June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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The Magazine. 75Illness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> General Treasurer.-Our readers will learnwith sincere regret that Mr. John Grant has passed through avery severe illncss (pneumon~a.). At <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> writing he ismaking progress towards recovery, and our prayer is, as we aresure it is <strong>the</strong> prayer <strong>of</strong> our readers, that <strong>the</strong> Lord will continueHis kindness to him. Arrangements will be made to attend toany correspondence sent to Mr. Grant during his illness.The Magazine.3s 9d Subscriptions.-John Cameron, Gardale, Kingairloek; Mrs]. Cameron, Craigmore, Bute; Mrs N. McLennan, CromaIt, Elphin;Miss M. McLeod, 3 Eyre, Raasay; F. McLennan, Ardiniaskan,Lochcarron; Norman McAskill, Kinloch Farm, Kyle; Ivliss C.Dunnet, Grocer, Castletown, Thurso; Miss A. C. Munro, Balgibbon,Turnberry, Ayr; Miss Maggie McLeod, 35 Bayhead Street,Stornoway; M rs ]. Cameron, 42 Crichton Road, Craigmore; J amesCampbell, Senr., Arch'oss Place, Inverness; Robert Ross, \!VestLangwell, Eogart; D. Cameron, Pine View, Carrbridge; E. F.Bernarcl, I Vvalsingham Terrace, Hove; S. Tingey, 33 SouthgateRoacl, Potters Bar; Hugh Su<strong>the</strong>rland, Balvraid, Skelbo; AngusCampbell, Treaslancl, Skye; Donalcl MacKenzie, Tarbet; Mrs JohnMcKay, Pultney Street, UlIapool; Angus Stewart, Glenclessary,Spean Bridge; N. MacKinnon, Collector, Tarbet, Harris; JohnMurray, 1 Skigersta, Port <strong>of</strong> Ness, Stornoway; John Morrison,7 Habost, Port <strong>of</strong> Ness, Stornoway; WaIter]. Hendry, 13 SorobaRoad, Oban; 1\1 rs H. MacKenzie, Achnacarnin, Lochinver; ColinU rquhart, Luibmon', Achnasheen; Donalcl Mac!vel', Naast,Poolewe, Ross-shire; Colin MacLean, Moreficld, UlIapool; Alex.Gillanders, Fernahcg, Strathcarron; Ma1colm Fraser, The Ivrol1nd,N.B.; Mrs C. B. Zeiglcr, 530 Courtlandt Street, Houston, Heights;Mrs C. McNeill, Foreland View, Bollmorc; Miss C. McDonald,Schoolhouse, Kallin; Nmse J. }"'Iac!ver, The Bungalow, Isle <strong>of</strong>Scalpy; Archibalcl McPhail, Achalloish, Argyle; N eil MaeIssac,Kylis Paible, North Uist; Dl1ncan McArthur, 26 Hillfoot Street,Dennistoun; 111"s Robertson, Ahcrcllalder, Inverness; I\IurcloIvracLeocl, 28 Sworcl1c, Garrabost; ]Vr rs Cathie Kerr, Torbeck,Lochinver ; John IVlcKenzie, Glendarroch, Lochinver; TimesM cKinnon, 21 EIgol, Broadford; Mrs 1v1cKenzie, Russel, Kishorn;Miss Ivl. A. Carmichal, Lonbain, Arrina; Alex. McKenzie, NewPark, Laide; J. McDonald, Box 48, Rainy River, Canada; J.Cross, Cr:lI1d Hotel, Lerwick; Mrs M. Cross, 19 High Street,Cromarty; M rs F. Anderson, Seafieid, Broadford; R. Colvin,Sl1isgill, Kildonan; lvrrs D. Rose, Errogie Cottage, Errogie; ~IrsMurdo Morrison, Culkein, Drul1lbeg; Miss A. McLeod, 10 Achmore,Stornoway; D. McDonald, Dumnaglass, Aberarcler; Alex. Rankil1,Mamore Cottage, Fort William; James Ross, Backless, Watten;

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