Public Bodies 2004 - Gov.uk

Public Bodies 2004 - Gov.uk

Public Bodies 2004 - Gov.uk


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Agencies and <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> Team<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> <strong>2004</strong>(Material from the <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> on-line Directory)i

<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> DatabaseWelcome to the new <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> database, the successor to the annual <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>publications, providing information on public bodies sponsored by the UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment. Thedatabase currently gives a snapshot as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>.<strong>Public</strong> bodies carry out a wide range of functions on behalf of government. As part of thecommitment to transparency and accountability, the Cabinet Office collects and publishesannually information about public bodies as a whole, to supplement information about individualbodies already contained in departmental annual reports.The scope of the databaseUntil 2002, the <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> publication reported on the public bodies sponsored by thedevolved administrations as well as UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment departments. In recognition of the beddingdown of the devolved arrangements, the database gives full information, summary statisticsand analysis only for bodies sponsored by UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment departments (this includes theNorthern Ireland Office). The Scotland Office is now a component part of the Department forConstitutional Affairs and its sole public body is included in the DCA entry. The Welsh Office hasno public bodies. In the absence currently of devolved government in Northern Ireland, fulldetails of public bodies sponsored by the Northern Ireland Executive are included. However,NIE bodies and appointments are excluded from the statistical summaries.Information about public bodies and public appointments in Scotland and Wales can be obtainedfrom those devolved administrations themselves:Scotland: http://www.scotland.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/government/publicbodies/direct.aspWales: http://www.wales.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/recruitment/pubapps-e.htmWhat is a <strong>Public</strong> Body?A public body is not part of a government department, but carries out its function to a greateror lesser extent at arm's length from central government. This is the reason for non-Ministerialdepartments and executive agencies being excluded from this database, as they aredepartments or part of one. Information about those bodies can be found in a sister databaseat:http://www.knowledgenetwork.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/elmr/minister.nsf/HOME?OpenFrameSetMinisters are ultimately responsible to Parliament for the activities of the bodies sponsored bytheir department and in almost all cases (except, for example, where there is separate statutoryprovision) ministers make the appointments to their boards. Departments are responsible forfunding and ensuring good governance of their public bodies. In this publication, each body isallocated to the government department that is its sponsor.The term 'public body' is a general one which includes: Nationalised Industries, such as BritishShipbuilders; <strong>Public</strong> Corporations, such as the BBC; NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>; and Non-Departmental <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong> (NDPBs).There are four types of NDPB. These denote different funding arrangements, functions andkinds of activity. They are:• Executive NDPBs - established in statute and carrying out administrative, regulatoryand commercial functions, they employ their own staff and are allocated their ownbudgets.v

Regulating the appointment processThe post of Commissioner for <strong>Public</strong> Appointments http://www.ocpa.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/index2.htm wasestablished in November 1995 and the current Commissioner is Dame Rennie Fritchie. TheCommissioner's role is to regulate, monitor and report on the ministerial appointments to healthbodies, non-departmental public bodies, public corporations, nationalised industries and theappointments of the utility regulators. The Commissioner's jurisdiction on 31 March <strong>2004</strong>covered ministerial appointments to public bodies in Great Britain. The Commissioner isappointed by HM The Queen (on the advice of the Prime Minister) by Order in Council and isindependent of the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment. Dame Rennie is also, by a separate Order in Council,Commissioner for <strong>Public</strong> Appointments in Northern Ireland.http://www.ocpa.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/pages/walesni.htmScotland now has its own Commissioner for <strong>Public</strong> Appointments (CPAS).http://www.scotland.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/government/publicbodies/commissioner.aspMs Karen Carlton officially took up post as the first CPAS on 1 June <strong>2004</strong>.Around 10,000 public appointments fall within the Commissioner's remit. Departments,however, seek to follow the Code of Practicehttp://www.ocpa.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/pages/downloads/pdf/codeofpractice.pdfestablished by the Commissioner as good practice for all public appointments whereverpossible. All public bodies falling within the Commissioner's jurisdiction are shown in thedatabase as 'OCPA regulated'. Most of the appointments that are not regulated by OCPA areappointments to tribunals.vii

Department(in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>2003):Name of BodyClassification ofbody (ENDPB,ad-hoc advisorygroup etc)Date ofclosureReason for closure,name of any successorbody etcDefraReview of the London WholesaleMarketsReview Feb 03 Review concludedDefra Milk Task Force Task Force Jan 02 Review concludedDfESDfTDoHDoHDoHDoHRegistered Nursery EducationInspectors Appeal Tribunal(omitted in error from <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>2003. Last appearance in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong> 2002.)Congestion Benchmarks WorkingGroupGeneric Medicines ManagementSteering Group for the Diabetes,Renal and Long-Term ConditionsNSFsInter-departmental Group on HealthImpact Assessment (HIA)Management of Medicines Renal NSFGroupNursing and Midwifery ModernisationBoardTribunal NDPB April 03 role subsumed into Deptof Health’s CareStandards Tribunal.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - re-classified as aninternal committeeAd Hoc Ad Gp May 03 Wound upAd Hoc Ad Gp - re-classified as aninternal committeeAd Hoc Ad Gp Jan 04 AbolishedAd Hoc Ad Gp Oct 03 Wound upDoHAdvisory Board on Registration ofHomeopathic ProductsANDPBReplaced by/renamedAdvisory Board onRegistration ofHomeopathic MedicinesDoHAdvisory Committee on DistinctionAwardsANDPBReplaced by/renamedAdvisory Committee onClinical Excellence AwardsDoH Advisory Committee on Hepatitis ANDPB Replaced by/renamedAdvisory Group onHepatitisDoHIndependent Advisory Group onTeenage PregnancyANDPBTransferred to DFES June2003DoHIndependent Review Panel on theClassification of Borderline MedicinesANDPBReplaced by/renamedIndependent ReviewPanel for BorderlineProductsDoHNurses, Midwives, Health Visitors &Professions Allied to Medicine PayReview BodyANDPBReplaced by/renamedNurses and other HealthProfessions Review BodyDoH Wider Health Working Group ANDPB in effect,1997Has not met since 1997DoHCommission for HealthcareImprovementENDPBReplaced by/renamedHealthcare Commission(CHAI)DoH Microbiological Research Authority NHS Body March 03 AbolishedDoH Access Task Force Task Force Dec 03 Wound upDoHHerbal Medicines StatutoryRegulation Working GroupTask Force Sept 03 Wound upDoH Older People Task Force Task Force Dec 03 Wound upDoH Strategic Commissioning Group Task Force Jan 04 Disbandedx

Department(in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>2003):Name of BodyClassification ofbody (ENDPB,ad-hoc advisorygroup etc)Date ofclosureReason for closure,name of any successorbody etcDoH Registered Homes Tribunal TNDPB March 02 Wound up. “Residualcases were dealt with bythe Care StandardsTribunalDTI Africa & Middle East Advisory Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp Dec 02 Change of policy in UKTI,from a country-basedstrategy to a sector basedstrategy.DTI Asia Pacific Advisory Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp Dec 02 Change of policy in UKTI,from a country-basedstrategy to a sector basedstrategy.DTI Business Advisory Panel Ad Hoc Ad Gp July 03 Closed due torestructuring within UKTI.DTI Education & Training Export Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTI Europe Advisory Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp July 03 Change of policy in UKTI,from a country-basedstrategy to a sector basedstrategy.DTIInternational Oil & Gas BusinessAdvisory BoardAd Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTI Motorsport Competitiveness Panel Ad Hoc Ad Gp July 03 Closed - report published.DTI Power Sector Working Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTI Regional Advisers Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp July 03 Closed due torestructuring within UKTI.DTI Sector Analysis Strategy Committee Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTI UK Railway Sector Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTI Water Sector Working Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DTIDTIAdvisory Committee on Cleaner CoalTechnologyAdvisory Group on BasicTechnologies ProgrammeANDPB June 03 Task completed. Replacedby Advisory Committeeon Carbon AbatementTechnologies (November2003.)ANDPB Feb 04 Closed following theInnovation Report andintroduction of the newTechnology Programme.DTI Fuel Cells Advisory Panel ANDPB June 03 Closed due torationalisation of thearrangements fortechnical assessors in thefield of new andrenewable energy.DTI Partnership Fund Assessment Panel ANDPB Dec 03 Scheme closed.xi

Department(in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>2003):Name of BodyClassification ofbody (ENDPB,ad-hoc advisorygroup etc)Date ofclosureReason for closure,name of any successorbody etcDTISpectrum Management AdvisoryGroupANDPB Dec 03 Subsumed within OFCOM(DTI/DCMS <strong>Public</strong>Corporation)DTI British Coal Corporation NationalisedIndustryMar 04Wound up.DTIDWPFuel Poverty Monitoring & TechnicalGroupAd Hoc Forums and ConsultationmeetingsReview - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP CSA Standards Committee Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP Customer Champion Liaison meeting Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWPDWPDWP Decision Making StandardsComm consultative groupDWP Decision Making StandardsCommitteeAd Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP Jobcentre Plus Access Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWPJobcentre Plus Learning andDevelopment Group (was Jobcentre\Plus Training Group)Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP Jobcentre Plus Services Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP Modern Service Working Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWPDWPNational Customer RepresentativeForumPartnership Against Poverty Englandand WalesAd Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWP Partnership Against Poverty Scotland Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.DWPDWPPensions on Divorce ConsultationGroup (was Pensions SharingConsultation Panel)Race Education & EmploymentFORUM (REEF)Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.ANDPB Apr 03 Wound upFCO Britain-Russia Centre ENDPB March 03 FCO link and fundingceasedFoodStandardsAgencyExpert Group on Vitamins andMinerals (EVM)ANDPB May 03 EVM published its finalreport in April/May 2003and was dissolved a fewweeks laterxii

Department(in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>2003):Name of BodyClassification ofbody (ENDPB,ad-hoc advisorygroup etc)Date ofclosureReason for closure,name of any successorbody etcHM TreasuryHome OfficeHome OfficeReview of Business / UniversitycollaborationCriminal Records BureauConsultative PanelCriminal Records Bureau MinisterialAdvisory BoardReview - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Internal departmentalbody that does not meetcriteria for inclusion in‘<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>’Home Office Holocaust Memorial Day Project Ad Hoc Ad Gp 2003 ReportedHome OfficeHome OfficeMinisterial Advisory Group on RetailCrimeAdvisory Board on RestrictedPatientsAd Hoc Ad Gp 2003 In abeyance since 2001ANDPB March 03 In abeyance since 2001Home Office Firearms Consultative Committee ANDPB Jan 04 Was allowed to lapseHome Office Poisons Board ANDPB - In abeyance since 1993Home OfficeHome OfficeFundamental Review of the CoronersSystemReview of the Law Relating toBribery & CorruptionReview July 03 Wound upReview 2000 in abeyance since 2000Home Office National Crime Reduction Task Force Task Force Aug 00 in abeyance since 2000LCD (nowDCA)LCD (nowDCA)LCD (nowDCA)Lord Chancellor’s Advisorycommittee on Judicial casemanagement in children act casesPayments in satisfaction workinggroupPeach report implementation projectboardAd Hoc Ad Gp March 03 Wound upAd Hoc Ad Gp June 02 Wound upAd Hoc Ad Gp March 03 Wound upLCD (nowDCA)Quality mark steering group Ad Hoc Ad Gp April 02 Wound upLCD (nowDCA)Quality mark steering group for thebarAd Hoc Ad Gp Dec 02 Wound upLCD (nowDCA)Advisory Council on <strong>Public</strong> records ANDPB - Now Advisory Council onNational Records andArchivesLCD (nowDCA)LCD (nowDCA)ODPMAdvisory Group on Enforcementdelivery serviceReview of procedures consequent onthe decision to transfer or commitfraud trials (criminal)Cross -government Network onMental HealthANDPB Nov 03 Wound upreview March 02 Wound upAd Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.ODPM Housing Revenue Account Group Ad Hoc Ad Gp - Status changed toinformal stakeholdergroup.ODPMSupporting People PractitionersGroupAd Hoc Ad Gp Jan 04 Work complete.ODPM <strong>Public</strong> Advisory Committee ANDPB July 03 Wound upODPMEnd to End Review of the PlanningInspectorateReview Oct 03 Report published. Reviewcomplete.xiii

Department(in <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>2003):Name of BodyClassification ofbody (ENDPB,ad-hoc advisorygroup etc)Date ofclosureReason for closure,name of any successorbody etcODPMReview of the Needs Indices Used inthe Allocation of Housing CapitalResources to Local Authorities andRegistered Social LandlordsReview - lapsedODPM Home Ownership Task Force Task Force Nov 03 Report published - workcompleteODPM London Youth Crime Task Force Task Force Nov 03 Task Force dissolvedOftelAdvisory Committee onTelecommunications for Disabled andElderly PeopleCommunications for BusinessConsumer Communications forEnglandNorthern Ireland AdvisoryCommittee on TelecommunicationsScottish Advisory Committee onTelecommunicationsWelsh Advisory Committee onTelecommunications6 ANDPBs Dec 03 Oftel has been replacedby Ofcom, (DTI <strong>Public</strong>Corporation - listed in thedirectory). These ‘firstorder’ public bodies havebeen replaced by ‘secondorder’ successor bodies ofOfcom.xiv

ReportsTable 1: Number of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>, 2003/<strong>2004</strong> by department as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>.Table 2: Staffing of Executive NDPBs <strong>2004</strong> as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>.Table 3: Women appointed to <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>.Table 4: <strong>Public</strong> appointments held by people from minority ethnic backgrounds as at March31st <strong>2004</strong>.Table 5: <strong>Public</strong> appointments held by people with a disability as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>.Table 6: <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>' Expenditure for 2002-2003These reports contain information about <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> sponsored bydepartments of the UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment in Westminster only. They do not includefigures for <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> of the Northern Ireland Executive.xv

Table 1: Number of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> 2003/4 bydepartment as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>DepartmentCabinet Office 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 17Department for Constitutional Affairs 3 173 2 0 0 0 0 0 178Department for Culture, Media and Sport 40 16 1 3 0 0 0 0 60Department for Education and Skills 13 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 17Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 41 48 4 2 0 0 0 0 95Department for International Development 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3Department for Transport 12 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 16Department for Work and Pensions 6 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 13Department of Health 11 37 3 0 0 24 0 0 75Department of Trade and Industry 30 25 8 2 2 0 0 0 67Export Credits Guarantee Department 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Food Standards Agency 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 8Foreign and Commonwealth Office 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 10HM Treasury 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3Home Office 14 10 5 0 0 0 0 147 176Inland Revenue 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Ministry of Defence 7 24 0 0 0 0 0 1 32Northern Ireland Court Service 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13Northern Ireland Office 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 14Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 9 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 17Office of Water Services 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11Royal Mint 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1TOTALS 210 407 34 9 2 24 1 152 839Executive NDPBsAdvisory NDPBsTribunal NDPBs<strong>Public</strong> CorporationsNationalised IndustriesNHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Central BankIndependent Monitoring Board NDPBsTotal Noxvi

Table 2: Staffing of Executive NDPBs <strong>2004</strong> as atMarch 31st <strong>2004</strong>DepartmentExecutiveNDPBsNo. of staff of all <strong>Public</strong><strong>Bodies</strong>No. of staff of all ExecutiveNDPBsCabinet Office 0 0 0Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 0 2 0Department for Constitutional Affairs 3 1928 1860Department for Culture, Media and Sport 40 47152 18313Department for Education and Skills 13 10532 10470Department for Environment, Food & RuralAffairs41 17789 15515Department for International Development 2 0 0Department for Transport 12 2339 1301Department for Work and Pensions 6 13252 13218Department of Health 11 865797 9498Department of Trade and Industry 30 245045 18447Export Credits Guarantee Department 0 0 0Food Standards Agency 0 3 0Foreign and Commonwealth Office 5 9791 7567HM Treasury 0 1943 0Home Office 14 6207 6083Inland Revenue 0 0 0Ministry of Defence 7 408 408Northern Ireland Court Service 1 110 110Northern Ireland Office 6 686 669Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 9 3852 3625Office of Water Services 10 0 0Royal Mint 0 0 0TOTALS 210 1226836 107084xvii

Table 3: Women appointed to public bodies as atMarch 31st <strong>2004</strong>DepartmentMaleMinisterialAppointeesFemaleMinisterialAppointees% FemaleMinisterialAppointeesTotal MaleAppointeesTotalFemaleAppointees% TotalFemaleAppointeesCabinet Office 80 36 31.0 80 36 31.0Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 103 91 46.9 103 91 46.9Department for Constitutional Affairs 1202 720 37.5 1209 720 37.3Department for Culture, Media and Sport 334 168 33.5 466 226 32.7Department for Education and Skills 218 194 47.1 218 194 47.1Department for Environment, Food & RuralAffairs499 171 25.5 523 177 25.3Department for International Development 16 6 27.3 16 6 27.3Department for Transport 53 20 27.4 161 72 30.9Department for Work and Pensions 1197 975 44.9 1204 980 44.9Department of Health 2566 1967 43.4 2626 1993 43.1Department of Trade and Industry 1848 969 34.4 2031 1008 33.2Export Credits Guarantee Department 7 1 12.5 7 1 12.5Food Standards Agency 0 0 0.0 57 33 36.7Foreign and Commonwealth Office 38 14 26.9 72 29 28.7HM Treasury 18 10 35.7 28 11 28.2Home Office 1380 1069 43.7 1389 1071 43.5Inland Revenue 0 0 0.0 8 2 20.0Ministry of Defence 280 76 21.3 317 80 20.2Northern Ireland Court Service 15 6 28.6 58 33 36.3Northern Ireland Office 79 55 41.0 79 55 41.0Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 373 173 31.7 1475 475 24.4Office of Water Services 0 0 0.0 93 55 37.2Royal Mint 7 3 30.0 7 3 30.010313 6724 39.5 12227 7351 37.5xviii


Table 4: <strong>Public</strong> appointments held by people fromminority ethnic backgrounds as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>DepartmentTotal Male Ministerial AppointmentsEthnic Minority Male Ministerial Appointees% Ethnic Minority Male Ministerial AppointeesTotal Female Ministerial AppointmentsEthnic Minority Female Ministerial Appointees% Ethnic Minority Female Ministerial AppointeesCabinet Office 80 1 1.3 36 3 8.3 116 4 3.4 80 1 1.3 36 3 8.3 116 4 3.4Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 103 6 5.8 91 6 6.6 194 12 6.2 103 6 5.8 91 6 6.6 194 12 6.2Department for Constitutional Affairs 1202 51 4.2 720 36 5.0 1922 87 4.5 1209 51 4.2 720 36 5.0 1929 87 4.5Department for Culture, Media and Sport 334 24 7.2 168 22 13.1 502 46 9.2 466 25 5.4 226 24 10.6 692 49 7.1Department for Education and Skills 218 10 4.6 194 15 7.7 412 25 6.1 218 10 4.6 194 15 7.7 412 25 6.1Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 499 8 1.6 171 8 4.7 670 16 2.4 523 8 1.5 177 8 4.5 700 16 2.3Department for International Development 16 1 6.3 6 0 0.0 22 1 4.5 16 1 6.3 6 0 0.0 22 1 4.5Department for Transport 53 12 22.6 20 3 15.0 73 15 20.5 161 12 7.5 72 3 4.2 233 15 6.4Department for Work and Pensions 1197 17 1.4 975 58 5.9 2172 75 3.5 1204 17 1.4 980 58 5.9 2184 75 3.4Department of Health 2566 0 0.0 1967 0 0.0 4533 0 0.0 2626 234 8.9 1993 231 11.6 4619 465 10.1Department of Trade and Industry 1848 124 6.7 969 67 6.9 2817 191 6.8 2031 124 6.1 1008 67 6.6 3039 191 6.3Export Credits Guarantee Department 7 1 14.3 1 0 0.0 8 1 12.5 7 1 14.3 1 0 0.0 8 1 12.5Food Standards Agency 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 57 3 5.3 33 2 6.1 90 5 5.6Foreign and Commonwealth Office 38 3 7.9 14 0 0.0 52 3 5.8 72 3 4.2 29 0 0.0 101 3 3.0HM Treasury 18 2 11.1 10 2 20.0 28 4 14.3 28 2 7.1 11 2 18.2 39 4 10.3Home Office 1380 63 4.6 1069 21 2.0 2449 84 3.4 1389 108 7.8 1071 146 13.6 2460 254 10.3Inland Revenue 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 8 0 0.0 2 1 50.0 10 1 10.0Ministry of Defence 280 2 0.7 76 0 0.0 356 2 0.6 317 3 0.9 80 0 0.0 397 3 0.8Northern Ireland Court Service 15 0 0.0 6 0 0.0 21 0 0.0 58 0 0.0 33 0 0.0 91 0 0.0Northern Ireland Office 79 1 1.3 55 1 1.8 134 2 1.5 79 1 1.3 55 1 1.8 134 2 1.5Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 373 24 6.4 173 18 10.4 546 42 7.7 1475 24 1.6 475 18 3.8 1950 42 2.2Office of Water Services 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 93 9 9.7 55 3 5.5 148 12 8.1Royal Mint 7 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 10 0 0.0 7 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 10 0 0.0TOTALS 10313 350 3.4 6724 260 3.9 17037 610 3.6 12227 643 5.3 7351 624 8.5 19578 1267 6.5Total Ministerial AppointmentsTotal Ethnic Minority Ministerial Appointments% Ethnic Minority Ministerial AppointeesTotal Male AppointmentsEthnic Minority Male Appointees% Ethnic Minority Male AppointeesTotal Female AppointmentsEthnic Minority Female Appointees% Ethnic Minority Female AppointeesTotal AppointmentsTotal Ethnic Minority Appointments% Ethnic Minority Appointeesxx


Table 5: <strong>Public</strong> appointments held by people with adisability as at March 31st <strong>2004</strong>DepartmentTotal Male Ministerial AppointmentsDisabled Male Ministerial Appointees% Disabled Male Ministerial AppointeesTotal Female Ministerial AppointmentsDisabled Female Ministerial Appointees% Disabled Female Ministerial AppointeesCabinet Office 80 1 1.3 36 0 0.0 116 1 0.9 80 1 1.3 36 0 0.0 116 1 0.9Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 103 3 2.9 91 1 1.1 194 4 2.1 103 3 2.9 91 1 1.1 194 4 2.1Department for Constitutional Affairs 1202 9 0.7 720 19 2.6 1922 28 1.5 1209 9 0.7 720 19 2.6 1929 28 1.5Department for Culture, Media and Sport 334 10 3.0 168 5 3.0 502 15 3.0 466 11 2.4 226 5 2.2 692 16 2.3Department for Education and Skills 218 6 2.8 194 5 2.6 412 11 2.7 218 6 2.8 194 5 2.6 412 11 2.7Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 499 4 0.8 171 0 0.0 670 4 0.6 523 5 1.0 177 0 0.0 700 5 0.7Department for International Development 16 1 6.3 6 0 0.0 22 1 4.5 16 1 6.3 6 0 0.0 22 1 4.5Department for Transport 53 17 32.1 20 15 75.0 73 32 43.8 161 17 10.6 72 15 20.8 233 32 13.7Department for Work and Pensions 1197 117 9.8 975 143 14.7 2172 260 12.0 1204 117 9.7 980 143 14.6 2184 260 11.9Department of Health 2566 0 0.0 1967 0 0.0 4533 0 0.0 2626 95 3.6 1993 89 4.5 4619 184 4.0Department of Trade and Industry 1848 108 5.8 969 57 5.9 2817 165 5.9 2031 108 5.3 1008 57 5.7 3039 165 5.4Export Credits Guarantee Department 7 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 8 0 0.0 7 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 8 0 0.0Food Standards Agency 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 57 2 3.5 33 0 0.0 90 2 2.2Foreign and Commonwealth Office 38 0 0.0 14 0 0.0 52 0 0.0 72 0 0.0 29 0 0.0 101 0 0.0HM Treasury 18 0 0.0 10 0 0.0 28 0 0.0 28 0 0.0 11 0 0.0 39 0 0.0Home Office 1380 16 1.2 1069 4 0.4 2449 20 0.8 1389 30 2.2 1071 8 0.7 2460 38 1.5Inland Revenue 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 8 0 0.0 2 0 0.0 10 0 0.0Ministry of Defence 280 28 10.0 76 8 10.5 356 36 10.1 317 28 8.8 80 8 10.0 397 36 9.1Northern Ireland Court Service 15 1 6.7 6 0 0.0 21 1 4.8 58 1 1.7 33 0 0.0 91 1 1.1Northern Ireland Office 79 2 2.5 55 1 1.8 134 3 2.2 79 2 2.5 55 1 1.8 134 3 2.2Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 373 8 2.1 173 4 2.3 546 12 2.2 1475 8 0.5 475 4 0.8 1950 12 0.6Office of Water Services 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 93 8 8.6 55 4 7.3 148 12 8.1Royal Mint 7 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 10 0 0.0 7 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 10 0 0.0TOTALS 10313 331 3.2 6724 262 3.9 17037 593 3.5 12227 452 3.7 7351 359 4.9 19578 811 4.1Total Ministerial AppointmentsTotal Disabled Ministerial Appointments% Disabled Ministerial AppointeesTotal Male AppointmentsDisabled Male Appointees% Disabled Male AppointeesTotal Female AppointmentsDisabled Female Appointees% Disabled Female AppointeesTotal AppointmentsTotal Disabled Appointments% Disabled Appointeesxxii


Table 6: <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>' Expenditure for 2002-2003Department<strong>Gov</strong>ernmentFundingAll <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>Total GrossExpenditureExpenditurebyDepartmentonSponsorship<strong>Gov</strong>ernmentFundingExecutive NDPBs onlyTotal GrossExpenditureExpenditurebyDepartmentonSponsorshipCabinet Office 0 0 1,827,828 0 0 0Chancellor of the Duchy ofLancasterDepartment forConstitutional AffairsDepartment for Culture,Media and SportDepartment for Educationand SkillsDepartment forEnvironment, Food & RuralAffairsDepartment forInternational Development0 0 33,058 0 0 081,668,622 82,228,236 1,513,237 81,668,622 82,228,236 03,345,806,329 7,185,235,956 2,647,432 985,173,329 2,381,141,456 2,034,27014,070,613,015 14,412,924,851 2,168,357 14,064,669,015 14,407,724,851 2,057,357591,589,931 1,442,083,395 15,561,071 505,753,931 1,221,499,573 13,426,35613,500,000 13,500,000 1,000 13,500,000 13,500,000 0Department for Transport 2,278,959,228 2,490,959,228 1,310,999 2,278,959,228 2,324,859,228 928,221Department for Work andPensions351,103,000 558,278,944 67,099,698 351,103,000 558,278,944 821,858Department of Health 85,034,972,600 93,149,580,191 11,792,065 256,056,000 445,649,580 10,741,880Department of Trade andIndustryExport Credits GuaranteeDepartment3,428,443,000 15,689,723,368 6,685,654 3,397,471,000 4,165,474,268 4,786,6000 0 0 0 0 0Food Standards Agency 0 0 316,000 0 0 0Foreign and CommonwealthOffice359,927,199 680,634,380 493,971 158,927,199 464,334,380 404,095HM Treasury 1,331,392 1,323,946 0 0 0 0Home Office 1,117,301,000 1,146,663,839 200,640,926 1,117,301,000 1,146,663,839 143,765,680Inland Revenue 0 0 8,157 0 0 0Ministry of Defence 13,420,000 18,655,000 0 13,420,000 18,655,000 0Northern Ireland CourtService0 0 1,496 0 0 0Northern Ireland Office 33,558,134 35,811,361 502,875 32,813,071 34,718,892 147,000Office of the Deputy PrimeMinister2,014,341,000 2,212,369,000 1,549,161 2,014,341,000 2,212,369,000 970,240Office of Water Services 2,336,614 2,336,614 434,320 2,336,614 2,336,614 434,320Royal Mint 0 0 5,000 0 0 0TOTAL 112,738,871,064 139,122,308,309 314,592,305 25,273,493,009 29,479,433,861 180,517,877xxiv

Key to Database Fields<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong><strong>Public</strong> Body Contact Record<strong>Public</strong> Body ClassificationMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>See the <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> pages.Multiple Tribunal NDPBs (e.g. Employment Tribunals) and NHS <strong>Bodies</strong> (e.g. NHS Trusts)are each treated as a single 'system' with several 'branches' and count as '1' in thestatistical tables. In these cases, the number of 'branches' is included in the 'notes' sectionfor the body.<strong>Public</strong> Body ReturnChair (or equivalent title)Chair's RemunerationChief Executive (or equivalenttitle)Chief Executive'sRemunerationShows the name of the Chair as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>. In the case of a multiple body andmultiple Chairs, MULTIPLE will appear.Remuneration figures are rounded to the nearest pound and do not include normalexpenses, such as travel and subsistence. The figure represents an annual payment,unless otherwise stated as being per day or per meeting. An entry of zero may mean thatthe post is unpaid, or that the post holder does not claim the remuneration (aside fromnormal expenses) to which he or she is entitled.Shows the name of the Chief Executive as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>. In the case of a multiplebody with multiple Chief Executives, MULTIPLE will appear.Not shown if the Chief Executive is a civil servant. Chief Executive remuneration totalscomprise the basic salary plus:• geographical allowances such as London Weighting;• performance related bonuses;• any employer's contributions paid in respect of the Chief Executive under thepension scheme;• the estimated monetary value of any other benefits receivable by the ChiefExecutive otherwise than in cash; and• any agreed sum on taking up appointment.Otherwise, as for 'Chair's Remuneration' (above)Staff employed<strong>Public</strong> meetings<strong>Public</strong> minutesName of OmbudsmanAnnual ReportLast ReviewAudit arrangementsShows the full-time equivalent number of employees (rounded to the nearest wholenumber) as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>. This figure does not include staff of the parent departmentproviding a secretariat for the body (likely to be the case for most Advisory NDPBs), butdoes include civil servants temporarily seconded into the body itself, and paid for from thebody's funds.This does not necessarily relate specifically to public access to the body's board meetings.Whether minutes or summary reports of board meetings and other meetings are madepublicly available'PCA' is the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (the ParliamentaryOmbudsman). Advisory and Tribunal NDPBs do not usually fall within an Ombudsman'sjurisdiction.Shows the year of the body's latest published Annual Report. For smaller bodies, theAnnual Report may be included as part of a Departmental Annual Report.Shows the year in which the body was last reviewed.Shows the audit arrangements for Executive NDPBs, Nationalised Industries and <strong>Public</strong>Corporations only. NAO is the National Audit Office. Under an agreement between theComptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and Her Majesty's Treasury, the NAO is either theauditor of, or has inspection rights to, all Executive NDPBs. The C&AG (Northern Ireland)operates under similar agreements in respect of Executive NDPBs sponsored by theNorthern Ireland Executive.Appointments and Remuneration:OCPA Regulated or Monitored Appointments to public bodies (excluding Tribunal and Independent Monitoring BoardNDPBs) which are made by Ministers (including the Prime Minister, and the Crown on theadvice of Ministers) are normally regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for <strong>Public</strong>Appointments. For bodies which fall outside the Commissioner's remit, but wheredepartments have chosen to apply the OCPA Code to their appointments process as anindication of best practice, the process can be monitored by OCPA.xxv

AppointmentsShows details as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>. Post holders who do not claim the remuneration(aside from normal expenses) to which they are entitled are shown as not paid.M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officioTask Forces etc. (includes Task Forces, Ad-hoc Advisory Groups andReviews)Date reported / due to report Shows the month and year when the group issued its final report or is due to issue its finalreport (if known). Not all groups will produce a final report, but will provide advice on anongoing basis.Appointments summary'Wider public servants' includes staff of local authorities, the emergency services andarmed forces, and NHS staff.xxvi

<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong> (as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>)CABINET OFFICEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Kirkland House, 22 Whitehall, SW1A 2WHEnquiries : Mike LewisTelephone : 020 7276 6223 GTN : 276 6223 Fax : 020 7276 6246E-mail : mike.lewis@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cabinet-office.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :1M/0F All Appointments1M/3F Ministerial Appointments,1M/3F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADVERTISING (ACA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7276 2704 Fax Number : 020 7276 2720Email Address : atula.gor@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :67 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QSTo provide independent validation that government advertising is conducted in an effective, transparent andefficient manner.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Dick EmeryRemuneration : 0Secretary : Ms Atula GorRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 4000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio1

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsADVISORY COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS (ACOBA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7276 2610 Fax Number : 020 7276 2607EmailAddress :tony.nichols@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Cabinet Office, Room 3.4, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQTo consider applications under the business appointments rules from senior Crown servants. To makerecommendations to the Prime Minister (or other Ministers as appropriate). To provide advice, under publishedguidelines, to former Ministers on the acceptance of appointments or employment outside <strong>Gov</strong>ernment afterleaving office.<strong>Gov</strong>ernment review in hand.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>The Rt Hon The Lord Mayhew ofChair :Twysden QC DLOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :NoNoExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Remuneration : 0<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoExp By Dept £ 61000Secretary :Mr Tony NicholsRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed:0Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : <strong>Gov</strong>ernment review in hand.ADVISORY PANEL ON CROWN COPYRIGHT * (APCC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7276 5216 Fax Number : 020 7276 5207EmailAddress :advisory.panel@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hmso.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/apccAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :HMSO, 1.35 Admiralty Arch, The Mall, London, SW1A 2WHTo advise Ministers on how to encourage and create opportunities in the information industry for greater reuse of<strong>Gov</strong>ernment information; To advise the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office about changes andopportunities in the information industry, so that the licensing of Crown copyright information is aligned withcurrent and emerging developments; To advise on the impact of the complaints procedures under the InformationFair Trader Scheme.Established April 2003 * From June <strong>2004</strong> renamed "The Advisory Panel on <strong>Public</strong> Sector Information".NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Richard SusskindChair :OBERemuneration : 3000 per annumSecretary :Mr Thomas PapworthRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :NoYesYesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 63000Total Gross Expenditure£2

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 17M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Established April 2003.BETTER REGULATION TASK FORCE (BRTF)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7276 2141 Fax Number : 020 7276 2042Email Address : taskforce@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.brtf.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Cabinet Office, 5th Floor, 22 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2WHTerms ofReference :Notes :To advise government on action to ensure that regulation and its enforcement accord with the five Principlesof Good RegulationNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David ArculusRemuneration : 0Secretary : Miss Sara MasonRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 517000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CIVIL SERVICE APPEAL BOARD (CSAB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7276 3832 Fax Number : 020 7276 3836EmailAddress :keith.wright@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.civilserviceappealboard.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :7 St James Square, London, SW1Y 4JHTo consider appeals from civil servants against: refusal to allow participation in political activities; forfeiture ofsuperannuation; dismissal and compulsory early retirement; and non-payment or the amount of compensationpaid on dismissal on inefficiency grounds.Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio3

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr John DaviesRemuneration : 330 per daySecretary : Mr Keith WrightRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 393377Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 13M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Members are paid a preparation fee (0.5 day's fee for each full day a member is in attendance at a hearing).COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE (CSPL)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7276 2595 Fax Number : 020 7276 2585EmailAddress :standards.evidence@gtnet.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.public-standards.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQTo examine current concerns about standards of conduct of all holders of public office, including arrangementsrelating to financial and commercial activities, and make recommendations as to any changes in presentarrangements which might be required to ensure the highest standards of propriety in public life.The Committee holds public hearings when taking evidence for its reports. Sir Alistair Graham was appointed asthe new Chair on 26 April <strong>2004</strong>.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir Nigel Wicks GCB CVOChair :CBE*Remuneration : 380 per daySecretary :Mr Robert BehrensRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 638451Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/5F P, 1M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:* Sir Alistair Graham was appointed Chair on 26 April <strong>2004</strong>. The Committee holds public hearings when taking evidencefor its reports.4

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsHONOURS SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (HSC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7276 2770 Fax Number : 020 7276 2766EmailAddress :gay.catto@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cabinet-office.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/ceremonialAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Ceremonial Secretariat, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQTo scrutinise recommendations for honours for political services to ensure recipients are fit and proper persons toreceive such honours and to report to the Prime Minister on whether they are satisfied that political donationshave played no part in other recommendations for high level honours.The HSC is a committee of Privy Counsellors.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>The Rt Hon Lord Thomson ofChair :Monifieth KTRemuneration : 0Secretary :Mrs Gay CattoRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :NoNoNoExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:No review planned at present. Minimal expenditure on sponsorship not separately identified, but subsumed withinoverall running costs of Cabinet Office's Ceremonial Secretariat.HOUSE OF LORDS APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION (HOLAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7276 2005 Fax Number : 020 7276 2109Email Address : lordsappointments@gtnet.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lordsappointments.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQTerms ofReference :Notes :To make recommendations on the appointment of non-party-political peers and to vet for suitability allrecommendations for peerages.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Lord Stevenson of CoddenhamChair :CBERemuneration : 5000Secretary :Mr Jim BarronRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 120000Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio5

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SECURITY COMMISSIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7276 5642 Fax Number : 020 7276 5651Email Address:steve.reinstadtler@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3rd Floor, 2 Little Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DHTo investigate and report on the circumstances in which a breach of security has occurred in the public serviceand to advise whether any change in security arrangements is necessary or desirable.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dame Elizabeth Butler-SlossRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Steve ReinstadtlerRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 7000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SECURITY VETTING APPEALS PANEL (SVAP)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7276 5645 Fax Number : 020 7276 5651Email Address : martin.sterling@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :3rd Floor, 2 Little Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DHTo hear appeals against the withdrawal or refusal of security clearance and to make recommendations to theappropriate head of department.Notes :6

Cabinet Office Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dame Janet SmithRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Martin SterlingRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 24000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 4M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SENIOR SALARIES REVIEW BODY (SSRB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7467 7244 Fax Number : 020 7467 7248Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1N 9FDTo advise on the remuneration of holders of judicial office, senior civil servants, senior officers of the armedforces, and of certain other public appointments, in accordance with their terms of reference.Secretariat provided by the Office of Manpower Economics (OME), part of the Department for Trade andIndustry (DTI). The costs of the OME are borne by the DTI.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Director : Mr John BakerRemuneration : 350 per daySecretary : Mr Nigel PearceRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002/2003Audit Arrangements : DTI Internal Audit<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31.03.04OCPA Regulated :RegulatedDirector Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Secretariat provided by the Office of Manpower Economics (OME), part of the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI).The costs of the OME are borne by the DTI, and costs of SSRB are not separately identifiable.Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio7

Cabinet Office Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>CABINET OFFICEAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPPRIME MINISTER'S DELIVERY UNIT ASSOCIATESDate Established : February 2002Date Reported /-Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up : -Notes :The Associates are a group of people working with the PrimeMinister's Delivery Unit and Stakeholder Departments on a range of'delivery' issues.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of CivilServants :1Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :4Number of Voluntary/ Charity Sector :2Number of PrivateSector :16Chair :- (seenotes)SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE (SAPER)Date Established:March 2003Date Reported /Due to Report : -Report Details :Date Wound Up:-Notes :The group will provide interim reports and advice on subjects asnecessary. The work of the group, including reports and advice,will be classified and not made public except in exceptionalcircumstances.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :20Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :0Number ofPrivate Sector :71Chair :Professor Sir DavidKing (ChiefScientific Adviser)TASK FORCECHINA TASKFORCEDateEstablished :September 2003Date Reported/ Due toReport :May <strong>2004</strong>Report Details:"Taskforce Report" issued May <strong>2004</strong>.Date WoundUp :<strong>2004</strong>Notes :The Taskforce reported before the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inMay. The Taskforce was set up to develop proposals for how the UK canincrease its engagement with China in the areas of Trade and Investment,Science and Technology, Education, and the Environment. After a postvisit'wash-up' meeting, the Taskforce will be wound up.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :4305Rt Hon JohnPrescott MP,Deputy PrimeMinister8

CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTERDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 1 Lancaster Place, Strand, London, WC2E 7EDEnquiries : Mr P R Clarke, Chief Executive & Clerk of the CouncilTelephone : 020 7269 1700 GTN : Fax : 020 7269 1711E-mail :info@duchyoflancaster.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.duchyoflancaster.co.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY3M/1F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :3M/1F All Appointments6M/6F Ministerial Appointments,6M/6F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN LANCASHIRE, GREATER MANCHESTER AND MERSEYSIDEMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (17)Telephone : 020 7269 1700FaxNumber :020 7269 1711EmailAddress :info@duchyoflancaster.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.duchyoflancaster.co.<strong>uk</strong>/output/page43.aspAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Duchy of Lancaster Office, 1 Lancaster Place, Strand, London, WC2E 7EDTo advise the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on the appointment of Justices of the Peace in Lancashire,Greater Manchester and MerseysideAdvisory Committee for Lancashire consists of 5 sub-committees. Responsibility for the appointment of magistratesin Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside will transfer to the Department for Constitutional Affairs from 1April 2005.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration : 0Mr P R Clarke (and see 'notes'Secretary :below)Remuneration : Duchy employeeStaff Employed:2OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :NoNoNoLast Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 33058Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 14M/7F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 89M/84F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : For secretaries of the individual advisory committees, see http://www.duchyoflancaster.co.<strong>uk</strong>/output/page43.aspAppointments and Remuneration Key: 9M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

DEPARTMENT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRSDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Senior Staffing and Management Team, HR Directorate, Clive House, 70 Petty France, SW1H 9HDEnquiries : Mrs Rachel ThompsonTelephone : 020 7189 2592 GTN : Fax : 020 7189 2688E-mail : rachel.thompson@dca.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dca.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes : Formerly Lord Chancellor's Department. LCD became the DCA on 12 June 2003DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARYDisabled:9M/19F Ministerial Appointments, 9M/19F AllAppointmentsEthnicMinority :51M/36F Ministerial Appointments, 51M/36F AllAppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEES ON GENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAXMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : Yes (75)Telephone : 020 7210 8990 Fax Number : 020 7210 0660Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Selborne House, 54-60 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QWTo select for the Lord Chancellor's consideration candidates with the qualities necessary for appointment asa General Commissioner of Income Tax covering England and Wales.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration : 0Secretary : -Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 42M/12F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 226M/102F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:ACs on GCITs are effectively dormant since a moratorium was imposed on appointments of new GCITs in June 2001.**Not all ACs submitted an Annual Report as some had done no work and not met. There are 75 ACs on GCITs.ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN ENGLAND AND WALESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : Yes (86)Telephone : 020 7210 8990 Fax Number : 020 7210 0660Email Address : Website :Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :Selborne House, 54-60 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QWTo advise the Lord Chancellor on the appointment of Justices of the Peace in England and Wales. There are86 Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace in England and Wales.10

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Secretary : -Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 56M/23F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 480M/420F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DCA on sponsorship not separately identifiable in DCA Accounts.ADVISORY COUNCIL ON NATIONAL RECORDS AND ARCHIVESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8392 5381FaxNumber :020 8392 5286EmailAddress :tim.padfield@nationalarchives.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nationalarchives.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/advisorycouncilAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DUTo advise the Lord Chancellor on matters relating to records and archives in the UK and in particular in Englandand Wales especially access to historical records and the preservation of records and manuscripts.Previously known as Advisory Council on <strong>Public</strong> Records.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>The Rt Hon Lord Philllips of WorthChair :MatraversRemuneration : 0Secretary :Mr Tim PadfieldRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 13000Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The Advisory Council on National Records and Archives has no separate accounts, merely a budget from TNA's vote.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 11M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsBOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR SCOTLANDMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0131 244 9008 Fax Number : 0131 244 9021EmailAddress :ewan.maclean@scotland.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.scottishsecretary.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7HWTo keep under review the Boundaries of Parliamentary Constituencies in Scotland. To conduct a periodical generalreview established under the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986 as amended to review the regional boundariesfor the election to the Scottish Parliament of additional members as required by the Scotland Act 1998.The Commission had a Subject of Efficiency Unit Review in 1996. The Deputy Chair is a judge of the court ofsession, appointed by the Lord President of the Court of Session. Departmental expenditure on sponsorship notseparately identifiable in DCA accounts.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rt Hon Michael Martin MPRemuneration :Secretary : Mr Bob SmithRemuneration :Staff Employed : 3.8OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCA GBAnnual Report : 1999Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Commissioners MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CIVIL JUSTICE COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7947 6670 Fax Number : 020 7947 7475Email Address : cjc@courtservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.civiljusticecouncil.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room E214, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LLTo keep the Civil Justice System under review; to consider how to make the system more accessible, fair andefficient and to make recommendations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord PhillipsRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Robert MusgroveRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 205000Total Gross Expenditure £12

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/7F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CIVIL PROCEDURE RULE COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7210 0759 Fax Number : 020 7210 1988Email Address : Website :Address :Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QTTerms of Reference : To make rules of procedure for the civil division of the Court of appeal, the High Court and County Courts.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration :Secretary : Mr Declan HickeyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1098Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COUNCIL ON TRIBUNALSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7855 5200 Fax Number : 020 7855 5201Email Address:enquiries@cot.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.council-on-tribunals.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :81 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1BQTo advise on and keep under review the constitution and working of administrative tribunals, as well as toconsider and report on administrative procedures involving statutory inquiries.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 13M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 49069The Rt Hon Lord Newton ofBraintree OBEActing Secretary:Mr Ray BurninghamRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1056411Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Includes Scottish Committee of Council. *One is Chair of Scottish Committee.CROWN COURT RULE COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7210 8536 Fax Number :Email Address : Website : www.courtservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Selborne House, 54-60 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QWTerms of Reference : To make rule of court in relation to the Crown Court and the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration :Secretaries :Remuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0Mr Michael Logan/Ms AmandaKemptonOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 520Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Committee does not hold a budget. Appointments to it do not attract remuneration and are undertaken on avoluntary basis. The Committee does not meet in person and is consulted by post. Administrative overheads aretherefore limited to routine mail and telephone charges which are absorbed into departmental running costs.14

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsFAMILY PROCEEDINGS RULE COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7210 8651 Fax Number : 020 7210 8681Email Address : Website :Address :Selborne House, 54-60 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QWTerms of Reference : To make rules of court for the purpose of family proceedings, in the High Court or county courts.Notes :No accounts prepared for this Committee as Rules are considered and approved by correspondence.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -Secretary : Mr Philip DearRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 5M/3F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:No accounts are prepared for the Family Proceedings Rules Committee. It has no staff and no independent budget anddoes not conduct any meetings. Rules are considered and approved exclusively by correspondence.INSOLVENCY RULES COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7291 6747 Fax Number : 020 7291 6746Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 203, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3QWSection 413 of the Insolvency Act requires the Lord Chancellor to consult the Committee before making anyrules under Section 411 (Company insolvency rules) or section 412 (Individual insolvency rules).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Justice Evans-LombeRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Steve QuickRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8683Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VAppointments and Remuneration Key: 15M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsLAND REGISTRATION RULE COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7917 8888 x 4421 Fax Number : 020 7955 0110Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :HM Land Registry, Lincoln Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PHTo give advice and assistance to the Lord Chancellor on the making of new or revised rules for the variouspurposes referred to in sections 102 and 127 of the Land Registration Act 2002.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir William BlackburneRemuneration : 0Secretary : Christine AdamRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -*Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 19000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:*The Committee was reconstituted in 2002 under the Land Registration Act 2002. Although the Committee does notpublish an annual report, it is mentioned in the Land Registry annual report. There is no audited financial information forthe committee.LAW COMMISSIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7453 1220 Fax Number : 020 7453 1297Email Address : chief.executive@law commission.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lawcom.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Conquest House, 37-38 John Street, Theobalds Road, London, WC1N 2BQTerms of Reference : To keep the law under review and to make recommendations for reform (Law Commissions Act 1965).Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Roger ToulsonRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Steve HumphreysRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 64OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 2002/03Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 5119Total Gross Expenditure £16

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Commissioners MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair draws his judicial salary but receives no additional remuneration for his role chairing this Commission. Chair is aHigh court Judge; one Commissioner is a Circuit JudgeLEGAL SERVICES CONSULTATIVE PANELMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7210 8816/8677 Fax Number : 020 7210 0613Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Selborne House, 54 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QWThe panel assists in the maintenance and development of standards in the education, training and conduct ofpersons offering legal services and advises the Secretary of State on the provision of legal services.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :The Rt Hon Lord Justice PotterRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Mark CooperRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8250Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : *Chair is a Court of Appeal JudgeSTRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7947 7873 Fax Number : 020 7947 7497EmailAddress :alan.palmer@courtservice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :22 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6LEAdvises on the appointment of external managers to invest the client monies under the care of the <strong>Public</strong>Guardianship Office, the Official Solicitor and <strong>Public</strong> Trustee Office and the Court Service. Monitors performanceagainst established industry benchmarks.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 17M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Colin PriceRemuneration : 15000Secretary : Mr Alan PalmerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 94490Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : SIB's expenses were covered by the PGO Budget and not separately audited.EXECUTIVE NDPBAUTHORISED CONVEYANCING PRACTITIONERS BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0 Fax Number :Email Address : Website :Address :Terms of Reference :Notes :None,The Board was established by the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 to operate the 'authorisedpractitioner' scheme.The Lord Chancellor is awaiting the outcome of the independent review of legal services (headed bySir David Clements). The board is effectively moribund.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -Chief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Lord Chancellor is awaiting the outcome of the independent review of legal services (headed by Sir DavidClements). The board is effectively moribund.18

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Executive NDPBsLEGAL SERVICES COMMISSIONMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7759 0000 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website : www.legalservices.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :85 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8TXTo establish, maintain and develop the Community Legal Service (promoting the availability of and access to civillegal and advice services and civil representation) and the Criminal Defence Service (ensuring access to advice,assistance and representation for individuals involved in criminal investigations or proceedings).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Philip ElyRemuneration : 50000Chief Executive : Ms Clare DodgsonRemuneration : 132000Staff Employed : 1663OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 73422000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 74038000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental expenditure on sponsorship is not separately identifiable in DCA accounts.OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONERMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01625 545700 Fax Number : 01625 524 510Email Address : mail@ico.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.informationcommissioner.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AFTerms of Reference : To supervise and enforce the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.Notes :Grant-in-aid is partially offset by income generated through data protection notification fees.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Commissioner : Mr Richard ThomasRemuneration : 89739Chief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 197OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 8246622Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 8190236Appointments and Remuneration Key: 19M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Constitutional Affairs Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherCommissioner Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental expenditure on sponsorship is not identifiable from DCA accounts.TRIBUNAL NDPBGENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAX (GCIT)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7210 0638 Fax Number : 020 7210 0681EmailAddress :tarp.project@dca.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.courtservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/tribunals/gcitAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Contact: John Pearson, 4th Floor Selborne House , 54-60 Victoria Street, London , SW1E 6QWTo determine, postpone or adjourn appeals against tax assessments in relation to a variety of matters includingIncome Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, National Insurance contributions, Stamp Duty Land Tax andStatutory Sick Pay.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -Secretary : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 82600Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 42M/12F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 226M/102F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :INFORMATION TRIBUNALMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7654 3465 Fax Number : 020 7654 3586EmailAddress :anita.izzard-imlah@dca.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4th Floor, MWB Business Exchange, 10 Greycoat Place, London, SW1P 1SBEstablished in 1985 under the Data Protection Act 1984, and renamed by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.To determine appeals against enforcement and information notices issued by the Information Commissioner underthe Data Protection Act 1998, and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (in relation to the <strong>Public</strong>ation SchemeProvisions only).20

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David MarksRemuneration : 502 per daySecretary : Anita Izzard-ImlahRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 19066Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 16M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:6M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Information Tribunal does not currently have a separate budget from its sponsoring policy division, since theSecretariat is currently run from within that division.DEPARTMENT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRSAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPADVISORY GROUP ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTDate Established:January 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :November <strong>2004</strong>Report Details : Minutes available on website www.dca.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/foi/agimpfoia.htmDate Wound Up:Notes :The purpose of the Group is to provide advice to the Lord Chancellor toassist him in preparing his annual report to Parliament on progress withimplementing the FOI Act.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :3Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :71Number ofPrivate Sector :6Joint Chairs :Lord Filkin/MrRichardThomasADVISORY GROUP ON MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIP SUPPORTDate Established : January 2002Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 5Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 8Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 3Number of Private Sector : 4Chair :Mr Richard ThomasAppointments and Remuneration Key: 21M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Constitutional Affairs Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>COURTS AND DIVERSITY ADVISORY GROUPDate Established :Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :July2000Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 12Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :4Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :0Number of Private Sector : 2Chair :Mr Jonathan Spencer, Director-General, Clients andPolicy, DCA.CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT POLICY ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : July 2002Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 9Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 7Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 1Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Paul McGladrigan (DCA)DCA MINISTERIAL/NGO FORUM ON HUMAN RIGHTSDate Established : June 2002Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :March2003Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 4Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :15Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :David Lammy MP, Parliamentary Secretary,DCADOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADVISORY GROUPDate Established :Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :July2002Nofunds.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 28Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :26Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :17Number of Private Sector : 1Chair :Colin Myerscough, DCA, Head of Inquiries & DomesticViolence Division22

Department of Constitutional Affairs’ Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>FAMILY APPEALS REVIEW GROUP (FARG)Date Established : January 1998Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up : June <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 2Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 1Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Lord Justice ThorpeMAGISTRATES' COURTS COMMITTEES GRANT ALLOCATION REVIEW DEVELOPMENT GROUPDate Established : January 2001Date Reported / Due to Report : November 2001Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 4Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 12Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Mr Moses Kavuma DCAUNIFIED COURTS ADMINISTRATION TRANSITIONAL MANAGEMENT GROUPDate Established : March 2003Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 12Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 7Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Mr Jonathan Lane, HMCS.REVIEWMAGISTRATES' COURTS COMMITTEES GRANT ALLOCATION REVIEW PROJECT BOARDDate Established : March 2001Date Reported / Due to Report : November 2001Report Details : -Date Wound Up : May <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 8Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Mr Kevin Sadler, CSHQ, DCA.23

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsDEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DHEnquiries : William McDermottTelephone : 020 7211 6336 GTN : Fax : 020 7211 6227E-mail :enquiries@culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY10M/5F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled :11M/5F All AppointmentsEthnicMinority :24M/22F Ministerial Appointments,25M/24F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE GOVERNMENT ART COLLECTIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7580 9147 Fax Number :EmailAddress :enquiries@culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.gac.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DHTo advise on the purchase and commission of works of art and on matters regarding the stewardship of the<strong>Gov</strong>ernment Art Collection, in order to meet the objectives of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Julia SomervilleRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Malcolm SteerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 10297Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/1F EX,0VNotes:The Advisory Committee meets just 3 times a year - administration costs are minimal. Members are either Ex-officio orunpaid <strong>Public</strong> Appointments. The ex-officio members are the Directors of the National Gallery, Tate Gallery and NationalPortrait Gallery, the DCMS Director of Arts and Culture and the Director of the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Art Collection.24

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORIC WRECK SITES (ACHWS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7973 3257 Fax Number : 020 7973 3208EmailAddress :mary.gandy@english-heritage.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :ACHWS Committee Secretary, c/o Commission Secretariat, English Heritage, 23 Savile Row, London, W1S 2ETTo advise on the suitability of wreck sites to be designated under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 on thegrounds of historical, archaeological, or artistic interest; To advise on the issue of licences under that Act; Toreceive reports about designated wreck sites; To advise on other general underwater archaeology issues affectinghistoric wrecks in UK territorial waters.The ACHWS is a non-statutory advisory body set up to advise <strong>Gov</strong>ernment in accordance with the terms of theProtection of Wrecks Act 1973. It is a Cross-Border <strong>Public</strong> Authority under The Scotland Act 1998. Following theenactment of the National Heritage Act 2002, responsibility for the administration of the Committee wastransferred to English Heritage. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), issued in March 2003 and revised inFebruary <strong>2004</strong>, sets out in more detail the arrangements in relation to underwater archaeology between: EnglishHeritage (EH); DCMS; Scottish Ministers/Historic Scotland (HS); Cadw: Welsh Historic Monuments, as part of theWelsh Assembly; Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland (DOE); the archaeological diving contractor,which until April 2003 was the Archaeological Diving Unit. After April 2003 Wessex Archaeology became the divingcontractor; and ACHWS ACHWS has no designated website. However mention is made on the English Heritage site- www.english-heritage.org.<strong>uk</strong> and the DCMS site - www.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Tom Hassel O.B.ERemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2001/02Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 19023Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/4F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COUNCIL ON LIBRARIESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7211 6287 Fax Number : 020 7211 6130Email Address : enquiries@culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Secretariat, Libraries and Communities Division, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DHTo advise the Secretary of State upon matters connected with the provision or use of library facilities underthe <strong>Public</strong> Libraries and Museums Act 1964.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 25M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :William MacNaughtRemuneration : 0Secretary : Dempster MarplesRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 23398Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CULTURE EAST MIDLANDSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0115 950 2797 Fax Number :EmailAddress :s<strong>uk</strong>hyjohal@culture-em.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :11 East Circus Street, Nottingham, NG1 5AFTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Edward CassidyRemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : S<strong>uk</strong>hy JohalRemuneration : 40000Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/4F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair has a remuneration allowance of £194 per day up to a maximum of £5000 in any twelve month period CultureEast Midlands is in the process of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB (Nov. <strong>2004</strong>)26

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsCULTURE NORTH EAST (NORTH EAST CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0191 202 3917 Fax Number :EmailAddress :www.culturenortheast.org/emailform.htm Website : www.culturenortheast.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o Wellbar House, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4TDTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms. Olivia Grant OBERemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Pauline BeaumontRemuneration : 21986Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 11M/6F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair's remuneration allowance is £194 per day up to a maximum of £5,000 in any 12 month period. ExecutiveDirector's remuneration covers period Nov. 2003 to March <strong>2004</strong>. There was no Executive Director before then. CultureNorth East is in the process of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB. (Nov. <strong>2004</strong>)CULTURE NORTH WEST (NORTH WEST CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0161 817 7421 Fax Number :EmailAddress :libby.raper@nwda.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culturenorthwest.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Giants Basin, Potato Wharf, Castlefield, Manchester, M3 4NDTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration : 0Executive Director : Ms. Libby RaperRemuneration : 54527Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 27M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 8M/5F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Felicity Goodey resigned as Chair in February <strong>2004</strong>. Loyd Grossman OBE succeeded her on 01/06/<strong>2004</strong>. Culture NorthWest is in the process of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB.CULTURE SOUTH WEST (SOUTH WEST REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01392 229 587 Fax Number : 01392 229 395EmailAddress :sue.kay@southwestrda.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culturesouthwest.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Sterling House, Dix's Field, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1QATo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.Also known as South West Regional Cultural Consortium.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Adrian VinkenRemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Sue KayRemuneration : 38718Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 8M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Maximum remuneration that can be received by Chair in any 12 month period is £5,000. Culture South West is in theprocess of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB.ENGLAND MARKETING ADVISORY BOARD (EMAB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8846 9000 Fax Number : 020 8563 0302EmailAddress :Website : www.visitbritain.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :VisitBritain, Thames Tower, Black's Road, London, W6 9ELEMAB is responsible for overseeing the creation, development, promotion and implementation of a MarketingStrategy for England. EMAB's objective is to ensure this strategy engages all England's stakeholders, national andregional, in both private and public sectors, so it can act as a framework for their own strategic marketing planswhere related to the marketing and e-tourism of England. EMAB must furthermore ensure that England'spositioning, priorities and brand values are fully and accurately reflected in VisitBritain's International marketingactivities.When the British Tourist Authority (BTA) merged with the English Tourism Council (ETC) on 1 April 2003, EMABtook over the responsibilities formerly held by the ETC.28

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Hugh TaylorRemuneration : 20750Chief Executive :Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 29344Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :LIVING EAST (EAST OF ENGLAND REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01223 372 610 Fax Number : 01223 372 860EmailAddress :jedwards.go-east@go-regions.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.livingeast.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Eastbrook, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2DFTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr. Graham CreelmanRemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Jane EdwardsRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/6F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Maximum remuneration that can be received by Chair in any 12 month period is £5,000. As at 31/03/04, Jane Edwardsworked for Living East on a freelance, self-employed basis. Since 04/05/04, she has been employed by them formally.Her salary is £35,000. Living East is in the process of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 29M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsREVIEWING COMMITTEE ON THE EXPORT OF WORKS OF ART (RCEWA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7211 6160 Fax Number : 020 7211 6170EmailAddress :rcewa@culture.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Cultural Property Unit, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DH, SW1Y 5DHi) to advise on the principles which should govern the control of the export of works of art and antiques under theImport, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Act 1939; ii) to consider all cases where refusal of an export licencefor a work of art or antique is suggested on grounds of national importance; iii) to advise in cases where a specialExchequer grant is needed towards the purchase of an object that would otherwise be exported; iv) to supervisethe operation of the export control system generally.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord InglewoodRemuneration : 0Secretary : Nicki Fox and Helen LoughlinRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTSStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 135000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Members are not paid. Travel and Subsistence costs are covered for travel to and from the meetings.SOUTH EAST ENGLAND CULTURE CONSORTIUM (SOUTH EAST ENGLAND REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01483 882281 Fax Number :EmailAddress :c.freeman@culturesoutheast.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.culturesoutheast.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree House, Guildford, GU1 4GATo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Kalwant AjimalRemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Mr Charles FreemanRemuneration : 42000Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £30

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 8M/7F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:This RCC is in the process of transforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB. Now known as CultureSouth East.SPOLIATION ADVISORY PANELMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone :020 7211 6157Email spoliationadvisorypanel@culture.gsi.gov.Address : <strong>uk</strong>FaxNumber :Website :020 7211 6170http://www.culture.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/cultural_property/spoliation_ad_panel.htmAddress : c/o The Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DHTerms ofReference :Notes :The Spoliation Advisory Panel was set up in April 2000 to help resolve claims from people-or their heirs- who lostcultural property during the Nazi era which is now held by UK national collections. The Panel considers unresolvedclaims and advises claimants and the institution in possession of the object on what action might be taken. It alsogives advice to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir David HirstRemuneration : 318 per daySecretary : Ms Hillary BauerRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 26711Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is paid per 8 hour day.THE THEATRES TRUST (TT)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7836 8591 Fax Number : 020 7836 3302EmailAddress :info@theatrestrust.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.theatrestrust.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Doric House, 22 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0QLThe Trust was set up as a statutory consultee on planning applications that affect land on which there is a theatreand to promote the protection of theatres for the benefit of the nation. Its remit covers the whole of the UnitedKingdom.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 31M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 0Staff Employed:5Mr Rupert RhymesOBEMr Peter LongmanOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003/4Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 55000Exp By Dept £ 7477Total Gross Expenditure£Nyman LibsonPaulAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/5F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : <strong>Gov</strong>t. funding is via English Heritage.TREASURE VALUATION COMMITTEE (TVC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : None Fax Number : NoneEmail Address : None Website : NoneAddress :Cultural Property, DCMS, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DHTerms of Reference : The Treasure Act 1996, Codes of PracticeNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Sir Norman PalmerRemuneration : 0Secretary : Caity MarshRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 46304Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :32

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsWEST MIDLANDS LIFE (WEST MIDLANDS REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0121 245 0150 Fax Number :EmailAddress :s.trow@westmidlandslife.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.westmidlandslife.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o 77 Paradise Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, B1 2DTTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Brian Woods-ScawanRemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Steve TrowRemuneration : 37655Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair's maximum remuneration in any 12 month period is £5,000 West Midlands Life is in the process of transformingfrom an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB.YORKSHIRE CULTURE (YORKSHIRE AND HUMBER REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0870 420 2484 Fax Number : 0870 420 2485EmailAddress :gtopp@yorkshire-culture.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.yorkshire-culture.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Yorkshire Culture, The Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds, Yorkshire, LS11 5QPTo champion the whole spectrum of cultural and creative interests in the region, including tourism and sport. Theconsortium has responsibility for implementing their regional cultural strategy and has a role in central policymaking, regional data collection and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Clive Leach CBERemuneration : 194 per dayExecutive Director : Gary ToppRemuneration : 54000Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 18000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 33M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 9M/4F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Maximum remuneration allowance for Chair is £5,000 in any 12 month period. Yorkshire Culture is in the process oftransforming from an Advisory NDPB into an Executive NDPB.EXECUTIVE NDPBALCOHOL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH COUNCIL (AERC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7217 8028 Fax Number : 020 7217 8847EmailAddress :andrea.tilouche@aerc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.aerc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 408, Horseferry House, Dean Ryle Street, London, SW1P 2AWTo increase awareness of alcohol issues, to facilitate a reduction in alcohol-related harm in society and toencourage best practice. The Council's aim is to make a positive difference to the ways in which societyunderstands and uses alcohol.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr NoelChair :OlsenRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Remuneration : 0Staff Employed:1OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 4573Total Gross Expenditure£422916Safferey Champness &CoAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ARTS COUNCIL ENGLANDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0845 300 6200 Fax Number : 020 7973 6590EmailAddress :enquiries@artscouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.artscouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :14 Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 3NQThe national funding body for the arts in England. It is responsible for developing and improving the knowledge,understanding and practice of the arts and to increase the accessibility of the arts to the public through thedistribution of exchequer money from central government and revenue from the National Lottery.34

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Christopher FraylingRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Peter HewittRemuneration : 151958Staff Employed : 697OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 295405000Exp By Dept £ 213586Total Gross Expenditure £ 431628000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 2M/2F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:"<strong>Gov</strong>ernment Funding" figure above excludes £178,331,000 of Lottery funding. "Total Gross Expenditure" includes£142,223,000 expenditure of Lottery funds.BRITISH LIBRARYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0870 4441500 Fax Number : 020 7412 7168Email Address:press-and-pr@bl.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.bl.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DBThe national library of the United Kingdom. The British Library Board is responsible for managing the library as anational centre for reference, study, bibliographical and information services, in relation both to scientific andtechnological matters and the humanities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord EatwellRemuneration : 33550Chief Executive : Ms Lynne BrindleyRemuneration : 142513Staff Employed : 2246OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/4Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 85187000Exp By Dept £ 137223Total Gross Expenditure £ 110140000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 3VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 35M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsBRITISH MUSEUMMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7323 8000 Fax Number :EmailAddress :information@thebritishmuseum.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.thebritishmuseum.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DGThe British Museum holds in trust for the nation, and in perpetuity, those parts of the national collections in itscare, to ensure their accessibility, and to promote knowledge of, and enjoyment in, the subject areas covered bytheir collections.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir John Boyd KCMGRemuneration : 0Director : Mr Neil MacGregorRemuneration : 94800Staff Employed : 1142OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 36469000Exp By Dept £ 46600Total Gross Expenditure £ 62057000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,2VNotes :COMMISSION FOR ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (CABE)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7960 2400 Fax Number : 020 7960 2444EmailAddress :enquiries@cabe.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cabe.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London, SE1 7NXTo advise public bodies on questions of architectural design for projects of national importance, and to promotehigh architectural quality in new government buildings. To increase public understanding of contemporaryarchitecture by education at all levels.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Stuart LiptonRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Jon RouseRemuneration : 100989Staff Employed : 65OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : PKF<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3160499Exp By Dept £ 55100Total Gross Expenditure £ 444355436

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMMUNITY FUND (CF)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone:020 7211 1800 Fax Number : 020 7211 1750EmailAddress :general.enquiries@biglotteryfund.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.community-fund.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DEThe Community Fund - the operating name of the National Lottery Charities Board was created by the NationalLottery etc Act 1993 and was established on 1 August 1994. The principal activity of the Community Fund is to givegrants mainly to help meet the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society and to improve the quality of lifein the community. Monies distributed by CF are to be for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes.New website address www.biglotteryfund.org.<strong>uk</strong> The Community Fund and the New Opportunities Fund haveundergone an administrative merger and are now operating as the Big Lottery Fund. We intend to bring forwardlegislation to legally merge these bodies to create the new body having responsibility for handing out half themoney from good causes from the National Lottery. A public consultation is currently taking place which will beused to help determine the direction and future funding policy of the Big Lottery Fund.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Diana BrittainRemuneration : 25000 to 30000Chief Executive : Richard BuxtonRemuneration : 15000 to 20000Staff Employed : 609OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 20817Total Gross Expenditure £ 257625000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Register of members' interests is available by writing to the Director of Resources. Under the National Lottery etc Act1993, the Community Fund is required to have its annual financial statements examined and certified by the Comptrollerand Auditor General. CF had difficulty providing staff figures for 31 March. Figures provided are correct as at 30 April<strong>2004</strong>.ENGLISH HERITAGE (THE HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND) (EnglishHeritage)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7973 3000 Fax Number : 020 7973 3001Email Address : customers@english-heritage.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.english-heritage.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :23 Savile Row, London, W1S 2ETTo promote the preservation of ancient monuments, historic buildings and conservation areas, and topromote public understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 37M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir NeilChair :CossonsRemuneration : 74173Chief Executive:Dr SimonThurleyRemuneration : 138363Staff Employed:1942OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Price WaterhouseCoopers/NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 115200000Exp By Dept £ 198223Total GrossExpenditure £153600000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :FOOTBALL LICENSING AUTHORITY (FLA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7491 7191 Fax Number : 020 7491 1882Email Address : fla@flaweb.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.flaweb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : 27 Harcourt House, 19 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PNTerms ofReference :Notes :Charged with ensuring the implementation of certain key recommendations of the Taylor Report concerningsafety at football grounds.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Anthony SpeedRemuneration : 16244Chief Executive : Mr John de QuidtRemuneration : 67048Staff Employed : 15OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 955000Exp By Dept £ 3738Total Gross Expenditure £ 956749Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :38

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsGAMING BOARD FOR GREAT BRITAINMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7306 6200 Fax Number : 020 7306 6266Email Address : Website : www.gbgb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Berkshire House, 168-173 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7AAThe regulatory body for casinos, bingo clubs, gaming machines, and for the larger society lotteries (includingall local authority lotteries) in Great Britain.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Peter Dean CBERemuneration : 57328Secretary : Thomas J KavanaghRemuneration : 79326Staff Employed : 76OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3900000Exp By Dept £ 59877Total Gross Expenditure £ 3855110Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :GEFFRYE MUSEUMMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7739 9893 Fax Number : 020 7729 5647Email Address : info@geffrye-museum.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.geffrye-museum.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Kingsland Road, London, E2 8AETerms of Reference : To encourage people to learn from and enjoy the Museum's collections, buildings and gardens.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Richard HuntingRemuneration : 0Director : Mr David DewingRemuneration : 59165Staff Employed : 35OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : PKF<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1274000Exp By Dept £ 11855Total Gross Expenditure £ 1567906Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 3M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,1VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 39M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsHISTORIC ROYAL PALACES (HRP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8781 9872 Fax Number : 020 8781 9754EmailAddress :alyson.lawton@hrp.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hrp.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 9AUTo care for, conserve and present to the public the unoccupied Royal Palaces: The Tower of London, HamptonCourt, Kensington Palace State Apartments, the Banqueting House in Whitehall, and Kew Palace with QueenCharlotte's Cottage.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Nigel MobbsRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Michael DayRemuneration : 89087Staff Employed : 567OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 45007Total Gross Expenditure £ 43089000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 2M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Aggregate emoluments of new Chief Executive, £89,087.HORNIMAN PUBLIC MUSEUM AND PUBLIC PARK TRUSTMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 8699 1872 Fax Number : 020 8699 5506Email Address : enquiry@horniman.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.horniman.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :100 London Road, Forest Hill, London, SE23 3PQThe Horniman aims to use its world-wide collections to encourage a wider appreciation of the World, itspeoples and their cultures, and its environments.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr TimothyChair :HornsbyRemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 65430Staff Employed:97Ms Janet VitmayerOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :B D O StoyHayward<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3377830Exp By Dept £ 15277Total Gross Expenditure£374769540

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,2V0M/0F P, 2M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,2VNotes :HORSERACE BETTING LEVY BOARD (HBLB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7333 0043 Fax Number : 020 7333 0041Email Address : postmaster@hblb.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hblb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :52 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0AUTerms of Reference : To assess and collect a levy on bets on horseracing; and to distribute it for the benefit of horseracing.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr RobertChair :HughesRemuneration : 69912Chief Executive:Mr Rodney BrackRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 25OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Pannell KerrFosterExp By Dept £ 20482Total Gross Expenditure£84555000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HORSERACE TOTALISATOR BOARD (The Tote)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8874 6411 Fax Number : 020 8874 6107Email Address:customersupport@tote.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.tote.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Tote House, 74 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2SUA commercial betting operation whose aims are to provide a full betting service to its customers and financialsupport to racing. It has, by statute, the right to run pool betting on horse racing.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 41M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Peter JonesRemuneration : 100000Chief Executive : VacantRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 2738OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Ernst & Young<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 20482Total Gross Expenditure £ 93329000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM (IWM)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7416 5000 Fax Number : 020 7416 5345EmailAddress :mail@iwm.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.iwm.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Lambeth Road, London, SE1 6HZThe Imperial War Museum is the national museum of twentieth century conflict. It illustrates and records allaspects of war, whether allied or enemy, service or civilian, military or political, social or cultural. Its roleembraces the causes, course and consequences of conflict and it has an essentially educational purpose.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Admiral Sir JockChair :SlaterRemuneration : 0Director General:Remuneration : 99900Staff Employed : 630Mr Robert CrawfordCBEOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003<strong>Public</strong> AccountsCommitteeExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16350000Exp By Dept £ 29402Total Gross Expenditure£33092000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 8M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :42

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsMILLENNIUM COMMISSIONMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7880 2001 Fax Number : 020 7880 2000EmailAddress :info@millennium.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.millennium.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Portland House, Stag Place, London, SW1E 5EZDistributes Lottery proceeds in support of projects across the UK that mark the year 2000 and the beginning ofthe third millennium. The Commission provides supports for capital projects and an Awards scheme, and alsosupported the MillenniumAll expenditure funded by the National Lottery. Chair of the Millennium Commission is the Secretary of State.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MPRemuneration : 0Director : Mr Michael O'Connor CBERemuneration : 132926Staff Employed : 63OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 74017Total Gross Expenditure £ 6100000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :MUSEUM OF LONDON (MOL)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0870 444 3852 Fax Number : 0870 444 3853Email Address:info@museumoflondon.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.museumoflondon.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :150 London Wall, London, EC2Y 5HNTo collect and display the social history of London from prehistoric times to the present. Its collections are opento the public at the Museum's buildings in the City of London.Classified as a public corporation for accounting purposes. The Museum of London is jointly funded by DCMS andthe Corporation of London.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr RupertChair :HambroRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Prof. JackLohmanRemuneration : 114992Staff Employed:354OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Price WaterhouseCooper<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6293000Exp By Dept £ 36186Total Gross Expenditure£14796000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 43M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY IN MANCHESTERMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0161 832 2244 Fax Number : 0161 606 0104Email Address : marketing@msim.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.msim.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Liverpool Road, Castlefield, Manchester, M3 4FPTo educate the public about aspects of Greater Manchester's scientific and industrial heritage, highlightingManchester's unique status as the world's first industrial city.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof. Laurie WoodRemuneration : 0Director : Mr. Bob ScottRemuneration : 82400Staff Employed : 117OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3406000Exp By Dept £ 17082Total Gross Expenditure £ 5742668Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Dr I. P. Griffin was appointed Director from 01/04/<strong>2004</strong>. His remuneration is £80,000 Staff numbers include temporaryand contract staff. Members who hold non-ministerial appointments are appointed by the trustees themselves.NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS (NESTA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7645 9500 Fax Number : 020 7645 9501Email Address : nesta@nesta.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nesta.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Fishmonger's Chambers, 110 Upper Thames Street, London, EC4R 3TWA UK-wide body funded by the income from a £250m endowment from Lottery-sourced funds. It aims tosupport and promote talent, innovation and creativity in the fields of science, technology and the arts.The National Lottery Act 1998 established the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts(NESTA).44

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 23850Chief Executive:Mr Chris PowellMr JeremyNewtonRemuneration : 92700Staff Employed:96OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary & Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2002/3Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3572000Exp By Dept £ 64782Total GrossExpenditure £17823000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Last Review was a NAO Value for Money Audit published Feb <strong>2004</strong>. <strong>Gov</strong>t. funding excludes income generated from theNESTA endowment in accordance with the National Lottery Act 1998. Total Gross Expenditure is total expenditure beforenotional costs and exceptional items.NATIONAL GALLERYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7747 2885 Fax Number : 020 7747 2423EmailAddress :information@ng-london.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nationalgallery.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DNTo care for the national collection of western European paintings from c1250 to 1900, to enhance it for futuregenerations, primarily for acquisition, and to study it, while encouraging the access to the pictures for theeducation and enjoyment of the widest possible public now and in the future.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Peter ScottRemuneration : 0Dr Charles SaumarezDirector :SmithRemuneration : 111720Staff Employed:430OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 20449000Exp By Dept £ 16968Total Gross Expenditure£25011000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 45M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNATIONAL HERITAGE MEMORIAL FUND (NHMF)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7591 6000 Fax Number : 020 7591 6001Email Address : enquire@hlf.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hlf.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :7 Holbein Place, London, SW1W 8NRAn umbrella organisation consisting of two funds: the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Heritage MemorialFund.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Liz Forgan OBERemuneration : 40-45000Director : Ms Carole SouterRemuneration : 100-125000Staff Employed : 238OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/3Last Review : 2001/2Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5000000Exp By Dept £ 42031Total Gross Expenditure £ 409848Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL LOTTERY COMMISSION (NLC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7016 3400 Fax Number : 020 7016 3401EmailAddress :m.lewis@natlotcomm.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.natlotcomm.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, 101 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1QUResponsible for the granting, varying and enforcing of licences to run the National Lottery. The Commission'sduties are to ensure that the National Lottery is run with all due propriety, that players' interests are protected,and, subject to these, to maximise the money raised for good causes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Moira Black CBERemuneration : 33852Chief Executive : Mr. Mark HarrisRemuneration : 110606Staff Employed : 41OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3182000Exp By Dept £ 63358Total Gross Expenditure £ 333500046

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Chair of the National Lottery Commission rotates on an annual basis. Although all Members of the Commission areappointed by the Secretary of State, the Members of the Commission select one of their number to be the Chair. This iswhy the Chair has been treated as a non-ministerial appointment.NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM (NMM)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 8858 4422 Fax Number : 020 8312 6632Email Address : Website : www.nmm.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:Romney Road, Greenwich, London, SE10 9NFTo illustrate for everyone the importance of the sea, ships, time and the stars, and their relationship withpeople.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir David HardyRemuneration : 0Director : Rear Admiral Roy ClareRemuneration : 111300Staff Employed : 410OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003-4Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : C&AG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 13681000Exp By Dept £ 26330Total Gross Expenditure £ 17728000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY (NMSI)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0870 870 4868 Fax Number : 020 7942 4447Email Address:sciencemuseum@nmsi.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nmsi.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DDTo care for, preserve and add to the objects in the collections, to secure that the objects are exhibited to thepublic and to promote the public's enjoyment and understanding of science and technology.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 47M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rt. Hon. Lord WaldegraveRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Dr. Lindsay SharpRemuneration : 159135Staff Employed : 996OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 31248000Exp By Dept £ 35660Total Gross Expenditure £ 58010000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/4F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL MUSEUMS LIVERPOOL (NML)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0151 207 0001 Fax Number : 0151 478 4790Email Address : Website : www.liverpoolmuseums.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :127 Dale Street, Liverpool, L69 3LATerms of Reference : To promote the public enjoyment and understanding of art history and science.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David McDonnellRemuneration : 0Director : Dr David Fleming OBERemuneration : 94589Staff Employed : 530OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16569000Exp By Dept £ 23502Total Gross Expenditure £ 20071000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/7F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (NPG)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7306 0055 Fax Number : 020 7306 0056EmailAddress :hsutherland@npg.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.npg.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :St Martin's Place, London, WC2H 0HETo promote, through the medium of portraits, the appreciation and understanding of the men and women whohave made and are making British history and culture; and to promote the appreciation and understanding ofportraiture in all media.48

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir David Scholey CBERemuneration : 0Director : Mr Sandy NairneRemuneration : 99800Staff Employed : 202OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :NAOAnnual Report : 2002/3Last Review : 2001/2Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5732000Exp By Dept £ 26330Total Gross Expenditure £ 10700000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/1F EX,0VNotes :NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM (NHM)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7942 5000 Fax Number : 020 7942 5095Email Address : direct@nhm.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhm.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BDTerms ofReference :Notes :To maintain and develop its collections, and to use them to promote the discovery, understanding,responsible use and enjoyment of the natural world.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Sir Keith O'NionsChair :FRSRemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 149096Staff Employed:896Sir Neil ChalmersOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 38085000Exp By Dept £ 38732Total Gross Expenditure£52619000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 1M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Total Gross Expenditure includes depreciation and is subject to final audit adjustments.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 49M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNEW OPPORTUNITIES FUND (NOF)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7211 1800 Fax Number : 020 7211 1750EmailAddress :general.enquiries@biglotteryfund.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nof.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DEThe New Opportunities Fund was established as a Lottery Distributor to make grants to education, health,environment grant schemes under initiatives to be specified by the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment.Alternative website www.biglotteryfund.org.<strong>uk</strong> The New Opportunities Fund and the Community Fund haveundergone an administrative merger and are now operating as the Big Lottery Fund. We intend to bring forwardlegislation to legally merge these bodies to create the new body having responsibility for handing out half themoney from good causes from the National Lottery. A public consultation is currently taking place which will beused to help determine the direction and future funding policy of the Big Lottery Fund.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Baroness Jill PitkeathleyRemuneration : 25000 to 30000Chief Executive : Stephen DunmoreRemuneration : 90000 to 95000Staff Employed : 342OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 20817Total Gross Expenditure £ 462000000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:From 1 December 2003, the Chief Executive took on the role of the joint Chief Executive of the Community Fund and theNew Opportunities Fund. His remuneration for the part of his service contract with the Community Fund is disclosed inthat organisation's accounts. Pension entitlement disclosures are based on his total remuneration package. The ChiefExecutive's contract expires one day after appointment of the Chief Executive of the Big Lottery Fund. The ChiefExecutive is subject to the Fund's standard terms and conditions of employment. NOF had difficulty providing stafffigures for 31 March. Figures are accurate as at 30 April <strong>2004</strong>.PUBLIC LENDING RIGHT AND PUBLIC LENDING RIGHT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PLR)MultipleYes (2)<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01642 604699 Fax Number : 01642 615641Email Address:jim.parker@plr.<strong>uk</strong>.com Website : www.plr.<strong>uk</strong>.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Richard House, Sorbonne Close, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6DAThe Registrar and his staff administer the <strong>Public</strong> Lending Right Scheme. The PLR Advisory Committee providesexpert advice to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and to the Registrar of <strong>Public</strong> Lending Righton the operation of the <strong>Public</strong> Lending Right Scheme.The <strong>Public</strong> Lending Right and <strong>Public</strong> Lending Right Advisory Committee are separate bodies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr. Simon BrettRemuneration : 0Registrar : Dr. James Parker OBERemuneration : 59609Staff Employed : 15OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7001000Exp By Dept £ 26135Total Gross Expenditure £ 700100050

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Annual Report available at www.plr.<strong>uk</strong>.comROYAL ARMOURIES MUSEUMMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0113 220 1916 Fax Number : 0113 220 1934Email Address:enquiries@armouries.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.armouries.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LTMaintaining and exhibiting a national collection of arms, armour, and associated objects, and of maintaining arecord relating to arms and armour and to the Tower of London.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs Anne GreenRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Paul EvansRemuneration : 75000Staff Employed : 205OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/4Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6157000Exp By Dept £ 26330Total Gross Expenditure £ 6887000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/0F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 2M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SIR JOHN SOANE'S MUSEUMMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7405 2107 Fax Number : 020 7831 3957Email Address:Website : www.soane.org.Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 2BPThis is the House, Museum and Collection of the architect Sir John Soane, who died in 1837. The Collectioncomprises works of art, paintings, books, manuscripts and architectural and decorate drawings.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 51M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Richard GriffithsRemuneration : 0Curator : Mrs Margaret RichardsonRemuneration : 41100Staff Employed : 23OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 699000Exp By Dept £ 24478Total Gross Expenditure £ 1093845Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SPORT ENGLANDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 1500 Fax Number : 020 7273 5740Email Address:info@sportengland.org Website : www.sportengland.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :16 Upper Woburn Place, London, London, WC1H 0QPSport England provides the strategic lead for sport in England and is responsible for delivering the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment'ssporting objectives to create opportunities for people to start in sport, stay in sport and succeed in sport.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Patrick CarterRemuneration : 26420Chief Executive : Mr Roger DraperRemuneration : 133451Staff Employed : 284OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/3Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 79613000Exp By Dept £ 60324Total Gross Expenditure £ 103661000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : "Total Gross Expenditure" excludes lottery funds expenditure.52

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsTATE GALLERY (Tate)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7887 8000 Fax Number : 020 7887 8010EmailAddress :information@tate.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.tate.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Millbank, London, SW1P 4RGThe overall aim for the Tate, as expressed in the Museums and Galleries Act 1992, is to increase publicawareness, understanding and appreciation of British art from the 16th century to the present day and of modernand contemporary art from around the world.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Paul Myners CBERemuneration : 0Executive Director : Sir Nicholas SerotaRemuneration : 162575Staff Employed : 719OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 27779000Exp By Dept £ 27354Total Gross Expenditure £ 45372000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Total Gross Expenditure excludes costs of trading company.THE MUSEUMS, LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES COUNCIL (MLA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 1444 Fax Number : 020 7273 1404EmailAddress :info@mla.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mla.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :16 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AATo advise the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on the ways in which museums, archives and libraries can work together so that theycontribute to people's enjoyment and inspiration, their cultural values, their learning potential, their economicprosperity and social equity.MLA was formerly known as Re:Source.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mark WoodRemuneration : 32000Chief Executive : Chris BattRemuneration : 108237Staff Employed : 74OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Baker Tilly<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 23800000Exp By Dept £ 15681Total Gross Expenditure £ 25829000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 53M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Annual Report available at www.mla.gov.<strong>uk</strong>UK FILM COUNCILMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7861 7861 Fax Number : 020 7861 7862EmailAddress :info@<strong>uk</strong>filmcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.<strong>uk</strong>filmcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Little Portland Street, London, W1W 7JGThe UK Film Council is the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment backed strategic agency for film in the UK. Its main aim is to stimulate acompetitive, successful and vibrant British Film Industry and culture, and to promote the widest possibleenjoyment and understanding of cinema throughout the nations and regions of the UK.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir Alan ParkerChair :CBERemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Mr John WoodwardRemuneration : 156210Staff Employed:93OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Ernst &Young/NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 24110000Exp By Dept £ 149001Total Gross Expenditure£56149000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Sir Alan Parker did not take any remuneration. He was succeeded as Chair at the end of July <strong>2004</strong> by Stewart Till.UK SPORTMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7211 5100 Fax Number : 020 7211 5246Email Address:info@<strong>uk</strong>sport.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.<strong>uk</strong>sport.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :40 Bernard Street, London, WC1N 1STWorking in partnership to lead sport in the UK to world-class successes. Royal Charter - To foster, support andencourage the development of sport and physical recreation and the achievement of excellence in the UK.54

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sue CampbellRemuneration : 25835Chief Executive Officer : Liz NichollRemuneration : 69875Staff Employed : 74OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16321000Exp By Dept £ 18129Total Gross Expenditure £ 18929000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM (V&A)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7942 2000 Fax Number : 020 7942 2162Email Address : vanda@vam.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.vam.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2RLTerms ofReference :Notes :To enable everyone to enjoy its collections and explore the cultures that created them, and to inspire thosewho shape contemporary design.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs. Paula Ridley OBERemuneration : 0Director : Mr. Mark JonesRemuneration : 144379Staff Employed : 664OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 34771000Exp By Dept £ 38732Total Gross Expenditure £ 58787792Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 55M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsVISITBRITAINMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 8846 9000 Fax Number : 020 8563 0302EmailAddress :Website : www.visitbritain.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Thames Tower, Black's Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 9ELVisitBritain markets Britain to the rest of the world and England to the British, building the value of tourismthroughout Britain and throughout the year by creating world-class destination brands and marketing campaigns.It also builds partnerships with - and provides insights to - other organisations that have a stake in British andEnglish TourismVisitBritain was formerly the British Tourist Authority. There are two websites: www.visitbritain.com (touristinformation) www.tourismtrade.org.<strong>uk</strong> (travel trade)NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Michael LickissRemuneration : 45155Chief Executive : Mr Tom WrightRemuneration : 171630Staff Employed : 484OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 53820000Exp By Dept £ 264091Total Gross Expenditure £ 75229000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:VisitBritain came into existence on 1 April 2003 as a result of the merger of the British Tourist Authority and EnglishTourism Council. Expenditure figures above are for the British Tourist Authority group. Sponsorship costs include thecosts of reorganisation, including setting up the subsidiary body, England Marketing Advisory Board.WALLACE COLLECTIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7563 9500 Fax Number : 020 7224 2155Email Address : admin@wallacecollection.org Website : www.wallacecollection.orgAddress :Hertford House, Manchester Square, London, W1U 3BNTerms of Reference : To maintain and display the art collection bequeathed to the nation by Lady Wallace.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr John LewisRemuneration : 0Director : Ms Rosalind SavillRemuneration : 100642Staff Employed : 78OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2607000Exp By Dept £ 15978Total Gross Expenditure £ 374837356

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :PUBLIC CORPORATIONBRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (BBC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8743 8000 Fax Number : 020 7580 7725EmailAddress :vlc@bbc.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.bbc.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Broadcasting House, London, W1A 1AAThe BBC operates two national television channels, five radio stations, separate radio stations for NorthernIreland, Scotland and Wales and 39 local radio stations. It operates six digital TV channels(News 24,Parliament,BBC3,BBC4,CBBC,Cbeebies) and five digital radio stations, also BBCi Online and the World Service.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration : 0Director General : VacantRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 27632OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2280361000Exp By Dept £ 153000Total Gross Expenditure £ 3938600000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Charter Review is currently in progress. In addition to its grant, the BBC also received £370.9 million from the Dept. forWork and Pensions for free licences for over-75s. Total Gross expenditure figure includes £215.8 million on BBC WorldService. The new Chair, Michael Grade, was appointed on 2 April <strong>2004</strong>, remuneration 81320. The new Chief Executive,Mark Thompson took up his post on 22 June <strong>2004</strong>, remuneration 321000.CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION CORPORATION (Channel 4)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7396 4444 Fax Number : 020 7396 8347Email Address : dot4@channel4.com Website : www.channel4.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :124 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2TXEstablished in 1982, the Channel Four Television Corporation produces public service broadcasting for thefourth channel, except in Wales.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 57M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport <strong>Public</strong> CorporationsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 67530Chief Executive:L<strong>uk</strong>e JohnsonMarkThompsonRemuneration : 350000Staff Employed:997OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 8000Price WaterhouseCoopersTotal Gross Expenditure£769500000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Channel 4 also has six executive members including the Chief Executive. None of the Channel 4 members aregovernment appointees. Appointments are made by Ofcom. The Chief Executive's remuneration is his basic salary. MarkThompson was succeeded as Chief Executive by Andy Duncan on July 19 <strong>2004</strong>. The gross expenditure figure is totalturnover for calendar year 2002.SIANEL PEDWAR CYMRU (WELSH FOURTH CHANNEL AUTHORITY) (S4C)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 029 2074 7444 Fax Number : 029 2075 4444Email Address : s4c@s4c.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.s4c.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Parc Ty Glas, Llanishen, Cardiff, F14 5DUTo provide a high quality television service in Wales, with a substantial proportion of programmes and themajority of programmes in peak hours in the Welsh language.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Prof Elan Closs StephensChair :CBERemuneration : 54949Chief Executive:Mr Huw JonesRemuneration : 152707Staff Employed:204OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :GrantThornton<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 80217000Exp By Dept £ 10000Total Gross Expenditure£95993000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Total gross expenditure figure is group turnover for calendar year 2002.58

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Tribunal NDPBTRIBUNAL NDPBHORSERACE BETTING LEVY TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7383 7111 Fax Number : 020 7383 7117Email Address : law@lockharts.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms of Reference:c/o Tavistock House, South Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LSTo hear appeals from bookmakers regarding the amount of levy payable to the Horserace Betting LevyBoard.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Thomas Brudenell QCRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mr Andrew Lockhart-MiramsRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 1OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 608Total Gross Expenditure £ 1500Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Chair receives £265 whenever the Tribunal sits. It hasn't had a hearing since 2001. The one staff member is thesecretary. Gross expenditure is admin costs.DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORTAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPDIGITAL TELEVISION CONSUMER EXPERT GROUPDate Established : June 2003Date Reported / Due toReport :March <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Report was due in March <strong>2004</strong>, but has been delayed.Draft report is being finalisedAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :12Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Mr AllanWilliamsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 59M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>ILLICIT TRADE ADVISORY PANELDate Established : May 2000Date Reported / Due toReport :-Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :In the process of revising termsof reference.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :3Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :1Number of Private Sector : 3Chair :Prof. Norman Palmer, UniversityCollege, LondonLIVE MUSIC FORUMDateEstablished :February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :February 2006The Live Music Forum was established following the passage of the Licensing Act2003. Chaired by Feargal Sharkey, the Forum is bringing togetherrepresentatives from a wide group of organisations with an interest in live musicincluding members of the music industry, the Arts Council, local authorities,grass roots music organisations, small venue owners and <strong>Gov</strong>ernment. It will: -take forward the Ministerial commitment to maximise the take-up of reforms inthe Licensing Act 2003 relating to the performance of live music; - promote theperformance of live music generally; - monitor and evaluate the impact of theLicensing Act 2003 on the performance of live music. One of its initial tasks willbe to commission research to establish a robust baseline of current live musicactivity in England and Wales; and - make recommendations for further action.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :1676FeargalSharkeyMUSIC INDUSTRY FORUMDateEstablished :January 1998Date Reported/ Due toReport :-Report Details:-Date WoundUp :Notes :The Music Industry Forum was established by Chris Smith in 1998, with aremit to consider key issues for the music industry where the <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentmight be able to give its assistance, and to give advice to Ministers on thesematters. It is not a formal decision making body, and has no fixedmembership, with individuals invited on a meeting by meeting basis accordingto their expertise relating to the issues under discussion. The Forum's workhas been taken forward by a number of sub groups including the Music ExportsGroup. Much of the work of the Music Industry Forum has now beensuperseded by a more effective dialogue between industry and DCMS throughregular meetings at official and Ministerial level with representatives from theindustry's Music Business Forum set up in September 2002. Although theMusic Industry Forum does not meet regularly, Ministers have the opportunityto call the broader Forum constituents together when required.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :04217Secretary ofState,DCMS60

Department for Culture, Media and Sport Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>VIEWERS' PANELDateEstablished :September 2000Date Reported/ Due toReport :November 2001Report Details:Report published in December 2001.Date WoundUp :Notes :The Group was set up to give <strong>Gov</strong>ernment a consumer's view of progress towardsthe switchover to digital television. Members are from a wide range of consumergroups. DCMS provide administrative support. The Panel has not met or undertakenany further work since it reported in December 2001. It has not been wound upformally. It has been superseded by the Digital Television Consumer Expert Group.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:10310Chair : -TASK FORCECREATIVE INDUSTRIES HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION FORUMDateEstablished :September 2001Date Reported/ Due toReport :-Report Details:-Date WoundUp :Notes :CIEF brings together Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE)institutions, working in partnership with DCMS, other <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Departmentsand the private sector, to articulate and promote the contribution of creativebusinesses. The Forum is investigating how to further strengthen theconnections between Higher Education, Further Education and the creativeindustries, and has established two task groups to take the work programmeforward.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :71103Rt. Hon.EstelleMorris MPTOBACCO TASK FORCEDate Established : December 1998Date Reported / Due to Report : October 1999Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 1Number of Private Sector : 7Chair :Minister for Sport, DCMS61

DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLSDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Caxton House, 6-12 Tothill Street, Westminster, SW1H 9NAEnquiries : Mr Guy LonghornTelephone : 020 7273 6194 GTN : 273 6194 Fax : 020 7273 6067E-mail : guy.longhorn@dfes.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dfes.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY6M/5F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :6M/5F All Appointments10M/15F Ministerial Appointments,10M/15F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBINDEPENDENT ADVISORY GROUP ON TEENAGE PREGNANCY (IAGTP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 4919 Fax Number : 0207 273 5657EmailAddress :Website : www.teenagepregnancyunit.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Ground Floor, Caxton house, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NATo provide advice to <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and monitor the success of its strategy towards achieving the goals of: reducingthe rate of teenage conceptions, with the specific aim of halving the rate of conceptions among under 18s by2010, and getting more teenage parents into education, training or employment, to reduce risk of their long termsocial exclusionNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Lady Winifred Tumim CBE,Chair :OBERemuneration : 7500Secretary :Michelle WarneRemuneration : Civil servantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 25000Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/20F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Link to 2002/03 annual report:http://www.dfes.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/teenagepregnancy/dsp_showDoc.cfm?FileName=2nd%20IAG%2DAR%2Epdf62

Department for Education and Skills Advisory NDPBsSCHOOL TEACHERS REVIEW BODYMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7467 7215 Fax Number : 020 7469 7208EmailAddress :Ricky.Holyomes@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ome.<strong>uk</strong>.com/stp_review.cfmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1N 9FDTo examine and report on matters relating to the statutory conditions and employment of school teachers inEngland and Wales as may from time to time be referred to it by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr Bill Cockburn CBEChair :TDRemuneration : 350 per meetingSecretary :Ms Pat CartyRemuneration : Civil servantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £DTI InternalAuditExp By Dept £ 75000Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to <strong>2004</strong> thirteenth report: http://www.ome.<strong>uk</strong>.com/downloads/12_3_04%20STRBcomplete.pdfEXECUTIVE NDPBADULT LEARNING INSPECTORATE (ALI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0870 240 7744 Fax Number : 0870 242 1444Email Address : Website : www.ali.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Spring Place, Coventry Business Park, Herald Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6UDThe ALI reports, both to the Secretary of State for Education and to the public, on the quality of education andtraining received by adult learners and young people in England.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Richard HandoverRemuneration : 9756Chief Executive : Mr David SherlockRemuneration : 137294Staff Employed : 258OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/3Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 24080000Exp By Dept £ 54000Total Gross Expenditure £ 24311000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 63M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2002/3 Annual Report and Accounts: http://docs.ali.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/publications/ALIAnrepaccowebversion2002.3.pdfBRITISH EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY AGENCY (BECTA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 024 7641 6994 Fax Number : 024 7641 1418Email Address : Website : www.becta.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:Milburn Hill Road, Science Park, Coventry, CV4 7JJTo promote the use of information and communications technology (ICT) to improve and transformlearning, teaching, and leadership in schools and colleges.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof David HargreavesRemuneration : 11758Chief Executive : Mr Owen LynchRemuneration : 137861Staff Employed : 209OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Baker Tilley<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 33294000Exp By Dept £ 77712Total Gross Expenditure £ 32650000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CHILDREN AND FAMILY COURT ADVISORY AND SUPPORT SERVICE (CAFCASS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7210 4400 Fax Number : 020 7210 4422EmailAddress :webenquiries@cafcass.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cafcass.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :2nd Floor, Newspaper House, 8 - 16 Great New Street, London, EC4A 3BNEstablished in 2001 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children involved in family court proceedings; toadvise courts about family proceedings applications; to enable children to be represented in such proceedings;and to provide information, advice and other support to children and their families.Notes : Transferred from Lord Chancellor's Department 2003.64

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Baroness PitkeathleyRemuneration : 500 per dayChief Executive : Jonathan TrossRemuneration : 124000Staff Employed : 1954OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/4Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 97900000Exp By Dept £ 172000Total Gross Expenditure £ 98600000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2003/4 Annual Report: http://www.cafcass.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/English/<strong>Public</strong>ations/reports/AnnualReport0304amended.pdfCONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (CITB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01485 577577 Fax Number : 01485 577793Email Address:information.centre@citb.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.citb.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bircham Newton, Near King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6RHThe board was established to help employers by ensuring that there are, and will be in future, enough trainedpeople to meet the needs of construction industry employers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Michael LathamRemuneration : 20569Chief Executive : Mr Peter LobbanRemuneration : 258702Staff Employed : 1321OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3162682Exp By Dept £ 86160Total Gross Expenditure £ 186289000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 18M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2002/03 Annual Report: http://www.citb.org.<strong>uk</strong>/about_us/reports/2003-annual-report.asp#TopOfPageAppointments and Remuneration Key: 65M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (ECITB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 01923 260000 Fax Number : 01923 270969Email Address:ecitb@ecitb.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ecitb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Blue Court, Church Lane, King's Langley, Herts, WD4 8JPThe Board was established to help employers by ensuring that there are, and will be in the future, enoughtrained people to meet the needs of engineering construction industry employers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Jim Rowland CBERemuneration : 20890Chief Executive : Mr David EdwardsRemuneration : 101599Staff Employed : 48OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 376104Exp By Dept £ 68000Total Gross Expenditure £ 13744063Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2003 Annual Report: http://www.ecitb.org.<strong>uk</strong>/resources/annual_report_2003.cfmHIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND (HEFCE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0117 931 7317 Fax Number : 0117 931 7203Email Address : hefce@hefce.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hefce.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS19 1QDTerms ofReference :Notes :To advise the Secretary of State for Education and Skills on the funding needs of higher education; and todistribute available funds.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David YoungRemuneration : 41932Chief Executive : Sir Howard NewbyRemuneration : 125768Staff Employed : 260OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5717685000Exp By Dept £ 60485Total Gross Expenditure £ 571800600066

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : link to 2002/2003 Annual Report: http://www.hefce.ac.<strong>uk</strong>/goodprac/audit/annrep/2002_03/INVESTORS IN PEOPLE UK (IiP UK)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7467 1900 Fax Number : 020 7636 2386Email Address : information@iip<strong>uk</strong>.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.investorsinpeople.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3rd Floor, 7-10 Chandos Street, London, W1G 9DQTo provide business leadership and development for the Investors in People Standard and to lead andundertake national promotion of the standard.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr Tim MelvilleChair :RossRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Ms Ruth SpellmanRemuneration : 106784Staff Employed:38OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2002/2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Grant ThorntonLtd<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5200000Exp By Dept £ 35000Total Gross Expenditure£6500000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Link to 2003 Annual Report:http://www.iip<strong>uk</strong>.co.<strong>uk</strong>/NR/rdonlyres/eoflythea3eh6ajbjxxbf637sjdwlzh2fibtmax3ujlbz5r4xwcv654t52z3pkosx6ks7sfinm236d4ybklyr2nd3qf/IiP+Annual+Report.pdfLEARNING AND SKILLS COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0845 019 4170 Fax Number : 024 7649 3600Email Address : info@lsc.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lsc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WTThe Learning and Skills Council is responsible for funding, planning and raising the standards of post 16education and training in England (up to higher education level).Appointments and Remuneration Key: 67M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Bryan SandersonRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Mark HaysomRemuneration : 190000Staff Employed : 4436OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2002/2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7473126000Exp By Dept £ 995000Total Gross Expenditure £ 7593445000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2002/3 Annual Report and Accounts: http://www.lsc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/annualreport/redirect.aspNATIONAL COLLEGE FOR SCHOOL LEADERSHIPMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0870 160 1604 Fax Number : 0115 846 6952EmailAddress :ncsl-office@ncsl.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ncsl.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1BBTo develop and oversee a coherent national training and development framework for heads, deputies, and othersin leadership positions in schools, offering them high quality, practical and professional support at all stages oftheir careers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Richard GreenhalghRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Ms Heather Du QuesnayRemuneration : 161732Staff Employed : 224OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : External ReviewerAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 59774007Exp By Dept £ 73000Total Gross Expenditure £ 65214168Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2003 Annual Report: http://www.ncsl.org.<strong>uk</strong>/mediastore/image2/school-leadership-<strong>2004</strong>.pdf68

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsQUALIFICATIONS AND CURRICULUM AUTHORITYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7509 5555 Fax Number : 020 7509 6944Email Address:info@qca.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.qca.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :83 Piccadilly, London, W1J 8QATo work with and assist the Secretary of State for Education and Skills to ensure that the curriculum andqualifications available to young people and adults are high quality, coherent and flexible.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Anthony GreenerRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Dr Ken BostonRemuneration : 223011Staff Employed : 509OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001/2Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 77815000Exp By Dept £ 197000Total Gross Expenditure £ 89574000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2001/2 Annual Report: http://www.qca.org.<strong>uk</strong>/about/corporate/3988.htmlSECTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AGENCYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01709 765444 Fax Number :EmailAddress :info@ssda.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.ssda.org.<strong>uk</strong>/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3 Callflex Business Park, Golden Smithies Lane, Wath-upon-Dearne, South Yorkshire, S63 7ERThe Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) funds, supports and champions the new UK-wide network ofinfluential employer-led Sector Skills Councils (SSCs). The Skills for Business network comprises the SSDA andSSCs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>MargaretChair :SalmonRemuneration : 43336Chief Executive : Christopher DuffRemuneration : 115331Staff Employed : 78OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Grant Thornton Ltd<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 15806222Exp By Dept £ 56000Total Gross Expenditure £ 15954620Appointments and Remuneration Key: 69M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2002/03 Annual Report: http://www.ssda.org.<strong>uk</strong>/ssda/pdf/ssda_annual_report_2.pdfSTUDENT LOANS COMPANY LTDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0141 306 2000 Fax Number : 0141 306 2005Email Address:Website : www.slc.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :100 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 7JDTo administer the student loans scheme within the policy context set by the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and the legislativeframework of the Education (Student Loans) Act 1990 and the Education (Student Loans)(Northern Ireland)Order 1990 and associated regulations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Keith Bedell-PearceRemuneration : 68000Chief Executive:Remuneration : 134400Staff Employed : 898Mr Ralph Seymour-JacksonOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 42152000Exp By Dept £ 110000Total Gross Expenditure£49216000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Link to 2003 Annual Report: http://www.slc.co.<strong>uk</strong>/frames/corpinfo/fset.htmlTEACHER TRAINING AGENCY (TTA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7023 8001 Fax Number : 020 7023 8401Email Address : tta@gnat.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.useyourheadtoteach.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Portland House, Stag Place, London, SW1E 5TTTerms ofReference :Notes :To boost recruitment to the teacher profession, to fund the provision of teacher training in England and toimprove the quality of teacher training.70

Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 20000Professor Sir BrianFollettChief Executive:Ralph TabbererRemuneration : 133262Staff Employed : 237OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 514298000Exp By Dept £ 73000Total Gross Expenditure£514221000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The 2003-<strong>2004</strong> annual report can be downloaded from:http://www.tta.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/php/read.php?sectionid=21&articleid=1986TRIBUNAL NDPBREGISTERED INSPECTORS OF SCHOOLS APPEALS TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7925 5332 Fax Number :Email Address : Website :Address :Terms of Reference :Notes :DfES, Area 3N, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BTTo hear appeals from individuals who have been removed from the Register of Schools Inspectors by theOffice for Standards in Education (OFSTED).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Appointments are made only when required and on an ad hoc basis. Lay Members are appointed by the Secretary ofState for Education and Skills, Chairs are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. Chairs and Lay Members receive a daily fee.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 71M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Education and Skills Tribunal NDPBsSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITY TRIBUNALMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0870 241 2555 Fax Number : 020 7029 9726EmailAddress :tribunalqueries@sendist.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.sendist.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :SENDIST , Procession House, 55 Ludgate Hill, London, EC4M 7JWTo hear and adjudicate on appeals made by parents against Local Education Authority decisions about theirchildren's special educational needs and on Disability Discrimination claims by parents against Responsible<strong>Bodies</strong>.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :multipleRemuneration :Secretary : Kevin MullanyRemuneration : Civil servantStaff Employed : 62OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002-03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5944000Exp By Dept £ 10000Total Gross Expenditure £ 5200000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 26M/37F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 60M/84F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLSAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPLITERACY AND NUMERACY REFERENCE GROUPDate Established : October 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The future of the Group is under consideration now thatthe Primary National Strategy is established.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of CivilServants :4Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :15Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of PrivateSector :1Chair :Professor DavidHopkins, DfES72

Department for Education and Skills Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>MI ACROSS PARTNERS GROUPDateEstablished :April 2002Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :November 2002Mapping Post-16 Education and Learning Management InformationArrangements was released in November 2002. The report suggested severallong-term projects. As a result, a number of feasibility studies have beenundertaken. This has led to a forward programme which is currentlyunderway. This is expected to deliver benefits throughout 2005 and 2006.The Group will support the drive to deliver quality and value for money, whilsthelping to remove wasteful and unnecessary bureaucracy from post-16learning. It will develop and operate within an agreed set of principles.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :2110014Mr PeterLauener,DfESMUSIC AND DANCE ADVISORY GROUPDateEstablished :DateReported /Due to Report:April 2000Report Details:Summary of reportsDate WoundUp :Notes :Standing advisory group set up by Estelle Morris that informs on-goingpolicy making for specialist music and dance education and training.The group issues a report each year, copies of which can be downloadedfrom www.dfes.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/mds/mds.shtml. The group will be reconstitutedin September <strong>2004</strong>Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivateSector :Chair :0805Mr Roger Lewis,Managing Directorand ProgrammeController, ClassicFMNATIONAL STEERING GROUP FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS REGIONAL CO-ORDINATION PROJECTSDate Established : April 1999Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 18Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 2Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Ann Gross/Martin Howarth, DfES

Department for Education and Skills Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>SCHOOL LIBRARIES WORKING GROUPDate Established : June 2001Date Reported / Due to Report : September 2003Report Details :Date Wound Up : April <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 8Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Mela Watts, DfES74

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRSDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Area 7E, 9 Millbank, c/o Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, SW1P 3JREnquiries : Bill BadgerTelephone : 020 7238 6201 GTN : 238 6201 Fax : 020 7238 6497E-mail : bill.badger@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY4M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :5M/0F All Appointments8M/8F Ministerial Appointments,8M/8F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (ACCPE)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7082 8657EmailAddress :FaxNumber 020 7082 8698:consumer.products@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Website:www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/consumerprod/accpeAddress : Ashdown House, Zone 6/E9, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference:Notes :To advise on the development and co-ordination of policies to reduce the environmental impactsassociated with the production and consumption of goods and services, and the priority areas forresearch and future action in these areas.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Alan KnightRemuneration : 0Secretary : Dr Andy DaveyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 46000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 75M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (ACHS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax0207 082 8107: Number :EmailAddress :john.garrod@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>0207 082 8086Address : 3/F4, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference:Notes :Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/chemicals/achs/index.htmThe Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances (ACHS) was originally established in 1991 under Section 140(5)of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990) and was reconstituted in 2001 to act primarily as a scientificadvisory body to the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Jane Plant CBERemuneration : 193 per daySecretary : Dr John GarrodRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 16114Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ORGANIC STANDARDS (ACOS)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7238 5633 Fax Number : 020 7238 6148Email Address : alex.dasi-sutton@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/farm/organic/acos/index.htmAddress :Area 5F, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2ALTerms of Reference : To advise <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on organic standards, approval of organic certifying bodies and R&D.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Andrew JedwellRemuneration : 239 per meetingSecretary : Alex Dasi-SuttonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 34644Total Gross Expenditure £76

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V11M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PACKAGING (ACP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone:020 7082 8775FaxNumber:020 7082 8764EmailAddress : sheila.mckinley@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Websitewww.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/waste/topics/packaging/index.htm:Address : Room 7/G10, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference:Notes :To advise the UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and the Devolved Administrations on matters related to the achievement by the UK ofthe targets and requirements in the EC Directives on Packaging Waste, particularly the operation of the UK'spackaging recovery system.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John TurnerRemuneration : 0Secretary : Mrs Shelia McKinleyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 50000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDES (ACP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01904 455702 Fax Number : 01904 455722EmailAddress :a.c.p@psd.defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pesticides.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/acpAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Mallard House, Kings Pool, 3 Peasholme Green, York, North Yorkshire, YO1 7PXTo advise ministers, either when requested to do so or otherwise, on any matters relating to the control of pestsin furthering the general purpose of Part III of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 77M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof David CoggonRemuneration : 199 per meetingSecretary : Jayne WilderRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 104000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : One public meeting is held each year.ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RELEASES TO THE ENVIRONMENT (ACRE)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax0207 082 8117 0207 082 8123: Number :EmailAddress :acre.secretariat@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/acre/index.htmAddress : ACRE Secretariat, Zone 3/H10 Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference:Notes :To advise UK and Scottish Ministers, and the National Assembly for Wales, on the exercise of their powers underPart VI of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and in particular on the risks to the environment and humanhealth from releases of genetically modified organisms into the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Christopher PollockRemuneration : 193 per daySecretary : Dr Steven HillRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 95000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes : Held two open meeting in 2003.78

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAGRICULTURAL DWELLING HOUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEES (ADHAC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (18)Telephone : 01270 754237 Fax Number : 01270 754260Email Address:michael.baker@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :18 Room 234, Defra Building, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6GJ,To assist the housing authority in considering the agricultural grounds and urgency, in respect of a farmersapplication to rehouse workers, living in a farm cottage needed for another agricultural worker.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 114 per daySecretary : Mike BakerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 110145Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 34M/15F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:ADHACs are convened on an ad hoc basis with the chair and members selected from the panel. The expenditure bydepartment on sponsorship includes sponsorship of the Agricultural Wages Committees.AIR QUALITY EXPERT GROUP (AQEG)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7082 8372Fax Number:020 7082 8385EmailAddress :janet.dixon@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/airquality/aqegAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Air and Environmental Quality Division, Room 4/E14, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETo provide independent scientific advice on air quality, in particular the air pollutants contained in the Air QualityStrategy (AQS) for the UK and those covered by the EU directive on Ambient Air Quality Assessment andManagement (The Air Quality Framework Directive).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Mike PillingRemuneration : 193 per daySecretary : Dr Janet DixonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 74000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 79M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 12M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION FOR GREAT BRITAINMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7238 3178 Fax Number : 020 7238 3198Email Address:jim.howell@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 255, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JRTo consider and relate reports by the Consumer's Committee of Great Britain, and act on any complaintsregarding the operation of the schemes, which could not be considered by the Consumer's Committee.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Jim HowellRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The committee is in practice defunct. Defra is seeking to identify an appropriate piece of primary legislation in order toabolish the committeeCOMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURAL VALUATIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7238 5677 Fax Number : 020 7238 6553EmailAddress :Website : geoff.r.webdale@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 2C, Ergon House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JRTo advise the Secretary of State and the First Minister of the National Assembly for Wales on the provisions to beincluded in any regulations that might be made under the Agricultural Holding Act 1986 prescribing methods ofcalculating compensation for improvements or tenant-right matters specified in the 1986 Act.80

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Geoff WebdaleRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The committee has not met since 1992 (the last appointee's terms expired in 1993). Ministers agreed some years agothat the committee could "wither on the vine"COMMITTEE ON PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES FOR USE IN PUBLIC WATER SUPPLYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7082 8013 & 8015 Fax Number : 020 7082 8012Email Address : cpp@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dwi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/cppAddress : Drinking Water Inspectorate, Floor 2/E5, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference :Notes :The Committee advises the Secretary of State on the approval of drinking water construction products underthe Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Owen Hydes OBERemuneration : 230 per dayTechnical Secretary : John AshworthRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 107500Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 81M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsCOMMITTEE ON RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (CoRWM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7082 8491 Fax Number : 020 7082 8495EmailAddress :contact@corwm.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.corwm.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4/F7 , Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DECoRWM is appointed jointly by Ministers of the UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and devolved administrations of Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales, to oversee a review of options for managing solid radioactive waste in the UK and torecommend the option, or combination of options, that can provide a long term solution, providing protection forpeople and the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Gordon MackerronRemuneration : 450 per daySecretary : Adam ScottRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CONSUMERS' COMMITTEE FOR GREAT BRITAIN UNDER THE AGRICULTURE MARKETING ACT 1958Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7238 3178 Fax Number : 020 7238 3198Email Address : jim.howell@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Room 255, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JRReports to the Secretary of State on the effect of any product marketing scheme approved by the Secretaryof State, which is for the time being in force, on consumers of the regulated product.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Jim HowellRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £82

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The committee is in practice defunct. Defra is seeking to identify an appropriate piece of primary legislation in order toabolish the committeeDARWIN ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7082 8062 Fax Number : 020 7082 3436Email Address : jane.samuels@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.darwin.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Room 4/C2, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms ofReference :Notes :To use UK scientific and educational strengths in collaborative projects to help developing countriessafeguard their biodiversity.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof David IngramRemuneration : 0Secretary : Glenys ParryRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002/2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 3712Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31.03.04OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXPERT GROUP ON CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN WATER SUPPLIESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7082 8018 Fax Number : 020 7082 8028Email Address:dwi.enquiries@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dwi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Drinking Water Inspectorate, Room 2/F5, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETo consider developments and research since 1998; to consider if further advice to the water industry or othersis appropriate in the light of these developments; and to identify if further research is required.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 83M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Ian BouchierRemuneration : 0Secretary : David DruryRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Joint Defra/DoH NDPB. The group has gone through a period of inactivity, hence no money has been spent onsponsorship recently.EXPERT PANEL ON AIR QUALITY STANDARDS (EPAQS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax020 7082 8402: Number :020 7082 8385EmailAddress :martin.meadows@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/airquality/aqs/index.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Air and Environmental Quality Division, Room 4/E14, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETo advise ministers on non-occupational ambient air quality standards with particular reference to the levels ofairborne pollutants at which no or minimal effects on human health are likely to occur.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Stephen HolgateRemuneration : 193.64 per daySecretary : Dr Martin MeadowsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2001Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 17000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :84

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsFARM ANIMAL WELFARE COUNCIL (FAWC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7904 6534 Fax Number : 020 7904 6993Email Address : Website : www.fawc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Area 511, 1A Page Street, London, SW1P 4PQTo advise government on all issues affecting the welfare of farm animals. The council can also discuss issueswithin the European Union and correspond with the European Commission.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr Judy Macarthur ClarkChair :CBERemuneration : 199 per meetingSecretary :Kumu AdhihettyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesNoYesAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 1995Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 412654Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 16M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Holds an annual open meeting.GOVERNMENT-INDUSTRY FORUM ON NON-FOOD USES OF CROPSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7238 6103 Fax Number : 020 7238 6166EmailAddress :gifnfc.secretary@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/farmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 5/A, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2ALTo provide strategic advice to <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and industry on the development of non-food uses of crops, reviewtechnological and market opportunities and make recommendations on policy and R&D priorities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Robert MargettsRemuneration : 199 per meetingSecretary : Nick StarkeyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 76522Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 85M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HILL FARMING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ENGLAND, WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND (HFAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7238 6340 Fax Number : 020 7238 6414Email Address : Alex.Page@DEFRA.GSI.GOV.UK Website :Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :Area 4D, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2ALTo advise the Secretary of State and the First Minister of the National Assembly for Wales on the exerciseof their powers under the Hill Farming Act 1946.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Alex PageRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 1999Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The <strong>Gov</strong>ernment has decided to seek the earliest opportunity to repeal the provisions of the 1946 Hill Farming Act andformally disband the committeeINDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC GROUP ON CATTLE TB (ISG)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7904 6051 Fax Number : 020 7904 6053EmailAddress :isgsecretariat@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/animalh/tb/default.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 105, 1A Page Street, London, SW1P 4PQTo advise ministers on bovine TB including overseeing the badger field trial, monitoring non-trial areas andrelated issues, including an extensive research programme to underpin future control strategies.86

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John BourneRemuneration : 185 per daySecretary : Alexia FlowerdayRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2001Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 200000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : For security reasons only summary minutes are available from closed meetings.INLAND WATERWAYS AMENITY ADVISORY COUNCIL (IWAAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7253 1745 Fax Number : 020 7490 7656Email Address : iwaac@btinternet.com Website :Address :Zone 3/B5, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETerms of Reference : To provide strategic policy advice on waterway amenity.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lady KnollysRemuneration : 197.25 per dayContact : Jayne RedrupRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 50000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 87M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsINTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM SYSTEM APPEALS PANEL (IACS Appeals Panel)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0118 953 1907 Fax Number : 0118 939 3817Email Address:peter.crewe@rpa.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.rpa.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Rural Payments Agency , 621 Kings House, Kings Road, Reading, Berkshire, BG1 3BUThe IACS Appeals Panel for England has been set up under the Common Agricultural Policy Support Schemes(Appeals) Regulations 2002 to consider appeals against decisions taken on IACS applications or related schemeclaims. This includes the Single Payment Scheme introduced in 2005 as part of CAP reform.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration :Secretary : Peter CreweRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Panels are chosen to hear cases from the membership of the IACS Panel and therefore there is not one overall chair ofthe body. Conflict of interest declarations are obtained from the IACS Panel members for each individual case that theyconsider.PESTICIDE RESIDUES COMMITTEEMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01904 455751 Fax Number : 01904 455733EmailAddress :tracey.ware@psd.defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.prc-<strong>uk</strong>.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :PRC Secretariat, Room 308 Mallard House, Kings Pool, 3 Peasholme Green, York, North Yorkshire, YO1 7PXThe PRC is an independent Committee that advises the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on a nationwide programme of pesticideresidues surveillance in food and drink. The programme is administered and carried out by officials from thePesticides Safety Directorate (PSD), who in liaison with other <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Departments are responsible for theregulation of pesticides in the UK.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Ian BrownRemuneration : 159 per meetingChief Executive : Tracey WareRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2000000Exp By Dept £ 65000Total Gross Expenditure £88

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (RCEP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7799 8970 Fax Number : 020 7799 8971Email Address:enquiries@rcep.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.rcep.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :5-8 The Sanctuary, London, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JSThe Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution is an independent standing body established in 1970 toadvise the Queen, the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment, Parliament and the public on environmental issues.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Tom BlundellRemuneration : 230 per daySecretary : Tom EddyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 12OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 972000Exp By Dept £ 49393.4Total Gross Expenditure £ 972000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :TelephoneFax020 7238 1712 020 7238 1590: Number :EmailAddress :science.advisory.council@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Room 405 Cromwell House, Dean Stanley Street, London, SW1P 3JHTerms ofReference:Notes :Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/SAC/default.aspThe Science Advisory Council (SAC) will help to ensure the quality appropriateness of Defra's various scientificactivities and use of science, by providing strategic advice on all of Defra's science activities and their relationshipwith both Defra's policy goals and the wider UK and international science base and horizonsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 89M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Independent Secretary /Secretariat :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0Prof Roy Anderson300 per meetingDr Tim Bradshaw / DrJoanne Wallace37375 / Civil ServantOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :YesYesYesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : This is a newly established body and therefore there are no sponsorship costs for the period in question.SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SEAC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7904 6256 Fax Number : 020 7904 6827EmailAddress :SEACsecretariat@seac.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.seac.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1A Page Street, London, SW1P 4PQTo provide scientifically based advice to Defra, the Department of Health, Devolved Administrations, and the FSAon matters relating to spongiform encephalopathies, taking account of the remits of other bodies with relatedresponsibilities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Peter SmithRemuneration : 151 per daySecretary : Dr Catherine BoyleRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2001Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 362000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :90

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7238 4999 Fax Number : 020 7238 4980EmailAddress :sd.commission@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.sd-commission.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Ergon House, Ground Floor, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2ALThe Commission's remit is to advocate sustainable development across all sectors of the UK, particularly withingovernment (including the Devolved Administrations) and build consensus on the actions needed if furtherprogress is to be achieved.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Jonathon Porritt CBERemuneration : 15000Secretary : Scott GhaganRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 864000Exp By Dept £ 93200Total Gross Expenditure £ 804000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/8F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :VETERINARY PRODUCTS COMMITTEE (VPC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01932 336911 Fax Number : 01932 336618EmailAddress :vpc@vmd.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.vpc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3LSTo give advice on safety, quality and efficacy in relation to the veterinary use of any substance or article (notbeing an instrument, apparatus or appliance) to which any provision of the Medicines Act 1968 applies. Topromote the collection of information relating to suspected adverse reactions to veterinary medicines.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :David SkiltonRemuneration : 159 per meetingSecretary : Colin BennettRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 91M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 21M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:1 open forum is held each year. The sponsorship costs associated with the Committee are met wholly by industry andnot Defra.VETERINARY RESIDUES COMMITTEE (VRC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01932 338327 Fax Number : 01932 336618EmailAddress :secretariat@vet-residues-committee.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.vet-residues-committee.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Veterinary Residues Directorate, Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3LSTo advise the Chief Executives of the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VDM) and the Food Standards Agency(FSA) on the formulating residues surveillance programmes, and on the significance of the results in terms ofconsumer safety.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Chair : Dorothy CraigRemuneration : 151 per meetingSecretary : Eric CrutcherRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :WATER REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (WRAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7082 8336Fax Number:020 7082 8343EmailAddress :wrac@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environment/water/industry/wracAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 3/H22, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DETo advise the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on the requirements for plumbing installations and fittings to be included in the WaterRegulations and on other related technical matters. To report to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on enforcement of theRegulations.92

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Civil Servant : Peter JigginsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2000Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 3000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Following submission of its final report in 2003, The Minister of State (Environment) decided not to appoint a furtherCommittee at the present time.ZOOS FORUMMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0117 372 8686 Fax Number : 0117 372 8373Emailwww.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/wildlifecountryside/gwd/zoosforumduncan.williams@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Global Wildlife Division, 1/16 Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6EBTo encourage the role of zoos in conservation, education and scientific research; to keep under review theoperation and implementation of the zoo licensing system in the UK and to advise or make recommendations toMinisters of any legislative or other changes that may be necessary.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Duncan WilliamsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 15240Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : 1 annual open meeting.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 93M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsEXECUTIVE NDPBAGRICULTURAL WAGES BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0207 238 6523 Fax Number : 0207 238 6553EmailAddress :dermot.mcinerney@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 2C , Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2AL,The Agricultural Wages Board is an independent body with a statutory obligation to fix minimum wages foragricultural workers in England and Wales. It also has discretionary powers to decide other terms e.g. holidayand sick pay.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John Derek EvansRemuneration : 242 per daySecretary : Dermot McInerneyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 223000Exp By Dept £ 6000Total Gross Expenditure £ 223000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :AGRICULTURAL WAGES COMMITTEES FOR ENGLANDMultipleYes (15)<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01270 754237 Fax Number : 01270 754260EmailAddress :michael.baker@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 234, Defra Building, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6GJThe Agricultural Wages Committees have powers to grant permits of exemption, to issue certificates regardingpremium arrangements between employers and learners or apprentices, to re-value farmworkers' houses andissue craft certificates.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 193 per daySecretary : Mike BakerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2000Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 23000Exp By Dept £ 110145Total Gross Expenditure £ 2300094

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 12M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The expenditure by department on sponsorship includes sponsorship of the Agricultural Dwelling House AdvisoryCommittees.BRITISH POTATO COUNCIL (BPC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01865 714455 Fax Number : 01865 782200Email Address:hpriestley@potato.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.potato.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4300 Nash Court, John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford, OX4 2RTA statutory levy body funding research and development, collection and dissemination of market information,and promotion of home and overseas markets on behalf of the potato industry.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :David WalkerRemuneration : 59095Chief Executive : Helen PriestleyRemuneration : 80028Staff Employed : 57OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 6553000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : BPC Financial year is 1 July - 30 June and all figures are for 1 July 02 - 30 June 03.COUNTRYSIDE AGENCYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01242 521381 Fax Number : 01242 584270Email Address:info@countryside.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.countryside.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3RAThe Agency aims to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the countryside and secure public access to itfor recreation; and promote the economic and social development of rural areas in England.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 95M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Ewen CameronRemuneration : 47527Chief Executive : Richard WakefordRemuneration : 104041Staff Employed : 662OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 98502000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 108745000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ENGLISH NATUREMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01733 455000 Fax Number : 01733 568834Email Address:enquiries@english-nature.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.english-nature.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Northminster House, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1UAEnglish Nature is the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's adviser on nature conservation of English wildlife. Amongst its activities arethe notification of Sites of Special Scientific Interest and the declaration of National Nature Reserves.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Martin DoughtyRemuneration : 47522Chief Executive : Dr Andrew BrownRemuneration : 99434Staff Employed : 1054OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002/2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 156901000Exp By Dept £ 125142Total Gross Expenditure £ 168863000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31.03.04OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : <strong>Gov</strong>ernment funding figure includes £91,100,000 for Bulk Pension Transfer.96

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsENVIRONMENT AGENCYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 08708 506506 Fax Number : 01454 624409Email Address : enquiries@environment-agency.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.environment-agency.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS12 4UDTo protect and improve the environment in England and Wales by managing and regulating the waterenvironment, and for controlling pollution and wastes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir John HarmanRemuneration : 87475Chief Executive : Baroness YoungRemuneration : 174478Staff Employed : 11714OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 206300000Exp By Dept £ 369200Total Gross Expenditure £ 779700000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/1F EX,0VNotes :FOOD FROM BRITAIN (FFB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7233 5111 Fax Number : 020 7233 9515Email Address:info@foodfrombritain.com Website : www.foodfrombritain.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :4th Floor, Manning House, 22 Carlisle Place, London, SW1P 1JATo work with UK Trade and Investment and industry organisations to promote the export of food and drink inworld markets and to support the UK regional food and drink sector.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr Gordon SummerfieldChair :CBERemuneration : 48523Chief Executive:David McNairRemuneration : 128003Staff Employed : 27OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002/2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5868000Exp By Dept £ 70129Total Gross Expenditure£10835858Appointments and Remuneration Key: 97M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31.03.04OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HOME - GROWN CEREALS AUTHORITY (HGCA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7520 3904 Fax Number : 020 7520 3954EmailAddress :ce@hgca.com Website : www.hgca.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Caledonia House, 223 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9HYTo improve the production, wholesomeness and marketing of UK cereals and oilseeds so as to increase theircompetitiveness in the UK and overseas markets in a sustainable manner, whilst taking account of bothconsumer and environmental requirements.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Antony Pike CBERemuneration : 24709Chief Executive : Dr Paul BiscoeRemuneration : 98,191Staff Employed : 58OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 322000Exp By Dept £ 32486Total Gross Expenditure £ 10405000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 12M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : HGCA has a 30 June year end, all figures quoted refer to the HGCA financial year 2002/3HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (HDC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01732 848383 Fax Number : 01732 848498Email Address : hdc@hdc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hdc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Bradbourne House, The Tithe Barn, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6DZTerms ofReference :Notes :A statutory levy body funding research and development on behalf of the horticultural industry (excludingCider Apples, Perry Pears and hops).98

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Colin HarveyRemuneration : 33820Chief Executive : Martin BeckenhamRemuneration : 53720Staff Employed : 13OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 1299632Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 13M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Accounting year was changed from 1 Oct - 30 Sept to regular accounting year. The figures shown are from 1 Oct 02 -31 Mar 03.HORTICULTURE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL(HRI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01789 470382 Fax Number : 01789 470552Email Address : enquiry.hri@hri.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www2.hri.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EFTerms ofReference :Notes :To innovate and communicate for the benefit of producers and consumers of horticultural and other plantbasedproducts.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter SiddallRemuneration : 27873Chief Executive Officer:Remuneration : 98075Staff Employed : 477Prof Michael A WilsonFRSEOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 15033000Exp By Dept £ 11962000Total Gross Expenditure£26051000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : HRI was privatised on 1/4/04 and its assets transferred to University of Warwick and East Malling Research.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 99M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsJOINT NATURE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE (JNCC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01733 562626 Fax Number : 01733 555948EmailAddress :feedback@jncc.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.jncc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1JYJNCC is a committee of three conservation bodies - English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage and the CountrysideCouncil for Wales, through which their functions relating to nature conservation in Great Britain andinternationally are jointly exercised.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Chair : Prof David Ingram OBERemuneration : 8536Managing Director : Deryck SteerRemuneration : 59048Staff Employed : 117OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 40284Total Gross Expenditure £ 6539000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 8M/1F EX,0VNotes:JNCC is funded from the GIA of English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Countryside Council for Wales. Staffare employed by one or other of these agencies and seconded to JNCC. Expenditure by department = Defra 29,829, SE6, 134 and NAW 4,321.MEAT AND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION (MLC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01908 677577 Fax Number : 01908 609221Email Address : contactus@mlc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mlc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 44, Winterhill House, Snowdon Drive, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AXTo promote efficiency and improve the competitive position in the red meat livestock and livestock products(except milk) industry while having regard to consumer interests.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter BarrRemuneration : 70960Director General : Kevin RobertsRemuneration : 125000Staff Employed : 492OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2080000Exp By Dept £ 277385Total Gross Expenditure £ 53304000100

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :MILK DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (MDC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01285 646500 Fax Number : 01285 646501Email Address : info@mdc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mdc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Stroud Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JNTo promote or undertake scientific research into the production, marketing, distribution and consumption ofmilk products, and to promote milk products to the public.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Brian PeacockRemuneration : 33333Chief Executive : Kevin BellamyRemuneration : 66541Staff Employed : 17OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 10000Total Gross Expenditure £ 4243980Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL FOREST COMPANY (NFC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01283 551211 Fax Number : 01283 552844Email Address : enquiries@nationalforest.org Website : www.nationalforest.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Enterprise Glade, Bath Lane, Moira, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 6BDCreating, through partnerships and with community participation, a new 200 square mile multi-purpose forestfor the nation in the Heart of England.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 101M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Viv AstlingRemuneration : 15011Chief Executive : Susan Bell OBERemuneration : 82060Staff Employed : 24OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Bentley Jennison<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3442931Exp By Dept £ 56000Total Gross Expenditure £ 3958867Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Board meeting held in private; NFC does hold some public meeting eg National Forest Forum.REGIONAL FLOOD DEFENCE COMMITTEES (RFDC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>Yes (10):Telephone : Fax Number :Email Address : Website : http://www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/environ/fcd/policy/opauths.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Addresses throughout England,Regional Flood Defence Committees of the Environment Agency carry out most of the Agency's flood defencefunctions in England and Wales.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration : 15190Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 45000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 8M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 38M/9F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:9 in England, 1 in Wales (covered by the Welsh Assembly). RFDCs are not audited as such; the Environment Agency isaudited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.102

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEWMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 8332 5000 Fax Number : 020 8332 5197Email Address:Website : www.kew.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3ABThe mission of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is to enable better management of the earth's environment byincreasing knowledge and understanding of the plant and fungal kingdoms - the basis of life on earth.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord SelbourneRemuneration : 0Prof Sir Peter R CraneDirector :FRSRemuneration : 148000Staff Employed:657OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16629000Exp By Dept £ 29035Total Gross Expenditure£29383000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SEA FISH INDUSTRY AUTHORITYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0131 558 3331 Fax Number : 0131 558 1442Email Address : seafish@seafish.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.seafish.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address : 18 Logie Mill, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4HGTerms ofReference :Notes :To promote efficiency of the sea fish industry and serve the best interests of that industry and the consumersof sea fish and sea fish products.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Andrew Dewar-DurieRemuneration : 26936Chief Executive : John RutherfordRemuneration : 74687Staff Employed : 136OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 256620Total Gross Expenditure £ 10854000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 103M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :WINE STANDARDS BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7236 9512 Fax Number : 020 7236 7908Email Address : enquiries@wsb.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.wsb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Five Kings House, 1 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1QSTerms of Reference : The Board is responsible for the enforcement of European Wine Regulations at all levels except retail.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>ChristopherChair :RobertsRemuneration : 4376Chief Executive:Dr Allan CurranRemuneration : 54306Staff Employed:10OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :CoulthardsMacKenzie<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 430000Exp By Dept £ 36930Total Gross Expenditure£518236Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :PUBLIC CORPORATIONBRITISH WATERWAYS BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01923 226422 Fax Number : 01923 201400Email Address : Website : www.britishwaterways.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Willow Grange, Church Road, Watford, Herts, WD17 4QATo manage and operate Britain's inland waterways system efficiently for increasing benefit of the economy,particularly from leisure and tourism.Notes :104

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs <strong>Public</strong> CorporationsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr GeorgeGreenerRemuneration : 68514Chief Executive:Robin EvansRemuneration : 206775Staff Employed:2214OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002/2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 81970000Exp By Dept £ 85000Total GrossExpenditure £211046000PriceWaterhouseCoopersAppointments and Remuneration as at 31.03.03OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COVENT GARDEN MARKET AUTHORITYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7720 2211 Fax Number : 020 7622 5307Email Address : info@cgma.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cgma.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Covent House, New Covent Garden Market, London, SW8 5NXTerms ofReference :Notes :The Authority owns and manages the New Covent Garden Market and is responsible for its operation andmaintenance.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Leif Mills CBERemuneration : 43809General Manager : Dr Michael LigginsRemuneration : 92292Staff Employed : 48OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Nexia Audit Ltd<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 57591Total Gross Expenditure £ 7732716Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 105M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal NDPBsTRIBUNAL NDPBAGRICULTURAL LAND TRIBUNALS (ENGLAND)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7238 5677 Fax Number : 020 7238 6553Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 2C, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2ALTo determine disputes between agricultural landlords and tenants (other than through the courts or arbitration)as provided for in the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986; and between agricultural neighbours as provided for in theLand Drainage Act 1991.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Contact : Geoff WebdaleRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : This committee is dormant at present.COMMONS COMMISSIONERSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0117 372 8875 Fax Number : 0117 372 8250Email Address : commons.commissioners@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Zone 1/05, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6EBTerms of Reference : To adjudicate on any disputes arising from the provisional registration of common land.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Edward CousinsRemuneration : 435 per daySecretary : Nick WilsonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 30000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 29106106

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :DAIRY PRODUCE QUOTA TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7238 3089 Fax Number : 020 7238 3114Email Address : jill.powis@defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Room FL5: Area D, 9 Millbank, c/o Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JRTerms ofReference :Notes :The tribunal was set up in 1984 following the introduction of milk quotas, to consider applications from milkproducers for additional quotas.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Jill PowisRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 1995Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The tribunal has been dormant since June 1994.PLANT VARIETIES AND SEEDS TRIBUNALSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01223 533508 Fax Number : 01223 533531EmailAddress :jane.m.barr@defra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 0/81, Eastbrook, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2DRTo hear appeals against the decision of the Controller of Plant Variety Rights on Plant Breeder's Rights matters;against decisions of the agricultural Ministers on National List and seeds matters; and against decisions of theForestry Commissioners on matters concerning forest reproductive materials.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 107M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Secretary : Jane BarrRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 7000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRSAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPAIR QUALITY FORUMDate Established : March 1998Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No formal reportsYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 8Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 5Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 14Number of Private Sector : 10Chair :DefraEXPENDITURE AND FOOD SURVEY FAMILY FOOD COMMITTEEDate Established : January 2002Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Contribution to the Annual Report which publishesdetailed results from the surveyAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 10Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of Private Sector : 8Chair :DavidThompson108

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF THE RANDOMISED BADGER CULLING TRIALDate Established : April 2003Date Reported / Due toApril <strong>2004</strong>Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up : April <strong>2004</strong>Notes :www.defra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/publications/<strong>2004</strong>/GodfreyReport_BovineTBEpidemiology.pdfAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :6Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Professor H Charles JGodfrayNSP SEMEN ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT BOARDDate Established : October <strong>2004</strong>Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 7Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Peter BaberORGANIC ACTION PLAN GROUPDate Established : January 2002Date Reported / Due toReport :July 2002Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Action plan to develop organic food and farmingin EnglandContinuing to monitor progress with planAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :4Number of Private Sector : 9Chair :BenBradshawRURAL AFFAIRS FORUM FOR ENGLANDDate Established : January 2002Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Ad hoc reports to main Forum bysub-groupsAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 2Number of Civil Servants : 1Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :12Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :15Number of Private Sector : 12Chair :The Rt. Hon. AlunMichael MP109

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>SUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOOD IMPLEMENTATION GROUPDate Established : October 2002Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryLast Updated : 04/01/2005 11:24:06Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 2Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 1Number of Private Sector : 7Chair :Sir Don CurrySUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOOD RESEARCH PRIORITIES GROUPDate Established : October 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : October 2006Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 7Chair :Professor Chris PollockURBAN GULL LEAFLET STEERING GROUPDate Established : September 2003Date Reported / Due to Report:September <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Leaflet produced on urbangullsAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector:3Number of Private Sector : 5Chair :Julian Hughes(RSPB)REVIEWNATIONAL STATISTICS QUALITY REVIEW ON SUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOODDate Established:March 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :February <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Report makes 15 recommendations covering indicators, informationsources & survey developments, survey priorities & user consultation,quality developments and organisation.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :9Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :0Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :0Number of PrivateSector :1Chair :DavidThompson110

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>REVIEW OF FISHING VESSEL LICENSINGDate Established : February 1999Date Reported / Due to Report : <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryLast Updated : 04/01/2005 11:24:06Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 13Chair :Barry EdwardsREVIEW OF MARINE NATURE CONSERVATION WORKING GROUPDate Established:September 1999Date Reported /Due to Report :June <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :An examination of how effectively the system for protecting natureconservation in the marine environment is working and to developpractical and proportionate proposals for improving it.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :15Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :12Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :7Number of PrivateSector :8Chair :MartinCapstick(Defra)TASK FORCESUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCEDate Established : April 2003Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 8Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 2Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 3Number of Private Sector : 3Chair :The Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett MP111

DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 1 Palace Street, London, SW1E 5HEEnquiries : Anne NicoleTelephone : 020 7023 0883 GTN : 3535 0883 Fax : 020 7023 0836E-mail : AM-Nicole@dfid.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.dfid.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :1M/0F All Appointments1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,1M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBOVERSEAS SERVICE PENSIONS SCHEME ADVISORY BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01355 843562 Fax Number : 01355 843636Email Address:s-duff@dfid.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Ambercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8EATo advise the Parliamentary Under - Secretary of State for International Development on the administration ofthe Overseas Service Pensions Scheme 1985 and to represent the interests of members.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter BroughRemuneration : Civil ServantSecretary : Sheona DuffRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 1000Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :112

Department for International Development Executive NDPBsEXECUTIVE NDPBCOMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP COMMISSION IN THE UKMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7387 8572 Fax Number : 020 7387 2655Email Address:awards@acu.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.acu.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :John Foster House, 36 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PFThe Commission was set up under the Commonwealth Scholarship Act 1959 as the body responsible for theUnited Kingdom's participation in the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor TrudyChair :HarphamRemuneration : 5000Secretary :Dorothy KirkwoodRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :YesYesYesLast Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :KingstonSmith<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 13500000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£13500000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:£11.5 million funding is provided by the Department for International Development and £2 million by the Foreign andCommonwealth Office. These funds are administered by the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the BritishCouncil. A very small percentage of the funding is used to run the Commission and the amount is not separatelyidentified in DFID's accounts.CROWN AGENTS HOLDING & REALISATION BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 8643 3311 Fax Number : 020 8643 6518Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :St Nicholas House, St Nicholas Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1ELThe Board is a statutory corporation established under the Crown Agents Act 1979 to manage the orderlyrundown of certain own-account activities of the Crown Agents prior to their incorporation.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr D H ProbertRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : -Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 0Last Review : 0Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration Key: 113M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for International Development Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:There are no costs to DFID associated with the running of the Crown Agents Holding and Realisation Board - theminimal costs are met by the Crown Agents.DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPCOMMISSION FOR AFRICADateEstablished :February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :April 2005The Commission will be taking a fresh look at the challenges Africa faces inthe context of the global forces in play in the 21st Century. The Commissionaims to generate increased support for the G8 Africa Action Plan and the NewPartnership for African Development (NePAD)Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number of CivilServants :0Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 14Chair :PrimeMinister114

DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 26/4 Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, SW1P 4DREnquiries : Marion ButlerTelephone0207 944 3974 GTN : 3533 3974 Fax : 020 7944 2216:E-mail : marion.butler@dft.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dft.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :Marion Butler works on Wednesday to Friday each week. The contact in her absence is Chris Byrne, Head of DfTRecruitment 020 7944 3348. chris.byrne@dft.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY17M/15F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled :17M/15F All AppointmentsEthnicMinority :12M/3F Ministerial Appointments,12M/3F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBCOMMISSION FOR INTEGRATED TRANSPORT (CFIT)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7944 8669 Fax Number : 020 7944 8643EmailAddress :Website : www.cfit.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Zone F16, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DEThe Commission is an advisory non-departmental body with the remit to provide independent advice to<strong>Gov</strong>ernment on transport policy issues. The Commission will advise on: a. Future policy options (blue-skythinking) on strategic issues; b. Policy issues touching on transport objectives that span departmental boundaries;c. Identification of best practice amongst local authorities and other delivery agencies to identify barriers to deliverand improve performance; d. Comparisons with European/ International policy initiatives and best practice; e. Theimpact of new technology; f. Stakeholder input to inform the policy making process; g. Specific Policy Reviews asagreed by the <strong>Gov</strong>ernance Board.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor David BeggRemuneration : 30000Secretary : Andrew BraithwaiteRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 5M/0F EX,0VNotes :For financial purposes CfIT are part of the DfT balance sheet and are subject to the same procedures and checks asDfT.Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

DISABLED PERSONS TRANSPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DPTAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7944 8012 Fax Number : 020 7944 6998Email Address:dptac@dft.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dptac.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DRTo advise government on transport issues and (on a non - statutory basis) built environment needs of disabledpeople. It also offers advice and guidance to industry and local authorities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Neil BetteridgeRemuneration : 0Secretary : Andy KirbyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2003-04 www.dptac.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 309650Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/9F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBNORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD (NLB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0131 473 3100 Fax Number : 0131 220 2093Email Address : nlb@org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nlb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :84 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3DATerms of Reference : Responsible for the provision and maintenance of aids to navigation for Scotland and the Isle of Man.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sheriff Principal Edward FChair :Bowen TD QCRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Captain James TaylorRemuneration : 78142Staff Employed:357OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report:Last Review : -2002/03(www.dft.gov.<strong>uk</strong>)Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £19900000116

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V5M/0F P, 8M/4F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Classified as a public corporation for national accounts purposes. Of the 19 Board members only one is appointed withthe approval of the Secretary of State (Commissioner from the Isle of Man).RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE EASTERN ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6065 Fax Number : 01733 891286Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/easternAddress : 3rd Floor, Stuart House, City Road, Peterborough, Cambs, PE1 1QFTerms ofReference :Notes :The RPC Eastern England is one of six regional Rail Passengers Committees. There are also Committees forScotland and Wales.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr DerekChair :LangslowRemuneration : 17860.63Chief Executive:Guy DangerfieldRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:6OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 314151Exp By Dept £ 85941Total GrossExpenditure £314151Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V10M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE MIDLANDSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6075 Fax Number : 0121 236 6945Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/midlandsAddress :6th Floor, The Mclaren Building, 35 Dale End, Birmingham, B4 7LNTerms of Reference : The RPC Midlands is one of eight Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 117M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Phil DavisRemuneration : 17860.63Chief Executive:PaulFullwoodRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 330057Exp By Dept £ 89853Total GrossExpenditure £330057Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V10M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE NORTH EASTERN ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6085 Fax Number : 01904 643026Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/northernAddress :Ground Floor, Unit 2, Holgate Park, Poppleton Road, York, Yorkshire, YO26 4GBTerms of Reference : The RPC North Eastern England is one of eight regional Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>ChristineChair :KnightsRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:Clive GossopRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:6OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 353948Exp By Dept £ 85356Total GrossExpenditure £353948Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V5M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :118

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsRAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE NORTH WESTERN ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6095 Fax Number : 0161 244 5981Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/northwesternAddress :9th Floor, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RPTerms of Reference : The RPC North Western England is one of eight Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>BrendanChair :O'FrielRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:John MooneyRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:6OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report :Last Review :YesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 314442Exp By Dept £ 93528Total GrossExpenditure £314442Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V9M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE SCOTLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6105 Fax Number : 0141 221 3393Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/scotlandAddress :5th Floor, Corunna House, 29 Cadogan Street, Glasgow, G2 7ABTerms of Reference : The RPC Scotland is one of the eight regional Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mike LunanRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:RobertSamsonRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report :Last Review :YesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 339956Exp By Dept £ 110854Total GrossExpenditure £339956Appointments and Remuneration Key: 119M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V10M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE SOUTHERN ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6115 Fax Number : 020 7240 8923Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/southernAddress :3rd Floor, Centric House, 390 - 391 Strand, London, WC2R 0LTTerms of Reference : The RPC Southern England is one of eight Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Tim NicholsonRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:MarkWoodbridgeRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:6OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServicesOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 381577Exp By Dept £ 118486Total GrossExpenditure £381577Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V11M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE WALESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6125 Fax Number : 029 2022 3992Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/walesAddress :St David's House, East Wing, Wood Street, Cardiff, CF10 1ESTerms of Reference : The RPC Wales is one of the eight Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :120

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Acting Chairman -Andrew GoodwinRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:Clive WilliamsRemuneration : 44634-62460Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:YesLast Review :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 321820Exp By Dept £ 89583Total GrossExpenditure £321820Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V6M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:On 31 March <strong>2004</strong>, Andrew Goodwin was Acting Chairman, whilst an open competition was progressing to find apermanent Chairman. That process appointed Colin Foxall from 15/05/04.RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE WESTERN ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6135 Fax Number : 01179 294140Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>/westernAddress :10th Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol, BS1 3BNTerms of Reference : The RPC Western England is one of the eight Rail Passengers Committees.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>ChristopherChair :IrwinRemuneration : 17860Chief Executive:Mike GreedyRemuneration : 44630-72316Staff Employed:6OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary and Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 375067Exp By Dept £ 100248Total GrossExpenditure £375067Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V11M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 121M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsRAIL PASSENGERS COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0870 336 6000 Fax Number : 020 7713 2729Email Address : info@railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.railpassengers.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Whittles House, 14 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9HFTerms of Reference : Deals with issues affecting rail users nationally and co-ordinates the work of the regional RPCs.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>StewartChair :FrancisRemuneration : 23601.65Chief Executive:AnthonySmithRemuneration : 72316-151969Staff Employed:21OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Parliamentary + Health ServiceOmbudsmanAnnual Report : YesLast Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2228210Exp By Dept £ 154372Total GrossExpenditure £2228210Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :STRATEGIC RAIL AUTHORITY (SRA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7654 6000 Fax Number : 020 7654 6010Email Address : Website : www.sra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :55 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 0EUTo promote the railway for the carriage of passengers and goods, to secure the development of anintegrated system of transport.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair and ChiefExecutive :RichardBowkerRemuneration : 305994Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 457(see Chair)OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report:2002-03Last Review :(<strong>Gov</strong>ernment review of RailIndustry published July <strong>2004</strong>)Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2274000000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £2274000000122

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:In September <strong>2004</strong>, David Quarmby CBE was appointed as Chair to oversee the transition of the SRA into the new railindustry structure, following the Secretary of State's review of the railways in July <strong>2004</strong>. Expenditure by DfT onsponsorship of SRA not separately identified in DfT Accounts.TRINITY HOUSE LIGHTHOUSE SERVICEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7481 6900 Fax Number : 020 7481 7662Email Address : Website : www.trinityhouse.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Trinity House, Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4DHResponsible for the provision and maintenance of marine aids to navigation for England, Wales and theChannel Islands.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Executive Chair:Remuneration : 87007Chief Executive:(see Chair)Remuneration : -Staff Employed:421Rear Admiral Jeremy DeHalpertOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review : -2002 - 03(www.dft.gov.<strong>uk</strong>)Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £26000000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherExecutive Chair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Classified as a public corporation for accounts purposes. Non ministerially appointed members comprise 3 elder brethrenand 3 non-voting officers (these members are on the board by virtue of the posts they hold). Further details notprovided by Department for Transport.PUBLIC CORPORATIONCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (CAA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7379 7311 Fax Number :Email Address:press.office@caa.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.caa.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :CAA House, 45-49 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TEResponsible for the regulation of civil aviation in the United Kingdom and specific responsibility for aviationsafety, economic regulation, airspace policy and consumer protection with regard to civil aviation.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 123M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Transport Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir RoyMcNultyRemuneration : 119900Director, Finance andCorporate Services :ChrisJesnickRemuneration : 115640Staff Employed : 1038OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :NoOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report:Last Review :2003-04www.ombudsman.org.<strong>uk</strong>/pca/document/paro4Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 73128PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPTotal GrossExpenditure £166100000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :TRIBUNAL NDPBTRAFFIC COMMISSIONERSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>Yes (1):Telephone : 020 7944 2120 Fax Number : 020 7944 2109Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :VOSA, Zone 5/17, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 3DTResponsible for the licensing of operators and drivers of heavy goods and passenger service vehicles in theeight traffic areas covering England, Scotland and Wales.There are 7 Traffic Commissioners covering the following regions: Scotland, North Western, Western,Welsh/West Midlands, South Eastern and Metropolitan, North Eastern, EasternNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 75485 to 83255Senior Traffic Commissioner : Mr Philip BrownRemuneration : 83255Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 5M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V11M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Traffic Commissioners are appointed by the Secretary of State individually and in their own right. The DeputyCommissioners are civil servants employed by the department. All Traffic Commissioner costs are recovered throughfees to the industry.124

DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORTAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPA52 MULTI-MODAL STUDY PROJECT MANAGEMENT GROUPDate Established : March 2002Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :http://www.go-em.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/transport/mmrb-studies/a52.php No other information provided byDepartment for TransportADVISORY GROUP ON MOTORCYCLINGDate Established : May 1999Date Reported / Dueto Report :August <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Advisory Group on Motorcycling: FinalReport to <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of Civil Servants:9Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :3Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of Private Sector:8Chair :Parliamentary Under Secretaryof State, DfTAVIATION HEALTH WORKING GROUPDate Established : March 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department for TransportDISRUPTIVE PASSENGERS WORKING GROUPDate Established:February 1999Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Group set up to advise Ministers on measures to minimise the frequency and potential impact ofdisruptive behaviour on board aircraft. Group's work is ongoing and includes annual reports on the levelof disruptive behaviour on board UK aircraft. No other information provided by Department for Transport

Department for Transport Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>RAIL ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION BRANCH (IMPLEMENTATION GROUP)Date Established : August 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Group established to provide informal rail industry advice on the establishment of the Rail AccidentInvestigation Branch (RAIB). No other information provided by Department for TransportROAD HAULAGE FORUMDate Established : April 1999Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Forum delivers DfT sponsorship of the road haulage industry, with particular respect to issues ofcompetitiveness and modernisation. Chaired by the Minister for Transport. No other informationprovided by Department for TransportROAD SAFETY ADVISORY PANELDate Established:July 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Panel is unlikely to be disbanded until 2011, as it advises on casualty reduction targets to bedelivered by 2010. Representation on it will be reviewed every three years. Group membership is moreakin to an internal committee than an external body. No other information provided by Department forTransport.WEST MIDLANDS TO EAST MIDLANDS (TRANCHE 2) MULTI-MODAL STUDY PROJECT MANAGEMENT GROUPDate Established : February 2001Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :http://www.go-em.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/transport/mmrb-studies/west_eastmms.php No other informationprovided by Department for TransportTASK FORCESHIPPING TASK FORCEDate Established:December 1998Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Task Force is overseeing implementation of the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's shipping policy paper: 'BritishShipping: Charting a New Course', published in December 1998. The Task Force makes regular reports tothe SoS, but there are no plans for a published report. No other information provided by Department forTransport.126

DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONSDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : NDPB Liaison, Room 505H, Norcross, Blackpool, FY5 3TAEnquiries : Janet RileyTelephone : 01253 332894 GTN : 421 62894 Fax : 01253 333405E-mail : janet.riley@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dwp.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY117M/143F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled :117M/143F All AppointmentsEthnic Minority :17M/58F Ministerial Appointments,17M/58F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBDISABILITY EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DEAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0114 267 7242 Fax Number : 0114 267 7244EmailAddress :pat.farrar@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.deac.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :DEAC Secretariat, Room N809, Moorfoot, Sheffield, S1 4PQTo offer Ministers and officials strategic advice on the employment of disabled people; to advise on the labourmarket barriers across Great Britain that disabled people face; to develop recommendations on the supportrequired to overcome these barriers; and to provide advice in confidence on the effectiveness of labour marketpolicies.DEAC is an advisory committee working closely with Ministers, in confidence, on disability employment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sally WitcherRemuneration : 0Secretary : Arthur BlacklockRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Summary of minutes available on website www.deac.org.<strong>uk</strong> First annual report due July <strong>2004</strong> 6 ethnic advisers wereappointed to assist in capacity building in January <strong>2004</strong> Complete "expenditure by department on sponsorship" for2002/03 not available as body only formed in August 2002.DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE ADVISORY BOARD (DLAAB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7962 8982 Fax Number : 020 7712 2507Email Address : Website : www.dlaab.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :The Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6HTTo advise the Secretary of State and medical services doctors on matters relating to the Disability LivingAllowance and Attendance Allowance.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 127M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Work and Pensions Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs Anne SpaightRemuneration : 280 per daySecretary : Ian GarlandRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 53546Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/9F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Medical Secretary: Dr Roger ThomasINDUSTRIAL INJURIES ADVISORY COUNCIL (IIAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7962 8066 Fax Number : 020 7962 2255Email Address:iiac@dial.pipex.com Website : www.iiac.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :6th Floor, The Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6HTTo advise the Secretary of State on: The prescription of industrial diseases regulations under the Social SecurityAdministration Act 1992 and the Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, and The Industrial Injuries Benefit Schemeitself.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Anthony NewmanChair :TaylorRemuneration :Head of theSecretariat :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0240 per meetingDr Paul StidolphCivil ServantOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -YesNoNoAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 61033Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:A review is currently being considered. Expenditure by department on sponsorship includes expenses and costs of IIAC,but excludes staffing costs etc, which are not separately identified in DWP departmental accounts128

Department for Work and Pensions Advisory NDPBsNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT PANEL (NEP)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7340 4232 Fax Number : 020 7340 4202EmailAddress :nep@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nationalemploymentpanel.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Level 5a, Caxton House, 6-12 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NAThe Panel is an employer-led body, which provides independent advice to Ministers on the design, delivery andperformance of the UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's labour market policies and programmes. Its remit encompasses all the NewDeals and other Welfare to Work activities delivered by the DWP, Jobcentre Plus and partner organisations atnational and local levels.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Sandy LeitchRemuneration : 0Secretary : Jill HoggerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1325761Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SOCIAL SECURITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SSAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7412 1509 Fax Number : 020 7412 1570Email Address:ssac@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ssac.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :New Court, Carey Street, London, WC2A 2LSAdvises on Social Security matters generally; may report on regulations referred by the Secretary of State forWork and Pensions or the Northern Ireland Department responsible for Social Security.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Thomas Boyd-CarpenterRemuneration : 290 per daySecretary : Ms Gill SaundersRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003/04Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 221500Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 129M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Work and Pensions Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBDISABILITY RIGHTS COMMISSION (DRC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 08457 622 633 Fax Number : 08457 778 878Email Address:enquiry@drc-gb.org Website : www.drc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, Arndale House, The Arndale Centre, Manchester, M4 3AQTo work towards the elimination of discrimination against disabled people; to promote equal opportunities; toencourage good practice in the treatment of disabled people; and to keep the Disability Discrimination Act underreview.DRC's head office address is given. DRC also have offices in London, Cardiff and Edinburgh.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr BertChair :Massie, CBERemuneration : 97788Chief Executive:Mr Bob NivenRemuneration : 106342Staff Employed:178OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2003Last Review : -Parliamentary Commissioner forAdministrationExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:NAO & BentleyJennison<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 13691000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £14313000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Remuneration of chair £97,788 consists of £72871 basic pay + £17124 pension contribution + £7793 national insurancepayment. Remuneration of Chief Executive is estimated at £106,342 (includes bonus, pension and lodging allowance).The audit arrangements are for NAO to be external and Bentley Jennison internal auditors. Due to the way in which thesponsorship function operates for this body, it is not possible to disaggregate sponsorship costs for DRC from the overallcosts of the Directorate. Light Touch review due in 2005.130

Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPBsHEALTH AND SAFETY COMMISSION (HSC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7717 6000 Fax Number : 020 7717 6717EmailAddress :chairmans.office.hsc@hse.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hse.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HSHSC's mission (with the Health and Safety Executive:HSE) is to protect people's health and safety by ensuringthat risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled. HSE, working with Local Authorities, is the means bywhich the mission is carried out.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Bill Callaghan95000 toRemuneration :100000Chief Executive:-Remuneration : -Staff Employed:4.5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesOffice of the Parliamentary Commissionerfor AdministrationAnnual Report:2003/04 joint with HSELast Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 643000Exp By Dept £ 339239Total GrossExpenditure £643000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:For salary purposes, the Chair of HSC is regarded as equivalent to grade 1 in the Senior Civil Service. 4.5 staff employedrepresents full time equivalent employees who support HSC business. Only one of these posts is funded directly by HSC,others funded by HSE. Minutes available at www.hse.gov.<strong>uk</strong>. <strong>Gov</strong>ernment funding and total gross expenditure are basedon schedule 2 of HSC's 2002/03 accounts.HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7717 6000 Fax Number : 020 7717 6717Email Address : Website : www.hse.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HSThe mission for HSE (and Health and Safety Commission: HSC) is to protect people's health and safety byensuring that risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 131M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -DirectorGeneral :TimothyWalkerRemuneration : CivilServantStaff Employed:4019OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesOffice of the ParliamentaryCommissioner for AdministrationAnnual Report:2003/04 (joint with HSC)Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 201633000Exp By Dept £ 339239Total GrossExpenditure £255488000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The staffing figure of 4019 represents full time equivalent employees employed by the Health and Safety Laboratory(HSL) which is an in-house agency of HSE. Although staff are directly employed by HSE and HSL, they are civil servants.Minutes at www.hse.gov.<strong>uk</strong>. The figures for expenditure by department and total gross expenditure cover both HSE andHSL; and are based on schedule 2 of HSE's 2002/03 accounts.OCCUPATIONAL PENSIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (OPRA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01273 627600 Fax Number : 01273 627888Email Address : paul.mclaren@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.opra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Invicta House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton, BN1 4DWTo make pensions more secure; and to give members of Occupational Pension Schemes added confidence thatmoney put aside for their retirement is safe.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mrs Harriet MaunsellChair :OBERemuneration : 69232Acting Chief Executive:Mr Tony HobmanRemuneration : 110248Staff Employed : 256OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoNoAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 15974000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£15712000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Figures for staff employed includes 60 staff at the Pension Schemes Registry, Newcastle. Due to the way in which thesponsorship function operates for this body, it is not possible to disaggregate sponsorship costs for Opra from the overallcosts of the Directorate.132

Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPBsPENSIONS COMPENSATION BOARD (PCB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7712 2335 Fax Number : 020 7962 8676Email Address:sue.barbosa@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 501, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RBTo administer the Pensions Compensation Scheme, which provides help to occupational pension schemes whichhave suffered a reduction in the value of their assets as a result of dishonesty and where a specific employer isinsolvent.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Brian CarsbergRemuneration : 361 per daySecretary : Mr Mike LydonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : .3OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 69944Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : PCB is funded by a levy on the pension schemes.REMPLOY LIMITEDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0247 651 5804 Fax Number : 0247 651 5861Email Address : Website : www.remploy.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Stonecourt, Siskin Drive, Coventry, CV3 4FJTo expand the opportunities for disabled people in sustainable employment within Remploy and thecommunity it serves.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Alan PedderRemuneration : 38634Chief Executive : Mr Bob WarnerRemuneration : 120000Staff Employed : 8760OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Deloitte & Touche<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 119162000Exp By Dept £ 143380Total Gross Expenditure £ 272053000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 133M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chief Executive's remuneration £120,000 with potential bonus earnings to a maximum salary of £162,000. Staffemployed includes 3,226 support placements (Interwork). No audited figures for <strong>Gov</strong>ernment funding, figures calculatedusing departmental costing guide.TRIBUNAL NDPBAPPEALS SERVICE (AS)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7712 2600 Fax Number : 020 7712 2651EmailAddress :Website : www.appeals-service.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :The President's Office, 5th floor, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road , London, WC1X 8HNThe Appeals Service arranges independent hearings for appeals relating to decisions on social security, vaccinedamage, tax credits and compensation recovery.Although the Appeals Service is administered by the Department for Work and Pensions, all appointments to thetribunals are made by the Lord Chancellor (Department for Constitutional Affairs). The Appeals Service haspreviously been classed as having multiple bodies. The Appeals Service however, has one panel to draw from,with appeals being heard in one approximately 140 venues. The tribunals are chaired by any of the 660 fee-paidlegal members or by one of the 65 salary paid chairs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : *Chief Executive : Christina TownsendRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO & DWP IAS<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 63152000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Chairs MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 42M/23F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1089M/901F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Members appointments break down into the following categories: 660 Legally Qualified: male 420, female 240. 777Medically Qualified: male 219, female 558. 20 Financially Qualified: male 17, female 3. 533 Disability Qualified: male433, female 100 (gender pro-rata breakdown based on 2003 information). * Chairs remuneration is dependent on whochairs the tribunal: chair is paid either approximately £88,546 annually or £352 per day if chaired by fee paid legalmember.PENSIONS OMBUDSMAN (PO)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7712 2335 Fax Number : 020 7962 8676Email Address:sue.barbosa@dwp.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pensions-ombudsman.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :6th Floor, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RBTo investigate and decide on complaints and disputes concerning occupational pension schemes. TheOmbudsman is completely independent and acts as an impartial adjudicator.134

Department for Work and Pensions Tribunal NDPBsNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David LaverickRemuneration : 104806Administrator : Mr Mike LydonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 34OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1464000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONSAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPACTIVITIES FOR MANAGING LIFE WORKING GROUPDateEstablished :July 1998Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:No reports have been published. Minutes of meetings are producedDate WoundUp :April <strong>2004</strong>Notes :The working group is considering possible options for change in the gatewaysto Disability Living Allowance. The changes should aim to ensure that thebenefit makes a contribution towards the extra costs encountered by disabledpeople in managing their lives. This is an informal advisory group that does notproduce reports. The future of the group will be kept under review.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :6060Mr JohnHughes,DWPAppointments and Remuneration Key: 135M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department for Work and Pensions Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>AGE PARTNERSHIP GROUP (APG)DateEstablished :November 2002Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :Purpose: A three-year strategy to provide information and guidance to allemployers on age positive practices through high profile national guidancecampaigns. This campaign, in association with external partners will bedesigned to raise employers' awareness of, and ability to adopt, flexibleemployment and retirement opportunities in order to increase therecruitment, retention and training of older workers.Appointments SummaryLast Updated:Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :04/01/200511:24:0743112ChristineAshdown,DWPCONSULTATION PANEL FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE MINIMUM FUNDING REQUIREMENTDateEstablished :September 2001Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:No formal report plannedDate WoundUp :Notes :The Consultation Panel for the Replacement of the Minimum FundingRequirement (MFR) was set up to assist in developing the detailed policy forlegislation on the replacement of the MFR, which applies to defined benefitoccupational pension schemes. The primary legislation is contained in thePensions Bill <strong>2004</strong>. The Consultation Panel continues to assist in developingthe secondary legislation. The panel consists of expert representatives fromthe pensions industry, customer organisations, employers and trade unions.The group is an informal group with a limited lifespan, its future will be keptunder regular review.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :80112Mr CharlesRamsden,DWPEMPLOYERS TASK FORCE ON PENSIONS ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : July 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No formal reports plannedThe role of the Advisory Group is to provide the Employers TaskForce with access to experience and expertise from keyorganisations with an interest in pensions.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :0Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :0Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :0Number of PrivateSector :15Chair :Sir Peter Davis, JSainsbury plc136

Department for Work and Pensions Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>EUROPEAN YEAR OF DISABLED PEOPLE NATIONAL CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEEDate Established:January 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :June <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up:June <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Independent UK EYDP Evaluation report and Final Management Reportposted on http://www.disability.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/euro.htmlThe committee's purpose is to develop, agree, implement, oversee andevaluate strategy for a successful programme of activity for the EuropeanYear of Disabled People 2003.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :2Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :48Number ofPrivate Sector :3Chair :Ms LizTillett,DWPJOINT DWP/DH WORKING GROUP ON LEARNING DISABILITIES AND EMPLOYMENTDate Established:June 2002Date Reported /Due to Report : <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :Prepare a paper for DWP and DH Ministers, and also the LearningDisabilities Task Force. The report will outline options to try andimprove employment rates for people with learning disabilities, as partof DH's Valuing People White PaperAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :3Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :4Number ofPrivate Sector :1Chair :Ian Berry, DHDisabilityBranchPENSION COMMISSIONDateEstablished :DateReported /Due to Report:ReportDetails :Date WoundUp :Notes :December 2002Interim report planned for September <strong>2004</strong>. First report includingpreliminary recommendations anticipated to be completed by mid2005. The report will describe in detail the present private pensionand long-term saving situation in the UK, the trends in place and thechallenges to be met.The Pension Commission's specific terms of reference, set out in theDecember 2002 Pensions Green Paper, is: "To keep under review theregime for UK private pensions and long-term savings, taking intoaccount the proposals in the Green Paper, assessing the informationneeded to monitor progress and looking in particular at current andprojected trends in: the level of occupational pension provision:-trends in employer and employee contributions;- trends in coverageof occupational pension;- the level of personal pension savings,including:- take-up of stakeholder and personal pensions;-contributions to stakeholder and personal pensions; and- the levelsof other saving:- financial assets, for example Individual SavingsAccounts, housing, businesses, savings, and other assets of partners.On the basis of this assessment of how effectively the currentvoluntarist approach is developing over time, to makerecommendations to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions onwhether there is a case for moving beyond the current voluntaristapproach".Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivateSector :Chair :8111Adair Turner, ViceChair of Merrill LynchHoldings Ltd, and Chairof the Low PayCommission137

Department for Work and Pensions Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>TASK FORCEEMPLOYERS TASK FORCE ON PENSIONSDateEstablished :June 2003Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Due to report to the Secretary of State Autumn <strong>2004</strong>Date WoundUp :Notes :- to develop and promote employers' role in pension provision andencourage employees to save, with particular emphasis on: increasingemployees' access to high quality pension schemes; improving adviceavailable to enable employees to make informed choices; encouragingemployees to take up pension provision; identifying the needs of specificsectors to develop targeted pensions solutions. act as a catalyst in thedevelopment and promulgation of best practice; to advise the Secretary ofState on the role of the employer in the pensions partnership.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :00015Sir PeterDavis, JSainsburysplc.ETHNIC MINORITY EMPLOYMENT TASK FORCEDateEstablished :September 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :First report due September <strong>2004</strong>; subsequently September 2005 and finalreport September 2006. Reports to Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs,Productivity and Competitiveness via Secretary of State for Work andPensionsThe Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force was set up to ensure that the28 recommendations of the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit's report on ethnicminorities in the labour market are fully implement, and embedded into acoherent cross-government ethnic minority strategy.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :5Number of CivilServants :8Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :1Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 3Chair :JaneKennedyMP, DWP138

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : NHS Appointments Commission, Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, West One, LEEDS LS1 4PLEnquiries : christine.hope@apcomm.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Telephone : 0113 394 2952 GTN : Fax : 0113 394 2955E-mail : christine.hope@apcomm.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARYDisabled :0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,95M/89F All AppointmentsEthnicMinority :0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,234M/231F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADMINISTRATION OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ARSAC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7972 3891 Fax Number : 020 7972 6089EmailAddress :patricia.brown@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/arsacAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :ARSAC Secretariat, Room 688D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHThe Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (ARSAC) was set up under the Medicines(Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 1978 to: advise Health Ministers with respect to the grant,renewal, suspension, revocation and variation of certificates and generally in connection with the system of priorauthorisation required by Article 5(a) of Council Directive 76/579/Euratom.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor J H McKillopRemuneration : 0Administrative Secretary : P M BrownRemuneration :CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 1993Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/7F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Last published report is available on request. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DHaccounts.ADVISORY BOARD ON REGISTRATION OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES (ABRHM)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7084 2451 Fax Number : 020 7084 2498Email Address : leslie.whitbread@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, London, SW8 5NQTerms of Reference : To give advice with respect to safety and quality in relation to any homoeopathic medicine for human use.Notes :Previously the Advisory Board on Registration of Homeopathic ProductsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 139M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr. Timothy ChambersRemuneration : 205 per meetingSecretary : Leslie WhitbreadRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON BORDERLINE SUBSTANCES (ACBS)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7067 5830 Fax Number : 020 7061 9703EmailAddress :Helen.Musson@nice.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nice.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Midcity Place, 71 HighHolborn, London, WC1V 6NATo advise the UK Health Ministers as to whether particular substances, preparations or items should not be treatedas drugs for the purposes of the GMS Regulations; and to advise on the appropriate amendments to Schedules 10and 11 to the NHS (General Medical Services) Regulations 1992, and the corresponding Schedules in theregulations in Scotland and Northern Ireland, accordingly. In considering whether a particular substance,preparation or item should be included in such Schedules, the committee will have regard to the need to ensurethat substances, preparations or items which have a therapeutic use in the treatment of disease in the communitycan be provided as economically as possible under the NHS.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr. Ian WhiteRemuneration : 0Secretary : Helen MussonRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/2F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.140

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CLINICAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS (ACCEA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7972 5064 Fax Number : 020 7972 5793EmailAddress :Mary.Holt@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/acceaAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Secretariat, Room 531B, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo consider recommendations for Clinical Excellence Awards for NHS consultants and to act on behalf ofministers in England and Wales, in deciding which consultants should receive awards.Formerly the Advisory Committee on Distinction AwardsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lady Elizabeth VallanceRemuneration : 22709Medical Director : Sir Netar MallickRemuneration : 22709Staff Employed : 7OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Medical Director MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON DANGEROUS PATHOGENS (ACDP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 5159 Fax Number : 020 7972 5155EmailAddress :acdp.secretariat@hse.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/acdpAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, Room 601A, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LWTo advise the Health and Safety Commission, the Health and Safety Executive, Health and Agriculture Ministersand their counterparts under devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as required, on all aspects ofhazards and risks to workers and other from exposure to pathogens.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor George GriffinRemuneration : 0Secretary : Sarah SeniorRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 141M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.ADVISORY GROUP ON HEPATITIS (AGH)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 6061 Fax Number : 020 7972 5726EmailAddress :helen.hamlet@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/agh/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 631B, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo advise the Chief Medical Officers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on appropriate policies forthe prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the community and in health care settings, but excluding advice onthe microbiological safety of blood and tissues for transplantation, and of health care equipment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Howard ThomasRemuneration : 0Secretary : Helen HamletRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION (BPC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7084 2561 Fax Number : 020 7084 2566EmailAddress :bpcomm@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pharmacopoeia.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :BPC Secretariat, c/o Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, London,SW8 5NQThe British Pharmacopoeia Commission, appointed under Section 4 of the Medicines Act 1968, is responsible forpreparing new editions of the British Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmacopoeia (Veterinary) and for keepingthem up to date. It also provides advice to the United Kingdom delegation to the European PharmacopoeiaCommission. It also selects and devises names to be used at the head of monographs, which are subsequentlypublished as British Approved Names.142

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Derek CalamRemuneration : 217 per meetingSecretary : Dr. M G LeeRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.COMMITTEE ON CARCINOGENICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT(COC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7972 5020 Fax Number : 020 7972 5156Email Address : khandu.mistry@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/coc/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :COC Secretariat, Room 692D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo advise the Chief Medical Officer and the Chairman of the Food Standards Agency on carcinogenicity ofchemicals in food, consumer products and the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Peter G BlainChair :CBERemuneration :154 per meetingAdministrative Secretary:Khandu MistryRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0CIVIL SERVANTOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Appointments are made by the ChiefMedical Officer and the Chair of the Foods Standards Agency, on behalf of Ministers.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 143M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsCOMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF RADIATION IN THE ENVIRONMENT (COMARE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 01235 822 629 Fax Number : 01235 822 630Email Address : comare@nrpb.org Website : www.comare.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :COMARE Secretariat, c/o National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0RQTo assess and advise government and the devolved authorities on the health effects of natural and man-maderadiation in the environment and to assess the adequacy of the available data and the need for furtherresearch.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor B BridgesRemuneration : 170 per meetingSecretary : Julie KedwardRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 26185Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 13M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMMITTEE ON MUTAGENICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (COM)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7972 5020Fax Number:020 7972 5156Email Address:Khandu.Mistry@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/com/index.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :COM Secretariat, Room 629D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo advise the Chief Medical Officer and the Chairman of the Food Standards Agency on the mutagenicity ofchemicals in food, consumer products and the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Peter BChair :FarmerRemuneration :154 per meetingAdministrative Secretary:Khandu MistryRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0CIVIL SERVANTOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £144

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 8VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Appointments are made by the CMO and theChair of the Foods Standards Agency.COMMITTEE ON THE MEDICAL EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTANTS (COMEAP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :TelephoneFax Number020 7972 5028 020 7972 5167: :EmailAddress :shahneela.haider@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/comeap/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, Room 692D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo advise the UK Health Departments on the effects on health of both outdoor and indoor air pollutants on thebasis of data currently available; to assess the need for further research; and to liaise as necessary with other<strong>Gov</strong>ernment bodies to assess the effects of exposure and associated risks to human health.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Jon AyresRemuneration : 154 per meetingSecretary : Shahneela HaiderRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 9M/0F EX,0VNotes:Last annual report available at: http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/comeap/pdfs/comeap2001annrep.pdf.Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF DEVICESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0207 972 8123 Fax Number : 0207 972 8111EmailAddress :susanne.ludgate@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Committee on the Safety of Devices, Room 1110 , Hannibal House, Elephant and Castle, London, SE1 6TQTo Give advice on a wide range of device related initiatives in order to support the work of Ministers and theMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and, in particular, the Agency's objectives in helpinghealthcare professionals deliver standards of care to patients in relations to medical devices.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 145M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr. John WilliamsRemuneration : 0Secretary : Lynne HedleyRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 14M/6F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes:As from November <strong>2004</strong> an attendance fee of £132 plus a preparation fee of £63.50 will be paid to the chair. Memberswill receive an attendance fee of £105.50 plus preparation fee of £79. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separatelyidentified in DH accounts.COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF MEDICINESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7084 2451 Fax Number : 020 7084 2493EmailAddress :lesliewhitbread@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQTo give advice with respect to safety, quality and efficacy in relation to human use of any medicines and topromote the collection and investigation of information relating to adverse reactions for the purpose of enablingsuch advice to be given.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Gordon W. DuffRemuneration : 217 per meetingSecretary : Leslie WhitbreadRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 24M/12F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.146

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsDOCTORS AND DENTISTS REVIEW BODY (DDRB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7467 7229 Fax Number : 020 7467 7248Email Address : cliff.wilkes@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ome.<strong>uk</strong>.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSTo advise on the remuneration of doctors and dentists taking any part in the NHS, in accordance with theirterms of reference.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Michael Blair QCRemuneration : 350 per meetingSecretary : Maureen FoggoRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last Annual Report available from:http://www.ome.<strong>uk</strong>.comEXPERT ADVISORY GROUP ON AIDS (EAGA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7972 6506 Fax Number : 020 7972 5726Email Address:bill.mcdowall@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/eaga/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PH6.6, Room 631B, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo provide advice on such matters relating to AIDS as may be referred to it by the Chief Medical Officers of theHealth Departments of the United Kingdom.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Chair : Professor Donald JeffriesRemuneration : 0Secretary : Dr. Linda LazarusRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 147M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.GENE THERAPY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (GTAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 1518 Fax Number : 020 7972 1717EmailAddress :GTAC@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/genetics/gtacAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :GTAC Secretariat, Area 652C, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo consider proposals for gene therapy research on ethical grounds, and to advise ministers on their acceptability,taking account of their scientific merits and of the potential benefits and risks involved.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Norman C Nevin OBERemuneration : 181 per meetingSecretary : Dr. Monika PreussRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last Annual Report available from:http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/genetics/gtac/10threport.htmGENETICS AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE (GAIC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 1518Fax Number:020 7972 1717EmailAddress :MB-GAIC@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/genetics/gaic/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :GAIC Secretariat, Area 652C, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo develop criteria for the evaluation of scientific genetic tests and their relevance to types of insurance and toreport to ministers on proposals received from insurance providers and level of compliance by industry.148

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor David J JohnsRemuneration : 181 per meetingSecretary : Daniel GoochRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 95000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Last annual report available from: http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/genetics/gaic/gaicsecondreport.pdfHUMAN GENETICS COMMISSION (HGC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7972 1518 Fax Number : 020 7972 1717Email Address : hgc@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hgc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :HGC Secretariat, Area 652C, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTerms of Reference:Notes :To provide Ministers with the "big picture" of human genetics a particular focus on social and ethicalissues.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Baroness Helena Kennedy QCRemuneration : 181 per meetingSecretary : vacantRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 5M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last annual review available at:http://www.hgc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/UploadDocs/DocPub/Document/ annualreport_second.pdfAppointments and Remuneration Key: 149M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsINDEPENDENT ADVISORY GROUP ON SEXUAL HEALTH AND HIV (IAG)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7972 1417 Fax Number : 020 7972 6196EmailAddress :geoff.rayment@dh.gsi.gohttp://www.dh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/PolicyAndGuidance/HealthAndSocialCareTopics/Website :v.<strong>uk</strong> SexualHealth/Address : IAG Secretariat, Room 579D, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTerms ofReference:Notes :Provide advice to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and monitor progress on the implementation of the National Strategy for SexualHealth and HIV, including any further action necessary to achieve the strategy's aims of: Reducing the transmissionof HIV and STIs; Reducing the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV and STIs; Reducing unintended pregnancy rates;Improving the health and social care for people living with HIV and STIs; And reducing the stigma associated withHIV and STIs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Baroness Joyce GouldRemuneration : 18360Secretary : Geoff RaymentRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Vice Chairs MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 12M/13F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.INDEPENDENT RECONFIGURATION PANEL (IRP)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7389 8045/8048 Fax Number : 020 7389 8001Email Address : irpinfo@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.irpanel.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Kierran Cross, First Floor, 11 Strand, London, WC2N 5HRTerms of Reference : To advise the Secretary of State for Health on contentious proposals for changes to NHS services.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr. Peter BarrettRemuneration : 23304Chief Executive : Tony ShawRemuneration : 47587Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £150

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last Annual Report available from:http://www.irpanel.org.<strong>uk</strong>INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL FOR BORDERLINE PRODUCTSMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7084 2878 Fax Number : 020 7084 2121EmailAddress :sean.fletcher@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Secretariat, Room 16-160, Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQTo objectively review the provisional determinations issued by the Borderline Section of the Medicines andHealthcare Products Regulatory Agency that a product is a medicinal product within the definition set out in Article1 of Directive 2001/83/EEC and therefore a relevant medicinal product. The review should be made having regardto that definition, to the criteria set out in Guidance Note 8 'A guide to what is a medicinal product', any legalprecedent and the information provided by the manufacturer or marketer of the product; To advise the LicensingAuthority whether or not they believe that a product, which has been the subject of the provisional determination,is a relevant medicinal product; To assist the Licensing Authority in its regulatory role by advising, whenrequested, whether, in respect of a product which is not yet on the market, any presentational material oringredient would bring the said product within the definition of a medical product in Article 1 of Directive2001/83/EEC.This body was formerly known as the Independent Review Panel on the Classification of Borderline Medicines.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Robert DowneyRemuneration : 160 per meetingSecretary : Sean FletcherRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 4000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 13M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL FOR THE ADVERTISING OF MEDICINESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7084 2878 Fax Number : 020 7084 2121EmailAddress :sean.fletcher@mhra.gsi. gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Secretariat, Room 16-160, Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQTo consider written and oral representations from pharmaceutical companies as to the conformity of theiradvertising and promotional material with the Advertising Regulations; To advise Health Ministers on theconformity of advertising and promotional material with the Advertising Regulations before a final decision is madeby Health Ministers.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 151M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :James WattRemuneration : 160 per meetingSecretary : Sean FletcherRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.JOINT COMMITTEE ON VACCINATION AND IMMUNISATION (JCVI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7972 3888 Fax Number : 020 7972 5771Email Address:dorian.kennedy@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 602A, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo advise the Secretaries of State for Health, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on matters relating tocommunicable diseases, preventable and potentially preventable through immunisation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor MichaelChair :LangmanRemuneration : 0Administrative Secretary:Dr Dorian KennedyRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0CIVIL SERVANTOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 3VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 5M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.152

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsMEDICINES COMMISSION (MC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7084 2652 Fax Number : 020 7084 2121EmailAddress :sue.jones@mhra.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQTo advise UK Health and Agriculture Ministers on matters relating to the execution of the Medicines Act 1968. Toconsider representations when the licensing authority is minded to refuse, suspend, revoke or vary a licence,authorisation or certificate.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Parveen KumarRemuneration : 217 per meetingSecretary : Sue JonesRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 16M/9F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NURSES AND OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONS REVIEW BODY (NOHPRB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7467 7240 Fax Number : 020 7467 7248EmailAddress :sunita.marwaha@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ome.<strong>uk</strong>.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSTo advise on remuneration of NHS employed nurses, midwives, health visitors, allied health professionals,pharmacists, optometrists, applied psychologists and psychotherapists, clinical support workers and technicianssupporting these groups in accordance with their terms of reference.Formerly the Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors & Professions Allied to Medicine Pay Review BodyNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Sir Clive BoothRemuneration : 350 per meetingSecretary : Mr M PennyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 153M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.PATIENT INFORMATION ADVISORY GROUP (PIAG)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone:0113 254 5273 Fax Number : 0113 254 6015EmailAddress :piag@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/piagAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 1N 35C, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2 7UETo advise the Secretary of State on use of powers provided by section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001,and in particular on: applications and proposals for use of these powers; draft regulations made under s60(1) ofthe Act; and proposals to vary or revoke such regulations following the Secretary of State's required annual reviewof existing provisions; and to advise the Secretary of State on key issues, particularly those of nationalsignificance, relating to the processing of patient information.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Joan HigginsRemuneration : 0Secretary : Sean KirwanRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/8F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.PHARMACISTS' REVIEW PANEL (PRP)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7467 7240 Fax Number : 020 7467 7248Email Address:sunita.marwaha@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSTo advise the Secretary of State for Health on any aspect relating to the gross remuneration of chemistcontractors providing services under Part II of the National Health Service Act.Notes : The Pharmacists' Review Panel has not met since 1994.154

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -Secretary : Michael PennyRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Pharmacists' Review Panel has not met since 1994 and there are not any plans at present for it to meet in thefuture. The Panel does not currently have a Chair or Members.SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION (SACN)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 1365 Fax Number : 020 7972 4877EmailAddress :Sheela.Reddy@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.SACN.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 704, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGSACN is a UK wide advisory committee set up to replace the committee on Medical Aspects of Food and NutritionPolicy (COMA). It advises the UK Health Departments as well as the Food Standards Agency and is supported by ajoint DH/FSA secretariat. Its advice will cover scientific aspects of nutrition and health with specific reference to:Nutrient content of individual foods and advice on diet as a whole including the definition of a balanced diet, andthe nutritional status of people; Monitoring and surveillance of the above; Nutritional issues which affect widerpublic health policy issues including conditions where nutritional status is one of a number of risk factors (e.g.cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis and/or obesity); Nutrition of vulnerable groups (e.g. infants and theelderly) and health inequality issues; Research requirements for the above.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Alan JacksonRemuneration : 188 per meetingSecretary : Dr. Sheila ReddyRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 155M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsSCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON TOBACCO AND HEALTH (SCOTH)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7972 4872 Fax Number : 020 7972 4965EmailAddress :nick.adkin@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/scoth/Address :Department of Health, Health Improvement and Prevention, Room 711, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road,London, SE1 8UGTerms ofReference :Notes :The Committee is appointed to provide advice to the Chief Medical Officers of the United Kingdom on scientificmatters concerning tobacco and health, in particular: to review scientific and medical evidence on such areasrelating to tobacco and health, including behavioural aspects of tobacco use, as may be agreed between theCommittee and the Health Departments of the United Kingdom and in the light of these reviews; to advise onresearch priorities on tobacco and health, including behavioural aspects of tobacco; to report the advice of theTechnical Advisory Group.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor James FriendRemuneration : 0Secretary : Nick AdkinRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 34000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SPECIALIST ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (SACAR)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7972 5145 Fax Number : 020 7972 5714EmailAddress :sally.wellsteed@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/sacar/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :SACAR Secretariat, Room 636B, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LHTo provide scientific advice to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on its strategy to minimise morbidity and mortality due toantimicrobial resistant infection, and maintain the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents in the treatment andprevention of microbial infections in man and animals.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Richard WiseRemuneration : 0Secretary : Sally WellsteedRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £156

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 16M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,1VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.STANDING DENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7972 3985 Fax Number : 020 7972 3999Email Address : Jerry.Read@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/sdac/Address :SDAC Secretariat, Room 330, Wellington House, 133-155 London Road, London, SE1 8UGTerms of Reference:Notes :To advise the Secretary of State for Health on dental matters and to respond to any questions referred tohim.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John Lowry CBERemuneration : 0Secretary : Jerry ReadRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.STANDING MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SMAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7972 4198 Fax Number : 020 7972 4324EmailAddress :melissa.naylor@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/smac/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Area 423, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGTo advise the Secretary of State: (a) upon such matters (medical) relating to the services with which thecommittee are concerned as they see fit, and (b) upon any questions (medical) referred to them by the Secretaryof State relating to those services.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 157M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr. Deirdre CunninghamRemuneration : 0Secretary : Melissa NaylorRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. The Chair post is currently vacant, as Dr.Deirdre Cunningham's term expired on 31/03/04.STANDING NURSING AND MIDWIFERY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SNMAC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7210 4868 Fax Number : 020 7210 5709EmailAddress :ann.towner@doh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/snmac/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :SNMAC Secretariat, Room 527, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2NSTo advise the Secretary of State for Health on such matters relating to nursing and midwifery services as theythink fit and any such questions referred to them by the Secretary of State.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Victoria BaileyRemuneration : 0Secretary : Ann TownerRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/14F NP, 3VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/2F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. A short summary of minutes available fromhttp://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/snmac/158

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsSTANDING PHARMACEUTICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SPAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7972 2820 Fax Number : 020 7972 1186Email Address:diana.kenworthy@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :SPAC Secretariat, Room 520, Eileen House, 80-94 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6EFTo advise the Secretary of State for Health on such matters relating to the provision of pharmaceutical servicesand to respond to any questions referred to the committee by him.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :vacantRemuneration :Secretary : Diana KenworthyRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 1993Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 10VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.STEERING COMMITTEE ON PHARMACY POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION (SCPPE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 0161 778 4000 Fax Number : 0141 778 4030Email Address:cppe@man.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.cppe.man.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PLTo advise the Department of Health on continuing education and vocational training needs of hospital andcommunity pharmacists who provide NHS pharmaceutical services.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :vacantRemuneration :Secretary : Clare HallamRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 159M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,10V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,3VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.UK XENOTRANSPLANTATION INTERIM REGULATORY AUTHORITY (UKXIRA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7972 4672/4011 Fax Number : 020 7972 4852EmailAddress :dhmail@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/<strong>uk</strong>xira.htmAddress : UKXIRA Secretariat, Area 324, Wellington House, 133-135 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGTerms ofReference :Notes :To advise the Secretary of State for Health in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales on the actionnecessary to regulate xenotransplantation, taking into account the principles outlined in "Animal Tissues intoHumans", and worldwide developments in xenotransplantation. In particular to advise: (a) on safety, efficacy andconsiderations of animal welfare in liaison with the Home Office, and any other pre-conditions forxenotransplantation for human use, and whether these have been met; (b) on research required to assess safetyand efficacy factors in xenotransplantation procedures; (c) on the acceptability of specific applications to proceedwith xenotransplantation in humans; and (d) to provide a focal point on xenotransplantation issues within<strong>Gov</strong>ernment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Interim Chair : Dr. Janet DewdneyRemuneration : 187 per dayChief Executive : vacantRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 75000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Interim Chair MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 5VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :UNRELATED LIVE TRANSPLANT REGULATORY AUTHORITY (ULTRA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone:020 7972 4812 Fax Number : 020 7972 4790EmailAddress :dhmail@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/ultra.htmAddress : ULTRA Secretariat, Room 423, Wellington House, 135-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGTerms ofReference :Notes :The Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority (ULTRA) was established from 1 April 1990 (3 December 1990in Northern Ireland) to consider applications made by registered practitioners seeking approval to transplant anorgan between two living unrelated persons in the UK; and to establish that the conditions set out in theRegulations governing transplants between living genetically unrelated persons are satisfied.160

Department of Health Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Sir Roddy MacSweenRemuneration : 0Secretary : vacantRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last annual report available athttp://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/ultra/ultrareport99-2002.htmEXECUTIVE NDPBCOMMISSION FOR PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH (CPPIH)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0121 222 4500 Fax Number :EmailAddress :communications@cppih.org Website : www.cppih.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :120 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2ESThe Commission was established under section 20 of the National Health Service (NHS) Reform and Health CareProfessions Act 2002 to enhance accountability to patients and the public and secure sustained nationalimprovements in patients' experience as measured by independent surveys.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sharon GrantRemuneration : 25000Chief Executive : Laura McMurtrieRemuneration : 100000Staff Employed : 150OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 33313000Exp By Dept £ 55380Total Gross Expenditure £ 33313000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : CPPI was established mid-2003 therefore financial information for 2002-2003 is not applicable.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 161M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Executive NDPBsCOMMISSION FOR SOCIAL CARE INSPECTION (CSCI)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7979 2000 Fax Number : 020 7979 2111EmailAddress :enquiries@csci.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.csci.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :33 Greycoat Street, London, SW1P 2QFTo regulate public, private and voluntary sector provision of social care services, assess the performance of localauthorities in commissioning and delivering social care services, and encourage improvement in the quality ofthose services in England.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dame Denise Platt DBERemuneration : 844560Chief Inspector : David BehanRemuneration : 145000Staff Employed : 2499OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>-05Last Review : 2003-04Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Expenditure for 2002-2003 not applicableas body was only created in 2003.GENERAL SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL (GSCC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7397 5100 Fax Number : 020 7397 5101EmailAddress :info@gscc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.gscc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :GSCC Secretariat, Goldings House, 2 Hay's Lane, London, SE1 2HBTo establish a comprehensive and up-to-date register of qualifying social care workers, establish transparent andfair rules for achieving and retaining registration, develop and enforce professional standards of conduct andpractice and ensure high levels of training for social workers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rodney Brooke CBE DLRemuneration : 23252Chief Executive : Lynne BerryRemuneration : 104760Staff Employed : 146OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 51482000Exp By Dept £ 58500Total Gross Expenditure £ 53087000162

Department for Health Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY (HPA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7339 1300 Fax Number : 020 7339 1302Email Address : webteam@hpa.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hpa.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Central Office, Level 11, East Wing, Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6HTTerms ofReference :Notes :The protection of the community (or any part of the community) against infectious disease and otherdangers to heath.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir William StewartRemuneration : 36080Chief Executive : Professor Pat TroopRemuneration : 135000Staff Employed : 2518OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Health Protection Agency was established on 1 April 2003 therefore financial information for 2002/03 is notappropriate.HEALTHCARE COMMISSION (COMMISSION FOR HEALTHCARE AUDIT AND INSPECTION)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7448 9200Fax Number:020 7448 9292EmailAddress :feedback@healthcarecommission.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.healthcarecommission.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TGStatutory body.The Healthcare Commission was established on 8 January <strong>2004</strong> under the Health and Social Care (CommunityHealth and Standards) Act 2003. The legal name of the body is 'Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection'.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 163M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Sir Ian KennedyRemuneration : 138000Chief Executive : Anna WalkerRemuneration : 160000Staff Employed : 771OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Joint Deputies MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Financial information for 2002-03 not applicable, as the Healthcare Commission was not launched until April <strong>2004</strong>.HUMAN FERTILISATION & EMBRYOLOGY AUTHORITY (HFEA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7291 8200 Fax Number : 020 7291 8201EmailAddress :admin@hfea.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hfea.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3HFEstablished in August 1991 under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 to: Licence and monitorclinics carrying out fertility treatment involving in vitro fertilisation and use of donor gametes and embryos;Licence and monitor centres undertaking human embryo research; Regulate storage of gametes and embryos.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Suzi LeatherRemuneration : 30750Chief Executive : Angela McNabRemuneration : 94500Staff Employed : 106OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 4211000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 7444580Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/8F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.164

Department for Health Executive NDPBsMONITOR - INDEPENDENT REGULATOR OF NHS FOUNDATION TRUSTS (Monitor)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7340 2423 Fax Number : 020 7340 2401EmailAddress :alex.sienkiewicz@monitor-nhsft.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.monitor-nhsft.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9NLMonitor (whose statutory name is the Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts) is an independentcorporate body established under the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act <strong>2004</strong>. It isresponsible for authorising, monitoring and regulating NHS Foundation Trusts. Monitor has authorised 20 NHSFoundation Trusts to date. Monitor has powers to intervene in the running of NHS Foundation Trusts in the eventof failings in their healthcare standards or other aspects of their activities, which amount to a significant breach inthe terms of their authorisation. Monitor is accountable to Parliament for the economy, efficiency and effectivenesswith which it operates and for the performance of certain specific duties placed on it by legislation, including: -Controlling the borrowing of NHSFTs; - Limiting the proportion of income generated by NHSFTs from the care ofprivate patients; - Preventing the disposal of property required for the provision of those healthcare and educationservices which an NHSFT is required in its authorisation to provide; - Requiring that an NHSFT has a representativemembership in its patients¡¦ and public constituencies; - Specifying for NHSFTs the form of accounts and annualaccounts, accounting standards and practices and the form of audit; and - Maintaining a public register of NHSFTs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Executive Chairman : Dr. William MoyesRemuneration : 195000Secretary :Alex SienkiewiczRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 33OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Monitor was established in <strong>2004</strong>, therefore financial information for 2002-03 is not applicable.NATIONAL BIOLOGICAL STANDARDS BOARD (NBSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01707 641000 Fax Number : 01707 646730Email Address : enquiries@nibsc.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nibsc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Hertfordshire, EN6 3QGTerms of Reference:Notes :To safeguard and enhance public health through the standardisation and control of biologicals used inmedicine.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Gordon W. DuffRemuneration : 15420Director : Dr. Stephen C InglisRemuneration : 140840Staff Employed : 305OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 9970000Exp By Dept £ 10628000Total Gross Expenditure £ 19253000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 165M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL CARE STANDARDS COMMISSION (NCSC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0191 233 3600 Fax Number : 0191 233 3569Email Address : enquiries@ncsc.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.carestandards.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : St Nicholas House, St Nicholas Building, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE1 1NBTerms ofReference :Notes :To regulate social care and private and voluntary healthcare services in England and encourage improvementin the quality of those services.Ceased to exist on 1 April <strong>2004</strong>. Replaced by the Healthcare Commission.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Anne Parker CBERemuneration : 23253Chief Executive : Ron KerrRemuneration : 130000Staff Employed : 2586OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003-04Last Review : 2003-04Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 87826000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 152666000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:NCSC responsibilities were taken over by the Commission for Social Care Inspection and the Commission for HealthcareAudit and Inspection on 1 April <strong>2004</strong>. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NATIONAL CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY (NCAA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7084 3850 Fax Number : 020 7084 3851EmailAddress :ncaa@ncaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ncaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :NCAA, Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQThe NCAA provides a service to support the NHS in managing doctors and dentists whose performance gives causefor concern. We provide advice about the local handling of cases, offer ongoing support to local processes, andwhere necessary carry out clinical performance assessments to clarify areas of concern and makerecommendations on how difficulties may be resolved.166

Department for Health Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 23162Medical Director:Remuneration : 124520Staff Employed : 98Bob Nicholls CBEProfessor AlastairScotlandOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Health ServiceExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 10842000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£10842000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD (NRPB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0123 583 1600 Fax Number : 0123 583 3891Email Address : nrpb@nrpb.org Website : www.nrpb.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :National Radiological Protection Board , Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0RQTo provide scientific advice to the government, as well as to a range of public and private sector organisationsand professional bodies, on matters relating to radiation hazards.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir William StewartRemuneration : 15420Director : Dr. R CoxRemuneration : 83280Staff Employed : 315OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6385000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 16348000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last Annual Report available from:http://www.nrpb.org/publications/corporate_documents/annual/annual_report_<strong>2004</strong>.pdfAppointments and Remuneration Key: 167M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Executive NDPBsPUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (PHLS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0208 327 6420 Fax Number : 0208 327 6007Email Address:tony.sillis@phls.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.phls.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5DFTo protect the population from infection through detection, diagnosis, surveillance prevention and control ofinfections and communicable diseases in the UK and worldwide on the sources and control of infection.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Roger TaborRemuneration : 11000Chief Executive : Keith SaundersRemuneration : 183000Staff Employed : 69OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : 2003/<strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 62869000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 163538000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 13M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NHS BODYDENTAL PRACTICE BOARD (DPB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01323 433 550 Fax Number : 01323 433 517EmailAddress :Helpdesk@dpb.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dpb.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Compton Place Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 8ADThe Dental Practice Board is an independent statutory body whose main tasks are to handle payment claims andremunerate dentists providing NHS General Dental Services and Personal Dental Services under the NHS. Itprovides an important check to detect and prevent fraud or abuse of the dental payments system. It also managesthe Dental Reference Service, which provides independent professional dental patient examinations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mary WyllieRemuneration : 31077Chief Executive : John TaylorRemuneration : 91053Staff Employed : 325OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003-04Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 23790000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 349000168

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 provides for the abolition of the Dental PracticeBoard. The Secretary of State for Health has announced the completion of the initial stage of the review of theDepartment of Health's arm's length bodies (ALB's). A new NHS Business Services Authority will be created to replacethe Dental Practice Board and three other ALBs. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identifiable in DHaccounts.DENTAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY (DVTA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01323 431 189 Fax Number : 01323 433 432EmailAddress :DVTA1@dpb.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : http://www.dvta.nha.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Masters House, Temple Grove, Compton Place, Eastbourne, Sussex, BN20 8ADThe Dental Vocational Training Authority (DVTA) is a Special Health Authority which adjudicates applications fordental vocational training numbers on behalf of Primary Care Trusts in England and Wales. The DVTA is alsoresponsible for the vocational training curriculum and quality of assurance of vocational training schemes inEngland and for running the clearing house system for VTs in the UK as well as issuing advice and guidance.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rasikkumar LadwaRemuneration : 6000Chief Executive : Sarah CaldwellRemuneration : 30000Staff Employed : 3OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 240000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 240000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 30M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 169M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>DENTAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY APPEAL BODYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7210 5853 Fax Number : 020 7210 5913Email Address : Sarah.Lowney@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Room 330A, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGTerms of Reference : To hear appeals against decisions of the Dental Vocational Training Authority.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Margaret AstburyRemuneration : 720 per daySecretary : Sarah LowneyRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:No fixed budget, fee and expenses paid to tribunal members for their attendance at rates set by HM Treasury.Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES APPEAL AUTHORITY SPECIAL HEALTH AUTHORITY (FHSAA (SHA))Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01423 530280 Fax Number : 01423 522034Email Address:mail@fhsaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.fhsaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :30 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5PRTo deal with appeals against decisions of Health Authorities under the NHS (Pharmaceutical) Regulations, theNHS (Service Committee) Regulations, and the NHS (General Medical Services) Regulations. To support thePresident of the Family Health Services Appeal Authority (a judicial non-departmental public body).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Alan CruteRemuneration : 11219Chief Executive : Paul BurnsRemuneration : 64000Staff Employed : 13OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 870000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 955000170

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.HEALTH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HDA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7430 0850 Fax Number : 020 7061 3390Email Address:david.viles@hda-online.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hda.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Health Development Agency, Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7BAEstablish and maintain an evidence base of what works in public health practice; provide advice on developingand setting standards; develop the capacity and capability of the public health workforce.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dame Yve BucklandRemuneration : 22708Chief Executive : Paul Streets OBERemuneration : 115726Staff Employed : 166OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 11015000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 13304000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputies MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.MENTAL HEALTH ACT COMMISSION (MHAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0115 943 7100 Fax Number : 0115 943 7101Email Address : ChiefExec@mhac.trent.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhac.trent.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Maid Marion House, 56 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BGTerms of Reference : Safeguarding the interests of all people detained under the Mental Health Act.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 171M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 22500Professor Kamlesh PatelOBEChief Executive:Chris HeginbothamRemuneration : 99000Staff Employed : 35OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -YesYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3917000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£3917000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/1F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identifiable in DH accounts.NATIONAL BLOOD AUTHORITY (NBA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01923 486 800 Fax Number : 01923 486 801EmailAddress :customer.services@nbs.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.blood.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :NBA Secretariat, Oak House, Reeds Crescent, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD24 4QNThe Authority's principal task is to provide appropriately safe blood, blood components, tissues and relatedservices to current quality standards. The authority aims to ensure high standards of safety, quality and costefficiency.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mike FogdenRemuneration : 22709Chief Executive : Martin GorhamRemuneration : 110859Staff Employed : 6316OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 40759000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 39190800Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.172

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE (NICE)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7067 5800 Fax Number : 020 7067 5801EmailAddress :nice@nice.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nice.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :MidCity Place, 71 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6NATo appraise new and existing drugs and treatments, produce guidance for the management of certain diseasesor conditions and disseminate it to the NHS and health professionals to assess the care they give againstestablished clinical standards.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Michael RawlinsRemuneration : 26265Chief Executive : Andrew Dillon CBE - CERemuneration : 139353Staff Employed : 100OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 18144000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 18144000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Vice Chair MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY AGENCY (NPSA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7927 9500 Fax Number : 020 7927 9501EmailAddress :enquiries@npsa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.npsa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4-8 Maple Street, London, W1T 5HDTo help reduce risk and improve the safety of NHS patient care by promoting a culture of reporting and learningfrom adverse events and near misses, and to manage a national reporting and learning system to support thisfunction.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord Philip HuntRemuneration : 58000Chief Executives:Remuneration : 76169Staff Employed : 173Sue Osborn / SusanWilliamsOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003/4Last Review : 2003Health ServiceExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :National AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 12000000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £12188000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 173M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by department on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accountsNATIONAL TREATMENT AGENCY (NTA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7972 2214 Fax Number : 020 7972 2248Email Address : nta.enquiries@nta-nhs.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nta.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :National Treatment Agency, 5th Floor, Hannibal House, Elephant and Castle, London, SE1 6TETerms of Reference : To increase the availability and quality of drug treatment services in England.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Baroness Massey ofChair :DarwenRemuneration : 23545Chief Executive:Paul HayesRemuneration : 115000Staff Employed : 130OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Health ServiceExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 243600Exp By Dept £ 70000Total Gross Expenditure£6168000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V2M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Last annual report available from: http://www.nta.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>/publications/annualreport0203/annualreport.htmNHS APPOINTMENTS COMMISSIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7615 9300 Fax Number : 020 7615 9328EmailAddress :info@apcomm.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.appointments.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1st Floor, Cheapside House, 138 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6BBTo provide independent recruitment, selection and appointment of chairs and non-executive members of NHSboards and health-related boards, and to ensure that once appointed, they are properly trained and supportedand that their performance is regularly reviewed.174

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir William WellsRemuneration : 27157Chief Executive : Dr. Roger MooreRemuneration : 80000Staff Employed : 52OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2001-02Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3630000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 4223811Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NHS COUNTER FRAUD AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICE (CFSMS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0207 895 4500 Fax Number : 0207 895 4600EmailAddress :ExecOffice@cfsms.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cfsms.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service, Weston House, 246 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7EXCFSMS has the responsibility for all policy and operational matters relating to the prevention, detection andinvestigation of fraud and corruption and the management of security in the NHS, and performs these functions inconnection with countering fraud and corruption and management of security and such other functions as theSecretary of State may direct.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :William Darling CBERemuneration : 13753Chief Executive : Jim GeeRemuneration : 36000Staff Employed : 333OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 12315000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 15460000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 175M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NHS INFORMATION AUTHORITY (NHSIA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 0121 333 0333 Fax Number : 0121 333 0334Email Address:Information@nhsia.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhsia.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Aqueous II, Aston Cross, Rocky Lane, Birmingham, B6 5RQThe Authority is responsible for developing national products and standards to support local implementations ofthe information strategy for the NHS "Information for Health".NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor Alastair BellinghamChair :CBERemuneration : 22049Chief Executive:Dr. Gwyn ThomasRemuneration : 142000Staff Employed:847OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 253022000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £257344000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.NHS LITIGATION AUTHORITY (NHSLA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7430 8700 Fax Number : 020 7430 4286EmailAddress :Steve.Walker@nhsla.com Website : www.nhsla.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Napier House, 24 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6AZThe NHS Litigation Authority shall perform on behalf of the Secretary of State such of his functions in connectionwith the establishment and administration of a scheme under section 21 of the National Health Service andCommunity Care Act 1990© (scheme for meeting liabilities of health service bodies), and such other functions, asthe Secretary of State may direct the Authority to perform on his behalf.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :R S BradshawRemuneration : 19863Chief Executive : S WalkerRemuneration : 120000Staff Employed : 182OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 320000000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 320023000176

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last annual report available from:http://www.nhsla.com/NR/rdonlyres/7C589362-0A6D-4385-BDD6-F37AB128D803/0/NHSLAAnnualReport<strong>2004</strong>.pdfNHS LOGISTICS AUTHORITYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01773 724 000 Fax Number : 01773 724 225EmailAddress :barry.mellor@logistics.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.logistics.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :West Way, Cotes Park Industrial Estate, Alfreton, Derbyshire, Derbs, DE55 4QJThe Authority's principle role is to provide supplies of healthcare products to NHS Trusts and other health bodiesin England. The Authority will bring supply chain management expertise to the current supply channels into theNHS and create and develop the integrated supply chain of the NHS.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Philip J ChampRemuneration : 20910Chief Executive : Barry MellorRemuneration : 95964Staff Employed : 1377OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 68300000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 68300000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Vice Chair MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last annual report available from:http://www.logistics.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>/logisticsnet_content/documents/upload/doclists/CorpDocs1092737741906.pdfNHS PROFESSIONALS (NHSP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone:020 7887 7171 Fax Number : 020 7887 7126EmailAddress :carmel.flatley@nhsprofessionals.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhsprofessionals.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Executive Office, Regents Place, 1st Floor, 338 Euston Road, London, NW1 3BTAuthority shall perform - (a) such functions in connection with the management of matters relating to therecruitment and use of temporary staff in the health service; and (b) such other functions, as the Secretary ofState may direct. Statutory Instrument 2003 No. 3059 The NHS Professionals Special Health Authority(Establishment and Constitution) Order 2003.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 177M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Richard MartinRemuneration : 50000Chief Executive : Carmel FlatleyRemuneration : 150000Staff Employed : 719OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/1F EX,0VNotes:The NHS Professionals Special Health Authority was established on 1 January <strong>2004</strong>, becoming fully operational on 1April <strong>2004</strong>. Financial information for 2002-03 is therefore not applicable.NHS TRUSTSMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (see below)Telephone : Fax Number :Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Addresses throughout England,Responsible for providing health care services to patients, either in hospitals, clinics, in the community or asambulance services. Work with the Health Authorities, PCTs, local people and other agencies to deliverintegrated health care services to meet national and local needs.This is a multiple body. There are 272 NHS Trusts in England. They are classified as public corporations fornational accounts purposes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration :Chief Executive : -Remuneration :Staff Employed : 669781OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 33100000000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 33091246000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 138M/87F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 628M/524F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The figure for staff employed is from a non-medical work force census at (30.09.03). Excludes agency staff. Financialinformation taken from audited NHS Trust summarisation schedules 2002-03. NHS Trusts do not normally receivefunding direct from DH but receive income for service provision largely from Primary Care Trusts. Expenditure by DH onsponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.178

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NHSUMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 8528 1400 Fax Number : 020 8528 1301Email Address:enquiries@nhsu.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhsu.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :88 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7RSNHSU is a new organisation that aims to improve patient care by enabling the provision of learning anddevelopment opportunities for everyone working in health and social care.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Barbara Stephens OBERemuneration : 22000Chief Executive : Professor Bob Fryer CBERemuneration : 115000Staff Employed : 234OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V10M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure for 2002-2003 not applicable as body was only created in December 2003.PRESCRIPTION PRICING AUTHORITY (PPA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0191 232 5371 Fax Number : 0191 203 5498EmailAddress :Website : www.ppa.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bridge House, 152 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE1 6SNCalculates amount due to pharmacists, appliance contractors and general practitioners for drugs and appliancessupplied under the NHS. Pays pharmacists, appliance contractors; produces prescribing information andadministers the NHS Low Income Scheme. Produces the Drug Tariff and is responsible for the prepaymentcertificate and medical and maternity exemption schemes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Anne GalbraithRemuneration : 16827Chief Executive : Nick ScholteRemuneration : 104043Staff Employed : 2919OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003/<strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : National Audit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 66187000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 67662000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 179M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts.PRIMARY CARE TRUSTSMultipleYes (1)<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Addresses throughout England,PCTs are responsible for assessing the health needs of their local community and preparing plans for healthimprovement, reflecting the diversity of local needs. Their three main functions are: improving the health of thecommunity; securing the provision of services; and integrating health and social care in the local community.There are 302 Primary Care Trusts throughout England.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration :Chief Executive : -Remuneration :Staff Employed : 169188OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 46278002000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 53777535000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 160M/119F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 851M/784F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The figure for staff employed is from a non-medical work force census at (30.09.03). Excludes agency staff. Financialinformation taken from audited PCT summarisation schedules 2002-03. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship notseparately identified in DH accounts.RETAINED ORGANS COMMISSION (ROC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0800 092 0203 Fax Number : 020 2972 2017EmailAddress :Retained-Organs-Commission@dh.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>/retainedorgans/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 32794, London, SE1 6WAThe Retained Organs Commission was set up by the Secretary of State for Health, as recommended by the ChiefMedical Officer in his advice to government on the taking and retention of organs and tissue at post-mortemexaminations.180

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Margaret BrazierRemuneration : 22500Chief Executive : Steve CatlingRemuneration : 90000Staff Employed : 25OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : 2003/4Last Review : 2003/4Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1165000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 1155000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,2VNotes :STRATEGIC HEALTH AUTHORITIESMultipleYes (see below)<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : Fax Number :Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Addresses throughout England,Responsible for implementing national policy on public health and health care within the area served by theauthority. They work with PCTs, hospital and community services, local people and other agencies to meetnational and local priorities for health and health care.Notes : There are 28 Strategic Health Authorities in England, which replaced the former Health Authorities in April 2002.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration :Chief Executive : -Remuneration :Staff Employed : 3154OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 4544480000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 4983677000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 15M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 102M/73F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The figure for staff employed is from a non-medical work force census at (30.09.03). Excludes agency staff. Financialinformation taken from audited SHA summarisation forms 2002-03. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separatelyidentified in DH accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 181M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>UNITED KINGDOM TRANSPLANT (UKT)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 0117 975 7575 Fax Number : 0117 975 7577EmailAddress :enquiries@<strong>uk</strong>transplant.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.<strong>uk</strong>transplant.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :UKT, Fox Den Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8RRTo provide support for NHS transplant services in the UK and the Republic of Ireland; to ensure equitableallocation of available organ donor organs; and to increase the number of organs available for transplantation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Gwyneth FlowerRemuneration : 18608Chief Executive : Sue SutherlandRemuneration : 92902Staff Employed : 122OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7495000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 9503000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/1F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by DH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. Last Annual Report available from:http://www.<strong>uk</strong>transplant.org.<strong>uk</strong>/<strong>uk</strong>t/about_us/annual_report/annual_report.jspTRIBUNAL NDPBCARE STANDARDS TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7960 0660 Fax Number : 020 7960 0661Email Address : cst@cst.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.carestandardstribunal.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :18 Pocock Street, London, SE1 0BWTerms of Reference : To hear appeals from individuals.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>His Honour, Judge DavidPresident :PearlRemuneration : 122139Secretary :Barbara ErneRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 750000Total Gross Expenditure£182

Department of Health Tribunal NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredPresident Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 42M/49F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Tribunal members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. The CST is a non-executive judicial body established under theProtection of Children Act 1999 but which has since had additional jurisdictions conferred on it.FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES APPEAL AUTHORITY (FHSAA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01423 530 280 Fax Number : 01423 522 034EmailAddress :mail@fhsaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.fhsaa.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o FHSAA (SHA), 30 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5PRThe FHSAA's President and members are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. It works to procedural rules issued bythe Lord Chancellor after consulting the Council on Tribunals. The President will allocate appeals and applicationsto panels normally consisting of a legal chairman, a professional member, and a lay member. The panels will holdoral hearings into the matters referred to them unless the Appellant or Applicant says that they do not want one.Panels may give their decisions at the end of the hearing or they may reserve their determination.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President : Mr. P KellyRemuneration : 525 per dayChief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Health ServiceAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedPresident Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 47M/27F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The FHSAA does not have a Chief Executive or Secretary, and is administered to by the FHSAA (SHA). Expenditure byDH on sponsorship not separately identified in DH accounts. The President and Members are appointed by theDepartment of Constitutional Affairs.MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW TRIBUNAL (MHRT)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7972 4577 Fax Number : 020 7972 4884Email Address:MBMHRTWellington@dh.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mhrt.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :MHRT Secretariat, LG2 Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UGThe Mental Health Review Tribunal was established under the 1959 Mental Health Act to provide anindependent review of a patient's liability to detention under the Act.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 183M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Health Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 90300Head ofSecretariat :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0John Wright/Professor JeremyCooperMargaret BurnCIVIL SERVANTOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Internal<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2500000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £2500000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The MHRT has restructured and is no longer classified as a multiple body. Expenditure by DH on sponsorship notseparately identified in DH accounts. Members of the MHRT are appointed by the Department of Constitutional Affairs.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TOPIC SELECTIONDate Established : December 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Recommendations are made to Ministers, who determine topics to be referred to National Institutefor Clinical Excellence. No other information provided by Department for Health.ADVISORY GROUP ON GENETICS RESEARCHDateEstablished :March 2003Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:-Date WoundUp :Notes :-TERMS OF REFERENCE: To provide a strategic oversight of the programmes ofgenetics research funded by the Department of Health; To monitor and coordinatethe work of the Genetics Knowledge Parks and to undertake the midtermand quinquennial reviews of the same; To advise the Department of Health'sPortfolio Director of Genetics Research on areas where additional research maybe required to address the needs of the National Health Service and widerDepartment of Health.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :4923Prof.TrevorJones184

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>AGENDA FOR CHANGE CENTRAL NEGOTIATING GROUPDateEstablished :February 1999Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :Information provided by DoH in March 2003 "Negotiations on a new pay system for 1 million NHS nonmedicalstaff were completed in November 2002. The NHS trade unions are now consulting on theproposed new package of pay and conditions. If accepted, the new system will be tested in 12 ?earlyimplementation? sites before it is implemented in the rest of the NHS in October <strong>2004</strong>."No other information provided by DoH Timetable for reaching agreement on pay modernisation is heavilydependent on the work of the National Job Evaluation Working Party that has been conducting testing toensure system fairness. Membership includes representatives of four UK Health Departments.CHILDREN'S NATIONAL SERVICE FRAMEWORK (NSF) STRATEGY GROUPDate Established : December 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :The Group will report to the Children's Task Force, which will in turn report to the Minister of State forCommunityNotes :The NSF Strategy Group reports to the Children's Task Force. There are a number of external workinggroups and underpinning groups that report to the Strategy Group. No other information provided byDepartment for Health.EVALUATION OF THE NEW SOCIAL WORK DEGREE ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : May 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 6Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 4Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. Carol LuptonEXPERT GROUP ON BLOCKED ANAESTHETIC TUBINGDateEstablished :July 2002Date Reported/ Due toReport :May <strong>2004</strong>Report Details:"Protecting the breathing circuit in anaesthesia"Date WoundUp :May <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Expert Group set up by the CMO to examine 13incidents of blocked anaesthetic tubing, followingthe end of the linked police operation (OperationOrcadian), and to establish whether there are anylessons for the NHS to learn.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :Professor Kent Woods, NHS HealthTechnology Assessment Programme(until 31 December 2003, nowMedicines and Healthcare productsRegulatory Agency)185

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>EXPERT GROUP ON MENTAL HEALTH IN PRISONSDate Established : November 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of HealthEXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUP - LONG TERM CONDITIONSDate Established:November 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :May <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up : May <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Group made recommendations for improving services forpeople with neurological conditions through the NationalService Framework for Long Term Conditions.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :2Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :17Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :6Number of PrivateSector :1Chair :Diana Whitworth,Chief Executive,Carers' UKFOOD IN SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT GROUPDate Established : March 2003Date Reported / Due to Report:-Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Regular oral updates atmeetings.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector:0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :RachelClementsFOOD IN SCHOOLS STEERING GROUPDate Established : May 2003Date Reported / Due to Report:-Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Regular oral updates atmeetings.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 1Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector:5Number of Private Sector : 2Chair :DanilaArmstrong186

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>FORENSIC PSYCHIATRISTS' WORKING GROUPDate Established : March 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of HealthIMPLEMENTATION BOARD: MODERNISING NHS HOSPITAL MEDICINES MANUFACTURINGDate Established:May 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :July 2003Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Implementation Plan: web-based guidance linkingallocation of modernisation funding to clinicalgovernance and future shape of the service.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :3Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :8Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :Number of PrivateSector :Chair :Professor Sir Ronald De Witt,Chief Executive, North WestLondon Health AuthorityINTER-FAITH FORUM ON TEENAGE PREGNANCYDate Established : April 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :-Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Forum reports to the Independent Advisory Group onTeenage Pregnancy (IAGTPU) on a regular basis.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants:2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :40Number of Private Sector:0Chair :KarenTurnerLEARNING DISABILITY RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : November 2002Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 3Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 7Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. Carol Lupton187

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>LOCAL PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES (LPS) AREA PANELSDate Established : May 2001Date Reported / Due to Report:-Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Panels report after eachmeeting.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 8Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector:1Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. DianaRatzerMICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF BLOOD AND TISSUES FOR TRANSPLANTATIONDate Established :Date Reported / Due to Report:-Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :January1993Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers :Number of Civil Servants : 16Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 11Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :Number of Private Sector :Chair :Dr. Lindsey Davies, Trent RegionalOfficeMODERNISATION OF ADULT SOCIAL CARE RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : October 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 4Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 1Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 6Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. Carol Lupton188

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>NATIONAL NETWORK OF BREASTFEEDING CO-ORDINATORSDateEstablished :December 1995Date Reported/ Due toReport :-Report Details:-Date WoundUp :Notes :The Department established the National Network of Breastfeeding Coordinators(NNBC) as part of its activities on promoting breastfeeding. The roleof Breastfeeding Regional Co-ordinators is to stimulate and sustain action at alocal level with the aim of increasing breastfeeding rates amongst those who areleast likely to breastfeed. It was decided that a non-decision making body wasneeded to add weight to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment statement that it was serious in itsintention of supporting breastfeeding. In 1995, the National Network ofBreastfeeding Co-ordinators (NNBC) was established. The NNBC was made upfrom a nominated representative from each of the health regions andrepresentatives from each of the professional and voluntary organisation andobservers form the Baby Friendly Initiative, Scottish, Northern Ireland andWelsh Health Departments. No specific task was given to this group but theterms of reference were described as ?to build on the work of the NationalBreastfeeding Working Group in the promotion and protection of breastfeedingby stimulating and sustaining action at a local level and sharing ideas nationally,with the aim of increasing both the number of mothers who breastfeed and thelength of time they continue to breastfeed.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :3340ChristineCarsonNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS PROJECT: SHA REFERENCE GROUPDate Established : February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers :Number of Civil Servants : 4Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 17Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector :Number of Private Sector :Chair :Matthew KershawNATIONAL SPECIALIST COMMISSIONING ADVISORY GROUPDateEstablished :October 1999Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :October <strong>2004</strong>Annual reports are available from:http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/NSCAG/reports.htmAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector :Chair :17Dr Michael Gill,Regional Director of<strong>Public</strong> Health, SouthEast Regional Office189

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>NATIONAL USERS PANEL OF THE COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT SERVICES EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUPDate Established : February 2002Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of HealthNATIONAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDDateEstablished :November 2002Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:-Date WoundUp :Notes :-This high level group meets 4 times a year as an external stakeholdergroup to DH Workforce Directorate. The Group discusses workforce policyand has a remit of horizon scanning for future workforce issues that mayarise. The group seeks presentations from various groups and afterconsideration provides advice to DH.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :6Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :3601John BaconDH Directorof DeliveryNHS FOUNDATION TRUSTS - EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUP FOR GOVERNANCEDate Established : April 2003Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Providing theoretical and practical support to Trusts applying for NHSFT status. No otherinformation provided by Department of HealthNHS MODERNISATION BOARDDate Established : October 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :May <strong>2004</strong>Report Details :Date Wound Up : -Notes :Previous reports published in January 2002 and March 2003. Eachreport describes the progress and implementation of the NHS Plan.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of CivilServants :1Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :24Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :10Number of PrivateSector :1Chair :Sir NigelCrisp190

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>ORTHOPAEDIC STANDARDS WORKING GROUPDate Established : February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due to ReportDecember <strong>2004</strong>:Report Details :Part of Musculo-SkeletalFrameworkDate Wound Up : September <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 1Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 13Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector:1Number of Private Sector : 2Chair :Dr. SheenaParkerORTHOPAEDICS PROJECT: CO-ORDINATING GROUPDate Established : February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers :Number of Civil Servants : 19Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 18Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector :Number of Private Sector :Chair :Matthew KershawPATIENT CHOICE TRUSTEESDate Established : July 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The purpose of this group is to provide independent external oversight of the choice scheme for heartsurgery, to ensure that the local and national delivery of the initiative works in the patient-centred spiritintended. No other information provided by Department of HealthPHORUMDate Established:January 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :Phorum aims to: - host open seminars and conferences; - establish a 'Phorum online' service (as part ofthe <strong>Public</strong> Health electronic Library); and - produce a wide range of discussion papers on key issues,exploring NGOs' contribution towards the public health and health inequalities agenda. No otherinformation provided by Department of HealthRESEARCH GOVERNANCE IN SOCIAL CARE ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : September 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 7Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. Carol Lupton191

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>SCOTH/ACMD WORKING GROUP ON CANNABIS AND TOBACCO SMOKINGDate Established : June 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Report to be produced reviewing the harms associated with cannabis and tobacco smoking for SoSfor Health, and Home Secretary. No other information provided by Department of HealthSIR NIGEL CRISP'S LEADERSHIP AND RACE EQUALITY ACTION PLAN INDEPENDANT PANELDateEstablished :February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported/ Due toReport :-Report Details:-Date WoundUp :-Notes :The role of the Panel is to review progress and contribute to achievement by:Providing challenge to NHS leaders on the progress they are making in takingforward the Action Plan; Working together as a sounding board and criticalfriend with Sir Nigel Crisp, to support him in his leadership of the Plan;Assisting him in mobilising NHS leaders and leading partners to take action thatwill have real impact, both in the short and the long term; Sponsoring ideasand innovative action for wider take up across the service.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :0131TrevorPhillips,Chair CRESOCIAL PARTNERSHIP FORUMDate Established :Date Reported / Due toReport :-Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :December2003Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of Private Sector : 0co-Chairs :Andrew Foster, DH, Director of Workforce & KarenJennings, UNISONSTAKEHOLDER NETWORKDate Established : April 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health192

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>STANDING ADVISORY GROUP ON SOCIAL CARE WORKFORCE RESEARCHDate Established : July 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 5Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 6Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Dr. Carol LuptonUK NATIONAL SCREENING COMMITTEEDate Established:October 1996Date Reported /Due to Report :October 1998Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :First report available from:http://www.nsc.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>/pdfs/nsc_firstreport.pdfAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :10Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :12Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :Number of PrivateSector :Chair :2Dr. Henrietta Campbell,Chief Medical Officer forNorthern IrelandWORKFORCE PROGRAMME BOARDDate Established : December 2003Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 7Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 8Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 0Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Andrew FosterREVIEWINTERAGENCY WORKING GROUP TO DEVELOP A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN DH, THE POLICEAND THE HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVEDate Established:July 2002Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health The aim of the MOU will be to provide guidanceto the NHS about identifying incidents which require, or may require, referral to the police, HSE or otheragencies, and the procedure to be followed to ensure effective co-operative working.193

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>PRIMARY CARE WORKFORCE REVIEW EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUPDate Established:October 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Ministers decided in autumn 2001 not to publishthe Primary Care Workforce Review. Most of the work on the Review was completed by April 2001. Thegeneral election in June 2001 delayed consideration by Ministers, until they decided not to publish.REVIEW OF EVIDENCE RELATING TO SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTSDate Established : July 1997Date Reported / Due toReport :July 1998Report Details :Date Wound Up :Silicone Gel Breast Implants:Notes :The Review Group continued to meet to review any ongoing evidence. No other informationprovided by Department of HealthREVIEW OF NHS REVENUE RESOURCE ALLOCATIONDate Established : November 1998Date Reported / Due toReport :July 1999Report Details :Date Wound Up :Report of the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation 1998, published July 1999. Reviewdue to report again after work onNotes :No other information provided by Department of HealthTASK FORCEA&E TASK FORCEDate Established : January <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due toWeeklyReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Weekly ongoing report of actions needed todeliver 4 hour A&E target.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers :Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :5Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :Number of Private Sector :Chair :Margaret Edwards,Director of Access194

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>ADOPTION & PERMANENCE TASK FORCEDateEstablished :October 2000Date Reported/ Due toReport :March <strong>2004</strong>Report Details:Final Annual Report (2003-04) http://www.dfes.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/adoption/pdfs/5408-DfES-AdoptionPermance.pdfDate WoundUp :March <strong>2004</strong>Notes :No further information provided by Department of Health. Policy responsibility now transferred to DfES. ThisTaskforce to be replaced by a new DfES 'Looked After Children Taskforce' The purpose of the Adoption &Permanence Task Force was to: (a) support Local Authorities in improving their performance on: i) planningfor and delivering permanence for Looked After Children; ii) maximising the use of adoption as an option formeeting the needs of Looked After Children; and iii) providing effective support to all parties affected byadoption; and (b) provide a source of advice and expertise to inform policy development andimplementation on adoption and permanence.AMBULANCE REVIEWDate Established : May <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due to Report : May 2005Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers :Number of Civil Servants : 1Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 22Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector :Number of Private Sector :Chair :Peter Bradley, National AmbulanceCANCER TASK FORCEDate Established : September 2000Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The purpose of the Task Force is to oversee implementation of the aspects of the NHS Plan relatingto cancer services. No other information provided by Department of Health.195

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>CHILDREN'S TASKFORCEDate Established:November 2000Date Reported /Due to Report : -Report Details : Hospital standard - April 2003.Date Wound Up:Notes :The purpose of the Task Force is tooversee implementation of the aspects ofthe NHS Plan relating to children'sservices.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :17Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 14Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :Number ofPrivate Sector :Chair :3Professor Al Aynsley-Green, NationalClinical Director for Children and ChildHealth; Institute of Child Health, GreatOrmond Street, LondonCORONARY HEART DISEASE TASKFORCEDate Established : March 2000Date Reported /-Due to Report :Report Details : -Date Wound Up :Notes :The purpose of the Task Force is to oversee implementation of theaspects of the NHS Plan relating to coronary heart disease and theNational Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number of CivilServants :7Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :15Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :Number of PrivateSector :Chair :5Dr RogerBoyleCROSS TASK FORCE PREVENTION GROUPDate Established : November 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health.196

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>HEALTHCARE INDUSTRIES TASK FORCEDateEstablished :DateReported /Due to Report:ReportDetails :October 2003November <strong>2004</strong>"Better healthcare through partnership: a programme for action"Date WoundUp :November <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Terms of Reference:- The Healthcare Industries Task Force (HITF)will bring together government and industry leaders to identifysteps to develop, stimulate the growth and performance of the UKhealthcare industry and maximise the benefit to patients fromhealthcare products, in particular to : - increase healthcareprofessionals' and patients' access to appropriate and innovativemedical technology across all healthcare services - foster andfacilitate an improved environment for product research,development, clinical evaluation and related manufacturinginvestment - provide a clear framework of regulation andinformation that serves patients - promote international trade inproducts in this sectorAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :3Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivateSector :Joint Chairs :10011Lord Warner, UnderSecretary of State forHealth, and SirChristopher O'Donnell,Chief Executive of Smith& NephewLEARNING DISABILITY TASK FORCEDateEstablished :December 2001Date Reported/ Due toReport :January <strong>2004</strong>Report Details:Rights, independence, choice and inclusion - Report, January <strong>2004</strong>Date WoundUp :Notes :Task Force web page http://www.dh.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/PolicyAndGuidance/HealthAndSocialCareTopics/LearningDisabilities/LearningDisabilitiesTaskforce/Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants : 8Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Co-Chairs :8165MichelleChinery andMary NeyMAKING A DIFFERENCE - REDUCING BURDENS IN HOSPITALS - TASK FORCEDateEstablished :January 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health. This Task Force is responsible for overseeing theeffective implementation of the "Making A Difference: Reducing Burdens in Hospitals" report outcomes by:- monitoring progress on the implementation of outcomes; - contributing to strategies for redressingshortfalls in implementing agreed outcomes where appropriate; and - providing expert advice on specialistareas. The Task Force also offers advice and support in promoting outcomes as part of an ongoingCommunications Strategy, and provides guidance on effective strategies for undertaking evaluation of theproject.197

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>MAKING A DIFFERENCE - REDUCING BURDENS ON GPs - TASK FORCEDate Established : January 2003Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of HealthMENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCEDate Established : September 2000Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health. The purpose of the Task Force is to overseeimplementation of the aspects of the NHS Plan relating to mental health services.NATIONAL CANCER TASKFORCEDate Established : September 2000Date Reported / Due to Report : -Report Details : -Date Wound Up : -Notes :Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 6Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 21Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 3Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Prof. Mike RichardsPATIENT ENVIRONMENT STEERING GROUPDate Established : November 2001Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No further information provided by Department of HealthPRACTICE LEARNING TASKFORCEDateEstablished :DateReported /Due toReport :ReportDetails :Date WoundUp :Notes :September 2002January 2005First annual report is available from:http://www.practicelearning.org.<strong>uk</strong>/docs/publications/pltffirstannualreport.docAppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :Number ofCivilServants :Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivateSector :Director :13MichaelLeadbetter198

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>QUALITY TASK FORCEDate Established : September 2000Date Reported / Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of HealthREFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - FUNDING PROJECT GROUPDate Established : November 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Working in detail on how to improve fundingand funding streams for the new degree-level qualification in social work to be introduced in Englandfrom September 2003.REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - PRACTICE LEARNING PROJECT GROUPDate Established : October 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Working in detail on how to improve quality andquantity of practice learning opportunities for students of the new degree-level qualification in socialwork to be introduced in England from September 2003.REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - REGISTRATION, POST-QUALIFYING (PQ), CONTINUOUSPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) PROJECT GROUPDate Established : November 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Working on links from the new degree toprofessional registration with the General Social Care Council (GSCC) and reviewing postqualifyingtraining and continuous professional development.REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - EXTERNAL PROJECT BOARDDate Established : July 2001Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Working on strategic matters to introduce athree-year level qualification in social work to be introduced in England from September 2003.199

Department of Health Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - QUALIFICATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GROUPDate Established : October 2001Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health Developing the new curriculum for thedegree-level qualification in social work to be introduced in England in September 2003.WORKFORCE TASK FORCEDate Established : September 2000Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :No other information provided by Department of Health The purpose of the Task Force is to overseeimplementation of the aspects of the NHS Plan relating to workforce issues.200

DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRYDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETEnquiries : Michael OrdishTelephone : 020 7215 6088 GTN : 215 6088 Fax : 020 7215 5760E-mail : michael.ordish@dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY108M/57F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled :108M/57F All AppointmentsEthnic Minority :124M/67F Ministerial Appointments,124M/67F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CARBON ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7215 2669 Fax Number : 020 7215 2840Email Address:charles.pearce@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bay 166 , 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTo provide expert independent advice to DTI on matters concerning technologies for reducing carbon dioxideemissions from fossil fuel power generation. First meeting October 2003NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Nick OtterRemuneration : 0Secretary : Charles PearceRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 3000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Annual report related details are included in the DTI's Cleaner Fossils Fuels Unit annual report.AEROSPACE COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7215 1960 Fax Number : 020 7215 1304Email Address : Martin.Hand@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Martin Hand, Aerospace Committee Secretariat, DTI/Aerospace and Defence Bay 450, 151 Buckingham PalaceRoad, London, SW1W 9SSTo provide a forum so that the United Kingdom aerospace industry can consider with ministers and officials inthe DTI issues of strategic importance to its continuing development.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 201M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Colin GreenRemuneration : 0Secretary : Peter JoyceRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : n/a<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 14100Total Gross Expenditure £ 14100Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 14M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 3M/0F EX,0VNotes :AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMISSION (AEBC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7215 6508 Fax Number : 020 7215 0313Email Address : aebc.contact@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.aebc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Bay 444, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTerms ofReference :Notes :To offer strategic advice to UK <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and devolved administrations on biotechnology issues whichimpact on agriculture and the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Malcolm GrantRemuneration : 188 per daySecretary : Dr Paul van HeyningenRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 221918Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/8F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:This body is jointly funded by DTI, DEFRA and the devolved administrations. There is a departmental secretariat of 5people.202

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsBUSINESS INCUBATION FUND INVESTMENT PANELMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7215 8210 Fax Number : 020 7215 8206EmailAddress :Frank.d'cruze@sbs.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.sbs.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Kingsgate House, 66-74 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6SWTo determine successful applicants for SBS Feasibility studies grant. The panel was formed to vet applications forthe £75m business incubation fund but due to state aid rules the fund had to be closed as of 5th November 2003.However the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment has made available £500k for feasibility studies for business incubation. The panel,therefore, continued to be used to take this process forward. There are no more proposed meetings. The advisorybody has been kept standing until March 2005 in case of further discussions.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Paul BradstockRemuneration : 0Secretary :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Business Incubation Fund is a voluntary body. The Members are not paid. There were only two meetings last yearand the sponsorship costs incurred by the DTI were therefore effectively zero.COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7215 6518 Fax Number : 020 7215 0394EmailAddress :cstinfo@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cst.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Science and Technology, Bay 482, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTo advise the Prime Minister and the First Ministers of Wales and Scotland on the strategic policies andframework for sustaining and developing science, engineering and technology in the UK and promotinginternational cooperation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir David King and Sir Keith PetersChair :(co-chairs)Remuneration : 188 per day for Sir Keith Peters onlySecretary :Ms Lynne EdwardsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -YesYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 141000Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 203M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 2M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Remuneration of £188 per day for the Chair only applies to the independent Chair Sir Keith Peters. Sir David King isalready paid by <strong>Gov</strong>ernment in his role as Chief Scientific Advisor. Although Sir Keith Peters is entitled to £188 per dayhe does not draw any payment.DISTRIBUTED GENERATION CO-ORDINATION GROUPMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7215 2675 Fax Number : 020 7215 2674Email Address:philip.baker@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTo monitor the implementation of the Embedded Working Group recommendations, and to advise the DTI andOfgem of progress and advise on priorities for action and identify the need for additional work.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Secretary : Philip BakerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 5000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : There are two chairs who alternate between the DTI and OfgemETHNIC MINORITY BUSINESS FORUM (EMBF)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7215 8532 Fax Number : 020 7215 8111EmailAddress :embf@sbs.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ethnicbusiness.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bay 664, Small Business Service, 66 - 74 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6SWThe Ethnic Minority (EMBF) was specifically set up to strengthen the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's dialogue with the black andminority ethnic (BME) business communities on policies and services which may impact on the ability of BMEentrepreneurs to start and successfully grow their businesses.204

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Yvonne ThompsonRemuneration : 4800 honorariumSecretary : Sharon BatsonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 14640Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/9F P, 0M/0F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :FUEL POVERTY ADVISORY GROUPMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7215 6532FaxNumber :020 7215 2723EmailAddress :fuelpoverty@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/energy/consumers/fuel_poverty/index.shtmlAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETThe Group's primary task is to report on the progress of delivery of the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's Fuel Poverty Strategy forEngland and to propose and implement improvements to regional or local mechanisms for its delivery.Jointly sponsored by DTI and DEFRANDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter LehmannRemuneration : 0John Mason Defra and MarilynSecretary :Booth DTIRemuneration : Civil ServantsStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoYesNoAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 20000Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 13M/3F EX,0VNotes:There is no register of interests of members of the advisory group. Organisations are invited to attend the group ratherthan individuals. The individuals who attend do so on behalf of the organisations.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 205M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7215 5526 Fax Number : 020 7215 3874Email Address : stephen.d'gava@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/regionsAddress :Regional Assistance Directorate, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTerms of Reference : To advise on the applications to the DTI for Selective Financial Assistance in England over £2mNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Victor BlankRemuneration : 0Secretary : Andrew SteeleRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : 1995Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 38000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IPAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01633 814 544 Fax Number : 01633 814 554Email Address : sally-ann.jones@patent.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.intellectual-property.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/ipacAddress :The Patent Office, Room 3R44 Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8QQTerms of Reference : To give high level independent advice to government on intellectual property matters.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ian HarveyRemuneration : 1500Secretary : Duncan WearmouthRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 67262Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/1F EX,0VNotes :206

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsLOW PAY COMMISSION (LPC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7215 5773 Fax Number : 020 7215 5216Email Address : jay.arjan@lowpay.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lowpay.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTo provide advice to the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on matters relating to the National Minimum Wage referred to it by theSecretary of State for Trade and Industry.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Adair TurnerRemuneration : 471 per meetingSecretary : Chris DeeRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 3000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : DTI employs 11 people who work for the Low Pay Commission.MEASUREMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7215 1405 Fax Number : 020 7215 1978Email Address : alastair.hooley@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/nmsAddress : Innovation Group/National Measurement System, 151 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SSTerms ofReference :Notes :Advises the DTI on the effectiveness of its programmes of expenditure in support of the NationalMeasurement System (NMS).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Colin Gaskell CBERemuneration : 0Secretary : Alastair HooleyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 66000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 207M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsREGIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARDS (RIDB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (7)Telephone : 020 7215 5526 Fax Number : 020 7215 3874Email Address:stephen.d'gava@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/regionsAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Regional Assistance Directorate, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETRegional Industrial Development Boards are established in those Regions with substantial assisted areas. Theyadvise on applications for Regional Selective Assistance between £250k and £2m.The RIDBs consist of the following 7 bodies. London and South East Eastern Region North East North West SouthWest Yorkshire and the Humber and East Midlands West MidlandsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Secretary : MultipleRemuneration : Civil ServantsStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : -Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 4M/3F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 61M/21F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:There is no expenditure by the Department as the individual <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Offices are responsible for recruitment to theRIDB and the Regional Development Agencies are responsible for providing secretariat support. The Sponsorship costsfor the individual Development Boards are as follows:- Yorkshire Forward for the Yorkshire and the Humber and EastMidlands RIDB - £28,400 One North East for the North East RIDB - £9,000 North West Development Agency for theNorth West RIDB - £11,000 South West Regional Development Agency for the South West RIDB - £22,000 AdvantageWest Midlands for the West Midlands RIDB - £15,000 London Development Agency for the London and South East RIDB -£22,240RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARDMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone :01224 254087EmailAddress:Chris.Kelly@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>FaxNumber :Website :01224 212521http://www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/energy/renewables/renewables_<strong>uk</strong>/renewables_advisory_board.shtmlAddress:DTI, Renewables UK, Atholl House, 86-88 Guild Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6ARTerms ofReference :Notes :The Renewables Advisory Board brings together <strong>Gov</strong>ernment departments, the Renewables Industry and the unionsto develop mutual understanding of the key issues for the industry both short term and over the next twenty years,including taking forward the renewables recommendations of the Energy White Paper208

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration:0Secretary :Stephen Timms Minister of State for Energy,e-Commerce and Postal ServicesAllan TaylorRemuneration:Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 21500Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/1F NP, 3VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SMALL BUSINESS COUNCILMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7215 8519 Fax Number : 020 7215 4369EmailAddress :phil.ashton@sbs.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.smallbusinesscouncil.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Kingsgate House, Bay 642, 66 - 74 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6SWTo report to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and to the Chief Executive of the Small Business Serviceon the needs of existing and potential small businesses in order to increase their opportunities for success andgrowth. It advises and reports on the effects on such businesses of the activities of government including theSmall Business Service itself.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :William SargentRemuneration : 0Secretary : Catherine CaponRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 465200Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 12M/9F P, 1M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 209M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsSMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT TASKFORCEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 0114 279 4378 Fax Number : 0114 279 4375Email Address:taskforce@sbs.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Level 2, St Mary's House, c/o Moorfoot, Sheffield, S1 4PQTo advise on the progress made to help create an environment where all enterprises with growth potential,wherever they are located, can access the finance they need to realise their potential.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir David CookseyRemuneration : 4800Secretary : Jane FaircloughRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 60000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 4M/1F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SUSTAINABLE ENERGY POLICY ADVISORY BOARDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7215 2672 Fax Number : 020 7215 2890EmailAddress :Marjories.Williams@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/energy.sepnAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ETTo provide the Ministerial Group with a source of well-informed independent advice on the implementation of theEnergy White Paper and on the approach and the work of the sustainable Energy Policy Network as a whole.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir John Collins£450 for a full day's meeting or £225 forRemuneration :a half day meetingSecretary :Kanta VarsaniRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -NoYesYesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 31000Total GrossExpenditure £210

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :UK CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION NATIONAL AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7215 0691 Fax Number : 020 7215 0695EmailAddress :alastair.east@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dti.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/non-proliferation/naac/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :4 Abbey Orchard Street, London, SW1P 2HTTo assist the Department of Trade and Industry with its task of ensuring that the Chemical-Weapons Conventionand the Chemical Weapons Act 1996 are implemented effectively in the UK while taking account of cost andresource constraints and the need to avoid excessive regulation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Thomas D Inch OBERemuneration : 0Secretary : Alastair EastRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8900Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 5M/0F EX,0VNotes :WOMEN'S NATIONAL COMMISSION (WNC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7276 2555 Fax Number : 020 7276 2563Email Address : wnc@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.thewnc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQTerms of Reference : To ensure that women's views are taken into account by the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and are heard in public debate.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 211M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Margaret Prosser OBERemuneration : 10000Secretary : Janet VeitchRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8210Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/10F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The DTI employs 7 people who work in the Womens National Commission.EXECUTIVE NDPBADVANTAGE WEST MIDLANDSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0121 380 3500 Fax Number : 0121 380 3501Email Address:info@advantagewm.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.advantagewm.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3 Priestley Wharf, Holt Street, Aston Science Park, Birmingham, B7 4BNTo produce a regional economic strategy for the West Midlands and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration, improving skills and competitiveness in the region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Nick Paul73314 pa for 3 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:John EdwardsRemuneration : 141886Staff Employed:290OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 205156000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£226970000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :212

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsADVISORY, CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION SERVICE (ACAS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7210 3613 Fax Number : 020 7210 3645EmailAddress :Website : www.acas.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LWACAS has a general duty to promote the improvement of organisations and working life through betteremployment relations. ACAS must comply with the general duty to promote equality and good relations betweendifferent racial groups and to eliminate discrimination.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Rita DonaghyRemuneration : 73378Chief Executive : John TaylorRemuneration : 134425Staff Employed : 906OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 38782000Exp By Dept £ 99300Total Gross Expenditure £ 40467000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (BBSRC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 01793 413200 Fax Number : 01793 413201Email Address:Refer to contacts page on website Website : www.bbsrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Central Office, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UHTo promote and support high-quality basic, strategic and applied research and related postgraduate trainingrelating to the understanding and exploitation of biotechnology and biological systems.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter Ringrose14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof Julia Goodfellow CBERemuneration : 121157Staff Employed : 3171OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 241510000Exp By Dept £ 233000Total Gross Expenditure£275752000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 213M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/2F EX,0VNotes :BRITISH HALLMARKING COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0121 200 3300 Fax Number : 0121 633 7433Email Address:david.gwyther@martjohn.com Website : www.britishhallmarkingcouncil.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :St Philips House, St Philips Place, Birmingham, B3 2PPThe British Hallmarking Council oversees the operations of the Assay Offices and advises the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment onthe operation of the Hallmarking Act 1973.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Tom MurrayRemuneration : 12000Secretary : David GwytherRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 1OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 66348Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:There is only one member of staff and he is part time. The Secretary is a contractor paid by the Assay Offices. The Chairis appointed from the members. Six non ministerial appointments are made by Assay Offices and the Council may co-optup to two further members.COAL AUTHORITYMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01623 427162 Fax Number : 01623 622072EmailAddress :johndelaney@coal.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.coal.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RGTo license all coal mining operations and granting rights to exploit the Nation's coal resource; handling coal miningsubsidence claims which are not the responsibility of existing licensees; treating coal mine water pollution anddealing with other historic liabilities arising from coal mining; operating arrangements for giving the public accessto mining information.214

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :John Harris38855 pa for 2 days perweekChief Executive:Dr Ian RoxburghRemuneration : 133717Staff Employed:142OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 25800000Exp By Dept £ 119798Total Gross Expenditure£50700000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMPETITION COMMISSIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7271 0100 Fax Number : 020 7271 0177Email Address : info@competition-commission.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.competition-commission.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Victoria House, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 4ADTerms ofReference :Notes :To investigate and report on matters referred to it relating to mergers, markets and anti-competitivepractices, and the regulation of utilities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Derek MorrisRemuneration : 170000Chief Executive : Robert FosterRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 145OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1993Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16293000Exp By Dept £ 233216Total Gross Expenditure £ 16293000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 46M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Although the body was last reviewed in 1993, the competition regime was reformed by the 1998 Competition Act andthe Enterprise 2002 Act.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 215M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsCOMPETITION SERVICEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7979 7979 Fax Number : 020 7979 7978Email Address : Website : www.catribunal.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Victoria House, Bloomsbury Place, London, WC1A 2EBTerms of Reference : To fund and provide support services to the Competition Appeal Tribunal.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Christopher Bellamy QCRemuneration : 0Registrar : Charles DhanowaRemuneration : 87734Staff Employed : 14OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 94984Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Competition Service came into existence on 1 April 2003. There are therefore no figures for expenditure or fundingfor 2002/3. Sir Christopher Bellamy's remuneration was £161,918 which he received as President of the CompetitionAppeal Tribunal. The Competition Service was formed as an NDPB to service the Competition Appeal Tribunal.CONSUMER COUNCIL FOR POSTAL SERVICES (CCPS, KNOWN AS POSTWATCH)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7259 1200 Fax Number : 020 7730 3044Email Address : info@postwatch.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.postwatch.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :28-30 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0TTTerms of Reference : To protect, promote and develop the interests of all consumers of UK postal services.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter Carr45000 pa for 4 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Gregor McGregorRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 115OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 8190000Exp By Dept £ 154058Total Gross Expenditure£8229965Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V216

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNotes :COUNCIL FOR CENTRAL LABORATORY OF RESEARCH COUNCILS (CCLRC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01235 445000 Fax Number : 01235 445808Email Address:enquiries@cclrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cclrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QXProvides advanced facilities including large-scale radiation sources, to support basic, strategic and appliedresearch programmes being undertaken by the UK and international scientific community and by industry.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Graeme Davis27878 for 40 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof John WoodRemuneration : 108649Staff Employed : 1740OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 30899000Exp By Dept £ 373000Total Gross Expenditure£141741000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/0F EX,0VNotes:In 2002/3 just over £30million of funding came directly from the DTI to CCLRC. Funding towards their expenditure alsocame from the other Research Councils.DESIGN COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7420 4200 Fax Number : 020 7420 5300Email Address : tobys@designcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.designcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :34 Bow Street, London, WC2E 7DLTerms of Reference:Notes :To inspire and enable best use of design by the UK, in the world context, to improve prosperity and wellbeing.Contact person for general enquires is Toby ScottNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Christopher FraylingRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : David KesterRemuneration : 135750Staff Employed : 60OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 2001/02Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6886000Exp By Dept £ 73000Total Gross Expenditure £ 7342000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 217M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:David Kester was appointed in April 2003. His remuneration package also has a bonus element of up to an additional15% of basic salary. The figure of £120,750 shown above represents basic salary and employers pension contributions.EAST MIDLANDS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EMDA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0115 988 8300 Fax Number : 0115 853 3666Email Address:info@emd.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.emda.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Apex Court, City Link, Nottingham, NG2 4LATo produce a regional economic strategy for the East Midlands and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in the region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Derek Mapp48876 pa for two days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Martin BiggsRemuneration : 140925Staff Employed:205OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 101713000Exp By Dept £ 165590Total Gross Expenditure£113955000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EAST OF ENGLAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EEDA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01223 713 900 Fax Number : 01223 713 940Email Address:knowledge@eeda.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.eeda.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :The Business Centre, Station Road, Histon, Cambridge, CB4 9LQTo produce a regional economic strategy for the East of England and to undertake various programmes aimedat producing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in the region.218

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Richard Ellis73314 pa for 3 days perweekChief Executive:David MarlowRemuneration : 131350Staff Employed:135OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 89413000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£92780000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (ESRC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01793 413000 Fax Number : 01793 413001Email Address : Refer to contact page on website Website : www.esrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1UJSupports high-quality research and postgraduate training that will contribute to economic competitiveness, thequality of life and the effectiveness of public services and policy.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Frances Cairncross14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof Ian DiamondRemuneration : 88576Staff Employed : 103OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 82963000Exp By Dept £ 235000Total Gross Expenditure£87900000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 219M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (EPSRC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01793 444000 Fax Number : 01793 444001Email Address : infoline@epsrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.epsrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1ETPromotes and supports high-quality basic, strategic and applied research and related post-graduate training ofengineering and the physical sciences.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Julia Higgs14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof John O'ReillyRemuneration : 110591Staff Employed : 312OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 473534000Exp By Dept £ 258000Total Gross Expenditure£569384000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION (EOC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0845 601 5901 Fax Number : 0161 838 8312Email Address : info@eoc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.eoc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Arndale House, Arndale Centre, Manchester, M4 3EQTerms of Reference : To eliminate sex discrimination in 21st century Britain.Notes : There is a type talk number 18001 0845 601 5901NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Julie MellorRemuneration : 106250Chief Executive : Caroline SlocockRemuneration : 112635Staff Employed : 139OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6887000Exp By Dept £ 105425Total Gross Expenditure £ 7845000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy CommissionersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :220

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsGAS & ELECTRICITY CONSUMER COUNCIL (GECC) (Energywatch)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7799 8340 Fax Number : 020 7799 8341EmailAddress :enquires@energywatch.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.energywatch.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :4th Floor, Artillery House, Artillery Row, London, SW1P 1RTEnergywatch is the independent statutory body representing the interests of gas and electricity consumers. Itprovides advice on consumer matters to <strong>Gov</strong>ernment and to the industry regulator. Energywatch investigatescomplaints that consumers have been unable to resolve with their supplier and provides advice on a range ofenergy issues.Notes : Consumer helpline 0845 906 0708NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Chair : Andrew HorslerRemuneration : 12496Chief Executive : Allan AsherRemuneration : 76432Staff Employed : 292OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 12292000Exp By Dept £ 83500Total Gross Expenditure £ 12292000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Andrew Horsler's remuneration is for 3 months to March 31 <strong>2004</strong>. Allan Asher's remuneration is for the period from 1May 2003 to 31 March <strong>2004</strong> Vacancy for Chair due to post being filled on temporary promotion.HEARING AID COUNCIL (HAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01908 235700 Fax Number : 01908 233770Email Address:Chris@thehearingaidcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.thehearingaidcouncil.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Witan Court, 305 Upper Fourth Street, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 1EHThe HAC was established to set and maintain professional standards of competence and conduct amongregistered Hearing Aid Dispensers and their employers.General enquiries contact is Christopher Reid RegistrarNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Christopher Hughes£190 per day up to a maximum 50Remuneration :days per yearRegistrar :Remuneration :Staff Employed:0Christopher ReidOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 50000Exp By Dept £ 81000Total GrossExpenditure £473303Appointments and Remuneration Key: 221M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The HAC does not employ a Chief Executive. The most senior role is Registrar. The Council has contracted out this roleand function to Christopher Reid who is not an employee of the Council. The administration and secretariat function iscontracted out to Reid & Company Registrars Limited. Gross expenditure is for the period 1st January 2002 to 31stMarch 2003MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7636 5422 Fax Number : 020 7636 6179Email Address:corporate@headoffice.mrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mrc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :20 Park Crescent, London, W1B 1ALThe Council's principle objectives are to promote the balanced development of medical and related biologicalresearch with the aim of maintaining and improving human health.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Anthony Cleaver14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof Colin BlakemooreRemuneration : 48952Staff Employed : 3466OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 365136000Exp By Dept £ 233000Total Gross Expenditure£474348000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/1F EX,0VNotes :NATIONAL CONSUMER COUNCIL (NCC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : Yes (3)Telephone : 020 7730 3469 Fax Number : 020 7730 0191Email Address : E.diani@ncc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ncc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :20 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0DHTerms of Reference:Notes :A consumer policy and research organisation with a special focus on the needs of disadvantagedconsumers.222

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :MultipleChief Executive:Ed MayoRemuneration : 80511Staff Employed:5117383 minimum to 48567maximumOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :KingstonSmith<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3374000Exp By Dept £ 157000Total GrossExpenditure £5104000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/14F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL (NERC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01793 411500 Fax Number : 01793 411501Email Address:Refer to contact page on website Website : www.nerc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1EUThe leading body in the UK for basic, strategic and applied research across the spectrum of the environmentalsciences. It has a dual role as a provider and a customer of scientific research through its own centres,universities and other institutions.To contact NERC by e-mail use the e-mail look-up page on their web site to find NERC staff addresses.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rob Margetts CBE14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Professor John LawtonRemuneration : 112848Staff Employed : 2599OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 205677000Exp By Dept £ 235000Total Gross Expenditure£291576000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 3M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 223M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNORTH WEST DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (nwda)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 01925 400 100 Fax Number : 01925 400 400Email Address:information@nwda.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nwda.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 37, Renaissance House, Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1XBTo produce a regional economic strategy for the North West and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in the region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Bryan Gray73314 pa for 3 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Steven BroomheadRemuneration : 142275Staff Employed:367OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 274855000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£311802000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ONE NORTH EASTMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0191 229 6200 Fax Number : 0191 229 6201Email Address : Website : www.onenortheast.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Stella House, Goldcrest Way, Newburn Riverside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 8NYTo produce a regional economic strategy for the North East and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in the region.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Margaret Fay73314 pa for 3 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Alan ClarkeRemuneration : 138701Staff Employed:225OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 192928000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£221743000224

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :PARTICLE PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY RESEARCH COUNCIL (PPARC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01793 442000 Fax Number : 01793 442002Email Address:Refer to contacts page on website Website : www.pparc.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1SZPursues a programme of high quality basic research in astronomy, planetary science and particle physics whichfurthers understanding of fundamental questions, and trains high quality scientists and engineers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter Warry14400 for 20 days perRemuneration :yearChief Executive:Prof Ian Halliday FRSERemuneration : 111940Staff Employed : 294OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 235540000Exp By Dept £ 258000Total Gross Expenditure£270595000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes :SITPRO LIMITED (SITPRO)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7467 7280 Fax Number : 020 7467 7295Email Address : info@sitpro.org Website : www.sitpro.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Oxford House, 8th Floor, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSTerms ofReference :Notes :SITPRO Ltd deals with the practical aspects of facilitations as set out in its Memorandum of Association,working to simplify international trade procedures.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 225M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord Bhatia OBERemuneration : 0Chief Executive : David Wakeford MBERemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 13OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1995Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Helmores<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1048000Exp By Dept £ 78973Total Gross Expenditure £ 1095000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :SOUTH EAST ENGLAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEEDA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01483 484200 Fax Number : 01483 484247Email Address:info@seeda.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.seeda.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :SEEDA Headquarters, Cross Lanes, Guildford, GU1 1YATo produce a regional economic strategy for the South East and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration and improving skills and competitiveness in the region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Jim Brathwaite73314 pa for 3 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Pam AlexanderRemuneration : 148125Staff Employed:286OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 115034000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£122223000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :226

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsSOUTH WEST OF ENGLAND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SWERDA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01392 214747 Fax Number : 01392 214848Email Address:enqiries@southwestrda.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.southwestengland.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Sterling House, Dix's Field, Exeter, EX1 1QATo produce a regional economic strategy for the South West and to undertake various programmes aimed atproducing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in the region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Juliet Williams73314 pa for 3 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Geoffrey WilkinsonRemuneration : 137495Staff Employed:246OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 102858000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£104623000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY (UKAEA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01235 820220 Fax Number : 01235 436401Email Address:Beth.Taylor@UKAEA.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.<strong>uk</strong>aea.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Marshall Building, Harwell, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0RAUKAEA's primary task is the safe environmental restoration of its sites. It is also responsible for the UK'scontribution to fusion research within the European and World programme.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dennis Tunnicliffe CBE60000 pa for 2 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Dipesh j ShahRemuneration : 178000Staff Employed:2802OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 349200000Exp By Dept £ 292000Total Gross Expenditure£415700000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 227M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :YORKSHIRE FORWARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 0113 394 9600 Fax Number : 0113 394 9787Email Address:vpreception@yorkshire-forward.com Website : www.yorkshire-forward.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Victoria House, Victoria Place, Leeds, LS11 5AETo produce a regional economic strategy for Yorkshire and Humberside and to undertake various programmesaimed at producing regeneration improving skills and competitiveness in region.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Terry Hodginson48876 pa for 2 days perRemuneration :weekChief Executive:Martin HavenhandRemuneration : 147536Staff Employed:328OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 211453000Exp By Dept £ 165344Total Gross Expenditure£294541000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NATIONALISED INDUSTRYBRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS PLC (BNFL)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01925 832000 Fax Number : 01925 822711Email Address : john.m.forshaw@bnfl.com Website : www.bnfl.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :1100 Daresbury Park, Warrington, WA4 6GBBNFL is an international nuclear business employing staff in 16 countries delivering world-class technology andexpertise to nuclear utilities and governments.228

Department of Trade and Industry Nationalised IndustriesNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Hugh CollumRemuneration : 181678Chief Executive : Norman AskewRemuneration : 504464Staff Employed : 23000OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Ernst & Young<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 261845Total Gross Expenditure £ 3242000000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 3M/0F EX,0VNotes :BRITISH SHIPBUILDERSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0191 241 6050 Fax Number : 0191 241 6499Email Address : Jeremy.Cousins@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms of Reference:Central Square South, Orchard Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3XXThe Corporation is involved in residual activities - litigation, insurance claim and other contractualmatters.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ann TaylorRemuneration : CivilServantSecretary :John MurrayRemuneration : CivilServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 23223Total Gross Expenditure£497000PriceWaterhouseCoopersAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/1F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :Management of British Shipbuilders is the responsibility of DTI officials who have been appointed as Chair andDirectors.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 229M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

PUBLIC CORPORATIONOFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (Ofcom)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7981 3000 Fax Number : 020 7981 3333EmailAddress :graham.howell@ofcom.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ofcom.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Riverside House, Southwark, London, SE1 9HAEstablished under the Communications Act 2003 to further the interests of citizens in relation to communicationsmatters; it promotes competition, regulates the communications sector including telecoms and other electroniccommunications, the electromagnetic spectrum, broadcasting and other media. DTI and DCMS jointly sponsorOfcom.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Lord David CurrieRemuneration : 133000Chief Executive : Stephen CarterRemuneration : 250000Staff Employed : 858OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 29303000Exp By Dept £ 72198Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes:DTI and DCMS jointly sponsor Ofcom. DTI recovered £28,356,000 (Spectrum Management) and £777,000 (SpectrumEfficiency) from Ofcom receipts for spectrum licences. There are no expenditure figures for 2002/3 as Ofcom was not inexistence then.ROYAL MAIL HOLDINGS PLCMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7250 2890 Fax Number : 020 7250 2729EmailAddress :Website : www.royalmailgroup.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQRoyal Mail Holdings Plc is a company of which the government is the sole shareholder. Royal Mail Group Plcwholly-ownedsubsidiary of Royal Mail Holdings, which provides the Royal Mail, Parcelforce and the Post OfficeServices- is licensed by Postal Services Commission to provide a universal postal service in the UK.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Allan LeightonRemuneration : 186795Chief Executive : Adam CrozierRemuneration : 884846Staff Employed : 202300OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Ernst & Young LLP<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 154058Total Gross Expenditure £ 8280000000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 230M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry <strong>Public</strong> CorporationsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :TRIBUNAL NDPBCENTRAL ARBITRATION COMMITTEE (CAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7251 9747 Fax Number : 020 7251 3114EmailAddress :enquiries@cac.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cac.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3rd Floor, Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London, EC1Y 8QEThe Central Arbitration Committee's main function is to adjudicate on applications relating to the statutoryrecognition and derecognition of Trade Unions for collective bargaining purposes, where such recognition orderecognition cannot be agreed voluntarily.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Michael BurtonRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Graeme CharlesRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 16OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1669000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 1669000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 34M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMPETITION APPEAL TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7271 0395 Fax Number : 020 7271 0281Email Address : Website : www.catribunal.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :New Court, 48 Carey Street, London, WC2A 3BZTerms of Reference:Hearing of appeals in respect of various competition related matters.Notes :Administration for the Competition Appeal Tribunal is provided by the Competition Service as an ExecutiveNDPB.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 231M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President : Sir Christopher Bellamy QCRemuneration : 161918Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChairman Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 15M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COPYRIGHT TRIBUNALMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7596 6510Fax Number:020 7596 6526Email Address:copyright.tribunal@patent.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.patent.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/copy/tribunal/index.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, London, EC4Y 8DPThe main function of the Tribunal is to provide impartial settlement of disputes over copyright licences, usuallythose offered by collecting societies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Christopher TootalRemuneration : 316 per daySecretary : Jill DurdinRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 69000Total Gross Expenditure £ 69000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :232

Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPBsEMPLOYMENT APPEAL TRIBUNAL (EAT)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7273 1044 Fax Number : 020 7273 1045EmailAddress :Website : www.employmentappeals.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Audit House, 58 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DSThe Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) was created by the Employment Protection Act 1975. It is a Superior Courtof Record dealing with appeals from the decisions of the Employment Tribunals, the Certification Officer and theCentral Arbitration Committee. Prior to its creation, appeals were heard by a Judge of the High Court and, while itexisted, the National Industrial Relations Court.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President : Hon Sir Michael BurtonRemuneration :Registrar :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 48M/24F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALSMultipleYes (1)<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0845 795 9775 Fax Number : 020 7273 8670Email Address:www.employmenttribunals.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.employmenttribunals.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Montague Court, 101 London Road, Croydon, CR0 2RFEmployment Tribunals are independent judicial bodies which determine employment disputes relating mainly toindividual employment rights established in British Law.Scottish Office President of Employment Tribunal Scotland, Eagle Building, 215 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7TS.There are 25 constituent bodies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration :Presidents : MultipleRemuneration : 167754Staff Employed : 424OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 233M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1167M/703F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :100M/26F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:In addition to the 126 full time chairs there are 228 male and 70 female part time chairs. The Presidents are His HonourJudge Meeran (England and Wales)/Colin Milne Scotland. Employment Tribunals are funded by the DTI but no separatesponsorship costs are available.INSOLVENCY PRACTITIONERS TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7637 6568 Fax Number : 020 7291 6731Email Address:David.Swarts@insolvency.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 203, Area 5.1, 5th Floor, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3QWTo hear referrals from individuals, and insolvency practitioners authorised to act by the Secretary of State inrespect of refusal to grant, or the intention to withdraw, a license to act.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Revolving ChairRemuneration : 316 per daySecretary : David SwartzRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :6M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V13M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Revolving Chair is nominated by the Secretary of State. The body is funded on a case by case basis. There was noexpenditure by the department in 2003.PERSONS HEARING CONSUMER CREDIT LICENSING APPEALSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7215 3089 Fax Number : 020 7215 3242Email Address : consumercredit.appeals@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Room 231, 10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NNTo hear appeals to the Secretary of State under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 from licensing decisions ofthe Office of Fair Trading.Notes :234

Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :multiple ChairsRemuneration : 400 per dayChief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 87000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 5M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The Chair is appointed in respect of each appeal that is received by the Secretary of StatePERSONS HEARING ESTATE AGENT APPEALSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7215 3089 Fax Number : 020 7215 3240Email Address : estateagents.appeals@dti.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Room 231, 10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NNTo hear appeals to the Secretary of State under the Estate Agents Act 1979 from warning or prohibitionorders of the Office of Fair Trading.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :multiple chairsRemuneration : 400 per dayChief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 43000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 6M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The body has multiple chairs who are appointed in respect of each appeal.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 235M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRYAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPAGE ADVISORY GROUPDateEstablished :March 2001Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The AAG Secretariat reports each time a meeting of the Grouptakes placeThe Group was originally established to run from March 2001to May 2002 and was extended to run until December 2006.The <strong>Gov</strong>ernment will implement age legislation by December2006 and has an ongoing requirement for the Group toprovide support and advice.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number of CivilServants :3Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :156Jacqui Smith Minister ofState for Industry and theRegions. Deputy Ministerfor Women and EqualityBETTER PAYMENT PRACTICE GROUPDateEstablished :October 1997Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The Group is an industry led body of organisations that have an interest in creditmanagement/late payment. Its aim is to promote better payment culture in theUK. Members are selected by the group itself. It would therefore beinappropriate to classify the group as an ANDPB. Controls would be unsuitable.The future of the Group will be kept under regular review.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :20019RotatingChairAppointments and Remuneration Key: 236M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>BIOSCIENCE LEADERSHIP COUNCILDate Established:January <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :BLC monitors progress being made with the Bioscience Innovationand Growth Team's report published in November 2003. BLC willnot be issuing a formal final report. The intended abolition date isJanuary 2005.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :3Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 2Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :0Number ofPrivate Sector :11Chair :Sir RichardSykes, ImperialCollege LondonBROADBAND STAKEHOLDER GROUPDateEstablished :April 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :The Group was set up to advise the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on a strategy for the UK to havethe most extensive and competitive broadband market in the G7 by 2005. It ispartially funded by the private sector and the membership encompassesbroadband stakeholders across a wide range of public and private sectorinterests.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :2Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :Number ofPrivate Sector :Chair :000KeithToddCOMMISSION FOR EQUALITYAND HUMAN RIGHTS (CEHR) TASK FORCEDate Established:December 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Task Force advises <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on the role,functions, priorities and activities of the proposedCommission for Equality and Human RightsAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number of CivilServants :1Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :4Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :15Number of PrivateSector :3Chair :Jacqui Smith DTI Minister forIndustry Regions and DeputyMinister for Women & Equality237

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>CSR SKILLS ACADEMY STEERING GROUPDateEstablished :September 2003Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The CSR (Corporate Skills Responsibility) Academy Steering Group takes forwardrecommendations for developing CSR Skills and brings together representativesfrom business, trade unions, NGOs, voluntary and public sector and professionaltraining and development bodies. CSR Academy products include a website, acompetency framework and a training and development map. The group will bewound up in <strong>2004</strong>-5. It will not produce an end report, but will advise on theimplementation of the CSR Academy. While the group will be winding up, a<strong>Gov</strong>erning Council will be established to oversee the running of the Academy.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :33711CliveMather,Shell UKDATABASE MARKET STRATEGY GROUP (PATENT OFFICE)DateEstablished :November 1997Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The Group was formed to identify developments in publishing in thelibrary, academic and research environment and the impact of thesedevelopments on the market for databases. Its aim is also to ensure thatUK database suppliers are well-placed to take advantage of new marketopportunities in the UK and overseas. This group is due to be wound upon 31st December <strong>2004</strong>Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :20010Lord Sainsbury,DTI Minister forScience andInnovation238

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION GROUPDateEstablished :March 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :The Taskforce will monitor progress on implementation of itsrecommendations, to support the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's strategic objectivesfor an Employment Tribunal system that is cost-effective andefficient and reflects the needs of users.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :1Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :2Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 2Number ofPrivate Sector : 3Chair :Janet Gaymer,Senior Partner,Simmons &SimmonsENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIONS ADVISORY GROUPDateEstablished :July 2003Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :The Group is advising on the follow-up to the EnvironmentalInnovation and Growth Team. This is a time-limited work programmeaddressing specific barriers to the development and take-up ofinnovative environmental technologies, which will be reviewed in March2006.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number of CivilServants :0Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :1Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 1Number ofPrivate Sector : 12Chair :Jack Frost,Director,Johnson MattheyFuel CellsINFORMATION AGE PARTNERSHIPDateEstablished :May 1998Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The Information Age Partnership (IAP) was created in March 1998 to helpthe UK achieve leadership in moving towards an e-economy. It wasestablished to provide an effective and useful forum for dialogue betweenindustry leaders and the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on"Information Age" issues.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number of CivilServants :3Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:00Number ofPrivate Sector : 42Chair :Patricia HewittDTI Secretaryof State239

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>INVESTMENT COMMITTEEDateEstablished :January 2003Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :The role of the Committee is to provide strategic guidance tothe Secretary of State on the allocation of business supportfunds, review progress and consider evaluation and otherevidence of the effectiveness of DTI support in raising UKproductivity.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :7Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 5Chair :Fields Wicker-Miurin,External member ofDepartmental BoardNATIONAL NETWORK FORUMDateEstablished :DateReported /Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :December 2002The Forum comprises representatives from Centres of Expertise inManufacturing, Regional Development Agencies, Regional Centres ofManufacturing Expertise and other organisations, such as trade andtraining bodies and trade unions. Its purpose is to meet and agreeprocedures for matters relating to the effective administration of theManufacturing Advisory Service and the various organisations andpartners represented.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :15010Brian Broadwith,ManufacturingAdvisory ServiceNATIONAL POLICY FORUM FOR START-UPSDateEstablished :September 2002DateReported /Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :May <strong>2004</strong>The Forum was established as an ad hoc advisory group to help steer thedevelopment and delivery of its services for start-ups. It is helping the<strong>Gov</strong>ernment ensure that people starting a firm or becoming self-employedreceive the encouragement and comprehensive range of help which theyrequire to set-up, and grow successful businesses. In particular, theForum seeks to provide government departments with the informationand advice that they need, and to help ensure that their services areharmonised with those provided by the private sector operators. Thefuture role of the Forum will be considered as part of the May <strong>2004</strong> reportto Ministers.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :105211Martin WynGriffith, ChiefExecutive SmallBusiness Service240

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>NATIONAL STRATEGY ADVISORY GROUP FOR THE UK MICRO & NANO TECHNOLOGIES MANUFACTURINGINITIATIVEDateEstablished :DateReported /Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :June 2003The purpose of the Group is to help the DTI to implement the £90mMicro and Nano Technologies Manufacturing Initiative announced byLord Sainsbury on 2 July 2003. This initiative comprises of an appliedcollaborative research programme, and a network of applied researchfacilities which are being established in partnership with the UKDevelopment Agencies. It is intended that the Group will be wound upby April 2005.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /CharitySector :Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :1807Patrick McDonald,Director of KeyBusinessTechnologiesDirectorate DTIOVER-INDEBTEDNESS ADVISORY GROUPDate Established : February <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The group provides interim advice on particularsubjects relating to the over-indebtednessagendaAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of CivilServants :2Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :4Number of Voluntary/ Charity Sector :6Number of PrivateSector :6Chair :Fiona Price, DTI (Joint Chair)Simon Judge DWP (JointChair)PILOT - THE RIGHT COURSE FOR OIL AND GAS SUCCESSDateEstablished :January 2000Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :PILOT replaced the Oil and Gas Task Force. PILOT's aim is toensure that the UK oil and gas industry works in partnershipwith <strong>Gov</strong>ernment to deliver quicker, smarter and sustainableenergy solutions for the new century. Group under review.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :3Number of CivilServants :9Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :0Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 14Chair :Stephen Timms Ministerof State for Energy, e-Commerce and PostalServices241

Department of Trade and Industry Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>WOMEN IN SET IMPLEMENTATION GROUPDateEstablished :January <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :The role of the Implementation Group is to ensure that the 'Strategy forWomen in Science, Engineering and Technology' (published by the<strong>Gov</strong>ernment in April 2003) is implemented effectively and to analysethe impact of the measures taken. Body will be wound up within 2years.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :0Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:00Number ofPrivate Sector : 13Chair :Professor LynneFrostick,University ofHull242

EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 2 Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GSEnquiries : Gareth WaterhouseTelephone : 020 7512 7208 GTN : Fax : 020 7512 7021E-mail :gareth.waterhouse@ecgd.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ecgd.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,1M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBEXPORT GUARANTEES ADVISORY COUNCIL (EGAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7512 7208 Fax Number : 020 7512 7271EmailAddress :gareth.waterhouse@ecgd.gsi.giv.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ecgd.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2 Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GSTo advise on the underlying policies and principles which ECGD needs to follow in order to achieve its mission. Inparticular, how ECGD should take account of the developmental benefits of ECGD-supported projects, theirenvironmental and other impacts, and the needs of smaller exporters.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Liz AireyRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : N/ARemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/4Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair - MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Annual Report is available as part of ECGD's Annual Review and can be found at www.ecgd.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Appointments and Remuneration Key: 243M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

FOOD STANDARDS AGENCYDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Room 611C, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, WC2B 6NHEnquiries : Alison AsquithTelephone : 020 7276 8637 GTN : 276 8637 Fax : 020 7276 8614E-mail : Alison.Asquith@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.foodstandards.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :2M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,3M/2F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS (ACAF)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax020 7276 8083: Number :EmailAddress :020 7276 8478acaf@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/ouradvisors/animalfeedingstuffsAddress : Room 415B, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London , WC2B 6NHTerms ofReference:Notes :Advises the Food Standards Agency, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Ministers of theScottish Executive, the National Assembly for Wales and the Minister for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentNorthern Ireland on the safety and use of animal feeds and feeding practices, with particular emphasis on protectinghuman health and with reference to new technical developments. In carrying out its functions, the Committeeliaises with other relevant advisory committees as appropriate.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Chitra BharuchaRemuneration : 184 per meetingSecretary : Keith MillarRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 2OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 47000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V10M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 244M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPBsADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOVEL FOODS AND PROCESSES (ACNFP)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax0207 276 8595 0207 276 8564: Number :EmailAddress :acnfp@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/ouradvisors/novelfood/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 515B, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London , WC2B 6NHTo advise the central authorities responsible, in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland respectively on anymatters relating to novel foods and novel food processes including food irradiation, having regard, whereappropriate, to the views of relevant expert bodies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Mike GassonRemuneration : 184 per daySecretary : Dr Sandy LawrieRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 55000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH (ACR)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7276 8785 Fax Number : 020 7276 8789Email Address:acr@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/ouradvisors/ACRAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 203C, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NHTo advise the Board on the Agency's research, survey and scientific strategy. To also advise on policy in relationto EU and other research funders.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Michael LeanRemuneration : 147 per daySecretary : Dr Richard BurtRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 1OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 40000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio245

Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V7M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF FOOD (ACMSF)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7276 8946/7FaxNumber :020 7276 8907EmailAddress :acmsf@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/ouradvisors/microbiogsafetyAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 808C, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London , WC2B 6NHTo assess the risk to humans from micro-organisms which are used or occur in or on food; and to advise the FoodStandards Agency on any matters relating to the microbiological safety of food.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof William RileyRemuneration :184 per meetingAdministrative Secretary : Dr Lucy FosterRemuneration :Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 41000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V12M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :BEEF ASSURANCE SCHEME MEMBERSHIP PANEL (BAS)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7276 8386 Fax Number : 020 7276 8311Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 315B, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NHThe Beef Assurance Scheme Membership Panel was set up to advise the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment on requests for review ofits decisions to revoke membership of the Beef Assurance Scheme.The scheme is currently under review.246

Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :NoneRemuneration : 0Secretary : Vanessa CharlesRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The Scheme is currently under reviewCOMMITTEE ON TOXICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (COT)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :TelephoneFax020 7276 8522 020 7276 8513: Number :EmailAddress :keith.butler@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Room 511C, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London WC2B 6NH, WC2B 6NHTerms ofReference:Notes :Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/science/ouradvisors/toxicityTo assess and advise the Food Standards Agency and the Chief Medical Officer on the toxic risk to man ofsubstances which are:- used or proposed to be used as food additives, or used in such a way that they mightcontaminate food through their use or natural occurrence in agriculture, including horticulture and veterinarypractice or in the distribution, storage, preparation, processing or packaging of food; used or proposed to be usedor manufactured in industry, agriculture, food storage or any other workplace; used or proposed to be used ashousehold goods or toilet goods and preparations; used or proposed to be used as drugs, when advice is requestedby the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency; used or proposed to be used or disposed of in such away as to result in pollution of the environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Ieuan HughesRemuneration : 184 per meetingSecretary : Mr K ButlerRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 125000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V9M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,1VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio247

Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPBsCONSUMER COMMITTEEMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephoneFax020 7276 8179: Number :020 7276 8004EmailAddress :jaswinder.bangar@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.food.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/aboutus/consumercommitteeAddress : Room 615B, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NHTerms ofReference:Notes :To alert FSA to key issues of current or emerging consumer concern. To comment on the FSA's strategic objectivesand methodologies and to provide FSA with feedback on the effectiveness of its policies in responding to consumerconcerns.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Nancy RobsonRemuneration : 184 per meetingSecretary : Jaswinder BangarRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V2M/9F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :TRIBUNAL NDPBMEAT HYGIENE APPEALS TRIBUNAL (MHAT)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7276 8386 Fax Number : 020 7276 8311EmailAddress :vanessa.charles@foodstandards.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 315B, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 8NHTo consider appeals against a decision to refuse, revoke or suspend or impose conditions on a licence, forpremises to engage in the slaughter, cutting and storage of red meat, white meat and game meat (both farmedand wild).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rosy Amin-MannionRemuneration : 437 per daySecretary : Vanessa CharlesRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : Currently under reviewExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0248

Food Standards Agency Tribunal NDPBAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio249

FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Old Admiralty Buildings, SW1A 2PAEnquiries : John HewsTelephone : 020 7008 1084 GTN : 008 1084 Fax : 020 7008 1076E-mail : john.hews@fco.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.fco.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes : Other contacts are Mary Brunton - 020 7008 0811 Carol Cullen - 020 7008 0801DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARYDisabled:0M/0F Ministerial Appointments, 0M/0F AllAppointmentsEthnic Minority:3M/0F Ministerial Appointments, 3M/0F AllAppointmentsADVISORY NDPBDIPLOMATIC SERVICE APPEAL BOARDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7008 1455 Fax Number : 020 7008 1456Email Address : craig.hannah@fco.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Room 2/81, Old Admiralty Building, Westminster, London, SW1A 2PATo advise the Secretary of State whether premature retirement, or termination of an appointment on groundsof failed probation, or on dismissal grounds is fair.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Franklin BermanRemuneration : 0Deputy Chair : Diana RatzerRemuneration : 0Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : none<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 9000Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Remuneration is only paid when the Board meets.THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITALITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PURCHASE OF WINEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7008 8517 Fax Number : 020 7210 4301Email Address : robert.alexander@fco.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms of Reference :Lancaster House, Stable Yard, London, SW1A 1BBTo advise on the purchasing of wine for government hospitalityNotes :250

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir David WrightRemuneration : 0Secretary : Robert AlexanderRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : None<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 10000Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :WILTON PARK ACADEMIC COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7008 6518 Fax Number : 020 7008 6518Email Address : Website : www.wiltonpark.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :c/o Wilton Park Section, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AHThe Council aims to ensure that Wilton Park retains its full academic independence; it oversees Wilton Park'sprogramme with this objective.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Farhan NizamiRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : None<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio251

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPBsEXECUTIVE NDPBBRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7976 0766 Fax Number : 020 7976 8831Email Address:bacee@bacee.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.bacee.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Westminster Palace Gardens, Artillery Row, London, SW1P 1RLThe Association promotes better understanding between Britain and the countries of Eastern Europe through aprogramme of exchanges, conferences, seminars and training workshops.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>The Rt Hon LordChair :RadiceRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Sir John BirchRemuneration : 55038Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :NoAnnual Report:2003Last Review :1999. Next review will takeplace in August <strong>2004</strong>.Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Keith, Vaudrey& Co<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 250000Exp By Dept £ 14913Total GrossExpenditure £355166Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 9M/7F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Chair is appointed by the British Association for Central and Eastern Europe with the approval of the Secretary ofState for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.BRITISH COUNCIL (THE)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone:020 7930 8466 Fax Number : 020 7839 6347EmailAddress :general.enquiries@britishcouncil.org Website : www.britishcouncil.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BNThe British Council wins recognition abroad for UK values, ideas and achievements, and nurtures lasting andmutually beneficial relationships with other nations. It operates in 109 countries and its work includes teachingEnglish; promoting British education and training; running information centres; supporting good governance andhuman rights; and demonstrating the creativity and excellence of British science, arts, literature and design.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Chair : Gerard LemosRemuneration : NilChief Executive : Sir David GreenRemuneration : 127000Staff Employed : 7543OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 151500000Exp By Dept £ 160000Total Gross Expenditure £ 456700000252

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 5M/4F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes:Gerard Lemos is acting Chair until 1 November <strong>2004</strong>. Neil Kinnock (to become Lord Kinnock) becomes Chair from 1November <strong>2004</strong>. Chair, Deputy Chair and 2 Vice Chairs are elected by the Board having previously been approved by theSecretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Staff employed: 1,672 UK employed staff; 4,121 locallyengaged national staff; and 1,750 teachers, some of whom are part time.GREAT BRITAIN-CHINA CENTRE (THE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7235 6696 Fax Number : 020 7245 6885Email Address : contact@gbcc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.gbcc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :14-15 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PSTo promote closer economic professional, cultural and academic relations between Britain and China; and toencourage mutual knowledge and understanding.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Alderman DavidChair :BrewerRemuneration : 0Director :Katie LeeRemuneration : 43987Staff Employed:5OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2001Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 542082Exp By Dept £ 5307Total Gross Expenditure£633198Keith, Vaudrey &CoAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 10M/4F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Chair is elected by the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Secretary of State for Foreign andCommonwealth Affairs. All new members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Executive Committee.MARSHALL AID COMMEMORATION COMMISSIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7387 8572 Fax Number : 020 7387 2655Email Address : macc@acu.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.acu.ac.<strong>uk</strong>/marshallAddress :Association of Commonwealth Universities, 36 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PFTerms of Reference : The Marshall Aid Commission has responsibility for the British Marshall Scholarships.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio253

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Jonathan TaylorRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Prof Michael GibbonsRemuneration : 5000Staff Employed : 2.5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2001Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1927962Exp By Dept £ 176200Total Gross Expenditure £ 1876402Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY (THE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7930 0408 Fax Number : 020 7930 0449Email Address : wfd@wfd.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.wfd.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, 125 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5EATo assist the development of pluralistic democratic institutions overseas. Priority regions are Central/EasternEurope, the former Soviet Union and anglophone Africa.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Michael GapesRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr David FrenchRemuneration : 80000Staff Employed : 11OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Baker Tilley<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 4707155Exp By Dept £ 47675Total Gross Expenditure £ 4769614Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:<strong>Gov</strong>ernment funding is by FCO Grant in Aid and Dfid grant. Other expenditure is from special purpose grants.Expenditure by department on sponsorship is not separately identifiable in FCO Accounts.254

Foreign and Commonwealth Office <strong>Public</strong> CorporationPUBLIC CORPORATIONBBC WORLD SERVICE (INCLUDING BBC MONITORING)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7240 3456 Fax Number : 020 7557 1258Email Address:Website : www.bbc.co.<strong>uk</strong>/worldserviceAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bush House, Strand, London, WC2B 4PHThe BBC World Service broadcasts to overseas audiences in English and 42 other languages. BBC Monitoringmonitors foreign open media sources in languages of origin for the benefit of official customers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Acting Director : Nigel ChapmanRemuneration : 202000Chairman :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 2224OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : July <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 201000000Exp By Dept £ 70876Total Gross Expenditure £ 216300000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair, Deputy and members are the same as those for the BBCTRIBUNAL NDPBFOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7008 1321 Fax Number : 020 7008 0160Email Address:Jon.Hews@fco.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Old Admiralty Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2PAThe Commission primarily distributes funds received from other governments, or international organisations, inaccordance with agreements to pay compensation for expropriated British property and other losses sustainedby British Nationals.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :vacantRemuneration :Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio255

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,1V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair is paid by the FCO on an adhoc basis. The commission is run on a 'care and maintenance' basis and as such isunder constant review. Chair is appointed by the Lord Chancellor.FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICEAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPCARIBBEAN BOARDDate Established : November 2002Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Caribbean Board does not build to a specific finalreport. It provides advice and runs projects on a continuousbasis.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of CivilServants :5Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :7Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of PrivateSector :1Chair :Colleen Harrisand John DrewUK INDIA ROUND TABLEDate Established:April 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details : No final report is planned.Date Wound Up :Notes :The Round Table has made and will make after eachmeeting recommendations for developing the bilateralrelationship between the UK and India.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :1Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :3Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :0Number of PrivateSector :25Chair :Lord Paul of Marylebone/KC Pant, India PlanningCommission256

HM TREASURYDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Permanent Secretary's Strategy Team, 1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQEnquiries : Stephen WilesTelephone : 020 7270 5855 GTN : 270 5855 Fax : 020 7270 4834E-mail : stephen.wiles@hm-treasury.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hm-treasury.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments2M/2F Ministerial Appointments,2M/2F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBPUBLIC SERVICES PRODUCTIVITY PANEL (PSPP)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7270 5978 Fax Number : 020 7270 7603Email Address : Website : www.hm-treasury.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/psppAddress :HM Treasury, 1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2NQTerms of Reference : To advise on ways of improving the productivity and efficiency of public services.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Secretary to theChair :TreasuryRemuneration : 0Secretary :Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0Sarah Mullen / Mridul BrivatiOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -Annual Report : -YesLast Review : Due summer <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure£0NoneAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 10M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :STATISTICS COMMISSIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 8008 Fax Number : 020 7273 8019EmailAddress :statscom@statscom.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.statscom.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AETo advise on the quality assurance and priority setting for National Statistics and on the procedures designed todeliver statistical integrity, to help ensure National Statistics are trustworthy and responsive to public needs.Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio257

HM Treasury Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration:28000ChiefExecutive :Remuneration:StaffEmployed :11Sir John Kingman (to 30 April2003); David Rhind (from 1 May2003)Gill Eastabrook (to 26 August2003); Richard Alldritt (from 26August 2003)25-30000 (Gill Eastabrook); 45-50000 (Richard Alldritt)OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :<strong>Public</strong>Minutes :<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman:AnnualReport :Last Review :YesYesYes<strong>2004</strong> Annual Reportpublished on 8 July<strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :NationalAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1331392Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £1323946Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy CommissionersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:David Rhind replaced Sir John Kingman as Chairman of the Commission on 1 May 2003. He receives the sameremuneration (£28,000). On 8 July <strong>2004</strong> Sir Derek Wanless was appointed to the new position of Vice Chair of theCommission. On 8 July <strong>2004</strong> Ian Beesley was appointed as Commissioner. His appointment is in addition to the currentCommissioners as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>.CENTRAL BANKBANK OF ENGLANDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7601 4444 Fax Number : 020 7601 5460EmailAddress :enquire@bankofengland.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.bankofengland.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AHBank: To maintain stable prices and confidence in the currency and to detect and reduce threats to the financialsystem as a whole. Court: To determine the Bank's objectives and strategy, to ensure the effective discharge ofthe Bank's functions and, subject to that, to ensure the most efficient use of the Bank's resources.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong><strong>Gov</strong>ernor : Mervyn KingRemuneration : 248301Deputy<strong>Gov</strong>ernors :Remuneration :Staff Employed:1932Rachel Lomax andSir Andrew Large144 951 and217924 respectivelyOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :<strong>Public</strong>Minutes :<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report:Last Review :NoNoYesYes. <strong>2004</strong> reportpublished on 17 June<strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £0PriceWaterhouseCoopers258

HM Treasury Central BankAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :Regulated<strong>Gov</strong>ernor Two Deputy <strong>Gov</strong>ernorsNon Executive Directors ofCourtMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HM TREASURYAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPBUSINESS ADVISORY GROUP ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNIONDate Established : October 1997Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Group provides ongoing advice as required. Its remit is to examine practical implications of EMUfor business. The future of the group will be subject to regular review.FINANCIAL REPORTING ADVISORY BOARDDate Established:June 1996Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details : Annual ReportDate Wound Up:Notes :Website at:- http://www.hmtreasury.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/Documents/<strong>Public</strong>_Spending_and_Services/audit_and_accounting/Resource_Accounting_and_Budgeting/pss_aud_rabindex.cfmAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :6Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 5Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :0Number ofPrivate Sector :4Chair :Elwyn EilledgeCBE, Director,BG GroupAppointments and Remuneration Key: 259M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

HM Treasury Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>FUTUREBUILDERS REFERENCE GROUPDateEstablished :October 2002Date Reported/ Due toReport :July 2003Report Details:Consultation document published 30 April 2003Date WoundUp :December 2003Notes :This reference group designed the fund in partnership with government, workingthrough the voluntary and community sector's Compact Working Group, andwith support from government officials. The group was wound up when thedesign of the fund was complete and handed to Futurebuilders England, theconsortium of organisations selected by government to manage the fund. Thegroup may reconvene as a Home Office Advisory Group at a later date.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :3250SirKennethStoweROYAL MINT SHAREHOLDER PANELDate Established : March 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up : March <strong>2004</strong>Notes :The Royal Mint has appointed a Chairman and NonExecutive Directors, and as such the Shareholder Panel hasceased to meet.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 1Number of CivilServants :1Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :0Number of Voluntary/ Charity Sector :0Number of PrivateSector :3Chair :Mr John Kingman,HM TreasurySTANDING COMMITTEE ON EURO PREPARATIONSDate Established:May 1998Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Committee provides ongoing advice. Its remit is to advise theChancellor of the Exchequer on the practical aspects of Europreparations. The future of the Committee will be subject to regularreview.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :6Number of CivilServants :2Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :2Number of PrivateSector :3Chair :Chancellor ofthe Exchequer260

HM Treasury Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>TASK FORCENATIONAL MODERN APPRENTICESHIP TASK FORCEDate Established : August <strong>2004</strong>Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :February2005Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 2Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 5Number of Voluntary / CharitySector :0Number of Private Sector : 18Chair :Sir Roy Gardner, Chief Executive,Centrica261

HOME OFFICEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : West Wing, 9th Floor Open Plan, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, SW1H 9ATEnquiries : Ann HousseinTelephone : 020 7273 3208 GTN : 273 3208 Fax : 020 7273 2954E-mail : ann.houssein@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.homeoffice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY16M/4F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled :30M/8F All AppointmentsEthnicMinority :63M/21F Ministerial Appointments,108M/146F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE MISUSE OF DRUGS (ACMD)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7273 4096Fax Number:020 7273 2671Email Address:ACMD@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.homeoffice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/drugs/misuse/acmd/index.htmlAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 125, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9ATTo keep under review the problems of drug misuse in the United Kingdom and to advise ministers on ways ofdealing with them.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Michael RawlinsRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Mr Stuart HarwoodRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 103328Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 22M/12F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :262

Home Office Advisory NDPBsADVISORY PANEL ON COUNTRY INFORMATION (APCI)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 8760 8108 Fax Number :EmailAddress :APCI@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.apci.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :APCI, PO Box 1539, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 3WRTo review and provide advice about the content of country information material produced by the Home Office, tohelp ensure that this is as accurate, balanced, impartial and up to date as possible. To review and provide adviceupon CIPU's sources, methods of research and quality control to help ensure that these support the production ofcountry information material which is as accurate, balanced, impartial and up to date as possible. To review andprovide advice about the relevance, format and "user-friendliness" CIPU's country information material.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Stephen CastlesRemuneration : 0Secretary : Nick SwiftRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.ANIMAL PROCEDURES COMMITTEE (APC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7035 5567/5519/5566 Fax Number : 020 7035 5590EmailAddress :apc.secretariat@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.apc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Allington Towers, 19 Allington Street, London, SWIE 5EBTo advise the Secretaries of State for the Home Office and Northern Ireland Offices on their duties under theterms of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 involving the use of living animals in scientific procedureswhich may cause those animals pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Reverend Prof MichaelChair :BannerRemuneration : 216 per dayChief Executive : Mr Richard WestRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 3OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 98500Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 263M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ACCREDITATION PANEL (CSAP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7217 5193 Fax Number : 020 7217 5750Email Address:mark.may@hmps.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Abell House, Room 219, John Islip Street, London, SW1P 4LHTo ensure that the work of the Prison and Probation Services is effective in reducing reoffending, by theaccreditation of design and delivery programmes against criteria which reflect current evidence of 'what works'.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Duncan NicholRemuneration : 500 per dayChief Executive : Mr Mark MayRemuneration : PUBLIC SERVANTStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental Sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.NATIONAL VICTIMS ADVISORY PANEL (NVAP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 3805/4349 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Laura Bloomfield@homefoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> or Rachel.Timson@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Victims Unit, Room 334, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SWIH 9ATTo advise the Home Secretary, Lord Chancellor and the Attorney General (or their representatives) and, throughthem, other Cabinet Ministers, of the views of victims and witnesses of crime with particular reference to theirinteraction with the criminal justice system and its agencies (including compensation, criminal and civil legal aid),and their wider social, cultural and emotional needs, including health, housing, social security, employment andeducation; and to offer views and advice on the prevention of crime from a victim's perspective; and to generallycontribute to developing and safeguarding rights for victims.264

Home Office Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Baroness ScotlandRemuneration : 0Secretary : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental Sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.POLICE ADVISORY BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES (PABEW)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7467 7218/7227 Fax Number : 020 7467 7208Email Address : Website :Address :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSTerms of Reference : To consider general questions affecting the police service in England and Wales.Notes :Chair and Deputy salaries include fees for PAB work.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John RandallRemuneration : 0Secretary : G EdwardsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair and Deputy salaries include fees for PAB work. Department Sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable inHome Office accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 265M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Advisory NDPBsPOLICE NEGOTIATING BOARD (PNB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7467 7218/7209 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1BSThe PNB is the statutory negotiating body for police terms and conditions for the whole of the United Kingdom.While final decisions rest with the Home Secretary, Scottish Minister and the Secretary of State for NorthernIreland, they must take into account any recommendation made by the PNB.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :John RandallRemuneration : 369.00 pdSecretary : G EdwardsRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental Sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.SENTENCING ADVISORY PANEL (SAP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7035 5158 Fax Number : 020 7035 5159EmailAddress :info@sentencing-guidelines.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.sentencing-guidelines.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/about/index.htmAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room G11, Allington Towers, 19 Allington Street, London, SW1E 5EBThe Sentencing Advisory Panel is an independent advisory and consultative body which provides fully researched,objective advice to the Sentencing Guidelines Council, to assist the Council when it frames or revises sentencingguidelines. The aim of the Panel is to promote greater consistency in sentencing.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof. Martin WasikRemuneration : 278 per daySecretary : Lesley DixRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed : 10OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £266

Home Office Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental Sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.SENTENCING GUIDELINES COUNCIL (SGC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7035 5158 Fax Number : 020 7035 5159EmailAddress :info@sentencing-guidelines.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.sentencing-guidelines.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room G11 Allington Towers, Allington Street, London, SWIE 5EBTo frame and revise sentencing and allocation guidelines having regard to the need to promote consistency, theactual sentences imposed by courts, the cost and effectiveness of different sentences, the need to promote publicconfidences in the CJS and the advice tendered by the Sentencing Advisory Panel.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Lord Chief Justice, LordChair :WoolfOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :NoYesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Remuneration : 0 (for this position)<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoExp By Dept £ 439665Secretary :Joanne SavageRemuneration : CIVIL SERVANTStaff Employed:14Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :NoTotal Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/2F P, 7M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:First met March <strong>2004</strong>. Subject to Freedom of Information scheme being agreed. While there is no Ombudsman, there isa complaints procedure as set out in the freedom of Information scheme, yet to be published.TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD (FOR THE REGULATION OF INVESTIGATORY POWERS ACT 2000) (TAB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : Fax Number :Email Address:TAB@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.technicaladvisoryboard.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 38542, London, SWIH 9YETo advise the Home Secretary on the reasonableness of obligations imposed upon communications serviceproviders in order to ensure that they maintain a capability to intercept communications.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 267M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Liam StrongRemuneration : 400 per dayChief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 12193Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBCENTRAL POLICE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CENTREX)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01256 602100 Fax Number : 01256 602223EmailAddress :Website : www.centrex.police.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Bramshill House, Bramshill, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0JWCentrex, the Central Police Training & Development Authority, defines, develops and promotes excellence. It doesso by providing a centre of policing excellence and support, and by creating and implementing the means todevelop competence through policing careers. As an international centre of excellence, Centrex connects with thebest in the world and shares collegiate learning.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Clive BoothRemuneration : 30,000Chief Executive : Paul Pugh - interim CERemuneration : 104,000Staff Employed : 1350OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002-03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 86674000Exp By Dept £ 10736200Total Gross Expenditure £ 99829000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 4M/2F EX,0VNotes :268

Home Office Executive NDPBsCOMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY (CRE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7939 0000 Fax Number : 020 7939 0001Email Address : Website : www.cre.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :St Dunstan's House, 201-211 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1GZWorking towards the elimination of racial discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and goodrelations between people of different ethnic groups.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Trevor PhillipsRemuneration : 118000Chief Executive : vacantRemuneration :Staff Employed : 191OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 19852000Exp By Dept £ 48335.85Total Gross Expenditure £ 25797798Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Deputy Chairs: Kay Hampton and Sarah Spencer. Both £256 per day.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (CDF)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7226 5375 Fax Number : 020 7704 0313Email Address : admin@cdf.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cdf.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :60 Highbury Grove, London, N2 2AGDevelops and promotes informal activity in local communities and works to strengthen communities to enableeffective participation by local people in civic and civil life.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Ms Sarah BenioffRemuneration : 53250Staff Employed : 54OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002-03Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 16613000Exp By Dept £ 979608Total Gross Expenditure £ 15817837Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VAppointments and Remuneration Key: 269M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Executive NDPBsNotes :CRIMINAL CASES REVIEW COMMISSIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0121 633 1800 Fax Number : 0121 633 1823/1804Email Address : ccrc@gtnet.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ccrc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :21st Floor, Alpha Tower, Suffolk Street, Birmingham, B1 1TTTerms ofReference :Notes :To investigate suspected miscarriages of justice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and referappropriate cases to the courts.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Graham ZellickRemuneration : 147198Chief Executive : Ms Jacky CourtneyRemuneration : 74000Staff Employed : 97OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5718000Exp By Dept £ 4876123Total Gross Expenditure £ 7666010Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION AUTHORITY (CICA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7842 6800 Fax Number : 020 7842 0804Email Address:Website : www.cica.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Morley House, 26-30 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A IJQTo determine payments of compensation to blameless victims of crimes of violence, and to persons injuredwhilst attempting to apprehend an offender, attempting to prevent crime, or assisting the police in one of theforegoing.No public appointmentsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration :Chief Executive : Mr Howard WebberRemuneration : 64,000Staff Employed : 554OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002-03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 260036000Exp By Dept £ 11350430Total Gross Expenditure £ 184753000270

Home Office Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : No public appointments.INDEPENDENT POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION (IPCC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 08453 002 002 Fax Number : 020 7404 0430EmailAddress :enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ipcc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :90 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6BHThe purpose of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is to ensure suitable arrangements are inplace for dealing with complaints or allegations of misconduct against any person serving with the police inEngland or WalesNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>NicholasChair :HardwickRemuneration:97200ChiefExecutive :SusanAtkinsRemuneration:85000StaffEmployed :155OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :<strong>Public</strong>Minutes :<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman:AnnualReport :-Last Review:-YesYesYesIPCC staff are subject to the IPCC (Staff Conduct)Regulations <strong>2004</strong>. Commissioners are subject to theterms of paragraphs 1 & 2 of Sch 2 of the Police ReformAct 02. The complaints procedure for complaints againstCommissioners is awaiting Home Office approval.Expenditure for2002-2003AuditArrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £NAOAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The IPCC become operational on 1 April <strong>2004</strong> so there are no financial figures for 02-03. Departmental sponsorshipcosts are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 271M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Executive NDPBsNATIONAL CRIME SQUAD (NCS)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7238 2510 Fax Number : 020 7238 2511EmailAddress :Website : www.nationalcrimesquad.police.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 2500, London, SW1 2WFNCS was formed in 1998 under the Police Act 1997, from an amalgamation of the Regional Crime Squads inEngland and Wales. Its aims are to bring to justice or disrupt those responsible for serious and organised crime,and to work in partnership with and provide support to police forces and other law enforcement agencies in theprevention and detection of serious and organised crime.The Director General is responsible for the day-to-day management of NCS. From 1.4.02. until 30.10.03 DavidLock £55,000. From 1.11.03 until 31.03.04. Paul Lever (temp. chair) From 1.4.04 Paul Lever £56,238. It isproposed in the Serious Organised Crime & Police Bill (<strong>2004</strong>/5 Parliamentary session) that this body will beabolished and its functions subsumed into the proposed new Serious Organised Crime Agency (eNDPB)NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Paul Lever (held together withchairmanship of National CriminalIntelligence Service)Remuneration : 56238DirectorGeneral :Bill HughesRemuneration : 150000Staff Employed:1700OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report : 2001/02Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 148540000Exp By Dept £ 7868400Total GrossExpenditure £151686000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 3M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V2M/0F P, 3M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:From 01.04.02 until 30.10.03 David Lock £55,000. From 01.11.03 until 31.03.04 Paul Lever (temp. chair) From04.04.04 Paul Lever £56,238.NATIONAL CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (NCIS)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7238 8000 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website : www.ncis.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 8000, London, SE11 5ENNCIS was formed in April 1992 as part of the Home Office. Its role is to develop intelligence to combat seriousand organised crime, providing both tactical and strategic intelligence and expertise for law enforcement,government and other relevant agencies at a national and international level.The Director General is responsible for the day-to-day management of NCIS. It is proposed in the SeriousOrganised Crime & Police Bill (<strong>2004</strong>/5 Parliamentary session) that this body will be abolished and its functionssubsumed into the proposed new Serious Organised Crime Agency (eNDPB)272

Home Office Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 56238DirectorGeneral :Paul Lever (held together withchairmanship of National Crime Squad)Peter HampsonRemuneration : 150,000Staff Employed:900OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2001/02Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 65070000Exp By Dept £ 7868400Total GrossExpenditure £77215000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:From 1.4.02 until 30.10.03 David Lock £55,000 From 1.11.03 until 31.3.04 Paul Lever (temp. chair) From 1.4.04 PaulLever £56,238.OFFICE OF THE IMMIGRATION SERVICES COMMISSIONER (OISC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7211 1500 Fax Number : 020 7211 1553Email Address : info@oisc.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.oisc.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :5th Floor, Counting House, 53 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QNTerms ofReference :Notes :To regulate those who provide immigration advice and services by promoting good practice andinvestigating complaints.Due for review 2005. Surplus in funding retained by OISC. There is no board.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr John ScampionRemuneration : 66720Chief Executive : Mrs Linda AllanRemuneration : 66765Staff Employed : 60OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3606000Exp By Dept £ 7112383Total Gross Expenditure £ 3593089Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Due for review 2005. Surplus in funding retained by PISC There is no board.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 273M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Executive NDPBsPAROLE BOARD (PB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7217 5314 Fax Number : 020 7217 5793EmailAddress :info@paroleboard.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.paroleboard.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Abell House, John Islip Street, London, SW1P 4LHTo advise the Home Secretary on the release of both determinate and life sentence prisoners and on the recall toprison of anyone so released coming to adverse notice while on license. In addition the Board may direct therelease of a discretionary life sentence prisoner, and take decisions on the granting of parole to prisoners servingfor between 4 and 15 years.Chief Executive is entitled to an extra £3,000 London weighting. Vice-Chair is a serving High Court Judge andtherefore receives no remuneration. Fees for part-time members: psychiatrists receive up to £650.00 per case;rates vary depending on tasks undertaken.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr David E Hatch CBE - retired on 16.04.04.Sir Duncan Kirkbride Nichol from 16.4.04.Remuneration:55000 - Mr D Hatch 75000 - Sir DuncanNicholChief Executive:Ms Christine GlennRemuneration:67000Staff Employed:51OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3730000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £4031691Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 74M/51F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chief Executive is entitled to an extra £3000 London weighting. Vice-Chair is a serving High Court Judge and thereforereceives no remuneration. Fees for part-time members: psychiatrists receive up to £650 per case; rates very dependingon tasks undertaken. Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.POLICE COMPLAINTS AUTHORITY (PCA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7273 6450 Fax Number : 020 7273 6401Email Address : Website : www.pca.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AEThe Police Complaints Authority is the independent body established to oversee public complaints againstpolice officers.Wound up 31 March <strong>2004</strong>. See separate entry for successor body 'Independent Police Complaints Authority'(also executive NDPB)NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sir Alistair GrahamRemuneration : 50245Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 95OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5204000Exp By Dept £ 397300Total Gross Expenditure £ 5211114274

Home Office Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Deputy Chairs' salary £59,696. Members salary £51,023. Wound up 31 March <strong>2004</strong>.POLICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION (PITO)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 8358 5678 Fax Number : 020 8358 5534EmailAddress :anna.richards@pito.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pito.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :New Kings Beam House, 22 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9QYTo develop, procure and manage the delivery of IT and communication systems in support of the police andcriminal justice organisations; to provide a procurement service to police forces across a wide range of goodsand services.Notes : End to End Review due <strong>2004</strong>.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Chris EarnshawRemuneration : 62500Chief Executive : Mr Phillip WebbRemuneration : 110000Staff Employed : 625OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 134061000Exp By Dept £ 82074200Total Gross Expenditure £ 139619000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : End to end review due <strong>2004</strong>.SECURITY INDUSTRY AUTHORITY (SIA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7227 3600 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Kaye.Law@the-sia.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.the-sia.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :The Security Industry Authority, 50 Broadway, London, SW1H 0SAThe SIA was established in April 2003 under the Private Security Industry Act 2001 to regulate the PrivateSecurity Industry (PSI). - To licence individuals in specific sectors and to approve companies. - To keep undergeneral review the PSI and the operation of the legislative framework - To monitor the activities and effectivenessof those working in the PSI. - To conduct inspections. - To set and approve standards of conduct, training andsupervision within the industry. - To make recommendations to improve standards.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 275M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration:ChiefExecutive :PeterHermitageRemuneration:97470Staff Employed:7055,000 3 daysweekJohn SaundersOBEOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report:Yes2003-04 http://www.thesia.org.<strong>uk</strong>/pdf/annual-report-2003-04.pdfLast Review : - (new body 2003)Expenditure for 2002-2003AuditArrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 13250000Exp By Dept £ 10454300Total GrossExpenditure £72089300Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :YOUTH JUSTICE BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES (YJB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7271 3033 Fax Number : 020 7271 3030Email Address:enquiries@yjb.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.youth-justice-board.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :11 Carteret Street, London, SW1H 9DLTo monitor, and advise the Home Secretary on the operation of the youth justice system and the delivery of itsstatutory principal aim of preventing offending by children and young people.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir Charles PollardChair :(acting)Remuneration : 85000Chief Executive:Mark PerfectRemuneration : 92282.00Staff Employed : 181OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : July 2003Last Review : September 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 354947000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£359355000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Professor Rod Morgan became Chair in April <strong>2004</strong>. Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable inHome Office accounts.276

Home Office Independent Monitoring Board NDPBsINDEPENDENT MONITORING BOARD NDPBINDEPENDENT MONITORING BOARDS OF PRISONS AND IMMIGRATION REMOVAL CENTRES (IMB)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (147)Telephone : 020 7035 2249 Fax Number : 020 7035 2250EmailAddress :imb@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.homeoffice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/imbAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, Ashley House, 2 Monck Street, London, SW1P 2BQIndependent Monitoring Boards (legally known as Boards of Visitors) are appointed by the Home Secretary underSection 6 of the Prisons Act 1952 and act as independent 'watchdogs' of the prison system. Their duty is to satisfythemselves as to the treatment of prisoners, the administration of the prison and the state of the prison premises.Multiple body. There are 147 Boards of Visitors.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :multipleRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 56221560Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 73M/71F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 892M/833F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Multiple body. There are 147 Boards of Visitors.TRIBUNAL NDPBCRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION APPEALS PANEL (CICAP)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7549 4600 Fax Number : 020 7549 4643Email Address:info@cicap.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cicap.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :11th Floor Cardinal Tower, 12 Farringdon Road, London, EC1M 3HSTo determine appeals by applicants for criminal injuries compensation. The panel is concerned only with appealsagainst decisions by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority which were received on or after 1 April 1996.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Roger GoodierRemuneration : 71496Chief Executive : Mr Roy BurkeRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed : 78OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002-03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 277M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Tribunal NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 75M/28F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.INVESTIGATORY POWERS TRIBUNALMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7273 4514 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 33220, London, SW1H 9QZTo consider proceedings brought under Section 7 of the Human Rights Act 1998 against the intelligence agenciesand in respect of their investigatory powers covered by Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act by all publicauthorities; and to consider complaints against the intelligence agencies and all complaints against publicauthorities in respect of the powers of this Act.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President : Lord Justice MummeryRemuneration : 0Secretary : David PayneRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 4OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002-03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair is paid expenses only. Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in the Home OfficeAccounts.OFFICE OF SURVEILLANCE COMMISSIONERSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7828 3421 Fax Number : 020 7592 1788EmailAddress :Website : www.surveillancecommissioners.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :PO Box 29105, London, SW1V 1ZUTo provide effective and efficient oversight and scrutiny of covert surveillance by public authorities in accordancewith Part III of the Police Act 1997, Parts II and III of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and theRegulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000278

Home Office Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Commissioner : Rt Hon Sir Andrew LeggattRemuneration : 0Secretary :Jennifer RiachRemuneration : public servantStaff Employed : 15OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002-03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChief Commissioner Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 7M/0F P, 2M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.POLICE APPEALS TRIBUNALS (PAT)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>Yes (1):Telephone : 020 7035 5035/5036 Fax Number : 020 7035 5099Email Address:rick.sturgeon@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong>; trevor.lin@homeoffice.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Police Appeals Tribunals , Police Leadership and Powers Unit, 2nd Floor Allington Towers, 19 Allington Street,London, SW1E 5EBTo consider appeals by police officers who have been found guilty of breaching the Code of Conduct, resultingin their dismissal, requirement to resign or reduction in rank.Convened on an ad hoc basis.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : MultipleRemuneration:Secretary : -Remuneration:-StaffEmployed :QC Chairs £446 full day £223 half day. Prep £64 perhour. Chairs non QC £348 full day £172 half day prep£50 per hour.OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :NoNoNoExpenditure for2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 10M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 42M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Convened on an ad hoc basis. Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 279M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Home Office Tribunal NDPBsPOLICE ARBITRATION TRIBUNALMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7210 3742 Fax Number : 020 7210 3919EmailAddress :arbitration@acas.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Brandon House, 180 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1LWThe Police Arbitration Tribunal meets only when the Police Negotiating Board has failed to agree on arecommendation and where any attempt at conciliation has not resulted in an agreed recommendation betweenthe Staff Side and the Official Side.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor John Goodman CBERemuneration : 279 per daySecretary : provided by ACASRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 1994Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Departmental sponsorship costs are not separately identifiable in Home Office accounts.HOME OFFICEAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPCIVIL RENEWAL PRACTITIONERS GROUPDate Established : March 2000Appointments SummaryDate Reported / Due to Report :Report Details : Small Grants Action Plan March 2002.Date Wound Up :Notes :Civil Renewal Unit (Home Office).Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 37Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong> Servants : 3Number of Voluntary / Charity Sector : 8Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Henry Tam280

Home Office Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING GROUPDate Established : September 1999Date Reported / Due toReport :June 2003Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :'Small Grants Action Plan' May2002Membership is akin to aninternal committee.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 30Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :2Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :5Number of Private Sector : 0Chair :Helen Edwards, Active CommunityUnit, Home OfficeINSURANCE COVER WORKING GROUPDate Established : July 2002Date Reported / DueDecember 2003to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Paper for Ministers (December 2002). Research intoinsurance cover for the VCS in England (May 2003).Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of CivilServants :16Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :1Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :11Number of PrivateSector :3Chair :Mr Stephen Bourne(CRU Home Office)RACE EQUALITY ADVISORY PANELDateEstablished :June 2003Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The purpose of the Group is to be a source of advice on matters related to raceequality. This will be achieved by helping the Home Office develop a strategy onrace equality, advising on implementing and delivering existingpolicies/programmes, providing ad hoc advice on specific topics and providing a linkto communities.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number of CivilServants :0Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:114Number ofPrivate Sector : 10Chair :281

Home Office Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>STEERING GROUP ON THE LAWRENCE INQUIRY ACTION PLANDateEstablished :May 1999Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :February 2000Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: Home Secretary's Action Plan: First Annual Reporton Progress, February 2000. Second Annual Report on Progress, February2001. Third Annual Report on Progress, June 2002. Fourth Annual Report onProgress, March 2003. Group reviewed summer 2003 - working practiceschanged to focus on some specific issues contained in the McPherson Report.The role of the Group is to oversee and audit implementation of the Action Planpublished in March 1999 as the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's response to the report of theStephen Lawrence Inquiry. The Home Secretary reports annually to Parliamenton progress against the Plan.AppointmentsSummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :3Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :78100HomeSecretaryVEHICLE CRIME REDUCTION ACTION TEAMDate Established : September 1998Date Reported /September 1999Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Tackling Vehicle Crime: A Five Year Strategy.The Team has an ongoing remit to consider issuessurrounding vehicle crime and report as appropriate. Groupdue to be wound up July 2005Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers:0Number of CivilServants :9Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :4Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :1Number of PrivateSector :6Chair :Mr Mike Wear -MotabilityOperationsTASK FORCETASK FORCE ON CHILD PROTECTION ON THE INTERNETDate Established:June 2001Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :No formal written report is planned though occasional PQs informParliament about its work.The Task Force is concerned with delivery of action by its constituentmembers. This covers areas such as proposals to strengthen the criminallaw, training for police and other agencies, public awareness and specificchild protection issues.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number of CivilServants :21Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 5Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :4Number ofPrivate Sector :29Chair :Mr PaulGogginsMP282

INLAND REVENUEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Inland Revenue Solicitor's Office, East Wing, Somerset House, Strand, WC2R 1LBEnquiries : Sue WilesTelephone : 020 7438 6059 GTN : Fax : 020 7438 6601E-mail : Website : www.inlandrevenue.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/1F All AppointmentsTRIBUNAL NDPBSECTION 706 TRIBUNALMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01873 851 351 Fax Number : 01873 851 351Email Address : geraintjones@clara.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Geraint Jones OBE (Registrar), 3 Chestnut Drive, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5JZTerms of Reference : To hear appeals arising under section 706 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>His Honour StephenChair :Oliver QCRemuneration:0Registrar :Remuneration:2544Staff Employed:0Geraint Jones OBEOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report:NoLast Review :included in Sir Andrew Leggatt's reviewof Tribunals August 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 8157Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Registrar MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 283M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

MINISTRY OF DEFENCEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 06.M.43, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HBEnquiries : Linda GoreTelephone : 020 7218 2448 GTN : 2188 2448 Fax : 020 7218 1956E-mail : linda.gore764@.mod.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY28M/8F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :28M/8F All Appointments2M/0F Ministerial Appointments,3M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7218 1231 Fax Number : 020 7218 0844Email Address:Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :07.C.19, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HBTo provide advice on appeals by officers and men of the Armed Forces whose applications of permission toretire or resign their commissions on grounds of conscience have been refused by the Service authorities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :His Honour Judge Michael HarrisRemuneration : 350 per daySecretary : Yvonne MooreRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Department on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accounts284

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsADVISORY GROUP ON MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURESMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7807 8780 Fax Number : 020 7807 8777Email Address:sgd-secl@defence.mod.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :AGMC Secretary, 07.G.17, Main Building, Whitehall, London, , SW1A 2HBThe AGMC provides MOD with independent advice on medical countermeasures for the future protection ofService and associated civilian personnel in all likely biological and chemical environments.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Refer to DepartmentRemuneration : 265 per daySecretary : Refer to DepartmentRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsANIMAL WELFARE ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01959 892808 Fax Number : 01959 892500EmailAddress :Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Defence Scientific & Technology Laboratory, Room 26, Building A1, Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent, Hampshire,TN14 7BPThe Animal Welfare Advisory Committee consults, inspects and makes all necessary enquiries into all aspects ofanimal care and their use in defence research at DSTL establishments and QintetiQ plc (formerly DERA). Itadvises Sectoral Directors and reports directly to the Chief Scientific Adviser at the Ministry of Defence.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Refer to DepartmentRemuneration : 250 per daySecretary : Refer to DepartmentRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration Key: 285M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsARMED FORCES PAY REVIEW BODYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7467 7214 Fax Number : 020 7467 7248Email Address : Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Office of Manpower Economics, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London, W1N 9FDTo advise on the remuneration and charges for members of the Naval, Military and Air Forces of the Crown, inaccordance with their terms of references.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor David GreenawayRemuneration : 350 per daySecretary : Mrs Christine HaworthRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Department on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsCENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON WAR PENSIONSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 01253 332219 Fax Number : 01253 332103Email Address : sandra.alloyd@veteransagency.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Veterans Agency, Room 8101, Norcross, Blackpool, FY5 3WPTerms of Reference : To advise the Ministry of Defence Minister(s) on War Pension matters.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ivor Caplin MPRemuneration : 0Secretary : Miss K HorsfieldRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £286

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Dept on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsDARTMOOR STEERING GROUPMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 01392 492 462 Fax Number :Email Address:Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Commandant ATE SW, Building 7, Wyvern Barracks, Exeter, Devon, EX2 6AEThe Dartmoor Steering Group seeks to reconcile the interests of military training in Dartmoor National Park withconservation and public access, and to review progress in considering the recommendations contained in theSharp Report of 1976NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :James WoolcombeRemuneration : 0Joint Secretaries:Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0Dr N Atkinson & Lt Colonel JPorterCivil ServantOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsDEFENCE NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMITTEEMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7218 2442 Fax Number : 020 7218 1769EmailAddress :Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :D Strat Tech, 01.L.02, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HBTo advise the Secretary of State for Defence, the Services and interested Ministry of Defence authorities on allsafety matters pertaining to nuclear weapons systems, including related issues of design, development,manufacture, storage, in-service support, handling, transport, operational training and support facilities andcapabilities.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 287M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Samuel HarbisonRemuneration : 315 per daySecretary : Colin WaltersRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsDEFENCE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7218 0333 Fax Number : 020 7218 4066Email Address : Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :CST-ISTA, 01.J.06, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HBTo advise the Secretary of State on matters of concern to the Ministry of Defence in the fields of science,engineering and technology.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Julia KingRemuneration : 315 per daySecretary : Dr A ChurchillRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsNATIONAL EMPLOYER ADVISORY BOARDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7218 5625 Fax Number : 020 7218 4888Email Address:info@nelc.mod.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nelc.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :1st Floor, Zone D, St Georges Court, 2-12 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SHTo advise ministers on ways to win and maintain the support of employers for those who wish to serve in theReserves of the Armed Forces; and to improve retention of volunteers by countering work related difficulties.288

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Right Honourable The Lord SimonChair :GlenarthurRemuneration : 0Secretary :Lt Colonel T CorryRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:0OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 4M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsNUCLEAR RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7218 7606 Fax Number : 020 7218 1769Email Address : Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :D Strat Tech (Nuc)b, 01.L.12, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HBTo review the Atomic Weapons Establishment's nuclear research capability programme, in particular to assessits adequacy, completeness and quality.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration :Secretary : Dr John PaddyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,1V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 289M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsREVIEW BOARD FOR GOVERNMENT CONTRACTSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7438 3000 Fax Number : 020 7489 6291Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Deloitte & Touche, Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London, EC4A 3BQTo review periodically (normally at three yearly intervals) the operation of the profit formula used in pricingnon - competitive <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Contracts.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :George Staple CB QCRemuneration : 10990Secretary : Mr P SarwalRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsWAR PENSIONS COMMITTEESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:Yes (13)Telephone : 01253 332219 Fax Number : 01253 332103Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o War Pensions Agency, Room 8101, Norcross, Blackpool, FY5 3WPWar Pensions Committees' main functions are consultation, awareness of War Pensions and the WelfareService, Welfare and Advising and representing individual claimants with problems or complaints.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MULTIPLERemuneration : 0Secretaries : MULTIPLERemuneration : Civil ServantsStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £290

Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 158M/49F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsEXECUTIVE NDPBFLEET AIR ARM MUSEUMMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 01935 840 565 Fax Number : 01935 842 630Email Address : info@fleetairarm.com Website : www.fleetairarm.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Box D6, RNAS Yeovilton, Ilchester, Somerset, Somerset, BA22 8HTTo provide an effective and accessible repository, both now and in the future, for the heritage of the Navy andto raise public awareness of naval aviation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Rear Admiral ScottChair :LidbetterRemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 49757Staff Employed:65C G Mottram MA CEng MIMOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 530000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£1910000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Dept on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsNATIONAL ARMY MUSEUMMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7730 0717 Fax Number : 020 7823 6573Email Address:info@national-army-museum.ac.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.national-army-museum.ac.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HTThe Museum collects, conserves and displays objects relating to the story of Britain's Land Forces from the 15thcentury to the present, including the Indian Army up to independence in 1947.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 291M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :General Sir John WatersRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : Dr Alan GuyRemuneration : 72000Staff Employed : 86OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 4800000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 5230000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsOIL AND PIPELINES AGENCYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7420 1670 Fax Number : 020 7935 3510Email Address : Website :Address :York House, 23 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6UJTerms of Reference : To manage the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Pipeline and Storage System on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr John HastieRemuneration : 9800 per annumChief Executive : Dr John VardonRemuneration : 93000Staff Employed : 21OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 1660000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUMMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8205 2266 Fax Number : 020 8200 1751EmailAddress :info@rafmuseum.com Website : www.rafmuseum.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Grahame Park Way, Hendon, London, NW9 5LLThe Museum was founded in 1963 and exists to promote the public's understanding of the history and traditionsof the Royal Air Force and aviation generally. It has a duty to preserve, conserve, and exhibit its collections forthe present292

Ministry of Defence Executive NDPBsNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Air Chief Marshall RichardChair :JohnsRemuneration : 0Director General:Dr M A Fopp MA FMA FRAENRemuneration : 89014Staff Employed : 140OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6060000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£7155000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsROYAL MARINES MUSEUMMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 023 9281 9385 Fax Number : 023 9283 8420EmailAddress :info@royalmarinesmuseum.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.royalmarinesmuseum.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Eastney, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 9PXThe preservation and presentation of all aspects of the Royal Marines' history through the acquisition,conservation, recording of and research into documents, pictures, books, medals, uniforms, weapons and otherartefacts.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Lieutenant General Henry BeverleyChair :KCB OBERemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 48431Staff Employed:38C J Newbery BA FMAOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 670000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £710000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Dept on sponsorship not separately identifiable from MOD accountsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 293M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Executive NDPBsROYAL NAVAL MUSEUMMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 023 9272 7562 Fax Number : 023 9272 7575EmailAddress :information@royalnavalmuseum.org Website : www.royalnavalmuseum.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :HM Naval Base PP66, Portsmouth, PO1 3NHTo provide an effective and accessible repository, both now and in the future, for the heritage of the Navy and toraise public awareness of the Royal Navy and to encourage scholarship and research into the history of the RoyalNavy.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Admiral Sir Peter Abbott GBEChair :KCBRemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 59000Staff Employed:36Dr H C McMurray OBE MSC BAOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 880000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£1300000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsROYAL NAVY SUBMARINE MUSEUMMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 023 9251 0354/9252 9217 Fax Number : 023 9251 1349Email Address:rnsubs@rnsubmus.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.rnsubmus.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Haslar Jetty Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 2ASTo promote an understanding of the role that the Royal Navy submarine branch has played in the nation'shistory through the centuries, using its important and valued collection for exhibition, education and research.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Vice Admiral Sir Roy Newman KCBChair :JP DLRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:Commander J J Tall OBE RN RtdRemuneration : 43405Staff Employed:22OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 480000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £690000294

Ministry of Defence Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 9M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsINDEPENDENT MONITORING BOARD NDPBINDEPENDENT BOARD OF VISITORS FOR MILITARY CORRECTIVE TRAINING CENTREMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01206 783471 Fax Number : 01206 783503Email Address : Website : www.mod.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference :Notes :c/o Adjutant, Military Corrective Training Centre, Berechurch Hall Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 9NUThe board inspects relevant military premises in order to ensure that the state of the premises, theiradministration, and the treatment of detainees are satisfactory.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Jim BondRemuneration : 0Secretary : VariousRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure on sponsorship not separately identifiable in MOD accountsAppointments and Remuneration Key: 295M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Ministry of Defence Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>MINISTRY OF DEFENCEAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPINDEPENDENT PANEL ON VACCINES INTERACTIONS RESEARCHDate Established :Date Reported / Due toReport :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :December1997Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants : 0Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :13Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :2Number of Private Sector : 2Chair :Professor Donald Davies, Imperial College London andDirector, ML Laboratories PLCTASK FORCEDEPLETED URANIUM OVERSIGHT BOARDDate Established : September 2001Date Reported / Dueto Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :www.duob.org.<strong>uk</strong>Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers : 0Number of Civil Servants:3Number of Wider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :7Number of Voluntary /Charity Sector :7Number of Private Sector:0Chair :Professor David Coggen, Environmental EpidemiologyUnit, Southampton General Hospital296

NORTHERN IRELAND COURT SERVICEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Headline Building, 10-14 Victoria Street, Belfast, BT1 3GGEnquiries : Mr Martin McMullanTelephone : 02890 728709 GTN : Fax : 02890 728704E-mail :martinmcmullan@courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :1M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COMMITTEES ON GENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAX (NORTHERN IRELAND) (GCITAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>Yes (2):Telephone : 028 9032 8594 Fax Number : 028 9072 8704Email Address:judicialappointments@courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, Headline Building, 10-14 Victoria Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3GGTo select for the Lord Chancellor's consideration, candidates with the qualities necessary for appointment as aGeneral Commissioner of Income Tax. There are two Advisory Committees on General Commissioners ofIncome Tax covering Northern Ireland.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : NoneRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoneAnnual Report :NoLast Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 9M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,1VNotes : The cost is negligible. The members are not remunerated and there is no dedicated secretariat.ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE APPOINTMENT OF YOUTH COURT AND FAMILY PROCEEDING COURT LAY PANELMEMBERSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 02890 728709 Fax Number : 02890 728704Email Address : judicalappointments@courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :c/o Judicial Services Division, Northern Ireland Court Service, 2nd floor, Headline Building, 10-14 VictoriaStreet, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3GGTo select for the Lord Chancellor's consideration candidates with the necessary judicial qualities forappointment as Youth Court & Family Proceedings Court Lay Panel members.Previously titled 'Youth and Family Courts Lay Panel Advisory Committee (NI)'Appointments and Remuneration Key: 297M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Court Service Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Bamford RMRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : NoneRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoneAnnual Report :NoneLast Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 3M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The expenditure is negligible. The members are not remunerated and there is no dedicated secretariat.ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (NORTHERN IRELAND)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : Yes (8)Telephone : 02890 728709 Fax Number : 02890 728704Email Address : judicialappointments@courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :c/o Judicial Services Division, Northern Ireland Court Service, 2nd Floor, Headline Building, 10-14 VictoriaStreet, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3GGTo advise the Lord Chancellor on the appointment of Justices of the Peace in Northern Ireland.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : NoneRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman :NoneAnnual Report : YesLast Review : June 1993Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 22M/20F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The cost is negligible. The members are not remunerated and there is no dedicated secretariat.298

Northern Ireland Court Service Advisory NDPBsLORD CHANCELLOR'S LEGAL AID ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 02890 412261 Fax Number : 02890 321758EmailAddress :joycehenderson@courtsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o Joyce Henderson, Northern Ireland Court Service, 3rd Floor, Windsor House, 9-15 Bedford Street, Belfast,Antrim, BT2 7LTTo advise the Lord Chancellor on such questions relating to Part II of the Legal Aid, Advice and assistance(Northern Ireland) Order 1981 as he may from time to time refer to them and to make recommendations on suchmatters they consider appropriate. To consider the Law Society's Annual Report on the administration of legal aidin Northern Ireland and to advise and make recommendations to the Lord Chancellor on the operation and financeof legal aid. To lay before parliament a copy of any comments or recommendations made by the committee.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Judge Smyth QCRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : NoneRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :NoneAnnual Report : YesLast Review : June 1993Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 1496Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBNORTHERN IRELAND LEGAL SERVICES COMMISSION (NILSC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 02890 246441 Fax Number : 02890 248995EmailAddress :accesstojustice@nilsc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nilsc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission, Waterfront Plaza, 8 Laganbank Road, Mays Meadow, Belfast, BT13BNThe Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission was established (under the Access to Justice Order 2003) topromote fair and equal access to justice by providing publicly funded legal services which target those in greatestneed and demonstrate value for money.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Sir AnthonyChair :HollandRemuneration : 41040Chief Executive:Gerry CrossanRemuneration : 75000Staff Employed:110OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :NoYesYesNoneYesExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £Statutory Audit by NorthernIreland Audit OfficeAppointments and Remuneration Key: 299M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Courts Service Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : NILSC was not in formal existence in 2002/03 so there was no expenditure.300

NORTHERN IRELAND OFFICEDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Room B4.15, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SGEnquiries : Richard SteensonTelephone : 028 9052 2693 GTN : 74 402 2693 Fax : 028 9052 8195E-mail : richard.steenson@nio.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nio.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY2M/1F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :2M/1F All Appointments1M/1F Ministerial Appointments,1M/1F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBBOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (BCNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7210 6569 Fax Number : 020 7210 6537Email Address:bcni@belfast.org Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :11 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QETo keep under review the names, numbers and boundaries of the parliamentary constituencies into whichNorthern Ireland is divided and to make recommendations to the Secretary of State.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :The Rt Hon Michael Martin MPRemuneration : 386 per dayChief Executive : Mr John FisherRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 3OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 65000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 65000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 301M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Office Advisory NDPBsINDEPENDENT ASSESSOR FOR MILITARY COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES (IAMCP)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 02890 237822 Fax Number : 02890 237211Email Address:Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Hampton House, 47-53 High Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 2QSTo provide assurance that non-criminal complaints against members of Her Majesty's Forces in Northern Irelandare investigated thoroughly and impartially. To also provide an independent audit of the operation ofprocedures for handling such complaints and to report to the Secretary of State at the end of each calendaryear.IAMCP shares a secretariat with the Independent Commissioner for Detained Terrorist Suspects (seeIndependent Monitoring Boards).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Independent Assessor:Remuneration : 12879Secretary :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 2J O McDonald LVO MBE JPDLMr Trevor FrenchCivil ServantOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 165000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure£160864Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:1. IAMCP can provide copies of its annual report on request. 2. Consideration is being given to bring it under thejurisdiction of the PCA. 3. The amounts set out at "Expenditure for 2002-2003" are the combined cost of IDCTS andIAMCP (see Independent Monitoring Board NDPBs).OFFICE OF THE JUSTICE OVERSIGHT COMMISSIONER (OJOC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 02890 332 040 Fax Number : 02890 431 997EmailAddress :cjoc@justiceoversight.com Website : www.justiceoversight.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :10 Cromac Place, Cromac Wood, Ormeau Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT7 2JBTo provide independent scrutiny of the implementation of the changes in criminal justice arrangements andstructures flowing from the <strong>Gov</strong>ernment's decisions on the Review of Criminal Justice in NI (March 2000) and theprovisions of the Justice (NI) Act 2002, as amended by the Justice (NI) Act <strong>2004</strong>.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Justice OversightCommissioner :Remuneration :Chief of Staff :Remuneration : 51620Staff Employed : 3The Right Hon. The LordClyde£600 per dayJohn JohnstonOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 305875Total GrossExpenditure £300000302

Northern Ireland Office Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedJustice Oversight Commissioner Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Lord Clyde was appointed Justice Oversight Commissioner on 18th June 2003 for an initial term of three years, at whichpoint the continuing need for the office will be reviewed.EXECUTIVE NDPBEQUALITY COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (ECNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9050 0600 Fax Number : 028 9033 1544Email Address : information@equalityni.org Website : www.equalityni.orgAddress :Equality House, 7-9 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, BT2 7DPTerms of Reference:Notes :To promote respect for diversity, eliminate unlawful discrimination and achieve equality of opportunity forall.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Commissioner : Dame Joan HarbisonRemuneration : 71242Chief Executive : Ms Evelyn CollinsRemuneration : 65533Staff Employed : 143OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCA NIAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7512000Exp By Dept £ 77000Total Gross Expenditure £ 7561000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (NIHRC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9024 3987 Fax Number : 028 9024 7844Email Address : nihrc@belfast.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nihrc.orgAddress :Temple Court, 39 North Street, Belfast, BT1 1NATerms of Reference : To promote and protect the human rights of everyone in Northern Ireland.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 303M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Sidney Brice DicksonRemuneration : 63604Chief Executive : Ms Paddy SloanRemuneration : 40090Staff Employed : 16OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1217000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 1217000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND POLICING BOARD (NIPB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9040 8500 Fax Number : 028 9040 8525Email Address : information@nipolicingboard.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nipolicingboard.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Waterside Tower, 31 Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock, Laganside, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3BGTerms of Reference:Notes :The overriding purpose is to hold the Chief Constable to account for the service delivered by him and hisstaff.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Desmond ReaRemuneration : 51725Chief Executive : Mr Trevor ReaneyRemuneration : 93000Staff Employed : 51OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5170000Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 5245043Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Department on sponsorship not separately identifiableOFFICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN NORTHERN IRELAND (CICJNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 02890 527 521 Fax Number : 02890 523 689Email Address : Website : www.cjsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/chiefinspector.htmAddress :Terms of Reference:c/o Massey House, Stormont Estate, Belfast, Antrim, BT4 3SXTo inspect or ensure the inspection of all aspects of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland, otherthan the courts.Notes :304

Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Inspector : Mr Kit ChiversRemuneration : 82365Chief Executive : To be appointedRemuneration :Staff Employed : 3OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 70000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChief Inspector Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:This new body is expected to become operational by Autumn <strong>2004</strong>. Consideration is being given to bringing it under thePCA. The costs outlined at "Expenditure 2002-2003" are set up costs.OFFICE OF THE POLICE OMBUDSMAN FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (OPONI)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9082 8600 Fax Number : 028 9082 8615Email Address:info@policeombudsman.org Website : www.policeombudsman.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :New Cathedral Buildings, St Annes Square, 11 Church Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 1PGTo provide an efficient, effective, independent and impartial human - rights based police complaints systemwhich has the confidence of the people and the police of Northern Ireland.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mrs NualaOmbudsman :O'LoanRemuneration : 89155Chief Executive:Mr S DPollockRemuneration : 69984Staff Employed:122OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Secretary of State for Northern IrelandadjudicatesAnnual Report:<strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6643000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £6848512Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedOmbudsman Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Department on sponsorship not separately identifiable in Departmental accounts.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 305M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPBsPROBATION BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (PBNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9026 2400 Fax Number : 028 9026 2436Email Address : pbni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pbni.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :80-90 North Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT1 1LDTerms of Reference : The aim of PBNI is to help reduce crime (and the harm it does).Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Brian RowntreeRemuneration : 25860Chief Executive : Mr Noel RooneyRemuneration : 69207Staff Employed : 334OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 12271071Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £ 13847337Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/8F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Expenditure by Department on sponsorship not separately identifiable in Departmental accounts.INDEPENDENT MONITORING BOARD NDPBBOARDS OF VISITORS AND VISITING COMMITTEE (BOV/VC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>Yes (3):Telephone : 028 9052 5477 Fax Number : 028 9052 4843Email Address:info@niprisonservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.niprisonservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :NI Prison Service, Room 305, Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3SUTo visit prisons and the Young Offenders' Centre regularly and report to the Secretary of State on theconditions of imprisonment and the treatment of prisoners.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 50000Total Gross Expenditure £ 51600306

Northern Ireland Office Independent Monitoring Board NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 2M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 21M/23F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The annual report is available at www.niprisonservice.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Two Boards of Visitors and one Visiting Committee areserviced by NIO staff.INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONER FOR DETAINED TERRORIST SUSPECTS (ICDTS)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 02890 237822 Fax Number : 02890 237211Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Hampton House, 47 - 53 High Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 2ABTo provide assurance and an annual report to the Secretary of State that persons detained as terroristsuspects are fairly treated and that both statutory and administrative safeguards are being properly applied.Formerly known as "Independent Commissioner for the Holding Centres", the ICDTS shares a secretariatwith the Independent Assessor for Military Complaints Procedure (see Advisory NDPBs).NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Commissioner : Dr W A Norris OBERemuneration : 37563Secretary : Mr Trevor FrenchRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 2OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO/NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherCommissioner Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:1. ICDTS can provide its annual report on request. 2. Expenditure for 2002-2003 for this body and the IndependentAssessor of Military Complaints Procedures (IAMCP) is a combined figure, quoted in IAMCP's entry only (see AdvisoryNDPBs) to avoid double-countingTRIBUNAL NDPBCRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION APPEALS PANEL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (CICAPNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9092 4400 Fax Number : 028 9092 4420Email Address : cornexchange@nio.x.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cicapni.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Corn Exchange Building, 2nd Floor, Gordon Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 2LGTo deal with appeals against decisions made by the Compensation Agency for Northern Ireland aboutcompensation for criminal injuries.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 307M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Office Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Oliver LoughranRemuneration : 332 per dayChief Executive : Mr Bill GallagherRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 7OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 515063Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 515005Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 17M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : CICAPNI plans to issue its first report in late <strong>2004</strong>.NORTHERN IRELAND OFFICEAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPFORENSIC SCIENCE STEERING GROUPDateEstablished :February 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :June <strong>2004</strong>Date Wound Up:June <strong>2004</strong>Notes :The Steering Group identified and put in place the mechanism toachieve Trading Fund status by April 2007 and reviewed the ForensicScience Agency NI's accommodation needs. Both are being takenforward as discrete projects.To oversee the Forensic Science NI move to Trading Fund status,and to take forward a review of the Agency's accommodationrequirements.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :6Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 0Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 2Chair :Mr BrianGrzymek,Northern IrelandOffice308

Northern Ireland Office Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>VICTIMS, VULNERABLE OR INTIMIDATED WITNESSES STEERING GROUPDateEstablished :September 2002DateReported /Due to Report:Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :The aim of the Group is to provide a focus for the consideration of victims'and witnesses' issues within the criminal justice system. Its objectives areto: 1. oversee the implementation of outstanding recommendations arisingfrom the former Victims, Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses WorkingGroup examination of the Home Office report "Speaking up for Justice" ; 2.oversee and assist in the co-ordination of the implementation of victims'and witnesses' recommendations arising from the Criminal Review; and 3.monitor and evaluate new arrangements and measures and provide adviceto the Criminal Justice Board.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants:Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :6510Mr AdrianArbuthnot,NorthernIreland OfficeREVIEWAFTERCARE WORKING GROUPDate Established : March 2002Date Reported /June <strong>2004</strong>Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up : June <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Following on from reports in December 2003 and June <strong>2004</strong>, an Inter-Agency Strategy for theResettlement of Offenders was launched in June <strong>2004</strong>.The Group's terms of reference were to develop a strategy for the future provision of through-care foradults sentenced to custody from point of sentence to 12 months after release, in order to reduce thelikelihood of re-offending and encourage integration into the community.TASK FORCEORGANISED CRIME TASK FORCEDateEstablished :September 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :Annual threat assessment and strategy for tackling thethreat.The NI Organised Crime Task Force provides a mediumto long-term strategic focus for the ongoing work ofoperational law enforcement agencies againstparamilitary groups and organised criminals.Appointments SummaryLast Updated : 25/01/2005 11:06:16Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :1Number of CivilServants :10Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :15Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 0Number ofPrivate Sector : 0Chair :Mr Ian Pearson MP,Parliamentary UnderSecretary of State forNorthern Ireland

OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTERDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : EDU 3/B3, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DUEnquiries : Patti ThomasTelephone : 020 7944 5403 GTN : 3533 5403 Fax : 020 7944 2460E-mail : patti.thomas@odpm.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.odpm.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY8M/4F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :8M/4F All Appointments24M/18F Ministerial Appointments,24M/18F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY PANEL ON BEACON COUNCILSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 020 7944 4759 Fax Number : 020 7944 4994Email Address : beaconpanel@odpm.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.local-regions.odpm.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/beaconAddress :Zone 3/02, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DUTerms of Reference : To provide independent advice to Ministers on the operation of the Beacon Council Scheme.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Marianne HoodRemuneration : 203 per dayChief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 190000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :ADVISORY PANEL ON STANDARDS FOR PLANNING INSPECTORATEMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 020 7944 3459 Fax Number : 020 7944 3949Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Floor 4/E2, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DUTo advise the Deputy Prime Minister and, since July 1999, the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly<strong>Gov</strong>ernment on the maintenance and enhancement of professional standards within the Planning InspectorateExecutive Agency.Notes :310

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Corinne Swain OBERemuneration : 203 per dayChief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 55000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLANDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7533 5177 Fax Number : 020 7533 5176EmailAddress :bcomm.england@ons.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.statistics.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/pbcAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :1 Drummond Gate, London, SW1V 2QQThe BCE is an advisory NDPB which keeps under continuous review the representation of England in the House ofCommons and submits reports recommending constituencies to the Deputy Prime Minister.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rt Hon Michael Martin MPRemuneration : 0Joint Secretaries:Remuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed :Mr Robert Farrance and MarkBarnettOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £KPMGExp By Dept £ 17817Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 311M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisory NDPBsBOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR WALESMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 029 2039 5031 Fax Number : 029 2039 5250EmailAddress :bcomm.wales@wales.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.bcomm-wales.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Caradog House, 1-6 St Andrew's Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BETo keep under continuous review the representation of Wales in the House of Commons and to submit to theDeputy Prime Minister reports with recommendations for constituencies and for representation of the regions inthe Welsh Assembly.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Rt Hon Michael Martin MPRemuneration : 0Joint Secretaries:Remuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 1Mr Edward Lewis and Mr MarkBarnettOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -Annual Report : -NoNoYesLast Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £KPMGExp By Dept £ 17817Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :BUILDING REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEEMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7944 5738 Fax Number : 020 7944 5739Email Address:brac@odpm.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.odpm.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/building-regulationsAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :18B, Portland House, Stag Place, London, SW1E 5LPTo advise the Deputy Prime Minister on the exercise of his powers to make building regulations for England andWales and on other subjects connected with building regulations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Michael FinnRemuneration : 0Secretary : Alec CustersonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 70000Total Gross Expenditure £312

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisory NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/5F NP, 5VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :COMMUNITY FORUMMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7944 8306 Fax Number : 020 7944 5286EmailAddress :catherine.armstrong@odpm.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.neighbourhood.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Zone 6/H10, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DUThe Community Forum will advise the NRU on how communities' priorities can be met in neighbourhood renewalby improving community participation. It will act as a sounding board and refining tool for policy ideas, and asource of information and experience about developments on the ground in deprived areas.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Joe MontgomeryRemuneration : Civil ServantSecretary : Ms Tricia ZipfelRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 120000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/12F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 313M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBsEXECUTIVE NDPBAUDIT COMMISSION FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE IN ENGLAND AND WALESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7828 1212 Fax Number : 020 7828 6187Email Address : Website : www.audit-commission.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :1 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PNThe Audit Commission promotes the best use of public money by ensuring the proper stewardship of publicfinances. It appoints auditors to all local government and NHS bodies in England and Wales.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr James Strachan108000 (based on 4 days perRemuneration :wk)Chief Executive:Steve BundredRemuneration : 180950Staff Employed:2356OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 21876000Exp By Dept £ 157000Total Gross Expenditure£213695000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0VNotes :CASTLE VALE HOUSING ACTION TRUSTMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0121 776 6784 Fax Number : 0121 776 6786EmailAddress :cvhat@cvhat.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.cvhat.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Castle Vale School, Farnborough Road, Birmingham, B35 7NLCastle Vale Housing Action Trust was established in March 1993 to regenerate a 195-hectare estate of mixedhouses and flats in north-east Birmingham. The trust is working with residents to build a sustainable community,living in high-quality homes in a pleasant and safe environment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr Richard TempleChair :CoxRemuneration : 39873Chief Executive:Mr Angus KennedyRemuneration : 86118Staff Employed:74OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :BakerTilly<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 32000000Exp By Dept £ 33836Total Gross Expenditure£29600000314

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The £32m <strong>Gov</strong>ernment Funding figure includes an advanced payment for 2003-04.ENGLISH PARTNERSHIPSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 7881 1600 Fax Number : 020 7730 9162Email Address:Website : www.englishpartnerships.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :110 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SBA national body for regeneration and development bringing together the Urban Regeneration Agency (URA) andthe Commission for the New Towns (CNT). The two bodies exist legally, but EP is a single operational entity.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs Margaret FordRemuneration : 44871Chief Executive : David HigginsRemuneration : 140000Staff Employed : 368OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Deloitte Touche<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 140000000Exp By Dept £ 154000Total Gross Expenditure £ 136100000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes:English Partnerships reported 1 female ex-officio paid and 1 male ex-officio paid, both ministerial appointments. CabinetOffice instructed these to be entered under Non-ministerial paid appointments.HOUSING CORPORATIONMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 020 7393 2000 Fax Number : 020 7393 2111Email Address : Website : www.housingcorp.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :149 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7BNThe Corporation regulates, funds and promotes the proper performance of registered social landlords. Theseare non-profit making bodies run by voluntary committees.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 315M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Peter DixonRemuneration : 45204Chief Executive : Jon RouseRemuneration : 135255Staff Employed : 574OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1749290000Exp By Dept £ 447860Total Gross Expenditure £ 1749290000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2M/0F EX,0VNotes :LIVERPOOL HOUSING ACTION TRUSTMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 0151 227 1099 Fax Number : 0151 236 5263EmailAddress :Website : www.liverpoolhat.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :2nd Floor, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1EGThe trust took over 5,337 properties in 1993 from Liverpool City Council. There were 67 tower blocks and 10low-rise blocks on 35 sites scattered throughout the city. Some blocks are being refurbished and othersdemolished to be replaced with traditional housing.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mrs Paula RidleyChair :OBERemuneration : 34250Chief Executive:Mr David GreenRemuneration : 103850Staff Employed:65OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :BakerTilly<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 30400000Exp By Dept £ 12595Total Gross Expenditure£32835000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :316

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBSTANDARDS BOARD FOR ENGLANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0845 078 8181 Fax Number : 020 7378 5001Email Address : Website : www.standardsboard.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :1st Floor, Cottons Centre, Cottons Lane, London, SE1 2QGThe Standards Board for England promotes and maintains high standards of conduct by members and cooptedmembers of relevant authorities.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr J Anthony HollandRemuneration : 52400Chief Executive:Remuneration : 105000Staff Employed:109Mr J Edwards (ActingCE)OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :LittlejohnFraser<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6514000Exp By Dept £ 140469Total Gross Expenditure£6266000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :STONEBRIDGE HOUSING ACTION TRUSTMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8961 0278 Fax Number : 020 8961 0291EmailAddress :Website : www.stonebridgehat.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Kassinga House, 37-41 Winchelsea Road, Brent, London, NW10 8UNStonebridge Housing Action Trust is regenerating a single estate in the London Borough of Brent. Properties are amixture of high- and medium- rise flats and town houses, which the trust is replacing. The Trust also has anextensive programme of health, training and other community initiatives.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Ms CarolineChair :PickeringRemuneration : 34250Chief Executive:Mr Ian McDermottRemuneration : 75525Staff Employed:70OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Deloitte &Touche<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 17261000Exp By Dept £ 10817Total GrossExpenditure £25691000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 317M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :THURROCK URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 020 7944 4565 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o ODPM zone 17D, Portland House, Stag Place, London, SW1E 5LPThurrock Urban Development Corporation was established on 29 October 2003. The UDC's broad statutoryobjective is to secure the regeneration of its area through: bringing land and buildings into effective use;encouraging the development of existing and new industry and commerce; creating an attractive environmentand ensuring the housing and social facilities are available to encourage people to live and work.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :William McKeeRemuneration : 44528Chief Executive : Tom Gardiner (Acting CE)Remuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 4OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :TOWER HAMLETS HOUSING ACTION TRUSTMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 020 8983 4698 Fax Number : 020 89831556EmailAddress :Website : www.thhat.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :542-544 Roman Road, London, E3 5ESIn 1993 Tower Hamlets Housing Action Trust took over three estates of 1,667 flats in Bow. It replaced them withnew homes, in partnership with Old Ford Housing Association. The HAT completed its work and was formallydissolved on 30 June <strong>2004</strong>. The Trust also ran training schemes and community facilities and has left anendowment to continue these activities.Notes : Formally dissolved on 30 June <strong>2004</strong>318

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPBNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 34250Chief Executive:Ms Sheila DrewSmithMs JackieOdunoyeRemuneration : 83269Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :LittlejohnFrazer<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 17000000Exp By Dept £ 13663Total GrossExpenditure £18892000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :TRIBUNAL NDPBRESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TRIBUNAL SERVICEMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (1)Telephone : 020 7446 7700 Fax Number : 020 7580 5684Email Address:Website : www.rpts.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :RPTS Corporate Unit, 1st Floor, Whittington House, 10 Alfred Place, London, WC1E 7LRTo provide members to sit on Rent Assessment Committees and Leasehold Valuation Tribunals.To provide an accessible, efficient and relatively informal tribunal service for the private rented housing marketto leaseholders, tenants and their landlords. RPTS consists of a small Corporate Unit and five regional RentAssessment Panels.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Senior President : Ms Siobhan McGrathRemuneration : 65172Operations Director : Michael RossRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 83OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :PCAAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 35287Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 4M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 10M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 249M/103F P, 5M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Rent Assessment Panels are Tribunals sponsored by ODPM although between 150 and 165 appointments are madesolely by DCA (Department for Constitutional Affairs). These figures are included until all tribunals are transferred underDCA.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 319M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Tribunal NDPBsVALUATION TRIBUNALSMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (1)Telephone : 020 7944 4913 Fax Number : 020 7944 4209EmailAddress :Wendy.mcgregor@odpm.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.valuation-tribunals.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :5/J2, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DUTo list, hear and determine appeals concerning valuations for non-domestic rating purposes and for Council Tax,and also concerning liability for Council Tax.There are 56 Valuation Tribunals. Appointments are made jointly by local authorities and valuation tribunals. From1 April <strong>2004</strong> a new NDPB - the Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS) - has been established to provide administrationservices, guidance and strategic planning for Valuation Tribunals. The VTS can be contacted onceo.office@vto.gov.<strong>uk</strong>NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 0National Officer:Remuneration : 46000Staff Employed:143Bryan Massen (left the post on31/3/04)OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 73000Total Gross Expenditure£Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherPresidents Chair MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 49M/7F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V0M/0F P, 264M/83F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V0M/0F P, 781M/211F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0VNotes :OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTERAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPCHESTER-LE-STREET HOUSING ADVISORY BOARDDate Established:February 2003Appointments SummaryDate Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :Set up by ODPM to advise and support Chester-le-Street District Council to address improvementsnecessary in its delivery of housing services.Year : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :0Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :1Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :2Number of PrivateSector :0Chair :Peter Kemp, retired ChiefExecutive of TynedaleDistrict Council.320

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>GO NORTH EAST - CORUS TASK GROUPDateEstablished :May 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :September 2001Report Details : A report was produced but never published. No details are available.Date Wound Up:Notes :The group has been in existence for over three years. This was becauseanother issue relating to the Corus plants in the area arose before thegroup was wound up. The group was in effect revived in 2003 with thesame membership, but tackling a wider set of issues.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :2Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :Number ofPrivate Sector :Chair :303Alan Clarke,OneNorthEastREGIONAL HOUSING BOARDDate Established : March 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :To provide ongoing advice to Ministers about the housing priorities in theregion and the distribution of the regional pot for housing investment inorder to support those priorities.There are nine Regional Housing Boards.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers:0Number of CivilServants :26Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :65Number of Voluntary/ Charity Sector :0Number of PrivateSector :4Chair : 9REVIEWBALANCE OF FUNDING REVIEWDate Established:April 2003Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :July <strong>2004</strong>Date Wound Up:July <strong>2004</strong>Notes :Local authorities fund expenditure on services through a combination ofcouncil tax receipts and govt. grants (including redistributed businessrates). The relative amounts received from these two sources is known asthe balance of funding.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :3Number of CivilServants :2Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :106Number ofPrivate Sector :1Chair :NickRaynsfordMP321

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>REVIEW OF THE NEEDS INDICES USED IN THE ALLOCATION OF HOUSING CAPITAL RESOURCES TO LOCALAUTHORITIES AND REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDSDate Established:November 1998Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :Given the balance of membership the Review is more akin to an internalofficial committee than an external body it would therefore beinappropriate to classify the Review as an NDPB. Its future, however, willbe subject to regular review.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :13Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants : 5Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector :0Number ofPrivate Sector :8Chair :WendyJarvis,ODPMTASK FORCEADVISORY GROUP ON HOME BUYINGDate Established : July 1997Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up :Notes :The Task Group on Home Buying comprises a Ministerial andan Advisory Group which replaced a Steering Group in March1999. On going until 2006.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number of Ministers:3Number of CivilServants :12Number of Wider<strong>Public</strong> Servants :1Number ofVoluntary / CharitySector :0Number of PrivateSector :9Chair :Minister for Housingand Planning, ODPMCOMMUNITY HOUSING TASK FORCEDateEstablished :May 2000Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details:Date Wound Up:Notes :2010The Community Housing Task Force's remit was extended again inJan 2003 as part of the ODPM's Communities Plan policies. This hasmeant that the Task Force has a greater responsibility to providesupport and advice to all local authorities to meet their decent homestarget:2010.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :2Number of CivilServants :14Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:82Number ofPrivate Sector : 3Chair :Head of theCommunityHousing TaskForce, ODPM322

OFFICE OF WATER SERVICES (OFWAT)DEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : City Centre Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4UAEnquiries : Andrew SpenceTelephone : 0121 625 1434 GTN : 6176 1434 Fax : 0121 625 1444E-mail : Andrew.Spence@ofwat.gsi.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ofwat.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :8M/4F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,9M/3F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBWATERVOICE: COUNCILMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 0121 625 1301 Fax Number : 0121 625 1444Email Address : enquiries@watervoice.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.watervoice.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4UATerms of Reference : To represent the interests of customers of the water and sewerage companies at national level.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Maurice TerryRemuneration : 30796*Secretary : Roy WardleRemuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 6M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:*Time Commitment twelve days per month includes eight days as WaterVoice North West Committee Chairman There isno register of interests because to avoid any potential conflicts WaterVoice Council Members are not permitted to tradein shares or have active financial interests in any of the water and sewerage companies allocated to the ten WaterVoiceCommittees. Staff employed - 15 staff provided by the sponsoring department, Ofwat, support the Council. A newConsumer Council for Water is due to replace the WaterVoice Council on 1 October 2005. The ten WaterVoice RegionalCommittee Chairmen form the WaterVoice Council.EXECUTIVE NDPBWATERVOICE: REGIONAL COMMITTEESMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : Yes (10)Telephone : 0121 625 1367 Fax Number : 0121 625 1444Email Address : enquiries@watervoice.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.watervoice.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Addresses throughout England, and one in Wales,Terms ofReference :Notes :To represent the interests of customers of the water and sewerage companies in their areas; and toinvestigate complaints.9 committees in England and 1 for Wales.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 323M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Office of Water Services (OFWAT) Executive NDPBNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MultipleRemuneration : 20531Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : <strong>2004</strong>Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2336614Exp By Dept £ 434320Total Gross Expenditure £ 2336614Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :7M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 83M/55F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:There is no register of interests because to avoid any potential conflicts WaterVoice Committee Chairmen and Membersare not permitted to trade in shares or have active financial interests in any of the water and sewerage companiesallocated to the ten WaterVoice Committees. Note re: staff employed - 49 staff provided by the sponsoring department,Ofwat, support the Committees. A new Consumer Council for Water is due to replace WaterVoice regional Committees on1 October 2005. The ten WaterVoice Regional Committee Chairmen form the WaterVoice Council.324

ROYAL MINTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Llantrisant, Pontyclun, CF72 8YTEnquiries : Dr Kevin ClancyTelephone : 01443 623005 GTN : - Fax : 01443 623148E-mail : kevin.clancy@royalmint.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.royalmint.comNotes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBROYAL MINT ADVISORY COMMMITTEE ON THE DESIGN OF COINS, MEDALS, SEALS AND DECORATIONSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 01443 623005 Fax Number : 01443 623148Email Address : kevin.clancy@royalmint.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.royalmint.comAddress :Royal Mint, Llantrisant, Pontyclun, CF72 8YTTerms of Reference : To consider new designs for United Kingdom coins and official medals.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Sir Christopher FraylingRemuneration : 0Secretary : Dr Kevin ClancyRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 5000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/3F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 325M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bodies</strong>Whilst devolution remains suspended in Northern Ireland, we havecontinued to list in the following section of the directory the publicbodies attached to the Northern Ireland Executive. However, they areexcluded from the summary statistics at the front of this publicationand on the website.

NIE DEPARTMENT FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNINGDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Adelaide House, 39-49 Adelaide Street, BELFAST, BT2 8FDEnquiries : Anne-Marie TottenTelephone : 028 90 257801 GTN : Fax : 028 90 257919E-mail :annmarie.totten@delni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.delni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsEXECUTIVE NDPBCONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (CITB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9082 5466 Fax Number : 082 9082 5569Email Address : chiefexec@citbni.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.citbni.orgAddress :Nutts Corner Training Centre, 17 Dundrod Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4SRTerms of Reference:Notes :To encourage the adequate training of people employed in, or intending to be employed in, theconstruction industry.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr S CampbellRemuneration : 11072Chief Executive:Mr AlanMcMullanRemuneration : 52514Staff Employed : 64OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :JonesPeter<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 278234Exp By Dept £ 30000Total Gross Expenditure£4184140Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 14M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is part-time. Review is being carried out in <strong>2004</strong>.ENTERPRISE ULSTER (EU)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9073 6400 Fax Number : 028 9073 6404Email Address : hq@eulster.globalnet.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.enterpriseulster.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :The Close, Ravenhill Reach, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT6 8RBTerms of Reference : To provide quality training for employment in Northern Ireland.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 329M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment and Learning Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 17080Chief Executive:Mr Joe CowanMr JoeEaglesonRemuneration : 53595Staff Employed:144OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :NI OmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 4860493Exp By Dept £ 13025Total Gross Expenditure£7091366Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is part-time. Audited accounts also examined by the Northern Ireland Audit Office.LABOUR RELATIONS AGENCY (LRA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9032 1442 Fax Number : 028 9032 0827Email Address : info@lra.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lra.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :2-8 Gordon Street, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT1 2LGTerms of Reference : To promote the improvement of employment relations in Northern Ireland.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr P A McCartanRemuneration : 21165Chief Executive:Mr WilliamPattersonRemuneration : 79824Staff Employed:51OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Deloitte &Touche<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2152000Exp By Dept £ 546000Total GrossExpenditure £2700000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Audited accounts also examined by the Northern Ireland Audit Office. 1 public meeting per year.330

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment and Learning Executive NDPBsULSTER SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT LTD. (USEL)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9035 6600 Fax Number : 028 9035 6611Email Address:info@usel.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.usel.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :182-188 Cambrai Street, BELFAST, BELFAST, BT13 3JHThe company was incorporated in 1962 under section 15 of the Disabled Persons (NI) Act 1945 with theprincipal objective of providing training and productive employment for people with severe disabilities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr DavidChair :RussellRemuneration :Chief Executive:220 permeetingMr MitchelWylieRemuneration : 55281Staff Employed:105OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 461000Exp By Dept £ 8000PriceWaterhouseCoopersTotal Gross Expenditure£469000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is part-time. Audited accounts also examined by the Northern Ireland Audit Office.TRIBUNAL NDPBFAIR EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :TelephoneFax Number028 9032 7666 028 9032 0184: :EmailAddress :oitfetmailbox@delni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.industrialfairemploymenttribunalsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Long Bridge House, 20-24 Waring Street, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT1 2EBTerms ofReference:Notes :To hear employment disputes and resolve employment matters, on the grounds of religious belief or politicalopinion.The President of the Fair Employment Tribunal is also President of the Industrial Tribunals and is appointed to bothpositions by the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. The Vice President ofthe Fair Employment Tribunal is also the Vice President of the Industrial Tribunals and is appointed to both positionsby the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. Chairmen of the FairEmployment Tribunal are appointed by the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order1998 and are appointed Chairmen to the Industrial Tribunals by the Head of the Department for Employment andLearning under the Industrial Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) <strong>2004</strong>.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 331M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment and Learning Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President :Mr J E MaguireRemuneration : 119160Vice President :Mrs M Percival-PriceRemuneration : 113121Staff Employed:60OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report:-Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2472000Exp By Dept £ 549000Total GrossExpenditure £3021000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherPresident, Vice President andDeputy MembersChairsMinisterial Appointments : 3M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V45M/23F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0VNotes:To date full-time Chairmen have been co-jointly appointed to both tribunals whereas part-time Chairmen have beenappointed initially to the Industrial Tribunals. At present there is only one part-time Chairmen of both Tribunals. For thefuture it is intended that appointment of part-time Chairmen will be to both Tribunals. *Please note the 5 femaleMinisterial Appointments include 4 full-time chairs and 1 part-time chair. *Please note the figures included in"Expenditure for 2002/03" represent combined figures for the Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment Tribunals as theycannot be broken down by Tribunal.NORTHERN IRELAND INDUSTRIAL COURTMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9025 7599 Fax Number : 028 9025 7555EmailAddress :enquiries@industrialcourt.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.industrialcourt.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Adelaide House, 39-49 Adelaide Street, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT2 8FDTo adjudicate on trade union issues relating to trade union recognition and collective bargaining issues and toenforce the rights of trade union access to information from employers relevant to collective bargaining.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr RChair :SteeleRemuneration :Chief Executive:Remuneration :Staff Employed:59 perhourOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesNoYesPCAAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 173206Total Gross Expenditure£Northern Ireland AuditOffice332

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment and Learning Tribunal NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V8M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Court is staffed on part-time basis by civil servants.NORTHERN IRELAND INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALSMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :TelephoneFax Number028 9032 7666 028 9032 0184: :EmailAddress :oitfetmailbox@delni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.industrialfairemploymenttribunalsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Long Bridge House, 20-24 Waring Street, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT1 2EBTerms ofReference:Notes :To hear employment disputes and resolve employment matters.The President of the Fair Employment Tribunal is also President of the Industrial Tribunals and is appointed to bothpositions by the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. The Vice President ofthe Fair Employment Tribunal is also the Vice President of the Industrial Tribunals and is appointed to bothpositions by the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. Chairmen of the FairEmployment Tribunal are appointed by the Lord Chancellor under the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order1998 and are appointed Chairmen to the Industrial Tribunals by the Head of the Department for Employment andLearning under the Industrial Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) <strong>2004</strong>.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>President : Mr J E MaguireRemuneration : 119160Mrs M Percival-Vice President :PriceRemuneration : 113121Staff Employed:60OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report:-Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £Northern IrelandAudit OfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherPresident, Vice President andDeputy MembersChairsMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :11M/9F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0V110M/51F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0VNotes:To date full-time Chairmen have been co-jointly appointed to both tribunals whereas part-time Chairmen have beenappointed initially to the Industrial Tribunals. At present there is only one part-time Chairmen of both Tribunals. For thefuture it is intended that appointment of part-time Chairmen will be to both Tribunals. Please note the 11 Male Non-Ministerial Appointments include 3 full-time and 8 part-time chairmen. The 9 Female Non-Ministerial Appointmentsinclude 4 full-time and 5 part-time chairpersons. *Please note that "Expenditure for 2002/03" for the Industrial Tribunaland Fair Employment Tribunals cannot be broken down by Tribunal. Figures are shown only in the data for the FairEmployment Tribunal to avoid double-counting.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 333M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

NIE DEPARTMENT FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSCentral Management Branch, Department for Regional Development, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street,Address :Belfast, BT2 8GBEnquiries : Alan DohertyTelephone:02890 541140 GTN : Fax : 02890 540064E-mail : alan.doherty@drdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.drdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointees0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointeesADVISORY NDPBNORTHERN IRELAND WATER COUNCIL (NIWC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 90 244711 Fax Number : 028 90 357597EmailAddress :patricia.carey@drdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.watercouncilni.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Strategic Policy Branch - Water Service, Northland House, Frederick Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 2NRTo advise the Dept of Environment, the Dept for Regional Development, the Dept of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment and the Dept for Culture, Arts and Leisure on the exercise of their functions under the Water Act(NI) 1972, the Water and Sewerage Services (NI) Order 1973 and the Water (NI) Order 1999.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :MR J D W MOORERemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 1999 -2002Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 10000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :334

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Regional Development <strong>Public</strong> CorporationPUBLIC CORPORATIONNORTHERN IRELAND TRANSPORT HOLDING COMPANY (NITHC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 02890 243456 Fax Number : 02890 438717Email Address : property@nithc.fsnet.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.translink.co.<strong>uk</strong>/nithco.aspAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Chamber of Commerce House, 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 7LXThe control and management of public transport within Northern Ireland. It is the parent company of allpublicly owned bus and rail companies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Joan Smyth CBERemuneration : 36000Chief Executive : Mr J AikenRemuneration : Not AvailableStaff Employed : 35OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003/04Last Review : <strong>2004</strong>Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Ernst & Young<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/1F P, 2M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:NOTE - Gross Expenditure - As permitted by Article 236 (7) of the Companies (NI) Order 1986 the P&L Account of theCompany is not presented as part of the Annual Financial Statements.Appointments and Remuneration Key:M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

NIE DEPARTMENT FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : 5th Floor Lighthouse Building, Gasworks Business Park, 2 Cromac Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast , BT7 2JBEnquiries : Billy CrawfordTelephone : 028 9082 9030 GTN : Fax : 028 9082 9547E-mail : billy.crawford@dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBCHARITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9082 9303 Fax Number :Email Address : Ian.McDonald@dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Lighthouse Building, 1 Cromac Place, Gasworks Business Park, Ormeau Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT7 2JBTerms of Reference : To advise the Department on issues relating to CharitiesNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>FrankChair :LedwidgeRemuneration : 0Chief Executive:n/aRemuneration :Staff Employed:0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review :1997 quinquennialreviewExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 35000Total GrossExpenditure £last audited September2003Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 2M/2F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE ADVISORY BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (DLAAB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9033 6916 Fax Number : 028 9054 2112Email Address : Website :Address :Terms of Reference :Castle Court, Royal Avenue, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 4SDTo advise the Department for Social Development on matters relating to Disability Living Allowance andAttendance Allowance on specific cases and questions referred to it.Notes :336

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social Development Advisory NDPBNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration : 280 per daySecretary : Dr Martin DonnellyRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoneAnnual Report : 2003Last Review :NoneExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : None<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 42000Total Gross Expenditure £ 42000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 1V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Agnes McKnight was Chair up to 31 December 2003, when her appointment ended. The position of Chair was vacant asof 31 March <strong>2004</strong>, and was not filled until 3 May <strong>2004</strong>.EXECUTIVE NDPBLAGANSIDE CORPORATIONMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9032 8507 Fax Number : 028 9033 2141EmailAddress :info@laganside.com Website : www.laganside.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Clarendon Building, 15 Clarendon Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3BGLaganside Corporation was established by <strong>Gov</strong>ernment under the Laganside Development (NI) Order 1989. TheCorporation's objective is to secure the physical, economic and social regeneration of its 'designated' area bybringing land and buildings into effective use and by encouraging public and private investment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Tony HopkinsRemuneration : 28487Chief Executive:KyleAlexanderRemuneration : 57049Staff Employed:21OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review :2001 QuinquennialReviewExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 6750000Exp By Dept £ 25000Total GrossExpenditure £6775000Northern Ireland AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The figure of £25K for expenditure by Department is to cover administration costs for the salary for a DP.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 337M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social Development Executive NDPBNORTHERN IRELAND HOUSING EXECUTIVE (NIHE)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9024 0588 Fax Number : 028 9031 8008Email Address : info@nihe.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nihe.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :The Housing Centre, 2 Adelaide Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 8PBTerms of Reference : To examine housing conditions and housing requirements on a regular basis.Notes :The NIHE fulfils functions carried out by local government in Great Britain.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Sid McDowellRemuneration : 36620Chief Executive:PaddyMcIntyreRemuneration : 101547Staff Employed:3200OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Commissioner forComplaintsAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernmentAuditor<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 645000000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £645000000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : The 'expenditure by Dept on sponsorship' is not separately identified in DSDNI accounts.OTHER BODIES (NIE ONLY)VAUGHAN'S CHARITY TRUSTEESMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 6632 3101 Fax Number :EmailAddress :Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :C/o Mr Brian Thompson, Clerk to the Trustees of Vaughan's Charity, Enniskillen Agricultural College, Enniskillen,Co Fermanagh,To promote the advancement of agriculture in County Fermanagh in accordance with the charitable intentions ofthe late George Vaughan.Founded in 1780 under the Will of the late George Vaughan, Vaughan's Charity's purpose is to promote theadvancement of agriculture in Co. Fermanagh, primarily by making grants to young farmers to study newagricultural practices, techniques and technology. It is a charity, and is bound by charity law to carry out thecharitable aims of the late Mr Vaughan, not government policy. It has a charitable endowment bequeathed to itby the late Mr Vaughan, and receives no public money. It has no role in the processes of national government.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr S LytleRemuneration : 0Clerk (to theTrustees) :Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0BrianThompsonOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :NoNoNoExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £0by the Comptroller andAuditor-General338

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social Development Other BodyAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 4M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Vaughan's is a charity, primarily making grants to young farmers, and receives no public money. Vaughan's falls outsidethe normal remit for an NDPB, but was included for the first time in the DSD return for 2003 so that there was somemeans by which its details could be recorded.TRIBUNAL NDPBRENT ASSESSMENT PANEL (RAP)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9091 0050 Fax Number : 028 9091 0060EmailAddress :rent.office@dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dsdni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/housing/private-rented-sectorAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Andras House, 60 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT2 7BBRent Assessment Committees operate under the auspices of the Rent (NI) Order 1978 and are established toallow both landlord and tenant to appeal against the prevailing rent chargeable by law for registered regulatedprivate rented tenancies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Rent Officer : Mrs J L McCrumRemuneration : 298 per dayChair :noneRemuneration :Staff Employed : 24OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman :noneAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : none<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 49298Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherRent Officer Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V9M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 339M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social Development Short Term <strong>Bodies</strong>NIE DEPARTMENT FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTAD HOC ADVISORY GROUPJOINT GOVERNMENT VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY FORUMDateEstablished :October 1998Date Reported/ Due to Report:Report Details:Date Wound Up:Notes :The forum meets 3/4 times peryear to discuss issues ofcommon concern and wherepossible, to develop a sharedapproachAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :19Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:015Number ofPrivate Sector : 0Joint Chairs :Dave Wall, Grade 5 from the Voluntary and CommunityUnit, Urban Regeneration and Community Directorate,Department for Social Development & Professor JimmyKearney, from the Voluntary and Community SectorTASK FORCETASK FORCE ON RESOURCING THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTORDateEstablished :February 2003Date Reported/ Due toReport :Report Details:Date WoundUp :Notes :September <strong>2004</strong>Future resourcing of the voluntary and communitysector in Northern Ireland, including what action isrequired to enable the sector to continue to make asubstantial contribution to the well being of theNorthern Ireland CommunityAppointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number ofCivil Servants : 4Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector:Number ofPrivate Sector:Chair :251John McGrath, Deputy Secretary,Urban Regeneration andCommunity Development Group,Department for SocialDevelopment340

NIE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, BT4 3SBEnquiries : Jim DitchfieldTelephone : 028 9052 4551 GTN : Fax : 028 9052 4906E-mail :jim.ditchfield@dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,1M/1F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBDRAINAGE COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (DCNI)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 02890 253357 Fax Number : 02890 253455Email Address:enquiry.rivers@dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.riversagency.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :c/o Rivers Agency, Hydebank, 4 Hospital Road, Belfast, BT8 8JPTo decide which watercourses and sea defences should be maintained by the Rivers Agency at public expenseand to consider the Department's proposals in relation to drainage schemes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr R MyersRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN IRELAND (ARINI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9268 2484 Fax Number : 028 9268 9594Email Address : arini@dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Large Park, Hillsborough, Co Down, BT26 6DRConducts research into animals and crop production, promulgates scientific findings through technologytransfer and provides training for students in the Agri-food area.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 341M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 0Mr W GSmythChief Executive:Mr S MayneRemuneration :Staff Employed : 95OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2352000Exp By Dept £ 2622000Total Gross Expenditure£4762000Johnston, Graham &CoAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair and members appointed by Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ulster Farmers' Union, UlsterAgricultural Organisation Society and Queen's University, Belfast. Total gross expenditure includes notional costsAGRICULTURAL WAGES BOARD (AWB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 028 9052 0813 Fax Number : 028 9052 4266Email Address : Damien.Quinn@dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dardni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/core/dard0227Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3SBTo set the minimum rate of wages and certain other related entitlements, such as holiday and sick pay, foragricultural workers in Northern Ireland.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr W F Gillespie OBERemuneration : 228 per meeting(Acting) Secretary : Mr E WeatherallRemuneration : civil servantStaff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : *<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Members (including the Chair) are appointed by DARD, the Ulster Farmers' Union and the Amalgamated Transport andGeneral Workers' Union. Expenditure forms part of the total DARD expenditure. OPCA regulates DARD appointmentsonly. * Accounts for DARD are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland342

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPBsLIVESTOCK AND MEAT COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (LMC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 02892 633000 Fax Number : 02892 633001Email Address:info@lmcni.com Website : www.lmcni.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Lissue House, 31 Ballinderry Road, Lisburn, Antrim, BT28 2SLTo provide information and other services to the NI beef and sheep meat industries. To provide promotion andmarketing support in the main markets served and to assist the strategic development of the sector.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr OChair :BrennanRemuneration : 15250Chief Executive:Mr DRutledgeRemuneration : 78360Staff Employed:77OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoYesNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £3475000PriceWaterhouse Cooper, Comptrollerand Audit GeneralAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Minutes on website Not funded by grants. Levy funded only Total gross expenditure figure includes notional costs.NORTHERN IRELAND FISHERY HARBOUR AUTHORITY (NIFHA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 02844 613844 Fax Number : 02844 617128EmailAddress :mccaughey@nifha.freeserve.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nifha.fsnet.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :3 St Patrick's Avenue, Downpatrick, Down, BT30 6DWResponsible for the fishing ports of Kilkeel, Ardglass and Portavogie. This includes the management, maintenanceand improvement of the harbour and harbour estates; the operation of facilities provided at the harbour; and themaintenance of entrances and channels to the harbours.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr RT FerrisRemuneration : 5530Chief Executive:Mr ChrisWarnockRemuneration : 42146Staff Employed:23OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :YesYesNoAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2003Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 66000Exp By Dept £ 197000PriceWaterhouseCooperTotal Gross Expenditure£2879000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 343M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Total gross expenditure figure includes notional costs.PIG PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (PPDC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 02894 464137 Fax Number : 02894 460471Email Address : p.i.gconi@aol.com Website :Address :Terms of Reference:14 Kirby's Lane, Antrim, Antrim, BT41 4PPTo provide services and facilities for the benefit of persons engaged in the production of pigs in NorthernIreland.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr G AndersonRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Deloitte & Touche<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 248000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : No cost of capital charge in 'Total Gross Expenditure'344

NIE DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE, ARTS AND LEISUREDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Interpoint, 20-24 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1AQEnquiries : David CraigTelephone : +44 (0) 28 9025 8825 GTN : Fax : + 44 (0) 28 9025 8906E-mail : cm@dcalni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dcalni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsEXECUTIVE NDPBARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND (ACNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9038 5200 Fax Number : 028 9066 1715Email Address : lmcdowell@artscouncil-ni.org Website : www.artscouncil-ni.orgAddress : Arts Council of Northern Ireland, MacNeice House, 77 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6AQTerms ofReference :Notes :To develop and improve the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts, and to increase public access toand participation in the arts.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Rosemary KellyRemuneration : 8000Chief Executive : Ms Roisin McDonoughRemuneration : 55327Staff Employed : 42OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 1995Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7960000Exp By Dept £ 696000Total Gross Expenditure £ 10000000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by Department on Sponsorship is based on an arbitrary allocation of DCAL central administration costs tothe branches of the Department.FISHERIES CONSERVANCY BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (FCB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 3833 4666 Fax Number : 028 3833 8912Email Address : fiona@fcbni.org Website : www.fcbni.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland, 1 Mahon Road, PORTADOWN, Craigavon, Armagh, BT623EEThe conservation and protection of salmon and inland fisheries of Northern Ireland (apart from the fisheriesin the Londonderry and Newry areas).Appointments and Remuneration Key: 345M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Robert HannaRemuneration : 5170Chief Executive : Mrs Karen SimpsonRemuneration : 43910Staff Employed : 28OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2002Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : See note below<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 157590Exp By Dept £ 63000Total Gross Expenditure £ 1068778Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 14M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Audit arrangements. External Auditors- Goldblatt McGuigan Internal Auditors - Beeches Management Centre Expenditureby Department on Sponsorship is based on an arbitrary allocation of DCAL central administration costs to the branchesof the Department.NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES OF NORTHERN IRELAND (MAGNI)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 90 38 3000 Fax Number : 028 9038 3003Email Address:Website : www.magni.org.<strong>uk</strong>/Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland, Botanic Gardens, BELFAST, BT9 5ABThrough its collections, its key functions are to promote the awareness, appreciation and understanding of i)art,history and science, ii)the culture and way of life of the people of Northern Ireland and iii) the migration andsettlement of its people.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs M ElliottRemuneration : 8000Chief Executive : Mr Tim CookeRemuneration : 90000Staff Employed : 369OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2001/02Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 11714720Exp By Dept £ 742000Total Gross Expenditure £ 12991079Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by Department on Sponsorship is based on an arbitrary allocation of DCAL central administration costs tothe branches of the Department.346

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPBsNORTHERN IRELAND MUSEUMS COUNCIL (NIMC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9055 0215 Fax Number : 028 9055 0216Email Address : info@nimc.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nimc.co.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Northern Ireland Museums Council, 6 Crescent Gardens, BELFAST, BT7 1NSTo support and advise regional and local museums in Northern Ireland in improving their standards ofcollections care, and in making their collections as accessible as possible.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor T GChair :FraserRemuneration : 0Director :Remuneration : 44640Staff Employed:7Mr Chris BaileyOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -YesNoYesAnnual Report : 2003/04Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :McClureWatters<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 236491Exp By Dept £ 742000Total Gross Expenditure£261521Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Vice Chair MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 8M/3F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by Department on Sponsorship is based on an arbitrary allocation of DCAL central administration costs tothe branches of the Department.SPORTS COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (SCNI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9038 1222 Fax Number : 028 9068 2757Email Address : info@sportni.net Website : www.sportni.netAddress :Sports Council for Northern Ireland , House of Sport, Upper Malone Road , BELFAST, BT9 5LATerms of Reference : To further sport and recreational facilities in Northern Ireland.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor E D SaundersRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive : Mr Eamonn McCartanRemuneration : 70198Staff Employed : 70OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests : YesOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2000/01Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : NIAO<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 7456608Exp By Dept £ 296000Total Gross Expenditure £ 9100000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 347M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 7M/5F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Expenditure by Department on Sponsorship is based on an arbitrary allocation of DCAL central administration costs tothe branches of the Department.348

NIE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Rathgael House, Balloo Road, BT19 7PREnquiries : Liam BarrTelephone : 028 9127 9978 GTN : Fax : 028 9127 9248E-mail :laim.barr@deni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.deni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY6M/2F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :6M/2F All Appointments0M/1F Ministerial Appointments,0M/1F All AppointmentsEXECUTIVE NDPBBELFAST EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (BELB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 90564000 Fax Number : 028 90331714Email Address : info@belb.co.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.belb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : 40 Academy Street, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 2NQTerms ofReference :Notes :The Board is responsible for securing the provision of primary and secondary education; and educationalservices for children with special needs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Miss CChair :McKinneyRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive:Mr D CargoRemuneration : 84449Staff Employed:3224OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2002/03Last Review : 1998NI Commissioner forComplaintsExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 281064000Exp By Dept £ 469000Total GrossExpenditure £308086000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 24M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - the £469000 figure is the cost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role inrelation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and Staff Commission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individualcosts to each body.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 349M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPBsCOUNCIL FOR CATHOLIC MAINTAINED SCHOOLSMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9042 6972 Fax Number : 028 9042 4255EmailAddress :info.ccms@nics.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : onlineccms.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :160 High Street, Holywood, Co Down, BT18 9HTTo promote effective management in the Catholic Maintained Sector through the provision of advice andinformation. To help raise and sustain educational standards in the sector, and to provide a focus and unifiedvoice for the Catholic maintained sectors in all matters related to educational policy and procedure.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Most Rev JChair :McAreaveyRemuneration : 5231Chief Executive:Remuneration :Staff Employed:68Mr DonalFlanaganOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 2001NI Commissioner forComplaintsExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2281000Exp By Dept £ 55000Total GrossExpenditure £2237000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 6M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chief Executive remuneration not available until CCMS accounts for 2003/04 are received.NORTH EASTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (NEELB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 25653333 Fax Number : 028 25646071Email Address : neelb@nics.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.neelb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, Co Antrim , Antrim, BT42 1HNTerms ofReference :Notes :The Board is responsible for securing the provision of primary and secondary education; and educationalservices for children with special needs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mrs JChair :ChristieRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive:Mr GToppingRemuneration : 94821Staff Employed:3464OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :NI Commissioner forComplaintsAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 243036000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £286991000350

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 22M/10F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - (refer to the <strong>Public</strong> Body Return Form for Belfast ELB), the £469000 figure is thecost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role in relation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and StaffCommission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individual costs to each body.NORTHERN IRELAND COUNCIL FOR THE CURRICULUM EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT (CCEA)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 90261200 Fax Number : 028 90261234Email Address : info@ccea.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ccea.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Clarendon Dock , 29 Clarendon Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT1 3BGTo keep all aspects of the curriculum, examinations and assessment under review, to publish anddisseminate curriculum, examinations and assessment materials, and to conduct examinations andassessment.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr A C RChair :LennonOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :NoNoExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 13645000Northern Ireland AuditOfficeRemuneration : 14300<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoExp By Dept £ 64000Chief Executive:Mr Gavin BoydRemuneration : 73846Ombudsman :Annual Report :Total Gross Expenditure£19223000Staff Employed:261Last Review :Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/7F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :SOUTH EASTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (SEELB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 90566200 Fax Number : 028 905662667Email Address : info@seelb.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.seelb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address : Grahambridge Road, Dundonald, BELFAST, Antrim, BT16 2HSTerms ofReference :Notes :The Board is responsible for securing the provision of primary and secondary education; and educationalservices for children with special needs.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 351M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr R GibsonRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive:Mr J BFitzsimmonsRemuneration : 89492Staff Employed:3628OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2202/03Last Review : 1998NI Commissioner forComplaintsExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 223128000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £255575000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 22M/11F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - (refer to the <strong>Public</strong> Body Return Form for Belfast ELB), the £469000 figure is thecost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role in relation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and StaffCommission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individual costs to each body.SOUTHERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (SELB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 37512200 Fax Number : 028 37512490Email Address : selb.hq@selb.org Website : www.selb.orgAddress : 3 Charlemont Place, The Mall, Armagh City, Armagh, BT61 9AXTerms ofReference :Notes :The Board is responsible for securing the provision of primary and secondary education; and educationalservices for children with special needs.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs M AlexanderRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive:Remuneration : 84821Staff Employed:4310Mrs H MMcClenaghanOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 1998NI Commissioner forComplaintsExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 272179000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £301801000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 26M/7F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - (refer to the <strong>Public</strong> Body Return Form for Belfast ELB), the £469000 figure is thecost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role in relation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and StaffCommission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individual costs to each body.352

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPBsSTAFF COMMISSION FOR EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARDSMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 90491461 Fax Number : 028 90491744Email Address : info@staffcom.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.staff.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Forest View , Purdy's Lane, BELFAST, Antrim, BT8 7ARTo oversee matters connected with recruitment, training and terms and conditions of employment of officersof the Education and Library BoardsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Prof BerardChair :CullenRemuneration : 5855Staff CommissionSecretary :Remuneration :Staff Employed : 7Mrs P WeirOPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :NI Commissioner forComplaintsAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 1996Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 1996<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 296000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £302000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 8M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - (refer to the <strong>Public</strong> Body Return Form for Belfast ELB), the £469000 figure is thecost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role in relation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and StaffCommission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individual costs to each body.WESTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (WELB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 82411411 Fax Number : 028 82111400Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :1 Hospital Road, Omagh, Tyrone, BT79 0AWThe Board is responsible for securing the provision of primary and secondary education; and educationalservices for children with special needs.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr H MullanRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive:BarryMulhollandRemuneration : 92679Staff Employed:3599OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2002/03Last Review : 1998NI Commissioner forComplaintsExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 255839000Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £277848000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 353M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 21M/12F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Other Expenditure by Department - (refer to the <strong>Public</strong> Body Return Form for Belfast ELB), the £469000 figure is thecost incurred by DE in carrying out its sponsoring role in relation to all 5 Education and Library Boards and StaffCommission. It is not possible to accurately attribute individual costs to each body.YOUTH COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELANDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9064 3882 Fax Number : 028 9064 3874Email Address:info@youthcouncil-ni.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.youthcouncil-ni.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Forestview, Purdy's Lane, Belfast, BT8 7ARTo take action on issues affecting young people and to develop and enhance the quality of youth work practicein Northern Ireland. Assessment and payment of grants to headquarters voluntary youth organisations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mrs M YoungRemuneration : 12520Chief Executive:Mr DavidGuilfoyleRemuneration : 56090Staff Employed:19OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :NI AssemblyOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2001/02Last Review :Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2582000Exp By Dept £ 50000Total GrossExpenditure £2833000Northern Ireland AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :354

NIE DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE, TRADE AND INVESTMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast, BT4 2JPEnquiries : David McCuneTelephone : 028 9052 9422 GTN : - Fax : 028 9052 9894E-mail : david.mccune@detini.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.detini.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :1M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsEXECUTIVE NDPBGENERAL CONSUMER COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (GCC NI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9067 2488 Fax Number : 028 9065 7701Email Address : info@gccni.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.gccni.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Elizabeth House, 116 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NYTerms ofReference :Notes :To promote and safeguard the interests of consumers; and to campaign for the best possible standards ofservice and protection.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr StephenChair :CostelloRemuneration : 19619Chief Executive:Mrs Eleanor GillRemuneration : 50325Staff Employed:29OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report:2003Last Review : 2000NI Ombudsman, Mr TomFrawleyExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1022000Exp By Dept £ 35000Total GrossExpenditure £1089000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 6M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 355M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Executive NDPBsHEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (HSENI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9024 3249 Fax Number : 028 9023 5383Email Address:hseni@detini.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.hseni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :83 Ladas Drive, Belfast, BT6 9FRTo see that the risks to people's health and safety arising from work activities are effectively controlled, therebycontributing to the overall economic and social well-being of our community.HSENI has crown status. Staff are civil servants.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr LiamChair :McBrinnRemuneration : 15000Chief Executive:Mr Jim KeyesRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed:83OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2003Last Review : -NI Ombudsman, Mr TomFrawleyExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3311094Exp By Dept £ 27000Total GrossExpenditure £3264444Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 5M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : HSENI has crown status. Staff are civil servants.INVEST NORTHERN IRELAND (Invest NI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9023 9090 Fax Number : 028 9049 0490Email Address : info@investni.com Website : www.investni.comAddress :Goodwood House, 44-58 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NNTerms of Reference : To accelerate economic development in Northern Ireland.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor FabianChair :MondsRemuneration : 36682Chief Executive:Mr LeslieMorrisonRemuneration : 152000Staff Employed:681OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2003Last Review : 2003NI Ombudsman, Mr TomFrawleyExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 142136205Exp By Dept £ 65000Total GrossExpenditure £152246727356

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND TOURIST BOARD (NITB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9023 1221 Fax Number : 028 9023 0960Email Address : info@nitb.com Website : www.nitb.comAddress :St Anne's Court, 59 North Street, Belfast, BT1 1NBTerms of Reference : To ensure that tourism contributes to the creation of a dynamic, competitive economy.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr TomChair :McGrathRemuneration : 20450Chief Executive:Mr AlanClarkeRemuneration : 69018Staff Employed:106OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2002Last Review : 1998NI Ombudsman, Mr TomFrawleyExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 9198000Exp By Dept £ 35135Total GrossExpenditure £8668000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 357M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

NIE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND PERSONNELDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Rathgael House, 3rd Floor, Balloo Road, Bangor, BT19 7NAEnquiries : Ann TorrensTelephone : 028 9185 8206 GTN : - Fax : 028 9127 7647E-mail : ann.torrens@dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBCIVIL SERVICE APPEAL BOARD (CSAB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9052 6617 Fax Number : 028 9052 6132EmailAddress :sharon.miles@dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : CSAB CPG/CPG/DFPAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room 245 Rosepark House, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3NRThe Civil Service Appeal Board (CSAB) is an independent appeals body which deals mainly with appeals from CivilServants who have been dismissed or retired early. Evidence from the appellant and the employing Department isobtained before decisions are reached.The CSAB has 4 functions:- i. to decide whether a Department's decision to retire an individual early or to dismissis fair and that the proper procedures have been followed; ii. to act as the Appeal Board for Civil Servants whohave been refused permission by their Departments to undertake political activities; iii. to consider appeals againsta proposal to withhold superannuation benefits under rule 8.2 of the PCSPS(NI); iv. to consider appeals against aDepartmental decision not to pay compensation in cases of dismissal on grounds of inefficiency.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr W PollockRemuneration : £298 per day plus expensesChief Executive : 0Remuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoAnnual Report :YesLast Review : 1999Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 26428Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V11M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :LAW REFORM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (LRAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9054 2900 Fax Number : 028 9054 2909Email Address : clare.irvine@dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.olrni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/advisorysiteAddress :1st Floor, Lancashire House, 5 Linenhall Street , Belfast, BT2 8AATerms of Reference : To keep the civil law of Northern Ireland under review and make recommendations for its reformNotes :358

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Finance and Personnel Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :The Hon Mr Justice P GirvanRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report :YesLast Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Nil<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 25000Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 3M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND BUILDING REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NIBRAC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9054 2923 Fax Number : 028 9054 7866Email Address : hugh.murray@dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Office estates and Buildings standards Division, Building Regulations Unit, 3rd Floor, Lancashire House, 3Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8AATerms ofReference :Notes :To advise the Department of Finance and Personnel on the amendment of building regulations; and on anyother matter arising out of or connected with the operation of building regulations.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Trevor MartinRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : noneRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoAnnual Report :NoLast Review : 1992Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Nil<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 4000Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 359M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Finance and Personnel Advisory NDPBsSTATISTICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (S.A.C.)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9034 8110 Fax Number : 028 9034 8117Email Address:info.nisra@dfpni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nisra.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :NI Statistics & Research Agency, McAuley House, 2-14 Castle Street, Belfast, BT1 1SATo provide advice to NI Departments on matters relating to the collection and disclosure of statisticalinformation under the 1988 Order and to advise on such matters as may be referred to it by Departments.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Ian CarrollRemuneration : 0Chief Executive : NoneRemuneration : 0Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman :NoAnnual Report :NoLast Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : Nil<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 12M/2F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :360

NIE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES AND PUBLIC SAFETYDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Room D1.4, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SREnquiries : Julie StewartTelephone : 028 9052 8345 GTN : - Fax : 028 9052 3206E-mail : julie.stewart@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY14M/9F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :14M/9F All Appointments0M/2F Ministerial Appointments,0M/2F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBDISTINCTION AND MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARDS COMMITTEE (DMSAC)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9052 2817 Fax Number : 028 9052 2912EmailAddress :john.nesbitt@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>/hss/dmsac/dmsacAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room D1.3, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTo advise the Dept of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety which medical and dental consultants shouldreceive awards for professional distinction, having regard to the number of awards available for allocation.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr R H McGuigan CBERemuneration : 4400Secretary : Mr John NesbittRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2001Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 5300000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 5300000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/1F P, 2M/2F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : £5.3m is amount paid in awards.POISONS BOARDMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9052 2118 Fax Number : 028 9052 8490Email Address:linda.hutcheson@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTo advise the Dept of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety on substances which are to be treated as nonmedicalpoisons and on matters concerning the sale, supply and storage of non-medicinal poisons.Board currently in abeyanceAppointments and Remuneration Key: 361M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair : -Remuneration : -Secretary : Mrs Linda HutchesonRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Board currently in abeyance.EXECUTIVE NDPBMENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (-)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9065 1157 Fax Number : 028 9065 1180Email Address : mhc@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : under constructionAddress :Elizabeth House, 118 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NYTerms of Reference : To monitor the care and treatment of mentally disordered people.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Marion O'NeillRemuneration : 13410Chief Executive : Mr Francis WalshRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 9OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Northern Ireland OmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KMPG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 424000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 512000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 8M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :362

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Executive NDPBsNORTHERN IRELAND MEDICAL AND DENTAL TRAINING AGENCY (NIMDTA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9052 0668 Fax Number : 028 9052 2912EmailAddress :joyce.cairns@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nimdta.comAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :5 Annadale Avenue, Belfast, BT7 3JHTo facilitate the provision and development of high quality postgraduate and continuing medical and dentaleducation within Northern Ireland, enabling healthcare to be provided that compares favourably with the best inthe UK.Previously called the Northern Ireland Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental EducationNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr Robert HenryChair :McGuiganRemuneration : 12644Chief Executive:Dr J R M'CluggageRemuneration : 131674Staff Employed:35OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2002/03Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 28467000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £28945000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 5VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Previously called the Northern Ireland Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental EducationNORTHERN IRELAND PRACTICE AND EDUCATION COUNCIL FOR NURSING AND MIDWIFERY (NIPEC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9023 8152 Fax Number : 028 9033 3298Email Address : enquiries@nipec.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nipec.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference :Notes :Centre House, 79 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JENIPEC aims to improve the quality of health and care by supporting the practice, education andperformance of nurses and midwives.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mrs MaureenChair :GriffithRemuneration : 9483Director :Miss PaddieBlaneyRemuneration : 48480Staff Employed:22OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1858000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £953000Appointments and Remuneration Key: 363M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/1F EX,0VNotes:NIPEC received additional grant to pay for liabilities taken over from abolished National Board for Nursing, Midwifery andHealth Visiting for Northern Ireland to which NIPEC is successor body.THE NORTHERN IRELAND SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL (-)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9041 7600 Fax Number : 028 9041 7601EmailAddress :info@niscc.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.niscc.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :7th Floor Millennium House, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AQTo increase the protection of users of service, their carers and the public, by regulating the social care workforce,developing codes of conduct and practice for social care workers and their employers, and to raise standards ofsocial care practice. To strengthen the professionalism of the workforce by improving professional social workeducation, training and development, and promoting education and training in social care.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr JeremyChair :HarbisonRemuneration : 15375Chief Officer :Mr BrendanJohnstonRemuneration : 61215Staff Employed:26OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2001/02Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 1590000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £1711000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 13M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HEALTH AND PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES NDPBEASTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (EHSSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9032 1313 Fax Number : 028 9032 3681Email Address : enquiry@ehssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ehssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Champion House, 12-22 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BSTerms of Reference : Planning and commissioning health and personal services for its resident population.Notes :364

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr DavidRussellRemuneration : 23876Chief Executive:Dr PaulaKilbaneRemuneration : 98219Staff Employed:331OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 988984000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £1003676000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:*51 staff are made up of LHSCG non-executive members and GP Forum Advisors. Includes funding for the EasternHealth and Social Services Council.EASTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (EHSSC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9032 1230 Fax Number : 028 9032 1750Email Address:ecouncil@ehssc.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ehssc.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :First Floor McKelvey House, 25-27 Wellington Place, Belfast, BT1 6GQRepresenting the interests of the public in health and social services in its Health and Social Services BoardArea; and providing an independent oversight of the activities of the Board.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr B CoulterRemuneration : 0Mrs JaneChief Officer :GrahamRemuneration : -Staff Employed:7OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2001Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £298000Northern Ireland AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/12F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is elected from members. Funding for Council is included in the Eastern Health and Social Services Board income.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 365M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsHEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRUSTSMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :Yes (19)Telephone : 028 9052 0500 Fax Number : -EmailAddress :- Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTo own, manage and/or provide hospitals or other establishments or facilities formerly provided by the Healthand Social Services Boards, for the purpose of providing health and social services, and in some cases toexercise statutory functions on behalf of the Health and Social Services Boards.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Multiple15938 toRemuneration :20321Chief Executive:MultipleRemuneration : -Staff Employed:52421OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:MultipleLast Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Northern Ireland AuditOfficeTotal GrossExpenditure £2018045000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 12M/7F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 41M/52F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:HSS Trusts are required to include in their published Annual Report details of their Chief Executive's remuneration.Funding via SLA with commissioners (mainly Health Boards).NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (NHSSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 2565 3333 Fax Number : 028 2566 2311Email Address : pr@nhssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1QBTerms of Reference : Planning and commissioning health and personal services for its resident population.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr M WoodRemuneration : 15631Chief Executive:Mr StuartMacDonnellRemuneration : 99336Staff Employed:250OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2002Last Review : 2000Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 554361000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £563238000366

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Includes funding for the Northern Health and Social Services Council.NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (NHSSC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 2565 5777 Fax Number : 028 2565 5112Email Address : info@nhssc.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nhssc.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :8 Broadway Avenue, Ballymena, BT43 7AARepresenting the interests of the public in health and social services in its Health and Social Services BoardArea; and providing an independent oversight of the activities of the Board.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr TomChair :CreightonRemuneration : 0Chief Officer :Mr NoelGrahamRemuneration : -Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £187000Northern Ireland AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/12F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair is elected from members. Funding for Council is included in the Northern Health and Social Services Boardincome.NORTHERN IRELAND BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE (NIBTS)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9032 1414 Fax Number : 028 9043 9017Email Address : chiefexec@nibts.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nibts.orgAddress :Belfast City Hospital Complex, Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7TSTerms of Reference : To supply blood and blood products to all hospitals and clinical units in Northern Ireland.Notes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 367M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 6322Medical Director:Mr StephenCostelloDr W MMcClellandRemuneration : 113112Staff Employed:210OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2002/03Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 224968Exp By Dept £ 0Northern IrelandAudit OfficeTotal GrossExpenditure £15834871Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Medical Director's salary includes merit award and additional sessions. Majority of funding is through commissioners(£15.6m).NORTHERN IRELAND CENTRAL SERVICES AGENCY (CSA)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9055 3688 Fax Number : 028 9055 3624EmailAddress :chiefexec@csa.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.centralservicesagency.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :25 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8FHTo maximise the benefit to our customers of the Agency's position at the centre of HPSS professional supportservices and thus be recognised as the best value provider of our services. To take the lead in developing andproviding quality services and products as best value in partnership with our customers.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Prof Sean FultonRemuneration : 12664Chief Executive:Mr StephenHodkinsonRemuneration : 76557Staff Employed:606OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2002Northern IrelandOmbudsmanLast Review : 1992/93Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 20154000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure£64339435Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Most of income is from commissioners - Health Boards.368

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsNORTHERN IRELAND GUARDIAN AD LITEM AGENCYMultiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9031 6550 Fax Number : 028 9031 9811EmailAddress :ann.crawford@nigala.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Centre House, Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JETo recruit and manage a panel of persons from whom courts in Northern Ireland shall appoint Guardians ad litemfor the purposes of specified proceedings under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 and adoptionproceedings under the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr J CurrieRemuneration : 6322Executive Director:Mr RonnieWilliamsonRemuneration : 58486Staff Employed : 45OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report : 2001/02Last Review :under wayExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :KPMG<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 2036000Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure£2059995Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND HEALTH PROMOTION AGENCYMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9031 1611 Fax Number : 028 9031 1711Email Address : info@hpani.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.healthpromotionagency.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :18 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HSTerms of Reference:Notes :To advise the Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety on matters relating to healthpromotion.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Miss A QuinnRemuneration : 7608Chief Executive:Dr BrianGaffneyRemuneration : 75533Staff Employed:41OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanAnnual Report:2003Last Review : 2000Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 3519766Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £3604386Northern Ireland AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration Key: 369M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 2M/6F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NORTHERN IRELAND REGIONAL MEDICAL PHYSICS AGENCY (NIRMPA)Multiple<strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9063 4430 Fax Number : 028 9031 3040Email Address:peter.jarritt@mpa.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.medicalphysics.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Musgrave & Clark House, Royal Hospitals Site, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, BT12 6BAThe provision, support and development of the application of physics, technology and engineering to thehealthcare of the people of Northern Ireland. To undertake teaching and research in support of these activities.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Prof D GChair :WalmsleyRemuneration : 6322Chief Executive:Prof PeterJarrittRemuneration : 64322Staff Employed:111OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2002Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 490440Exp By Dept £ 0Northern IrelandAudit OfficeTotal GrossExpenditure £4041481Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Majority of funding through commissioners (£3.4m).SOUTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (SHSSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 3741 0041 Fax Number : 028 3741 4550Email Address : marethca@shssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.shssb.orgAddress :Tower Hill, Armagh, BT61 9DRTerms of Reference : Planning and commissioning health and personal services for its resident population.Notes :370

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Remuneration : 15631Chief Executive:Mrs FionnualaCookMr ColmDonaghyRemuneration : 74583Staff Employed:217OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2003Last Review : 2000Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 414033000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £420574000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 2M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Includes funding for the Southern Health and Social Services Council.SOUTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (SHSSC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 3834 9900 Fax Number : 028 3834 9858Email Address:ndownard@shssc.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.shsscouncil.netAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Quaker Buildings, High Street, Lurgan, BT66 8BBRepresenting the interests of the public in the health and social services in its Health and Social Services BoardArea; and providing an independent oversight of the activities of the Board.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Ms Roisin FosterRemuneration : 0Mrs Delia van derChief Officer :LendenRemuneration : -Staff Employed:5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2003Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Northern IrelandAudit OfficeTotal GrossExpenditure £205000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/1F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 16M/8F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Chair is elected from members. Funding for Council is included in the Southern Health and Social Services Boardincome.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 371M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsWESTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (WHSSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 7186 0086 Fax Number : 028 7186 0311Email Address : gormleym@whssb.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.whssb.orgAddress :15 Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Londonderry, BT47 1TGTerms of Reference : Planning and commissioning health and personal services for its resident populationNotes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Ms KarenChair :MeehanRemuneration : 15631Chief Executive:Mr StevenLindsayRemuneration : 78674Staff Employed:148OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2002Last Review : 2000Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :Northern Ireland AuditOffice<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 387685000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £393384000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 3M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Includes funding for the Western Health and Social Services Council.WESTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (WHSSB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 8225 2555 Fax Number : 028 8225 2544Email Address : mreilly@hilltop.n-i.nhs.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Hilltop, Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh, BT79 0NSRepresenting the interests of the public in the health and social services in its Health and Social Services BoardArea; and providing an independent oversight of the activities of the Board.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr RaymondChair :RoganRemuneration : 0Chief Officer :Ms MaggieReillyRemuneration : -Staff Employed:3OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong> Interests:YesOmbudsman :Annual Report:2003Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Northern IrelandAudit OfficeTotal GrossExpenditure £106000372

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/8F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair is elected from members. Funding for Council is included in the Western Health and Social Services Board income.OTHER BODIES (NIE ONLY)FIRE AUTHORITY FOR NORTHERN IRELANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9266 4221 Fax Number : 028 9266 2544Email Address : jim.mcdermott@nifb.org Website : www.nifb.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Brigade HQ, 1 Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SXTerms of Reference : To make provision for fire-fighting services and for the protection of fire.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr WilliamChair :GillespieRemuneration : 22709Chief Executive/ChiefFire Officer :Mr ColinLammeyRemuneration : 98673Staff Employed : 2021OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong>Meetings :Yes<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:Yes<strong>Public</strong>Interests :Ombudsman :YesAnnual Report:2003Last Review : 2000Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements:Northern IrelandAudit Office<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 52800000Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £54830000Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:The Fire Authority for Northern Ireland fulfils functions carried out by local government in Great Britain. The auditedstatement of accounts is also examined by the C&AG (NI).TRIBUNAL NDPBSOCIAL CARE TRIBUNALMultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9052 0682 Fax Number : 028 9052 0500EmailAddress :stuart.baxter@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Room D2.20, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTo consider appeals against the decisions of a) a Health and Social Services Board cancelling the registration of aperson in respect of a home or varying or imposing an additional condition in respect of a home; b) the NorthernIreland Social Care Council regarding the registration of social workers and social care workers.Appointment of Chair is made by the Lord Chancellor's Department. The Department appoints the members.Previously called the Registered Homes Tribunal.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 373M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr J A K Irvine/Mr H BlackRemuneration : 298 per daySecretary : Mr Stuart BaxterRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :2M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V32M/6F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes:Appointment of Chair is made by the Lord Chancellor's Department. NIE DHSSPS appoints the members. Previouslycalled the Registered Homes Tribunal.TRIBUNAL UNDER SCHEDULE 11 TO THE HEALTH AND PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES (NI) ORDER 1972Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9076 5604 Fax Number : 028 9076 5642Email Address : sheila.barfoot@dhsspsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :General Medical Services, Room D3, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTo inquire into cases where representations are made by a Health and Social Services Board or other personsfor the continued inclusion of persons on lists of practitioners authorised to provide family health services.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :VacantRemuneration : -Clerk to the Tribunal : NoneRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,1V0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V9M/3F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Chair and Deputy Chair are appointed by the Lord Chief Justice.374

Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Short Term BodyNIE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES AND PUBLIC SAFETYTASK FORCECHILDREN MATTER TASK FORCEDateEstablished :July 2000Date Reported /Due to Report :Report Details :Date Wound Up:Notes :June 2001The report described the progress made in implementing therecommendations of the "Children Matter" Report (1998) and inparticular the development of the Residential Care Provision inNorthern Ireland.Appointments SummaryYear : <strong>2004</strong>Number ofMinisters :0Number of CivilServants :8Number ofWider <strong>Public</strong>Servants :9Number ofVoluntary /Charity Sector : 1Number ofPrivate Sector : 0Chair :Mr Fergal Bradley/CivilServant/DHSSPS

NIE DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8GBEnquiries : Pauline HughesTelephone : 028 9054 1157 GTN : Fax : 028 9054 1169E-mail :pauline.hughes@doeni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.doeni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY1M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :1M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBCOUNCIL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION AND THE COUNTRYSIDE (CNCC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 028 9054 3050 Fax Number : 028 9054 3076Email Address : secretariat-hillstreet@doeni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Environment and Heritage Service, 5-33 Hill Street, Belfast, BT1 2LATo advise the Department on the exercise of its nature, conservation and countryside responsibilities under theNature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Amendment)(NI) Order 1989.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Dr Lucinda Blakiston HoustonRemuneration : 8780Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 1999Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 53858Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :HISTORIC BUILDINGS COUNCIL (HBC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9054 6050 Fax Number : 028 9054 3076Email Address : secretariat-hillstreet@doeni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms of Reference:Environment and Heritage Service, 5-33 Hill Street, Belfast, BT1 2LATo advise the Department on the exercise of its powers under the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order1991.Notes :376

Northern Ireland Executive Department of the Environment Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr I B McQuistonRemuneration :Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : 2000Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 22788Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/3F NP, 2VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Members are paid expensesHISTORIC MONUMENTS COUNCIL (HMC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9054 3050 Fax Number : 028 9054 3076Email Address : secretariat-hillstreet@doeni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Environment and Heritage Service, 5-33 Hill Street, Belfast, BT1 2LATo advise the Department on the exercise of its powers under the Historic Monuments and ArchaeologicalObjects (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr Richard BlackRemuneration : 0Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 16714Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 10M/4F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 377M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Department of the Environment Advisory NDPBsWASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD (WMAB)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9054 3068 Fax Number : 028 9054 3106Email Address : Website : www.ehsni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:5-33 Hill Street, Belfast, BT1 2LATo guide and monitor implementation of the Northern Ireland Waste Management Strategy during its initialphase.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Professor Deborah BoydRemuneration : 10000Chief Executive :Remuneration :Staff Employed :OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 38411Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 11M/3F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBLOCAL GOVERNMENT STAFF COMMISSION FOR NI (LGSC(NI))MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9031 3200 Fax Number : 028 9031 3151EmailAddress :info@lgsc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.lgsc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Commission House, 18-22 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LGTo exercise general oversight of matters connected with the recruitment, training and terms and conditions ofemployment of officers of councils and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE); and to makerecommendations to councils and the NIHE on such matters.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Mr SChair :McDowellRemuneration : 12359Chief Executive:Adrian KerrRemuneration : 77000Staff Employed:11OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoYesYesAnnual Report : 2003/<strong>2004</strong>Last Review : 1997Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total GrossExpenditure £540000Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernment AuditOffice378

Northern Ireland Executive Department of the Environment Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 14M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :NI LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS' SUPERANNUATION COMMITTEE (NILGOSC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> :NoTelephone : 028 9076 8025 Fax Number : 028 9076 8790Email Address : info@nilgosc.org.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.nilgosc.org.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms of Reference:Notes :Templeton House, 411 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 2LPTo administer a scheme and maintain a fund providing pension benefits for employees of local authoritiesand other admitted bodies.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>JohnChair :GalbraithRemuneration : 10128Secretary :DeaneMorriceRemuneration : 64413Staff Employed:39OPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman : -NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2002/2003Last Review : 1998Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure£1495000Local <strong>Gov</strong>ernment AuditOfficeAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 9M/1F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :Appointments and Remuneration Key: 379M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

NIE OFFICE OF THE FIRST MINISTER AND DEPUTY FIRST MINISTERDEPARTMENT DETAILSAddress : Central Management Unit, Block E4.15, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SREnquiries:Eileen HehirTelephone:028 9052 2075 GTN : Fax : 028 9076 7127E-mail : eileen.hehir@ofmdfmni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.ofmdfmni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Notes :The Secretary of State suspended devolution with effect from midnight on 14 October 2002 and, assisted by histeam of Northern Ireland Office ministers, has assumed responsibility for the direction and control of NorthernIreland departments.DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENT SUMMARY0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,Disabled : Ethnic Minority :0M/0F All Appointments0M/0F Ministerial Appointments,0M/0F All AppointmentsADVISORY NDPBADVISORY COUNCIL ON INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9052 2428 Fax Number : 028 9052 2552Email Address : kathryn.menary@ofmdfmni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : -Address : E5.20, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRTerms ofReference :Notes :To advise Ministers on the development and procurement of investment in renewing Northern Ireland'spublic service infrastructure.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Mr J KeanieRemuneration : 300 per dayChief Executive : -Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 15M/5F NP, 4VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Established March <strong>2004</strong>. No expenditure in 2002-03.STATUTE LAW COMMITTEE FOR NORTHERN IRELANDMultiple <strong>Bodies</strong>No:Telephone : 028 9052 6961 Fax Number : 028 9052 6052Email Address : lyn.mcculloch@ofmdfmni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website :Address :Terms ofReference :Statutory <strong>Public</strong>ations Office, 2nd Floor, The Arches Centre, 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5HDTo oversee the publication of the annual volumes and indices of the Statute Law of Northern Ireland and makerecommendations with respect to its consolidation and revision.Notes :380

Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Advisory NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :The Rt Hon Sir Brian KerrRemuneration : 0Secretary : Ms Lyn McCullochRemuneration : Civil ServantStaff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :NoOmbudsman : -Annual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :NeitherChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 0M/0F P, 1M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 5M/4F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes :EXECUTIVE NDPBCOMMISSIONER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (NICCY)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 9031 1616 Fax Number : 028 9031 4545Email Address : info@niccy.org Website : www.niccy.orgAddress : Millennium House, 17-25 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7BNTerms ofReference :Notes :The principal aim of the Commissioner in exercising his functions is to safeguard and promote the rights andbest interests of children and young people.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Commissioner for Children andYoung People :Mr NigelWilliamsRemuneration : 75000Chief Operating Officer :Mr BarneyMcNeanyRemuneration : 63800Staff Employed : 4OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes:No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report:-Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total GrossExpenditure £0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedCommissioner for Children and YoungDeputy MembersPeopleMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX, 0VAppointments : EX, 0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0FEX, 0VNotes : The first Commissioner was appointed on 1 October 2003. No expenditure in 2002-03.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 381M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPBsECONOMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN IRELAND (ERINI)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong>:NoTelephone : 028 9052 8492 Fax Number : 028 9052 2552Email Address : Website :Address :Terms ofReference :E5.20, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SRProvides for the public benefit, good quality, independent research and analyses and advice aimed atchallenging and developing public policy-making and strategic thinking on issues facing Northern Irelandsociety.Notes :NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Professor JohnChair :BeathRemuneration : 15000Head of Administration:Victor HewittRemuneration : 83000Staff Employed : 18OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report : -Last Review : -Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 9M/4F P, 0M/0F NP, 1VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Established on 23 June 2003. No expenditure in 2002-03.ILEX URBAN REGENERATION COMPANY LIMITED (Ilex URC)Multiple <strong>Bodies</strong> : NoTelephone : 028 7126 9226 Fax Number : 028 7127 9669Email Address : info@ilex-urc.com Website : www.ilex-urc.comAddress : 2nd Floor, Exchange House, Queens Quay, Londonderry, BT48 7ASTerms ofReference :Notes :Established in 2003 to stimulate social and economic regeneration for the city of Londonderry and the DerryCity Council area in Northern Ireland.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Dr Alan McClure OBEChair :DLRemuneration : 39891Company Secretary:Remuneration :Staff Employed : 2OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings:No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests:NoOmbudsman :Annual Report :Last Review :Northern IrelandOmbudsmanExpenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : 0<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0382

Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPBsAppointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 7M/2F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Established on 17 July 2003. No expenditure in 2002-03.STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD (SIB)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9052 2779 Fax Number : 028 9052 2432EmailAddress :contact.sib@sibni.org Website : www.sibni.orgAddress :Terms ofReference :Notes :Level 5, Block A, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, BT4 3SRTo help maximise value for money from the Strategic Investment Programme; reform of public sectorprocurement and establishment of <strong>Public</strong> Private Partnership as a core public sector procurement tool for strategicinfrastructure in Northern Ireland; development of Executive Investment Strategy.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chair :Tony WatsonRemuneration : 15000Chief Executive : Andy CartyRemuneration : *Staff Employed : 5OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings : No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes : No<strong>Public</strong> Interests : NoOmbudsman : Northern Ireland OmbudsmanAnnual Report : -Last Review : -Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements : -<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £ 0Exp By Dept £ 0Total Gross Expenditure £ 0Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :RegulatedChair Deputy MembersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 4M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-Ministerial Appointments:0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : * Paid on temporary secondment by parent employer (PUK) Established on 1 April 2003. No expenditure in 2002-03.TRIBUNAL NDPBPLANNING APPEALS COMMISSION (PAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9024 4710 Fax Number : 028 9031 2536EmailAddress :info@pacni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pacni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Park House, 87-91 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AGThe Commission has a dual role in the field of land use planning and related activities: (1) to make the decision onall appeals against departmental decisions on a wide range of matters, including planning applications,enforcement notices, listed buildings and advertised consent.(2) To hold inquiries and hearings as requested bydepartments in respect of such matters as major planning applications, objections to development plans, treepreservation orders and objections to development schemes. Following the inquiry or hearing the Commissionreports its findings and recommendations to the department concerned, which then makes the final decision onthese matters.Appointments and Remuneration Key: 383M = male F = female V = vacancyP = paid NP = not paid EX = ex-officio

Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Tribunal NDPBsNDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Commissioner :Remuneration : 86194Chief AdministrativeOfficer :Remuneration : -Staff Employed : 0Mr John WarkeMr FergalMcCallionOPENNESS ANDACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :<strong>Public</strong> Interests :Ombudsman :NoNoYesAnnual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Northern IrelandAudit OfficeExp By Dept £ 1464179Total GrossExpenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChief Commissioner Deputy Chief Commissioner CommissionersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Joint positions with the Water Appeals Commission. Financial details include Water Appeals Commission.WATER APPEALS COMMISSION (WAC)MultipleNo<strong>Bodies</strong> :Telephone : 028 9024 4710 Fax Number : 028 9031 2536EmailAddress :info@pacni.gov.<strong>uk</strong> Website : www.pacni.gov.<strong>uk</strong>Address :Terms ofReference :Notes :Park House, 87/91 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AGThe conduct of appeals, independent inquiries and hearings relating to departmental decisions and proposals on awide range of matters including trade effluent discharges, discharges to waterways/underground strata, provisionof water/sewerage services, water abstraction proposals, plumbing defects, fish culture licences, shell fisherylicences, construction of fish passes and draining schemes.NDPB STATISTICSYear : <strong>2004</strong>Chief Commissioner : Mr J WarkeRemuneration : 86194Chief Administrative Officer : Mr Fergal McCallionRemuneration : -Staff Employed : 0OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY<strong>Public</strong> Meetings :No<strong>Public</strong> Minutes :No<strong>Public</strong> Interests :YesOmbudsman :Annual Report : 2003Last Review : 2002Expenditure for 2002-2003Audit Arrangements :<strong>Gov</strong> Funding £Exp By Dept £Total Gross Expenditure £Appointments and Remuneration as at 31 March <strong>2004</strong>OCPA Regulated :MonitoredChief Commissioner Deputy Chief Commissioner CommissionersMinisterial Appointments : 1M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 0M/1F P, 0M/0F NP, 0V 11M/5F P, 0M/0F NP, 0VNon-MinisterialAppointments :0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0V0M/0F P, 0M/0F NP, 0M/0F EX,0VNotes : Joint positions with the Planning Appeals Commission. Financial details included with Planning Appeals Commission.384

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)PageA&E TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)......................................................................194A52 MULTI-MODAL STUDY PROJECT MANAGEMENT GROUP (Department for Transport AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................125ACTIVITIES FOR MANAGING LIFE WORKING GROUP (Department for Work and PensionsAd-hoc Advisory Group) .........................................................................................................................135ADMINISTRATION OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Departmentof Health Advisory NDPB) ......................................................................................................................139ADOPTION & PERMANENCE TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ......................195ADULT LEARNING INSPECTORATE (Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPB)..63ADVANTAGE WEST MIDLANDS (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB) ..........212ADVISORY BOARD ON REGISTRATION OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES (Department ofHealth Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................................139ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TOPIC SELECTION (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................184ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADVERTISING (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB).............................1ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS (Food Standards Agency AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................244ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON BORDERLINE SUBSTANCES (Department of Health AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................140ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB) ....2ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CARBON ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGIES (Department of Tradeand Industry Advisory NDPB)................................................................................................................201ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CLINICAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................141ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS (Ministry of Defence AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................284ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)........................................75ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON DANGEROUS PATHOGENS (Department of Health AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................141ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...........................................................................................................76ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN LANCASHIRE, GREATERMANCHESTER AND MERSEYSIDE (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Advisory NDPB) ...9ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOVEL FOODS AND PROCESSES (Food Standards AgencyAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................245ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ORGANIC STANDARDS (Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...................................................................................................................76ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PACKAGING (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Advisory NDPB) .............................................................................................................................77ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDES (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Advisory NDPB) .............................................................................................................................77ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RELEASES TO THE ENVIRONMENT (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB).......................................................................78

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH (Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPB)................245ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE APPOINTMENT OF YOUTH COURT AND FAMILYPROCEEDING COURT LAY PANEL MEMBERS (Northern Ireland Court Service AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................297ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE GOVERNMENT ART COLLECTION (Department forCulture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................24ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORIC WRECK SITES (Department for Culture, Mediaand Sport Advisory NDPB) .......................................................................................................................25ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF FOOD (Food StandardsAgency Advisory NDPB)..........................................................................................................................246ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON GENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAX (Departmentof Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) ..............................................................................................10ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON GENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAX (NORTHERNIRELAND) (Northern Ireland Court Service Advisory NDPB) .......................................................297ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (NORTHERN IRELAND) (NorthernIreland Court Service Advisory NDPB) ................................................................................................298ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN ENGLAND AND WALES(Department of Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB)......................................................................10ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT (Northern Ireland ExecutiveOffice of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Advisory NDPB).........................................380ADVISORY COUNCIL ON LIBRARIES (Department for Culture, Media and Sport AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................25ADVISORY COUNCIL ON NATIONAL RECORDS AND ARCHIVES (Department ofConstitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) ...................................................................................................11ADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE MISUSE OF DRUGS (Home Office Advisory NDPB).................262ADVISORY GROUP ON GENETICS RESEARCH *(Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................184ADVISORY GROUP ON HEPATITIS (Department of Health Advisory NDPB).............................142ADVISORY GROUP ON HOME BUYING (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Task Force) ....322ADVISORY GROUP ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT(Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................21ADVISORY GROUP ON MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIP SUPPORT (Department forConstitutional Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group)....................................................................................21ADVISORY GROUP ON MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURES (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................285ADVISORY GROUP ON MOTORCYCLING (Department for Transport Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................................................................................................................................125ADVISORY PANEL ON BEACON COUNCILS (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................310ADVISORY PANEL ON COUNTRY INFORMATION (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ..................263ADVISORY PANEL ON CROWN COPYRIGHT (now the ADVISORY PANEL ON PUBLICSECTOR INFORMATION) (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB) .............................................................2ADVISORY PANEL ON PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION...............See ADVISORY PANEL ONCROWN COPYRIGHTPage386

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)ADVISORY PANEL ON STANDARDS FOR PLANNING INSPECTORATE (Office of the DeputyPrime Minister Advisory NDPB).............................................................................................................310ADVISORY, CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION SERVICE (Department of Trade andIndustry Executive NDPB)......................................................................................................................213AEROSPACE COMMITTEE (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB)........................201AFTERCARE WORKING GROUP (Northern Ireland Office Review) ...............................................309AGE ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc Advisory Group)............236AGE PARTNERSHIP GROUP (Department for Work and Pensions Ad-hoc Advisory Group)...136AGENDA FOR CHANGE CENTRAL NEGOTIATING GROUP (Department for Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................185AGRICULTURAL DWELLING HOUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEES (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPBs).....................................................................79AGRICULTURAL LAND TRIBUNALS (ENGLAND) (Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs Tribunal NDPBs)................................................................................................................106AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPB).......................341AGRICULTURAL WAGES BOARD (Northern Ireland) (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPB) .........................................342AGRICULTURAL WAGES BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES (Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPB)...............................................................................................94AGRICULTURAL WAGES COMMITTEES FOR ENGLAND (Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs Executive NDPBs).......................................................................................................94AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMISSION (Department of Tradeand Industry Advisory NDPB)................................................................................................................202AIR QUALITY EXPERT GROUP (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................79AIR QUALITY FORUM (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup..........................................................................................................................................................108ALCOHOL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department for Culture, Media and SportExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................34AMBULANCE REVIEW (Department of Health Task Force) .............................................................195ANIMAL PROCEDURES COMMITTEE (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ...........................................263ANIMAL WELFARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB)................285APPEALS SERVICE (Department for Work and Pensions Tribunal NDPB) ....................................134ARMED FORCES PAY REVIEW BODY (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB)..............................286ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ..........34ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofCulture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPB)........................................................................................345AUDIT COMMISSION FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICEIN ENGLAND AND WALES (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPB)...............314AUTHORISED CONVEYANCING PRACTITIONERS BOARD (Department for ConstitutionalAffairs Executive NDPB) ...........................................................................................................................18AVIATION HEALTH WORKING GROUP (Department for Transport Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................................................................................................................................125Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)BALANCE OF FUNDING REVIEW (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Review).......................321BANK OF ENGLAND (HM Treasury Central Bank) ..............................................................................258BBC MONITORING .......................................................................................See BBC WORLD SERVICEBBC WORLD SERVICE (INCLUDING BBC MONITORING) (Foreign and CommonwealthOffice <strong>Public</strong> Corporation) ......................................................................................................................255BEEF ASSURANCE SCHEME MEMBERSHIP PANEL (Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................246BELFAST EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofEducation Executive NDPB) ...................................................................................................................349BETTER PAYMENT PRACTICE GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................236BETTER REGULATION TASK FORCE (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB).............................................3BIOSCIENCE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................237BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department ofTrade and Industry Executive NDPB) ..................................................................................................213BOARDS OF VISITORS AND VISITING COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Office IndependentMonitoring Board NDPBs).......................................................................................................................306BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................311BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Office AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................301BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR SCOTLAND (Department for Constitutional Affairs {ScotlandOffice} Advisory NDPB) ............................................................................................................................12BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR WALES (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................312BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (Foreign andCommonwealth Office Executive NDPB) .............................................................................................252BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (Department for Culture, Media and Sport <strong>Public</strong>Corporation) ................................................................................................................................................57BRITISH COUNCIL (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPB) ..................................252BRITISH EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY AGENCY (Departmentfor Education and Skills Executive NDPB) ............................................................................................64BRITISH HALLMARKING COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)...214BRITISH LIBRARY (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).........................35BRITISH MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) .........................36BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS PLC (Department of Trade and Industry Nationalised Industry) .228BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION (Department of Health Advisory NDPB).............142BRITISH POTATO COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................95BRITISH SHIPBUILDERS (Department of Trade and Industry Nationalised Industry)............229BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs <strong>Public</strong>Corporation................................................................................................................................................104Page388

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)BROADBAND STAKEHOLDER GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................237BUILDING REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Office of the Deputy Prime MinisterAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................312BUSINESS ADVISORY GROUP ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION (HM Treasury AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................259BUSINESS INCUBATION FUND INVESTMENT PANEL (Department of Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................203CANCER TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)..............................................................195CARE STANDARDS TRIBUNAL (Department of Health Tribunal NDPB) ......................................182CARIBBEAN BOARD (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)...................256CASTLE VALE HOUSING ACTION TRUST (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................314CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON WAR PENSIONS (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................286CENTRAL ARBITRATION COMMITTEE (Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPB) 231CENTRAL POLICE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CENTREX) (Home OfficeExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................268CENTREX..............................See CENTRAL POLICE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYCHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION CORPORATION (Department for Culture, Media and Sport<strong>Public</strong> Corporation) ....................................................................................................................................57CHARITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Executive Department for SocialDevelopment Advisory NDPB)...............................................................................................................336CHESTER-LE-STREET HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................320CHILDREN AND FAMILY COURT ADVISORY AND SUPPORT SERVICE (Department forEducation and Skills Executive NDPB)...................................................................................................64CHILDREN MATTER TASK FORCE (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, SocialServices and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Task Force) ..............................................................................................375CHILDREN'S NATIONAL SERVICE FRAMEWORK (NSF) STRATEGY GROUP (Department ofHealth Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................185CHILDREN'S TASKFORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ......................................................196CHINA TASKFORCE (Cabinet Office Task Force)....................................................................................8CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (Department for Transport <strong>Public</strong> Corporation) ........................123CIVIL JUSTICE COUNCIL (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) .....................12CIVIL PROCEDURE RULE COMMITTEE (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB).......................................................................................................................................................................13CIVIL RENEWAL PRACTITIONERS GROUP (Home Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)................280CIVIL SERVICE APPEAL BOARD (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB)....................................................3CIVIL SERVICE APPEAL BOARD (Northern Ireland) (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Finance and Personnel Advisory NDPB) ..................................................................358COAL AUTHORITY (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)....................................214COMMISSION FOR AFRICA (Department for International Development Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................114Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)COMMISSION FOR ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (Department forCulture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)..........................................................................................36COMMISSION FOR EQUALITYAND HUMAN RIGHTS (CEHR) TASK FORCE (Department ofTrade and Industry Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .....................................................................................237COMMISSION FOR HEALTHCARE AUDIT AND INSPECTION ...................... See HEALTHCARECOMMISSIONCOMMISSION FOR INTEGRATED TRANSPORT (Department for Transport Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................115COMMISSION FOR PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH (Department ofHealth Executive NDPB) .........................................................................................................................161COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY (Home Office Executive NDPB) ....................................269COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL CARE INSPECTION (Department of Health Executive NDPB) ..162COMMISSIONER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (Northern Ireland Executive Officeof the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPB)...................................................381COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION FOR GREAT BRITAIN (Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...........................................................................................................80COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURAL VALUATION (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Advisory NDPB) .............................................................................................................................80COMMITTEE ON CARCINOGENICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTSAND THE ENVIRONMENT (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)...........................................143COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF RADIATION IN THE ENVIRONMENT (Departmentof Health Advisory NDPB).......................................................................................................................144COMMITTEE ON MUTAGENICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS ANDTHE ENVIRONMENT (Department of Health Advisory NDPB).....................................................144COMMITTEE ON PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES FOR USE IN PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)........................................81COMMITTEE ON RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...........................................................................................................82COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB)........................4COMMITTEE ON THE MEDICAL EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTANTS (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................145COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF DEVICES (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)..............145COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF MEDICINES (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)........146COMMITTEE ON TOXICITY OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD, CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND THEENVIRONMENT (Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPB) ..........................................................247COMMONS COMMISSIONERS (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs TribunalNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................106COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP COMMISSION IN THE UK (Department for InternationalDevelopment Executive NDPB) .............................................................................................................113COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING GROUP (Home Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..............281COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (Home Office Executive NDPB) ..........................269COMMUNITY FORUM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisory NDPB)...............................313COMMUNITY FUND (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) .......................37COMMUNITY HOUSING TASK FORCE (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Task Force) .......322Page390

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)COMPETITION APPEAL TRIBUNAL (Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPB)......231COMPETITION COMMISSION (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)..............215COMPETITION SERVICE (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)........................216CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (Department for Education and SkillsExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................65CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (Northern Ireland) (Northern IrelandExecutive Department for Employment and Learning Executive NDPB) .....................................329CONSULTATION PANEL FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE MINIMUM FUNDINGREQUIREMENT (Department for Work and Pensions Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .......................136CONSUMER COMMITTEE (Food Standards Agency Advisory NDPB).............................................248CONSUMER COUNCIL FOR POSTAL SERVICES (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................216CONSUMERS' COMMITTEE FOR GREAT BRITAIN UNDER THE AGRICULTUREMARKETING ACT 1958 (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................82COPYRIGHT TRIBUNAL (Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPB)............................232CORONARY HEART DISEASE TASKFORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ......................196CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ACCREDITATION PANEL (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ..........264COUNCIL FOR CATHOLIC MAINTAINED SCHOOLS (Northern Ireland Executive Departmentof Education Executive NDPB)...............................................................................................................350COUNCIL FOR CENTRAL LABORATORY OF RESEARCH COUNCILS (Department of Tradeand Industry Executive NDPB)..............................................................................................................217COUNCIL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION AND THE COUNTRYSIDE (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of the Environment Advisory NDPB) ..........................................................376COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Department for Trade and Industry AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................203COUNCIL ON TRIBUNALS (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) ....................13COUNTRYSIDE AGENCY (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................95COURTS AND DIVERSITY ADVISORY GROUP (Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .........................................................................................................................................22COVENT GARDEN MARKET AUTHORITY (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs <strong>Public</strong> Corporation) .....................................................................................................................105CREATIVE INDUSTRIES HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION FORUM (Department forCulture, Media and Sport Task Force)...................................................................................................61CRIMINAL CASES REVIEW COMMISSION (Home Office Executive NDPB) ..............................270CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT POLICY ADVISORY GROUP (Department for ConstitutionalAffairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ..............................................................................................................22CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION APPEALS PANEL (Home Office Tribunal NDPB) ....277CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION APPEALS PANEL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND(Northern Ireland Office Tribunal NDPB) ............................................................................................307CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION AUTHORITY (Home Office Executive NDPB) ..........270CROSS TASK FORCE PREVENTION GROUP (Department of Health Task Force).....................196Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)CROWN AGENTS HOLDING & REALISATION BOARD (Department for InternationalDevelopment Executive NDPB) .............................................................................................................113CROWN COURT RULE COMMITTEE (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB)...14CSR SKILLS ACADEMY STEERING GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................238CULTURE EAST MIDLANDS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ..........26CULTURE NORTH EAST (NORTH EAST CULTURAL CONSORTIUM) (Department for Culture,Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................27CULTURE NORTH WEST (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ................27CULTURE SOUTH WEST (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB).................28DAIRY PRODUCE QUOTA TRIBUNAL (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsTribunal NDPB) .........................................................................................................................................107DARTMOOR STEERING GROUP (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB) ........................................287DARWIN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................83DATABASE MARKET STRATEGY GROUP (PATENT OFFICE) (Department of Trade andIndustry Ad-hoc Advisory Group).........................................................................................................238DCA MINISTERIAL/NGO FORUM ON HUMAN RIGHTS (Department for Constitutional AffairsAd-hoc Advisory Group) ...........................................................................................................................22DEFENCE NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMITTEE (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB) ....................287DEFENCE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB)...............288DENTAL PRACTICE BOARD (Department of Health NHS Body) ....................................................168DENTAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body)..............169DENTAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY APPEAL BODY (Department of Health NHSBody) ..........................................................................................................................................................170DEPLETED URANIUM OVERSIGHT BOARD (Ministry of Defence Task Force)..........................296DESIGN COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB) ....................................217DIGITAL TELEVISION CONSUMER EXPERT GROUP (Department for Culture, Media andSport Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ................................................................................................................59DIPLOMATIC SERVICE APPEAL BOARD (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................250DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for Work and PensionsAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................127DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE ADVISORY BOARD (Department for Work and PensionsAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................127DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE ADVISORY BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND(Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social Development Advisory NDPB)..................336DISABILITY RIGHTS COMMISSION (Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPB) 130DISABLED PERSONS TRANSPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for TransportAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................116DISRUPTIVE PASSENGERS WORKING GROUP (Department for Transport Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................125Page392

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)DISTINCTION AND MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARDS COMMITTEE (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Advisory NDPB)..............361DISTRIBUTED GENERATION CO-ORDINATION GROUP (Department for Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................204DOCTORS AND DENTISTS REVIEW BODY (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)...............147DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADVISORY GROUP (Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .........................................................................................................................................22DRAINAGE COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development Advisory NDPB).......................................................................341EAST MIDLANDS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................218EAST OF ENGLAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................218EAST OF ENGLAND REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM............................See LIVING EASTEASTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Departmentof Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPB) ......364EASTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................365ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................219ECONOMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland ExecutiveOffice of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPB).......................................382EMPLOYERS TASK FORCE ON PENSIONS (Department for Work and Pensions Task Force)138EMPLOYERS TASK FORCE ON PENSIONS ADVISORY GROUP (Department for Work andPensions Advisory NDPB) .......................................................................................................................136EMPLOYMENT APPEAL TRIBUNAL (Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPB) .......233EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION GROUP (Department of Trade andIndustry Ad-hoc Advisory Group).........................................................................................................239EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALS (Department of Trade and Industry Tribunal NDPB)......................233Energywatch....................................................... See GAS & ELECTRICITY CONSUMER COUNCILENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department of Trade andIndustry Executive NDPB)......................................................................................................................220ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD (Department for Educationand Skills Executive NDPB)......................................................................................................................66ENGLAND MARKETING ADVISORY BOARD (Department for Culture, Media and SportAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................28ENGLISH HERITAGE (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB.......................37ENGLISH NATURE (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPB).....96ENGLISH PARTNERSHIPS (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPB) ...................315ENTERPRISE ULSTER (Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment and LearningExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................329ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................97Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIONS ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Trade and IndustryAd-hoc Advisory Group) .........................................................................................................................239EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................220EQUALITY COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Office ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................303ETHNIC MINORITY BUSINESS FORUM (Department for Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................204ETHNIC MINORITY EMPLOYMENT TASK FORCE (Department for Work and Pensions TaskForce)..........................................................................................................................................................138EUROPEAN YEAR OF DISABLED PEOPLE NATIONAL CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE(Department for Work and Pensions Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......................................................137EVALUATION OF THE NEW SOCIAL WORK DEGREE ADVISORY GROUP Department ofHealth Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................185EXPENDITURE AND FOOD SURVEY FAMILY FOOD COMMITTEE (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group)......................................................108EXPERT ADVISORY GROUP ON AIDS (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)........................147EXPERT GROUP ON BLOCKED ANAESTHETIC TUBING (Department of Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................185EXPERT GROUP ON CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN WATER SUPPLIES (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB).......................................................................83EXPERT GROUP ON MENTAL HEALTH IN PRISONS (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................186EXPERT PANEL ON AIR QUALITY STANDARDS (Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...................................................................................................................84EXPORT GUARANTEES ADVISORY COUNCIL (Export Credits Guarantee DepartmentAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................243EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUP - LONG TERM CONDITIONS (Department of Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................186FAIR EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL (Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment andLearning Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................................................331FAMILY APPEALS REVIEW GROUP (Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ..........................................................................................................................................................23FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES APPEAL AUTHORITY (Department of Health Tribunal NDPB).183FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES APPEAL AUTHORITY SPECIAL HEALTH AUTHORITY(Department of Health NHS Body).......................................................................................................170FAMILY PROCEEDINGS RULE COMMITTEE (Department for Constitutional Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................15FARM ANIMAL WELFARE COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................85FINANCIAL REPORTING ADVISORY BOARD (HM Treasury Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ...........259FIRE AUTHORITY FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofHealth, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Other Body) ...................................................................373FISHERIES CONSERVANCY BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Culture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPB)............................................................345Page394

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)FLEET AIR ARM MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB) .................................................291FOOD FROM BRITAIN (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive NDPB).......................................................................................................................................................................97FOOD IN SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................................................................................................................................186FOOD IN SCHOOLS STEERING GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group)......186FOOTBALL LICENSING AUTHORITY (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................38FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION (Foreign and Commonwealth Office TribunalNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................255FORENSIC PSYCHIATRISTS' WORKING GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................187FORENSIC SCIENCE STEERING GROUP (Northern Ireland Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..308FUEL POVERTY ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB).....205FUTUREBUILDERS REFERENCE GROUP (HM Treasury Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .....................260GAMING BOARD FOR GREAT BRITAIN (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................39GAS & ELECTRICITY CONSUMER COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................221GEFFRYE MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).........................39GENE THERAPY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Health Advisory NDPB) .................148GENERAL COMMISSIONERS OF INCOME TAX (Department for Constitutional Affairs TribunalNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................20GENERAL CONSUMER COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Executive NDPB)............................................355GENERAL SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL (Department of Health Executive NDPB)............................162GENETICS AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)...............148GO NORTH EAST - CORUS TASK GROUP (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................321GOVERNMENT HOSPITALITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PURCHASE OF WINE(Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advisory NDPB).......................................................................250GOVERNMENT-INDUSTRY FORUM ON NON-FOOD USES OF CROPS (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB).......................................................................85GREAT BRITAIN-CHINA CENTRE (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Executive NDPB)......253HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMISSION (Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................131HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPB)....131HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Executive NDPB)............................................356HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRUSTS (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health,Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPB)..........................366HEALTH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Health NHS Body) ........................................171HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY (Department of Health Executive NDPB) .................................163Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)HEALTHCARE COMMISSION (COMMISSION FOR HEALTHCARE AUDIT ANDINSPECTION) (Department for Health Executive NDPB) .............................................................163HEALTHCARE INDUSTRIES TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)........................197HEARING AID COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)........................221HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND (Department for Education andSkills Executive NDPB)..............................................................................................................................66HILL FARMING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ENGLAND, WALES AND NORTHERNIRELAND (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB) ....................86HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND......See ENGLISHHERITAGEHISTORIC BUILDINGS COUNCIL (Northern Ireland Executive Department of theEnvironment Advisory NDPB)................................................................................................................376HISTORIC MONUMENTS COUNCIL (Northern Ireland Executive Department of theEnvironment Advisory NDPB)................................................................................................................377HISTORIC ROYAL PALACES (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).......40HOME - GROWN CEREALS AUTHORITY (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................98HONOURS SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB) ..............................................5HORNIMAN PUBLIC MUSEUM AND PUBLIC PARK TRUST (Department for Culture, Mediaand Sport Executive NDPB) .....................................................................................................................40HORSERACE BETTING LEVY BOARD (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................41HORSERACE BETTING LEVY TRIBUNAL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport TribunalNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................59HORSERACE TOTALISATOR BOARD (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................41HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Executive NDPB)............................................................................................................................98HORTICULTURE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Executive NDPB)............................................................................................................................99HOUSE OF LORDS APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB) ................5HOUSING CORPORATION (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPB) ...................315HUMAN FERTILISATION & EMBRYOLOGY AUTHORITY (Department for Health ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................164HUMAN GENETICS COMMISSION (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)...............................149ILEX URBAN REGENERATION COMPANY LIMITED (Northern Ireland Executive Office of theFirst Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPB) ..............................................................382ILLICIT TRADE ADVISORY PANEL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .........................................................................................................................................60IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ...........42IMPLEMENTATION BOARD: MODERNISING NHS HOSPITAL MEDICINESMANUFACTURING (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .........................................187INDEPENDENT ADVISORY GROUP ON SEXUAL HEALTH AND HIV (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................150Page396

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)INDEPENDENT ADVISORY GROUP ON TEENAGE PREGNANCY (Department for Educationand Skills Advisory NDPB) .......................................................................................................................62INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR FOR MILITARY COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES (Northern IrelandOffice Advisory NDPB).............................................................................................................................302INDEPENDENT BOARD OF VISITORS FOR MILITARY CORRECTIVE TRAINING CENTRE(Ministry of Defence)...............................................................................................................................295INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONER FOR DETAINED TERRORIST SUSPECTS (Northern IrelandOffice Independent Monitoring Board NDPB).....................................................................................307INDEPENDENT MONITORING BOARDS OF PRISONS AND IMMIGRATION REMOVALCENTRES (IMB) (Home Office) ..........................................................................................................277INDEPENDENT PANEL ON VACCINES INTERACTIONS RESEARCH (Ministry of Defence AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................296INDEPENDENT POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION (Home Office Executive NDPB).........271INDEPENDENT RECONFIGURATION PANEL (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)...........150INDEPENDENT REGULATOR OF NHS FOUNDATION TRUSTS............................ See MONITORINDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL FOR BORDERLINE PRODUCTS (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................151INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL FOR THE ADVERTISING OF MEDICINES (Department ofHealth Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................................151INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC GROUP ON CATTLE TB (Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...................................................................................................................86INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF THE RANDOMISED BADGER CULLING TRIAL(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group).......................109INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD (Department of Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................206INDUSTRIAL INJURIES ADVISORY COUNCIL (Department for Work and Pensions AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................128INFORMATION AGE PARTNERSHIP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................239INFORMATION TRIBUNAL (Department for Constitutional Affairs Tribunal NDPB) ...................20INLAND WATERWAYS AMENITY ADVISORY COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...........................................................................................................87INSOLVENCY PRACTITIONERS TRIBUNAL (Department of Trade and Industry TribunalNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................234INSOLVENCY RULES COMMITTEE (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) ....15INSURANCE COVER WORKING GROUP (Home Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......................281INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM SYSTEM APPEALS PANEL(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)........................................88INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................206INTERAGENCY WORKING GROUP TO DEVELOP A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGBETWEEN DH, THE POLICE AND THE HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE (Department ofHealth Review) .........................................................................................................................................193INTER-FAITH FORUM ON TEENAGE PREGNANCY (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................187Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)INVEST NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Enterprise, Tradeand Investment Executive NDPB) ........................................................................................................356INVESTIGATORY POWERS TRIBUNAL (Home Office Tribunal NDPB)........................................278INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......240INVESTORS IN PEOPLE UK (Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPB).................67JOINT COMMITTEE ON VACCINATION AND IMMUNISATION (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................152JOINT DWP/DH WORKING GROUP ON LEARNING DISABILITIES AND EMPLOYMENT(Department for Work and Pensions Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......................................................137JOINT GOVERNMENT VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY FORUM (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment for Social Development Ad-hoc Advisory Group).......................................................340JOINT NATURE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Executive NDPB)..........................................................................................................................100LABOUR RELATIONS AGENCY (Northern Ireland Executive Department for Employment andLearning Executive NDPB) .....................................................................................................................330LAGANSIDE CORPORATION (Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social DevelopmentExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................337LAND REGISTRATION RULE COMMITTEE (Department for Constitutional Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................16LAW COMMISSION (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB).................................16LAW REFORM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Financeand Personnel Advisory NDPB) .............................................................................................................358LEARNING AND SKILLS COUNCIL (Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPB)....67LEARNING DISABILITY RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................187LEARNING DISABILITY TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)...............................197LEGAL SERVICES COMMISSION (Department for Constitutional Affairs Executive NDPB)......19LEGAL SERVICES CONSULTATIVE PANEL (Department for Constitutional Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................17LITERACY AND NUMERACY REFERENCE GROUP (Department for Education and Skills AdhocAdvisory Group)..................................................................................................................................72LIVE MUSIC FORUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ........60LIVERPOOL HOUSING ACTION TRUST (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................316LIVESTOCK AND MEAT COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPB).......................343LIVING EAST (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB.......................................29LOCAL GOVERNMENT STAFF COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of the Environment Executive NDPB) ........................................................378LOCAL PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES (LPS) AREA PANELS (Department of Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................188LORD CHANCELLOR'S LEGAL AID ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Court ServiceAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................299LOW PAY COMMISSION (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB)..........................207Page398

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)MAGISTRATES' COURTS COMMITTEES GRANT ALLOCATION REVIEW DEVELOPMENTGROUP (Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .....................................23MAGISTRATES' COURTS COMMITTEES GRANT ALLOCATION REVIEW PROJECT BOARD(DEpartment for Constitutional Affairs Review)..................................................................................23MAKING A DIFFERENCE - REDUCING BURDENS IN HOSPITALS (Department of HealthTask Force)................................................................................................................................................197MAKING A DIFFERENCE - REDUCING BURDENS ON GPs (Department of Health Task Force).....................................................................................................................................................................198MARSHALL AID COMMEMORATION COMMISSION (Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................253MEASUREMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................207MEAT AND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................100MEAT HYGIENE APPEALS TRIBUNAL (Food Standards Agency Tribunal NDPB) .....................248MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)...........222MEDICINES COMMISSION (Department of Health Advisory NDPB) ............................................153MENTAL HEALTH ACT COMMISSION (Department of Health NHS Body)..................................171MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Executive NDPB)...............................362MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW TRIBUNAL (Department of Health Tribunal NDPB)........................183MENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ............................................198MI ACROSS PARTNERS GROUP (Department for Education and Skills Ad-hoc Advisory Group).......................................................................................................................................................................73MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF BLOOD AND TISSUES FOR TRANSPLANTATION (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ................................................................................188MILK DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................101MILLENNIUM COMMISSION (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)......43MODERNISATION OF ADULT SOCIAL CARE RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUP (Departmentof Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) .......................................................................................................188MODERNISING NHS HOSPITAL MEDICINES MANUFACTURING.....See IMPLEMENTATIONBOARDMONITOR - INDEPENDENT REGULATOR OF NHS FOUNDATION TRUSTS (Department ofHealth Executive NDPB) .........................................................................................................................165MUSEUM OF LONDON (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ..................43MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY IN MANCHESTER (Department for Culture, Mediaand Sport Executive NDPB) .....................................................................................................................44MUSEUMS, LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES COUNCIL (Department for Culture, Media and SportExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................53MUSIC AND DANCE ADVISORY GROUP (Department for Education and Skills Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .........................................................................................................................................73MUSIC INDUSTRY FORUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Ad-hoc Advisory Group).......................................................................................................................................................................60NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB)..............................................291Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)NATIONAL BIOLOGICAL STANDARDS BOARD (Department of Health Executive NDPB) ....165NATIONAL BLOOD AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body) ...........................................172NATIONAL CANCER TASKFORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ........................................198NATIONAL CARE STANDARDS COMMISSION (Department of Health Executive NDPB) ......166NATIONAL CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY (Department of Health Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................166NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR SCHOOL LEADERSHIP (Department for Education and SkillsExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................68NATIONAL CONSUMER COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB) ......222NATIONAL CRIME SQUAD (Home Office Executive NDPB).............................................................272NATIONAL CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (Home Office Executive NDPB) ..................272NATIONAL EMPLOYER ADVISORY BOARD (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB) ..................288NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT PANEL (Department for Work and Pensions Advisory NDPB) .......129NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS (Department forCulture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)..........................................................................................44NATIONAL FOREST COMPANY (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................101NATIONAL GALLERY (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ...................45NATIONAL HERITAGE MEMORIAL FUND (Department for Culture, Media and SportExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................46NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE (Department of Health NHS Body) ...173NATIONAL LOTTERY COMMISSION (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................46NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).......................................................................................................................................................................47NATIONAL MODERN APPRENTICESHIP TASK FORCE (HM Treasury Task Force) ................261NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY (Department for Culture, Media andSport Executive NDPB) .............................................................................................................................47NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES OF NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPB) .........................................346NATIONAL MUSEUMS LIVERPOOL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................48NATIONAL NETWORK FORUM (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc Advisory Group)240NATIONAL NETWORK OF BREASTFEEDING CO-ORDINATORS (Department of Health AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................189NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS PROJECT: SHA REFERENCE GROUP (Department of HealthAd-hoc Advisory Group) .........................................................................................................................189NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY AGENCY (Department of Health NHS Body)...............................173NATIONAL POLICY FORUM FOR START-UPS (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................240NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).......................................................................................................................................................................48Page400

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)NATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD (Department of Health Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................167NATIONAL SPECIALIST COMMISSIONING ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Health AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................189NATIONAL STATISTICS QUALITY REVIEW ON SUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOOD(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Review)....................................................110NATIONAL STEERING GROUP FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS REGIONAL CO-ORDINATION PROJECTS (Department for Education and Skills Ad-hoc Advisory Group)....73NATIONAL STRATEGY ADVISORY GROUP FOR THE UK MICRO & NANO TECHNOLOGIESMANUFACTURING INITIATIVE (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................241NATIONAL TREATMENT AGENCY (Department of Health NHS Body).........................................174NATIONAL USERS PANEL OF THE COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT SERVICES EXTERNALREFERENCE GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......................................190NATIONAL VICTIMS ADVISORY PANEL (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ....................................264NATIONAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................190NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department of Trade and IndustryExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................223NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)....49NEW OPPORTUNITIES FUND (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)....50NHS APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION (Department of Health NHS Body) ..................................174NHS COUNTER FRAUD AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Department of HealthNHS Body) .................................................................................................................................................175NHS FOUNDATION TRUSTS - EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUP FOR GOVERNANCE(Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group)...............................................................................190NHS INFORMATION AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body) ........................................176NHS LITIGATION AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body) .............................................176NHS LOGISTICS AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body)...............................................177NHS MODERNISATION BOARD (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ....................190NHS PROFESSIONALS (Department of Health NHS Body)..............................................................177NHS TRUSTS (Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>) .............................................................................178NHSU (Department of Health NHS Body) ..............................................................................................179NORTH EAST CULTURAL CONSORTIUM........................................... See CULTURE NORTH EASTNORTH EASTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Education Executive NDPB)........................................................................................350NORTH WEST CULTURAL CONSORTIUM ........................................ See CULTURE NORTH WESTNORTH WEST DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................224NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................366Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................367NORTHERN IRELAND BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................367NORTHERN IRELAND BUILDING REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NorthernIreland Executive Department of Finance and Personnel Advisory NDPB) .................................359NORTHERN IRELAND CENTRAL SERVICES AGENCY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................368NORTHERN IRELAND COUNCIL FOR THE CURRICULUM EXAMINATIONS ANDASSESSMENT (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Education Executive NDPB) .......351NORTHERN IRELAND FISHERY HARBOUR AUTHORITY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPB) .........................................343NORTHERN IRELAND GUARDIAN AD LITEM AGENCY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................369NORTHERN IRELAND HEALTH PROMOTION AGENCY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................369NORTHERN IRELAND HOUSING EXECUTIVE (Northern Ireland Executive Department forSocial Development Executive NDPB) .................................................................................................338NORTHERN IRELAND HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION(Northern Ireland Office ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................303NORTHERN IRELAND INDUSTRIAL COURT (Northern Ireland Executive Department forEmployment and Learning Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................332NORTHERN IRELAND INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS (Northern Ireland Executive Department forEmployment and Learning Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................333NORTHERN IRELAND LEGAL SERVICES COMMISSION (Northern Ireland Court ServiceExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................299NORTHERN IRELAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS' SUPERANNUATION COMMITTEE(Northern Ireland Executive Department of the Environment Executive NDPB).......................379NORTHERN IRELAND MEDICAL AND DENTAL TRAINING AGENCY (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Executive NDPB) ............363NORTHERN IRELAND MUSEUMS COUNCIL (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofCulture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPB)........................................................................................347NORTHERN IRELAND POLICING BOARD (Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPB) ............304NORTHERN IRELAND PRACTICE AND EDUCATION COUNCIL FOR NURSING ANDMIDWIFERY (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong>Safety Executive NDPB)..........................................................................................................................363NORTHERN IRELAND REGIONAL MEDICAL PHYSICS AGENCY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................370NORTHERN IRELAND SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofHealth, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Executive NDPB)...........................................................364Page402

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)NORTHERN IRELAND TOURIST BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofEnterprise, Trade and Investment Executive NDPB) .......................................................................357NORTHERN IRELAND TRANSPORT HOLDING COMPANY (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment for Regional Development <strong>Public</strong> Corporation)...........................................................335NORTHERN IRELAND WATER COUNCIL (Northern Ireland Executive Department forRegional Development Advisory NDPB) ..............................................................................................334NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE BOARD (Department for Transport Executive NDPB) .....................116NSP SEMEN ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT BOARD (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................109NUCLEAR RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB).................289NURSES AND OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONS REVIEW BODY (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................153OCCUPATIONAL PENSIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (Department for Work and PensionsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................132OFCOM.......................................................................................... See OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONSOFFICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN NORTHERN IRELAND(Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPB) .........................................................................................304OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (Department of Trade and Industry <strong>Public</strong> Corporation)......230OFFICE OF SURVEILLANCE COMMISSIONERS (Home Office Tribunal NDPB) ........................278OFFICE OF THE IMMIGRATION SERVICES COMMISSIONER (Home Office Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................273OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER (Department for Constitutional AffairsExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................19OFFICE OF THE JUSTICE OVERSIGHT COMMISSIONER (Northern Ireland Office AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................302OFFICE OF THE POLICE OMBUDSMAN FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland OfficeExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................305OIL AND PIPELINES AGENCY (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB).........................................292ONE NORTH EAST (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB)....................................224ORGANIC ACTION PLAN GROUP (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................109ORGANISED CRIME TASK FORCE (Northern Ireland Office Task Force) ....................................309ORTHOPAEDIC STANDARDS WORKING GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hoc AdvisoryGroup) ........................................................................................................................................................191ORTHOPAEDICS PROJECT: CO-ORDINATING GROUP (Department of Health Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................191OVER-INDEBTEDNESS ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................241OVERSEAS SERVICE PENSIONS SCHEME ADVISORY BOARD (Department for InternationalDevelopment Advisory NDPB)...............................................................................................................112PAROLE BOARD (Home Office Executive NDPB) ................................................................................274PARTICLE PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY RESEARCH COUNCIL (Department of Trade andIndustry Executive NDPB)......................................................................................................................225PATIENT CHOICE TRUSTEES (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group).........................191Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)PATIENT ENVIRONMENT STEERING GROUP (Department of Health Task Force).................198PATIENT INFORMATION ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Health Advisory NDPB) .........154PENSION COMMISSION (Department for Work and Pensions Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..........137PENSIONS COMPENSATION BOARD (Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPB)133PENSIONS OMBUDSMAN (Department for Work and Pensions Tribunal NDPB)........................134PERSONS HEARING CONSUMER CREDIT LICENSING APPEALS (Department of Trade andIndustry Tribunal NDPB).........................................................................................................................234PERSONS HEARING ESTATE AGENT APPEALS (Department of Trade and Industry TribunalNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................235PESTICIDE RESIDUES COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................88PHARMACISTS' REVIEW PANEL (Department of Health Advisory NDPB)..................................154PHORUM (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ................................................................191PIG PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development Executive NDPB) .....................................................................344PILOT - THE RIGHT COURSE FOR OIL AND GAS SUCCESS (Department of Trade andIndustry Ad-hoc Advisory Group).........................................................................................................241PLANNING APPEALS COMMISSION (Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Ministerand Deputy First Minister Tribunal NDPB)..........................................................................................383PLANT VARIETIES AND SEEDS TRIBUNALS (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Tribunal NDPB) ............................................................................................................................107POISONS BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and<strong>Public</strong> Safety Advisory NDPB) ...............................................................................................................361POLICE ADVISORY BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ....265POLICE APPEALS TRIBUNALS (Home Office Tribunal NDPB) .......................................................279POLICE ARBITRATION TRIBUNAL (Home Office Tribunal NDPB) ...............................................280POLICE COMPLAINTS AUTHORITY (Home Office Executive NDPB)............................................274POLICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION (Home Office Executive NDPB)...275POLICE NEGOTIATING BOARD (Home Office Advisory NDPB).....................................................266POSTWATCH.................................................. See CONSUMER COUNCIL FOR POSTAL SERVICESPRACTICE LEARNING TASKFORCE (Department of Health Task Force) ....................................198PRESCRIPTION PRICING AUTHORITY (Department of Health NHS Body)..............................179PRIMARY CARE TRUSTS (Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>).......................................................180PRIMARY CARE WORKFORCE REVIEW EXTERNAL REFERENCE GROUP (Department ofHealth Review) .........................................................................................................................................194PRIME MINISTER'S DELIVERY UNIT ASSOCIATES (Cabinet Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group) 8PROBATION BOARD FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Office Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................306PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (Department of Health Executive NDPB) .............168PUBLIC LENDING RIGHT AND PUBLIC LENDING RIGHT ADVISORY COMMITTEE(Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPBs).........................................................50PUBLIC SERVICES PRODUCTIVITY PANEL (HM Treasury Advisory NDPB) .............................257Page404

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)QUALIFICATIONS AND CURRICULUM AUTHORITY (Department for Education and SkillsExecutive NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................69QUALITY TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)............................................................199RACE EQUALITY ADVISORY PANEL (Home Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group).............................281RAIL ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION BRANCH (IMPLEMENTATION GROUP) (Department forTransport Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ......................................................................................................126RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE EASTERN ENGLAND (Department for Transport ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................117RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE MIDLANDS (Department for Transport Executive NDPB).117RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE NORTH EASTERN ENGLAND (Department for TransportExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................118RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE NORTH WESTERN ENGLAND (Department for TransportExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................119RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE SCOTLAND (Department for Transport Executive NDPB).119RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE SOUTHERN ENGLAND (Department for TransportExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................120RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE WALES (Department for Transport Executive NDPB) ........120RAIL PASSENGERS COMMITTEE WESTERN ENGLAND (Department for Transport ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................121RAIL PASSENGERS COUNCIL (Department for Transport Executive NDPB)..............................122REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - EXTERNAL PROJECT BOARD(Department of Health Task Force) .....................................................................................................199REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - FUNDING PROJECT GROUP(Department of Health Task Force) .....................................................................................................199REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - PRACTICE LEARNINGPROJECT GROUP (Department of Health Task Force) ..................................................................199REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - QUALIFICATIONDEVELOPMENT PROJECT GROUP (Department of Health Task Force)...................................200REFORM OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION AND TRAINING - REGISTRATION, POST-QUALIFYING (PQ), CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) PROJECTGROUP (Department of Health Task Force)......................................................................................199REGIONAL FLOOD DEFENCE COMMITTEES (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Executive NDPBs)........................................................................................................................102REGIONAL HOUSING BOARD (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Ad-hoc Advisory Group)321REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARDS (Department of Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPBs) ......................................................................................................................................208REGISTERED INSPECTORS OF SCHOOLS APPEALS TRIBUNAL (Department for Educationand Skills Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................................................71REMPLOY LIMITED (Department for Work and Pensions Executive NDPB) ................................133RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB) .......208RENT ASSESSMENT PANEL (Northern Ireland Executive Department for Social DevelopmentTribunal NDPB) .........................................................................................................................................339RESEARCH GOVERNANCE IN SOCIAL CARE ADVISORY GROUP (Department of Health AdhocAdvisory Group)................................................................................................................................191Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TRIBUNAL SERVICE (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister TribunalNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................319RETAINED ORGANS COMMISSION (Department of Health NHS Body) .....................................180REVIEW BOARD FOR GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPB) ....290REVIEW OF EVIDENCE RELATING TO SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS (Department ofHealth Review) .........................................................................................................................................194REVIEW OF FISHING VESSEL LICENSING (Department for Environment, Food and Ru5ralAffairs Review)..........................................................................................................................................111REVIEW OF MARINE NATURE CONSERVATION WORKING GROUP (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Review)...................................................................................111REVIEW OF THE NEEDS INDICES USED IN THE ALLOCATION OF HOUSING CAPITALRESOURCES TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS (Officeof the Deputy Prime Minister Review).................................................................................................322REVIEWING COMMITTEE ON THE EXPORT OF WORKS OF ART (Department for Culture,Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................30ROAD HAULAGE FORUM (Department for Transport Ad-hoc Advisory Group)...........................126ROAD SAFETY ADVISORY PANEL (Department for Transport Ad-hoc Advisory Group).........126ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB) ...........................................292ROYAL ARMOURIES MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)...51ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................103ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs (Advisory NDPB)...............................................................................................89ROYAL MAIL HOLDINGS PLC (Department of Trade and Industry <strong>Public</strong> Corporation) ..........230ROYAL MARINES MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB) ..............................................293ROYAL MINT ADVISORY COMMMITTEE ON THE DESIGN OF COINS, MEDALS, SEALSAND DECORATIONS (Royal Mint Advisory NDPB).........................................................................325ROYAL MINT SHAREHOLDER PANEL (HM Treasury Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ..........................260ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB)....................................................294ROYAL NAVY SUBMARINE MUSEUM (Ministry of Defence Executive NDPB) ............................294RURAL AFFAIRS FORUM FOR ENGLAND (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................109SCHOOL TEACHERS REVIEW BODY (Department for Education and Skills Advisory NDPB)...63SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................89SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION (Department of Health AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................155SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE (Cabinet Office Ad-hocAdvisory Group) ...........................................................................................................................................8SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON TOBACCO AND HEALTH (Department of Health AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................156SCOTH/ACMD WORKING GROUP ON CANNABIS AND TOBACCO SMOKING (Departmentof Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group)........................................................................................................192Page406

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)SEA FISH INDUSTRY AUTHORITY (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................103SECTION 706 TRIBUNAL (Inland Revenue Tribunal NDPB) ...........................................................283SECTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department for Education and Skills ExecutiveNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................69SECURITY COMMISSION (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB) .................................................................6SECURITY INDUSTRY AUTHORITY (Home Office Executive NDPB) ...........................................275SECURITY VETTING APPEALS PANEL (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB).........................................6SENIOR SALARIES REVIEW BODY (Cabinet Office Advisory NDPB)...............................................7SENTENCING ADVISORY PANEL (Home Office Advisory NDPB)..................................................266SENTENCING GUIDELINES COUNCIL (Home Office Advisory NDPB).........................................267SHIPPING TASK FORCE (Department for Transport Task Force)..................................................126SIANEL PEDWAR CYMRU (Department for Culture, Media and Sport <strong>Public</strong> Corporation) .......58SIR JOHN SOANE'S MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)....51SIR NIGEL CRISP'S LEADERSHIP AND RACE EQUALITY ACTION PLAN INDEPENDANTPANEL (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ................................................................192SITPRO LIMITED (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB) .....................................225SMALL BUSINESS COUNCIL (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB) ..................209SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT TASKFORCE (Department of Trade and Industry AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................210SOCIAL CARE TRIBUNAL (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Servicesand <strong>Public</strong> Safety Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................................373SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP FORUM (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group)...................192SOCIAL SECURITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for Work and Pensions AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................129SOUTH EAST ENGLAND CULTURE CONSORTIUM (Department for Culture, Media and SportAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................30SOUTH EAST ENGLAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Trade and IndustryExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................226SOUTH EASTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Education Executive NDPB)........................................................................................351SOUTH WEST OF ENGLAND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Department of Trade andIndustry Executive NDPB)......................................................................................................................227SOUTH WEST REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM...................See CULTURE SOUTH WESTSOUTHERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofEducation Executive NDPB) ...................................................................................................................352SOUTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD(Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................370SOUTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................371SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITY TRIBUNAL (Department for Educationand Skills Tribunal NDPB) ........................................................................................................................72Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)SPECIALIST ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE (Department ofHealth Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................................156SPOLIATION ADVISORY PANEL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) 31SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB).................................................................................................90SPORT ENGLAND (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ...........................52SPORTS COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofCulture, Arts and Leisure Executive NDPB)........................................................................................347STAFF COMMISSION FOR EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARDS (Northern IrelandExecutive Department of Education Executive NDPB).....................................................................353STAKEHOLDER NETWORK (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ..............................192STANDARDS BOARD FOR ENGLAND (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Executive NDPB)317STANDING ADVISORY GROUP ON SOCIAL CARE WORKFORCE RESEARCH (Department ofHealth Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................193STANDING COMMITTEE ON EURO PREPARATIONS (HM Treasury Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................................................................................................................................260STANDING DENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Health Advisory NDPB) .........157STANDING MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Health Advisory NDPB).......157STANDING NURSING AND MIDWIFERY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................158STANDING PHARMACEUTICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department of Health AdvisoryNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................159STATISTICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Finance andPersonnel Advisory NDPB) .....................................................................................................................360STATISTICS COMMISSION (HM Treasury Advisory NDPB)............................................................257STATUTE LAW COMMITTEE FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Office ofthe First Minister and Deputy First Minister Advisory NDPB) .........................................................380STEERING COMMITTEE ON PHARMACY POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION (Department ofHealth Advisory NDPB) ...........................................................................................................................159STEERING GROUP ON THE LAWRENCE INQUIRY ACTION PLAN (Home Office Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................282STONEBRIDGE HOUSING ACTION TRUST (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................317STRATEGIC HEALTH AUTHORITIES (Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>).................................181STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD (Department for Constitutional Affairs Advisory NDPB) ....17STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD (Northern Ireland) (Northern Ireland Executive Office ofthe First Minister and Deputy First Minister Executive NDPB) .......................................................383STRATEGIC RAIL AUTHORITY (Department for Transport Executive NDPB)............................122STUDENT LOANS COMPANY LTD (Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPB) ......70SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Advisory NDPB) .............................................................................................................................91SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Task Force)...................................................................................................................................111Page408

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)SUSTAINABLE ENERGY POLICY ADVISORY BOARD (Department of Trade and IndustryAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................210SUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOOD IMPLEMENTATION GROUP (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group)......................................................110SUSTAINABLE FARMING AND FOOD RESEARCH PRIORITIES GROUP (Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group)......................................................110TASK FORCE ON CHILD PROTECTION ON THE INTERNET (Home Office Task Force) ........282TASK FORCE ON RESOURCING THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR (NorthernIreland Executive Department for Social Development Task Force) ............................................340TATE GALLERY (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB)................................53TEACHER TRAINING AGENCY (Department for Education and Skills Executive NDPB)............70TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD (FOR THE REGULATION OF INVESTIGATORY POWERSACT 2000) (Home Office Advisory NDPB) ........................................................................................267THE THEATRES TRUST (DEpartment for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB)...................31THURROCK URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (Office of the Deputy Prime MinisterExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................318TOBACCO TASK FORCE (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Task Force) .........................61TOTE, THE ...........................................................................See HORSERACE TOTALISATOR BOARDTOWER HAMLETS HOUSING ACTION TRUST (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................318TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS (Department for Transport Tribunal NDPB) ....................................124TREASURE VALUATION COMMITTEE (Department for Culture, Media and Sport AdvisoryNDPB) ...........................................................................................................................................................32TRIBUNAL UNDER SCHEDULE 11 TO THE HEALTH AND PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES(NI) ORDER 1972 (Northern Ireland Executive Department of Health, Social Services and<strong>Public</strong> Safety Tribunal NDPB) ................................................................................................................374TRINITY HOUSE LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE (Department for Transport Executive NDPB)........123UK CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION NATIONAL AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE(Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB).......................................................................211UK FILM COUNCIL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).........................54UK INDIA ROUND TABLE(Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..........256UK NATIONAL SCREENING COMMITTEE (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ..193UK SPORT (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) .........................................54UK XENOTRANSPLANTATION INTERIM REGULATORY AUTHORITY (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................160ULSTER SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT LTD (Northern Ireland Executive Department forEmployment and Learning Executive NDPB) .....................................................................................331UNIFIED COURTS ADMINISTRATION TRANSITIONAL MANAGEMENT GROUP(Department for Constitutional Affairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group).....................................................23UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY (Department of Trade and IndustryExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................227UNITED KINGDOM TRANSPLANT (Department of Health NHS <strong>Bodies</strong>) .....................................182UNRELATED LIVE TRANSPLANT REGULATORY AUTHORITY (Department of HealthAdvisory NDPB) ........................................................................................................................................160Page

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)URBAN GULL LEAFLET STEERING GROUP (Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............................................................................................................110VALUATION TRIBUNALS (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Tribunal NDPB) ........................320VAUGHAN'S CHARITY TRUSTEES (Northern Ireland Executive Department for SocialDevelopment Other <strong>Bodies</strong>) ..................................................................................................................338VEHICLE CRIME REDUCTION ACTION TEAM (Home Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group)............282VETERINARY PRODUCTS COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................91VETERINARY RESIDUES COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAdvisory NDPB) ..........................................................................................................................................92VICTIMS, VULNERABLE OR INTIMIDATED WITNESSES STEERING GROUP (NorthernIreland Office Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ...............................................................................................309VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB).......................................................................................................................................................................55VIEWERS' PANEL (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..............61VISITBRITAIN (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ................................56WALLACE COLLECTION (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Executive NDPB) ...............56WAR PENSIONS COMMITTEES (Ministry of Defence Advisory NDPBs).......................................290WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department of theEnvironment Advisory NDPB)................................................................................................................378WATER APPEALS COMMISSION (Northern Ireland Executive Office of the First Minister andDeputy First Minister Tribunal NDPB)..................................................................................................384WATER REGULATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs Advisory NDPB)...................................................................................................................92WATERVOICE: COUNCIL (Office of Water Services (OFWAT) Advisory NDPB)..........................323WATERVOICE: REGIONAL COMMITTEES (Office of Water Services (OFWAT) Executive NDPB).....................................................................................................................................................................323WELSH FOURTH CHANNEL AUTHORITY...................................... See SIANEL PEDWAR CYMRUWEST MIDLANDS LIFE (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ..................33WEST MIDLANDS REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM............See WEST MIDLANDS LIFEWEST MIDLANDS TO EAST MIDLANDS (TRANCHE 2) MULTI-MODAL STUDY PROJECTMANAGEMENT GROUP (Department for Transport Ad-hoc Advisory Group)..........................126WESTERN EDUCATION AND LIBRARY BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofEducation Executive NDPB) ...................................................................................................................353WESTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD (Northern Ireland Executive Departmentof Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social Services NDPB) ......372WESTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COUNCIL (Northern Ireland ExecutiveDepartment of Health, Social Services and <strong>Public</strong> Safety Health and Personal Social ServicesNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................372WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION FOR DEMOCRACY (Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeExecutive NDPB) ......................................................................................................................................254WILTON PARK ACADEMIC COUNCIL (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advisory NDPB)..251WINE STANDARDS BOARD (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ExecutiveNDPB) .........................................................................................................................................................104Page410

INDEX OF PUBLIC BODIESBody Title (Sponsor Department and Body Classification)WOMEN IN SET IMPLEMENTATION GROUP (Department of Trade and Industry Ad-hocAdvisory Group) .......................................................................................................................................242WOMEN'S NATIONAL COMMISSION (Department of Trade and Industry Advisory NDPB)..211WORKFORCE PROGRAMME BOARD (Department of Health Ad-hoc Advisory Group) ............193WORKFORCE TASK FORCE (Department of Health Task Force)....................................................200YORKSHIRE AND HUMBER REGIONAL CULTURAL CONSORTIUM............... See YORKSHIRECULTUREYORKSHIRE CULTURE (Department for Culture, Media and Sport Advisory NDPB) ...................33YORKSHIRE FORWARD (Department of Trade and Industry Executive NDPB) .........................228YOUTH COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (Northern Ireland Executive Department ofEducation Executive NDPB) ...................................................................................................................354YOUTH JUSTICE BOARD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES (Home Office Executive NDPB) ........276ZOOS FORUM (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Advisory NDPB)................93Page

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