2011 Annual Presentation to BOCC - Santa Rosa County

2011 Annual Presentation to BOCC - Santa Rosa County

2011 Annual Presentation to BOCC - Santa Rosa County


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Local Mitigation Strategy<strong>Annual</strong> Update <strong>to</strong>CommissionersSheila HarrisSpecial Projects/Grants

What is Mitigation?• Mitigation works <strong>to</strong> reduce or eliminate longtermrisk <strong>to</strong> human life and property fromdisasters.• Also refers <strong>to</strong> activity which reduces oreliminates the chance of the occurrence oreffects of a disaster.

Why is mitigation important?• Effective Mitigation efforts can break the cycle ofdisaster damage, reconstruction, and repeateddamage.• Decreased Property Damage• Lives Saved• Losses Reduced• Societal Disruptions Minimized• Legal Liability Reduced• Protect Critical Facilities• Positive Political Ramifications• Studies show that every $1 spent on mitigationinitiatives saves $4 in future loss

Local Mitigation Strategy• Florida requires each county, its communitiesand other potential applicants for mitigationrelated funding <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> developand implement a <strong>County</strong>wide Mitigation Plan.• Local Mitigation planning forms thefoundation for short-term and long-term postdisasterrecovery and mitigation activities(funding).• The plan is necessary <strong>to</strong> be eligible for hazardmitigation funding.

Local Mitigation Strategy Task ForcePrimary Purposes:• Maintain & update LMS (plan)• Identify risks• Develop mitigation priorities <strong>to</strong>minimize risks• Prioritize mitigation projects• Work <strong>to</strong> fund & complete projects• Cross-jurisdictional representation & coordination• Community input

<strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong> <strong>County</strong> LMS Plan• LMS received approval from FEMA and the state ofFlorida for its <strong>2011</strong>-2016 plan in June. Some importantchanges include:• Incorporation of HAZUS-MH predictions of estimateddamage and injuries due <strong>to</strong> hurricane by theintensity of the event for each jurisdiction.• Project prioritization methodology was revised <strong>to</strong>more closely align with FEMA guidelines• Goals and policies were updated <strong>to</strong> reflect currentconditions and desired outcomes.• The plan is reviewed on an annual basis and an updateis provided <strong>to</strong> the Florida Division of EmergencyManagement no later than January 31 of each year.

Project Progress - Completed• The following mitigation activities werecompleted during Fiscal Year 2010/<strong>2011</strong>• Approval of the <strong>2011</strong>-2016 LMS Plan.• Approval of the Flood Mitigation Plan.• Greenbriar S<strong>to</strong>rmwater/Drainage HMGP Project.• Orion Lake S<strong>to</strong>rmwater/Drainage HMGP Project.• Long Street Drainage HMGP Project.• Acquisition of flood-prone property at 6024Saddleclub Rd in Pace.

Project Progress - Pending• The following mitigation activities are expected <strong>to</strong> bestarted or completed during FY 11/12• (4) HMGP Phase II S<strong>to</strong>rmwater/Drainage ImprovementConstruction Projects• Saber<strong>to</strong>oth Circle – Anticipated completion dateSept <strong>2011</strong>.• Villa Venyce – Anticipated completion date Sept<strong>2011</strong>.• Ganges Trail/Madura Trail – Anticipated completiondate Oc<strong>to</strong>ber <strong>2011</strong>.• Harrison Avenue – pending easement negotiation

Project Progress - Pending• The following mitigation activities are expected<strong>to</strong> be started or completed during FY 11/12• CDBG Disaster Recovery Sewer Project inBagdad• CDBG Disaster Recovery Sewer Project inNavarre East Area.• Acquisition and demolition of one flood pronehome on Coral Strip Pkwy.• Elevation of five flood prone properties inWhisper Bay/Tiger Point area (pending grantaward)

CRS and Flood Insurance• CRS or Community Rating System is a voluntaryprogram• The Community earns discounts on Flood Insurancefor it’s citizens by completing activities andmaintaining documentation• Discounts range from 5% <strong>to</strong> 45%• <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong> <strong>County</strong> Unincorporated (including Townof Jay) is currently a Class 6 (20% discount)• City of Gulf Breeze and City of Mil<strong>to</strong>n are Class 8(10% discount)

CRS Goals Reached• On March 29, <strong>2011</strong> we received preliminarynotification that <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong> <strong>County</strong> UnincorporatedAreas (including the Town of Jay) will be upgraded <strong>to</strong>a Class 5 (25% discount). This is subject <strong>to</strong>DHS/FEMA acceptance.• On March 25, <strong>2011</strong> our Flood Mitigation plan wasreviewed and scored by the Insurance ServicesOffice for inclusion in our CRS scoring. We receiveda score of 273 points, which makes our plan thehighest scoring plan in the US of communitiesparticipating in CRS.• Our Outreach Strategy was reviewed and scored byISO and was awarded the maximum points allowed.

CRS Goals• Benchmarks within 1 (one) mile of a SpecialFlood Hazard Area• Updating our Floodplain Ordinance <strong>to</strong> moreclosely match the State Model Ordinance.• Maintain our new rating

Repetitive Loss Properties• There are currently 650 properties in <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Rosa</strong><strong>County</strong> that are classified as Repetitive LossProperties• 60 of these are Severe Repetitive Loss Properties• 200 of these are code compliant• 9 properties have been submitted for grant fundingduring the last two Flood Mitigation grant cycles• 4 awards have been made• 2 projects complete, 1pending, 5 awaiting grantagreements, 1 withdrew

Flood Mitigation Plan• The Flood Mitigation Plan Task Force completeddevelopment of the Plan in March 2010.• The county received approval of its MultijurisdictionalFlood Mitigation Plan in June, <strong>2011</strong>.• The Flood Mitigation Plan Task Force met in July <strong>to</strong>review the plan and <strong>to</strong> develop an annualevaluation report of the plan’s progress.• A copy of the Evaluation Report was released <strong>to</strong> thepublic, placed on the county’s LMS page and wasprovided <strong>to</strong> each commissioner for review.

Flood Mitigation Plan <strong>Annual</strong> Review• Review indicates that the plan is effective, current and thatno significant revisions are necessary at this time.• The county did not experience any significant floodingevents during the last year.• The majority of heavy rainfall events impacted riverine areasand nearby roads and bridges.• The action plan was successfully addressed and manyitems were pursued or effectively completed.• On March 25, <strong>2011</strong> our Flood Mitigation plan wasreviewed and scored by the Insurance Services Office forinclusion in our CRS scoring. We received a score of 273points, which makes our plan the highest scoring plan inthe US of communities participating in CRS.

The Future• Continue <strong>to</strong> encourage community andorganizational representatives <strong>to</strong> attend andactively participate• Encourage homeowners <strong>to</strong> retrofit homes ifthey are in a risk area• Continue <strong>to</strong> work with other partners in aneffort <strong>to</strong> identify and secure potential fundingsources for mitigation projects• Continue <strong>to</strong> educate the public regardingmitigation


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