SEPTEMBER 2005 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

SEPTEMBER 2005 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

SEPTEMBER 2005 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust


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<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

S a n a t h a n a S a r a t h iDevoted to the Moral and Spiritual Uplift of Humanity throughSATHYA DHARMA SANTHI PREMA AHIMSAVol: 48No.92 0 5<strong>SEPTEMBER</strong>0© <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong><strong>Books</strong> and <strong>Publication</strong>s <strong>Trust</strong>,Prasanthi NilayamPrinted and Published byK.S.RAJANfor the owner,<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong><strong>Books</strong> and <strong>Publication</strong>s <strong>Trust</strong>,Prasanthi Nilayam 515 134,Anantapur District (A. P.),Printed at M/s Rajhans Enterprises,Bangalore - 560 044.E-mail: enquiry@sssbpt.orgeditor@sssbpt.orgsubscriptions@sssbpt.orgISD Code : 0091STD Code : 08555Telephone : 287375<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong>Telefax : 287390General enquiry: 287164Annual SubscriptionEnglish or TeluguAcceptable for 1, 2 or 3 years.Inland : Rs. 50/- (12 issues)Overseas: Rs. 480/-or U.S. $11 or U.K £7 or 9Note: Please do not send currencynotes in postal covers.For the Attention of “SanathanaSarathi” Subscribers.The month and year of expiry ofyour subscription is indicated nextto the subscription number on themailing wrapper. Three asteriskmarks (***) appearing after yoursubscription number indicate thatyou should renew yoursubscription immediately. Pleasequote your present subscriptionnumber while renewing thesubscription. All subscriptions andother correspondence should beaddressed to The Convener, <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Books</strong> & <strong>Publication</strong>s<strong>Trust</strong>, Prasanthi Nilayam 515 134.EditorG.L. ANANDCover Page Photograph<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Super Speciality Hospital,Whitefield Bangalore. Ph: 080 28411500“Love is the most important part ofeducation. Bereft of love, education isartificial. Therefore, develop love inthe first instance. Understand that theindweller is the same though bodies aredifferent. You can experienceAnanda (bliss) when you understandthis fundamental principle.”C O N T E N T STrue EducationDevelops Humility andDiscrimination ........................ 248Divine DiscourseInternational Conferenceon Education for the 21stCentury: Educationto Educare ................................ 255A ReportBrahman is the only ChangelessEternal Principle ..................... 260Dasara Discourses - IIIReconnect: SBMAFAlumni Meet ............................ 266A ReportCelebrations at PrasanthiNilayam ....................................... 270A ReportNews from <strong>Sai</strong> Centres ....... 274Who is Poor?Chinna Katha ........... cover page IIIForthcoming Festivals at Prasanthi Nilayam6th Oct. - 12th Oct. ....................... Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna12th November ............................ Global Akhanda Bhajan(12th Nov. 6 p.m. to 13th Nov. 6 p.m.)19th November ............................. Ladies Day20th, 21st and 24th Nov. ............. 8th World Conference of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Seva Organisations22nd November............................ 24th Convocation of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Institute of Higher Learning23rd November............................. 80th Birthday of Bhagavan<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba

GURUDEV VANIDIVINE DISCOURSE:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONTRUE EDUCATION DEVELOPSHUMILITY AND DISCRIMINATIONIn childhood, one develops absorbing interest in play and enjoys the companyof one’s playmates. In youth and middle age, one is engrossed in cultivatingworldly relations and earning money. In old age, one repents for not havingthis and that; one still craves for earning money without contemplating onGod even at that ripe age. In this way, man wastes his precious human birth.(Telugu Poem)Embodiments of Love!IN THIS WORLD, THERE AREmillions of educated people. Right froma child to an old man, everyone isinterested in reading books and acquiringyou are faced with problems in life. At themost, it helps you to eke out a livelihood.Serve your Parents and SocietyRight from a pauper to a millionaire,everybody wants his children to be wellFirst and foremost, understand thefundamental principle of life.Beings are many, but the divineprinciple in them is one and thesame. Hence, recognise theprinciple of divinity that is presentin all in the form of the Atma. TheAtma is the Adhara (support) andthe body is the Adheya (that whichis supported). Recognise the Atmaas the fundamental basis of yourlife and everything else will betaken care of.knowledge. But what is the use ofacquiring bookish knowledge? Itcannot come to your rescue wheneducated. Parents are prepared tospend any amount of money toprovide education to their childrenSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 248

GURUDEV VANIeven if they have to resort to borrowing. Inspite of the great hardship borne by theparents in educating them, the children donot have any gratitude towards their parents.They do not introspect: Who is responsiblefor all my development? Who has mademe what I am today? Under thesecircumstances, we should enquire into thereal purpose of education. People think thattheir education would ensure for them ahighly respectable position in society. But thefact is, they lack wisdom in spite of their highacademic achievements. We may study anumber of books and master variousbranches of knowledge, but all this does notprovide peace and happiness to us. All theknowledge that we acquire from books cantake care of only our worldly needs.Modern parents want their children topursue only job-oriented education. But,what is the use of that education which doesnot bring about transformation in children?Neither are the children themselvesbenefited by this education nor are they ableto render any help to their parents.Acquisition of education merely inflates theirego. Humility is the hallmark of trueeducation. If a man lacks Viveka(discrimination) and Vinaya (humility), all hiseducation is of no value. You shouldunderstand that your education is meant forthe welfare and progress of society. But, inwhat way is society benefited by theeducated people today? Actually, they arelearning many things from society andderiving so many benefits from it. However,these so-called educated people lackeven that much power ofdiscrimination which is found inEveryone can have the vision ofthe Atma. All are endowed withsuch power. Enquire withinyourself what you have achievedby reading a number ofvoluminous books. You havebecome hard-hearted. If this is theresult of your education, whyshould you study at all? First ofall, develop love. When you havelove in you, everyone will becomeyour friend. If your heart is notsuffused with love, your life willbecome artificial. Life ismeaningless without love.uneducated people. Then why should theybecome egoistic? There is hardly anyhumility in students today. They show norespect towards their elders nor do theyrender any service to society. What is theuse of their education if they do not respectelders and serve society? In fact, they leadan artificial life. Their walking, talking,reading, writing, everything becomesartificial. If this is the result of education, thenwhy should one go to college at all?Acquire the Knowledge of the SelfEvery student must enquire within himself:“What for am I going to college? What am Isupposed to do?” Only when he conductsself-enquiry can he understand the truemeaning of education. Mere bookishknowledge is not true education. It is249 September <strong>2005</strong>

GURUDEV VANImere transfer of information from Pustaka(book) to Mastaka (head) and from Mastakato Pustaka without any real learning. Theyare wasting their time in the pursuit ofbookish knowledge instead of acquiringpractical knowledge. No doubt there is a lotof information in Pustaka, but what purposedoes it serve if the Mastaka is filled with mud?You cannot derive any worthwhile resultsfrom such an education. The same wasexplained by the Chief Guest (Justice M.N.Venkatachaliah who spoke earlier) in hisaddress. “Though all people learn and study,what is the ultimate result out of this?” hequestioned. People spend thousands ofrupees for acquiring education. What is therole the educated people play in societytoday? Do they contribute for peace insociety? Do they try to bring abouttransformation in people in the community?No. In fact, they are unable to inculcatediscipline even in their own children. Mostchildren pretend to be well behaved andhumble in the presence of their parents, butthey behave like rowdies once they step outof their houses.Students should strive to earn a goodname in society. Today’s education is limitedto gathering information about the outerworld. It does not prepare the students toturn inward and listen to their inner voice.One should acquire Atma Prabodha (Atmicknowledge). That is true education. Withoutawareness of the Self, all our knowledge isuseless. Why should one acquire suchknowledge? People today are interested onlyin exhibiting their power and position;they do not make any effort tocleanse their mind and heart. This isthe result of modern education. People todayhave learnt to speak sweet words, but theydo not translate their words into action.Put your Knowledge into PracticeEmbodiments of Love!Mere reading of Granthas (books) is notimportant. You should assimilate theirGandha (essence). That is true education.People read a number of books, but what isthe use? They merely quote from them whatothers have said. Is this what you aresupposed to learn? You should listen to thevoice of your heart. True knowledge is latentin everyone. Acquire this inner knowledgeand share it with others. But hardly anybodythinks on these lines today.Embodiments of Love!Put into practice at least one or twoprinciples that you have learnt. Set anexample to others by your ideal conduct.There are many learned men. But, do theypractise what they have learnt? They appearto be ‘chief’ (men of eminence), but in theirconduct they are ‘cheap’. The end ofeducation is character. We should considercharacter as our very life-breath. Educationwithout character is useless like half-cookedrice. We should first practise at least one ortwo principles ourselves; only then shouldwe venture to preach to others.Every human being is endowed withManas (mind), Buddhi (intellect) and Atma(Self). What is the nature of the Atma? It isall-pervasive. True education is that whichgives the knowledge of the Self. It originatesfrom the heart. The reference in thiscontext is to the spiritual heart and notthe physical heart. The physical heartSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 250

GURUDEV VANIcan become a cause of your anxiety andworry. On the other hand, spiritual heart isthe source of true knowledge. Those whoattain true knowledge and set ideals tosociety by translating their knowledge intoaction are truly noble souls. If you do notput your knowledge into practice, then all youreducation becomes useless. It is what youpractise that matters, not what you speak. Itgives Me immense happiness when you putyour knowledge into practice.Happiness is union with God. You are notordinary mortals. All are essentially divine.In order to realise your divinity, practice ismost important. You can experience blissonly when you put your knowledge intopractice. Bliss is the very nature of man. Youare giving up all that which is natural to youand leading an artificial life. Wherever yousee, in colleges and schools, students lackpractical knowledge. They give importanceonly to bookish knowledge. True knowledgeis that which originates from the heart. Heartis very important for human existence. Whena child is born, the first thing that peopleobserve is the heart beat. You should relymore on your spiritual heart than on thephysical heart. Conscience is another namefor the spiritual heart. Keep your heart pure.That should be your main endeavour.Whatever is done with love and purity of heartwill give you total bliss. In fact, bliss is latentin everyone; but man is unaware of it. Youshould make every effort to realise yourinnate bliss. True bliss is eternal, non-dualand beyond the pair of opposites. Ittranscends duality. Where there is duality,there cannot be bliss. First of all, oneshould understand the principle ofunity. Unity leads to purity and purityleads to divinity. A true human being is onewho strives for unity, purity, divinity.Otherwise, he is no better than birds andbeasts. First and foremost, develop unity.Consider all as your brothers and sisters andlive in harmony with all. In public meetings,we hear many speakers addressing thepeople as brothers and sisters. But, do theyreally mean what they say? Do you find unityamong brothers and sisters today? No. Truehappiness lies in unity. Human life can becompared to a tree. Our relations are likebranches and sub-branches. Contemplationof God is like the flower from which you willget the fruit of bliss. What is the use of lifewithout bliss?Students! Embodiments of Love!You can certainly acquire secularknowledge. But you should not rest contentwith that. You should turn inward and acquirespiritual knowledge as well. Only then canyou attain peace.Love is the most important part ofeducation. Bereft of love, education isartificial. Therefore, develop love in the firstinstance. Understand that the indweller is thesame though bodies are different. You canexperience Ananda (bliss) when youunderstand this fundamental principle. Somany of you have assembled here in thisHall. Everyone’s attention is focused onSwami. This is the contemplation of God. Letyour mind be focused on God always.When all the tanks and lakes become drydue to lack of water, you can imagine yourjoy when there is a continuous downpour.You can well imagine the joy of aperson who is offered delicious foodafter he has been starving for ten251 September <strong>2005</strong>

GURUDEV VANIdays. Serve those who are indesperate need of your help. Givethem happiness. You can attaindivinity only through service.Human life is most precious. Butman is behaving like animals andthus wasting his life.Students!You are students pursuingthe objective of acquiringVidya (education). You shouldendeavour to aquire trueVidya. There is no point inmerely reading books withoutunderstanding the true meaningof Vidya. First and foremost,understand the fundamentalprinciple of life. Beings are many,but the divine principle in them isone and the same. Hence,recognise the principle of divinitythat is present in all in the formof the Atma. The Atma is theAdhara (support) and the body isthe Adheya (that which issupported). Recognise the Atmaas the fundamental basis of yourlife and everything else will betaken care of. Everyone can havethe vision of the Atma. All areendowed with such power.Enquire within yourself what you haveachieved by reading a number of voluminousbooks. You have become hard-hearted. Ifthis is the result of your education, whyshould you study at all? First of all, developlove. When you have love in you,everyone will become your friend. Ifyour heart is not suffused with love,True education is that which gives theknowledge of the Self. It originates from theheart. The reference in this context is to thespiritual heart and not the physical heart. Thephysical heart can become a cause of youranxiety and worry. On the other hand,spiritual heart is the source of trueknowledge. Those who attain true knowledgeand set ideals to society by translating theirknowledge into action are truly noble souls. Ifyou do not put your knowledge into practice,then all your education becomes useless.your life will become artificial. Life ismeaningless without love. Love yourneighbour. If everyone shares his love withhis neighbour, there will be no room forhatred at all. Share your love witheveryone and live like brothers andsisters. Today we find conflicts andSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 252

GURUDEV VANIdifferences even among brothers and sistersbecause they lack proper understanding. Ifpeople have love, they can understand eachother better.Where there is Unity, there is BlissPeople do not understand the truemeaning of love. Their love is tainted withphysical and worldly feelings. When youunderstand the principle of love and developlove-to-love relationship, all will become one.The Vedas say, “Sahasra Seersha PurushaSahasraksha Sahasra Paad ...” It means thatall heads, all eyes, all feet are His. Once youunderstand the principle of oneness that ispresent in all, you can live with the true spiritof brotherhood.Our hand has five fingers and each ofthem has a specific duty assigned to it. Allthe fingers work in unison and harmony whileperforming a task. Once there was a quarrelamong the five fingers of the hand as towhich of them was the greatest among all.The thumb claimed, “It is not possible toundertake any work without me. Hence, I amthe greatest.” Then the index finger smiledand said, “Look here, oh thumb! How canyou perform any task without my support?Moreover, I am used as a pointer to identifyindividuals. Hence, I am greater than you.”The middle finger intervened and said,“There is no point in what you say. I am thetallest among all of you. Two of you on oneside and two on the other are serving me asmy ADCs. Hence, I am the greatest.” Thenthe ring finger said, “I feel like laughing atyour ignorance. Don’t you know thatpeople adorn me with gold ringsstudded with precious stones likediamond, emerald, topaz, etc.? Hence, I amyour king.” In the end, the little finger said, “Ialways lead from the front when it comes toteaching a lesson to someone. Hence, I amyour leader and you have to follow me.” Asthe fingers were arguing among themselvesin this manner, the heart intervened andsaid, “Oh ignorant ones! Each one of you isas important as the other. You cannotperform any task if there is no unity andharmony among you. In fact, you representthe five human values which are like five lifebreathsof man.” Hearing these words ofwisdom, the five fingers realised theirmistake and bent their heads in shame. Adeep enquiry reveals that the heart is mostimportant. Hence, one should follow theadvice of the heart in all one’s endeavours.Understand that all are one and each one isequally important. Do not become egoistic,thinking that you alone are very important.Do not waste your precious time in vainargumentation. Be friendly with all and facethe challenges of life with unity and harmony.Students!You have to lead your lives in an idealmanner. In fact, all ideals are latent in you.They cannot be learnt from books. Theprinciple of ‘I’ is common in all. If someoneasks, “Who is <strong>Sai</strong> Baba?” I respond saying,‘I’. If someone asks who is the ViceChancellor? He will say, ‘I’. The letter ‘I’represents the principle of the Atma. TheVedas declare, Ekameva AdviteeyamBrahma (God is one without a second). Truespirituality lies in knowing the Self. But youare unable to know the Self as youidentify yourself with the body.Identification with the body gives rise253 September <strong>2005</strong>

GURUDEV VANIto ego. One with ego cannot know thereality. Your welfare and also of others willbe ensured when you have a firm convictionthat all are one. Develop the spirit of unity.You cannot expect divinity to manifest in youunless you cultivate unity. The Vedas teachthe lesson of unity:Let us all move together, let us all growtogether,Let us all stay united and share ourknowledge,Let us live together with friendship andharmony.(Telugu Song)Some students do not share even theirbooks with others. How can they attainhappiness if they are so self-centred andnarrow-minded? You should all stand united.Where there is unity, there is bliss.Embodiments of Love!There is only one thing that you have tolearn. Develop love. The same principle oflove is present in you, in Me and in everyone.I see only love in others. Hence, all are onefor Me. You too should develop such feelingsof love and equality. All are one, be alike toeveryone. This is what you have to learntoday.Along with the acquisition of secularknowledge, you should also make efforts tounderstand the principle of oneness. Onlythen can you achieve unity and harmony.Take, for instance, this rose flower. Itconsists of a number of petals.Our heart canbe compared to a rose flower. The petals ofa rose flower may fade and fall by the nextday, but the flower of heart remainsever fresh with its petals of virtues. Itsymbolises the principle of oneness.People worship the Navagrahas (nineplanets). You might have observed that thereis perfect unity and harmony among the nineplanets. (Bhagavan with a wave of His handmaterialised a gold ring studded with ninetypes of gems.) Here you see a Navaratnaring. Whoever wears this ring will beprotected by the Navagrahas wherever hegoes; he will be successful in all hisendeavours. (Bhagavan put the ring on thefinger of Justice Venkatachaliah, the ChiefGuest of the International Conference onEducation amidst a loud applause ofdevotees.)Develop unity. Be courageous anddevelop the necessary strength to face thevicissitudes of life. I don’t want to take muchof your time. Whatever you have learnt here,let it be imprinted on your heart. Only thencan you attain peace and your education willbecome meaningful.Embodiments of Love!I shower My love and blessings on all ofyou (loud prolonged applause). Be alwaysunited and spend your time in bliss. Makeyour parents happy. Your body is given toyou by your parents. Hence, first of all,express your gratitude to them for this gift.Only then can you find fulfilment in life.(Bhagavan concluded His Discourse withthe Bhajan, “Prema Muditha ManaseKaho …” )– From Bhagavan’s Divine Discoursein <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayamon 17th August <strong>2005</strong> on the occasion ofthe International Conference onEducation for the 21st Century:Education to Educare.September <strong>2005</strong> 254

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONEDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY:Education to EducareANINTERNATIONALConference was organised by <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of HigherLearning on 17th and 18th August <strong>2005</strong> atPrasanthi Nilayam as part of 80th Birthdaycelebrations of its Revered Chancellor,Bhagavan giving His Divine Discourse on the occasionof the International Conference on Education for the 21stCentury. Also seen is Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah, theChief Guest of the Conference.Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba. The themeof the Conference was “Education forthe 21st Century: Education toEducare”.The participants in the Conferenceincluded Vice Chancellors of Indianuniversities, Directors of Institutes ofEducation in India and overseas countries,eminent administrators and educationists.The Chief Guest of the Conference wasJustice M.N. Venkatachaliah, formerChief Justice of India. Both theInaugural as well as ValedictorySessions of the Conference wereheld in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, which wasaesthetically decorated for thisimportant occasion. The ReveredChancellor of the Institute,Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Babagraced the occasion by His DivinePresence both in the Inaugural andValedictory Sessions, and also gavean illuminating Discourse in theInaugural Session, providingvaluable insights and giving newdirection to our present system ofeducation.Inaugural SessionThe proceedings of the InauguralSession commenced on themorning of 17th August <strong>2005</strong> soonafter the arrival of Bhagavan in theHall at 8.00 a.m. Extending a heartywelcome to all the participants andspecially to the Chief Guest, JusticeVenkatachaliah, the Vice Chancellor of<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of HigherLearning, <strong>Sri</strong> Anil Vinayak Gokak255 September <strong>2005</strong>

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURYobserved that education system of acountry should play a pro-active role forsociety’s development and nation’s growth.Commenting on the present system ofeducation, <strong>Sri</strong> Gokak said that change in thissystem was the need of the hour and insightfor this change had been provided byBhagavan by propounding the concept ofeducare which helped a student to realisehis inner divine potential. <strong>Sri</strong> Gokak thenintroduced the Chief Guest and otherspeakers.The Chief Guest, Justice Venkatachaliahthen addressed the august gathering.Referring to the horrors of armed conflictsin the 20th century in which millions ofpeople lost their lives, majority of them beingcivilians, Justice Venkatachaliah cautionedagainst the dehumanising effects of scienceand technology in spite of their immensebenefits to mankind. The learned speakerobserved that there were at present 400million children below the age of 14 years inIndia, and the future of the nation dependedon their proper education on the lines shownby Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba.After this, Bhagavan gave His DivineDiscourse (full text given elsewhere)explaining the objectives of education andproviding useful guidelines for the conductof the proceedings of the Conference. Afterthe conclusion of His Discourse, Bhagavandistributed mementoes to the participants.In the end, Prasadam was distributed to allamidst chanting of Vedic hymns by theInstitute students. The Inaugural Session ofthe Conference came to a close at10.20 a.m. with offer of Mangalaratito Bhagavan.Proceedings of the ConferenceAfter the Inaugural Session, the venue ofthe Conference shifted to the AdministrativeBuilding of the Institute where theproceedings of the Conference wereconducted. The first session of theConference commenced with the KeynoteAddress of the Chief Guest, Justice M.N.Venkatachaliah. The theme of the secondsession chaired by <strong>Sri</strong> M.K. Kaw, formerEducation Secretary, Government of Indiawas “Education for the 21st Century”. Thepresentations in this session included“System of Education for 21st Century in theContext of Scientific and TechnologicalChange” by Dr. G. Venkataraman, formerVice Chancellor of the Institute, “System ofEducation for the 21st Century – Role ofComputer and Technological Aids inTeaching / Learning” by Prof. J. ShashidharaPrasad, Vice Chancellor, University ofMysore, “System of Education and theManagement of Change” by Dr. YoginderVerma, Director, UGC Academic StaffCollege, Shimla and Prof. S. Chakravarty,Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management,Lucknow. The theme of the third session was“Inculcation of Human Values – The <strong>Sai</strong>Experience”. It was chaired by <strong>Sri</strong> Venu<strong>Sri</strong>nivasan, Chairman and ManagingDirector, TVS Motor Company. Thepresentations in this session included “<strong>Sai</strong>Students in the Corporate World” by <strong>Sri</strong>Samir Bhatia and a video show on GramaSeva. Institute students also made theirpresentations in this session.Many important presentations of farreaching importance were discussedby the participants in fourth and fifthSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 256

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURYsessions held on the morning of 18th August<strong>2005</strong> in the Administrative Building of theInstitute. The theme of fourth session chairedby Prof. J.S. Rajput, former Director, NCERT,New Delhi was “End of Education isCharacter”. The presentations in this sessionincluded “Education and Character Building:The African Experience” by <strong>Sri</strong> Victor KrishnaKanu, Zambia, “Experience in Institute of<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Education in Thailand and otherCountries” by Dr. Art-ong Jumsai, Thailandand “The Constitution of India and theEducation System in Relation to CharacterBuilding” by Prof. V. R. Mehta, former ViceChancellor, Delhi University. The themeof the fifth session was “ExperienceSharing”, and it was chaired by Prof. V.S.Prasad, Director, National Assessmentand Accreditation Council (NAAC). Thepresentations that were made inthis session included “Education andCharacter Building” by Prof. G.S. Randhawa,former Vice Chancellor, Guru NanakDev University, Chandigarh,“Value ofEducation vis-à-vis Value Education” bySwami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chancellor,Ramakrishna Mission VivekanandaEducational and Research Institute, BelurMath, Kolkata, “Health Practices: Their Rolein University Work Ethics and Inculcation ofHuman Values” by Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan,Vice Chancellor, University of Madras, and“Experience of Inculcation of Human Valuesamong Women” by Prof. P. Geervani,former Vice Chancellor, <strong>Sri</strong> PadmavathiMahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupathi. Theproceedings concluded with ValedictoryAddress by Smt. Kumud Bansal,Secretary, Department of ElementaryEducation and Literacy, Governmentof India.Valedictory SessionThe Valedictory Session of theConference was held on the afternoon of18th August <strong>2005</strong> in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall in theDivine Presence of the Revered Chancellorof the Institute, Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Baba. The session began after the DivineDarshan of Bhagavan who came to the Hallat 3.25 p.m. After the introductory remarksof <strong>Sri</strong> Anil Vinayak Gokak, Vice Chancellorof the Institute, <strong>Sri</strong> Sanjay Sahni, Principal,Brindavan Campus of the Institute introducedthe speakers who were blessed byBhagavan to address the Conference.The first speaker was <strong>Sri</strong> SanjayMahalingam, a research scholar of theInstitute. Quoting from an open letteraddressed to the teachers of the world by asurvivor of a concentration camp of NaziGermany who witnessed inhuman acts oftorture inflicted by so-called educateddoctors, nurses and engineers, <strong>Sri</strong>Mahalingam remarked that there was anappalling lack of vision in the present systemof education. He emphasised that educationshould not only develop the intellectualacumen of the students, it should primarilymake them more humane. Quoting from thevision document given by the ReveredChancellor of the Institute for the universityeducation, <strong>Sri</strong> Mahalingam observed thatBhagavan had set a lofty goal for educationwhich was to inculcate in students the virtuesof self-awareness, self-confidence and selfsacrificeso that they could attain the goal ofself-realisation.After this, <strong>Sri</strong> Jagdish Chandra, astudent of M.Phil programme at theInstitute, addressed the gathering.257 September <strong>2005</strong>

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURYThe speaker narrated several anecdotes tohighlight how Bhagavan inculcated humanvalues in students in His simple andinimitable style by demonstrating to them Hisown example of self-sacrifice andselflessness. It was a rare opportunity forman to redeem his life by following theteachings of the Avatar who had incarnatedon earth to grant the priceless gift of thevision of the Self to the entire mankind, said<strong>Sri</strong> Jagdish Chandra.After these two powerful speeches of thestudents, <strong>Sri</strong> S.V. Giri, former Vice Chancellorof the Institute gave a brief but insightful talk.<strong>Sri</strong> Giri spoke about the uniqueness of thesystem of education of Bhagavan which notonly integrated values with academic studiesbut oriented the students towards socialwelfare also. The learned speaker addedthat remarkable achievements ofBhagavan’s system of education had to bereplicated to benefit the entire world. In thisregard, he referred to the Institute of <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Education in Thailand and the <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> School in Zambia, the success stories ofwhich proved beyond doubt that this indeedwas possible.Smt. Kumud Bansal, Secretary,Department of Elementary Education andLiteracy, Government of India spoke next.She said that <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of HigherLearning provided a learning experience toeducationists how to cope with the seriousproblem of indiscipline in educationalinstitutions. Expressing her happiness at theconduct of the students of Bhagavan’sinstitutions, Smt. Bansal opined thatshe had no doubt in her mind thatthe students here were beingmoulded by Bhagavan as the future leadersof the country. In conclusion, the learnedspeaker prayed to Bhagavan for Hiscontinued guidance and blessings.The concluding remarks of <strong>Sri</strong> Gokak, theInstitute’s Vice Chancellor, brought thecurtain down on a truly enlighteningConference which not only discussed theproblems of modern education threadbarebut also provided guidelines for reformingthe present education system in the light ofthe rich experiences gained by theparticipants while studying the educationsystem devised by Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Baba in His educational institutions. After theconclusion of the proceedings of theValedictory Session of the Conference, therewere Bhajans led by the Institute studentsfor about half an hour, which were followedby all in the Hall with great devotional fervour.The programme came to a close with Aratito Bhagavan at 5.45 p.m.A Drama by the Institute Students onUnity of FaithsA drama was presented by the seniorstudents of the Institute on the theme of unityof faiths on the afternoon of 17th August<strong>2005</strong>. The drama brought out in a lucidmanner the underlying unity and commonteachings of the major religions of the worldand portrayed how each religion of the worldwas designed by God for the redemption ofman according to specific time andcircumstances. Loftiness of the theme washighlighted through the powerful acting ofthe students to create a positive impact onthe audience who expressed theirappreciation of the drama by theirloud applause time and again duringSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 258

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURYA scene from the drama on unity of faiths enacted by theInstitute students in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall on 17th August <strong>2005</strong>.the course of the presentation.In conclusion, the dramadepicted that this unity was nota mere imaginary idea; it wasa profound reality as couldbe witnessed at PrasanthiNilayam. Bhagavan sat throughthe entire performance andblessed the students at theend of the drama. He alsogave them the opportunity ofgroup photo with Him. Theprogramme came to a closewith Arati to Bhagavan at 5.10p.m. Prasadam was distributedto all in the end.Beautiful multicolour ‘Calendar 2006’ with Bhagavan’s picturesin 130 gsm foreign art paper* available for saleCode5159516051545155515651575158SetCalendarVarietyTabletopTabletopWallWallWall/COWall/BTWallFull set(Minimum order quantity – One full set orOne variety (5) five)Calendar Sizein inches7.25x8.257.25x8.2511x1711x1711x1711x229.75x19.25No ofSheets137477777 varieties One eachUnit priceRs28201726273325176Cost for5 nos.14010085130135165125-Total amount(Rs)India210170150200205235195250Total amount Total(Rs) in USDOverseasNote: 1. Wall – Wall calendar; BT – Book type; C. O. – Center Opening.2. All calendars have wire-o-wire binding.3. Overseas rates given above are for airmail only.4. The above rates are for one destination / address only.5. For viewing calendars, please visit our website www.sssbpt.org6. For bulk orders please email to us at enquiry@sssbpt.org7. Payments to be made in favour of The Convener, SSSBPT, Prasanthi Nilayam by cheque / Bank draftwith complete address to which the calendars are to be sent.* Tabletop is made of 220 gsm foreign art card.54044534544051554542561013118.51112.51310.515259 September <strong>2005</strong>

AVATAR VANIDASARA DISCOURSES - IIIBRAHMAN IS THE ONLY CHANGELESSETERNAL PRINCIPLEPeace has become extinct,Truth has become scarce,Mind is the cause for both,Listen, oh valiant sons of Bharat!(Telugu Poem)Embodiments of Love!THE WORD BHARATIYA DOESnot merely connote a person bornin the land of Bharat. One whoconsiders the culture and land of Bharat ashis parents is a true Bharatiya.Atmic Principle is the FundamentalPrincipleMany noble souls took birth in Bharat,followed its great culture and set examplesto others. Adi Sankaracharya was one suchgreat luminary who spread the culture ofBharat throughout the length and breadthof the country and earned eternal fame.He taught the philosophy of Advaita(non-dualism). Advaita philosophy of AdiSankaracharya advocates the oneness ofJiva (individual soul) and Brahman (cosmicsoul). Three centuries after him cameRamanujacharya who advocated theVisishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism) systemof philosophy which emphasisedBhakti (devotion) and Prapatti(surrender) to God. Two centuriesafter Ramanujacharya, Madhwacharyapropagated the Dvaita (dualism) systemof philosophy and showed thedevotional path to the people whowere vacillating between one systemof philosophy and the other. Madhwacharyaexplained that there were, in fact, threeconcepts, namely, Dehatma Bhava (bodyconsciousness), Jivatma Bhava (individualconsciousness) and Paramatma Bhava(cosmic consciousness).The world appears to haveinnumerable names and forms. Oneshould not get enmeshed in thesenames and forms. It is only whenwe transcend the names and formsand know the underlying sourcethat it is possible for us torecognise the truth. And that truthis Tattwamasi (That Thou Art). Thatis Prajnanam Brahma (constantintegrated awareness is Brahman).That awareness is Ayam AtmaBrahma (this Self is Brahman).Nobody should extol a particular schoolof thought to deride others. The questionof adhering to a particular school ofphilosophy depends upon the mentalframework of an individual. TheSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 260

AVATAR VANIfundamental principle underlying all thethree schools of philosophy is one and thesame, that is, Atma Tattwa (Atmic principle).One has to recognise this truth.Jewels are many but gold is one.Cows are many but milk is one.Beings are many but breath is one.Castes are many but humanity is one.(Telugu Poem)Not realising the fundamental unityunderlying the three schools of philosophy,people adhering to the different schools ofvarious ornaments were made was gold,thus emphasising the fundamental principleof unity. The same principle was explainedin a different way by Ramanujacharya whoobserved that though gold formed the basisfor the ornament, it should be termed as goldchain since it had assumed the form of achain. Adi Sankara, while advocating theAdvaita philosophy, quoted the Vedic dictumEkameva Adviteeyam Brahma (God is onewithout a second). Ramanujacharya,however, said that there could be noPratibimba (image) without a Bimba (object).Sarvam Brahmamayam Jagat (theentire universe is permeated byBrahman). We can understand thistruth by a simple example. This is awhite cloth and this is an ochre robe.Though the colours are different, thecloth is one. It may be of differentcolours and put to different uses,but the cloth is one and the same.This illustrates the fundamentalprinciple of unity. The cloth is thesource. One has to recognise theoneness of the source. Once yourecognise the source, all differencesvanish in no time.philosophy derided one another which gavescope for a number of misconceptions in theworld about Bharat. In order to explain thetruth Ekatma Sarva Bhutantaratma (oneAtma dwells in all beings), Adi Sankaragave the example of ornaments. Heexplained that the metal with whichHe thus explained the oneness of the objectand the image, which he termed asVisishtadvaita. Another example given in thiscontext was that of sugarcane juice.Juice is extracted from differentvarieties of sugarcane and a number261 September <strong>2005</strong>

AVATAR VANIof sweetmeats are made out of it. Thoughthe juice is one, it assumes different forms.While Adi Sankara emphasised the onenessof the juice and the sugarcane,Ramanujacharya dwelt upon the differentforms the juice assumed. Thus, ever sincethe times of the three great Acharyas(preceptors) till today, there are a numberof arguments and counter argumentsbetween the three schools of philosophy.Sugar made out of the sugarcane juice isthe main ingredient for making varioussweets. Though there are different varietiesof sweets, sweetness is common in all ofthem. Similarly, Brahman is the source andsustenance for the entire universe. Whereveryou see, you will find the manifestation ofBrahman in ever so many forms. The formsare subject to change, and are illusory innature. Brahman alone is the eternal,changeless principle.Recognise the oneness of the Sourceof the UniverseThe Upanishads declare that the entireuniverse is permeated by the same Atmicprinciple. This truth is contained in theUpanishadic dicta: Ekatma SarvaBhutantaratma (one Atma dwells in allbeings), Easwara Sarva Bhutanam (God isthe indweller of all beings) and IsavasyamIdam Sarvam (the entire universe ispermeated by God). Everything is Brahman.Since every object in this universe is themanifestation of Brahman, nothing can bedisregarded or ignored. This principle ofBrahman is “divine”. It is the “deep wine”of ignorance which deludes cynicaland perverted people. Disregardingsuch perversions, we have to realisethat the fundamental principle of divinity isone only. This oneness in the culture ofBharat has been propagated since ancienttimes. In keeping with this great tradition,consider everyone, whether an ant or ananimal or a human being, as verily Brahman.Some people may have a doubt in thiscontext whether an animal can be equatedwith a human being. The behavioural patternof animals is different from that of humanbeings. Considering this aspect, one mayconclude that they are different. But theunderlying Jiva Tattwa (principle of the Self)is one and the same in both. On the basis ofthis Jiva Tattwa, you cannot differentiate atall between living beings. That is what theVedas declare: Sarvam BrahmamayamJagat (the entire universe is permeated byBrahman). We can understand this truth bya simple example. This is a white cloth andthis is an ochre robe. Though the coloursare different, the cloth is one. It may be ofdifferent colours and put to different uses,but the cloth is one and the same. Thisillustrates the fundamental principle of unity.The cloth is the source. One has to recognisethe oneness of the source. Once yourecognise the source, all differences vanishin no time. Unfortunately, today we aregiving importance to the names and forms,forgetting the basis and source for all namesand forms. As a result, we are facinginnumerable difficulties and sorrows.Adi Sankara explained the difficulties andsorrows of man in this objective world andemphasised the need to seek refuge in theDivine Name in his famous Bhaja Govindamsong thus:Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam,Govindam Bhaja Moodha Mathe,September <strong>2005</strong> 262

AVATAR VANISamprapthe Sannihithe Kale,Nahi Nahi Rakshati Dukrun Karane.(Oh foolish man, chant the name ofGovinda; the rules of grammar will not cometo your rescue when the end approaches.)Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam,Punarapi Janani Jathare Sayanam,Iha Samsare Bahu Dustare,Kripayapare Pahi Murare.(Oh Lord! I am caught up in this cycle ofbirth and death; time and again, I amexperiencing the agony of staying in themother’s womb. It is very difficult to crossthis ocean of worldly life. Please take meacross this ocean and grant me liberation.)One has to analyse, in this context, as towhat it is that is subject to birth and deathagain and again. The Deha (body)undergoes this cycle of birth and death, butthe Atma is eternal. As long as the Atmaremains in the body as the indweller, therewill be consciousness in the body. Themoment the Atma leaves the body, itbecomes Jada (inert). This phenomenon iscalled death. Unable to realise this truth, mansubjects himself to sorrow. Birth and deathare only for the outer form, not for the Atma.Here is a short story in this context. Oncethere was a son of a Vedantic philosopher.He was learning the Vedas. By the time hecompleted his Vedic learning, his mothercompleted forty years of life. She left hermortal body in her 40th year. The son wasdeeply immersed in sorrow. Then, his Gurucalled him and tried to counsel himexplaining, “Whom do you consider asyour mother? Do you consider thebody as your mother? No, this is notyour mother. You are wailing over a deadbody which your mother has left. In fact, thebody is right before you. Why should youweep? The Chaitanya Shakti (power ofconsciousness) has left the body. TheChaitanya Shakti is your father and mother,not the forms. So, do not have attachmentto those forms.”No doubt, relationship does exist with thephysical form for some time; but some timeor the other, the body ceases to exist. Whenyou realise this truth, you will understand thefutility of the relationship with the physicalbody. The objects may be different, but thesource and sustenance for the objects is onlyone. The same source assumes differentnames and forms. One should not go by thenames and forms, which are subject tochange. This simple truth based on theMooladhara Tattwa (fundamental principle)has been explained by different people indifferent ways as high-sounding philosophy.This has given scope to somemisconceptions. In fact, the underlyingprinciple behind the Advaita philosophy ofAdi Sankara and Visishtadvaita philosophyof Ramanujacharya is one and the same.Develop the Awareness “I am I”Embodiments of Love! Students!The profundity and depth of Vedanta islimitless and immeasurable. But thisphilosophy is being neglected today. Weshould therefore try to understand thisphilosophy and know its inner meaning. Afterdeep study of Vedantic scriptures, AdiSankara explained the Vedantic truthin simple and beautiful poetry for thebenefit of mankind. He wrote a263 September <strong>2005</strong>

AVATAR VANIscholarly Bhashya (commentary) on theBhagavadgita also. In his commentary onthe Gita, he explained that there was Advaitain Dvaita and Dvaita in Advaita. Giving theessence of Vedanta, Adi Sankaracharyadeclared: Brahma <strong>Sathya</strong>m Jagan-mithya(Brahman alone is real, the world is unreal).The world appears to have innumerablenames and forms. One should not getenmeshed in these names and forms. It isawareness “I am That” and “That I am”.When you are able to realise this truth, youwill find that the principle of “I” underlieseverything in the universe as the principleof unity. We have to recognise that “I”principle which is universal. It is a futileexercise to get into arguments and counterarguments over this matter and waste one’stime. The only aspect you have to realise is“I am Brahman”. When somebody questionsSugar made out of the sugarcanejuice is the main ingredient formaking various sweets. Thoughthere are different varieties ofsweets, sweetness is common inall of them. Similarly, Brahman isthe source and sustenance for theentire universe. Wherever you see,you will find the manifestation ofBrahman in ever so many forms.The forms are subject to change,and are illusory in nature.Brahman alone is the eternal,changeless principle.only when we transcend the names andforms and know the underlying source thatit is possible for us to recognise the truth.And that truth is Tattwamasi (That Thou Art).That is Prajnanam Brahma (constantintegrated awareness is Brahman). Thatawareness is Ayam Atma Brahma (this Selfis Brahman). When you analyse theMahavakya (profound statement)Tattwamasi, it will lead you to thewho you are, do not reply by mentioning yourname. The proper answer would be “I am I”.This “I” represents and explains everything.The name represents the name given to thebody. You are not the body. Hence, say “Iam I”. Similarly, when you enquire fromsomebody who he is, his reply should be “Iam I.” Thus, all are “I am I.” Everyoneshould strive to attain that state ofunity. It is only when you think “I amSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 264

AVATAR VANInot I” that there will be many questions.Unfortunately, modern students have littlefaith in these profound Vedantic truths. So,they pay scant attention to them. There maybe arguments for and against certain Vedicconcepts. Do not enter into arguments.Always have the awareness “I am I”. This “I”principle is beyond names and forms. Itrepresents Brahma Tattwa (Divine principle),which is one without a second.Dear Students!You have to finally make a firm resolve torealise “I am I.” You should not identifyyourself with the body and say, “I am a child”,“I am a young man”, “I am an old man”, etc.These differences relate to the age factor.What is the next stage after old age? Nobodyknows. But “I” principle exists in the child,youth and old man. This is the fundamentaland changeless principle. Therefore, whensomebody enquires who you are, your replyshould be, “I am I.” If he is unable tounderstand this principle, do not bother; youhold on to your principle. It is only when youdevelop such firm conviction that you will beable to understand your true identity.On 20th October 1940, I made adeclaration revealing My true identity for thefirst time:Know that I am <strong>Sai</strong> in reality,Cast off your worldly relationships,Give up your efforts to restrain Me,The worldly attachments can no longerbind Me,None, however great he may be, canhold Me. (Telugu Poem)Since I made this declaration on the 20thof October, people celebrate this day in abig way. We should not give too muchimportance to dates and try to celebrate themas Birthday, Avatar Declaration Day, etc.Here is a small story. Once Rukmini, theconsort of Lord Krishna, invited Him to herpalace saying, “Swami! Today is my birthday.Please come for dinner.” <strong>Sathya</strong>bhama,another consort of Krishna who was presenton that occasion, became angry. Sheargued with Rukmini, “If today is your PuttinaRoju (birthday), this is also my Mettina Roju(the day on which I entered the in-laws’house). Therefore, He should visit only myhouse on this day.” Lord Krishna was beyondbirthdays and marriage days. However, Hewas prepared to visit both the houses. Hedid not differentiate between them. Thus,one has to recognise the principle of unityby transcending all dualities.(Bhagavan brought His Discourse to aclose with the Bhajan, “Bhaja GovindamBhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja MoodhaMathe…”)– From Bhagavan’s Dasara Discoursein <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam on20th October 2004.Matchsticks that have fallen into water cannot yield fire when struck, howevervigorously you try. So, too, hearts soaked in worldly desires and designs maypour out parrot-exhortations but they can have at best only listeners, notpractitioners who may receive the advice but would not accept it or actaccordingly.– Baba265 September <strong>2005</strong>

AN ALUMNI MEET OF THESchool of Business Managementand Finance (SBMAF) of <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of Higher Learning washeld at Prasanthi Nilayam. Spread over twodays, i.e., 20th and 21st August <strong>2005</strong>, thiswas one of those grand programmes whichare being organised by the Institute as partof 80th Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan.Appropriately titled “Reconnect”, theprogramme provided an opportunity to thealumni to reaffirm and reinforce theircommitment to ethics, morality and valuesin their professional and personal life whichthey had imbibed as students of the Institute.Significantly, on 21st August <strong>2005</strong> fell the20th Anniversary of SBMAF.<strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, the venue ofcelebrations, was beautifully decorated withfresh flowers on this occasion. Theprogramme on 20th August commenced at3.45 p.m. after Bhagavan’s Divine Darshanamidst chanting of Vedic Mantras by theInstitute students. After the introductoryspeeches of the Vice Chancellor, <strong>Sri</strong> AnilVinayak Gokak and two alumni of theInstitute, <strong>Sri</strong> N. Sudhindran and <strong>Sri</strong> SanjayMahalingam, Bhagavan distributed 80carpentry, electrical and plumbing tool kitsalong with clothes and gifts to selected 80needy youth to provide them the means ofemployment. The youth came to the dais andoffered their salutations to Bhagavan beforereceiving the kits, clothes and gifts.Bhagavan also blessed the souvenir entitled“Fragrance” brought out by the alumni of theSBMAF on this occasion.Panel DiscussionThis was followed by a brilliantpanel discussion organised by thealumni of the SBMAF on the theme: “ManManagement – The Key to ManagerialSuccess”. The panelists who participated inthis programme were: <strong>Sri</strong> T.N. Giridhar,Director, SSG Capital Ltd., London, <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Narain, Vice President and CountryMarketing Director, Citi Bank, Taipei, Taiwan,<strong>Sri</strong> A. Raghavendra, Head – Supply ChainManagement (South), Corporate Banking,HDFC Bank, Chennai, <strong>Sri</strong> Karthik Shenoi,CEO, ICAM Solutions Private Limited,Bangalore, <strong>Sri</strong> Vijaya Krishnan, Proprietor -Managing Partner, Kavi Infotech, Trichy and<strong>Sri</strong> Aneesh Mohan, Consultant, Polaris,Chennai. The moderator of the paneldiscussion was <strong>Sri</strong> V. Krishnamoorthy,Channel Manager, Sify India – SatyamGroup, Chennai. In his opening remarks, <strong>Sri</strong>Krishnamoorthy said that the alumni of theInstitute had secured such high positions asDirectors, Vice Presidents and Presidentsof the reputed companies in the world sincethey received value-oriented managementeducation under the direction of their DivineChancellor, Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Babawho envisioned the product of this Institutenot only as best managers but also as bestmen in the world.The panelists were happy to affirm thatlessons of morality, ethics, discipline andspirituality learnt by them during their stayin the Institute proved to be the milestonesof their personal as well as their company’sadvancement, contrary to the false belief insome corporate circles that spirituality andmoney making could not go hand in hand.Describing their personal experiencesof Bhagavan’s divine support at crucialmoments of their corporate life, someSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 266

RECONNECT: SBMAF ALUMNI MEETPanel Discussion organised by the alumni of the SBMAFon the theme: “Man Management – The Key to ManagerialSuccess” in progress in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall.of the panelists described how they weremiraculously saved in many critical andstressful situations. One of them aptlyobserved that for <strong>Sai</strong> students, STRESSstood for ‘<strong>Sai</strong> to the Rescue in Every StickySituation.’ Narrating their stories of successas team leaders, the panelists describedhow the Integral System of Education of theInstitute, particularly their participation ingames and sports and social welfareactivities like Grama Seva cultivated in thempositive social attitude which contributedtowards their success as team leaders. Theyemphasised that in corporate life as in anyother walk of life, attitude determined thealtitude. Describing how the alumni of theInstitute were slowly bringing about a changein the attitudes in the corporate world, theynarrated how their strict adherence to valuesand ethics had a sobering effect on othersworking in their company as also on themanagers of other companies with whomthey interacted.They recalled to memory manyblissful episodes of the teachings ofBhagavan who had taught them tofirst manage themselvesbefore managing others. Valueorientationreceived by them inthe Institute had definitely helpedthem to become better andsuccessful managers, theyasserted. In the end, all of themexpressed their deep gratitude toBhagavan whose invaluableteachings had helped them intheir personal as well asprofessional life. This very livelyand illuminating panel discussioncame to a close at 5.00 p.m.Bhagavan sat through the entire programmeof over one hour and blessed the panelistsat the end of the programme. Specialblessings were however in store for thepanelists when Bhagavan later called themto the Bhajan Hall and spoke to them. Theevening programme came to a close withsoulful Bhajans sung by the alumni Bhajansingers. It was a treat for the ears and feastfor the soul.Talks by the AlumniThe next part of the programme of theAlumni Meet was held on the morning of 21stAugust <strong>2005</strong>. It commenced at 8.05 a.m.after the morning Darshan of Bhagavan in<strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall. It included talks by two ofthe alumni and a music programme entitled“Yadein”.Introducing the two speakers who wereblessed by Bhagavan to share theirviews with the audience, <strong>Sri</strong> SubashSubramanian, a research scholar of theInstitute referred to Bhagavan’sdeclaration at the inauguration ofSBMAF and remarked that Bhagavan267 September <strong>2005</strong>

RECONNECT: SBMAF ALUMNI MEETwanted to bring about a total transformationin the outlook of the managers. This, hesaid, had now become a reality asexemplified by over 700 alumni from 19batches of the SBMAF, nearly 500 of whomwere present here to testify this fact.Expressing gratitude to Bhagavan for Hisguidance and inspiration to the alumni, <strong>Sri</strong>Subramanian observed that they could notget a better management Guru thanBhagavan.After the opening remarks of <strong>Sri</strong>Subramanian, <strong>Sri</strong> Amar Vivek, analumni of the first batch of SBMAF,now a practicing lawyer in the HighCourt of Punjab and Haryana and alsoin the Supreme Court of Indiaaddressed the gathering. Narratinghow Bhagavan had personally guidedhim to set up rural service projects,<strong>Sri</strong> Vivek recalled to memoryBhagavan’s words: “If you love Me,love My work” and “If you have Myname and My hand, you will have noproblem.” Exhorting his fellowtravellers to follow the path ofspirituality and goodness shown byBhagavan, <strong>Sri</strong> Vivek said that all the valueswere contained in this one advice ofBhagavan: Do Good, Be Good, See Good.The second speaker was <strong>Sri</strong> AshokSundaresan, a Chartered Accountant fromTamil Nadu. <strong>Sri</strong> Sundaresan said that thestudents of Bhagavan had the rare privilegeof His Divine proximity, and therefore theyhad a great responsibility also to furtherHis Divine Mission of transformingmankind. “To pay gratitude toour Divine Master, it was ourresponsibility to align our life and all ouractions to Him and seek only Hisrecognition”, counselled <strong>Sri</strong> Sundaresan.“Yadein”: Nostalgic MemoriesAll through their two-day stay at PrasanthiNilayam, the alumni were nostalgic abouttheir sweet memories of the days passed inthe Divine proximity of Bhagavan as studentsof the Institute. But its culmination came inthe programme entitled “Yadein” (memories)which they presented soon after the talks ofThe alumni of the SBMAF presenting a musicprogramme entitled “Yadein” in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall.the two of the alumni on the morning of 21stAugust <strong>2005</strong>. They poured out their heart inthe group songs interspersed with thenarration of past incidents recalling tomemory the unlimited love and care theyreceived from their Alma Mater during theirstay in Bhagavan’s Divine proximity as Hisstudents. They virtually relived their pastdays in these songs and incidents. Sung withpurity of heart and full of sweet feelings,the songs overwhelmed not only thelisteners but Bhagavan as well, whoSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 268

RECONNECT: SBMAF ALUMNI MEETsat through the entireprogramme and blessed allof them at the end ofthe programme. Thisexcellently comperedand flawlessly presentedprogramme filled each heartwith feelings of love, gratitudeand sweetness. It concludedwith Arati to Bhagavan at 9.45a.m.There was virtually adownpour of Bhagavan’s loveand grace on the alumni onthe morning of 22nd August <strong>2005</strong>. First,Bhagavan called the seven members of thepanel discussion for a personal interview.Thereafter, Bhagavan went into the BhajanHall and spent nearly one hour with thealumni seated there, showering His bountifulgrace on them. Thus, all of them went backto their respective places fully drenched inthe Divine Love of Bhagavan.Karishye Vachanam Tava: A DramaA drama entitled “Karishya VachanamTava” (I shall carry out Your command)depicting some very critical situations andethical dilemmas faced by the managers oftoday’s corporate world was presented bythe management students of the Institute onthe afternoon of 21st August <strong>2005</strong>. It startedsoon after Bhagavan’s Divine Darshan inArjuna surrenders to the Divine Will of Krishna - A scenefrom the drama “Karishye Vachanam Tava”.<strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall at 3.00 p.m. Portraying thedifficulties and disappointments faced by twostudents of a <strong>Sai</strong> institution when they joineda pharmaceutical company, it excellentlyshowed the grit and determination of the <strong>Sai</strong>students to carry out the command of theirDivine Master for bringing abouttransformation in the outlook of themanagers and clearing the mess ofunethical practices which had overtakentheir company. Down to earth realistic story,powerful acting of the students and excellentdirection made the drama a superb commenton the present corporate world. At the endof the drama, Bhagavan blessed thestudents and posed for group photos withthem. Prasadam was distributed to all in theend. The programme came to a conclusionwith Arati to Bhagavan at 5.00 p.m.Ahamkara (ego) is the pest that attacks the roots of the tree of human life.Raga (attachment) and Dwesha (hatred) foster Ahamkara. The three togetherspell doom for human life. Man’s life will shine forth brilliantly when his mindis filled with divine love.- Baba269 September <strong>2005</strong>

Cultural and Music Programmes by U.K.DevoteesA group of 400 devotees from the U.K.came on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayamfrom 26th July <strong>2005</strong> to 4th August <strong>2005</strong>.During this period, they were given thecoveted opportunity of presenting two musicand cultural programmes in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hallin the Divine Presence of Bhagavan.The first programme entitled ‘<strong>Sai</strong> PremGanga’ comprising Vedic chants,instrumental music and a Bhajan medley waspresented on the afternoon of 2nd August<strong>2005</strong> by a group of these devotees. At theoutset, <strong>Sri</strong> Ajit Popat of the U.K. made a briefspeech giving details of the pilgrimage andtheir programme. <strong>Sri</strong> Popat observed thatevery moment spent in the proximity ofBhagavan was a golden moment. It was thegrace of Bhagavan which protected andsustained man, he said. Music programmefollowed after this and began with prayer toLord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. Agroup of nine boys and girls then recitedVedic Mantras. It was sheer delight to hearsacred Vedic chants from the children of anoverseas country in appropriate rhythm andintonation. This was followed by solodevotional songs and instrumental musicmedley by a visually challenged ladydevotee, Ms. Charlotte. The programme ofgroup Bhajans started after this andcontinued up to 5.30 p.m. At the conclusionof Bhajans, Arati was offered to Bhagavan.The U.K. devotees presented theirsecond programme on the afternoonof 3rd August <strong>2005</strong>. The programmebegan at 4.15 p.m. with recitation ofverses from the Vedas and the Quran. Agroup of singers dressed in Qawali costumethen made a presentation of Qawalis inpraise of Bhagavan. This was followed byBhajans by the Institute students. Theprogramme came to a close at 5.15 p.m.with Arati to Bhagavan.Devotional Music by USA DevoteesAn excellent programme of devotionalmusic was presented by <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> SpiritualEducation children from Norwalk <strong>Sai</strong> Centre,Connecticut (USA) in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall on theafternoon of 1st August <strong>2005</strong>. Theprogramme which began at 4.00 p.m. in theDivine Presence of Bhagavan enthralled theaudience for nearly 45 minutes with itsmelodious and soulful English songs.Bhagavan sat through the entirepresentation and blessed the children andorganisers at the end of the programme.Bhagavan materialised a gold chain with apendant for the lady director of the musicprogramme. He also materialised a gold ringwith 13 diamonds for a male organiser.Interestingly, the children sang 13 devotionalsongs.Soon after this excellent musicalpresentation, Institute students presented amusical medley of devotional songs in praiseof their Beloved Bhagavan. The programmecame to a close with Arati to Bhagavan at5.30 p.m.Celebration of Varalakshmi Vrata atPrasanthi NilayamIn a grand function held in <strong>Sai</strong>Kulwant Hall, Varalakshmi Vrata(worship of goddess Varalakshmi, theSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 270

CELEBRATIONS AT PRASANTHI NILAYAMAn imposing idol of Varalakshmi adorned with flowerson the dais in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall.bestower of prosperity and auspiciousness)was performed on the morning of 12th August<strong>2005</strong>, in which more than 900 ladies tookpart. <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall presented a festivelook with various decorations onthis occasion. Huge pictures ofgoddess Varalakshmi andBhagavan adorned the front pillarsof the Hall, while a beautiful stoneidol of the goddess was placed onthe dais amidst eye-catchingdecoration of flowers.Bhagavan came to <strong>Sai</strong> KulwantHall at 7.30 a.m. in a grandprocession led by Nadaswarammusicians. As soon as Bhagavanentered the Hall, the Institutestudents started Veda chanting.Bhagavan was offered atraditional welcome with Poornakumbhamwhen He reached the dais aftershowering the bliss of His DivineDarshan on the devotees and theladies who were participating in theVaralakshmi Vrata.The programme started afterthe lighting of the sacred lamp byBhagavan before the idol ofVaralakshmi. At the outset, thepriests recited auspicious chantsand Ganapati Prarthana (worshipof Lord Ganesh). They alsoexplained the significance ofthis Vrata which was beingcelebrated for Loka Kalyana(welfare of the world), promotion of<strong>Sathya</strong>, Dharma, Santhi, Premaand Ahimsa, and for the peace andhappiness of the family of theparticipants. As the priest gaveinstructions for the performance of theworship of goddess Varalakshmi, theparticipating ladies carried out the rituals withVaralakshmi Puja being performed in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall.the Puja material provided to each one ofthem by the organisers. The Pujacame to a close at 8.30 a.m. withsacred Vedic chants to propitiate the271 September <strong>2005</strong>

CELEBRATIONS AT PRASANTHI NILAYAMgoddess. The Institute students chantedVedic Mantras while Prasadam wasdistributed to all. In the end, Bhagavan wentinto the rows of all the ladies whoparticipated in this Vrata and showered Hisblessings on them. Bhagavan also blessedthe two priests who conducted the Puja; Hematerialised a gold ring with diamonds forone of them. The programme in <strong>Sai</strong> KulwantHall came to a close with Arati to Bhagavanat 9.30 a.m. The participants were offereda sumptuous lunch in the South Indiancanteen on this day.In the afternoon, an excellentpresentation of Carnatic vocal music wasmade by the famous Carnatic singerSmt. Nithyashree Mahadevan in <strong>Sai</strong>Kulwant Hall. At the outset, theartiste expressed deep gratitude toBhagavan for giving her this goldenopportunity of singing in His DivinePresence on the auspiciousoccasion of Varalakshmi Vrata atPrasanthi Nilayam which sheconsidered as Bhuloka Vaikuntha(heaven on earth). Starting herdevotional songs with a prayer songin praise of Lord Ganesh, the artisteenthralled the audience with herdevotional songs in praise ofVaralakshmi and Bhagavan. Sungwith deep feelings of devotion in hersweet voice, the songs had acaptivating effect on the audience whoexpressed their appreciation of the songswith applause at the end of each song. Themusical presentation was truly the grandfinale of this auspicious function.Bhagavan blessed the artiste at theend and gave her a silk Sari. Theprogramme came to a happyconclusion with Arati to Bhagavan at5.00 p.m.Independence Day DramaPatriotic fervour was seen at its best inthe drama entitled “Swaarajya” presented bythe students of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute ofHigher Learning on the afternoon of 15thAugust <strong>2005</strong> in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, PrasanthiNilayam. Enacted in the Divine Presence ofBhagavan, the drama called to memory thesacrifices made by our freedom fighters toliberate India from the colonial rule offoreigners. The episodes of the sacrifices ofBhagat Singh, Raj Guru, Sukh Dev, Jatin Dasfor the freedom of the country were soA scene from the drama “Swaarajya” presented by thestudents of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of HigherLearning on 15th August <strong>2005</strong>.realistically depicted that all eyes becamemoist with tears. Similarly, the strictadherence of Mahatma Gandhi to the valuesof Ahimsa and <strong>Sathya</strong>, the dynamicleadership of Subhash Chandra Bose andthe valiant struggle launched by AlluriSitaramaraju from the forests ofAndhra Pradesh recaptured the spiritSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 272

CELEBRATIONS AT PRASANTHI NILAYAMof India’s freedom movement. Theconcluding episode of the drama showed thatmere political independence was notenough; it could not bring peace andprosperity to people. What was moreimportant was Swaarajya, freedom of thespirit of man from the shackles of greed,jealousy, selfishness and other negativefeelings. The drama showed that only therealisation of this eternal truth could providereal freedom, peace and happiness to manin the world, as taught by Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba.Realistic story, lively acting, appropriatepatriotic songs and flawless direction madethis play a very appropriate IndependenceDay presentation. Bhagavan sat through theentire performance and blessed the cast atthe end of the drama. He also gave themthe coveted opportunity of group photo withHim. The programme which started at 4.15p.m. came to a close at 5.35 p.m. with singingof National Anthem by all.<strong>Sri</strong> Krishna Janmashtami Celebrationsat Prasanthi NilayamThe holy festival of <strong>Sri</strong> KrishnaJanmashtami was celebrated at PrasanthiNilayam with great piety and solemnity on27th August <strong>2005</strong>. The venue of thecelebrations was <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall which wasbeautifully decorated for this occasion.Sweet notes of Nadaswaram reverberatedin the Hall to welcome Bhagavan on this holyday. Bhagavan came to <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall at7.50 a.m. amidst chanting of VedicMantras and showered the bliss of HisDivine Darshan on one and all bytaking two rounds of the Hall. At 8.15 a.m.,the grand procession of cows from Gokulamand richly bedecked <strong>Sai</strong> Geeta entered theHall. The procession included Veda chantingand Bhajan singing groups of students. Whilechanting continued, Prasadam wasdistributed to all. Meanwhile, <strong>Sai</strong> Geeta camenear the dais and received the love andblessings of Bhagavan who fed it with fruits.The morning programme came to a closewith Arati to Bhagavan at 10.30 a.m.The programme in the afternoon startedwith a specially prepared musical medley ofStotras and devotional songs sung by thestudents of the Institute in praise of LordKrishna. Soulful recitation of Stotras andcaptivating devotional songs in the DivinePresence of Bhagavan filled every heart withspiritual vibrations. This excellent musicalpresentation was followed by two speecheson the significance of this holy festival of <strong>Sri</strong>Krishna Janmashtami. First to speak was Dr.M. <strong>Sai</strong>nath, a faculty member of the Institute.Referring to the teachings of Lord Krishnain the Gita, Dr. <strong>Sai</strong>nath remarked that theGita offered solution to all the problems oflife which man today was faced with.Narrating the story of a child lost in a fair, hesaid that the child was not attracted byanything in the fair and was happy only whenhe got the hand of his father. In the sameway, man should hold on to the hand of theAvatar who had incarnated on earth toredeem mankind, said Dr. <strong>Sai</strong>nath. Thesecond speaker was <strong>Sri</strong> Shashank Shah, anM.Phil student of the Institute. <strong>Sri</strong> Shahnarrated a few incidents from the life ofDwapara Yuga Avatar, Lord KrishnaContinued on page 277 ...273 September <strong>2005</strong>

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRES1. Community Service ProgrammesIndonesia: The <strong>Sai</strong> Study Group, Medanorganised a series of service programmesduring the months of February to June <strong>2005</strong>.Medical camps and food distribution wereprovided in the following areas: PuloSicanang, Rantau Panjang, Citaman Jernih,Bagan Kuala, Ujung Kubu and Sei Bulu.A patient being treated at the medical campin Medan, IndonesiaDuring the five month period, a medical teamconsisting of five doctors and 50 <strong>Sai</strong>volunteers served a total of 3,433 patients.The ailments treated included asthma, skinproblems, rheumatism and influenza. Freemedications were also distributed to thepatients. <strong>Sai</strong> workers conducted several fooddistribution drives to the needy people in theabove locations. Each family received apackage consisting of, on an average, fivekg rice, two tins of milk and a variety ofother items of daily need. To-date, atotal of 19,300 kg rice and 890 tins ofmilk have been distributed, benefiting over5,000 families.Taiwan: An all-day Parenting Seminar washeld at the Taipei American School on 27thMarch <strong>2005</strong>. Dr. Pal Dhall and Dr. TehseenDhall from Australia conducted this seminar,which was attended by Chinese schoolteachers, SSEHV teachers and parents. Dr.Pal Dhall pointed out that all parents wantedto see their children grow up to be moralindividuals, but most lacked the necessaryskills to do so. He spoke about the invasionof technology into our homes which wasbringing along with it many negativeinfluences, and about how the modernsystem of education was emphasisingacademic performance alone, and not ethicsand character. The dynamics of enabling anddisabling parenting practices set many headsthinking and everyone realised how sacreda duty it is to raise a child and many left witha greater understanding of the importanceof the <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Value-based ParentingProgramme. Two workshops were followedby an interactive question and answersession. The programme concluded with thelighting of a candle and passing on the lightto everyone, with the prayer that the lamp ofwisdom shine brightly forever in all heartsand that the valuable lessons learnt duringthe seminar help enrich lives and make betterparents.2. Medical CampsSouth Africa: On 3rd July <strong>2005</strong>, adental camp was organised at theSeptember <strong>2005</strong> 274

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESCatherine Booth Hospital where 165 patientswere treated. 145 dental extractions wereperformed and medical services wereprovided to 20 more patients. On 16th and17th July <strong>2005</strong>, an eye camp was held atthe Catherine Booth Hospital where 21cataract operations were performed. A teamof two ophthalmic surgeons and twoophthalmic nurses conducted thesesurgeries. These volunteer surgeons wereimpressed with the voluntary serviceprogrammes carried out by the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Organisation and graciously agreed to bepart of the team. They also assisted inobtaining important equipment such asmicroscopes that were necessary for theoperations. With Swami’s grace andblessings, the <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation of SouthAfrica is thus making great inroads andprogress in strengthening outreachprogrammes to the disadvantaged membersof their communities.USA: A daylong medical and dental campwas conducted on Saturday, 25th June <strong>2005</strong>at the Central Arizona Shelter Servicesfacility in Phoenix, Arizona. 80 volunteersfrom all across the State participated in thiscamp which served underprivilegedhomeless people. Twelve physicians and sixmedical assistants comprised the medicalteam that rendered services to 150 patientsat the camp. Prevention and healtheducation were emphasised in the followingareas: smoking, hepatitis and HIV,alcoholism, diet and exercise, andmammogram and pap smear tests for earlycancer detection in women. Freehaircuts were provided to nearly fortypersons. Patients were provided withhygiene kits and appropriate referralservices with follow-up care. <strong>Sai</strong> SpiritualEducation children made posters on healthyliving. At the dental clinic, a team consistingof four dentists and two dental assistantsrendered services to 57 patients. Theprocedure consisted of thoroughexamination, evaluation and treatmentpertaining to extraction, filling and cleaningof teeth. Free lunch was served around noontime to approximately 375 people.The <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba Centre of CentralSan Jose conducted a Health and WellnessScreening service on 9th April <strong>2005</strong> in theSunnyvale, California community. Thelocation of the project, Fair Oaks Park, wasa predominantly Spanish neighborhoodwhich was selected with considerable helpfrom the City Mayor’s office. 49 people wereserved during this half-day camp, with theparticipants predominantly of Spanish andAsian Indian origin. The services includedblood glucose level, blood cholesterol level,blood pressure, height, weight, and BMIskin fat caliper measurements; risk factorprofile, nutritional counselling, exerciserecommendations; smoking cessationcounselling, alcohol and drug rehabinformation. The medical team consisted offive doctors, three registered nurses and twomedical assistants. More than 50 nonmedicalvolunteers including SSE studentsparticipated in the areas of registration,documentation, ushering, sandwichpreparation, distribution of flyers, posterdisplays, and transportation. Approximately7 volunteers rendered help translatingfor Spanish patients in the areas ofregistration, ushering, and doctor’s275 September <strong>2005</strong>

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESrecommendations. A list of local healthresources (public hospitals, communityhospitals, free clinics and plannedparenthood centres) within a 10-mile radiusof the project location was prepared andshared with the patients for follow-up.Patients were served food. The Mayor of Cityof Sunnyvale, <strong>Sri</strong> Dean Chu visited theproject and commended the loving anddisciplined service rendered by the <strong>Sai</strong>workers. The Mayor and the City ofSunnyvale have invited the <strong>Sai</strong> Organisationto conduct similar projects in other areas ofthe city in future.3. Public MeetingsBosnia and Herzegovina: On 18th June<strong>2005</strong>, a public meeting was held by the<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation of Bosnia andHerzegovina in Sarajevo. 137 peopleattended the meeting, which featured twospeakers – Dr. Thorbjørn Meyer and Ms.Vesna Krmpotic. The film ‘His Work’, whichwas translated into the Bosnian language,was screened at the end of the meeting.Approximately 100 copies of ‘Duga’, theofficial magazine of the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Organisation of BiH, and nearly 1000bookmarks with Bhagavan’s photo andquotes were distributed to the attendees. Theaudience was very much moved by thebeautiful life and teachings of Bhagavan.That a meeting of this magnitude could beheld in a country which had until recentlyseen the ravages of war is an eloquenttestimony to the healing power ofBhagavan’s Divine Love.USA: The <strong>Sai</strong> Public Meeting held inthe Gershman Hall in Center CityPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania on 12th March<strong>2005</strong> attracted over 300 attendees. Smt.Cathy Daub, the mid-Atlantic SSE regionalcoordinator, was the master of ceremoniesfor this event. The first speaker, Dr. DavidGries, gave a presentation on the wonderfulhumanitarian works of Bhagavan Baba. Hespoke with sincerity, love and humility andthe assembled guests were moved by themagnitude of Bhagavan’s compassion asexpressed through the numerous serviceprojects that the <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation hadaccomplished and continued to accomplish.The second speaker, Dr. Sam Sandweiss,articulated the essential teachings ofBhagavan – that we are all sparks of divinity,but we allow our minds to interfere with theflow of love and light in our lives. The film‘His Work’ was screened next, at the end ofwhich a brief pause of awe and reverenceensued. Then a wonderful applause ofgratitude and appreciation arose from theaudience. Every heart felt Bhagavan’s gracethat flowed freely to all present and out intothe world sending divine vibrations of peace,love and harmony.B H A R A T– Prasanthi CouncilAndhra Pradesh: Ranga Reddy districtcarried out “Bheema Ratha Shanti Utsav” atVennachedu, Kosagi, Tandur and Parigicovering 115 old couples above 70 yearson the lines it was conducted at PrasanthiNilayam recently. The couples were givennew clothes and gifts and treated tosumptuous lunch along with their familymembers. This district conducted“Farmers Meet” at Kerelly on 2nd JulySeptember <strong>2005</strong> 276

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRES<strong>2005</strong> in which senior scientists of agricultureinteracted with 55 farmers assembled andsuggested suitable remedial measures to theproblems faced by them in cultivation. Thisdistrict held eye check-up camps atVennachedu, Kosagi, Tandur and Parigivillages, selected 37 cataract patients andgot them operated at Government Hospital,Vikarabad. The patients were given newclothes at the time of discharge.Prakasam district conducted free eyecheck-up camps, examined 1312 patientsand selected 178 cataract patients foroperation. Steps are being taken to get themoperated in batches. This district built aschool building under <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Gurukula Seva Yagnam and handed it overto the concerned authorities in an inauguralfunction on 26th June <strong>2005</strong>.<strong>Sri</strong>kakulam district conducted a series ofmedical camps, treating 1512 patients andone veterinary camp, treating 869 animals.It dug 4 drinking water wells at 4 differentplaces, distributed 800 Amrutha Kalasams(food provisions) to selected poor families,gave 56 uniforms to mentally challengedchildren, and honoured 81 teachers duringGuru Purnima.Tamil Nadu: Spiritual marriage for 36 elderlycouples was performed in Chennai. Thecouples dressed in the traditional garments,assembled in <strong>Sri</strong> Sudharsan Marriage Hallnear Varadharaja Swami Temple, and camein a procession to the venue. Messengersof <strong>Sai</strong>, Mahila Youth, Gurus and MahilaVibhag assisted the couples individually. Themarriage was conducted in a traditionalmanner on the morning of 24th July <strong>2005</strong>.Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal: On theoccasion of Guru Purnima, <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Seva Organisation, Lucknow carried outSeva activities in two new villages, Naktamauand Jallabad, on the outskirts of Lucknow.The Gram Pradhans (village heads)suggested that there was a need to conductan eye check-up camp and a veterinarycamp. It was also decided to carry outNarayana Seva on a large scale by providingfood for each of the 175 households of thevillages. Food packets were prepared bydevotees while chanting Vedic hymns and<strong>Sai</strong> Gayatri. Seva Dal volunteers personallyhanded over the food packets to eachhousehold. More than 40 patients wereexamined during the eye camp and 19spectacles were distributed free. Theveterinary check-up camp was conducted bygoing door-to-door. 148 animals wereexamined and medicines were given free ofcost wherever required. The programmeended with <strong>Sai</strong> Bhajans by devotees whichwere also attended by the villagers.... Continued from page 273and Kali Yuga Avatar, Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Baba and pointed out similaritiesbetween them. He observed that Lord Ramaincarnated to establish <strong>Sathya</strong> and Dharmaand Lord Krishna came to establish Santhiand Prema while <strong>Sai</strong> Avatar has come toestablish all the values, viz., <strong>Sathya</strong>,Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa. Thiswas followed by Bhajans led by the Institutestudents. The celebrations of this holyfestival concluded with Arati to Bhagavan at5.50 p.m.277 September <strong>2005</strong>

Who is Poor ?Chinna KathaAKING SET OUT WITH A HUGEarmy to attack a neighbouringkingdom with the objective ofextending his kingdom. On the way, hecamped at a place with his army to take rest.It was a hilly area. Cold wind wasblowing there. While strolling hereand there, the king saw a personon the top of the hill. He becamecurious to know who he was. So,he climbed the hill. That personwas wearing only a loin cloth. Afterseeing him in this condition, the kingfelt, “Poor man! He is undergoinggreat suffering due to extremecold.” Thinking thus, he gave himthe warm Kashmir shawl and Kurta(shirt) which he was wearing. Thenthat person said to the king, “Sir! Ihave my own covering for theprotection of my body. It has beenprotecting me since my birth, and will remainwith me till death.” The king was surprisedat this and asked, “What covering? Whereis it? It is not seen anywhere.” Pointingtowards the skin of his body, the man replied,“This is the covering which has been givento me by God. You give your Kurta and shawlto someone who is more poor than me.”The king asked, “Is there anyone more poorthan you? Where is he?” The man askedthe king, “Well, where are you going now?What is the task that you are going toperform?” The king said, “I am going toattack the neighbouring kingdom with fullpreparation so that I can merge it with mykingdom.” The man said, “Oh king! You wantto cause the death of thousands of soldiersThe man said to the king, “It is you who needthis Kurta and shawl more than me.”just to acquire some square miles of land.Isn’t it your covetousness that would beresponsible for it? Not contented with whatyou have, you are craving to have more andmore. Then, you are the poorest of all. Whocan be more poor than you? It is you whoneed this Kurta and shawl more than me.”This remark was an eye-opener for theking. He understood that one who lackedcontentment was truly poor. Realising thistruth, he turned his army back towards hiskingdom.When thoughts and feelings are impure and agitated, one cannot be calm andhappy. When the mind is polluted, reactions are polluted. To keep the mindclean, one has to analyse sympathetically situations involving others and theiractivities, and then decide on how to react to them.- Baba

NNLess Luggage, Happy JourneyLife is like a train journey; youngchildren have a long way to go, butelders have to alight from the trainpretty soon. You must learn to makeyour journey comfortable and happy.Do not carry heavy, unwantedluggage with you that will make thejourney miserable. Do not indulge infault finding and picking quarrels withothers. Do not desire to have the bestthings for yourselves only. Share withothers around you the good thingsyou are given. Anger, hatred, envy andjealousy are the heavy luggage that Iask you to avoid taking with you onthe journey.- BabaREGD. WITH REGISTRAR OF NEWSPAPERS R.NO.10774/58REGD.NO.SP/Tech/HDP/M-E-2003-<strong>2005</strong> (Inland) REGD.NO.SP/Tech/HDP/M-E(F)-2003-<strong>2005</strong> (Overseas)Licence number for posting without pre-payment of postage – SP/HDP/Tech/01/03-05

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