The Helmet! - TFI Online

The Helmet! - TFI Online The Helmet! - TFI Online
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F eaturing…Dig Deep<strong>The</strong> <strong>Helmet</strong>! ... 6ExtraSpeechless? ... 12Hotkey: Magnetism ... 24Xn AdBecome a Giant! ... 16How to Pull Through ... 3<strong>The</strong> Heart of the Matter ... 14Xn Issue 131—July 2009, AM Xn is for ages 12 and up.Parents or teachers, you may read age-appropriate portionsof this mag with younger audiences, at your discretion.If you have submissions for Xn, please send them Xn is a nonprofit publication, publishedfree for members. Not to be sold. Cover art by Krome.Copyright © 2009 by <strong>The</strong> Family InternationalRoyalTreatment(Jesus:) Treat My Word well,and you’ll be treating Mewell, and I in turn willtreat you royally.Aileen(“<strong>The</strong> X Factor: <strong>The</strong> Word,” ML #3731:71)2toc/xn ad

How do you pullthrough? How do you come out ofsuch situations strong and whole? How do younot give up halfway through? As always, the key is inlooking to Me, hearing from Me, strengthening your faith byhealthy intake of the Word, and drawing your strength from Me.<strong>The</strong>n you must wield the weapons that I have given you—praise beingone of the most powerful in these situations.During times of battle the Enemy often comes in with spiritual lethargy as well.He knows that if you are on the attack in the spirit, he will lose. So he brings thedouble-edged sword of lethargy, because then you won’t do anything about it. So get ridof Lethargy, and remind yourself over and over that when you fight in the spirit, the battlewill be won.4xn ad

This may all sound like a lot of work,but you have to put your will on Myside. You have to choose to fight inthe spirit. Even if all you do is invokethe keys and My helpers to fight for you,and then you lie back in My arms andrest in Me, the victory will be won.All testing is only for a time. And when ithas passed, your faith remains—strongerand purer and more precious thanever. Every single one of you, withoutexception, will one day thank Me fornot rescuing you prematurely and forcontinuing to keep you in the fire untilthe victory was won.(“Faith—Now and Forever!” ML #3699:152–153,156–157,159)(Jesus:) You can choose to have faith or you can choosedisbelief. If you choose faith, you become more powerful inspirit, you are less daunted by the “winds and the waves,”the circumstances and conditions that would pull youaway from faith, and you grow stronger, not weaker. Whenyou are strengthened in faith, you command more of Mypower. It’s a cycle of victory and growth and greateranswers to prayer, greater happiness, greater trust in Me.(ML #3699:92)xn ad 5

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Helmet</strong>!(One of Grandpa’s dreams!)I was a big, handsomeknight in beautiful, shiningsilver armor. I was in thearmory shop having thearmor fitted on and alreadyhad it all over me, clear up tomy neck, and they were aboutto fit on the helmet. It wasa beautiful gold and silverhelmet.Krome[<strong>The</strong> armorer] had thispretty girl assistant and thisgreat big rough table that heworked on. [<strong>The</strong> assistant]had this little rag and it wasall folded up. She laid it downon the table and said, "Nowput your forehead down onthis rag." I didn't know whatthey were doing, but I bowedmy head and laid it down onthe table.6dig deep

And just then I felt a real sharp kind of a pinprick, and I raised up and said, "What is that?!" Hehad this sort of an awl like an ice pick in his land,and a hammer, and he'd just [quickly] tappedright on my head!And he said, "That's for the attachment."I said, "Attachment for what?"He said, "For the helmet."I said, "What in the world do I have to havean attachment for the helmet for?"[<strong>The</strong> armorer] was sort of like one of God'sangels, and he said, "Oh my goodness, yougreat big soldiers and tough guys and knightsin armor come in here and you make such abig fuss about a little thing like a hole in thehead to keep from losing your helmet!"But you know what helmets are? <strong>The</strong>y'relike salvation! And I guess God wants to makeyour salvation permanent so you don't loseyour helmet, you don't lose your salvation.Notable Quote:(Jesus:) Through the keys, I can communicatewith My children via thehelmet they all wear, directing themto paths of peace and plenty andaway from depravity and danger.(“Keep the Faith!” ML #3459)dig deep 7

I had the impression they wereimplanting this thing in my head like anelectrode in my brain that was going tobe attached to the helmet, so that in asense the helmet was sort of going to bemy control mechanism and control me.And in a sense, that's exactly what the Lorddoes in salvation. You put on that helmetof salvation and it's there to stay and tocontrol you forever. In many of these sciencefiction movies and sci-fi theories aboutimplanting some kind of alien controllers ortheir electrodes or their bug of some kindin the neck or the head in order to controlthe human beings from an alien source, I'veways thought how like the spiritual that is!In a sense that's exactly what the Devildoes, he implants his dirty little demonsin their minds and hearts to controlthem. Satan is the all-powerful externalsource of control, manipulating his littledemon darts in the minds and hearts ofthe unsaved and the evil to control themaccording to the Devil's will.Whereas, that's exactly the sameway that God also operates! When we'resaved, He implants a bit of Himself, HisSpirit and His love and His spirit helpers,His controllers, in our minds and heartsto guide and direct and protect us. Hishelmet of salvation is certainly not onlypermanent, but an integral part of ourNotable Quote:(Jesus:) Those who have on thehelmet of salvation will never belost to Me.(“Pray, Obey, and Prepare!” ML #3420:46)8dig deep

armor andour wholebeing so thatwe are fromthenceforthcontrolledthereby. Wecan never loseit. It's attachedand implantedin our headsforever,attached toour minds,brains, andexercisingcontrol over us.Oncewe put thathelmet on, weare forever Hischildren andwe can never take it off. That tiny electrodeis embedded in your brain and that helmetacts as your control and guides your everymovement and protects you and keeps youand makes you a constant testimony and awitness to being different and being saved.You can't hide it. You can't deny it. Ifyou've really gotten the real thing anda real dose and are genuinely saved andreally have the Lord and His Spirit, you'llnever be able to take that helmet off.You are saved forever and that helmet ofsalvation is there to stay and it'll be forevervisible to all!Thank God for His helmet of salvation!Thank God for its electrode of the SpiritNotable Quote:(Jesus:) You’ve got the helmet of salvation,which means that you’ll alwaysbe more than a conqueror. Even if theEnemy kills your body, he can’t kill yourspirit. <strong>The</strong> helmet protects your head,denoting that you can never really getfully “cut off.” You’re always Mine.(“<strong>The</strong> Art of War, Part 1,” ML #3532:43)dig deep 9

and His holy spirits thatcontrol it. And thankGod it's more powerfulthan any other influenceand we'll never be ableto take it off or get ridof it. It's there forever,and it's for your goodand your protectionand your salvation andyour daily guidance anddaily control by the holyspirits of God throughthat little attachment.(“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Helmet</strong>!” ML #1058:1–5,11–14,19,21,28–29, September 1981)Notable Quotes:(Jesus:) Once you’re Mine, you’re always Mine. <strong>The</strong>re is no denying My Spiritin you, because once I’m in your heart, I’m there to stay. I can never be completelyhidden, no matter how much darkness, sin or disobedience may try to cloak Mypower, no matter how much one may try to pretend I’m not there.Even the wayward are bound to Me, and our connection of love will neverbe broken. My Spirit in them can never be eliminated or destroyed.(“Crowns on the Ice!” ML #3465:142–143, GN 1053)(Jesus:) Take unto you the full armor of God—the helmet of salvation thatbinds us and makes us one, bringing us close enough to speak to each other; thebreastplate of righteousness, of shunning the things of this world by turning to MySpirit every time such temptations come knocking at your heart’s door; the shield offaith to quench every fiery dart of the Enemy, and which helps you trust Me, dependon Me and look to Me; your loins girt with truth—the truth of My Word enteringyour most secret parts; your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace—your ministry of proclaiming My Words; the sword of the Spirit, which is the Wordof God; and finally the cloak of your zeal and fire and fervor for Me, what makes thedifference between a mere soldier and a dedicated warrior for My cause.(“You Can Make It, Part 2,” ML #3292:141)10dig deep

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Helmet</strong>—Activity PageA fun paper dollto cut out anddress, for thosewho are into thatsort of thing!dig deep 11

? ...SPEECHLESS?During February and March of 2009, hosted a contestcalled “Speechless?” Two illustrations were presented, and contestantswere challenged to research the Word for a fitting quote to go along withthe one comic (illustrated by Anthony), and/or to create their own dialoguefor the second comic (illustrated by Sabine).Comic #1We received several applicable and powerful quotes-plusone cool poem-for this great comic, so we’ve chosen tofeature a few of them here!a big hand to all those who participated in this challenge!Ant(Jesus:) Being able to look back andenjoy the victories of the last year ispart of the reward of making it past theobstacles and overcoming them.(“Promises for 2009!” ML #3724:57)-Sent in by Miyu, Japan(Peter:) Here's a bit of news for you, Satan!We are thrilling to the kill-your defeat,your demise! We’ve set the time and place,not you. We’ve picked the battlefield, notyou. We have the ad vantage, the superiortechnology, the edge. Our spiritual bodiesare toned, fit, powerful, and awesome,and our spiritual weapons are impressiveand undefeatable. This is what you’re upagainst! This is what you have to lookforward to-no wins, no victory, justdefeat. We kick butt, and we’re kicking yourbutt all the way to Hell!(“Fresh New Mindsets,” ML #3682:121-122)-Sent in by Martin12Call on the keys and they will be turnedto swords, cutting the Devil’s monstersto pieces and all the lies that they spewout against you!Glory and Honor to the fighters with thekeys! <strong>The</strong>y will conquer all and victoriousbe, through the power of the keys!(“Fighting the Enemy,” Key Promises)-Sent in by Windy (15), MexicoCall on the keys of demon fightingAnd the Enemy will come out of hiding.<strong>The</strong>n you’ll knock him for a loop,And turn his minions into soup.And when the battle is all finished,Trophies you’ll receive and the Devil you’lldiminish.-Written by Celeste (12), CanadaExtra

so Many witty contributions were sent in for this comic that it became difficult to selectonly one as the winner! In the end, we selected dialogue from several contributions forthis winning spread. Other fun contributions are also receiving recognition here.Comic #2- winnerOther- noteworthycontributions…All this fussand I’m justresting in theLord.—AndrewFilipe, BrazilI cannotcomprehend it …he should be down withthe egative-na symptoms*by now. [*egative-na symptoms:a sickness that people whoface terrifying, horriblesituations usuallyget.]-Meme“Even the heaviestweights won’t holdme down for long,because I’m risingabove! Hallelujah!”-Pavel (12), CEE“Chimes, chimes, chimes. No heartbeat, only chimes. I must be outof my mind. Keep holding him downfor as long as possible.”-Pavel(12), CEE“It’s funny, but even with all theadded weight, the bird is still liftinghim higher. Is it moonshine? Hecertainly must be light-headed andlight-hearted.”-Marc (17), NigeriaWhateverthe condition is, Iwant what he has!-MartinAhem, excuseme, sir. You seem tobe breaking the law ofgravity. You’d better getdown from there or Iwill call the police!-Annie (12), Mexico“Leave him inpeace, man, thisguy is makinghistory!”-Meme“Sigh, I’dlove to haveone of thoselovebirds!”-Maria (13), JapanHurry up,Doc! A sackof potatoes won’thold this onedown forever.-William“How’d he getup there?Beans?”-Martin“May I suggesta new approach?Fit on himrockets andcameras and hecan be our firstrepresentativeto Mars.”-Marc(17), NigeriaSabine“This is the thirdrope we’ve used!It’d betterlast!”-MartinExtra 13

<strong>The</strong>ofthe Matter(“You Can Make It, Part 1,” ML #3277:8,12,21)Hi, John!Mind if we hangout in your room fora bit? <strong>The</strong> kids arewatching a movie inour place.Umm …I guess.My roommatetells me I shouldbe more positive, butI can’t help feelingSigh … therethis always someonewanting to hangout. … I just wantto be alone.GrumbleGripeAnd thekids in ourHome are sonoisy. …EstWhy areyou moving yourmattress intothe closet?I wantmy ownroom!John,the phonefor you!He can’thear anyonesince he startedwearing ear plugsall day.Why hashe been grinningmadly for the pastfew days?(Mama:) In order to have a lastingchange, the change has to begin inyour heart. It's not enough to alterthe circumstances surrounding theproblem. It's not enough to just putforth willpower to change the habit.You have to start with your heart.And for those of us in the Lord'sEndtime Army, all change beginsat the root of the tree of our spirituallife—with our relationship with Jesus,drawing closer to Him, asking Himto help us yield and overcome.Wow, this reallyspeaks to me! Hmm…14xn ad

(Jesus:) Anybody can change, and the change that you desire in your life is possible too.It doesn't matter how you feel or don't feel. It doesn't matter what you've been like foryears or how long you've been the way you are today. It doesn't matter if somethingyou're trying to change is even a part of your personality, your nature, or something thatyou feel is inborn or unchangeable. Even if you don't think you can change, you mustbelieve that you can, because I promise that you can.You can be anything that you wantto be—as happy as you want, as fulfilledas you want, as challenged asyou want, as content as you want, aspositive as you want—because thesethings are within My power to give!If I made the world and every livingthing that surrounds you,don't you see that it'sa small thing for Me tochange a heart and alife, to transform it intoNo…something new, somethingeven better?If you give your wholelife to Me—your heart,your mind, your soul,your body—then I cando a miracle in your life.…or Johncould go. What doyou think, John,about going onthe trip withHeidi?…way am I goingto miss out on a chanceto be positive about thisidea. So, yes, I’d love to givethis trip a chance and seehow the Lord works!FoundationHope—<strong>The</strong> Family InternationalI’m so glad Iagreed to go on thistrip with you, sis. It’sbeen a blast! And I’mlearning so much fromhow you witness.Thanks,Uncle John,for coming hikingwith us. I thoughtyou didn’t like beingwith us, but nowyou’re the bestuncle ever!Mapxn ad 15

Thanksfor coming tothe clinic withme, Raisa.Raisa Buvitt inYou’rewelcome,Marie. I’ll bepraying forthe results.Later...Become aGiant!Not suchgood news,Raya. It’s…Xn: Marie Claire was first introduced to the Xn audiencein the story “My Parallel Christmas.” Check out Xns#119 and 120 for a refresher on this talented gal!No!Yes.And Itmeans serioustreatment.16Jeremyxn ad

Lord, whyMarie Claire?She is sosweet and such agood sample. ...Here,Let me canyou let somethinglike this happento her, of allpeople?And Shealready battlesso terribly abouther looks and allthat. ...Animportantaspect of beingprepared for greatertrials and battles is theconcept of not losingthe faith when you seeothers strugglingwith heavy crossesand heavylosses.It’s justnot fair!xn ad 17

I wantto teach youthe right way tohandle it when I’vecalled someone nearyou to go througha very difficultexperience.That right way isthe way of faith,the way of praise,the way ofcompassion,and the wayof prayer.I knowyou have agood reason,Lord. ...Thankyou for thevictories You’llget throughthis. ...Mariemust befeeling quitediscouragedthough......So giveher the graceto bear it.It’s not about steeling yourself to thesuffering and ignoring it because...“it mustbe God’swill.”But Ijust don’twant to thinkabout it.You mustmake sure that youdon’t let the sufferingof others hurt yourfaith in Me or cause youto question My love orMy goodness.18xn ad

You have to know that I’m just and that I do allthings well, and give Me that trust implicitly asyou stand on My promises.You must trust that I am still a Godof Love and that I haven’t broken asingle one of My promises,I knowthat you areworking out yourperfect will inMarie’s life. …you said thatall things worktogether for goodto them thatlove You…...And Iknow thatMarie does.and when itcomes tothose wholove Me andserve Me, Ican and willturn everyincident intosomethingthatbenefitsthem and isfor theirgood,Hello? ...Grant? Yes,fine, thankyou ... andyou?Look ...About me comingto give thatseminar...if they will let Me.Guess what,Raya?You can have this attitude in the days to come when the real terrible times come, if you canstart practicing with it right here and now.xn ad 19

Praise is a big, big part of this.If you’re praising Meand acknowledging Mywisdom,there is no room for doubting My goodnessor fairness or questioning My motives.You knowhow I thoughtI would to have tocancel Grant’sinvitation to cometo Edmonton?Well, I toldhim about the operationand he’s offered to payfor my airfare, hotel,and all medicalexpenses!You need toget practicedin praising Methrough thebad,finding the good,...aNDThanks forthe flowers!and giving Methe blessingand honor ofyour trust evenwhen you don’tunderstand.ThankYou, Lord thatGrant is beingsuch a blessingto her.When bad things happen to you right here and now, you need to praise your way out of them.20xn ad

You need to thank Me for the situation exactly as it is,acknowledging that Ihave a plan and that Iam working everythingout for good.It’s actuallyneat that you haveworked this out forMarie right now...It’s not minimizing orbelittling the pain of others;...Not that thecomplicationsand all were’s simply acknowledgingthat I am in control,that I do allthings well,and that I will workthings out in My time....Butshe has beensuch a sampleof your love tothe hospitalstaff.She gotto give theseminar and even aviolin recital at theuniversity......AndGrant gotsaved and wants tobecome an activemember.xn ad 21

Through praise you bring hope to the situation.It’s sogood toknow You arein control,Jesus.Praise isn’t how you feelabout the situation, it’show you feel about Me.You’re glorifying Me, telling Methat despite this situation, youknow I’m still there and thateverything is going to be okay.Practice becoming giantsof faith and praise by neverletting anything shake yourconfidence in Me.When you praise, you’re movingHeaven to action on your behalf.Praising Me for My love andwisdom and plan in even thedarkest time will build this faith.Even if you feel like you don’t mean it at first, just practicing with those words, thosesentiments, will pay off. Your faith will grow as you put forth the effort to try.22xn ad

Faith is what overcomesthe world,and since the world looks pretty bigand bad these days, I’d say you’re goingto need a whole lot of faith to do whatyou need to do before I return.This is a very important aspectof the days ahead —keepingyour faith in trying times—You mean totell us that one dayJesus Christ is goingto come back and fixall this mess?Exactly.and I wantyou to practicedoing so even nowby praising Me andtrusting Me inevery situation.(“Gold, Roses, and Thorns!”ML #3639:26,32-33,35-36,38-39,41,43,47,49,51-52,54,57-58)Notable Quote:(ML #3639:90)<strong>The</strong> greateststrength you canmanifest, and thegreatest blessingyou can give to others,is quiet faith andtrust in Me.xn ad 23

MagnetismMawiee<strong>The</strong> keys of magnetism will draw you to those who needyou and them to you, enabling you to have a highersuccess rate in your witnessing endeavors.24Extra

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