Time S - transfluid® tube processing machines

Time S - transfluid® tube processing machines

Time S - transfluid® tube processing machines


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time sthe transfluid ®customer magazineEdition 02 . 11TechnologyTube end formingtechnology(continued)Field reportBelz TreppenbauKeeping thegoal in sight:transfluid ® is staying on track throughthe ups and downs of the economy

Just in time(s)Editorial . Edition 02 . 11Dear readers,Technology . Tube end forming technologyInhaltField report . Belz TreppenbauThe teamtwo years ago, the world was headed unexpectedly and unabated into an economic crisis,which for many resulted in a frighteningly rapid downturn. Even at that time, there were“watchdogs”, the so-called ratings agencies. However, most of them only recognised thecrisis of 2009 when it was already all too obvious to all right-thinking people.These agencies still exist today. Their ratings seem untransparent, and sometimes it's hardto resist the impression that their conclusions are not objective, but rather they have theirown motivations. Countries, currencies and even companies are all subjected to a ratingsprocess, by politically willed “watchdogs” who have become out control - this is a quitevalid critique.02 Contents I The team . Anniversaries03 Editorial . Just in time(s)04 Cover story . Tackling the crisis head-on05 ticker I News06 Field report . Belz Treppenbau07 t notes . Happy Aua08 Technology . Tube end forming technology12 time(s) check . BelgiumA special thank you to ourco-workers for their loyalty,commitment and exceptionalperformance.10 years of service> Michael Eichner, who joined us on 01.07.2001,born on 09.10.1969, trained Industrial Clerkwith responsibility for Financial Accountingand Personnel.> Norbert Wessels, who joined us on 04.09.2001,born on 29.03.1957, trained Automotive andAirframe Mechanic. Responsible for design inthe area of end forming <strong>machines</strong>.Getting down to workMichael Eichner, 10 yearsNorbert Wessels, 10 yearsNowadays it is they that really have power over the world economy. With their opinion,formed behind closed doors, they set the tone and no-one is immune to their declarations.With power comes responsibility. However, it can also be misused. It would not be the firsttime in world history.Considering the current difficulties with the euro; the downgrading of the USA's debt ratingafter the raising of the debt ceiling (which was basically a matter of course under previouspresidents); as well as the pressure exercised on the Eurozone (which does not have thelevel of debt of the USA by a long shot), isn't it appropriate here to talk of misuse of power?This is especially the case when banks and shady financial investors are at the same timemaking highly profitable deals on the decline of states and their people.Do we have to live with it while, as in 2009, financiers destroy everything that others haveworked for? Isn't it finally time for international political institutions to rework their regulationson the world of finance? At the moment, it seems that we are destined to watchas the next wave of the crisis rolls towards us. The stock exchanges are already showingthe warning signs. Billions in taxpayers money are again being offered up, and financiersare making a handsome profit.We give a warm welcome to our new traineesat transfluid ® and are pleased about the newstrengths which they add to our team.In the photo (from left to right): Mr Tigges,Mr Schmidt, Johannes Gierse (MechatronicEngineer), Tabea Sperlich (Industrial Clerk),Phillip Göddecke (Mechatronic Engineer), PhillipFlaeper (Mechanic)Managing director and trainingofficer with the new traineesWe know our value as an enterprise. And whoever exercises powerwith responsibility, as we do, to them belongs the future.time(s) check . BelgiumWe wish them every success!Congratulations to Ms Anna Bernhardt onsuccessfully completing her traineeship as anIndustrial Clerk. We look forward to continuingto work with her in the Order Processing Centre!Anna BernhardtGerd NökerManaging Director2 . t time(s) . Contents . The teamEditorial . t time(s) . 3

Tackling the crisis head-onTitle story . transfluid ® places trust in robust delivery processesDemand determines the market. It's an incontrovertible fact. If the markets are alwaysmoving faster – as is the case today – as a supplier of optimal solutions we must be ableto react more quickly. The same goes for our suppliers. However, sometimes the economyreaches heights where the air gets extremely thin for certain suppliers. This is a shame,because we live in a time in which personal dedication is well rewarded by the markets.So then, let's tackle the problems and move faster!vious material deficiencies, order confirmationswhich took two months toturn up, even complete suspensionsof deliveries had to be accepted.During good times, struggling withsuch difficulties was a paradoxicalsituation for us. However, it wasalso grounds enough to do preciselywhat the market was demanding: reactquickly to retain a good standardand to improve upon it. We continuallyadjusted our delivery times, re-sortedand optimised our supplier portfolio,and developed some solutions to helpour customers reach their goals morequickly, in spite of the tough situation.And we still worked to master thehurdles involved in the supplier situation– some of which were hard even forus to overcome – to the best of ourability and with our customers in mind.We want our customers to be satisfiedand take delivery of their new<strong>machines</strong> on schedule. Thanks to ourclearly stated will to develop thebest solutions for our customers, aswell as to our commitment on a dailybasis to put this will into action, weachieved it too. The situation couldconceivably improve in the weeksahead. Until that time, we would askfor your understanding, if we do hitsuch a bottleneck. As your provenpartner, we will do everything withinour power to overcome that situationas well. Until then, the messageremains: tackle the problems andfocus on the future!An economic downturn has seldombeen so rapid or drastic as that of2008/09. Having said this, the economicupswing also took considerablylonger after earlier periods of recession.In 2009, transfluid only recordeda minimal fall in turnover, thanks toour great team. Even at that time, wewere taking on new people in a targetedmanner, a policy which we haveconsistently continued. For us, it wasa logical step, as we are working forbetter times.With a focus on the future and onupturn, at that same time we signedframework agreements with some ofour core suppliers, who provide us forinstance with electrical drives andMachines which arrive in your productionfacility on schedule and satisfiedcustomers - this is our objective.hydraulic and bearing systems. Everythingseemed to be in place for thenext “high season”. But, however wellyou prepare, sometimes things workout differently than you thought. Inspite of all the foresight and our ownefforts, some parts of the suppliermarkets collapsed.At theend of 2010,important keycomponentscould only beobtained withextremely longlead times. Insome cases, we had to prepare fordelivery delays of up to 26 weeks.Drops in quality and service levelsalso suddenly became apparent – ob-tickerEMO Hannover 2011> 19.–24.09.2011> Hall 14 / Stand B45We look forward to your visit!News> Hola: In June, Innovation Days wereheld by transfluid ® for the first timeexclusively with Spanish participants.> All the best: The transfluid ® office inBangkok has been strengthened by theaddition of new members of staff.ThannarongVasunirachornSasithornKunprasertTheerawootNorkhom4 . t time(s) . Cover storyCover story . ticker . News . t time(s) . 5

Creativity around every cornerField report . Belz Treppenbau - forming luxuryHappy Auat notesFrom top to bottom, it is thecomfortable and safe wayto conquer new heights. Itsstability lends it safety. Itsshape can wow someoneand even make spaces moreattractive, if taken beyondquality into the realms ofexpert design. This is whatgives a staircase its value.The northern German specialists atBelz Treppenbau apply their expertknowledge and abilities in the tradewith passion, in order to realise thepersonal wishes of their customerswith their staircases and banisters.Anything is possible: for the home, inthe garden, for businesses or industrialapplications. At their companyheadquarters in Schwanewede, halfway between the city of Bremen andcoastal Bremerhaven, this family-ledfirm has also chosen to specialise inan obvious and highly particular setof challenges; the construction ofstairs for apartment buildings, villas,high-rises and yachts. In such situations,every project is a one-off.Even in other areas, Belz places valueon achieving the maximum in quality.This means that their repertoireencompasses not only solid woodenstairs or modern staircase structureswith stainless steel banisters, butalso balcony railings, fences and specialprojects such as ornate stainlesssteel washbasins, lamps or fountains.Company founder Peter Belz, whomanages the company along with hissons Jens and Thomas and daughterMichaela finishes these exclusivestaircases with high-quality stainlesssteel banisters. The stair manufacturerrelies on a DB 20101K pipe bendingmachine from transfluid ® for thispurpose. This semi-automatic bendingmachine enables the reproduciblemanufacturing of handrails of differinggeometries with optimal bendingquality. Pipes with an external diameterup to 101.6 mm, and even ovalshapedpipes, can be shaped withoutany problem. The machine is suited toa maximum pipe length of 4,500 mm.A synchronously running counter bearingensures, particularly in the caseof stainless steel pipes, that the bestpossible quality is achieved for outdoorapplications. Bends with narrowradii of 1.5 x pipe external diametercan be reliably produced. We are happyto hear about the creative and flexibleuse of our technology and wishthis family business continued inventivenessin the future.Belz Treppenbau GmbH & Co. KGReiterschanze 2728790 Schwanewede/Neuenkirchenwww.belz-treppenbau.deinfo@belz-treppenbau.deWhen people from the Sauerland region of Germany encounterwild animals, it can sometimes end in venomoussurprises. But maybe we should start at the beginning: Itwas intended as a successful business trip to far-awayIndia, and everything passed off without a hitch. Aftera safe arrival, the two members of our sales team visitedsome customers in various cities in this South Asiancountry. The visits were successfully concluded.Back in Chennai, a city of millions, nothing too eventfulcould really happen, or so they thought. The hotel was lovelyand the people warm and friendly. They spent theirhard-earned evening after a long day of work on the terracebehind the hotel, with a cold beer, seeing to the paperwork.Suddenly a member of the hotel staff walked bywith a soup tureen, a stick and a wire snare in his hand."Funny", thought the two businessmen and proceeded towatch what happened. After a brief time to get his bearings,the hotel worker began running along hedges and bushes,banging loudly on the soup tureen. The remark “Oh,he's looking for a snake” only got a brief smile from one ofthe transfluid ® employees. The other already had his feetup on a free seat for safety. Eventually, however, night felland the day came to an end without interventions from anydangerous reptiles.The next morning before their flight home, they locatedthe terrace again. “Oh look, he's still banging on that pot.Perhaps it's something like breaking plates for good luck”,they thought to themselves. One proceeded to discountwhat they had heard about the snake. The other put uphis feet in recognition of the warning. This again received ascant smile from the first, which was quickly wiped off hisface when a bright green, metre-long snake suddenly dartedpast the table. Luckily, both of them were spared anattack – one having suffered a bit of fright and the otherwith a mischievous, knowing smile on his face.After their adventure, they went to the restaurant for refreshment,before then starting their journey home withthis conclusion: In Sauerland most wild animals have fourlegs and are fortunately harmless!6 . t time(s) . Field reportField report . t notes . t time(s) . 7

How toTechnology . A digression on <strong>tube</strong> end forming technology (continued)You are now wellacquainted with thepossibilities andparticular featuresof axial <strong>tube</strong> endforming from our lastt time(s) issue. <strong>Time</strong>now to cast our eyeover a second formingprocedure.Rotary <strong>tube</strong> end formingRoll forming often complements axialforming, though it can also be usedto create its own discrete shapingforms. Rolling is frequently used toincrease the surface quality in formingprocesses and to produce polishedsurfaces. Sharp-angled forms,which cannot be produced axially (oronly with great difficulty) are relativelysimple to create by rolling. Evencomplex and highly structured geometriescan be produced in this way.SRM 622Bead rolling machinefor <strong>tube</strong>s up to 22 mmThis ensures a geometric concentricityof +/- 0.01. The clamping surfacesare usually substantially shorter thanfor axial forming.Roll forming is also used on so-calledcombination <strong>machines</strong>. This is usefulif axial forming will be carried out,REB 632-SRM Combination machine, with sixaxial forming stages and a rotary forming unitfollowed by rolling, as the entire formingprocess can then be performedin one clamping position.In contrast to axial <strong>tube</strong> forming, thedesign of the machine for roll formingis not dependent upon either the geometryor the force, but exclusively onthe size of the <strong>tube</strong> being processed.This process is not always suitablefor axial expansion. The internal diametermust be large enough that it ispossible to use a tool to roll from theinside to the outside. This is usuallythe case at diameters > 15 mm. In orderto guarantee lasting deformation,the degree of deformation during therolling process must also be outsideof the elastic range of the material.Standard sizes fortransfluid ® rotary endforming<strong>machines</strong>:> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 6–22 mm:SRM 622-E (300 –1000 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 15–50 mm:SRM 1550-E (100–500 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 40 –115 mm:SRM 40115-E (40–280 rpm)Mode of operation of therotary endforming <strong>machines</strong>The workpiece is positioned against astop and the clamping device closes.The roller head is then positioned axiallyvia a servo motor and a ball screw.Its position is freely programmable.The roller head, controlled by a conicalsystem, is then closed. This position isalso freely programmable. The closingspeed and duration are programmedaccording to the geometry and thematerial. In the case of new products,only the tool needs replacing. All processparameters are programmed andcan be easily called up. Manual settingsare not necessary.In addition to rolling from outside to insideand from inside to outside, these<strong>machines</strong> can also cut in both directions.Particularly subsequent cuttingfollowed by shaping is often very economicalin such cases. When it comesto forms with functional surfaces onthe inside and outside, it is also possibleto roll both sides at the same time.In all these cases, the process is dependenton the particular tool. The<strong>processing</strong> time is dependent on theform and is mostly between 8 and 12seconds. It is however also possible toproduce complex geometries regardlessof the tool which is used. If themachine is equipped with a CNC controlsystem, it works in principle likea controlled lathe. However instead ofthe turning tool, it uses rollers. Thismakes it possible, for instance, to reducesmall stainless steel <strong>tube</strong>s andsimultaneously form them. Thus differentgeometries and <strong>tube</strong> sizes can beformed with a single tool.Useful additional equipmentA suitable lubrication device contributesto achieving a good forming resultand good surface properties, as wellas to extending tool life.For steel and stainless steel, it makessense to use a microlubrication device.This makes it possible to apply a minimalquantity of lubricant, in a targetedmanner, to the relevant points. If alu-8 . t time(s) . Technology Technology . t time(s) . 9

minium <strong>tube</strong>s are being rolled, pressureflushing with an emulsion is wise.Without recirculating lubrication, oxidatedparticles may appear, which hasa negative impact on surface quality.To clean the lubricating emulsion, thepressure flushing devices have tworeversible filters. The benefits: If a filterhas to be replaced, the second filtercan be used, and production cancontinue without interruption. To filterout coarse particles of dirt, a beltfilter can also be used. This is fittedupstream of the fine filters, thus increasingtheir service life.> Improving surface quality> Cutting off excess lengthSpecial <strong>machines</strong> forproducing flaringOur type-UMR rotary flaring <strong>machines</strong>have been developed to produce beadingbetween 20° and 90°. This machinemodel produces a perfect sealingsurface from a short clamping lengthof just 1xD. Even weld seams can belevelled out. Beading up to 90° can beproduced in one step by a tumblingmotion of the tool and tool changescan be performed in next to no time.Standard sizes fortransfluid ® rotary flaring<strong>machines</strong>, type UMR:> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 6–28 mm:UMR 628 (603 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 6–42 mm:UMR 642 (200 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 6–65 mm:UMR 665 (95 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 30 –115 mm:UMR 30115 (70 rpm)> For <strong>tube</strong> diameter 40–220 mm:UMR 40220 (60 rpm)ver, this is also partially dependenton the forming geometry. If the clampinglengths between bends and theforming location are too short, formclamping pieces can be used.If the forms to be produced are tooldependent,corresponding formingrollers are required. It is not possiblefor any wear to occur to these rollersduring this process. The cuttingtools are composed of several partsto enable worn components to be replaced.Particular features andlimits of this technology:> The degree of forming oftenpresents a limit.> Additional components cannotbe applied.> The material is cold hardened.> The <strong>tube</strong> wall thickness is lowerin the vicinity of the form.> Reducing over a long distance isparticularly critical for stainlesssteel <strong>tube</strong>s.Do you want to know more? Or perhapsyou would like to complement yourknowledge on this and the topics alreadycovered by attending a workshop.If so, we would be delighted tohear from you!Gerd NökerSales/MarketingTel.: +49 29 72/97 15 - 15gnoeker@transfluid.deTypical rotary formingprocesses:> Sharp-angled forming> Complex and heavily structuredgeometriesThe tools:A clamping jaw is required forboth the type-SRM bead rollingmachine and the type-UMR rotary flaring machine,for each diameter. Howe-UMR 628Rotary flaring machine fordiameters up to 28 mm10 . t time(s) . Technology Technology . t time(s) . 11

At the heart of Europetime(s) check . A kingdom for a good partnerAntwerp, Ghent and Gullegem: we have arrived in Belgium. Thecountry has some eleven million inhabitants, is home to Brussels– the beating heart of Europe – and shows pronounced industrialactivity everywhere. This includes many capable smalland medium-sized enterprises, and among them METANOX bvba.It is our proven distribution partner in the Belgian market, and can be found in beautifulGullegem, in West Flanders. The highly qualified sales team of this experiencedand renowned specialist is known quantity throughout the land. Just like us, othercompanies also value the outstanding performance of METANOX bvba. In addition toour entire range of transfluid ® products, these experts are also in charge of a specialrange of sheet metal forming <strong>machines</strong>. This means they have an extremelyvaried range of products to offer – from well-established brand-name products, viaconventional systems, and right up to CNC controlled <strong>machines</strong>.As a perfect complement to selling these products, METANOX bvba offers a professionaland effective After Sales Service. Such intensive support ensures thatcustomer get the most out of their <strong>machines</strong>. This includes service 24 hours a day,guaranteed. Thanks to the outstanding commitment demonstrated by this Belgianspecialist distributor, we have a presence in the market nationwide and are ableto supply the widest possible array of sectors of industry. This includes, amongothers, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, utility vehicles, automotive suppliersand other sectors involved in industrial production.METANOX bvbaFounded: 1997Employees: 7Representative for:> transfluid ® > Salvagnini> Durma > Carif> Euromac > Posmac> Koike > Euram> DaviDriemasten 85B-8560 GullegemBelgiumPhone: +32 056/41 99 94Fax: +32 056/40 14 77info@metanox.bewww.metanox.beWe are delighted to have had an extremely strong distribution and service partneron our side in METANOX bvba for many years now, and look forward to many yearsof continued success together.t time(s)Edition 02 . 11publisher and editorial team:transfluid ® Maschinenbau GmbHHünegräben 20-22D-57392 SchmallenbergPhone: +49 29 72/97 15 - 0Fax: +49 29 72/97 15 -11info@transfluid.dewww.transfluid.dedesign & typesetting:PSV MARKETING GMBH12 . t time(s) . time(s) check

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