June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

June - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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THEjf'rtt ~rt~b!'ttrianandMONTHLY RECORD._.._.- --_.._-j$laga?tntVOL. XXXVI. <strong>June</strong>, 1931.No. 2.Bro<strong>the</strong>rly Love.THIS grace so <strong>of</strong>ten inculcated and commended in <strong>the</strong> NewTestament is <strong>of</strong> a heavenly origin. It does not grownaturally in <strong>the</strong> human heart. Its great incentive is God's loveto His people-" Herein is love, not that wc lovpd God, hutthat He loved us and sent His Son to be <strong>the</strong> pl'opitation forour sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to loveone ano<strong>the</strong>r" (I. John iv. 10, 11). Again, <strong>the</strong> disciples werecommanded to love one ano<strong>the</strong>r as <strong>the</strong>ir Lord had loved <strong>the</strong>m(John xv. 10)-" A new commandment," He says, "I give untoyou, that ye love one ano<strong>the</strong>r; as I have loved you, that ye alsolove one ano<strong>the</strong>r. By this shall all men know that ye arc mydisciples, if ye have love one to ano<strong>the</strong>r" (John xiii. 34, 35).The Apostle Paul in writing to <strong>the</strong> Thessalonians commends <strong>the</strong>mfor <strong>the</strong>ir bro<strong>the</strong>rly love-" But as touching brothCl'ly love yeneed not that I write unto you; for ye yourselves arc taught <strong>of</strong>God to love one ano<strong>the</strong>r and indeed ye do it toward all <strong>the</strong>brethren which are in Macedonia; but we beseech you, brethren,that ye increase more and more" (I. Thess. iv. 9, 10). Itshone out clearly in <strong>the</strong> Christian life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ephesian believersand moved <strong>the</strong> Apostle to give thanks to God continually inhis prayers on <strong>the</strong>ir behalf for <strong>the</strong>ir faith to <strong>the</strong> Lord Jesusand "love to all <strong>the</strong> saints" (Ephes. i. 15). The same effectwas produced by <strong>the</strong> love which <strong>the</strong> Colossians had to all <strong>the</strong>saints (Col. i. 4). The Apostle recognised in <strong>the</strong> mfll1ifestationsD

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