June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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48 <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Magazine.a sacrifice <strong>of</strong>fen'u up as <strong>the</strong> Scripture saith, "\vjthull~ <strong>the</strong>shedding <strong>of</strong> blood <strong>the</strong>re can be no remission <strong>of</strong> sill." Christundertook to ll\('et all <strong>the</strong> demands <strong>of</strong> justice, and, in OI"c!Clr tomeet <strong>the</strong> above demands he took unto himself a hUlIIan hudyand soul. He that was God, holy and undefiled, condesc(lndodin taking human nature so that <strong>the</strong> Eternal God becanll' l\ I·hild<strong>of</strong> days. .rt was in human uature that <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> our rn(~fell and it was to be in human nature that <strong>the</strong> demandsJustice were to be met. As <strong>the</strong> whole human race to a IlIanlay under sentence <strong>of</strong> death, groaning and sighing as those undl'l"captivity. (2) Redemption from <strong>the</strong> penalty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law. Till'first and most obvious consequence <strong>of</strong> sin is subjection to tll('penalty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law, "The wages <strong>of</strong> sin is death." Everysin <strong>of</strong> necessity subjects <strong>the</strong> sinner to <strong>the</strong> wrath and curse <strong>of</strong>God. The first step, <strong>the</strong>refore, in <strong>the</strong> salvation <strong>of</strong> sinners is<strong>the</strong>ir redemption from that curse. Until this is done <strong>the</strong>y are<strong>of</strong> necessity separated from God. But alienation from Him<strong>of</strong> necessity involves both misery and subjection to <strong>the</strong> power<strong>of</strong> sin. So long as men are under <strong>the</strong> curse, <strong>the</strong>y are cut <strong>of</strong>ffrom <strong>the</strong> only source <strong>of</strong> holiness and life. Such is <strong>the</strong> doctrinetaught throughout <strong>the</strong> Bible, and elaborately in Romans, ch.6 and 7. In effecting <strong>the</strong> salvation <strong>of</strong> His people, Christ"redeemed <strong>the</strong>m from <strong>the</strong> curse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law," not by a mereact <strong>of</strong> sovereignty, or power; not by moral influence I'estoring<strong>the</strong>m to virtue, but by being" made a curse for <strong>the</strong>m." Nolanguage can be plainer than this. The curse is <strong>the</strong> pennlty<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law. We weI'e subject to that penalty. Christ hasredeemed us from that subjection by being made a curse .corus (Gal. iii. v. xiii.) that <strong>the</strong> infinitely exalted and holy SOil <strong>of</strong>God should be " accursed" is so awful an idea, that <strong>the</strong> Apostlejustifies <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> such language by quoting <strong>the</strong> declaration <strong>of</strong>Scripture, "Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree."Suffering' and especially <strong>the</strong> suffering <strong>of</strong> death judicially inflictedon account <strong>of</strong> sin is penal. Those who thus suffer have <strong>the</strong>curse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> penalty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law. The sufferings <strong>of</strong> Christ, andespecially His death upon <strong>the</strong> cross, were nei<strong>the</strong>r calamities~

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