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<strong>39</strong>IssueAutumn 2014HotLINX20thBirthdayIssueOnline edition features2 Bonus PagesIXCardiff:An Internet ExchangePoint for WalesLINX’s latest regional exchange, IXCardiff,is being launched this OctoberTurn to our centre pages to find out moreIn the Spotlight p19David Freedman of Claranet is a longstandingmember of the LINX community. A regularspeaker at industry events he has also overseenthe work of the LINX Endorsements Panel.Read our interview on page 19.Chessington PoP p11A new LINX London PoP is due to open shortly at avirtual Digital Realty campus in Surrey. Read how thesite will be structured and how you can attend thelaunch event on page 11.Ask the Expert p20LINX regulatory expert Malcolm Hutty answers the question “How do LINX’s Public Affairsactivities benefit international members?”. Turn to page 18 to find out more.

ContentsFace OffEngineering p07In our LINX Engineering sectionwe have news on the progressof the ConneXions resellerprogramme, 100G on Extremeand the Route ServersPublic Affairs p08In our Public Affairs pagesMalcolm Hutty looks at theappointments being made atthe European Commission plusdevelopments at ICANNAnniversary Sponsors p12-15Vendors Juniper and Extremeand data centres Telehouse andInterxion are sponsoring LINX’s20th anniversary year. Learn moreabout them on pages 12 to 15..Your Say p20Martin Hannigan, co-founder ofOpen-IX, reflects on an eventfulyear for the IXP association andthe progress being made byLINX NoVA.HotLINX Publisher:Editor:Co-ordinator:Ben HedgesJeremy OrbellJo FeredayInside StoriesWelcome to HotLINX<strong>39</strong>. Here’sa brief summary of the LINXcommunity and industry newsstories featured inside this issue.Our main story is LINX’s latestregional exchange, IXCardiff,which gets its official launch at theMillennium Stadium in Wales on15th October.There’s a pictorial review of theninth European Peering Forumin Croatia on page 6 while onpage 14 we have some veryinteresting industry comment fromPaul Gainham, Senior Directorof Solutions Marketing EMEA atJuniper Networks and MarkusNispel, Vice President SolutionsArchitecture and Innovation atExtreme Networks.The RIPE NCC is the LINXAssociate member in focus thistime, and we also have picturesfrom our popular summermember engagement events.Finally we take our usual lookat the latest LINX member andtechnical statistics on our backpage.Telephone: +44 1733 207705Editorial & Content: <strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.netPrinting:Sudbury PrintPublishing:London Internet Exchange Limited. Trinity Court, Trinity Street,Peterborough, United Kingdom PE1 1DANo part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers.Internet IndustryTweetsBelow are just a few of the Internetand LINX community relatedupdates we’ve spotted on Twitterrecently.Arpad Kun @ArpadKunBye bye #EPF9, it was a great eventagain, thank you all. See you nextyear! @Ustream signs off. :)pic.twitter.com/dvFX4Bi8l1Bonnie Malec @CloudBackupGirl[BLOG] How @PulsantUK issupporting #IXScotland for longtermgrowth http://www.pulsant.com/supporting-ixscotland-longterm-growth/TelindusUK @Telindus_UKExcellent couple of days @LINX_Network #LINX86 Big thanks to @IXIAcom & @Juniper_UK for thiersupport. pic.twitter.com/udksN76q48Digital Cardiff @DigitalCDFGrants now available to peerthrough Wales’ first InternetExchange. For more details seehttp://www.digitalcardiff.net/cardiffinternet-exchange/#DigitalCardiff #IXLINX on TwitterKeep up to date with LINX onTwitter using @LINX_NetworkDo you follow?You can also get LINX newson LinkedIn and Facebook viathe quick links below:www.linx.net/LNC/linkedinwww.linx.net/LNC/facebook02 HotLINX © London Internet Exchange 2014

Welsh ExchangeNow a RealityIXCardiff Launch Caps AnotherGreat Year of Expansion at LINXBy John Souter, LINX Chief Executive OfficerAnd so, as 2014 draws to close so doesour 20th anniversary year. Back in Maywe published souvenir issue of HotLINXwhich took a reflective look at how theexchange has developed since 1994.With the rate of change over the lastcouple of years it’s hard to imaginewhere we will be in another 20 and that’swhat makes this industry so fascinating.We are currently embarking uponarguably one of the busiest times in ourhistory and when you consider what’sgone before that’s no mean feat! Nosooner do we return to the UK afterco-hosting the ninth European PeeringForum in Croatia than we head backout on the road again. In October it’soff to Baltimore, USA, for NANOG62where we will also be staging our secondLINXNovA meeting. Then, a few dayslater, we are launching IXCardiff, our thirdUK regional exchange.IXCardiff is an indication as to how fastthings are moving because in my lastHotLINX article I stated that a newIXP in South Wales has had “backingin principle” from the LINX Board. Atthat stage we hadn’t even decided on aname but less than three months laterwe are holding an event to be attendedby over 60 people from in excess of40 different organisations. These peoplewill be witnessing the birth of what isWales’ very first Internet Exchange Point.Government and City Council guestswill be in attendance, as will leadinglocal network and business communityleaders, so it’s great to have that kind ofbacking in the city.Is there scope for more exchanges? Well,only last month I spoke at UKNOF inBelfast, Northern Ireland, another locationwhere we have held consultation meetingsin the past. There is still interest in theprincipality in making a local exchangethere a reality so we can’t rule it out. Willthe city continue our record of a newIXP a year since 2012? Right now it’s hardto say but never say never - the marketconditions have to be right though andwe have to ensure that there is a businesscase to justify it, as with any new site.One location that we are committedto bringing into the fold on our LondonLANs is a new PoP at the Digital Realtydata centre complex in Chessington. OurEngineering team are doing a great jobin integrating the site into the networkand we are pleased to announce that wehave a launch event planned for the 21stOctober before going live in November.Finally, to bring us back to our to ouranniversary year, I really do hope that themembers will be out in force at our 20thbirthday party at LINX87. Many facesfrom LINX’s past are sure to be there soit looks set to be a great night.EditorialAn Eventful End to our20th Birthday YearBy Jeremy OrbellHotLINX EditorIn November, members will bereturning to our regular membermeeting venue, the Congress Centre,for LINX87. This venue has servedus well over the years having been‘home’ on two separate occasionshaving initially staged seven eventsin 2003 and 2004. In those days asmaller room up on the fifth floorwas used which held around 70people. Today we are regularlyhosting considerably more thandouble that number in the mainconference arena.With excellent transport links andhigh speed Internet access, theCongress is ideal for our needs. Weare pleased, therefore, to announcethat the venue has been bookedfor all meetings in 2015 and 2016except for those held in summer.At those times meetings will againbe taken outside of London, just asLINX86 was in August when wevisited Manchester.As LINX87 will be our final membermeeting of 2014 it will feature anend of year party to allow us tofinish our 20th birthdaycelebrations in style.You can find outmore, and howyou can attend, byreading our previewon page 14.<strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.netWelcomeHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Welcome 03

SubmissionsIndustry NewsHave a story you’d like to tellthe LINX members? Send yourideas to the HotLINX team<strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.net“Summer of Sport” NetworkTraffic hits all-time highIn July RIPE Labs published someinteresting traffic statistics associatedwith IXP traffic and the FIFA World Cup.They were assisted in the data collectionby Euro-IX and 24 European andinternational exchanges including PTT.BRfrom tournament host nation Brazil.The results highlighted distinct patternsin behaviour and were related to kick-offtimes and whether viewers were able towatch games unfold live on TV or not.Some peaks were noted during workperiods where access to replays of keymoments were alerted by social media.There were dips and double dips at halftimeintervals and increases after games assupporters discussed what they’d seen.In their report conclusion RIPE Labs said:“For network operations, knowing that eventswill cause changes in traffic helps in beingPhillipine Governmenturged to remedy ‘poor’Internet InfrastructureThe Philippine government has beencalled upon to intervene in the sorry stateof local Internet services with calls forpublic regulation of local ISPs.A Senate hearing spearheaded by Sen.Bam Aquino in September looked into thepossible causes of, and solutions for, thecountry’s “deplorable” Internet speeds.One suggestion during the hearing wasa move to amend Republic Act 7925 todeclare Internet access a basic serviceinstead of a value-added one, with thegovernment tasked to regulate it.Full story here: www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/379470/scitech/technology/gov-t-urged-to-remedy-slow-phl-internetpldt-put-to-taskprepared. But it’s not only streaming trafficthat causes increases in demand during bigsports events. Other traffic may very welldecrease significantly. If you have to payfor that on a 95th percentile basis, theseexpected decreases might even provideopportunities.”Read the full RIPE Labs report here:https://labs.ripe.net/Members/emileaben/internet-traffic-during-the-world-cup-2014Hot Topic at LINX86The subject of sport traffic was alsocovered at the LINX86 member meetingin August Richard Cooper (BBC) and PaulBruce (Virgin Media) both spoke on thepatterns those networks had seen duringthis period. Members can access bothpresentations on the LINX website:www.linx.net/LINX86Industry NewsIn BriefNew Open-IX Board ElectedThe Open-IX Association (OIX), a nonprofitindustry association formed topromote better standards for data centreinterconnection and IXPs, has announcedthat four new members have been electedto the Open-IX Board of Directors.William Charnock, Christian Koch, ChrisMalayter and Josh Snowhorn will eachserve two-year terms beginning on January1 2015 until December 31 2016. Electionresults were announced at Open-IX’sAGM in New York in September. They joinexisting and continuing Board MembersKeith Mitchell,; Co-Founder and ChairmanDavid Temkin, Vice Chair Dan Golding andSecretary Barry Tishgart.IPv6 NewsIn 2010 an organisation called6UK was launched with tha aimof kickstarting the use of the IPv6protocol in the UK. Within twoyears the group was wound upstating, despite its best efforts, it was“powerless to encourage the adoptionof IPv6”. The issue has not gone awaythough, so a new initiative known asthe UK IPv6 Council, lead by CiscoSystems Engineer Veronika McKillop,has been set up to try again. Like6UK it’s a non-profit technology usergroup, and was established as a localchapter of the IPv6 Forum in April.The Council’s strategy is to:• Create an environment for technicaland business people from allindustries/public sector/SP/academiathat enables sharing of information,business cases/drivers andexperience with IPv6 deployments.• Enable dialog and create acommunity. Develop a sense oftogetherness and an environment toshare knowledge.• Work with other organisations inthe UK and abroad, to make UKIPv6 activities visible in the UK andat an international level.• Change the perception of the UKas an “IPv6-negative” country.The UK IPv6 Council’s firstinitiative was a webinar entitled“The Business Case for IPv6” inSeptember with a Council meetingheld on the 6th October atIDEALondon. To find out moreplease visit: www.ipv6.org.ukLast Chance?CloudFlare’s Martin Levy, alongstanding advocate for action onIPv6, has said, “Hats-off to VeronikaMcKillop at Cisco for trying one-moretimeto get IPv6 on the radar in theUK. Please support this effort; thiscould be the UK’s last chance.”04 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Industry News

What they’re sayingIf the network isn’t broke, don’t fix it.Alex Veldhuis, Juniper Networks(19 September 2014)“After getting this comment a few times from people it made me wonder. Why not fix it? Ifeverything works fine, how do you make sure it keeps working fine? As a network integrator,service provider or end user it is a good thing, of course, that when nothing is broken youhave no escalations and your customer satisfaction is probably high. At a certain point whensomething does fail, then you do have to fix it. What are then the costs of fixing, both foryourself as well as for your end user? Is all of the hardware and software still supported? Arethere any potential capacity issues on the horizon? If you do have a malfunction, is thereenough redundancy? Investing a little now can save you a lot tomorrow!”http://forums.juniper.net/t5/Industry-Solutions-and-Trends/If-the-network-isn-t-brokedon-t-fix-it/ba-p/257825Why does Wales need anInternet Exchange?Spectrum Internet / Net Support UK(Sponsors of Digital 2014 in Wales)“For a start building a local networkingcommunity helps businesses to thrive. It helpsgalvanise a local business community andbring economic advantages. It encouragesthe development of locally hosted contentand services and increases the appeal tobusinesses wanting to invest locally. Asidefrom these advantages, a local InternetExchange also means improved access tolocal content which means increased usageof that content, all of which is good news forbusinesses and the Welsh economy.”www.business.wales.gov.uk/digital2014/news-blog/peering-futureEPF9 ReviewSplit, Croatia • 22-24 SeptemberIn September LINX, along with AMS-IX, DE-CIX, Netnod, and guestIXP NIX.CZ, hosted the ninth European Peering Forum in Split, Croatia.Serge Radovcic, from the RIPE NCC again chaired the meeting andthere was a packed agenda for the record 260 delegates registered.Among the topics covered were “The Internet landscape in Croatia”(Mario Klobučar, CIX), “Peering with CDNs - the pitfalls and planning” (Zbynek Pospichal,Dial Telecom) and “Is peering really faster? Let the data speak by itself”(Grzegorz Janoszka, Booking.com). Cara-Scharwz Schilling (BEREC) also gave a European Regulator’s view of the Internet.At the event there was also the opportunity to book bi-lateral peering meetings and over 1000were organised over the EPF’s three days. Attendees could also participate in a number of eveningnetworking socials too including a cruise on the Sea Star Ship.EPF10Next year’s event is again likely to be held in September but no location has yet been set.Venues being considered include Vienna in Austria, the Spanish capital Madrid in Spain andalso Istanbul in Turkey. In an informal vote at EPF9 Istanbul received the most votes but thefinal decision hasn’t been taken. EPF delegates can still cast their votes bycompleting the EPF9 survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/s/XQWX8F5Look out for further event EPF10 announcements on the European PeeringForum website: www.peering-forum.euPhoto: Nurani Nimpuno © 2014Photo: Mark Cooper © 2014Photo: Jonathan Thornhill © 2014Photo: Jonathan Thornhill © 2014HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX News 05

LINX NewsLocal Exchange NewsDevelopments at IXManchester & IXScotlandLeading networks connectat IXManchesterWhile HotLINX’s lead story is the launchof the new IXCardiff exchange, there’sstill plenty to talk about on the regionalpeering front around the rest of the UK.For instance, up in the north west we canreveal that IXManchester now has over 53members present and that the exchangeis regularly passing well in excess of 8Gb/sin traffic. Possibly the most importantdevelopment, however, is the news thatleading networks Akamai and the BBChave both connected in the city. This is thestart of a new stage for the maturing IXP.It will see many more content networksconnect to the exchange in order to getcloser to the end user and deliver more oftheir traffic locally.LINX NoVA NewsSecond LINX NoVA Member Meeting Held in BaltimoreAs HotLINX went to press LINX was stagingits second LINX NoVA member meetingof the year, in Baltimore, USA. The venuefor the event was also the location of theimportant NANOG62 conference.The agenda featured sponsor updatesfrom LINX NoVA data centre partnersEvoSwitch, CoreSite and DuPont Fabrosplus an Engineering measurement andmonitoring talk by LINX CTO, Richard Petrie.There was also an Open-IX presentationby Martin Hannigan which focussed on theimprovement of interconnection in the USA.An innovation for this meeting is the trialof the Google Hangout video streamingsoftware enabling remote access to theevent. This could be rolled out to otherLINX local exchange meetings in the future.First Anniversary forIXScotlandThere is something to celebrate forIXScotland as the exchange marks its firstbirthday on Tuesday 28 October. Hostedat Pulsant’s South Gyle data centre inEdinburgh, the Scottish IXP is built usinghardware from Extreme’s Summit X460Series. Keen to take the exchange tothe next level the IXScotland SteeringCommittee have been busy generatinginterest locally and we can announcethat a member meeting in the country’scapital, Edinburgh, has been arrangedfor Monday 1 December. We wouldencourage all members to attend soplease turn to page 15 to find out moredetails on how to register.Open-IX, who spoke at the LINXNoVA2member meeting, presented LINX witha special Open-IX Certification Award atthe association’s AGM in SeptemberGrahame DaviesA Tribute by LINX CEO,John SouterThis is the first formal opportunityI have had to pay tribute to thecontribution made by GrahameDavies, who stepped down fromthe position of Chairman of LINX(and the LINX Board) earlier thisyear.Grahame served in that positionfor almost 14 years, and steered usthrough some pretty difficult times.At the outset of his chairmanshipwas possibly the biggest challengeLINX has ever faced: an attemptto de-mutualise the exchange.When this was unsuccessful it fellto Grahame to lead us throughthe unfortunate aftermath. Forthis alone, we should be eternallygrateful, but Grahame’s contributionwas much more than that.With great humour, a resolutebelief in the ethos of LINX, and apersonal style that endeared himto the larger LINX community,Grahame has given splendid serviceover the years. From a personalpoint of view, Grahame’s mentoringand support has been invaluable.And he chaired the team that hiredme, so it was literally life changingfor me! What more can I say?I hope that allmembers willjoin with mein making thisrecognitionmore tangiblewith what wehave planned forLINX87.06 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX News

Are you a data centre?Why not join our Virtual PoP ProgrammeA Virtual PoP is a datacentre which can provide connections to a LINX Peering LAN. Theseconnections are either provided via a LINX approved Layer-2 carrier (Branded vPoP) orvia a resilient DWDM connection (Transmission vPoP). A LINX virtual PoP can be locatedanywhere in the world where LINX has a member and there’s a potential for more.If you are a data centre and would like further information please email: channel@linx.netEngineering UpdateNew Core Site Build and100G DevelopmentsBy Mike Hellers,LINX NetworkEngineering ManagerOver the past two months, the LINXengineering team has continued towork on building a new core site atthe Interxion LON2 building. This is ourfirst core PoP outside of the Docklandsarea. It is connected with 64x10G backto Telehouse and Telecity HarbourExchange, and provides connectivity to anumber of edge sites. It has also allowedus to deliver 100G member connectionsat Interxion in addition to the manyother sites which are enabled for 100Galready.ConneXions and100G on ExtremeAs part of our continuous servicedevelopment, we have now alsocompleted the work allowing usto deliver ConneXions services onExtreme Networks based Peering LANs.This includes IXManchester, IXScotlandand of course the Extreme Peering LANin London.We have also completed the necessarysoftware upgrades on the ExtremeBDX8 switches in London, allowingus to deploy 100G linecards, and as aconsequence enabling 100G memberports.As previously mentioned, if you haveany plans to upgrade your LINX portsto 100G, please get in contact with us.You can also find the most up to dateinformation about availability and leadtimes at the following link:www.linx.net/service/100G.htmlRoute Server UpdatesBy Mo Shivji,Senior Network EngineerIPV6 Route-serversRS1 & RS2 weremigrated to BIRD6as they were stillrunning the vanillaBGPd daemonfrom the Quaggasuite of protocols.Installing BIRD6on these route-servers now keepseach of the route-servers running thesame route-server software for bothIPv4 and IPv6 peering on all LINX andLINX NoVA route-servers. The BIRDIPv6 route-servers now offer the policycontrol mechanism using the samecommunity model for IPv4 routeservers.All IPv4 and IPv6 sessions have alsobeen configured to be passive, soany peering between the memberand the route-server is initiated bythe member’s peering device. In thecoming weeks, all Quagga based peeringsessions on the route-servers will beconfigured to be passive.Recruitment NewsJo FeredayProduct ManagerJo Fereday hasjoined the LINXMarketing & BusinessDevelopment teamas Product Manager.Jo studied electrical and electronicengineering at the University ofHertfordshire before working in ITcommunication sales (networks andassociated services) for 12 yearsat Siemens. Most recently Jo spentfour years with Tech Mahindra, anOffshore IT provider working ontheir partner sales and strategy forgovernment.Speaking of her new role as ProductManager Jo commented, “I’m pleasedto be joining LINX to oversee itsexpanding product portfolio. There isa lot to learn but I’ve been made verywelcome and am interested to seewhat the future has in store.”Martin HubbardProvisioning ServiceDelivery EngineerMartin Hubbardhas joined the LINXEngineering teamsas ProvisioningService Delivery Engineer. Hebegan his career in the industryat Hubtel, predominantly as aninstallations provider, but also asremote hands and out of hourssupport. From here he joined EpsilonTelecommunications providingupgrades and maintenance of theirLondon network, before movingto LINX in April 2014. In his newrole he will be providing firstline support of new and existingmember connections, start to finishprovisioning of member connectionsand maintaining LINX facilitiesincluding racks and suites.HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX News 07

Public AffairsMalcolm HuttyLINX Head of Public AffairsNew EuropeanCommissionersannouncedAndrus AnsipAndrus Ansip, a former Estonian PrimeMinister, will be Vice-President for theDigital Single Market. According to theCommission announcement:As Vice-President forthe DigitalSingle Market,Mr Ansipwill workclosely withthe other Vice-Presidents.In his area ofresponsibility, he will steer andcoordinate the work of severalCommissioners, in particularthe Commissioners for DigitalEconomy and Society; InternalMarket, Industry, Entrepreneurshipand SMEs; Employment, SocialAffairs, Skills and Labour Mobility;Justice, Consumers and GenderEquality; Economic and FinancialAffairs, Taxation and Customs;Regional Policy; and Agricultureand Rural Development.Other AppointmentsGünther OettingerGünther Oettinger (picturedbelow) will be Commissioner forthe Digital Economy and Society,leading the Directorate-General forCommunications Networks, Contentand Technology (DG-CONNECT).In an interesting move, responsibilityfor both copyright policy and copyrightenforcement policy has been movedfrom DG-MARKT (Internal Market andServices) to DG-CONNECT.Andrus Ansip’s political affiliation iswith the Estonian Reform Party, aliberal, pro-free market party affiliatedat the European level with the liberalgroup ALDE. Günther Oettinger is amember German Christian DemocraticUnion (CDU), thesame party asChancellorAngela Merkel;it is affiliated withthe centre-rightEPP.Other appointments of potential interest to the Internet industry include theappointment of the Polish Deputy-Prime Minister Elźbieta Bieńkowska to areformed DG-MARKT, which has been stripped of responsibility for the financialservices sector but has been combined with DG-Enterprise. DG-JUSTICE goesto Vĕra Jourová, a Czech Social Democrat.ICANN NewsICANN proposesgreater influencefor GovernmentalAdvisory CommitteesICANN, the body that decideswhich new gTLDs should be addedto the root of the DNS (amongstother important functions) has itspolicy driven by a multistakeholderprocess, and governments have anadvisory relationship to the ICANNBoard. A Governmental AdvisoryCommittee (GAC), made up ofgovernments, has been continuallypushing for greater influence, andICANN now seems ready tocomply.In August ICANN published aproposal to change its Board bylawsto add:A final decision by the ICANNBoard to not follow theadvice of the GovernmentalAdvisory Committee mustbe supported by a two-thirdsvote of all members of theBoard that are eligible to voteon the matter.Currently such decisions are madeby a simple majority.For more information on ICANNactivities please visit their website:www.icann.orgPublic Affairs BlogFor the latest industry news andcomment on regulatory issuesplease visit the Public Affairs blogon the LINX website.https://publicaffairs.linx.net/news08 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX Public Affairs

ISOC Update: New ExchangeLaunch, AfPIF 2014 and IXPTraining Programme NewsIXP Launch | GambiaA new IXP was launched officially on 7July in Banjul, Gambia. The ISOC AXISproject and various World Bank expertshave been working on Best Practicesand Technical Assistance training sinceOctober 2012, and Nick Hilliard (INEX)assisted in the final run-up to and launchof the IXP. This was a true partnershipamong many organizations and experts.AfPIF 2014The fifth African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) was held in Dakar,Senegal from 26-28 August. This AfPIF marks five years of AfPIF. The meeting thisyear included a greater focus on content development and how to “level-up” an IXP.Over 150 experts participated in the three-day meeting, including new IXP managersfrom Gambia and Burundi. AfPIF was preceded by a full 1-day African IX Association(Af-IX) meeting. Af-IX will be a two-day event next year due to increased interest inmore hands-on technical training.Issues to noteThe upcoming ITU Plenipotentiary may see proposals coming in from countries to“standardize” IXP configuration and deployment. ISOC is working with partners towork on a strategy for the ITU Plenipot. Contact Jane Coffin (coffin@isoc.org) if youhave questions.IXP Training ReviewMontenegro WorkshopISOC partnered with the ITU-D,RIPE-NCC, NIX-CZ, INEX, andSOX at a workshop on October 1in Budva, Montenegro. This was thefirst time that the teams had workedwith the ITU-D on a training eventand we see it as the beginningof a productive relationship. Thefocus of the day-long training wason IXP Management Tools, IPv4 toIPv6 network transition, and otherBest Practices for IXP and networkdevelopment.2 Day Event in GeorgiaISOC, Euro-IX, and RIPE-NCC held atwo-day “pre Best-Practices” trainingevnt in Tbilisi, Georgia in August.The teams presented informationabout IXPs, IXP Development andBest Practices. We expect that a2-3 day full Best Practices trainingsession with a concentration onBGP best practices will follow. TheGeorgian community contains strongtechnical experts, but a complicatedregulatory environment.Culture Secretarythreatens new legislationon search engines andcopyright infringementThe Culture Secretary Sajid Javidhas warned that the government isprepared to legislate if search enginesdo not stop “sending people to illegalsites” which infringe copyright.Speaking at the British PhonographicIndustry AGM, Javid said:“Vince Cable and I have written toGoogle, Microsoft and Yahoo, askingthem to work with you to stop searchresults sending people to illegal sites.And let me be perfectly clear: if wedon’t see real progress, we will belooking at a legislative approach.”Ofcom: New broadbandusers shun porn filtersThe vast majority of new broadbandusers are choosing to reject networklevel content filtering, according to areport by industry regulator Ofcom.Following government pressure tointroduce child protection filtering, sincelast winter, the UK’s largest ISPs havebeen subjecting all new customers toan “unavoidable choice” as to whetherthey want such filtering. In accordancewith government demands, the optionto filter comes “pre-selected”, meaningcustomers must untick a box in order toLINX Public AffairsIn Briefwith Sam FrancesLINX Public Affairs Executiveavoid network filtering. However, Ofcomfound that only TalkTalk had a takeup rateof more than 10%.MPs approve DRIP lawMPs approved the Data Retention andInvestigatory Powers (DRIP) bill. The Billwas approved by a commons vote of449 to 33, despite public controversyover the fast-tracking of the bill, and overclauses which extend both the scope ofservices covered and the territorial reachof the UK’s surveillance regime.HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Internet Governance 09

IXCardiffLINX Launches Latest Regional Exchangeat Cardiff’s Millennium StadiumLINX’s mission has always been to work for the good of theInternet and to ‘keep traffic local’ and its extensive backbonenetwork, spanning many different London data centres, meansthat LINX members have always had a choice as to where theyconnect. However, it was realised that the success in the capitalwas perhaps inhibiting the establishment of peering points in therest of the UK so with the active support of its members, a UKregional peering strategy was put in place to address this. Thisstrategy led to the establishment of IXManchester and IXScotlandwith consulations for other areas being held around the country.One such location was Cardiff in South Wales. LINX believedthat the city satisfied two of the three criteria of its regionalpeering strategy by having the support of Cardiff City Counciland the Welsh Government plus a strong local community ofinterest. The one criteria not satisfied was the availability of acarrier neutral data centre. A creative solution was found byworking with LINX member BT and their Stadium House datacentre facility. They have provided what is essentially a carrierneutral service for IXCardiff which in practice means thatmembers will be able to rent rackspace directly from LINXwithin BT Stadium House. This rackspace will be colocatedclosely with the LINX equipment.An Internet exchange in the heart of Cardiff is a huge steptowards creating a world class digital infrastructure for Wales.It reduces the dependancy of industry on London and othermajor digital conurbations, giving them the benefit of lower localoverheads. It also provides faster more reliable digital services, afertile environment for SMEs, which in turn contributes to theregional digital economy stimulating local growth.Peering Grant SchemeTo help build the digital community in Wales Cardiff Council hassecured funding for a Peering Grant scheme for businesses toconnect at IXCardiff. This is known as the SuperConnected Citiesprogramme and will help SMEs to peer with other organisationsto improve speeds within the city, provide resilience nationally andhelp attract further investment by reducing barriers to entry. Itwill also reduce costs to end-users (as a result of creating greatercompetition in the local ISP market) and create an infrastructurethat will support rapid expansion.Going Live Q4 2014The new exchange, which will be formally launched on 15October, will accept port orders and connections fromNovember. The full range of services and the exchange’s technicalspecification can be found below.IXCardiff Technical Spec & Services• Extreme X460 switch• Management router• Route collector and route server for multilateral peering• Monitoring server plus phone and email support• IPv4 and IPv6 Peering LANs• 100Mb, 1G, 10G peering ports• ConneXions partnership scheme• Rack space rentalIXCardiff Launch EventIt’s still not too late to attend the IXCardiff launch event buttime is running out fast. The event is taking place at Cardiff’sMillennium Stadium on Wednesday 15 October 2014 anda number of keynote speakers outlining the benefits andsignificance of the new exchange is planned.If you are interested in attending and helping make regionalpeering a success in Wales then please register now. Places arestrictly limited with only three people per company alloweddue to the venue’s restricted capacity.Registration will close promptly at midday on Monday 13October 2014. To sign up, and to learn more about the eventagenda, please follow the link below:www.linx.net/events/regional/Wales/M2/Cardiff.html10 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Inside Stories

New London PoP at DigitalRealty Site in ChessingtonAs announced in the last issue ofHotLINX, LINX is to expand its rangeof London PoPs to include the DigitalRealty data centre in Chessington.The Surrey site will go live in Q4 2014and will be 100 GE Capability fromday one. While LINX equipment willbe based at Chessington, the PoP willoperate as a hub for LINX connectivityfrom a virtual campus, including otherDigital Realty data centres nearby inRedhill and Woking. Therefore anynetwork from those facilities will also beable to connect to the exchange.LINX Engineering have developedan architecture that will allow theChessington PoP to fit seamlessly intothe exisiting core-edge configuration ofthe Juniper LAN and Extreme topology.As can be seen in the graphic below,the Chessington edge site will link withthe Juniper LAN core at TelecityGroup’sHarbour Exchange 6/7 as well as atInterxion in Brick Lane. The Interxionsite became a core location during thesummer.For the Extreme LAN the core willalso be connected at Telecity HarbourExchange 6/7 but instead of Interxion itwill be connected at Sovereign House,another TelecityGroup data centre.The new infrastructure will providemembers, and new networks looking tojoin the exchange, an increased choicein colocation provider away from itstraditional Docklands heartland - addingmore resilience to their networkinfrastructure.Chessington PoP LaunchLINX Chessington Launchand ISPA Data CentreWorkshopLINX is pleased to announce thatit will be staging a launch eventfor the new Chessington PoP onTuesday 21 October. The event willform part of a special Data Centreworkshop hosted by the InternetService Providers Association(ISPA) at the same venue.The free ISPA workshop will featurea panel and Q&A on connectivity,broadband and operational issues,with a second panel on the legaland liability matters for thosehosting content. A networking lunchand tour of the data centre facilitywill be included. More informationon the agenda can be found here:www.ispa.org.uk/event/data-centreworkshop-drinks-reception-2/LINX’s Head of Public Affairswill speaking at the event as partof the legal and liability issuespanel. Among the topics beingcovered will be responsibility fordata and content, DRIPA andother legislation, online copyrightinfringement and liability regimeplus the Data Protection Directive.The format for the LINXChessington launch is still beingfinalised but details will beannounced shortly. To registerfor both the LINX ChessingtonPoP launch as well as the ISPAworkshop please emailadmin@ispa.org.ukChessington site live Q4 2014Digital Realty ChessingtonA State of the Art FacilityThe 50,000 sq ft technical Tier III+ rated Chessington facility islocated 17miles south west of central London and sits within theLondon’s M25 motorway. The data centre has five data halls, eachof about 10,000 sq m of space, with 1,440kW UninterruptiblePower Supply (UPS) capacity. In addition it has diverse fibreconnections to other Digital Realty sites in Redhill and Woking.For more information on Digital Realty please visit their website:www.digitalrealty.co.ukHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Inside Stories 11

Anniversary SponsorsJuniper NetworksThroughout the four year partnershipbetween LINX and Juniper Networks,both organisations have displayed anincredible level of thirst for innovation.LINX were the first Juniper customerto go live with the Juniper NetworksPTX Series Packet Transport Routersand one of the first to deploy 100G andnew enhanced switching fabrics on theMX Series Universal Edge Routers. Theongoing commitment to this partnershipwill ensure that both companies remainat the forefront of such innovation asInternet traffic continues to expandexponentially.“We will continue to workwith LINX on new levels ofscalability and feature richresilience as our relationshipgrows stronger than ever.Juniper works with companies suchas LINX to review future networkingrequirements and direction so we are veryproud to be a technology partner for them”Phil Moran, Juniper NetworksLINX is one of the world’s biggest and longesand is celebrating its 20th anniversary year. Froexchange has grown into an Internet powerhosites by over 500 member networks from 61ethos remains clear and strong: we are dedicapeering services and in our efforts in the pubthe boundaries on behalf our members for maExtreme NetworksThe LINX Extreme LAN is one of largestnetworks in Europe in its own right,comfortably ranked in the top 10 interms of connected ASNs. It forms partof LINX’s dual LAN strategy as it offersresilience, noting the unlikelihood of bothLINX LANs being down at the sametime due to simultaneous vendor issues.The Extreme LAN uses Summit X670vswitches at the edge and BlackDiamondBD-X8 series in the core of the network.Switching gear from Extreme also formsthe bulk of the equipment at the LINXlocal exchanges in the UK.“A 20th anniversary isalways going to be a timeto reflect. Looking back onhow far LINX have come insuch a relatively short spaceof time, and their role withinthe UK Internet as we know it today, isremarkable. Extreme Networks is proud tobe working in partnership and supportingLINX as they expand the network”Craig Denton, Extreme NetworksIn May LINX published a special souvenir editexchange since its foundation in 1994. Below‘LINX Firsts’ achieved over the 20 years featuto now be able add yet another thanks to theexchange point in Wales.First IXPto deploy 100M,1G and 10GEthernetFirst IXPto introduceaccredited trainingfor InternetengineersFirst IXPto utiliseJuniper PTXswitching gear12 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | 20th Birthday Sponsors

Partner support helps create LINX 20 year success storyThe support and commitment LINX has received from its vendors and data centre partners overthe last 20 years cannot be overestimated and has helped shape the exchange we see today. In 2014Juniper Networks and Extreme Networks supply the hardware for the exchange and Telehouse Europeand Interxion are just two, among a growing number of data centre operators, who provide the facilitiesto help LINX run its infrastructure. The organisations named on these pages are all sponsoring LINX’s20th anniversary year and we are delighted that they have taken the opportunity to tell us why.t established Internet exchange pointsm small beginnings in East London theuse with traffic being passed over multipleterritories in multiple countries. The LINXted to serving our members, both with ourlic affairs arena. LINX will continue to pushny years to come.Telehouse EuropeTelehouse’s place in LINX’s history isassured as it was the location of LINX’svery first switch, a Cisco Catalyst 1200switch with eight 10-megabit ports, back in1994. Rack space was then leased by thefledgling exchange at what is now knownas Telehouse North. It was also here thatthe ‘k’ root server was installed some threeyears later in 1997. In time Telehouse builtfurther sites with Telehouse East openingin 2004 and Telehouse West in 2010.Today Telehouse hosts two core sites oneach of LINX’s London Peering LANs anda significant number of edge routers ineach of the three Telehouse buildings.“The LINX birthdaycelebrations are a specialtime for Telehouse and forme personally. It remindsme that just as LINX hasgrown over the years, so toohas Telehouse. Together we were at theforefront of the Internet evolution andit’s our combined energy and pioneeringoutlook which has made LINX andTelehouse the leaders they are today”Michelle Reid, Telehouse Europeion of HotLINX which told the story of thewe have the graphical representations of thered in that particular issue. Today, we happylaunch of IXCardiff, the very first InternetInterxionInterxion first became a LINX datacentre partner in the summer of 2008.Their Brick Lane facility in centralLondon connected to the network aspart of a large scale LINX expansionproject covering the whole Londonmetropolitan region. It’s importanceto LINX’s network architecture wascemented earlier this year whenInterxion became a core PoP on theJuniper LAN and also a location forLINX’s own internal systems.“For Interxion, the benefitsof partnering with LINX arethat we’ve become muchmore central to the Internet.We have improved our sitesbecause customers can peerwith each other, and we provide moreInternet connections as well. Now thatwe also have the LINX core pop here, itmakes us one of central London’s mostconnected data centres and builds on ourheritage of providing the best connectivitysolutions to our customers.”Mike Hollands, InterxionFirst IXPfrom Europe tolaunch a regionalexchange in theUSAFirst IXPto be awardedOpen-IXcertificationFirst IXPto open anInternet exchangein WalesHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | 20th Birthday Sponsors 13

Vendor ViewsDoomsday? Not Here!By Paul Gainham, Senior Director ofSolutions Marketing EMEA, Juniper NetworksMaybe it’s due to the exhaustion of IPv4addresses, it could be down to the recentcoverage of some routers reaching theirmaximum routing table size but I havehad to answer more questions regardingwhether the Internet has reached its limitin the last few weeks than at any time Ican remember.Whilst the press are always looking for asensational angle, it is a valid question.The Internet as we know it is doing thingsnow it was never designed for, at a scalethat none of us imagined and guess what,there is more to come.100 billion newdevices frommeters to smartslippers, the gigabitsmartphone, theCloud, Quad HDTV and the ‘Exabyteflood’ of traffic all lie ahead and that’s ontop of the estimated 10 billion devicesalready connected.The first comment to make has tobe congratulations to the foresightednetworking engineers, product designersand technology visionaries, the earlySDN: An Architectural Conceptfor Network EvolutionBy Markus Nispel, Vice President SolutionsArchitecture and Innovation, Extreme NetworksThe advent of Software DefinedNetworking (SDN 1.0), includingApplication Programming Interfaces(APIs) and the OpenFlow andOpenStack protocols have served todisrupt the network market.Network architectures are steadilymigrating from a world of static and“closed” approaches to open approachesallowing IT to combine multi-vendorsolutions more effectively. We call this“SDN 2.0” and it is reshaping the waythe network is built by implementinga more standardised, multi-vendorapproach that helps to activateinnovation in both hardware andsoftware. These solutions influence theedge of the network, where wired andwireless access promote “BYOD” and inthe data center.At ExtremeNetworks, weprovide anevolutionary “SDN2.0” approach thatwill allow the organisation to improvewhat they already have by adding newfunctionality and programmability thatcan leverage existing network switches.By adding affordable and flexibleadditions to the existing infrastructure,businesses can gain increased flexibility,programming capabilities and networkautomation. The network can thenintegrate with other IT applications(business applications, workflow tools,DevOps, security, server virtualisationand orchestration, L4-7 network services,traffic analysis and characterisation ofapplications) and new applications ontop of the network, quickly and efficiently.work of whom pioneered a phenomenonwhose basic building blocks have notdramatically changed in the 25+ yearssince its popular inception and have seenit scale to touch just about every aspect ofmodern lifestyle.So are we to witness the catastrophe ofSaturday night TV screens going blank andStrictly Come Dancing being consigned tocultural history? In short, No.With current networks operating in the100GE range, current fibre plant that canscale to 10’s of Tbps per pair, modernrouting platforms that can switch 10’sof Tbps of traffic today, 400GE on thehorizon and talk of Terabit Ethernet tocome, the future scale of the Internetlooks to be in good hands.My smart slippers have never had it so good.The “SDN 2.0” approach integrateswith existing network switches andprovides an improved solution to helpovercome a businesses’ past reluctanceto adopt SDN, as many presumed thattheir existing product investments wouldbe made obsolete by requiring all newequipment.A more efficient andstandards-basednetwork architecture was required tomore dynamically adapt to the business’sneeds and allows customers to moreeasily mix and match their software andhardware components from differentvendors. As business requirements aredynamic and change quickly, SDN hadto be architected to handle networkresources in a more flexible, agile andresponsive way, providing programmabilityand more effective network management.Businesses should consider what theywould like to achieve through a nextgeneration network for the benefit ofthe business, assess their existing networkinfrastructure and create a strategy thatwill enable them to leverage existinginvestments.14 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Meeting Sponsors

Data Centre UpdateInfrastructure StrategyWhat are the critical drivers behindyour IT or infrastructure strategy?Are they:• Growth - how does IT supportbusiness growth?• The Cloud - how do you getmeaningful benefits throughCloud infrastructure andservices?• Data security, privacy,sovereignty, or protection?• Reputational risk – workingwith a proven partner who has alegacy of delivery?• Connectivity – getting nationaland international access easily?Telehouse DocklandsCampus ExpandsTelehouse understands that your IT isbeing asked to deliver more growth withthe same budget, and that you would liketo get ahead by enabling more Cloudservices, but that this needs to be donewithout increasing budget and with apartner which can be trusted.Telehouse offers a range of services,such as a one off call discussing yourissues, through to formal consultancy andproducts (from colocation through toIaaS) to help you answer the issues thatyou are facing.As part of their ongoing commitment tocustomers, Telehouse recently announcedthat they will be investing £135 million in anew data centre, ‘North Two’ in London’sDocklands. North Two is a New Site fora New Internet. It will house missioncriticalsystems, facilitating growth and is amodern facility in which to enable Cloudservices via one of the world’s majorInternet hubs.To find out more about North Two orTelehouse’s services, visit:www.telehouse.net/northtwo or call NickLayzell on 0207 512 0550 for a chat aboutyour IT or infrastructure needs.HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Meeting Sponsors 15

LINX MeetingsMeet with LINXImportant constitutional issuesto be voted on at LINX87 meetingThe next LINX member meeting will be held at the Congress Centre in centralLondon on the 17th and 18th of November. It looks set to be a very interestingevent with important constitutional issues for the membership to vote on includingLINX governance and the appointment process of the LINX Chairman. We will alsobe seeking approval of the budget for 2015.Elsewhere on the programme there will be LINX operational presentations,regulatory updates plus technical talks from members and an industry paneldiscussion too. With this being the final member meeting of LINX’s 20th anniversaryyear, delegates can expect one or two surprises as well!RegistrationRegistration for the LINX87 member meeting opens in early October. To sign up andview more information please visit: www.linx.net/LINX87.Registration will close on Wednesday 12 November at 12.00pmDATE OF 2015 LINX AGMThe LINX89 AGM will take place at the Congress Centre inLondon on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th May 2015.LINX86 Event Held in ManchesterOver the last few years the LINXAugust member meeting has been heldoutside of London and this year weheaded north to the Manchester CentralConvention Complex. The event doubledas an IXManchester member meetingwith the steering committee and LINXEngineering staff providing an update onexpansion plans. As HotLINX went topress it was confirmed that there are 53connected members at IXManchesterwith peak traffic 9Gb/s.Here’s a list of where you can meetwith LINX representatives over thenext few months.LINXNoVA2 9 October 2014Baltimore, Maryland, USAwww.linx.net/events/regional/LINX_NoVA/M2/Baltimore.htmlIXCardiff Launch 15 October 2014Cardiff, UKwww.linx.net/events/regional/Cardiff/M1/CardiffChessington PoP Launch 21 OctoberChessington, UKwww.ispa.org.uk/event/data-centreworkshop-drinks-reception-2/25th Euro-IX Forum 26-28 October 2014Bucharest, Romaniawww.euro-ix.net/events/51RIPE69 3-7 November 2014London, UKwww.ripe69.ripe.netArica.com11-13 November 2014Cape Town, South Africahttp://africa.comworldseries.comLINX8717-18 November 2014London, UKwww.linx.net/LINX87GEN1417-20 November 2014Washington DC, USAwww.gen14.comCapacity Asia18-20 November 2014Bangkok, Thailandcapacityconferences.com/Capacity-AsiaIXScotland4 1 December 2014Edinburgh, UKwww.linx.net/events/regional/Scotland/M4/Scotland16 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX Meetings

Industry EventsBen HedgesChief Marketing OfficerIXScotland EventRIPE Meeting Returns to the UKfor the First Time in 10 YearsRIPE69 - https://ripe69.ripe.net - will be held from 3-7 November at the Novotel LondonWest. It is the first time RIPE has been staged in the United Kingdom since LINX was thelocal host for RIPE43 in Manchester in 2004. On that occasion LINX was celebrating its10th birthday and it’s no coincidence that the RIPE NCC has specifically chosen Londonthis year to help mark LINX’s 20th anniversary.The five-day event welcomes ISPs, network operators and other interested parties todiscuss Internet community issues including policies and procedures used by the RIPENCC. Attendees are also encouraged to participate in RIPE Working Groups coveringtechnical and policy matters as well as develop their network of peers.LINX is hosting the Tuesday night RIPE social so if you are LINX member you arewelcome to come along even if you don’t attend the RIPE meeting itself. Please sign upfor the LINX social event here: www.linx.net/RIPE69-LINXsocial. (member log-in required)We are pleased to announce thatwe have scheduled an IXScotlandmeeting for Monday 1 December.The event will be held at EdinburghUniversity’s St Leonard’s Hall,followed by a post-meeting social.The exchange in Scotland is stillrelatively new and we are hoping towelcome new member prospects,in order to continue growing thisservice within the region.For more information andregistration details please visit ourevent page: www.linx.net/events/regional/Scotland/M4/Scotland.htmlAnother Successful Summer ofLINX Engagement EventsA great time was had by everyonewho took part in LINX’s summersporting member engagement events.With teams donating £100 each to thecharity chosen, the Alzheimer’s Society,a considerable amount of money wasraised for this important cause.Karting (16th July 2014)The track at Daytona Milton Keyneswas hot from burning rubber as 12teams fought for a place at the top ofthe rostrum in the 2014 LINX KartingGrand Prix. After two hours and 90laps of racing, Interxion led the pack,only 15 seconds ahead of IXReach, withWarwicknet third.5-a-side Football (14th August 2014)There was a dramatic conclusionto the second annual LINX 5-a-sidefootball tournament which was held atthe Lucozade Powerleague Wembleycomplex in August. Six teams battled itout including KDDI Europe, Telehouseand Extreme Networks but it wasFluidata who triumphed against Interxionin an exciting penalty shootout.Future EventsMembers can keep up to date with allLINX event activity on the LINX website:www.linx.net/members/events(member log-in required)Member EventsKarting and 5-a-side FootballHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX Industry Events 17

LINX AssociatesThe IANA Challenge:the RIPE PerspectiveLike many in the Internet community, the RIPE community is currently workinghard to respond to the challenge laid down when the U.S. government announcedearlier this year that it would consider transitioning out of its current role overseeingoperation of the IANA functions.The IANA functions are a set of administrative tasks critical to ensuring the globalcoordination of the DNS root zone, IP addressing and protocol parameters. Ofparticular relevance to the RIPE community is the maintenance of the global, toplevelInternet number registries, the global pools of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses andAutonomous System Numbers. ICANN has carried out this work since 2000, undercontract to the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications andInformation Administration (NTIA). Now, the NTIA has asked ICANN to convene aglobal, multistakeholder process to remove the U.S. government from thatarrangement.The work to develop a proposal to NTIA is necessarily happening in a range ofstakeholder groups - the IETF, the domain name communities, and the five RIRcommunities. In RIPE, this discussion is centered around the RIPE CooperationWorking Group, which aims to produce a consensus position by December 2014.The success of this process will rely on all stakeholders having their positions andconcerns heard and considered, so we encourage you to join this discussion, whetheron the mailing list or at the RIPE 69 Meeting in London this November.Lear more at: http://ripe.net/iana-oversight-transitionWhat are LINX Associate Members?Like LINX, associate members areusually ‘not-for-profit’ organisations.They are members in all respects butthey have no voting rights and LINXdoes not charge them for membership.www.linx.net/good/assocmember.htmlDNS Belgium BecomesLatest LINX AssociateMemberWe are pleased to announcethat DNS Belgium is the latestorganisation to become a LINXassociate member. They are a nonprofitorganisation responsible formanaging the .be, .vlaanderen and.brussels top level domains.The resolving of the .be domainnames heavily depends on theavailability and reach-ability of itsname servers. DNS Belgium putas many of these name servers aspossible at Internet exchanges inorder to benefit the IXP’s users. Thisis because the presence of a localname server node results in fasterquery responses for .be domainnames. David Goelen of DNSBelgium told HotLINX, “Becoming aLINX member means we can furtheroptimize our name server platform,as we can increase our bandwidthresulting in a more resilient nameserver platform for .be.”For more information please visit:www.dnsbelgium.beNetnodCOMIX NewsNetnod’s latest addition COMIX - thedistributed IXP connecting Copenhagen inDenmark and Malmö in Sweden has takenoff! COMIX was launched in March thisyear and has been growing steadily since.Akamai and Hurricane Electric were onboard early, most Danish operators areconnecting up, and other large contentproviders are on their way. Netnod is alsohappy to announce that remote peering isnow also available at COMIX.For more information, take a look at:www.netnod.se/ix/comixRenesys512K Day Analysis PublishedRenesys has published its initial analysis ofthe 13 August “512K day” deaggregationevent. Median global routing table sizesexpanded briefly by tens of thousands ofroutes, causing problems for some oldernetworking hardware due to TCAMexhaustion. Renesys (which was acquiredby Internet performance company Dynin May 2014) warns that IPv4 routingtable sizes continue to grow at between3,000 and 5,000 new routes per month,and predicts that 512K will become the“new normal” worldwide sometime inNovember.LINX AssociatesIn BriefRouteViewsNew Collector in Portlandroute-views.nwax.routeviews.orgRouteViews has now established arouting data collector at the NWAXexchange in Portland, Oregon and theyare now accepting peers. If you wouldlike to participate in the project bycontributing your routes, please contactRouteViews at: help@routeviews.org.Their peering details can be found here:www.peeringdb.com/view.php?asn=644718 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | LINX Associates

In theSpotlightwith David Freedman,Infrastructure Managerat ClaranetHotLINX Editor Jeremy Orbell speaks with Claranet’s DavidFreedman, about his work on the LINX Endorsements Paneland his views on the future of peeringTell us about your career to date and yourrole as Infrastructure Manager at Claranet?I work for a business unit, which is calledClaranet Technology Group (CTG). We are atechnology provider for all the different partsof Claranet as a business. We like to thinkof ourselves as the internal service providerfor all of the various Claranet countries, soI look after the infrastructure that we runcentrally as a group of companies withinthis business unit.For many years you have served on theLINX Endorsements Panel How importantdo you think the panel has been for LINX?The Endorsements Panel was originally setup to make sure each prospectiveapplication was effectively assessed,particularly against the technical part of theMoU. With their industry knowledge, thepanel was best placed to do this but withLINX being such a modern organisationthe concept of the Endorsements Panel hasInternet SystemsConsortium2013 Annual Report PublishedThe Internet Systems Consortium(ISC) recently published its 2013annual report. In his opening letterISC President, Jeff Osborn, stated,“Weare proud of our past and excited aboutour future. We are actively in discussionsaround the globe to research emergingproblems we can help solve and playingfields we can help level. We aren’t goinganywhere but forward”. The full 2013Internet Systems Consortium annualreport is available here:www.isc.org/2013-isc-annual-report-2become out-dated. It seems, that by LINXbringing new people on board and having adegree of internal training this is no longernecessary. I presented some stats on it atLINX85 where I said that looking over ayear the endorsements panel has only reallysent two applications back and it’s beenover minor things. We are happy with thelevel of scrutiny that is being applied by theLINX employed staff now, so it was felt thetime was right to disband the panel.One of your roles outside of Claranet is onthe arbitration panel for the RIPE NCC.What does that entail?We are there to become a part of thedispute resolution process so when there isan issue with a member and the NCC wecan be asked to arbitrate and help makea decision. Right now there seems to be amuch higher volume of transactions goingthrough the NCC and the start of resourcesOCCAIDNew PoPs in Australia nowoperationalIn the past three months, OCCAIDhas been working with SixXS tosetup new PoP’s in Australia. ThesePoP’s are now operational, and sofar have attracted 80+ users. Withfew local tunnel options availablefor users in Australia, this has beenconsidered to be a success.OCCAID is committed to helpingthe community learn and gainaccess to the IPv6 world wherenative options are sometimes notpossible.being transferred. When people disagree,it falls down to the dispute resolutionprocess. Examples of this would be youhave two LIRs and they are going througha mergers and acquisitions process, andthey are transferring resources around andthe process gets halted and or somebodypulls out of it. Now they want to get backto their original state but they have alreadytransferred their resources, what do theydo about it? It’s at this point an arbiter canbe called in to act as an impartial thirdparty and to interpret policies on whatshould happen next. The RIPE NCC Serviceregion is quite big and incorporates partsof the world like Russia and the MiddleEast. Sometimes arbiters get called in thecountry where these disputes take place.There’s a list of arbiters and the person atthe top each time around usually gets thenext job.What do you see the main challengesand opportunities ahead for the peeringindustry, and the industry generally?It’s difficult to say about peering becauseof the change in the balance of powerbetween the content and the eyeballproviders. We definitely see now thatthe traffic mixes between business andresidential couldn’t be further apart.As such, the businesses, anything fromSME to large enterprises have differentrequirements; they almost disappear fromthe map. You don’t really see them, theyare the people sitting there really buyingbandwidth and not effectively peering orat least not peering for traffic offload butpeering for quality. The rest of the marketis left with the residential users and theconstant eyeball content fight that alwaysgoes on, “He’s not peering with me, thisperson is trying to charge us for it”, etc..So the landscape is very dynamic, veryvolatile and it seems to have a technicaland political impact on such a massresidential user base. The people who seemimportant in peering forums now are thepeering coordinators from the big accessnetworks. So drawing access networks intothe peering discussions is essential.Interesting. We’ve covered a number oftopics but is there anything else you wishto cover?Right now I am pushing the routingmanifesto programme, which I think issomething that all operators should signup to. It’s about how networks can worktogether to improve the security andresilience of the global routing system.It’s a very easy win, a way of bundling upachievements and by stating compliance italso makes it a great piece of marketing forthe service provider in question. The websiteaddress is: www.routingmanifesto.orgHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | In the Spotlight David Freedman 19

Have a question?Ask the ExpertSend us your queries andcomments to either the HotLINXor Member Relations teams<strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.net / mr@linx.netHow do LINX’s Public Affairs activitiesbenefit international members?By Malcolm Hutty, LINX Head of Public AffairsWith an ever-increasing number ofmembers coming from outside the UK,LINX’s Public Affairs activities are evolving.We have always sought to ensure thatthe UK is a good place for networks andInternet business, and that the regulatoryenvironment supports the UK as the bestchoice in Europe for interconnectionand peering. Our Public Affairs team hasalways spoken up for the interests ofmembers from outside the UK, especiallyby reminding the British governmentthat many of the networks connectingin the UK don’t have substantial businessoperations here, and so should not bebrought accidentally within the scope ofUK regulation. More recently, a changinglandscape and growing membershipoutside the UK is making us moreproactively focussed on internationalpublic policy.The laws, regulations and internationalagreements affecting network operatorsincreasingly have their origins insupranational groupings such as theEuropean Union, international treaties,and global Internet governance institutionssuch as ICANN.As part of EuroISPA, we work togetherwith other industry associationsthroughout Europe to influencedevelopments in Brussels that will establishlaw for the whole European Union, andhave political influence beyond it.On the global stage LINX is also takinga lead. At the Netmundial conferencein April 2014, we made the case thatInternet intermediaries should havestrong protections from legal liabilityfor the actions of their users, andwon international recognition for theimportance of these legal protectionsfor innovation and economic growth.At the World Telecommunications PolicyForum in May 2013, an intergovernmentalgathering, we persuaded ITU MemberStates to recognise the value of IXPs.LINX’s Public Affairs team also promotesits members’ interests through supportand advice for the UK government’steams at important and controversialinternational treaty negotiations suchas the International TelecommunicationsRegulations, and the ITU PlenipotentiaryConference 2014. Through such initiatives,LINX is continually working to make sureits members enjoy a global regulatoryenvironment that supports Internetbusiness, wherever in the world they callhome.The best question oremail we receive in each issuewill win an exclusiveHotLINX mug!Please contact us using<strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.netYour SayFor each edition of HotLINX, readersare invited to share their thoughtson what’s happening in the LINXcommunity and the industry as a whole.Printed submissions will win a rathersplendid HotLINX mug so send anycomments, questions and feedback to:<strong>hotlinx</strong>@linx.netInterconnecting theFuture with CooperationBy Martin Hannigan,Director, Networks and Data Center Architectureat Akamai Technologies and co-founder of Open-IXAs LINX approaches its first year of operation in North America, there are signs ofprogress. As a co-founder of Open-IX and an Internet user, the establishment of LINXNoVA is an important milestone in American and global internetworking.In the United States, LINX providing new and improved opportunities in cooperationwith the OIX community is a welcomed addition. The community’s cooperation createdgreat choice and sorely needed competition. Nationally and now globally, LINX’s role ininterconnection underscores that Internet infrastructure built with cooperation worksand serves all. LINX is the badge that exemplifies cooperation in NoVA and OIX is thebadge that certifies that level of quality.A year ago, American networks were trapped without input to the interconnectiongovernance or policies. Today, through that cooperation, choice has grown to includemultiple data centers in the national capitol area. I’m extremely proud to be part of theOIX and LINX community and look forward to even greater success.20 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Ask the Expert

“Bored of vendorSDN/NFV pitches?Sick of all thehype? Me too”By Alex Walker,Imtech ICT, SDN ConsultantI’m a techy. New technology meansnothing to me until I see it and touch it.I’ve been a network security specialist, anetwork architect and a professionalservices consultant. I’m an active CCIEand JNCIE. I’ve worked for some of thelargest service providers in the industry.I’m now an SDN & NFV specialist.I believe that SDN and NFV constitutethe biggest step-change in our industrysince Ethernet first left Xerox PARC 40years ago.For the past six months, I’ve beeninvestigating the brave new world ofSDN & NFV on a full-time basis in anattempt to “sort the wheat from thechaff”. My research has taken me to theOpenStack Summit, Cisco Live US,Juniper Partner Tech Summit, VMwarevWorld, to name but a few. I’ve beenout there talking to our SP customers,both global and local. What are thereal-world SP issues today? …and whatnew technology is out there to helpsolve these challenges?With a significant investment in a large,dedicated, multivendor SDN & NFV lab,I have brought the best-of-breedsolutions into reality – using real worldcustomer use cases. Eureka! Somethingto see and touch for myself!If like me, you’d like to sample the realityof this brave new world, and see andtouch a live multi-vendor SDN/NFVdemo, based on real-world SP use cases,I’d love to hear from you.Further InformationAlex will be presenting a live multivendorSDN/NFV demo at LINX88in February, but in the mean time,visit imtech.com/sdn to get a sneakpreview of their exciting newdevelopments in NFV.Members are also encouragedto follow Alex’s blog atimtechictukblog.com for ongoingupdates on NFV and otherdevelopments as well as industryand regulatory commentary.Imtech ICT LtdViables 3Jays CloseBasingstoke, HANTSRG22 4BSUnited Kingdomclare.white@imtechict.co.uk+44 (0)1256 312 350Email: sales@imtechict.co.ukWebsite: www.imtechict.co.ukTwitter: @imtechICTUKImtechTechnology PartnersTo watch Imtech’s preview of itsSDN/NFV demo visit: imtech.com/sdnExample Use Case: Juniper Contrail SDNController F5 VirtualBIG-IP –a first in Europe, in the Imtech ICT LabHotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Meeting Sponsor: Imtech 21

Stats Update557Over 4.165 Tbs9.314Peak Traffic inc. PI Terrabits of connectedMember ASNs70New LINX capacityapplications in 201461 Countries8 Member-facing 100GigE portsConnected809 Member-facing10GigE Ports member ports 1357For this issue we’ve revised our LINX stats page to include more informationregarding our local exchanges. The above graphic shows the headline figures forthe exchange as a whole but we felt that readers would be interested to see moreinformation such as available routes and also breakdowns of figures from the sites atIXManchester, IXScotland and LINX NoVA.ROUTESSTATS+Routes Peered at LINX in LondonGlobal routing table routes% of global routes available via LINXIXManchester peak rafficLINX NoVA ports includingport orders awaiting provisioningMembers connected tothe LINX Route Servers43137650969685%8.65Gbs17403Please note: LAN applications may contain ports on multiple LANs (Juniper, Extreme, IXManchester,IXScotland and LINX NoVA.) These figures show applications only, not physically connected ports.New LINX MembersHere’s a list of LINX membersconnected since the beginning of July.There are six new UK members andtwo each from Denmark, Germanyand the USA. We’ve also connectednetworks in the Republic of Ireland,Belgium, France, Italy, Namibia, SouthAfrica, Thailand and China.Adista AS16347FranceBlacknight Internet Solutions AS<strong>39</strong>122Republic of IrelandCAT Telecom AS4651ThailandCommercial Network Services AS29697USADNS Belgium AS199670BelgiumGlobalConnect AS42525GermanyGPW + Co AS199831United KingdomHub Network Services AS<strong>39</strong>537United KingdomJive Communications AS6643USALepida SpA AS31638ItalyMobile Telecomms AS37009NamibiamyLoc managed IT AS24961GermanyNetnorth AS25376United KingdomNexusguard AS45474ChinaOne.Com AS51468DenmarkSaxo Bank AS20681DenmarkTalk Straight Group AS199335United KingdomTelecom Egypt AS8452EgyptTrijit AS59261United KingdomWildcard Networks AS34119United KingdomWorkonline Communications AS37271South AfricaYou can view a complete list ofmembers on the LINX website:www.linx.net/about/memberlist22 HotLINX Issue <strong>39</strong> | Stats Update

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