A ZVS PWM Half-Bridge Voltage Source Inverter With ... - Ivo Barbi

A ZVS PWM Half-Bridge Voltage Source Inverter With ... - Ivo Barbi A ZVS PWM Half-Bridge Voltage Source Inverter With ... - Ivo Barbi

MEZAROBA et al.: <strong>ZVS</strong> <strong>PWM</strong> HALF-BRIDGE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER WITH ACTIVE CLAMPING 2667Fig. 2. Operation stages. (a) First stage (t 0 − t 1 ). (b) Second stage (t 1 − t 2 ). (c) Third stage (t 2 − t 3 ). (d) Fourth stage (t 3 − t 4 ). (e) Fifth stage (t 4 − t 5 ).(f) Sixth stage (t 5 − t 6 ). (g) Seventh stage (t 6 − t 7 ). (h) Eighth stage (t 7 − t 8 ). (i) Ninth stage (t 8 − t 0 ).In relation to the switching period, the commutation timeis very short. Therefore, the following simplifications canbe made:t 5 = t 1 =0 (4)t 7 − t 5 = D · T S (5)t 7 = D · T S (6)where D is the duty cycle to the switching period.From (4)–(6), (3) can be rewritten as follows:⎡iC Sav = 1 ⎣T S∫D·T S0( vCSL St − i r)dt+∫T SD·T S⎤( )vCSt − i OUT − i r dt⎦ . (7)L S

2668 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2007signal and the peak value of the sawtooth waveform (11), i.e.,ma = v ref pkv sawpk. (11)The inverter output voltage for a switching period can beexpressed by(v OUT = E D − 1 ). (12)2From (12), we can obtain the duty cycle D, i.e.,D = v OUTE + 1 2 . (13)The inverter output voltage for an output period is given bywhere ω is expressed byv OUT (ωt) = √ 2 · v OUTrms · sin ωt (14)ω =2· π · f (15)Fig. 3.Main waveforms.and f represents the output frequency.The maximum output voltage is given byv OUTpk= E · ma . (16)2The root-mean-square (rms) output voltage is obtained fromv OUTrms= E · √2 ma . (17)2 ·Fig. 4.Modulation strategy.Solving the integral equation and consideringwe haveiC Sav =0 (8)vC S = 2 · L ST S[i r + i OUT (1 − D)] . (9)Considering that the load current is a sinusoidal function andis in phase with the output voltage, then,i OUT (ωt) =E · ma2 · Z OUT· sin ωt (10)where Z OUT is the load impedance.Fig. 4 shows some signals of the modulation strategy used todrive the main switches.The sawtooth waveform is lined on the left edge. Thisfacilitates the synchronism between the auxiliary switch and themain switches. The converter output voltage is controlled by theamplitude modulation factor (ma), which is obtained throughthe relation between the peak value of the sinusoidal referenceEquation (18) shows the inverter duty cycle obtained from(13), (14), and (17), i.e.,D(ωt) = ma2 · sin ωt + 1 2 . (18)Combining (9), (10), and (18), we obtain the expression ofthe snubber capacitor voltage vC S given byvC S (ωt)= 2 ·L [Si r + E · ma · sin ωt − E · ]ma2 · sin 2 ωtT S 4 · Z OUT 4 · Z OUT(19)where i r is the peak reverse recovery current of the antiparalleldiode, which can be given by [25]i r =√43 · Q rr ·EL S. (20)Q rr represents the reverse recovery charge of the diode.From the analysis of the current behavior in capacitor C S ,the expression of current i f can be obtainedi f (ωt) = vC S(ωt)L S· T S − i OUT (ωt) − i r . (21)

MEZAROBA et al.: <strong>ZVS</strong> <strong>PWM</strong> HALF-BRIDGE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER WITH ACTIVE CLAMPING 2669TABLE IITABLE IL S =Edi/dt = 40040 =10µH. (25) can observe that the voltage increment across the switches issmaller than in a conventional inverter.MAIN SPECIFICATIONSDIODE SPECIFICATIONSCombining (10) and (19) with (21), we obtain the expressionthat represents the evolution of current i f , i.e.,i f (ωt) =i r − E · ma2 · sin 2 ωt.2 · Z OUT(22) Fig. 5. Capacitor clamping voltage behavior.The minimum value of expression (22) is located in π/2.Then,C. Load ImpedanceThe load impedance is obtained fromi f min = i r − E · ma2 .2 · Z OUT(23) Z out = √ 2.15 2 +(2· π · 60 · 500µ) 2 ∼ = 2.15 Ω. (26)To guarantee the <strong>ZVS</strong> condition in all load range, the minimumvalue of current i f obtained from (23) must be greater D. Diode Selectionthan the value obtained from (2), i.e.,For satisfactory performance of the inverter, it is important toi r − E · √ ma2 C1 + C Achoose a slow recovery diode. Therefore, it has been decided to≥ E. (24) use the diode SEMIKRON SKKD 81/12 (its characteristics are2 · Z OUT L Sshown in Table II).V. D ESIGN EXAMPLEE. SwitchingPeriodA. Input DataThe main specifications are shown in Table I.T S = 1 = 1 =50µs.f S 20(27)B. Calculation of the Auxiliary InductorsThe auxiliary inductor is responsible for the di/dt limit duringthe turnoff of the main diodes. The di/dt is directly relatedto the peak reverse recovery current i r of the antiparallel diodes.A “snappy” di/dt produces a large amplitude transient voltageand significantly contributes to electromagnetic interference.In the design procedure, a di/dt that is usually found in theF. Reverse Recovery CurrentThe reverse recovery current is given by√ 4 400i r = × 120µ × =83.2 A.3 10µ(28)diode datasheet was chosen. This is a simple way to obtain thediode’s fundamental parameter for the design of the inverter. Inthis case, the di/dt chosen for the example was 40 A/µs. We G. Clamping<strong>Voltage</strong> Capacitor Behaviorknow that the current ramp rate is determined by the externalcircuit. Thus,Using (19), the curves described in Fig. 5 are obtained. ForZ OUT =2.15 Ω, the maximum clamping voltage is 38 V. We

2670 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2007Fig. 6.Current i f behavior.TABLE IIIPROTOTYPE SPECIFICATIONSFig. 7. <strong>Voltage</strong> and current in Q 1 , including D 1 and C 1 . 100 V/div, 50 A/div,2 µs/div.H. Behavior of the Current i fThe behavior of the current i f , which is obtained from (2)and (22), can be seen in Fig. 6.It can be seen that current i f has a minimum point that islocated at π/2, and the intensity of the current is reduced withthe increase of the load. To guarantee a <strong>ZVS</strong> condition in allload ranges, the minimum value of current i f , which is obtainedfrom (23), must be greater than the value obtained from (2), i.e.,Fig. 8. <strong>Voltage</strong> and current in Q 2 , including D 2 and C 2 . 100 V/div, 50 A/div,2 µs/div.400 · 0.92i f min =83.2 − =7.85 A (29)2 · 2.15√ 1.5n +1.5ni f min ≥ 400=6.93 A (30)10µ7.85 A ≥ 6.93 A. (31)VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSAn inverter prototype rated 7.5 kW, which operates with<strong>PWM</strong> strategy, was built to evaluate the proposed circuit. Themain specifications and components are given in Table III.A. Experimental WaveformsIn the figures presented below, we can observe the experimentalwaveforms obtained from the laboratory prototype.Fig. 9. <strong>Voltage</strong> and current in Q A , including D A and C A . 100 V/div,50 A/div, 10 µs/div.Figs. 7–9 show the voltage across and the current through theswitches. We can observe that for all switches, including theauxiliary one, the commutation occurs under <strong>ZVS</strong> conditions,which confirms the theoretical analysis. In Fig. 10, the currentin the commutation auxiliary inductor for a switching periodcan be observed.

MEZAROBA et al.: <strong>ZVS</strong> <strong>PWM</strong> HALF-BRIDGE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER WITH ACTIVE CLAMPING 2671Fig. 10.Current in L S (50 A/div, 10 µs/div).Fig. 13.Efficiency over the output range.Fig. 11.Fig. 12.<strong>Voltage</strong> in C S (10 V/div, 5 ms/div).Output voltage and current (50 V/div, 50 A/div, 5 ms/div).VII. CONCLUSIONA <strong>ZVS</strong> <strong>PWM</strong> inverter with active voltage clamping techniqueusing the reverse recovery energy of the diodes has beendeveloped. The operation stages for a steady-state condition,mathematical analysis, main waveforms, and experimental resultswere presented. The experimental results show a low voltageacross the clamping capacitor. Switching losses are reduceddue to the implementation of a simple active snubber circuit,which provides <strong>ZVS</strong> conditions for all the switches, includingthe auxiliary one. The reduced number of components and thesimplicity of the structure increase its efficiency and reliabilityand make it suitable for practical applications. The proposedcircuit presents soft commutation for all load ranges, whichconfirms the theoretical studies.This topology presents certain advantages when comparedto the conventional soft commutation inverters presented in theliterature:• soft commutation in all load ranges;• simple structure with a low number of components;• the use of a classical <strong>PWM</strong> modulation;• auxiliary switch works with a constant duty cycle in alloperation stages;• the use of slow and low-cost rectifier diodes;• low clamping voltage across the capacitor;• simple design procedure with few restrictions;• high efficiency.<strong>With</strong> these characteristics, the authors believe that the proposedinverter circuit can be very useful for several industrialapplications such as ac drive systems, power factor correction,uninterruptible power system, active filters, and inductionheating.The voltage across clamping capacitor C S is shown inFig. 11. We can note a very low voltage across C S , whichrepresents a minimal voltage stress across the devices. Theoutput voltage and the current are presented in Fig. 12. Fig. 13shows the efficiency as a function of the load range.The efficiency was obtained using two wattmeters(Yokogawa Digital Power Meter WT230). One was put in the dcbus, and the other was put in the load resistance after the filter.REFERENCES[1] A. Santolaria et al., “EMI reduction in switched power converters bymeans of spread spectrum modulation techniques,” in Proc. IEEE-PESC,2004, pp. 292–296.[2] M. Nagao, Y. Fujisawa, and K. Harada, “Efficiency improvement by frequencymodulation depending on load current for inductor commutationsoft-switched <strong>PWM</strong> inverter,” in Proc. IEEE-PESC, 2004, pp. 3939–3945.[3] J. S. Lai et al., “<strong>Source</strong> and load adaptive design for a high-power softswitchinginverter,” in Proc. IPEC, Niigata, Japan, 2005, pp. 593–599.

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He receivedthe B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineeringfrom the Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1978 and 1981, respectively,and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineeringfrom the Polytechnic National Institute of Toulouse,Toulouse, France, in 1986.He is currently a Titular Professor in the Departmentof Electrical Engineering, Federal University ofSanta Catarina.<strong>Ivo</strong> <strong>Barbi</strong> (M’78–SM’90) was born in Gaspar,Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 1949. He received theB.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineeringfrom the Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1973 and 1976, respectively,and the Dr. Ing. degree from the PolytechnicNational Institute of Toulouse, Toulouse, France,in 1979.He founded the Brazilian Power ElectronicsSociety and the Power Electronics Institute, FederalUniversity of Santa Catarina and created theBrazilian Power Electronics Conference. He is currently a Professor of thePower Electronics Institute, Federal University of Santa Catarina.

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