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Have a question?Ask the ExpertSend us your queries andcomments to either the HotLINXor Member Relations / mr@linx.netHow do LINX’s Public Affairs activitiesbenefit international members?By Malcolm Hutty, LINX Head of Public AffairsWith an ever-increasing number ofmembers coming from outside the UK,LINX’s Public Affairs activities are evolving.We have always sought to ensure thatthe UK is a good place for networks andInternet business, and that the regulatoryenvironment supports the UK as the bestchoice in Europe for interconnectionand peering. Our Public Affairs team hasalways spoken up for the interests ofmembers from outside the UK, especiallyby reminding the British governmentthat many of the networks connectingin the UK don’t have substantial businessoperations here, and so should not bebrought accidentally within the scope ofUK regulation. More recently, a changinglandscape and growing membershipoutside the UK is making us moreproactively focussed on internationalpublic policy.The laws, regulations and internationalagreements affecting network operatorsincreasingly have their origins insupranational groupings such as theEuropean Union, international treaties,and global Internet governance institutionssuch as ICANN.As part of EuroISPA, we work togetherwith other industry associationsthroughout Europe to influencedevelopments in Brussels that will establishlaw for the whole European Union, andhave political influence beyond it.On the global stage LINX is also takinga lead. At the Netmundial conferencein April 2014, we made the case thatInternet intermediaries should havestrong protections from legal liabilityfor the actions of their users, andwon international recognition for theimportance of these legal protectionsfor innovation and economic growth.At the World Telecommunications PolicyForum in May 2013, an intergovernmentalgathering, we persuaded ITU MemberStates to recognise the value of IXPs.LINX’s Public Affairs team also promotesits members’ interests through supportand advice for the UK government’steams at important and controversialinternational treaty negotiations suchas the International TelecommunicationsRegulations, and the ITU PlenipotentiaryConference 2014. Through such initiatives,LINX is continually working to make sureits members enjoy a global regulatoryenvironment that supports Internetbusiness, wherever in the world they callhome.The best question oremail we receive in each issuewill win an exclusiveHotLINX mug!Please contact us usinghotlinx@linx.netYour SayFor each edition of HotLINX, readersare invited to share their thoughtson what’s happening in the LINXcommunity and the industry as a whole.Printed submissions will win a rathersplendid HotLINX mug so send anycomments, questions and feedback to:hotlinx@linx.netInterconnecting theFuture with CooperationBy Martin Hannigan,Director, Networks and Data Center Architectureat Akamai Technologies and co-founder of Open-IXAs LINX approaches its first year of operation in North America, there are signs ofprogress. As a co-founder of Open-IX and an Internet user, the establishment of LINXNoVA is an important milestone in American and global internetworking.In the United States, LINX providing new and improved opportunities in cooperationwith the OIX community is a welcomed addition. The community’s cooperation createdgreat choice and sorely needed competition. Nationally and now globally, LINX’s role ininterconnection underscores that Internet infrastructure built with cooperation worksand serves all. LINX is the badge that exemplifies cooperation in NoVA and OIX is thebadge that certifies that level of quality.A year ago, American networks were trapped without input to the interconnectiongovernance or policies. Today, through that cooperation, choice has grown to includemultiple data centers in the national capitol area. I’m extremely proud to be part of theOIX and LINX community and look forward to even greater success.20 HotLINX Issue 39 | Ask the Expert

“Bored of vendorSDN/NFV pitches?Sick of all thehype? Me too”By Alex Walker,Imtech ICT, SDN ConsultantI’m a techy. New technology meansnothing to me until I see it and touch it.I’ve been a network security specialist, anetwork architect and a professionalservices consultant. I’m an active CCIEand JNCIE. I’ve worked for some of thelargest service providers in the industry.I’m now an SDN & NFV specialist.I believe that SDN and NFV constitutethe biggest step-change in our industrysince Ethernet first left Xerox PARC 40years ago.For the past six months, I’ve beeninvestigating the brave new world ofSDN & NFV on a full-time basis in anattempt to “sort the wheat from thechaff”. My research has taken me to theOpenStack Summit, Cisco Live US,Juniper Partner Tech Summit, VMwarevWorld, to name but a few. I’ve beenout there talking to our SP customers,both global and local. What are thereal-world SP issues today? …and whatnew technology is out there to helpsolve these challenges?With a significant investment in a large,dedicated, multivendor SDN & NFV lab,I have brought the best-of-breedsolutions into reality – using real worldcustomer use cases. Eureka! Somethingto see and touch for myself!If like me, you’d like to sample the realityof this brave new world, and see andtouch a live multi-vendor SDN/NFVdemo, based on real-world SP use cases,I’d love to hear from you.Further InformationAlex will be presenting a live multivendorSDN/NFV demo at LINX88in February, but in the mean time,visit to get a sneakpreview of their exciting newdevelopments in NFV.Members are also encouragedto follow Alex’s blog for ongoingupdates on NFV and otherdevelopments as well as industryand regulatory commentary.Imtech ICT LtdViables 3Jays CloseBasingstoke, HANTSRG22 4BSUnited (0)1256 312 350Email: @imtechICTUKImtechTechnology PartnersTo watch Imtech’s preview of itsSDN/NFV demo visit: Use Case: Juniper Contrail SDNController F5 VirtualBIG-IP –a first in Europe, in the Imtech ICT LabHotLINX Issue 39 | Meeting Sponsor: Imtech 21

“Bored of vendorSDN/NFV pitches?Sick of all thehype? Me too”By Alex Walker,Imtech ICT, SDN ConsultantI’m a techy. New technology meansnothing to me until I see it and touch it.I’ve been a network security specialist, anetwork architect and a professionalservices consultant. I’m an active CCIEand JNCIE. I’ve worked for some of thelargest service providers in the industry.I’m now an SDN & NFV specialist.I believe that SDN and NFV constitutethe biggest step-change in our industrysince Ethernet first left Xerox PARC 40years ago.For the past six months, I’ve beeninvestigating the brave new world ofSDN & NFV on a full-time basis in anattempt to “sort the wheat from thechaff”. My research has taken me to theOpenStack Summit, Cisco Live US,Juniper Partner Tech Summit, VMwarevWorld, to name but a few. I’ve beenout there talking to our SP customers,both global and local. What are thereal-world SP issues today? …and whatnew technology is out there to helpsolve these challenges?With a significant investment in a large,dedicated, multivendor SDN & NFV lab,I have brought the best-of-breedsolutions into reality – using real worldcustomer use cases. Eureka! Somethingto see and touch for myself!If like me, you’d like to sample the realityof this brave new world, and see andtouch a live multi-vendor SDN/NFVdemo, based on real-world SP use cases,I’d love to hear from you.Further InformationAlex will be presenting a live multivendorSDN/NFV demo at LINX88in February, but in the mean time,visit to get a sneakpreview of their exciting newdevelopments in NFV.Members are also encouragedto follow Alex’s blog for ongoingupdates on NFV and otherdevelopments as well as industryand regulatory commentary.Imtech ICT LtdViables 3Jays CloseBasingstoke, HANTSRG22 4BSUnited (0)1256 312 350Email: @imtechICTUKImtechTechnology PartnersTo watch Imtech’s preview of itsSDN/NFV demo visit: Use Case: Juniper Contrail SDNController F5 VirtualBIG-IP –a first in Europe, in the Imtech ICT LabHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Meeting Sponsor: Imtech 21

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