ManufactuRed Housing - The Taft School

ManufactuRed Housing - The Taft School

ManufactuRed Housing - The Taft School


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In PrintCrime, Jews, and News: Vienna 1895–1914Daniel Vyleta ’92Berghahn Books, 2008Crimes committed by Jews, especiallyritual murders, have longbeen a staple of anti-Semiticinvective. Through the lens ofcriminality this book providesnew insight into the spreadand nature of anti-Semitism inAustria–Hungary around 1900.It also provides a re-evaluation ofthe phenomenon of modern ritualmurder trials by placing them intothe context of wider narratives ofJewish crime.Dan is the son of Czech refugeeswho emigrated to Germanyin the late 1960s. He holds aPhD in history from CambridgeUniversity, and lives and works inBerlin. <strong>The</strong> book is volume 8 ofa 10-part series on Austrian andHabsburg Studies.Pavel & IDaniel Vyleta ’92Bloomsbury, 2007Set during the winter of 1946–47,one of the coldest on record, Pavel& I unfolds against the tattered socialfabric of postwar Berlin. PavelRichter, a decommissioned GI,finds himself at odds with a roguecolonel in the British armed forcesand a Soviet general when anAmerican friend deposits a deadRussian spy in his frozen apartment.<strong>The</strong> race to take possessionof the dead spy’s quarry soonbegins threatening Pavel’s friendshipwith a street orphan namedAnders and his budding love forhis upstairs neighbor, Sonia. As theaction hurtles toward catastrophe,the hunt merges with one for thetruth about the novel’s protagonist:Who exactly is Pavel Richter?Peopled with pimps, prostitutes,spies and a gang of child thieves,Pavel & I explores the power ofstorytelling to wrest meaning fromthe wreckage of civilization. Anelectrifyingly suspenseful novelplayed out among the first salvosof the Cold War, Pavel & I is aliterary debut that introduces awriter of brilliant imagination andvirtuosity.“Vyleta conjures a convincingpostwar Berlin in all of its moralambiguity,” writes Publishers Weekly.Booklist writes, “Vyleta pens anintricately creative tale.... This novelcharges through a frigid winter andan equally chilling political adventure.”This is Dan’s first novel.MUSIC<strong>The</strong> Flame You FollowJason Spooner ’91Falcon Ridge Productions, 2007Armed with a sound and clarity ofpurpose that can only result fromcountless live shows and years ofensemble performance, the trio,fronted by Jason and rounded outby Andy Rice (bass) and ReedChambers (drums), quietly entereda small rural studio in the dead ofthe Maine winter and set to work.“We all felt the same need tobuild this record from the groundup,” says Jason, “around the coresound of the band.”“Spooner’s roots-rich contemporaryfolk sound stretches far andwide,” writes reviewer Jim Kirlin.“He filters through his folk, blues,soul, funk, rock, and even classicsinger-songwriter influences, givingthem all a place at the table.His songs belie a sharp-tooledcraftsmanship on the writing side,yet wash over the listener withfluid finesse.”<strong>The</strong> maturity and strengthof his debut album, Lost Houses,quickly began to turn the headsof fans and critics alike. Jason alsowon the International finals of the2007 Mountain Stage New Songcontest in New York City and washonored as a national finalist inthe 2007 Starbucks Music Makerscompetition in Boston. <strong>Taft</strong> Bulletin Spring 2008

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