Have No Fear – - Lubbock Meals On Wheels

Have No Fear – - Lubbock Meals On Wheels

Have No Fear – - Lubbock Meals On Wheels


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a note from the executive directorKind volunteers:Thank you foryour thoughtfulgifts and acts.– Lou EllaDear Friends,It has been one of the joys of myyears in <strong>Lubbock</strong> to be active in the<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> program. It willbe a hard call to make whether I willmiss you the most, or you will missme the most!God bless your service, and all theemployees and volunteers. I lookforward to seeing you occasionallyLove, ArlyceDear Friends:I have been taking <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>for a year and want to continue. I nolonger drive because my eyes are sobad. I must rely 100% on family andfriends to take me out. I enjoy andlook forward each day for my meals.I enjoyed all the extra “goodies” atChristmas. I want to thank every oneof you for your service. Each one ofyou is a blessing to me.- MargaretI had the opportunity to attend the “Get MotivatedBusiness Seminar” recently at the UnitedSpirit Arena. I went with no expectations andleft positive, encouraged and motivated. Someof the most inspiring speakers in the world werethere: Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Robert Schuller, ZigZiglar, Rick Belluzzo and several others. Thesepeople all talked about their lives and how thedifference between success and failure is a functionof how we respond to change.The speakers said determination is a key factorto staying strong in adversity, especially nowin these economic times. People who lead organizationsmust have the ability and courage toforge a vision for others to follow. We have tobe optimistic and inspire hope in others. Themission matters, and when mission fulfillmenthappens every day, that’s inspiring.Our organization is an inspiration. At LMOW, we are compassionate people trying toimprove the problem of hunger for the homebound, elderly, and disabled in our community.We serve the needs of over 600 people monthly. Our organization has goals andto meet these goals, it takes teamwork. Happy clients begin with happy employees andvolunteers. People thrive in places where they feel validated and secure. They will go theextra mile. Our staff is trained and trusted to do their jobs. We have the opportunity dailyto make a positive difference in the lives of others.When I see my staff viewing themselves as a team, making sacrifices for each other, andworking together for a common goal, we can experience greater success. This seminar wasa fabulous day - offering ideas to prepare and respond for a new millennium of businessand personal change at <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>.2Thanks so Much!Thank you to Metropolitan <strong>Lubbock</strong>Rotary Club for their generous grantto assist with the installation of a newfire suppression system for our kitchen.Thanks also to Girl Scout Troop 6308for their donation of 216 boxes of deliciousGirl Scout Cookies! A special thankyou to ten year old Nicki West for hergift to <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>. Hergrandparents gave her $100 at Christmasto donate to a charity of her choiceand she chose us! Finally, thank youto Tuesday Night Life Drawers and<strong>No</strong>rman Bert for raising $150 by auctioningtheir artwork and donating theproceeds to <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>.What a unique way to help our agency!<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> April 2009Calling All Classic Cars!YouEvery June, <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>, in an attempt to raise public awareness of ourmission, holds the Big <strong>Wheels</strong> Deliver <strong>Meals</strong> promotion in conjunction with Sonic Drive-Ins. <strong>On</strong> Friday June 5th, local celebrities, chauffeured in classic cars, will deliver a meal ofburgers and fries to all <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ recipients. It is a treat for our recipientsto be visited by these important people, see these nostalgic cars, and enjoy a special lunch.All celebrities and drivers are invited to return to the <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ office forlunch (also provided by Sonic). Forty-two classic cars and drivers are needed to accommodateall the routes. It is always a challenge to round up enough cars for the event so ifyou own a classic car and would like to participate in this very special promotion, pleasecall Lisa at 792-7971.cancanhelpPlease bring recyclable aluminum cans to <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on<strong>Wheels</strong>. Regular trips are made to recycle these materials, andthe money received provides funds for programs. You can helpthe environment and <strong>Lubbock</strong> <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> by bringingyour aluminum cans to 2304-34th Street during officehours, Monday – Friday, 8a.m.-4:30p.m.help!

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