Joana Camilo - International Bureau for Epilepsy

Joana Camilo - International Bureau for Epilepsy Joana Camilo - International Bureau for Epilepsy
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DE TIJD OP JE HIELENDE FILMDe Tijd Op Je HielenDocumentaire | 152 min. | Digital Video | KleurDe film bestaat uit 4 delen van 40 minuten:Deel 1 - De Grote VerdwijntrucDirk Horringa, Anton Veldkamp en Greet RijffDeel 2 - Het Vege LijfEmma Dorn, Ineke Hosmar en Martijn DonkerDeel 3 - Geen Weg TerugLouise Roos, Philippe Visser en André HankersDeel 4 - Het Veroveren van de TijdMaarten Houtman, Jellie Wiersma en Margot SpiegelFESTIVALS & SCREENINGSNederlands Filmfestival 2003Over de regisseur SHERMAN DE JESUSMaakt sinds 1970 als producent en regisseur vele uren film voor theater entelevisie. Zo produceerde hij onder meer speelfilms Odyssee d'Amour en Let TheMusic Dance (met Boudewijn De Groot) van Pim de la Parra, Gevangen opJava, met Gerard Thoolen; The Stage Is A Village; de telefilm Boy Ecury incoproductie met VARA-tv. Papa’s Kleine Meid,JoyMeal, De Lange Adem vanZuilen en Beyond Development. Zelf regisseerde hij de documentaires DeIndiaan Baarde een Neger, het Caribische drieluik met Tip Marugg, Boeli vanLeeuwen en Frank Martinus Arion, De Klimmer, Ocalia, Liefdeszaken, Geestvan de Werf en Leve Het Bruine Monster en de documentaireserie De Tijd op jeHielen voor NCRV. In ontwikkeling de speelfilms Sugarcane Rosy, Delana enWeekendpelgrimage Verschillende documentaires in ontwikkeling in coproductiemet de VPRO, NPS IKON en HUMAN.MEMPHIS FILM & TELEVISION Maliebaan 24 -26 3581 CP Utrecht T. 030-2332023 F. 030-2310409

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Where are we in the preparation of Horizon 2020?- Last year of FP7- Horizon 2020 preparationAdoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on Horizon 2020Workshops (Brussels)Member States Consultation (Autumn)[2014-2020]Launch offirst calls(Jan 2014)Draft of the first work programmes (Summer -tbc)FP7 Health Programme Committee meeting (June 2013)[2007-2013]Draft Horizon 2020 Strategic Programme feb 2013EC proposal <strong>for</strong> H2020 (30 Nov. 2011)under discussion with Member States and European Parliament

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Thematic context – Strategic Programming (II)Work Programmme 2+1: [2014-2015] + perspectives <strong>for</strong> 2016Thematic sub-challenges (focus areas – maximum impact)Portfolio of activities:• coverage of the innovation cycle• different perspectives (gender balance, socio-economic aspects, ICT, <strong>International</strong>cooperation, …)• Complementarities with other initiatives (Private-public and Public-Public partnerships, …)

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Thematic context – Strategic Programming (I)Legal baseStrategic Programme <strong>for</strong>2014-2016 calls Horizon GroupsHorizon 2020SpecificProgrammeFocus areas•Health/care•Food security•Oceans•Smart cities•Low-carbon Energy•Mobility•Waste•Water•Socio-economics•Disaster resilience•Digital security• Health• Food/Agriculture• Energy• Transport• Climate/Materials• Inclusive societies• Security• FET• Infrastructures• SMEs• Enabling /industrialtechnologiesWorkprogrammesOther areasFinal Report on Strategy Definition & Road Mapping <strong>for</strong> Industrial Technologies to to AddressGrand Challenges

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013How it works at European levelEuropean <strong>for</strong>a(managed by EC)AdvisoryGroups (AG)Activities---- Expertise ----Member States |Associated CountriesIndividualexpertsERAC(ex-CREST)---- Policy & strategy ----NationalRepresentativesProgrammeCommittee---- Management of Specificprogrammes ----NationalDelegatesNationalContact Points(NCP)---- In<strong>for</strong>mation, promotion of thefunding opportunities visibility,advices, assistance, support, training,signposting EC ----NCPsystems

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013How it works at European level ... in more detailAdvisoryGroups (AG)‣Contribute to the European Union's vision and objectives /agenda ofHorizon 2020‣ Provide high quality and timely advice <strong>for</strong> the preparation of the Horizon2020 calls <strong>for</strong> project proposals.Experts <strong>for</strong> Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups: Call <strong>for</strong> expressions of interest:

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Learning from FP7 experience: how the Framework Programme works'The starting point is always the previousFramework Programmes and the results andevaluations of outputs''Results can continue to come in a long time afterthe project finishes, maybe three to five years ormore, so you may not see the whole picture <strong>for</strong>some time.'(Graham Stroud, Head of Unit <strong>for</strong> the Support <strong>for</strong> the Implementation ofthe Research Programmes, DG Research, July 2006)

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Analysis and Discussionwithin the EC servicesLearning from FP7 experience: how were the Health Work Programmes (calls) preparedHealth Specific Programme (2006)+ RoadMapInputsAnnualwork programmesEuropean PoliciesBilateral and internationalagreements of the EUEU Scientific PrioritiesStrategic Research agendas(e.g . Joint Technology Initiatives,European Innovation Partnerships)Proposal <strong>for</strong> theannualimplementationwork programmeProgrammeCommitteeCall <strong>for</strong>proposalsStudies, RoadmapsContinuity/complementarities toprojects portfolios ofcurrent/past FP projects,Advisory GroupsWorkshops, ConferencesInputs from stakeholders

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Learning from FP7 experience: involvement in the work programme preparation (I)•Who can provideinputs <strong>for</strong> the WP?•When should theinputs be submitted?Ministries, CP Members or any other stakeholder like institutionsor individual researchers /entrepreneurs“Not too early and not too soon”, depending on the call planning•How?Through medium to long strategies(e.g. establishment of national and international coordinatednetworks, scientific conferences,, contacts with EU initiatives,ETPs and project coordinators, contacts with EC ScientificOfficers within different EC Directorates, coordination with PCDelegations, through NCPs ,etc.)•Why?You already know the answer...

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Recalling Europe 2020 StrategyVisionMissionFlagship Initiative‘Innovation Union’Europe 2020(Mar 2010)6 other Flagships Structural Funds

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Europe 2020 strategy >> Innovation Union >> European Innovation Partnerships (I)Increase the averagehealthy lifespan by twoyears by 2020.Triple win <strong>for</strong> Europe:• enabling EU citizens to lead healthy, active and independent liveswhile ageing;• improving the sustainability and efficiency of social and healthcare systems;• boosting and improving the competitiveness of the markets <strong>for</strong>innovative products and services, responding to the ageingchallenge at both EU and global level, thus creating newopportunities <strong>for</strong> businesses3 Main areas:preventionand healthpromotioncare andcureactive andindependentliving ofelderly people6 Action Groups:‣Prescription and adherence action at regional level‣Falls Prevention‣Prevention of functional decline and frailty‣Integrated Care‣Independent Living‣Age-friendly Environments

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Europe 2020 strategy >> Innovation Union >> European Innovation Partnerships (II)E.g. OfImplementation

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013EU research and Innovation landscape – <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013EPILEPSIAE -Evolving Plat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong>Improving LivingExpectation ofPatients Sufferingfrom IctAl Events(PT coordination)EU research and Innovation landscape – <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research (examples)EpiPGX - <strong>Epilepsy</strong>Pharmacogenomics:delivering biomarkers <strong>for</strong>clinical useEPICURE - FunctionalGenomics andNeurobiology of<strong>Epilepsy</strong>: a basis <strong>for</strong>new therapeuticstrategiesARMOR - Advancedmulti-paRametricMonitoring andanalysis <strong>for</strong> diagnosis

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Preparing <strong>for</strong> Horizon 2020 (I)FP1[1984-1987]FP2[1987-1991]FP3[1991-1994]FP4[1994-1998]FP5[1998-2002]FP6[2002-2006]FP7[2007-2013]H2020[2014-2020]Large PPP in RTD & Innovation will continue into H2020Participate actively in consultations related to H2020 (e.g.Public-Private Partnerships)Get involved in the European Innovation Partnership onActive and Healthy Ageing and on the EIT’s KnowledgeInnovation Community expectably launched on this areain 2014Integrate European networks, invest on top levelncollaborationsMarket oriented topics under Societal Challenges | Basicresearch mainly funded under future ERC and FETChange your mindset <strong>for</strong> searching the right fundingopportunities and adapt to the new upcoming realityContribute to the discussion of the EU funding landscape

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Continuity vs. BREAK FROM THE PASTbusinessJTI (IMI)researchadvisorygroupsone-stop-shopPPPpartnershipscompetitivenessstructural fundssocio-economyinnovationmarketERAsingle set of rulesriskpartneringSMEKIC (EIT)EIPsimplificationsynergiesindustryimpactInternacionalizationExcellenceJPI<strong>International</strong>cooperation

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013<strong>Joana</strong> <strong>Camilo</strong>National Contact Point to FP7 Health, KBBEand Alternate Delegate of InnovativeMedicines Initiative SRG<strong>Joana</strong>.camilo@fct.pt

European Forum on <strong>Epilepsy</strong> Research | Dublin, 25 May 2013Snapshot on Portuguese R&I epilepsy landscape (not exhaustive)University of Minho (BIN)Unidade Local de Saúde de Alto Minho, EPE - Hospital deSanta LuziaUniversity of Porto (UP) (BIN)Hospital de S. JoãoHospital Geral de Santo AntónioBasic and/or clinicalresearch (incl.clinical trials sites)Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os -Montes e Alto-Douro, EPE -Hospital de São Pedro - Serviço de NeurologiaUniversity of Beira Interior (UBI)Unviersity of Aveiro (UA) (BIN)Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering ofAveiro (IEETA)BIAL - Portela & Cª., S.AUniversity of Coimbra (UC) (BIN)Faculty of Science and Tecnology (CISUC)Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de CoimbraIBILI - Institute <strong>for</strong> Biomedical Imaging and LifeSciences (Faculty of Medicine)Center <strong>for</strong> Neuroscience and Cell Biology of UCHospital de Sta MariaInstitute of Molecular Medicine (Neurological ClinicalResearch Unit)Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências (FFC/FC/UL)Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Social (CIS/ISCTE)Brain ImagingNetwork (BIN)Access to MRI equipmentin the area of BrainFunctional Imaging andhigh densityelectrophysiology- Portuguese League Against<strong>Epilepsy</strong> (LPCE)- Associação Portuguesa deFamiliares, Amigos e Pessoas comEpilepsia (EPI)

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