Program: Adventure Education Coordinator: Jamie Hannon Name of ...

Program: Adventure Education Coordinator: Jamie Hannon Name of ...

Program: Adventure Education Coordinator: Jamie Hannon Name of ...


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<strong>Program</strong>: <strong>Adventure</strong><strong>Education</strong><strong>Coordinator</strong>: <strong>Jamie</strong><strong>Hannon</strong><strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> Assessment Type <strong>of</strong> Assessment Status(Implementedor in planningstage)WhenCompleted in<strong>Program</strong> (Early,Middle, Late)Aligned with Graduate Hallmark(s)? Please IdentifyDataAvailable(Y/N)Assessment 1: ContentKnowledge(paper/pencil, i.e.,exam)Maintaining the health andsafety <strong>of</strong> adventure learningstudents, managing risk froman organizationaladministration perspective,and limiting liability <strong>of</strong> loss tothe parent organizationScenariopresentations; CaseAnalysis Discussion;Exam; RiskManagementProjectimplementedEE 5100 RiskManagement forExperiential<strong>Education</strong>The material covered in this course directly addresses thefollowing elements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Adventure</strong> Leadership model:safety skills, organizational skills, experience-basedjudgment, and pr<strong>of</strong>essional ethics.yesAssessment 2: ContentKnowledge (grades)Assessment 3: PlanningContent; Organization,Grammar, spelling,mechanics; Details;Sentences; CitationsAbility to create a unit that isprogressive, prepared,aligned with relevantstandards and acceptedadventure practices, andoriented toward learneroutcomesPaper implemented PA5560 andEE51XXLesson Unit Projectnot yetimplementedPA 5560IndependentStudy or EE5190Guided StudyThe courses that are represented by this cumulative dataare varied; however they all address essential elements <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Adventure</strong> Leadership Model. The elements addressedin these courses include technical skills, safety skills,organizational skills, instructional skills, facilitation skills,and various meta-skills.Essential competencies for pr<strong>of</strong>essional adventureeducators include organizational and instructional skillsrelated to planning effective learning experiences forstudents. This assessment evaluates the programparticipant’s ability to create a series <strong>of</strong> connected lessonsthat progressively develop a student’s knowledge, skillsand attitudes relevant to a particular adventure learningconcept or skill. The assessment also evaluates theprogram participant’s ability to consider additional factorsin this planning, including connection to relevant standardsand accepted practices, overall safety and riskmanagement, concern for differentiated instruction,logistical/material planning, balance between activity andreflection and other important planning considerations.yesno dataavailableAssessment 4: FieldExperience/CapstoneAbility to discuss the impact<strong>of</strong> observed adventurelearning practices on theirstudents, and the role <strong>of</strong>adventure learning practicesas a change agent in localcommunities and societyReflexiveIntegrative PaperED 6900CapstoneProjectUnderlying the skill competencies <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Adventure</strong>Leadership Model is an awareness <strong>of</strong> the social context inwhich adventure learning takes place, and a familiaritywith the progressive orientation <strong>of</strong> the adventure learningpr<strong>of</strong>ession. <strong>Adventure</strong> learning (and experiential educationmore generally) is a radical pedagogy with a specificconcern for issues <strong>of</strong> social justice, peace and theattainment <strong>of</strong> full human potential. This element <strong>of</strong> thecapstone project paper asks students to speak directly towhat they have observed in regards to these aspects <strong>of</strong> thepr<strong>of</strong>ession, and to discuss their own role and aspirations tobe this kind <strong>of</strong> agent <strong>of</strong> change.not dataavailableAssessment 5: ImpactNo information available

on Student LearningAssessment 6: UnitDispositionAssessment 7: ResearchWritingNo information availableNo information available

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