June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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(IThe late Mr. Angus Fraser, Elder, St. Jude's, Glasgow. 59scenes and events <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> long past were deeply imprinted on hismind. But what made a deep and lasting impression on himwere <strong>the</strong> places which our Saviour, <strong>the</strong> Lord Jesus Christ,frequented both in Judea and Galilee while He tabernacledamong men. The garden <strong>of</strong> Gethsemane was <strong>the</strong> pLace thatseemed to make <strong>the</strong> deepest impression upon him. Concerningit he wrote to his bl'O<strong>the</strong>r, Mr. Sam. Fraser:-" I walked aloneto Gethsemane. I had a pleasant, but very sorrowful afternoonand evening <strong>the</strong>re. A very deep and awful valley. Old olivetrees <strong>the</strong>re yet. Saw <strong>the</strong> place <strong>of</strong> His lagony. Ascended <strong>the</strong> hill,and returned again. Hope I may not forget this solemn evening.'Whatever is before me, I 'anl greatly privileged in seeing, whatI hope, humbled me for my sins. May He bless His dealings tosuch a poor, vile sinner." "I remember you all in my unworthypetitions morning and evening, and yet, I am <strong>of</strong>ten afraid <strong>of</strong>->something happening to any <strong>of</strong> you. I hope <strong>the</strong> Good Shepherdwill bless you lall, and keep you from all evil. If I could go to,-<strong>the</strong> blood-sprinkled mercy-seat and plead for each <strong>of</strong> you infaith, surely this would keep me from such apprehensive fears...I 'felt Mr. MacLean's death very much. I will soon follow.May He have mercy on a poor sinner! I do feel very sinful andbarren. We all need His grace and His pity." He sent <strong>the</strong>writer three olive leaves from <strong>the</strong> garden <strong>of</strong> Gethsemane, whichhe keeps with Clare.'When it was decided by our Church that <strong>the</strong> writer should visitour Mission in S. Rhodesia in <strong>the</strong> year 1921, Angus Fraser wasrequested to accompany him, which he did with all his heart.The services held on board were such that we could not attend<strong>the</strong>m, so we held two prayer meetings every Sabbath. This wasa cause <strong>of</strong> real thankfulness to me thlat I had a man with mewho was not only a true friend, but also a man who showed realpiety in <strong>the</strong> midst <strong>of</strong> such ungodliness and sin.During our stay in <strong>the</strong> Mission a prayer meeting was heldabout six every Sabbath morning, land again lat <strong>the</strong> samehour on Thursday morning. Angus gave a short addresslat each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se meetings. He also gave addresses in three <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>

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