>and</strong>.Babies imitate <strong>and</strong> improvise actionsthey have observed – a scarf is made <strong>to</strong>st<strong>and</strong> for a blanket or a skipping ropeh<strong>and</strong>le for a microphone.As young children explore <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>and</strong>materials they make marks <strong>to</strong> whichthey give meaning.Children begin <strong>to</strong> recognise somemarks <strong>and</strong> realise these meansomething <strong>to</strong> others.Parents <strong>and</strong> practitioners can observebabies <strong>and</strong> young children engaging inthe behaviour outlined in the lists above<strong>and</strong> reflect on the research informationprovided in the different sections of thechapter, which demonstrates the amazingcompetence, scientific exploration <strong>and</strong>‘sense making’ capacity of these ver yyoung people.SUMMARY OF KEY ‘MESSAGES’This chapter has reviewed research aboutchildren’s incredible competence inlearning – from birth (begun even beforethen,in the womb). The most important‘messages’ from this research are:-Babies seem <strong>to</strong> be tuned <strong>to</strong> learn from,with <strong>and</strong> about, firstly the people <strong>and</strong>the cultural environment around them,followed by the material environment –they come in<strong>to</strong> the world primed <strong>to</strong> becurious, competent learners.Play, in which the baby or child takesthe lead <strong>and</strong> makes choices, is a processwhich fosters cognitive development.Children ‘make sense’ of <strong>and</strong> ‘transform’knowledge, experiences <strong>and</strong> eventsthrough imaginative <strong>and</strong> creativeactivity.Language <strong>and</strong> thought aredevelopmentally linked, they eachdepend on <strong>and</strong> also promote thedevelopment of the other.101

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