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<strong>CENTRAL</strong> <strong>MARKS</strong> <strong>DEPARTMENT</strong> – <strong>II</strong><strong>Our</strong> <strong>Ref</strong>: <strong>CMD</strong>-<strong>II</strong>/<strong>16</strong>:1084 10 03 2006Subject: Implementation of revised Indian Standard Specification for TextilesManila ropesIndian Standard specification for Manila ropes as per IS 1084:1994 has beenrevised as Textiles-Manila Ropes-Specification as per IS 1084:2005. In this revision,the main changes are as follows:-a) Scope has been modified to cover more sizes;b) Grades have been reduced from 3 to 2;c) Manufacturing method of yarn has been redefined;d) Safe working load has been included; ande) Quantity of rot proofing agent has been specified.As per provision Clause 4.6.6 of operation certification manual, a copy of revisedspecification was circulated to ROs/BOs vide <strong>CMD</strong> note ref. <strong>CMD</strong>-<strong>II</strong>/<strong>16</strong>:1084 dated15 07 2005 and requested MDK-3 to send a draft STI of the revised version to <strong>CMD</strong><strong>II</strong> for smooth switchover. No draft STI was received in <strong>CMD</strong> <strong>II</strong> in spite of 4reminders. Draft STI was prepared by <strong>CMD</strong> <strong>II</strong> and circulated to all RO’s/BO’s fortheir comments on 30 01 06. Last date of comments was 20 02 2006. Comments ofMDK-3 was received in <strong>CMD</strong> <strong>II</strong> and incorporated.Accordingly, STI has been revised as DOC:STI/1084/3, Feb 2006. In order toimplement, revised standard and revised Scheme of Testing and Inspection, followingprocedure shall be adopted:For existing licensee:1. Concerned BO to verify the manufacturing capability and availability of testingequipments as per revised specification with the licensees and obtain thedeclaration on <strong>CMD</strong>/PF 305 and 306. Factory testing/ independent testingdepending upon nature of tests shall be carried out during routine periodicinspection at the earliest possible for all the requirements to ensure the conformityof the product to the revised standard. However, factory testing or verification oftest facilities shall be invariably carried out wherever changes have occurred inthe revised specification.2. Endorsement in the licence as per revised standard shall be made after obtainingthe following documents from the licensees:a) Declaration regarding manufacturing capability and availability of testingequipment as per revised specification on <strong>CMD</strong>/PF 305 and 306.

) Acceptance of revised STI.c) Test report indicating conformity of the product to the revisedspecification.3. Stoppage of marking shall be imposed in case sample fails in factory/ independenttesting as per the revised version at the time of verification on the routine periodicinspection and further actions are to be taken as per Operation CertificationManual.4. Action shall be taken as per OM 2004, if the licensee fails to submit theacceptance of STI in stipulated time.For Applicants:1. All new applications may be recorded and processed as per revised IS 1084:2005.2. In case applicant sample is yet to be tested by Lab, necessary action may be takenimmediately by BO for considering the case as per IS 1084:2005 after consultingthe applicant.3. New licence granted during this period as per IS 1084:1994. ROs/BOs shallensure that new licensee shall implement the revised standard and STI within thestipulated period.REVISED STANDARD IS 1084:2005 AND NEW STI DOC:STI/1084/3, Feb 2006WILL BE EFFECTIVE FROM 15 APRIL 2006.All RO’s/BO’s are requested to take appropriate necessary action.STI is already available on <strong>BIS</strong> internet site and can be downloaded.Sc.F&H(<strong>CMD</strong>-<strong>II</strong>)(N.K. Bansal)Joint Director (<strong>CMD</strong>-<strong>II</strong>)Circulated to all RO’sBO’s, <strong>CMD</strong>-ICc:TXD - with a request to gazette it w.e.f. 15 April 2006.

SCHEME OF TESTING AND INSPECTIONFOR CERTIFICATION OFMANILA ROPESACCORDING TO IS: 1084:2005(Fifth Revision)1. Laboratory - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equippedand staffed to carry out the different tests in accordance with the methods given inthe Indian standards.2. Test Records - All records of analysis and tests shall be kept in suitable formsapproved by the Bureau of Indian Standards (<strong>BIS</strong>).2.1 Copies of any records that may be required by <strong>BIS</strong> shall be made available at anytime on request.2.2 Quality Control - It is recommended that, as far as possible, Statistical QualityControl (SQC) methods may be used for controlling the quality of the product asenvisaged in this Scheme[See IS 397(Part 1):2003, IS 397 (Part 2):2003 and IS 397(Part 3):2003].2.2.1 All instruments/equipments are required to be brought under calibration control, asper frequency to be decided depending upon the usage.2.3 In addition, effort should be made to gradually introduce a Quality ManagementSystem in accordance with IS/ISO 9001:2000.3. Standard Mark – The Standard Mark(s) as given in Column (1) of the firstSchedule of the licence shall be marked on the labels attached at both the ends ofeach coil of manila rope, provided always that the rope in each coil to which thismark is applied conforms to every requirement of the specification. The Standardmark shall also be marked on each package containing such ropes.4. Marking - In addition, as given in Column (1) of the First Schedule of the licenceshall be marked on the labels attached at both the ends of each coil of manila rope,provided always that the rope in each coil to which this Mark is thus mark appliedconforms to every requirement of the specification. The Standard Mark shall alsobe marked on each package containing such ropes.a) The manufacturer’s name and trade mark, if any;b) Length of rope in coil;c) Diameter of the rope in mm;d) Month and year of Manufacturer;

e) Control Unit number;f) Any other marking required by the buyer; andg) Licence No. (CM/L- ……………….)5. Identification and Packing – If the agreement between the buyer and seller soprovides ropes shall be marked for identification of grade in accordance with theprocedure laid down in IS 9560:1980 as given 10.1 of IS 1084:2005. In thisregards clause 10.1.1 of IS 1084:2005 shall also be satisfied. Unless otherwisespecified, ropes shall be packed confirming to the requirements laid down in IS3256.6. Control Unit – For the purpose of this scheme, all the coils of rope of one type(refer clause 1 of IS 1084:2005), grade (refer Clause 4 of IS 1084:2005) anddiameter manufactured in a day under similar condition shall constitute a controlunit.7. Levels of Control – The analysis and tests as indicated in Table 1 and at levels ofcontrol specified therein shall be carried out on the whole production of the factorycovered by the scheme and appropriate records and charts maintained inaccordance lwith clause 2.0 above. All the production which conforms to theIndian Standard and covered by this licence shall be marked with CertificationMark of the Bureau.7.1 Each of the sample drawn from a control unit as per the levels of control laid downin Table 1 and tested shall satisfy the requirements of the specification as laid down.7.1.1 If any sample fails in respect of a given requirement all the coils of ropes in thecontrol unit shall be subjected to testing. In case of failure, the defectives sofound shall be suitably corrected, if possible but shall be accepted for markingonly after retesting.8. In respect of all other clauses of the specification and at all stages of manufacturethe factory shall maintain appropriate controls and checks to ensure that theirproduct conforms to the various requirements of those clauses.9. MANUFACTURE9.1 Manil Fibres – The fibre used shall conform to 6.1 of IS 1084:2005.9.2 Yarns – The yarn shall conform to 6.2 of IS 1084:20059.3 Strands – The strands shall conform to 6.3 of IS 1084:20059.4 Ropes – The number of strands in the rope and lay of rope, unless otherwisespecified shall be as given in 6.4 of IS 1084:2005.

9.5 Lubrication – Welding or loading material shall not be used. For the purposes ofdressing the fibre or for the preservation of the rope a lubricant shall be addedpreferable petroleum products. The quantity of the dressing applied to the fibreshall be as per clause 6.5 of IS 1084:2005.9.6 Rot-Proofing Treatment – If so ordered, ropes shall not be rot- proofed as perclause 6.6 of IS 1084:2005.9.7 Angle of Lay – Angle of lay for all types and grades of ropes shall be 37.9.8 Finsh – Finish of the ropes shall be as given in Clause 9 of IS 1084:2005.10. Rejection - A separate record shall be maintained giving informationrelating to the rejection of ropes, which do not conform to the specificationand the method of their disposal. Such material shall in no case be storedtogether with that conforming to the specification.11. Samples - The licensee shall supply, free of charge, the sample or samplesrequired in accordance with the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification)Regulations from his factory or godowns. <strong>BIS</strong> shall pay for the samplestaken by it from the open market.12. Replacement- Whenever a complaint is received soon after the goods withthe Standard Mark have been purchased and used, and if there is adequateevidence that the goods have not been misused, defective goods or theircomponents shall be replaced or repaired free of cost by the licensee in casethe complaint is proved to be genuine and the warranty period (whereapplicable) has not expired. The final authority to judge conformity of theproduct to the Indian Standard shall be with <strong>BIS</strong>. The firm should have owncomplaint investigation system as per IS 15400.13. In the event of any damages caused by the goods bearing the StandardMark, or claim being filed by the consumer against <strong>BIS</strong> Standard Mark andnot “conforming to” the relevant Indian Standard, entire liability arising outof such non conforming product shall be of licensee and <strong>BIS</strong> shall not in anyway be responsible in such cases.14. Stop Marking - The marking of the product shall be stopped underintimation to <strong>BIS</strong>, if at any time, there is some difficulty in maintaining theconformity of the product to the specification, or the testing equipment goesout of order. The marking may be resumed as soon as the defects areremoved under intimation to <strong>BIS</strong>.

The marking of the product shall be stopped immediately if directed to do soby <strong>BIS</strong> for any reason. The marking may then be resumed only afterpermission by <strong>BIS</strong>. The information regarding resumption of marking shallalso be sent to <strong>BIS</strong>.15. Production Data– The licensee shall send to <strong>BIS</strong>, as per the enclosedPerforma to the authenticated by a Chartered Accountant or by themanufacturer by giving an affidavit/undertaking, a statement of the quantityproduced, marked and exported by him and the trade value thereof at theend of each operative year of the licence.IS 1084:2005MANILA ROPESTABLE 1 LEVELS OF CONTROL(Clause 7 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)Test DetailsClause RequirementsTest MethodClause <strong>Ref</strong>erenceNo. ofSamplesLevels of ControlFrequency Remarks6.1 Manila Fibers 6.1 IS 1084:2005 - - Manila fibers shallbe inspected andtested whenevernecessary as percompany standardsso to produce ropesof quality specifiedin the ISS.Records of suchchecks shall bemaintained.6.2 Yarn 6.2 IS 1084:2005 One Each controlunit6.3 &Table 1,2 or 3strands 6.3 IS 1084:2005 -do- -do- No. of strands inthe rope and to buyof rope, unlessotherwise specifiedshall be as given inISS.6.4 Ropes 6.4 -do- -do- -do-

6.5 Lubrication 6.5 IS 1084:2005 Onemixingfibres6.6 Rot-proofing Treatment 6.6 IS 1084:2005 Onemixingfibres8.1 Mass of the coil IS 7071 (Pt 2) 3 coils ofrope8.2 Pitch IS 7071 (Pt 1to 3)8.3 Length of Coil IS 7071 (Pt 1to 3)Every mixing All the threesamples shall pass.Deficiency if anycould be corrected.If possible: 3samples testedagain and sixaccepted for furtherprocessing if all the3 samples pass.-do-Each controlunitPlease see 7.1 and7.1.1 of STI also-do- -do- -do-All coilsof ropes-do-Length in the coilsmay also be asagreed to betweenthe buyers and theseller.8.4 Diameter IS 7071 (Pt 3) 3 coils ofropeEach controlunitPlease see 7.1 and7.1.1 of STI alsoIS 1084:2005MANILA ROPESTABLE 1 LEVELS OF CONTROL(Clause 7 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)Test DetailsClause RequirementsTest MethodClause <strong>Ref</strong>erenceNo. ofSamplesLevels of ControlFrequency Remarks

8.5 Other requirementsa) No. of yarnsper strandIS 7071 (Pt 3)3 coils ofropeEachunitcontrolPlease see 7.1 and7.1.1 of STI alsob) Linear densityc) BreakingstrngthIS 7071 (Pt 2)IS 7071 (Pt 4)-do--do--do--do--do--do-9 Finish 9 IS 1084:2005 All coilsof ropes-do-Please see 7.1 and7.1.1 of STI also

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