SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FEDERATIONBOARD OF DIRECTORSCerritos Park East, CerritosThursday, September 16, 2010BOARD MEMBERS PRESENTCarlos Espinosa – Vice President Mario Guerrero – Channel CitiesManuel Cantu – Past President Steve Scott – San Diego CountySteve Costley – Administrator RepRandy Solis – Supervisor RepJeff Van Fossen – Supervisor RepMike Kudron – Supervisor RepBOARD MEMBERS ABSENTDaniel Schneider – PresidentMike Cresap – San Gabriel ValleyJessica Perez – SoutheastMike Davis – Bay AreaNoemi Lopez – Inland ValleysJeff Van Sickle – Orange CountyBrian Yackovich - Southern San JoaquinJulie Roman– Administrator Rep.Pam Yugar – Administrator Rep.Randy Solis – Supervisor RepJanuary Luong – Student Rep.Mike Navarro – Student Rep.Dave Johnson – MLSKevin Ellis – Youth Sports Comm.Frank Gonzalez – LA CountyGUESTSLuis Salcedo – Cal SouthRalph Aranda – Finance ChairHector Vasquez – Inland Valleys PresidentJohn Weinerth – Cal SouthDave Dill – Adult Sports Comm.Brian Chwan – Wellness Comm.SCMAF STAFFTim Ittner – Executive DirectorDavie Gillus – Program CoordinatorCALL TO ORDERVice President Carlos Espinosa called the September 16, 2010 meeting to order at 10:17 a.m.MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETINGThe July 2010 minutes were approved the Board of Directors on a motion by Mario Guerrero.SCMAF FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF August 30, 2010Balance on hand in Checking Accounts $32, 697.17Balance of Investment Accounts $539,874.55Other Assets $90, 181.64Total Combined Assets $662,753.36The August 2010 Financial Report was approved by the Board on a motion by Steve Scott andseconded by Steve Costley. .

<strong>SOUTHERN</strong> <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> <strong>ATHLETIC</strong> FEDERATIONBOARD OF DIRECTORSCerritos Park East, CerritosThursday, September 16, 2010BOARD MEMBERS PRESENTCarlos Espinosa – Vice President Mario Guerrero – Channel CitiesManuel Cantu – Past President Steve Scott – San Diego CountySteve Costley – Administrator RepRandy Solis – Supervisor RepJeff Van Fossen – Supervisor RepMike Kudron – Supervisor RepBOARD MEMBERS ABSENTDaniel Schneider – PresidentMike Cresap – San Gabriel ValleyJessica Perez – SoutheastMike Davis – Bay AreaNoemi Lopez – Inland ValleysJeff Van Sickle – Orange CountyBrian Yackovich - Southern San JoaquinJulie Roman– Administrator Rep.Pam Yugar – Administrator Rep.Randy Solis – Supervisor RepJanuary Luong – Student Rep.Mike Navarro – Student Rep.Dave Johnson – MLSKevin Ellis – Youth Sports Comm.Frank Gonzalez – LA CountyGUESTSLuis Salcedo – Cal SouthRalph Aranda – Finance ChairHector Vasquez – Inland Valleys PresidentJohn Weinerth – Cal SouthDave Dill – Adult Sports Comm.Brian Chwan – Wellness Comm.<strong>SCMAF</strong> STAFFTim Ittner – Executive DirectorDavie Gillus – Program CoordinatorCALL TO ORDERVice President Carlos Espinosa called the September 16, 2010 meeting to order at 10:17 a.m.MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETINGThe July 2010 minutes were approved the Board of Directors on a motion by Mario Guerrero.<strong>SCMAF</strong> FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF August 30, 2010Balance on hand in Checking Accounts $32, 697.17Balance of Investment Accounts $539,874.55Other Assets $90, 181.64Total Combined Assets $662,753.36The August 2010 Financial Report was approved by the Board on a motion by Steve Scott andseconded by Steve Costley. .

PRESIDENT’S REPORTVice President Espinosa reminded everyone to look at the calendar of events for the Associationsas well as the Federation.DIRECTOR’S REPORTTim Ittner reported Dustin Bingham, Membership coordinator has taken a job in Philadelphia. He islooking to fill the position by the end of the year. The <strong>SCMAF</strong> student scholarship sponsored by theGuerrero Family deadline is October 15 th . The recipients will be presented the scholarship at the<strong>SCMAF</strong> Awards & Installation Banquet. He is currently receiving bids for online credit cardprocessing.ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR”S REPORTChannel Cities- Mario Guerrero reported on the September 1 st meeting in Rancho Simi. The 1 stannual Kevin Lukes memorial golf tournament was reported on. At the meeting the associationpresented Kevin’s wife Laureen a $4,000 check for education for his two children. The ChannelCities membership was surprised of the insurance invoice for the tournament from the Federation.<strong>SCMAF</strong> charges insurance for all activities to be covered for general liability insurance. Afterdiscussion the <strong>SCMAF</strong> board on a motion by Steve Scott and seconded by Carlos Espinosadecided to donate $100 to the Kevin Luke’s tournament in lieu of waiving the insurance cost.COMMITTEE REPORTS1. FINANCE /INVESTMENTS– Ralph Aranda, Pico RiveraRalph Aranda reported that the Finance committee met July 22 in Pico Rivera for the mid-yearbudget review. The actual closing numbers for 2009 were presented and the result was a deficit of$8,928. The deficit is attributed to less income than expected for CIF rulebooks, declines inmembership, agency decline in the accident protection program and the expenses for the 60 thanniversary luncheon. The 2010 year- to-date figures appear to look solid. On a motion by MikeKudron and a second by Steve Scott the board approved total budget adjustments of a decrease inrevenue of $13,518 and increase in expenses of $767 for an estimated budget surplus of $14,985by the end of the year.The committee approved the following changes to the <strong>SCMAF</strong> Financial Policy:1. Authorize the Executive Officers and Finance Chairperson to transfer funds into reserveinvestment accounts at any time.2. Establish the use of Checking, Savings, and short term investment accounts for operationalfunds.3. Charge the Finance Committee to review the operation fund balances and recommendfunds to be transferred to reserve investment accounts.The board approved the changes above to the financial policy on a motion by Steve Scott andseconded by Mario Guerrero. Ralph thanked the <strong>SCMAF</strong> staff and the Finance Committee for theirtime and efforts on this year’s budget.Ralph reported on the 2nd Quarter investment meeting. The ending balance was $517,980 as ofJune 30 th . The investments had a total value of $538,118 at the end of August.2

3MEMBERSHIP –I. Carlos Espinosa presented the September membership report:ACTIVE MEMBERSCHANNEL CITIESa. ConejoPaul Young, Recreation Coordinator403 W. Hillcrest Dr.Thousand Oaks, CA 91360Phone: 805-495-4674 Fax: 805-381-2726Email: pyoung@crpd.orgReason: Professional organization, interest in being with <strong>SCMAF</strong> Channel Cities.SAN GABRIEL VALLEYa. RosemeadMartin Gutierrez, Recreation Coordinator8838 E. Valley Blvd.Rosemead, CA 91770Phone: 626-569-2160Email: mgutierrez@cityofrosemead.orgReason: Authorized to sign off teams to compete in <strong>SCMAF</strong> & SGVATournamentsII.ASSOCIATE MEMBERINLAND VALLEYSa. Riverside Community Parks AssociationRuben Ayala Jr., PresidentP.O. Box 5721Riverside, CA 92517Phone: 951-522-6941 Fax: 951-276-9220Email: tippystow@sbcglobal.netReason: Provide coverage for youth programs and board members while providing youthprograms at little to no cost for Riverside communities.I. SPECIAL MEMBERa. RHA Landscape Architects – Planners, Inc.Doug Grove, Principal, LEED® AP6216 Brockton Avenue, Suite 212Riverside, CA 92506Phone: 951-781-1930 Fax: 951-686-8091Email: dougg@rhala.comReason: To help <strong>SCMAF</strong> member agencies develop their fields as best as possible.The Board approved the above memberships on a motion by Brian Chwan and seconded by MikeKudron.

42. TEAM REGISTRATION and INSURANCE – Manuel Cantu, Santa Fe SpringsThe August reports as provided by the <strong>SCMAF</strong> office were reviewed. Association Directors wereasked to share the information at membership meetings. Each Association receives a rebate of12.5% of adult team registration to conduct programs within their association. Manuel asked for allin attendance to help promote our insurance programs. Manuel also reviewed the contract classinsurance opportunities. Davie Gillus reported on the new official’s insurance coverage availablethrough <strong>SCMAF</strong> which includes both excess medical and liability coverage. Tim reported he isfinalizing the liability insurance for short term events, leagues and tournaments conducted on<strong>SCMAF</strong> member agency facilities.4. ADMINISTRATOR REPS –The administrator reps have met and will report at the next full board meeting.5. ADULT SPORTS COMMISSIONER – Dave Dill, TorranceThe City of Torrance will be hosting a free School of Adults Sports Management Workshop onTuesday, September 21.6. YOUTH SPORTS COMMISSIONER – Kevin Ellis, DowneyDavie presented the report on the Swimming Finals. The <strong>SCMAF</strong> Swimming Championships wasconducted at the SPLASH aquatics center in La Mirada on August 14th with 36 teams and a totalof 1,038 swimmers for the third consecutive year. The City of La Mirada staff was very hospitableand extremely helpful. The committee recommends continuing to attempt to schedule the finals atLa Mirada for coming years. Carlos thanked the swimming committee for conducting an excellentmeet.7. WELLNESS COMMISSIONER – Brian Chwan, AnaheimBrian presented an update on the 5 initiative ideas to help young athletes gain a betterunderstanding of overall Health and Wellness. These initiative included establishing a missionstatement on <strong>SCMAF</strong>’s commitment to health and wellness, provide web based content for youthathletes and their parents, educational tools on healthy snack alternatives, provide an educational/conditioning plan for young athletes and work with local businesses such as Trader Joe’s to helppromote our initiatives.8. SUPERVISOR REPS – Jeff Van Fossen, Mike Kudron, Randy SolisJeff Van Fossen reported that he is still moving forward with researching the CMASS opportunity.He said it may be easier to develop a general group bid or “piggy back” bid because not allagencies can accept CMASS bids. Jeff also requested that <strong>SCMAF</strong> provide him with a list of allthe standardized balls that city municipal adult softball leagues use.9. PROGRAMMING PARTNERS – Cal South, LA County Dept. of Parks and RecreationJohn Weinerth reported on the <strong>SCMAF</strong> soccer meeting held at the Cal South office. He reportedthere were 8,100 adult soccer teams registered for 2010 which <strong>SCMAF</strong> receives a dollar per team.This can be a good revenue stream for both organizations the more agencies and teams we canget registered in the future.Cal South announced that they will be changing the venue of the Soccer Nation Expo to LongBeach next year and it will still be held during the same weekend in February.

510. SPECIAL MEMBER – Major League SoftballNo report11. NOMINATIONS – Executive BoardCarlos presented the slate for the 2011 board. There still are a few positions to be filled.The nominations slate will be as follows. Executive Board: President – Carlos Espinosa, VicePresident – Dave Dill, Past President – Daniel Schneider and the eight association directors votedby their membership. Board of Directors: Educator Reps (2) – open; Program Partner - LosAngeles County & Cal South; Special Member - Major League Softball; Perfect Field; Youth SportsCommissioner - Mike Lembke, Cerritos; Adult Sports Commissioner - Manuel Cantu, Santa FeSprings; Wellness Program Commissioner - Brian Chwan, Anaheim; Administrator Reps – SteveCostley, South Gate, Julie Roman, Stanton; Supervisors Reps – Mike Kudron, Placentia, Jeff VanFossen, El Segundo & Randy Solis, Riverside; Student Reps – openThe Board approved the nomination slate for the 2011 board as presented on a motion by SteveCostley, seconded by Mario Guerrero.12. INSTITUTE - Dale Sumersille, Ojai; David Deleon, La HabraThe 41st Annual <strong>SCMAF</strong> Institute will be held on Wednesday, October 6th in Carson. The keynoteNote speaker during the general session will be former UCLA softball Hall a Fame coach, SueEnquist.13. CITATION & AWARDS – Sherre Titus, CerritosThe <strong>SCMAF</strong> Awards & Installation is scheduled for Friday November 5th at Anaheim Marriot Suitesin Garden Grove. Invitations will be sent out and posted on the <strong>SCMAF</strong> website next week. TheCitation & Awards committee is meeting today after the board meeting to review the nominations.14. YOUTH SPORTS DEVELOPMENT – Hector Vasquez, Fontana; Nick Johnson, FontanaLA84 Foundation has made a big monetary commitment to the FREE online training programproduced by ASEP. The participation has been sparse by our agencies and their coaches. DavieGillus mentioned that <strong>SCMAF</strong> has recently talked with LA84 and they are disappointed in ournumbers so far. Over 1500 key codes have been sent out so far this year with another 1500needing to go out by December.15. OFFICIALS CERTIFICATION – Bill Smith, ColtonManuel Cantu reported on the Officials Certification meeting September 2nd in RanchoCucamonga. The following changes and clarifications for <strong>SCMAF</strong> Softball and umpire mechanicsmanual were approved by the Board on a motion by Steve Costley, seconded by Mike Kudron. Theboard wants staff to look into copyrighting the new size strike mat.

6NOTE – Proposed new wording is underlined. Proposed wording deletion is shown as strike-through.SOFTBALL RULEBOOK1) Men’s, Women’s, & Coed Tournament RulesCURRENT RULEPitching Arc – In “Rec” Division Tournaments, the upper pitching arc limit shall be 16-feet. For all otherdivisions, the upper pitching arc limit shall be 12-feet, or 16-feet, as determined by the hosting agency.NOTE – The upper arc limit change from 12-feet to 16-feet is a pilot program for 2010, and will be reevaluatedfor use in future years. The intent is to provide more of an advantage to the pitcher and defense,in light of recent improvement in bat technology.PROPOSED RULEPitching Arc – In all “Rec” Division Tournaments, the upper pitching arc limit shall be 16-feet. For all otherdivisions, the upper pitching arc limit shall be 12-feet, or 16-feet, as determined by the hosting agency.NOTE – The upper arc limit change from 12-feet to 16-feet is a pilot program for 2010, and will be reevaluatedfor use in future years. The intent is to provide more of an advantage to the pitcher and defense,in light of recent improvement in bat technology.INTENT = Incorporation of new 16-foot arc limit into all Tournament divisions2) Senior Softball RulesPROPOSED RULE ADDITIONNEW RULE #5 (all subsequent rules shall be reflectively renumbered)5. Batters shall start each at-bat with a 0-0 count.INTENT = Change of rule to reflect standard practice in Senior Division softball3) Rule 1, Section 5 – Regulation GameCURRENT RULEA regulation game shall consist of seven innings, unless the team second at bat scores more runs in sixinnings than the team second at bat scored in seven innings; or a time limit of 1 hour and 10 minutes (SP),1 hour and 25 minutes (FP) whichever occurs first. Game time starts when the umpire requests first pitch.Once an inning begins, it shall be played in its entirety, regardless of time.PROPOSED RULEA regulation game shall consist of seven 7 innings, unless the team second at bat scores more runs in six 6innings than the team second at bat scored in seven 7 innings; or a time limit of 1 hour and 10 60-70minutes (SP), as legislated by the administering agency, 1 hour and 25 minutes (FP), whichever occursfirst. Game time starts when the umpire requests first pitch. Once an inning begins, it shall be played in itsentirety, regardless of time.INTENT = Change of slow-pitch time limit rule to allow flexibility in game time rules, at the discretionof the administering agency

74) Rule 2 – STRIKE ZONE, SLOW-PITCHADD FOLLOWING NOTE TO END OF RULENOTE – The dimensions of the strike zone/strike zone mat are left to the discretion of the administeringagency. Absent alternative direction from the administering agency, the standard strike zone/strike zonemat shall be used.INTENT = Change of rule to allow flexibility in strike zone dimensionsNOTE – THE FOLLOWING RELATED RULES SHALL ALSO BE AMENDED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHIS RULE CHANGE RECOMMENDATION, IF APPROVED.Diagram – Official Dimensions of Softball DiamondUnder diagram of home plate + extension, add in parentheses, “(strike zone dimensions may vary – seeRule 2 – STRIKE ZONE)”Rule 4, Section 13 – Strike Zone, Slow-pitchAdd second note to section – same as NOTE listed above under Rule 2Mechanics Manual – Slow Pitch – Softball Home PlateAdd second note to section – same as NOTE listed above under Rule 25) Rule 3, Section 3(A) – Courtesy RunnersCURRENT RULEA manager can use only one courtesy runner per inning (no approval required). Both the regular runnerand courtesy runner shall be eligible for further participation in the game. A courtesy runner may be usedfor the same regular runner each time said regular runner is on base in the same inning.PROPOSED RULEA manager can use only one a courtesy runner per for any base runner in an inning (no approval required).A courtesy runner may be used only after the regular runner has reached his/her base and play is dead.There is no limit to the number of courtesy runners used; however the courtesy runner shall be the player asdesignated in Section D below. Both the regular runner and courtesy runner shall be eligible for furtherparticipation in the game. A courtesy runner may be used for the same regular runner each time saidregular runner is on base in the same inning.INTENT = Change of rule to allow for an unlimited number of courtesy runners to be used in aninning, and clarification that regular runners must proceed to their bases prior to receiving acourtesy runner6) Rule 4, Section 4(C) – Upper Pitching Arc LimitCURRENT RULEThe ball must not exceed a height of more than 16 feet above the ground.NOTE – The upper arc limit change from 12-feet to 16-feet is a pilot program for 2010, and will be reevaluatedfor use in future years. The intent is to provide more of an advantage to the pitcher and defense,in light of recent improvement in bat technology.PROPOSED RULEThe ball must not exceed a height of more than 16 feet above the ground.NOTE – The upper arc limit change from 12-feet to 16-feet is a pilot program for 2010, and will be reevaluatedfor use in future years. The intent is to provide more of an advantage to the pitcher and defense,in light of recent improvement in bat technology.INTENT = Permanent change to the upper pitching arc limit

8SOFTBALL MECHANICS MANUAL AND CASEBOOK1) Page 1 – REVISION NOTATIONADD A REFERENCE TO THE CURRENT REVISION DATE, LISTING MONTH & YEAR2) Page 23 – SLOW PITCH – SOFTBALL HOME PLATEADD SECOND NOTE AT BOTTOM OF PAGENOTE – The dimensions of the strike zone/strike zone mat are left to the discretion of the administeringagency. Absent alternative direction from the administering agency, the standard strike zone/strike zonemat shall be used.INTENT = Change of rule to allow flexibility in strike zone dimensionsAll items above approved by the <strong>SCMAF</strong> Officials Education & Certification Committee at theirmeeting of September 2, 2010.16. TRAINING-<strong>SCMAF</strong> U – Jason Chacon, Pico RiveraThis year’s member education programs have been well attended and received by themembership. There are two remaining trainings for the year. The School of Adult SportsManagement is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21 in Torrance and a workshop on Girls inSports will take place in the fall at Diamond Bar.Topics for next year’s Member Education Program are being discussed and once next year’scommittee is formed, will be scheduled, coordinated, and ultimately implementedNEXT MEETINGThursday, December 2, 2010, Rancho Cucamonga 2010 & 2011 Full BoardADJOURNMENTThe Board approved adjournment at 12:45 p.m. on a motion by Steve Scott and seconded byMario Guerrero.Respectfully submitted,Tim IttnerExecutive Director

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