VOL.4 APR-JUN 2007 - Borneo Talk

VOL.4 APR-JUN 2007 - Borneo Talk

VOL.4 APR-JUN 2007 - Borneo Talk


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ISSN 1823-9625 | PPK380/10/<strong>2007</strong><strong>VOL.4</strong> <strong>APR</strong>-<strong>JUN</strong> <strong>2007</strong>Endorsed byMinistry Of Urban Development &Tourism SarawakSarawak Tourism Board

Sarawak My New Home!Welcome to Sarawak, Malaysia!For first time visitors to Malaysia and Sarawak, many will be surprised by the warm and friendly people here; the manifestationof ready smiles and humble attitude are not an act but a genuine gesture of the hospitality of the ethnic groups foundhere. As most visitors have remarked, it is often difficult to distinguish locals from foreigners as the state is literally madeup of over 27 ethnic groups and ethnicity are respected by all.Sarawak is indeed quite unlike most places in Malaysia as it has some of the most interesting and breathtaking natural sites ofnational parks, vast forests and an array of ethnic groups in traditional settings. From these pristine rural settings to fine city tours,there are a host of activities that young and old alike can take part in. Travelling is a pleasure as the state is relatively safe foreveryone, either on the roads or by the sea and air. The choices of food are something that every visitor will never forget and mostof them can never get enough of some of the local favourites, while fine dining and international cuisine styles are also available.Another aspect of Sarawak that most may not realise is the lack of natural disasters - the state is free from typhoons andearthquakes, forest fires are an oddity and disease outbreaks are quickly identified, controlled and checked before theybecome epidemic. Security is something that everyone here takes for granted as Sarawak has friendly neighbours andmany even share similar ethnic origins and are only divided by national boundaries. In addition, Sarawak offers summerall year round where sunshine warm days outnumber rainy days with no distinct dry or drought periods. Food security isassured as the state is relatively self sufficient in almost every basic food needs as the population is still very sparse; in factit is the largest state in Malaysia with the least population and density is lowest too.Making Sarawak a second home and new home is something that appeals to many due to the relatively attractive exchangerate for foreign currencies making it very affordable to most foreigners. For those who wish to have hassle-free stay, they canopt for serviced apartments with wonderful views of the city, the Sarawak River or the South China Sea to choose from.Furthermore, the government has taken a positive move to make foreign home ownership under "Malaysia My SecondHome" programme by abolishing the need for Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) approval for housing units priced fromRM250,000. As for Sarawak, the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism has set up a Task Force to get feedback and tocome up with better incentives and at the same time improve the procedures to ensure efficient and speedy approvals.Sarawak is also famous for its world class health facilities especially in Kuching and the services are competitively priced.In fact this is one of the most cost-effective places for medical services and is a favourite destination for patients fromneighbouring countries. Other than that, Kuching City as the state capital is one of the healthiest and cleanest cities inthe world since 1988. Travellers will not face difficulties in going from one destination to the other as car rental is cheap,air services are supported by good airports and to those who wish to explore the interiors of Sarawak, could alsoexperience the express boat or long boat rides (depending on locations).For education, Sarawak has numerous high institutions of learning (public and private) and colleges throughout thestate. Education investment for children is another attractive consideration for making Sarawak your second home asmany have recently discovered. Quality education is assured at international standard and there are a lot of foreign-basedinstitutions to choose from. Many parents have expressed that the affordable cost of living in Sarawak makes it an idealplace for second home while their children are able to enjoy quality education.Last, but not least, enjoy Sarawak for what it can offer as it is certainly one of the most conducive places for everyone. Inconclusion, I would like to express my thanks to the publisher of Kuching <strong>Talk</strong> for inviting me to give this foreword to its fourthedition which is provided free to travellers and business communities in major towns and Sarawak Tourism related places.Thank you.Dato Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji OpengMinister of Housing, Sarawak2 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

What’s in this issue . . .Contents7 9 31 20 16Ironwood of <strong>Borneo</strong>Sri ShanCARUSWOODDebessaBiotechnologySdn. Bhd.Usaha Cendera Sdn. Bhd.PSB PropertiesSdn. Bhd.Sarakraf PavilionBay Villa Sdn. Bhd.NAIM CENDERA HOLDINGS BERHAD(Company No.585467-M)SCIB PropertiesSdn. Bhd.Aroma Café RistoranteBeccariMinistryof Modernisationof AgricultureSarawakSIGNED, SEALED, DELIVEREDTo Advertise In This PublicationCall 6 082 427423Kuching <strong>Talk</strong> is published by Bumi Serasi. Thecontents of the magazine may not be reprinted orreproduced without prior written permission. Thepublisher is not liable for statements made andopinions expressed in the publication.Write to us at Kuching <strong>Talk</strong>, 242E, Lorong 3,Jalan Green, 93150 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 427423/238968, Fax: 6 082 235152,email: iconnec@streamyx.com Editor-In-Chief Ivy PanEditor Yahya M Iskandar Public RelationsChristina Mamora Marketing Ivy Pan, Nancy ShukriAdministration Rebina Noh Contributors S I Ten,Yahya M Iskandar, M Goh Design and Art DirectionSteven Yap Photography Azariah Umar Front CoverImage Great Wall Photo. The next issue of Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> is out in July <strong>2007</strong>.4 226891114161820Wood<strong>Talk</strong>Mighty & Magnificent- Carus WoodLocal<strong>Talk</strong>Kuching “The Attractive,Cultured, Clean AndSafe Garden City”Katz and Cultural ShowResort<strong>Talk</strong>Enchanting Escape- Santubong Kuching Resort Is The Place To BeEvent<strong>Talk</strong>Jazz Up Your Year!- The Miri International Jazz FestivalWorld Harvest Festival <strong>2007</strong>Product<strong>Talk</strong>The Grain Of LifeSarawak Best- Your Assurance Of Quality Products FromSarawakTebaloi- Sago Biscuit Of SarawakIn.a.Day<strong>Talk</strong>A Day In The CityDiningOut<strong>Talk</strong>bing! Good Time CafeLocalityMapMM2H<strong>Talk</strong>Malaysia My Second HomeSHEDA - Bridging PropertyOwners to Policies In SarawakThe McKinnon’s Second Home2829303132333435Property<strong>Talk</strong>Living In The Oasis Of Luxury- Kasuma ResortParadise On Earth- Santubong SuitesIBRACO Quality HomesA Whole New Lifestyle Begins!- RiveriaTabuan Laru Heights ApartmentsExclusive Living In SplendidSerene Seaside Home- Bintulu Beach Resort CondominiumCorporate<strong>Talk</strong>Pustaka The Ideal MeetingAnd Conference VenueConference<strong>Talk</strong>AZAM Invites You To ItsSustainable CommunityDevelopment 2008 AnInternational Conference.People<strong>Talk</strong>A Brush Of Life!Fashion<strong>Talk</strong>Putting The Chic Back IntoFashionHealth<strong>Talk</strong>Mild Hyperbaric OxygenTherapyRMB<strong>Talk</strong>PlacesOfWorshipWhat’sOnwww.kuchingtalk.comApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 3

Wood<strong>Talk</strong>CARUS WOODMighty &MagnificentThe locals call it kayu belian or belianwood, while others refer to it as theIronwood of <strong>Borneo</strong>. What is forcertain is that the Eusideroxylonzwageri is the most durable woodgrown in Malaysia. Coming from thefamily of Luaraceae, it is found inboth Sarawak and Sabah. Reachinga height of up to 30 meters, withtrunks 90cm in diameter, this woodis renowned for its long life-span.Studies have shown that it canwithstand adverse weather conditionswhile still maintaining its shape andquality for at least a hundred years.What’s more it is waterproof andimmune to termite attack.Before it became popular as amaterial for home furnishing, belianwood has been used by the locals forbuilding houses, jetties, bridges, andmaking lamp posts and coffins. Todaymuch of the tribal art uses belianwood. Everything from ritual masksto guardian figures is carved from4 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Wood<strong>Talk</strong>SERVICES:CustomisationA vast collection of sawn hardwood, which comes in variousgrades and dimensions, give customer flexibility.RestorationAll furniture restoration and treatment with oil to protectfrom stains.RenovationHardwood sawn timber of various dimensions for renovationpurposes. Applications: roofing, timber flooring, shelving,cabinets and frames.Working Hours (GMT +08:00):Monday to Friday 0900 – 1800Saturday 1030 – 1700SundayClosedWrite to:Carus Wood Sdn. Bhd.95, Jalan Padungan,93100 Kuching,Sarawak, Malaysia.Email:info@caruswood.com.mySales@caruswood.com.myCall: 6 082 255 311 Fax: 6 082 255 315this indigenous ironwood. The mostoutstanding of these is the effigiesof the Kenyalang Hornbill. Being thesymbolic representation of the Iban Godof War, it was used to evoke blessingsfrom the spirit before the warriors wenton their head hunting forays in thepast. Today it is used to honour Ibanheroes in the military service.When freshly cut the hardwood is lightbrown to bright yellow. However uponexposure it darkens to a deep reddishbrown, very dark brown or almost blackand shiny hue. Polishing with shellacis not recommended as it damagesthe wood texture and diminishes itsoriginality. Having a life span of 50 to100 years in ground contact and aservice life of 20 years and more formarine work in tropical waters, itshows that belian wood is ideal for thecollector who appreciates the longevityof such hardwood when placed in ahome environment. Made into furniture,this ironwood can be passed onto thenext generation as a treasured familyheirloom.Carus Wood strives towards the greenlabel of conservation excellence. Thisgoal is adhered to the fullest. Salvagingbelian wood from old buildings andcreating valued added products likejewellery boxes, table tops andbenches is their forte. A lot of thetimber is gotten from driftwood foundalong the rivers of Sarawak, hence thedark hue.The people at Carus Wood understandthe special needs of the connoisseurof such ironwoods. That is why theirexperts specialise in creating premiumoutdoor and patio furniture for localand international collectors of belianwood. Only the finest pieces of thishardwood are selected to be used inthe manufacturing of these endproducts. Great care is taken to ensurethat every piece assembled will withstandthe elements regardless of wear andtear. The best thing about belian woodfurniture is that exposure to rain orshine will enhance its natural beauty.What makes Carus Wood a stand-outfrom other furniture manufacturersis that the customers’ individualrequirements are met to the fullest. Theirpassion and commitment guaranteesthat the end product will achieve thehighest level of satisfaction. Every pieceof furniture comes with its very ownpersonal history. So the customer willknow the type of hardwood used andfrom which jungle it was obtained.Local lore has it that the belian woodis feared by even the most ferociouswildlife in the forests of <strong>Borneo</strong>. Todayit can sit pretty in any household asa unique symbol of strength anddurability.Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 5

Local<strong>Talk</strong>Kuching"the Attractive, Cultured,Clean and Safe Garden City"Welcome to Kuching, capital city ofSarawak! As capital cities go, Kuchingis indeed quite different; it has beenranked as the 11th Best City in Asiaapart from other distinguished awardsbut yet retain its distinctive charms.Many a visitor finds it attractive, cleanand safe while culturally interestingwith its friendly, mild natured andmultiracial population.For further information, please contact:Kuching North City Hall (DBKU)Bukit Siol, Jalan Semariang, Petra Jaya93050 Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaTel: 6 082 446688Fax: 6 082 446414Website: www.dbku.gov.myKuching started as a small riverinetrading post to become a vibrant,well-planned, landscaped garden cityit is today. Since the inception of citystatus, the administrators, particularlyKuching North City Hall (DBKU) hascommitted itself into making Kuchinga city that enhances the quality of life ofits citizens through excellent delivery ofservices in line with the definition ofHealthy City Kuching set in 1994 duringthe 1st Inter Agency Conference forHealthy City Kuching. Most importantof all is that the city folks share a6 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>common objective of making Kuchinga conducive place to live and work withefficient management and commitmentfrom all quarters.In taking pride of its clean image, thefacilities and amenities are placed aspriority in maintenance and upkeepwhich also discourages crimes in the welllit and wide open areas common tomany parts of the city. Furthermore,Kuching is blessed with a dynamic andpeople-oriented society that isboth caring and friendly with ampleinstitutions to cater to the educational,spiritual and medical needs of thepopulation. Clear demarcations of theeconomic activities that may be carriedout within the city also discouragesunhealthy pollution types of industries,leaving the environment clean and freshfor many social and recreational pursuits.Common to all emerging and expandingcities are concerns about the facilities andability to meet rising expectations.Kuching faces similar challenges as thesein particular the limitations of thenatural resources which makes planningfor the coming decade even morecrucial. It is an evolving process that thecouncils continuously work around tomitigate the shortfalls and enforces strictcodes of practice to ensure that the citywill continue to be the city of choice formany, locals and visitors alike.

Local<strong>Talk</strong>Katz andCultural ShowThe mere mention of a cat showconjures images of felines in all shapes,sizes and colours. DBKU’s Cat Museumis proud to showcase a different typeof cat for its “Katz & Cultural Show.”Those who are familiar with theAndrew Lloyd Webber musical “Cats”will know that it is one of the mostpopular shows of all time havingbeen performed around the world innumerous productions. In Kuching wehave our very own version, called“Katz.”Those familiar with “Old Possum’s Bookof Practical Cats” by T.S. Eliot will knowthat it was the inspiration for themusical “Cats.” In fact all the names ofthe cats were taken directly from thatbook of poetry. Names like Rum TumTugger, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer,Macavity the Mystery Cat, and MisterMistoffelees, all came from Eliot’s mightypen. Those wanting a name for their newcat should read his poem, “The Namingof the Cats.” Or if a little more cattyinspiration is needed, it’s sure to be foundat the Cat Museum.Kuching means cat in English. So it’ssafe to say that the locals know a thingor two about cats. “Katz” is a culturaldance show tailor-made for cat lovers.Every Saturday at 1:30pm the 15-strong troupe will perform creativeethnic and modern dances at the DBKUAuditorium. The audience is in for atreat the minute the feline-like dancerscrawl onto the stage from all corners ofthe auditorium. In their cat make-upand costumes they conjure up imagesof Eliot’s poems. In fact each cat comeswith his/her own unique character andmovement attached.The welcome dance opens the show.This is followed by the Orang Uludance and the Samba dance. Thegrand finale is a combination ofSarawak traditional dances given acreative twist. “Katz” promises tomesmerise young and old alike withits infusion of energetic dancing andexotic music. Tickets for the show canbe purchased at the Cat Museum.Cameras are allowed. At the end ofthe show, there are photo sessionsand members of the audience arewelcome to pose with the Katz troupe.For further information please call6 082 446688 Ext. 805.For further information, please contact:Kuching North City Hall (DBKU)Cat MuseumBukit Siol, Jalan Semariang, Petra Jaya93050 Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaTel: 6 082 446688 Fax: 6 082 446414Website: www.dbku.gov.myEmail: catmuseum@dbku.gov.myApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 7

Resort<strong>Talk</strong>Enchanting escapeLegend has it that Santubong andSejinjang were two beautiful princesseswho lived on a mountain. Santubongwas an expert weaver while Sejinjangwas an excellent rice thresher. One day,they quarrelled and came to blows.Sejinjang swung her thresher, hittingSantubong’s cheek, while Santubongthrew her weaver at Sejinjang, hittingher on the head. To stop the two fromquarrelling, the King of Heaven cursedthem into mountains. Santubong wastransformed into Mount Santubongand Sejinjang became Mount Sejinjang.If you look closely at the former itis supposed to resemble a womanreclining on her back.Located 25km north of the state capitalof Kuching, the mountain and itssurrounding area is now a populartourist attraction. Nestled at the footof the mountain is an exclusivebeachfront resort. Just next door tothe Santubong Kuching Resort is theworld renowned 18-hole Damai Golfand Country Club. However it isn’t onlygolfers who converge on this mostfavoured of destinations. Peoplewanting to relax and enjoy a refreshingescape from city life can find theirpersonal utopia here. What’s more itboasts of the largest Ballroom in thewhole of Sarawak.For further information, please contact:Santubong Kuching ResortJalan Pantai Damai, Santubong,93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 846888 Fax: 6 082 846666Email: skresort@po.jaring.my8 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Santubong KuchingResort is the place to beSet amid splendid gardens, this 25-acreproperty is graced with an expansivebeach, extra-large swimming pool anda gymnasium. There is something foreveryone here, be it outdoor sportactivities, where you can try out your skillsat the obstacle course or just indulgingin a meal at the in-house restaurants.The resort serves as an ideal familyretreat. A total of 380 rooms, suites andchalets, all equipped with modernamenities, help insure guests have a mostpleasant stay. Santubong Kuching Resortis proud also of its conference facilities,which rival the very best that the HornbillState has to offer. That is why it has comeup with a special conference package,offering the most competitive rates andexclusive facilities.Flexible and spacious function roomsmean that meetings, conventions, tradedisplays, exhibitions, private dinners,theme parties, weddings, churchrevivals and other activities can becatered to. If size is what matters, theconference room can comfortably seatup to 1400 guests. The ResidentialConference Package includes six freemeals per day. Come and stay atthe Santubong Kuching Resort andexperience the enchantment the twoprincesses have to offer first-hand.Their curse have become our joy.Residential ConferencePackage Rates: (2 days 1 night)RM160.00 nett per night(single occupancy)RM120.00 nett per person per night(double occupancy)RM100.00 nett per person per night(quadruple occupancy)Package is inclusive of:- Deluxe accommodation usingexisting bed/beds- Free usage of conference rooms 8hours per day- Complimentary use of writingmaterial/ whiteboard/ flipchart /marker- Mints & ice water- Complimentary use of PA system/microphone/rostrum- Free use of overhead/slide projectorand screen- Free parking to all registered guests- Free recreation facilities such astennis court, mini football field,exercise room etc.- Complimentary 40 letter backdropwordingMeals:1 x buffet/set breakfast1 x morning tea break1 x buffet/set lunch1 x afternoon tea break1 x buffet/set dinner1 x supper

Event<strong>Talk</strong>Jazz up youryear!The Miri International Jazz Festivallights up the Resort City againIt's back and it's bigger and better "The Miri InternationalJazz Festival" (11-12 May) will certainly jazz up the citywith its unique blend of lively music for everyone. Onhand will be Spanish keyboard wizard Lluis Coloma whois making a comeback after mesmerising the crowd atthe Pavilion, ParkCity Everly Hotel last year.What's more special this year is that it will be held inconjunction with Visit Malaysia Year <strong>2007</strong> to celebratethe nation's 50th anniversary and so you can expectthe performances to be of higher level of excellence.To add spice to the jazzy tunes this year are The DirtyDozen Brass Band from home of Jazz music, NewOrleans, USA. This group of six brass instruments playerscarry with them the rich tradition of the AmericanSouth where jazz music has its deep roots and wheresome of the biggest names of the jazz world comesfrom. Latin infusion of jazz is best exemplified by thequintet from Cuba, Habana Sax, comprising the Afro-Cuban Caribbean, Brazilian mix of music. As with mostSouthern American music, the highly energetic triowill surprise those who believe that jazz is laid backand easy listening!In the true meaning of jazz, the George WashingtonMachine Quartet brings together musicians from UK,Australia and France in a fine blend of contemporaryEuro-Aussie mixture of jazz reminiscent of the great jazzgroups in Europe and America. KCP4 is another shiningexample of music fusion sacred to jazz. It brings Indianpercussion musicians with German mix of instrumentsto add variety to the choices for the crowd. Anothergroup, Orak Naa Naa is the birth of modern jazzmusic style where Oriental music from Morocco iscombined with musicians from Germany. For thosewho appreciate jazz music, there is no better assemblyof jazz bands than the Miri International Jazz Festivalthis year in Malaysia. Make your bookings early to seesome of the best jazz players of the modern era live onstage and in Sarawak! For more information on the MiriInternational Jazz festival call 6085-434181 or visit theirweb site at www.mirijazzfestival.com.SARAWAK TOURISM BOARD (STB)6th & 7th Floor, Bangunan Yayasan Sarawak, Jalan Masjid, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 423600 Fax: 6 082 416700 Email: stb@sarawaktourism.com www.sarawaktourism.comApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 9

Event<strong>Talk</strong>Brought to you by:FESTIVAL<strong>2007</strong>Gawai is celebrated at the end of theharvesting season and at SarawakCultural Village (SCV), visitors canenjoy two days of beautiful music,entertainment and watch an Orang Ululegend come alive this coming May 26 thand 27 th <strong>2007</strong>. For the eleventh yearrunning, the SCV is organising the WorldHarvest Festival (WHF) with majorsponsorship from Padi Beras NasionalBerhad and strong support from theMinistry of Urban Development andTourism, Sarawak.Previously known as the Gawai TourismNight, the last WHF featured culturaltroupes from China, Thailand, Philippines,Indonesia, Sabah, Kedah and Sarawak’svery own ethnic groups taking part. Thisyear, cultural troupes from the DekornuDancers of Africa (Ghana), Greece andLithuania will join local troupes inshowcasing the unique dance, musicand culture to the WHF guests.The highlights include an outdoor themeplay on an Orang Ulu legend entitled“Belawan Burieng – Hercules of theKeliman River”, the mighty warrior with12 wives – one for each tributary; Grand Finals of the Ethnic Beauty Pageant “MissFair & Lovely WHF <strong>2007</strong>” where the 15 finalists will be parading in Orang Ulucostumes; and the Grand Finals of the Iron Man competition. Apart from theInternational Concert, there will also be interactive workshops on dance and music.The interactive and participatory workshops will be on folk songs, traditional dancesand music, and will take place at the various ethnic houses at the Village.The WHF theme plays have received rave reviews from local and internationalmedia alike. Unique to the WHF theme plays are the fact the grounds of the stagewill be the stage itself, and the entire play will envelop the guests in audio and visualrapture. Sarawak Cultural Village has so far succeeded in staging 11 theme playsthat concentrate on the three main communities of Iban, Bidayuh and Orang Ulu.The theme plays that have enjoyed the limelight in WHF so far are “Simanggeng”,“Agan Tadun”, “Battle of Bukit Sadok”, “Sibauk”, “Coming of the Gods”,“Belawan Bureing”, “Manggeng”, “The Legend of Simpang Impang”, “AganTadun II”, “Wek Jongan”, and last year’s “Rentap - The Battle of Bukit Sadok”.The three Dayak communities’ legends will taketurns in being featured in WHF’s theme plays,and following last year’s Iban theme play andthe Bidayuh the year before that, it is now theturn for the Orang Ulu community to have oneof their legends re-enacted.The open air tropical ambience of SCV will be a significant ingredient to thesuccess of this festival and it will be another celebration of colourful cultures,ethnic costumes, beautiful music, that promises great entertainment andeducation for everyone.Come to Sarawak Cultural Village this coming May 26 th and 27 th and be apart of this celebration. Tickets are sold at RM50 for adult and RM25 for childrenage 6 to 12 per day. For more information, please contact Sarawak CulturalVillage at 6 082 846411.10 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>BERAS CORPORATION SDN BHD (480493-H) No. 96-M, Lot 2654-2656, Block 195, KNLD, Jalan Green, 93150 Kuching,Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 243002 / 245002 / 248002 • Fax: 6 082 234000 • Website: www.bernas.com.my[ A member of BERNAS Group of Companies ]

Product<strong>Talk</strong>Savour the variety of the grain of life at the World Harvest Festival <strong>2007</strong> atSarawak Cultural Village from 26 th to 27 th May.Bario Rice or Adan Rice as it is sometimes knownis grown in the cool climate of Kelabit Highlands at1,200 meters above sea level.Bario Rice is a traditional tall rice variety planted once ayear. Bario Rice has long been regarded as the bestlocal rice and the most sought after in Sarawak. Thereason for this is simple - fresh and cool mountain streamswater the Bario paddy fields, rich soil in the valley andthe cool climate contribute to the unique taste ofBario Rice.It is further nurtured, harvested and selected by thecaring hands of the Kelabits before sun drying thepaddy naturally. As every Bario Rice aficionados wouldprofess, it is an eating experience you’ll never forget.At the international level, Bario Rice was awarded theSlow Food Presidia based in Florence, ItalyPacked and distributed by:Liansin Trading Sdn BhdLot 2041, Section 66, Jalan Kisar, Bintawa Industrial Estate, 93450 Kuching,Sarawak, Malaysia. No. tel: 6 082 333555 No. fax: 6 082 335599IKHLAS NangBiris is the brand forBiris Rice, a local varietyfor generations. Whencooked, Biris Rice is soft andhas a slight fragrance especiallyfor the newly harvested crop. It issuitable for all kinds of cooking. Grownand harvested traditionally by hand andsun dried to meet the health consciousconsumers’ needs.<strong>JUN</strong>GLE RIMBA is the brand line for Sarawakcoloured rice, which are of traditional varieties.These paddy are grown by the various ethnic groups of Sarawakand have hundreds of varieties to suit every discerning taste.This practice promotes the biodiversity of paddy in Sarawak,which enable us to enjoy the heritage of the hundreds oftraditional rice varieties to this day. <strong>JUN</strong>GLE RIMBA consists oftwo coloured rice namely Red Rice and Deep Purple Rice(locally known as Black Rice) which has a unique taste and naturaltexture. Its high nutrition content and wholesomeness makes itgood for the whole family.Packed and distributed by:Fieldmart Sdn. Bhd.Lot 775, Block No. 8 MTLD, Demak Laut Industrial Park, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.No. tel: 6 082 432252 No. fax: 6 082 433352BERAS CORPORATION SDN BHD (480493-H) No. 96-M, Lot 2654-2656, Block 195, KNLD, Jalan Green, 93150 Kuching,Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 243002 / 245002 / 248002 • Fax: 6 082 234000 • Website: www.bernas.com.my[ A member of BERNAS Group of Companies ]Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 11

Product<strong>Talk</strong>SARAWAK BEST– your assurance of quality products from SarawakForeign visitors and Sarawakians nowhave ample opportunities to samplesome of the local products that are ofquality, presentable and reasonablypriced. Sarawak Best is a stamp ofrecognition accorded to locallyproducedproducts that have satisfieda set of criteria and approved by anEvaluation Committee. It is an initiativespearheaded by the Ministry ofModernisation of Agriculture incooperation with the Chief Minister’sDepartment, Department of Agriculture,FAMA, LKIM, SEDC, Marine FisheriesDepartment Sarawak, Sarawak CraftCouncil, Perbadangan Kraftangan,MARA and MARDI.Presently, the two categories of productslisted under the Sarawak Best are foodand handicraft products. The foodproducts are mostly unique to the Stateusing halal ingredients and local rawmaterials apart from being consistent inquality and production. Examples ofthese are Tebaloi, Sagu Medong (sagobased products), Sesar Unjur (smokedprawns), Keropok Ikan (fish crackers),Kuih Cincin and Kek Lapis Mariam‚ (ringand layer cakes) while some of thehandicraft products include TerendakMelanau (sun hat), Manik Ceramik(colourful beads), Pua Kumbu (Ibanweaved cloth), Anyaman Bemban(weaved grass based items) and AnyamanRumbia (sago frond based items). Theconditions for handicrafts too arestringent to qualify for the certificationand these include fine finishing,functionality with local motif and theuse of local materials, nontoxic paints/dye, attractive and priced competitively.Shoppers can now be assured that theseproducts with the Sarawak Best logoare credibly certified. The producershave been thoroughly checked for theirability to consistently produce suchquality products before the certificateswere issued to them. The mostsignificant criteria for food productsis that these manufactured items mustcomply with Good Hygiene Practice(GHP). To date, 27 products have beencertified as Sarawak Best after passingtwo stringent stages of evaluation atthe agency and ministry levels. SarawakBest products are actively promotedduring agricultural shows, foodseminars, fairs and exhibitions. Anumber of these products are alsofound in specially identified stores inthe city where the demand is high.It must be mentioned that all of thesecertified products actually originatedfrom cottage industries, that is homebased producers who initially catermainly for small niche markets. As theirproducts gain wider acceptance and withsupport from the various agenciesunder the certification programme,these small entrepreneurs beganexpanding their production with higherquality control and consistency resultingin their receiving the certification.This however, is just the first step forthem; the agencies keep a watchful eyeon these producers and periodicallycheck on them to ensure that theproducts continually meet the setcriteria, failing which they risk havingtheir certificates revoked. Show yoursupport for Sarawak by purchasing onlythose products with the Sarawak BestLogo and you know that you areindirectly contributing to the well beingof the crafts and skills of the cottageindustry operators. For visitors toSarawak such products can makeexcellent gifts and souvenirs to bringhome to loved ones and friendsbecause they are unique to the State,especially the materials used and thepeople who make them. Furthermore,traditional and indigenous knowledge isable to thrive due to the support fromthose who care to chose the SarawakBest products.MINISTRY OF MODERNISATION OF AGRICULTURE SARAWAK (Kementerian Pemodenan Pertanian Sarawak Malaysia)4th Floor, Bangunan Baitulmakmur, Medan Raya, Petra Jaya, 93502 Kuching, Sarawak. Tel: 6 082 440058 Fax: 6 082 44041012 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○In.a.Day<strong>Talk</strong>8.30 amIndian Cuisine at Sri ShanA Truly Malaysian Recipe!a dayincitytheStep out into the cityand discover for yourselfWith simple yet tasteful decor, Sri Shan Curry & Such restaurant prides in itshalal certification, cleanliness and warm ambience. Sri Shan offers sometantalising yet simple specialties for breakfast. Puttumayam or Idilappam, andAppam are the two dishes that rekindle feelings of nostalgia among the olderpatrons and are also a big hit with the weekend crowd. Please note that it isserved only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. There are more than adozen different types of roti canai to choose from. Other than the regular plainroti canai, they also serve it with vintage cheese, Sarawak pineapple, banana,jackfruits with banana, paper roti, mutton mutarbak, sardine and many more.All roti canai comes with a generous portion of fish curry, dhal and Sri Shan’sfamous mutton curry. The thosay comes in regular thosay, rawa thosay ortri-mushroom – 3 different kinds of fresh mushroom wrapped in rawa thosay.Thosays are served with chatney. They prepare different types of chatney eachday. Other local breakfast menu includes nasi lemak, mamak mee goreng, KLindian rojak, masala vadai and uluntu vadai.Sri Shan is located at Persiaran Ban Hock on the main road near Supreme Hotel. Tel: 6 082244118. Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 7.00 am to 10.00 pm Sunday and Monday:7.00 am to 3.00 pm.some of its unique secretswhich can only beexperienced by being there!On your free day fromthe tour schedule considerthe following itineraryfor a full day of explorationfrom a local residentwho is familiar with theplaces mentioned. You'llprobably enjoy theplaces too! Please give ussome feedback when youare through and we will seeto it that this day tips willbenefit visitors to our city!Thank you!email: feedback@kuchingtalk.com14 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Heritage TrailAfter a hefty breakfast, get to knowSarawak, in particular, Kuching better, bygoing on the heritage trail this morningand discover the many interesting aspectsof the Brooke legacy, the British rulers ofthe land in the early days of the state. Infact, most of the sites are located justwithin walking distances of one another,all within the city centre point! Makeyour starting point at the SarawakTourism Complex which also happen tobe the old Kuching Court house andwhere a whole lot of other memorablelegacies going back to the 100 year-Brooke reign in Sarawak. A booklet onthe trail is also available for purchase atthe Sarawak Tourism Complex. Fromthere take a step back to the second worldwar and Japanese occupation periodwhich gave rise to the construction ofthe Japanese Building, sited next tothe tourism complex. That was builtwith forced labour from the prisonersduring the time, it remained the onlybuilding ever built by the occupation10.00 amforce. A stone's throw away is theRound Tower, another of the interestingarchitectural building from the colonialera. Once a hospital and educationoffice, it now houses the crafts councilof Sarawak where visitors can see theartisans at work and buy souvenirs too.A rather odd shape white building, thePavilion was also used as a hospitalbefore becoming the Textile museumtoday. Right across this site is the mostrecognisable architectural building inKuching, the General Post Office.Grand and impressive, this colossalbuilding was the former police stationand stable site for the horses. A fewChinese temples are also along the routeof the city trail and the oldest is theTua Pek Kong, just next to the iconicwaterfront. From there the Old ChineseCourt building is just across the streetwhere history of the Chinese coming toSarawak is on display. A small fort likebuilding, the Square Tower is on theother end of the waterfront. It wasonce the dancing hall for the colonialmasters and quarters for the servants ofthe Rajahs. Enjoy the trail walk!

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○In.a.Day<strong>Talk</strong>12.30 pmAroma CaféFor lunch, Aroma Café is ideally suited for those whowant to eat local fare cooked just the way our mama’smake them. Only here two hotel-trained chefs cater toall your culinary needs. One does not need to be agastronome to appreciate the delicacies available here.The visitor can sample everything from the savouryayam pansuh (chicken cooked in bamboo) to the richlysatisfying lamb curry. They can also eat what the localslike. The house favourite is none other than Char Kway Tiaw orfried flat white noodles with sweetly succulent clams and crunchybean sprouts. The café boasts an extensive menu that promisesto satisfy any taste bud. Seafood can be buttered, fried, andalso come with chili paste or sambal (local spicy paste). Only thehighest quality imported beef is used and the chicken can becooked in nearly any style imagined. The local salad known as“ulam” is available with sambal for a totally different tastesensation. Eat either rice or noodles, or just go Western andhave fries with that Chicken Chop. Either way at Aroma Caféyour tummy is in for a satisfying treat. Strategically situated withinwalking distance from the major hotels in town, the café is opentill 11pm. It’s also an ideal place to chitchat with friends or torest tired limbs while sipping a variety of thirst quenchers andsnacking on various foods. The attentive and well-trained staff areready to pamper. At Aroma Café they know the way to a person’sheart is through the stomach and make every effort to achievethis. If you don’t have an idea on what to eat, let them suggestsomething, and be prepared to be pleasantly surprised.Aroma Café is located at Ground Floor, Sub Lot 126, Section 33, KTLD Jalan Tabuan,Kuching. Tel: 6 082 417163 (GL) Fax: 6 082 246881Email: dearoma@streamyx.com Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday: 6.30 am to 11.00 pmSarakraf PavilionA little place in Kuching where traditions comes aliveWhat better way to spend the rest of the afternoon thanbe pampered at Sarakraf. Sarakraf Pavilion is famed forits arts and craft. There visitors can get a first-hand lookat traditional craft making and learn about the uniqueblending of the local art that helps enhance the richheritage of the State. The aim of Sarakraf is to promoteand maintain the different types of authentic Sarawakcraft. However there’s a pleasant surprise awaiting thevisitor who ventures into The Ginger Garden, located atthe hidden courtyard of the pavilion. It is there thatvarious types of traditional massages and therapies areavailable. The “Soul Da-Shing Remedy” (10 minutes) isfor those needing a traditional shoulder massage. The“Promise of a Soulful Return” (30 minutes) is for thosewho would like to try the traditional anti-aging facialmask therapy. The “Embrace of the Wild Ginger” (45minutes) is for those into ailment and control therapy“The Ancient Body Pampering Treat” (60 minutes) is forthose needing a full body massage and therapy. Prices2.30 pmvary according to the type and length of the massage or therapyand it is also inclusive of extras and freebies. Most of the massagesuse ginger extract blended together with an indigenous herbalrecipe that helps relief tired muscles and the various aches andpains that ails the body. An electronic foot massage is alsoavailable for those with tired legs. Luckily getting to Sarakraf is nota problem as the Commercial City Tram actually stops there at10am and 3pm. Visitors can also eat local delicacies and purchasea wide variety of unique, high-quality handicrafts and souveniritems. An authentic and unique insight into Sarawak’s arts andcraft heritage awaits the visitor at Sarakraf.Sarakraf Pavilion is located at Lot No. 78, Section 43, KTLD Jalan Tabuan,Kuching. Tel: 6 082 258771 (GL) Fax: 6 082 232771Email: sarakraf@tm.net.my Website: www.sarakraf.com.my Opening Hours: Open Daily: 9.00 am to 12.00 noon & 2.00 pm to 5.00 pmRistorante Beccari7.30 pmFeeling contented after the day's experience of a mixed taste of Indian and trulySarawak food, a glimpse of old Kuching, a satisfying massage and retail therapyat Sarakraft, get your taste buds ready to savour Kuching's most talked aboutItalian fare. Dinner is served at the Ristorante Beccari of Merdeka Palace Hotel &Suites! Cosy and most definitely authentic Italian fare, Ristorante Beccari is theonly place in the city where wood oven-baked pizzas come piping hot to yourtable. The menu changes often, but many of the more exotic old-timefavourites are available daily, especially the selections of pizzas and pasta. Itgets no better than Ristorante Beccari for that spectacular touch of Italiancuisine. For those who favour buffet, their Tavolo Gusto buffet dinner at RM 55++ per person is another choice just waiting for you. The buffet is servedonly on Sunday and it’s a la carte menu for the rest of the week.Ristorante Beccari is located at Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, 93000 Kuching. Tel: 6 082 270043 (GL) Fax: 6 082 253048 Email:info@merdekapalace.com Opening Hours: Open daily: 12.00noon to 11.00pmApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 15

DiningOut<strong>Talk</strong>bing! is synonymous with good coffee.Illy roasted coffee is double-boiled toperfection. Keeping the temperatureconstant translates to quality consistentespressos and lattes. That’s why bing!blows it’s own horn by calling itself aCoffee Company. Least the rich aromaof roasted coffee beans is not what youwant whiffing out of your cuppa, restassured the equally splendid hotchocolate and real fruit smoothies areavailable to quench your discerningtaste buds.What about the tea drinkers? Theywant to stand up and be counted too,right? Well bing! has that wonderfullycovered too. Rejoice in the fact thatonly premium Taylor’s specialty teas areserved. Give the Exotic Flowers tea asip and be wowed by the ultimatefragrant sensation. The extremelyspecial China Rose Petal tea is alsoavailable for the most demanding tealover. What’s more if decaffeinated finetea is your thing, it’s also available atbing! Tea is served the way it was meantto be here: loose leafed. That’s the onlyway the full impact of the teas can beappreciated.So what does onedo in between asip and a chat?Well at bing!there’s also thecake and the snack.bing! takes pridein the fact thatall it’s cake arebing! Coffee Company Sdn Bhdespresso • tea • foodNo. 84, Padungan Road, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 421880 Fax: 6 082 259188 Free Wi-Fi16 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Good TimeCafehome-made. At bing! quality is nevercompromised. Be spoilt for choices too.Mouthwatering rich cakes like AmericanChocolate, Oreo Cookie Cheese, MarsBars Caramel Cheese, Moist Carrot, orNew York Cheese, are always available.Of course if food is what you need, yoursnack choices are amply covered. Caesarand Chicken Salad can be a stand alonemeal. The chicken is organic, the lettuceis crispy, and there’s extra dressing onthe side. For the heftier appetite there’sthe Beef Lasagna and the Classic FishPie which comes with crunchy salad andzesty salsa. The Spaghetti Bolognaisegets the special treatment too. It’s dry,almost crumbly, with a more herbal andless tomato aftertaste, and just a touchof sweetness. That’s a sensation toswoon over. Most snacks, like thetoasted Paninis, Bambinis and SaladWraps come in choices of beef, chicken,lamb or vegetarian, and are served withthree sauces (chili, mustard and paninisauce).At bing! no stone is left unturned ininsuring that the patron has a wonderfultime. The place is cosy and understatedwith a minimalist approach to décor. Ifyou want to play a game of chess orcheckers, bring your board with you andhave fun. What’s important is the patron’scomfort. Stacks of the latest magazinesand periodicals are available for thosewho want a leisurely read. There’s aFeature Wall filled with photographs,cards and articles that help highlightwhat’s happening in Kuching. Patronsare invited to contribute words andpictures to it too. bing! comes fullyequipped with free Wifi. So bring yourlaptop and surf away in contentment.What’s more no alcohol is served. bing!is the place to go for a pleasantlyrefreshing experience.

DiningOut<strong>Talk</strong>MOTHER’S DAYPROMOTIONAurora CourtSunday, 13 th May <strong>2007</strong>MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET BRUNCH11.00 am to 3.00 pmRM 45.00 ++ per adult; RM 18.00 ++ per childMOTHER’S DAY BUFFET DINNER6.30 pm to 10.30 pmRM 59.00 ++ per adult; RM 22.00 ++ per childRistorante BeccariSunday, 13 th May <strong>2007</strong>MOTHER’S DAY ITALIAN BUFFET DINNER6.30 pm to 10.30 pmRM 59.00 ++ per adult; RM 22.00 ++ per child10% discount for reservations with full pre-payment made at least24 hours in advance.All prices quoted are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government taxFATHER’S DAYPROMOTIONAurora CourtSunday, 17 th June <strong>2007</strong>FATHER’S DAY BUFFET BRUNCH11.00 am to 3.00 pmRM 45.00 ++ per adult; RM 18.00 ++ per childFATHER’S DAY BUFFET DINNER6.30 pm to 10.30 pmRM 59.00 ++ per adult; RM 22.00 ++ per childRistorante BeccariSunday, 17 th June <strong>2007</strong>FATHER’S DAY ITALIAN BUFFET DINNER6.30 pm to 10.30 pmRM 59.00 ++ per adult; RM 22.00 ++ per child10% discount for reservations with full pre-payment made at least24 hours in advance.All prices quoted are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government taxFOR RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CALL 082-258000 EXT. 8061 (Aurora Court) or 8080 (Ristorante Beccari). . . at Merdeka Palace Hotel & SuitesJalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Telephone: 6 082 258000 Facsimile: 6 082 425400 Website: www.merdekapalace.com E-mail: info@merdekapalace.comApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 17

WEJALANIHTAJVRS EMILocalityMapKampung Gersik Kampung Surabaya Kampung PanglimaSeman LamaKampung SemarangS A R A WA K R I V E RWet Market &Hawker CentreJALANABELLCarus WoodJALANPADUNGANat&a HomeIdeas Sdn. Bhd.PoliceStationJALAN PETANAKBuan Kua HngSara FruitsSdn. Bhd.Spring OrganicSpring Florist &GiftsH E N G H OJ A L A N A N G CFireStationCATStatueJALAN DATUK ABANG ABDUL RAHIMJALAN PADUNGANChung HuaNo. 3 SchoolDewanMasyarakat MBKSSwimming PoolHHHock Lee CentreCrowne SquareJALANJUBILEERECREATIONGROUNDHockey StadiumPENDINGJALAN CENTRAL TIMURSt. Peter’s ChurchJALAN ELLISKuching South CityCouncil (MBKS)J A L A N D A T U KJ A L A N F O O C H O WW INT AL LAJ A L A N L U M B A K U D AJALAN SEKAMAPoliceStationAir AsiaCATStatueTom’sKampung BoyanKhatuistiwaABDULCrownePlazaRiversideKuchingRiverbank SuiteRAHMANHHWismaTing PekKingCATStatueTop SpotFood CourtSarawakPlazaTun JugahJ A L A N P A D U N G A NCHEOKJALAN SONG THIANHHHHSri ShanHBAN HOCKJALANHJALAN DESHONJALAN TAN SRI ONG KEE HUIJALAN SIMPANG TIGAH(JALAN CENTRAL BARAT)F R O N THSEAstanaRER I VSWet MarketKA RAJALAN GAMBIERAK URC H I N GTW AJALAN MAIN BAZAARJALAN BARRACKMARKETSouvenirs ShopsJALAN KHOOCHINA STREET ULU CHINA STREETHUN YEANGL E B U HJALANJALANW AWASAN 2020J A L A N TUNLEBUH WAYANGPADANGMERDEKAJALAN MOSQUEL EBUH TEMPLEOPENGDATUKAJIBAH ABOLBARRACKJALAN McDOUGALLABANG HAJITAHAHAJIMA L A NBankNegaraState & DBKULibrarySyariahCourtIslamicGardenTelekomMalaysiaRadioTelevisionMalaysiaOpen AirMarketHeroes’MonumentRESERVOIRPARKRed CrescentBuildingOR EI RJALAN TUNJ A L A N R A M L E EJALANNJ A L AJALAN KULASWisma SatokJALAN SATOKJALAN SATOKJA L A N TABUANSUNDAYMARKET MiramaPasar TamuINDIA STREETPEDESTRIAN MALLResiden OfficeYayasan SarawakCARPENTER STREETJALAN TAMANSt. Joseph’sSchoolSt. Theresa’sSchoolJALAN RUBBERJALAN PARKBUDAYAJALAN NANASJALANJALAN BADRUDDINBUDAYACROOKSHANKJALAN BAMPFYLDEJALAN PALMJALANJALAN TUN ABANG HAJI OPENGHSRB ChungHua No. 4Chung HuaSchoolHHHopohShoppingCentreDewan Tun AbdulRazak MuzeumIslamic MuseumElectraHouseSarawak ClubHMerdeka PalaceHotel & SuitesSarawak MuseumAquariumAmphitheatreCivic Centre24MalaysiaAirlinesCentrepointShopping CentreGreat WallCrosswayThiam MingHindu TempleKua NingTempleSaraKrafPoliceContingent HQDivisional MosqueLand & SurveyDivisional Office IntanDASikh TemplePoliklinik1St. Joseph ChurchIndia MosquePoliceStationKuchingPlazaSarawakTourismComplexGeneral PostOfficePlanetariumSiang TiTempleSt. Thomas ChurchSquare Tower3St. Thomas’sSchoolPoliceTourist BoothHong San SiTempleSt. Mary’sSchoolBCHMedanPelitaAromaCaféChung HuaNo. 1 SchoolFort MargheritaChinese MuseumHHH HHTua PekKong TempleKuching High’sSchoolJALAN PISANGKuching Area18 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Stutong RoadSong RoadWan Alwi bin Tengku Ibrahim RoadPetra Jaya AreaLEGENDSH Hotel / Motel Shop House / OfficeSarawak Transport Co.StationKuching MatangTransportChin Lian LongPetra Jaya TransportTo Santubong,Damai BeachDBKU(Cat Museum)JALAN BAKOBulatan Datu HajiMohammad bin SallehStateJamekMosqueSarawakStateLibraryStadiumPerpaduanSESCOStadium NegeriKraftangan MalaysiaStadium SarawakJALAN SEMARIANGJALAN ISTANAABDUL JALAN TUN RAHMANJALAN ISTANATo MatangNormahMedical CentreBaitulMakmurBuildingBulatan Datu HajiSulaiman bin Haji TahaJALAN DEMAKBulatan D PAbang Hj. AbdillahJALAN MATANGKuching CourtBulatan Datu TemenggongAbang Kipali bin Abang AkipJALAN TUN ABDUL RAHMANJALAN SEMARAKS A RWaterKuchingTo KuchingTo Pending&KuchingREA W A K R I VDatuk Patinggi Haji AbdulRahman BridgeJALAN KULASJALAN SATOKAstanaDewan UndanganNegeriFort Margheritaf r ontKampungBoyanKampungGersikKampungSurabaya Kampung PanglimaSeman LamaKampungSemarangKampungPulo HilirKuching 2nd Bridge(Tanah Puteh)BuddistTempleBuddistTempleCENTRALLANDTo SerianAirport RoadPenrisen RoadDatuk Stephen Yong RoadSherip Mashor RoadTo Stampin,BDC & AirportMAONGMARKETBatu Kawah RoadRock RoadTo Kuching &Tabuan JayaTo Bau, Sematan & LunduTo Kuching Tiang’s Cafe To Satok & KuchingBATU KAWAHNEWTOWNSHIPLaksamana RoadKeretapi RoadPenrisen RoadTo Pending To KuchingTun Razak RoadBeauty WorksPoliceStation(MJC New Township)To AirportTo 7 MileRH PlazaBlessedSacrementChurchBDCTo Hui Sing, 3rd Mile & Batu Kawa To 3rd Mile & Batu KawaTABUANHEIGHTSTABUANHEIGHTSLorong BDCMethodistChurchKingCentreBulatanPerpaduanJalan UplandSimpang Tiga RoadBuddistTempleTABUAN JAYACOMMERCIAL CENTRERock RoadTo Kota SamarahanBatu Kawah Area Tabuan Jaya & BDC AreaTaxi StationBank / Money ChangerFriendshipGardenTo Kota SamarahanTun Jugah RoadUrat Mata RoadTo Kota SamarahanPoliceStationFood Outlet / Restaurant/ Entertainment OutletSarawak Tourism BoardVisitors’ InformationCentreSarawak TourismFederationTourism MalaysiaOfficeShopping ComplexSarawak Craft CouncilOTHER ENQUIRIES (KUCHING)Tourism Malaysia-Sarawak 082-246575 / 246775Infoline 1300-88-5050Sarawak Tourism Board 082-423600MAS Office 082-244144 / 246622Air Asia 082-283222KCH International Airport 082-454255 / 454242Immigration Department 082-245661 / 230280Custom 082-33313324-hour Public Service Line 082-555999Taxi Service 082-480000 / 341818Police Station 082-245522 / 999 /241222Traffic Police 082-241133JPJ 082-258811 / 628700DBKU 082-446688MBKS 082-238080 / 242311Telekom 082-429191 / 255994Post Office 082-244141 / 339937Normah Medical Centre 082-440055General Hospital 082-230689 / 257855Padawan Council 082-615566SESCO 082-333111Kuching Water Board 082-240371BOMBA (Fire Brigade) 082-241033 / 994 /417712Rescue 991 082-256685JKR 082-203100Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 19

MM2H<strong>Talk</strong>MALAYSIAMy Second HomeSARAWAK the place I want to call homeThere is something about Sarawak that makesvisitors want to come back for more; to some it isthe people here who are friendly, smiling and everpleasing and polite; some just love the wide openplaces and fresh air; others enjoy the peace andquiet lifestyle while there are those who feel safe inthis place where natural disasters are unheard of.Not surprising then, that many haveopted to stay here for extended periodof time rather than making long journeysand called Sarawak their second home.A point to note for those intendingto take that plunge is that Sarawak,though a part of the federated statesof Malaysia, has its own sets of lawsregarding immigration which isenshrined in the nation's constitution. Assuch, the national Malaysia My SecondHome Programme (MM2H) requirementsare not applicable here and a differentset of rules are used here. Below, are thebasic regulations for those intendingto make Sarawak a second home and itis advisable to write to the immigrationdepartment Sarawak for all mattersrelating to the programme. The addressand contacts are also given below.Open to all except citizens of Israel,Montenegro and Yugoslavia.* Applicants must adhere to the followingconditions:1. Age not less than 50 while spouse(if any) is not limited by age2. Couples (at least one must be 50years old or above) may applytogether with fixed deposit ofRM150,000.00 which cannot bewithdrawn for three years followingthe approval period given or havefixed monthly income of not lessthan RM10,000.00* per monthcan be given Social Pass for threeyears together with Multi Entry Visa(MEV). *(For those on fixed income- sources of income must comefrom pension or royalty)3. Single applicant can also apply withfixed deposits of RM100,000.00which cannot be withdrawnfor three years following theapproval period given or have fixedmonthly income of not less thanRM7,000.00* per month can begiven Social Pass for three yearstogether with Multi Entry Visa(MEV). *(For those on fixed income- sources of income must comefrom pension or royalty)4. All new applicants and applicationsto qualify for the Malaysia MySecond Home Programme musthave fixed deposits for three yearsin one of the following banks:i. Affin Bank Berhadii. Bumiputra Commerce BankBerhadiii. Maybank Berhadiv. RHB Bank Berhad5. Not allowed to work or trade orother activities which involvespayment of salaries or otherpayments. Involvements in othervoluntarily activities are permittedexcept those which are against thelaws of the country6. Applicants must possess medicalinsurance policy from any companywhich is recognised in Malaysiatogether with a medical reportfrom any medical institution(government clinics or specialisthospitals). The exception is for thosewho are over the age limit forinsurance coverage.Application procedures:1. Applicants must be sponsored bya Malaysian citizen originating fromSarawak or Permanent Resident ofSarawak who will sign a PersonalBond as sponsor of the applicant.2. Sponsor can be an individual ororganisations like Land Developersor Tourism Centres, Private Hospital(for health tourism) or others withprograms that cater to foreignersunder the scheme3. Use of agents, middle men orconsultant firms is not permitted4. Documents that are needed include:i. Sponsor's letterii. Copy of application formIM.12iii. Personal Bondiv. Form BKv Copy of passport and four(4)picturesvi. Copy of Identity Card ofsponsorvii. Copy of Fixed deposit frombank or financial institution inSarawakviii. Copy of insurance policy ormedical reportix. Other supporting documents(marriage certificate)* Conditions are subject to change, kindly contact the Department of Immigration, Sarawak for updates.IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT, SARAWAK1 st & 2 nd Floor, Bangunan Sultan Iskandar, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 245661 Fax: 6 082 24039020 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

MM2H<strong>Talk</strong>SHEDA - Bridging property ownersto policies in SarawakThe Minister of Housing, Sarawak, DatoSri Abang Johari, (1st right) sharing a lightmoment with the President of SHEDA,Mr. William Wei (2nd left), the Presidentof Real Estate Developers Associationof Singapore, Mr. Kwee Liong Keng(2 nd right), and other members ofReal Estate Developers Association ofSingapore and Sarawak .Investing in landed properties inSarawak is something that foreignvisitors can think seriously about - theclimate, people, cost of living, healthcare, higher institutions of learningand security are all very positive here.Furthermore, under the Malaysia MySecond Home (MM2H) programme,the conditions are favourable to foreignowners to own homes here and thereis no better agency than the SarawakHousing & Real Estate Developers(SHEDA) to advice investors on thematter. It should be noted that all finaldecision on applications are subject toapproval by the related agencies of thegovernment of Sarawak. In fact, thestate government is aware that foreignproperty owners will surely bring inmore capital and also make Sarawak abetter place for tourism as well asproviding a boost to the economy.SHEDA is an organisation that providesa vital link between the public andprivate sectors to bring about a moreresponsible and orderly buildingindustry in Sarawak. Better rapportbetween government and private sectorsensure the smooth implementationof policies which will be beneficial toeveryone, especially the private homeowners. With such commitment fromSHEDA and the government, it islikely that the MM2H programme inSarawak will change for the better andencourages more foreigners to ownproperties in the state.Sarawak Housing & RealEstate Developers’ Association1st Flr, Lot 2335, Bormill Estate, Jalan TunAhmad Zaidi Adruce, 93150 Kuching,Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 235410/ 252411 Fax: 6 082 235436 Email:secretariat@sheda.org.my Website:www.sheda.org.myThe McKinnon’s Second HomeThe McKinnons, a retired couple livingin Kuching, are a picture of contentmentin their spacious and luxurious high riseapartment, overlooking a sweeping vistaof majestic mountains and rolling greencountryside. “For a view like this in HongKong, I would have had to pay RM60million,” commented 61-year-old Ianwith pride. The former civil engineerhad worked there from 1972 till hisretirement, so he should know what heis talking about. Now he spends his timereading e-books on his PDA or listeningto them on his iPod. He also has anextensive library of the leather-boundclassics.Ian, a Scotsman, met his wife Carrie, aSarawakian, in church in Hong Kong.Married for 27 years, the couple isblessed with a son, now living in LosAngeles, and two grandchildren. Whennot trying to play “totally bad golf,” Ianlikes sampling the veritable smorgasbordlocal delicacies at the Kopitiam (coffeeshop). He says the spicy food here goeswell with beer. His love of the localfare is evident by his impressive girth.A jovial chap and avid storyteller,Ian never thought he’d be settlingdown in Kuching, but with his wife’sencouragement he took up the MalaysiaMy Second Home programme andpurchased an apartment at KasumaResort a decade ago.Looking back on it all, Ian has no regretson settling down in Sarawak. He saysthe environment and climate is pleasantand the people are very generousand friendly. “Their smiles are readilyavailable,” added Ian. What’s more hecan communicate in English to thelocals. That has a lot to do with the factthat Sarawak was once ruled by theWhite Rajahs and was once a BritishColony. Ian has even learnt a smatteringof the local Malay dialect too. Hisphilosophy on life is simple – learn, earnand spend, much to the horror of hiswife. Ian reiterates that he never wantedto work till he drops.Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 21

Property<strong>Talk</strong>Livingin the oasis of luxuryLuxury meets exclusive lifestyle. This isKasuma Resort, the premier residentialproperty on the northern side of KuchingCity. Spread over 120 acres with a central lakecovering some 23 acres, this is living in the lap of sheerpleasure where exclusivity comes in the form of boundaryfencing and 24-hour security check point at the entrance.The four high-rise apartments situated along the shore ofthe lake offer majestic views of the surrounding landscapes,from golf course to mountain and the city skyline.Spacious and luxurious, the units are on a 99-yearleasehold where there is no restriction on foreignownership. If owning an apartment is not your style, thereis always the detached bungalow available too. For thosewith a passion to design and build, the surroundingdetached vacant lots offer such opportunities; its justwaiting to be painted over with the next artistic and selfinspireddesigned home.There is always something to do here; take time out atthe exclusive fully equipped clubhouse on the peninsulaby the lake and relaxed with the fantastic view fromthere while exercising or getting a massage. Enjoy thebreeze while sun tanning at the swimming poolside andwatch the kayaking enthusiasts paddle by. For the morerobust types of work-out, there is always the jog atthe 800 metre esplanade or for an evening stroll afterdinner. The teenagers will most probably be at the tenniscourts or in the swimming pool while those with plentyof time can probably go for the golfing just next door!The best aspect of owning property here is that anyonecan be eligible; Malaysians or foreigners as the propertyhere caters to the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)programme too. The conditions for the rights to ownproperty for foreigners are quite simple andthe representative from Kasuma Resort will beready to answer any question that you mayhave about their property. Call or visit themand discover for yourself the sheer luxury ofliving in exclusive zone of pampered lifestyle.A lake viewofMount SantubongPETRA JAYANormah Medical CentreDBKUSarawak Golf ClubPustakaNegeri SarawakMenara PelitaMedan RayaMahkamah TinggiWisma Bapa MalaysiaIstanaSATOK BRIDGEProposed RoadTo Damai BeachSTIDC Stadium NegeriWisma SESCOOutdoor StadiumKGS GolfCourseKUCHING CITYFor further information, please contact:KASUMA RESORT SDN. BHD. | Sales Office: Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.P.O. Box B118, Satok Post Office, 93862 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 446699 Fax: 6 082 448181 Email: kasumasb@streamyx.com22 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>TANAH PUTEHBRIDGECAUSEWAYCAUSEWAYBRIDGE

Property<strong>Talk</strong>Paradise On EarthSantubong SuitesWhen it comes to owning property,especially those where locality, design andfinishing are of premium quality, serenityand security comes into consideration.At Santubong Suites, an exclusive 15-storey condominium complex, with itsdiscerning factors of a comfortable,peaceful, pristine surroundings, 810-years remaining property lease andseparate strata titles for each unit, allthese merge into one of the finestsecluded spots along the coast ofSarawak, just 45 minutes drive fromthe capital city Kuching.With the majestic and legendarySantubong mountain as the backdrop,these exclusive apartment suites whichare ready for immediate occupancycan be fine tuned to suit any style andexpectations; from the elegant Europeansetting to exquisite Oriental layout orthe tranquillity of a Balinese home, thechoices are endless as the modernarchitectural design provide for suchdiverse and romantic possibilities. Theapartments from the 2 nd to 13 th Levelsare between 1408 to 1673 squarefeet (130 to 155 square metres) whilethe penthouse suites exceed 4000square feet (371 square metres) in size.Furthermore, every unit comes with afull set of air-conditioning for each roomand partial furnishing of closets andkitchen cabinets.Enjoy the calm morning view of theSouth China Sea when you wake upwith the lush tropical mangroves in theforeground. Just a stone's throw awayis the manicured golf courses and thesetting sun's rays over the blue horizonsums up the perfect spot for an idyllichome. There is no restriction on foreignownership here and the facilities arealso extravagantly flattering - a completegymnasium, clubroom, children'splayroom, open terrace and an endlesspool that drops into the yonder.Every tenant is provided with a parkingbay and security is never compromisedwith card entry system needed foraccess to every level and elevators inthe suite. This is a location of choice forthose with discerning taste and highexpectations; it will beguile eventhe ones who are meticulous in theireveryday undertaking. Santubong Suitesis certainly an address to be proud of!comfortablepristine surroundingspeacefulFor further enquiries or viewing of show units on Santubong Suites, you can either call Miss Alice Kon (6 012 8918698/ email: alice@scib.com.my) or Ms May Wong of SCIB Properties Sdn Bhd at 6 082 338028 or visit the company’swebsite at www.scibproperties.com.myApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 23

Property<strong>Talk</strong>Heights Estate • The Address of ‘Ultimate Homes’IBRACOQualityHomesQuality, aesthetic and ultimately greatvalue is how one can aptly describeIbraco’s latest projects, Heights Drive,Heights Estate and Heights North.Determined to offer the most suitabledream home to individual homeowners,these latest residential developmentscomprise Terrace homes and Semidetachedhomes of both single anddouble-storey to cater for your budgetand family needs.Both Heights Estate and Heights Driveare located at Tabuan Jaya Baru, thefast growing ‘extension’ of the highlysuccessful and prime Tabuan JayaTownship. This area is strategicallylocated near the entrance to Samarahan,the Sama Jaya Free Industrial Zoneand close to amenities such as abrand new wet market, privatehospital, universities and schools, anupcoming golf course and many otherconveniences.Heights North is located right at theheart of Tabuan Heights, currently themost sought after prime residentialarea in Kuching, being next to twocommercial centres along Jalan Song.You will enjoy virtually all conveniencesthat a city can offer and more so whenthese are right at your door step.Across the road (Jalan Song) from here,is the China Friendship Park to caterfor your relaxation and recreationneeds.To find out more, contact Ibraco’s salesoffice today 6 082 361111 and arrangefor a show house visit soon.Heights North • A Perfect Address to Better LivingHeights Drive • Enchantment & ComfortIBRACO BERHAD (011286-P)(member of the Sarawak Housing Developers’ Association)IBRACO HOUSE, No. 898, Jalan Wan Alwi, Tabuan Jaya, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. P.O. Box 3166, 93762 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 361111 Fax: 6 082 362233 Website: www.ibraco.com24 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Property<strong>Talk</strong>A whole new lifestyle begins!LavenderDouble Storey Semi-DetachedMany a tag line used are just advertisement gimmicks but at NaimSdn Bhd, it is a promise on which they deliver, especially for theirhousing projects. The Riveria is a 107 acres of housing project locatedon the confluence of the Kuap and Merdang rivers in Samarahandivision in Kuching, Sarawak. The idyllic rivers provide the perfectbackdrop for the Riveria's Lavender and Dahlia types of houses,each striking on its own and just right for family homes.Samarahan is Sarawak's education hub that is just 15 minute'sdrive from the city centre, an ideal environment for living within acity and just away from the hustle and bustle of the main businesscentres. Riveria's location amidst the surrounding lush greeneryand river front is not coincidental; Naim's projects are carefullychosen for their locations and workmanship as the developer hasbeen the recipient of outstanding building awards since 2002 withits quality homes with modern designs and timely delivery.The Lavender concept comprises double storey semi-detachedhomes, each with 4 bedrooms and total area of 1912 square feet.Aesthetically pleasing in its design, its practical interior layout iswhat attracts families to choose this as their future homes.DahliaSingle Storey Semi-DetachedFor the Dahlia type of homes which are single storey semi-detached,three bedrooms concept, they are proving to be the choice foryoung couples as most are captivated by the artistic beauty of thedesign. Inside, the distinctive partitioning of this 1287 square feetof floor space is breathtaking for first time visitors.And to make owning your ideal home easier, all Riveria propertybuyers are exempted from paying the legal sale and purchase feesand also electricity connection fees (Conditions apply). Plan for yourfuture home here as really a whole new lifestyle will open up for youand your family!For further enquiries kindly contact:NAIM CENDERA HOLDINGS BERHAD(Company No.585467-M)Sales Office:Ground Floor, Wisma Naim, Lot 2679, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 422001 / 422236 Fax: 6 082 412001 H/P: 6 019 8566738Headquarters:9 th Floor, Wisma Naim, Jalan Rock, 92300 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 411667 Fax: 6 082 429869 Email: cendera@po.jaring.my Website: www.naimcendera.comDeveloper License No: L0801/KP/HD/9/57 Advertising & Sales Permit No: P0767/KP/HD/9/57‘The information, perspective drawing, plans & specifications contains in this leaflet / advertisement are subject to amendment as may be required by the authorities or the projectconsultants and cannot form part of an offer or contract. Whilst every care has been taken in providing this information, the developer cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.’Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 25

Property<strong>Talk</strong>Tabuan Laru Heights ApartmentsFloor Area 1,780 sg ft - 1,880 sq ft, 3 Bedroom, 1 Study Room & . . .Just a ten minutes drive from KuchingCity centre is Tabuan Laru, a housing andcommercial centre that has everythingfor residents and offices alike. Situatedin an area known for its peacefulneighbourhood and well-plannedcommercial buildings, Tabuan Laru is theideal venue for families and workingadults as it is well served with majorlinked roads and not overcrowdedcommercial shoplots.Tabuan Laru Heights Apartments islocated within bicycling distance tothese commercial shoplots and is afully gated community with round theclock security. Block C is a seven storeyelegant building housing 28 units ofapartments and Block D is a 5 storey20 unit apartment building; eachbuilding is served with an elevator and2 staircases for ease and convenience.The apartments‚ units vary in sizes to suitindividual’s taste and preferences, withfloor areas ranging from 1,780 sq. ft. to1,880 sq. ft. Each unit comes with aliving room, a dining room, a kitchen,three bedrooms, a study room, twobathrooms, utility area and a balcony.Prices for these units are fromRM283,000.00 per unit where everyapartment owner is entitled to a parkingbay within the building’s compound.Presently, the occupational permit forBlock C has been issued while Block D'sscheduled completion date is July<strong>2007</strong>.For further details, please call UsahaCendera Sdn Bhd at 6 082 365192/365161, fax 6 082 368867 or visitour website: www.usahacc.com,Email: usahacendera@gmail.comCorrespondence address is Lot 333Tabuan Laru Commercial Centre,93350 Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia.Contact person: Clara / FlorenceIndah MarakIndah Marak (MM2H) Sdn Bhd is a whollyowned company of Usaha Cendera Sdn Bhd.Indah Marak (MM2H) Sdn Bhd (194644-H)is the licenced agent for Malaysia MySecond Home Programme approved by theMinistry of Tourism Malaysia. Licence no.MM2H0074Indah Marak (MM2H) Sdn Bhd provides fullservices for those intending to settle downin Malaysia under the MM2H programme.For further details, please contact LynnTeoh at 6 082 365192/365161, Fax: 6 082368867, Email:usahacendera@gmail.comEuropean representative is PatriciaJ Peters, Managing Director. Email:holidayhomemalaysia@hotmail.comWebsite: www.mm2h-visa.com* Selling price subject to change without prior notice.26 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 27

Corporate<strong>Talk</strong>UNLIMITED talktimeWhat you see is what you get. Just one price and you can talk to your heart’s content, with the clarity thatonly a TM Homeline can offer.To activate your package • Call us at 100 or come & visit us at TMpoint or click www.tm.com.myPackage Local National Mobile International Streamyx**Celcom Others (1 MbpsLet’s <strong>Talk</strong> 388(FREE digital cordless phone)Let’s <strong>Talk</strong> 198*(RM30 discount for phone set)Let’s <strong>Talk</strong> 108*(RM15 discount for phone set)(019/013/0148)Weekends: 7.00 am Saturday to 7.00 am MondayEvening: 7.00 pm to 7.00 am Monday to Friday* Only can be purchased at TMpoint, applicable for digital cordless phone** Subject to service availability(012/017/016/014)Unlimited hours)UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 20 sen/min 25 sen/min Up to 80% savings RM33Per/monthUNLIMITEDUNLIMITED• UNLIMITED weekends• UNLIMITED evenings• Other times @ 25sen/min• UNLIMITED weekends• Weekdays @ 25sen/minLet’s <strong>Talk</strong> 68 UNLIMITED • Inclusive 120 Minutes• Additional Minute @25sen/min25 sen/min 30 sen/min Up to 50% savingsRM55Per/month28 sen/min 33 sen/min Normal rate RM66Per/month30 sen/min 35 sen/min Normal rate NormalrateTelekom Malaysia Berhad (128740-P)PUSTAKA The ideal meeting and conference venueWhen planning for the ideal meeting or conferencevenue, the State Library it is! The choice of anauditorium, conference rooms, seminar rooms orexhibition gallery are all found here, in one setting.The ambience of the place has to be consideredtoo, especially its beautiful lake and lush greensurroundings.Everything you need for a great meeting place ishere; what you will need can be arranged and evenfood catering is also part of the package so there isreally no need to deal with different partners whenhosting functions here. Another main considerationis the cost - from as low as RM50 for a half day for aconference room, it just does not come any cheaperto use the wonderful venue for all types of activities.On top of everything else, there is also the ampleparking bays here where guests and participantsneed not worry about finding a parking place.As the centre for knowledge, the Sarawak StateLibrary's premises is indeed an ideal setting forwonderful functions, weddings and get together,especially for visitors from outside the statewho can also browse through the main librarycomplex and enjoy walks around its landscapedgarden. For more information about rentingthe library's venue for functions, please callAnita Hamdan at 6082-442000 or fax 6082-449944,email: anitah@sarawaknet.gov.my28 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Conference<strong>Talk</strong>AZAM invites you to itsSustainable CommunityDevelopment 2008An International ConferenceOctober 2008Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaMore information will be available by July <strong>2007</strong>. Watch out for further announcements on this conference in future issues of Kuching <strong>Talk</strong> andAZAM’s website at www.azam.org.my.Facilitating Community ChangeAZAM is an organisation that strivesto “think global and act local”. It iscommitted to undertake programmesand activities with the goals of enhancingthe quality of life of the people. It seeksto do this by empowering the people withthe relevant information and knowledgethrough communication activities, andwith the platforms to deliberate, discussand debate development issues forcollective enlightenment and affirmativeactions.More specifically, AZAM’s activitiesinclude conferences, workshops, forums,dialogues, exhibitions, publications, andactivities with the media. Its keypartners range from the public sectorto the business community and themedia, and, its networks of friendsand collaborators also extend beyondMalaysia’s shores.Although AZAM’s primary traditionalpartner and client are the people ofSarawak, AZAM is increasingly activein contributing to the internationalcommunity as well. After about 24years of actively working with localcommunities, AZAM has much to sharewith others having similar missions.This is particularly at times when theinternational community needs tothink and work together to address thesame pressing concerns such as threatsto the environment and other pertinentsustainable development and sustainablelivelihood issues.An example of such effort by AZAMis the forthcoming SustainableCommunity Development Conference2008 in Kuching. The second in a series,the conference is designed to fosterincreased awareness and understandingof community development approaches.The first conference in this series washeld in 2006 also in Kuching, Sarawakfocusing on the theme; StrengtheningCommunities Through a ParticipatoryApproach. Among the achievementsof this conference was the enhancedcollaboration among organisationscommitted to comprehensiveapproaches to sustainability at thecommunity level.Generally, sustainable communitydevelopment is a “continuousadjustment to meet the social andeconomic needs of the communitywhile preserving the environment’sability and community’s values tosupport it”.The 2008 conference hopes to buildon the efforts and achievementsmade at the last conference. While thetheme and concept for the forthcomingconference is being developed, theorganiser welcomes views andrecommendations for the conference’stheme and content coverage(email to zaba@azam.org.my orrosa@azam.org.my) Please submit yourinputs by the end of June <strong>2007</strong>.ANGKATAN ZAMAN MANSANG (AZAM) SARAWAKKompleks AZAM, Jalan Crookshank, 93000 Kuching, Sarwak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 411799 Fax: 6 082 258372/411535 Website: www.azam.org.myApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 29

People<strong>Talk</strong>Sylvester JussemA Brush Of Life!He's an artist, traveller, lecturerand naturalist all rolled in oneas can be seen from his artpieces. The passion embroiledinside explodes on the canvas,at times far too abstract for theaverage person to comprehend."I try to appeal to my emotions andimaginations while experimentingwith patterns, texture, shape, formand colour, all of which enhancemy personal self-discovery andknowledge," said Sylvester, a Bidayuhwho teaches from his experiencesto his students at a local university inKuching. "I see today's artistic expressionas the era of artistic discovery as neverbefore has so much stuff been broughtup by artist everywhere in all kinds ofexpressive pieces."Ever since school days, he has been inclinedtowards art and it is no wonder heeventually found himself studying in NewYork in Pratt School and the rest is history.Always the expressive but soft spoken type,his main aim is to share ideas and dreams asthere is just so much to be derived from lifethat finding the right medium and time toput these down into water colour pieces isalways a challenge. This further aggravates thesituation for him as a painter who has yet to besatisfied with his creations which have beenwidely acclaimed by many an art lover locallyand overseas. The artist's work is still waiting tobe completed. The artist can be contacted atjsylvest@faca.unimas.my30 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

Fashion<strong>Talk</strong>Putting The Chic BackInto FashionThere are a thousand and one labels outthere for fashionable wear. How many canyou trust to give that distinctive image oftoday’s young trend setters? At Cocoon, thestyle outlet with designer pieces for menand women, they put the chic back intofashion. All the products and labels areimported materials. That’s your guaranteeof genuine quality. Cocoon’s accessoriesare distinctive pieces in their own right.The subtle colours of the materials aremeant to match the owners and not toshout out boldly to the world; “Look atme!” Customers who shop at Cocoonwant the beautiful blend of materials andworkmanship. That’s what brings repeatcustomers back to the brand. At Cocoonthey specialise in clothes that hug thebody and are a real pleasure to wear.Cocoon’s products are made for a tropicallifestyle - cool and vibrant but not anuisance under the heat! Plan your dailywear on what Cocoon has to offer and youcan even go out for a night on the town inyour office outfit as they are perfect foreven such occasions. Always rememberto liven things up with accessories. This isessential for today’s chic look. Why be likeeveryone else when you can be the trendsetter in your group? Everything else is justnot chic! Check out Cocoon’s range andget on the chic bandwagon today!Located at level 3, Lot 308-309, Tun Jugah,Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak.Tel: 6 082 232822 Email: ivypgmt@yahoo.comApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 31

Health<strong>Talk</strong>Mild HyperbaricOxygen TherapyGet recharged, relaxed and relieved from everyday stressesWorld renowned medical specialistfrom USA, Dr. Gunnar Heuser,was in Kuching recently for a publictalk on the outcomes of Mild HyperbaricOxygen Therapy. Addressing doctors,specialists and interested participants,he dwelt on his research work in thefield of neurotoxicology where he hasalso written books on the subject. Hepointed out how the use of mildpressure hyperbaric brought aboutdramatic positive effects on thosesuffering from autism, A.D.D., cerebralpalsy and toxic encephalopathy as wellas slowing cell death and treatment forinfertility. With a proven track recordof over 30 years specializing inneurotoxicology and immunetoxicology,Dr. Gunnar was the recipient of the 2003International Hyperbaric AssociationAward for Outstanding Research in theField of Mild Hyperbaric Medicine. Hehas also travelled extensively anddelivered papers on topics relating tohyperbaric applications for medicaltherapy like Aging Skin and ImpairedReproductive Function; Improvementof Attention Span and Reaction Timewith Hyperbaric Oxygen TreatmentDR. GUNNER HEUSERM.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.,in Patients with Toxic Injury dueto Mold Exposure; The use of HyperbaricOxygen Therapy for Learning Disabilitiesand ADHD. To learn more aboutMild Hyperbaric Oxygen, pleaseview website www.ihausa.org,www.hbotreatment.com,www.oxyhealth.comThe range of treatments from the useof hyperbaric therapy is actually quiteastounding considering that suchtherapy is not that well known in thispart of the world. It is already widelyused in America, Europe, Middle East &Japan. Nearer to Malaysia is ThomsonClinic in Singapore which caters forautistic children. For those who wishto know more about this type of therapyor try it out, there is now a centre justproviding this service. Located inKuching city at King’s Centre, BiolifeHealth and Therapeutic Centre is theonly centre in Malaysia to offer MildHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy wherespecially equipped portable chambersare available for this experience. Whileit does wonders for those with specificmedical ailments, these chambers arealso recommended for those who wantto de-stress themselves, get rechargedand relieved from the pressures ofmodern lifestyle. It will promote betterstamina and endurance, stimulates thebody's own healing process and alsohealthier skin. Make a date with thespecialists at the Biolife Health andTherapeutic Centre today for anappointment and come visit them fora close up view of this new excitingand amazing medical wonder!For further information, please contact:Debessa Biotechnology Sdn. Bhd.1 st Floor, Lot 1, Block A, King’s Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 454003 / 464003Fax: 6 082 460410 Email: dbt2006@streamyx.com (Opening Hours: 8.30am – 6.30pm weekdays | 9.00am – 5.00pm weekends)32 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

RMB<strong>Talk</strong>Contact person: Syeeida Ali HusseinEmail: syeeidah@sarawaknet.gov.myBOOKS&CDREVIEWThe Sarawakiana Series– Culture & Heritage –The Sarawakiana Series is a series of custom madeinteractive CD-ROM with written supplement, whichgives the local and the tourist alike, a glimpse of theState’s rich and diverse heritage. It covers everythingfrom history, race, culture, belief and tradition. Allbased on thorough research and studies, themultimedia CD insures that future generations canhave access to this information. Priced at RM60.00each series.Traditional Iban Wedding – Melah PinangBy Susan Chemerai AndingFor Ibans residing inthe longhouses ofSarawak ‘tyingthe knot’ meansundergoing theceremony known asMelah Pinang. Theword Melah means ‘splitting’ or ‘tosplit.’ Pinang refers to the betel nut or the arecanut. So the words Melah Pinang literally means‘Splitting the Betel Nut’. Such marriage ceremoniesare provided for under Adat Iban 1993 andrecognized as legitimate under civil law. Theceremony itself has 13 recognisable ‘stages’.However the modernization and education of theIbans and in particular the decline in pagan beliefsamong them has witnessed the demise in significanceof certain ‘stages’ of the ceremony. In fact it requiresthe observance of only two important ‘stages’ inthe ceremony – the ‘splitting the betel nut’ and thebebiau stage, which is the ritual waving of a livefowl over the couples head. That is sufficient tolegitimize a Melah Pinanag marriage in law.Traditional Melanau Healing Ritual– BebayuhBy Abdillah Bin Haji DolhanBebayuh in Melanaumeans exorcism.It is a traditionalmethod practiceby the Melanauculture. Ritually, it depicts the curingof a patient that has gone through anemotional or spiritual imbalance caused by whatis believed to be evil spirits or black magic. Bebayuhis done by a shaman known locally as a dukun orbomoh. The shaman will invoke a good spirit andwill be possessed by it. The good spirit will help driveout the evil spirit or disease from the patient. Theritual is done after the evening prayer and takesabout an hour to complete. Anyone watching theexorcism is prohibited from laughing or smiling.Complete seriousness is essential. The silenceand the flickering of candles provide for an eerieexperience. The ritual ends when the patient returnsto normal. The shaman is paid a nominal sumaccording to one’s willingness for there is no specificcharge for the service done.SARAWAK STATE LIBRARYJalan Pustaka, Off Jalan Stadium, 93050 Petra Jaya,Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: 6 082 442000Fax: 6 082 449944 www.pustaka-sarawak.com6 082 234 077 *All booked tickets must be collected 45 min before show times.FILMREVIEWSUNSHINEDirector: Danny Boyle Cast: Michelle Yeoh,Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans, Troy Garity, RoseByrne Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy and ThrillerRated: PG-13 On Cineplex: April <strong>2007</strong>50 years into the future, the Sun begins todie, and Earth is dying as a result. A teamof astronauts are sent to revive the Sun -but the mission fails. Seven years later, anew team are sent. Deep into the voyagething start to unravel. The crew is not onlyfighting for their lives, but their sanity.THE NUMBER 23Director: Joel Schumacher Cast: Jim Carrey,Virginia Madsen, Danny Huston, Rhona Mita,Logan Lerman Genre: Drama and Thriller Rated:PG-13 On Cineplex: April <strong>2007</strong>Spiralling into a dark obsession with thenumber 23, Walter Sparrow twists his onceidyllic life into an inferno of psychologicaltorture that could possibly lead to his deathas well as the deaths of his loved ones.Spurred on by a mysterious novel, TheNumber 23, that he doesn’t dare putdown, Walter is forced to unlock thesecrets of his past before he can continuewith his future.SPIDERMAN 3Director: Sam Raimi Cast: Tobey Maguire,Kirsten Dunst, Thomas Haden Church, TopherGrace, James Franco Genre: Action, Adventure,Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adaptation and SequelRated: PG-13 On Cineplex: May <strong>2007</strong>Peter Parker has finally managed to strikea balance between his devotion to M.J. andhis duties as a superhero. But there is astorm brewing on the horizon. When hissuit suddenly changes, turning jet-black andenhancing his powers, it transforms Peteras well, bringing out the dark, vengeful sideof his personality that he is struggling tocontrol. He also has to face his two mostformidable foes yet; Sandman and Venom.OCEAN’ S 13Director: Steven Soderbergh Cast: GeorgeClooney, Ellen Barkin, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt,Andy Garcia Genre: Action, Adventure, crime,gangster and Sequel Rated: PG-13 On Cineplex:June <strong>2007</strong>This instalment continues the criminalexploits of Danny Ocean and his crewof crooks. This time around the team areafter diamonds and are out for revengewhen one of their own is cut out of adeal.Tuesday | Ladies Day, Ticket only RM6(not applicable for male and public holiday)Wednesday | Movie Day, Ticket only RM5 / RM6(not applicable for movie marked (“) and public holiday)Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 33

PlacesOfWorshipWAN ALWI MOSQUEOn February 2 nd <strong>2007</strong>, Kuching’s newestmosque was officially opened toworshippers by Pehin Sri Haji AbdulTaib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of theState of Sarawak. The Wan Alwi Mosquewas the brainchild of the late WanAlwi bin Tuanku Ibrahim, a businessmanand property developer. It had been hisdream to erect a mosque at TabuanJaya, a residential hub just east ofKuching City. Unfortunately WanAlwi’s passed away before his dreamcould be realised. It was left to his wife,Deanna and their children to first helpbuild a surau in the eighties.However with the ever increasingpopulation came the increase ofworshippers in the area. This meant amosque was needed to fulfill the needsof the Muslims at Tabuan Jaya. Thefamily of the late Wan Alwi workedtogether with the State government,by donating land and manpower, toinsure that his dream came to fruition.So now Tabuan Jaya has its very ownmosque that can comfortably hold1200 worshippers. The mosque itselfis an architectural delight to behold.At night with the lights on, thecourtyard and plaza area reflect asense of wonderment amid the serenebackdrop.ST PETER’S CHURCHAmidst the hustle and bustle ofPadungan street in Kuching City is aplace where peace and tranquillity canbe found. Located on the far end ofPadungan street is St. Peter's CatholicChurch, just across from the old firestation. Built in 1949 the small parishoutpost had since undergone a fewexpansions to its structure but stillmaintained its unique architectural style,especially the interior where the woodenarches provide a sense of days gone by.St. Peter's Church was the second churchto be built in the city after the mainchurch at St. Joseph Cathedral. Asuccession of devoted rectors andparishioners built it into a cosy and warmvenue where families and friends gatherfor masses and other events. Originallya swampland, the church premise hadalso grown with other buildings suchas a kindergarten, primary school,sanctuary for sisters of the faith, hall andthe latest a new multi purpose buildingat the back where various types of eventscan be staged. The new wings of thechurch now give it an extendedpleasant look like open arms ready tohug and provide warmth and happiness.The all white exterior too is anotherdimension to its pure picturesquelook which is a sharp contrast to thesurrounding high rise buildings of thebusy business centre of Padungan.Masses are celebrated on weekdays(Tuesday to Fridays) and also onSaturdays and Sundays. For moreinformation on these masses, contact082-278140.LIM HUA SAN TEMPLEOf the Chinese temples in Kuching, theLim Hua San temple literally is theone that stands out among the rest.Situated at Tabuan Road, the templeis distinguished by its standing Goddessof Mercy Statue which is an incredible33 feet high, solemnly looking over thetemple's ground and the surroundings.Reputed to be built in 1890 by the HakkaChinese community through donationscollected from the gold mining activities,the early days of the temple saw the slowbuild up from a small wooden buildingto what it is today, a modern temple withplenty of airy spaces and very popularamong the faithful. On every majorcelebration of the Chinese calendar, theplace is swamped with worshippersoffering prayers and food gifts as wellas the usual burning of joss sticks, papermoney and others.Among the unique things inside is a hugebrass bell that was first donated to thetemple in 1902. Brought all the way fromChina, the bell was first used for classesconducted at the temple but today it isonly rung for meal times and not opento the public on the second floor.Weather Forecast (April-June <strong>2007</strong>)Kuching Temperature RainfallApril <strong>2007</strong> 20.4˚C - 35.5˚C moderate rainMay <strong>2007</strong> 20.6˚C - 36.0˚C moderate rainJune <strong>2007</strong> 20.2˚C - 35.7˚C moderate rainWeather forecast provided by courtesy of Meteorological Services Department ofMalaysia.34 Kuching<strong>Talk</strong>Apr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>

April-June<strong>2007</strong>9 th AprilHONG SAM SI TEMPLE PARADEVenue: Kuching13 th - 15 th AprilMIRI INTERNATIONALDEEP SEA FISHING TOURNAMENTVenue: Off the coast of Miri21 st AprilWORLD EARTH DAY CELEBRATIONVenue: MiriAn annual event, it is celebrated throughout the world. EARTHDAY reminds the people of the world of the need for continuingcare which is vital to Earth’s rejuvenation. Miri will be thecentre for celebration for <strong>2007</strong>. Join us with hundreds ofvolunteers for a beach and reefs cleaning campaigns.28 th - 29 th AprilMUKAH KAUL FESTIVAL(8.00 am – 12.00 pm)Venue: Pantai Kala Dana, Mukah(by the Kuala Dana beach)28 th - 29 th AprilKAPIT BALLEH RAFT SAFARIVenue: Balleh, KapitMay (throughout)MIRI MAY FESTVenue: Miri11 st - 12 nd MayMIRI INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL <strong>2007</strong>Venue: The Pavilion, Parkcity Everly Hotel, MiriIts the leading tourism-driven music festival in the region. Byassembling regionally and internationally recognized, jazzmusicians, the musical event aims to draw visitors to Miriand the Northern Region of Sarawak for a fun-filled andentertaining experience and at the same time showcasing Mirias a city of cosmopolitanism and relaxing lifestyle. The 2006festival will have a line-up of musicians from Europe, Australasiaand Asia performing jazz funky latin, oriental jazz, Caribbeanroots, blues, contemporary fusion, boogie woogie and more.19 th - 20 st MayMIRI CITY DAY CELEBRATIONVenue: Miri27 th MayMISS TOURISM INTERCONTINENTAL <strong>2007</strong> PREVIEWVenue: KuchingWhat’sOncelebration that we want to share with our friends from Taiwan,Vietnam, The Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei, Japan,Burma, India, China, Thailand, and Laos along with the culturaltroupes to this wonderful inaugural World Harvest Festival1 st JuneGAWAI FESTIVAL26 th MayMIRI INTERNATIONALBAKAM BIATHLON CHALLENGEVenue: MiriCelebrated by the native Dayaks throughout the state, thefestival showcase “open houses” and all visitors and well-wishersare welcome to share the joyous moment to celebrate the end ofthe bountiful harvest season.1 st JuneMISS TOURISM INTERCONTINENTAL <strong>2007</strong> PREVIEWVenue: Miri1 st - 2 nd JunePESTA LUN BAWANGVenue: Lawas9 th JuneMISS TOURISM INTERCONTINENTAL <strong>2007</strong> FINALVenue: Sibu21 st - 24 th JuneASIAN GOLF TOURVenue: Kuching9 th - 10 th JunePESTA BABULANG <strong>2007</strong>Venue: LimbangThe state of Sarawak will for the first time ever host a roundof the immensely popular Asian Tour, the region’s premierprofessional golf tour, in <strong>2007</strong>. The Sarawak leg of the AsianTour will bring the very best in Asian golf to its shores. Starplayers like Thaworn Wirachant of Thailand and Jyothi Randhawaof India, both of whom have won major European Tour titles inthe past, are expected to participate24 th JuneINTERNATIONAL DANCE FOR HUMANITYVenue: Miri26 th - 27 th MayWORLD HARVEST FESTIVAL <strong>2007</strong>Venue: Sarawak Cultural Village, SantubongGawai Festival is the celebration of the end of the harvestingseason and the start of new farming season. Nowadays, the Dayakcommunity of Sarawak celebrates Gawai in their villages andurban homes with open invitation, sharing the finest oftheir hospitality with other communities. This is the kind of30 th June – 7 th JulyBORNEO CULTURAL FESTIVAL <strong>2007</strong>Venue: Sibu Town Square, SibuExperience the unique cultural contributions of the variousethnic groups from around the region, as they converge inSibu for a week-long celebration of song and dance at theSibu Town Square.KATZ & CULTURAL SHOWShowtime: 1.30pm (every Saturday at Cat Museum DBKU)For further enquiries, please contact:Kuching North City Hall (DBKU) Tel: 6 082 446688 • Kuching South City Council (MBKS) Tel: 6 082 242311 • Sarawak Tourism Board(STB) Tel: 6 082 423600 • Miri City Council (Tel: 6 085 424111) • Sibu Municipal Council (Tel: 6 084 333411)Note: Event dates are subject to change without prior noticeApr-Jun<strong>2007</strong>Kuching<strong>Talk</strong> 35

OPENIN<strong>APR</strong>ILI N D U L G E !Authentic Chinese and Western Cuisine65 Table Banquet | 30 Table Outdoor Dining | Water Feature | Bar | Private Car Park | VIP RoomPenrisen RoadJalan Batu KawaEverriseHypermarket& DepartmentStoreF&NFactory3rdExchangeJalan Datuk Tawi SliSengGoon GardenRegionalBus Terminal3rd MileBazaar3rd Mile Flyover Jalan KeretapiR o ckR o a dFully owned and operated by Global Maju Makmur Sdn Bhd (573456-U)Sub Lot 29, 3rd Exchange Commercial Centre, Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: 6 082 377041 Hp: 6 012 8040111 (Micheal Sim) Fax: 6 082 377906 Email: thebanquet_3rdexchange@yahoo.com

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