Data and information technology - OBO Bettermann

Data and information technology - OBO Bettermann Data and information technology - OBO Bettermann
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Terms and explanations for PC interfacesPlanning aid, surge protection of data and information technology1 = Date cable, 2 = 230 VDo not forget: Surge protectionexists only when data and energylines are protected!InterfacesExternal devices such as printers,scanners and control systems activatedvia serial or parallel interfacesmust be additionally integratedinto the surge protection concept.There are a range of interfacesfor different applications:from bus lines for telecommunicationand data transfer through tosimple terminal devices such asprinters or scanners. OBO also offersa host of protective devicesthat are simple to install, dependingon the particular application.RS232 interfaceThe RS232 is a frequently used interface.It is often used, for example,for modems and other peripherals.Although now largely replacedby the USB interface, TheRS232 standard is still frequentlyused for control cables.RS422The RS422 is a serial high-speedstandard suitable for communicationbetween a maximum of tenusers, which is designed as a bus.The system can be designed fora maximum of eight data cables,although two are always used assend and receive cables.RS485 interfaceThe RS485 industrial bus interfacediffers slightly from the RS422 inthat the RS485 enables the connectionof several transmitters andreceivers (up to 32 users) via aprotocol. The maximum length ofthis bus system, when twisted-paircables are used, is approx. 1.2 kmwith a data rate of 1 MBit/s (dependentupon serial controllers).TTY systemUnlike the RS-232 or other serialinterfaces, the TTY system is notvoltage-controlled − instead it deliversan imposed current (0/4-20 mA). This enables line lengthsof up to several hundred metres tobe realised.V11 interfaceV11 is the German designation forthe RS422. The American nomenclature,however, is the most widelyused.V24 interfaceV24 is the German designation forthe RS232. The American nomenclature,however, is the most widelyused.02 TBS-Katalog_2010_Neuer_Stand / en / 30/03/2010 (LLExport_00986)48 OBO TBS

Planning aid, surge protection of data and information technology02 TBS-Katalog_2010_Neuer_Stand / en / 30/03/2010 (LLExport_00986)The SD adapters are installed simplyby plugging-in between datacable and device to be protected.Using screwless clamp connections,ASP adapters enable quick,simple installation into the cablesection itself immediately beforethe device to be protected. A Velcrostrip is supplied for attachingto any ASP device. In orderto guarantee optimum surge protection,the earth line of the ASPprotection device should be connectedto the metal chassis of thedevice to be protected via theshortest possible distance.TBSOBO49

Planning aid, surge protection of data <strong>and</strong> <strong>information</strong> <strong>technology</strong>02 TBS-Katalog_2010_Neuer_St<strong>and</strong> / en / 30/03/2010 (LLExport_00986)The SD adapters are installed simplyby plugging-in between datacable <strong>and</strong> device to be protected.Using screwless clamp connections,ASP adapters enable quick,simple installation into the cablesection itself immediately beforethe device to be protected. A Velcrostrip is supplied for attachingto any ASP device. In orderto guarantee optimum surge protection,the earth line of the ASPprotection device should be connectedto the metal chassis of thedevice to be protected via theshortest possible distance.TBS<strong>OBO</strong>49

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