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GAS TRANSMISSION TARIFFSYEAR 20121 st JANUARY 2012 – 31 st DECEMBER 2012<strong>Gas</strong> transmission tariffs have been calculated according to the provisions of the Delibera ARG/gas184/09 published on 23 rd December 2009 by the Authority for Electricity and <strong>Gas</strong>.<strong>Gas</strong> transmission tariff for firm service on annual basisThe gas transmission tariff T for firm service on annual basis is defined by the following formula:where:T = (Ke * CPe) + (Ku * CPu) + (Kr * CRr) + (V * CV);- Ke is the capacity booked by the user at entry point e of the national transmission network,expressed in Sm 3 /d;- CPe is the capacity charge for the national transmission service related to the capacitybooked at entry point e of the national transmission network, expressed in Euro/y/ Sm 3 /d;- Ku is the capacity booked by the user at exit point u of the national transmission network,expressed in Sm 3 /d;- CPu is the capacity charge for the national transmission service related to the capacitybooked at exit point u of the national transmission network, expressed in Euro/y/ Sm 3 /d;- Kr is the capacity booked by the user at redelivery point r of the regional transmissionnetwork, expressed in Sm 3 /d;- CRr is the national capacity charge for the regional transmission service related to thecapacity booked at redelivery point r of the regional transmission network, expressed inEuro/y/ Sm 3 /d;- V is the gas quantity injected into the network, expressed in Sm 3 ;- CV is the commodity charge, expressed in Euro/ Sm 3 .The capacity charges CPe, CPu, CRr are applied to booked capacity independently from its actualutilization, while the commodity charges CV is applied to the actual gas quantities injected into thenetwork in each of the entry point of the national transmission network, excluding entry pointsinterconnected with storage systems.<strong>Gas</strong> transmission tariff for interruptible transmission serviceAccording to the comma 11.1 of the Annex A of Delibera ARG/gas 184/09 (“RTTG”), theinterruptible transmission service is made available at entry points interconnected with foreignpipelines and it’s subjected to the following charge reductions, defined on the base of costeconomies associated to this type of service:- a 10% reduction of the CPe charge applies to interruptible capacity of first rank;- a 20% reduction of the CPe charge applies to interruptible capacity of second rank.The capacity charges CPu and CRr and the commodity charges CV are the same applied to firmcapacity.1

The table below shows the characteristics of the interruptible service on the basis of which thecharges are applied and paid for the whole contractual period.Characteristics of the interruptible transmission service2

The charge for the interruptible transmission service at the entry point of Vittorio Veneto, to be paidfor the whole contractual period, is subject to a 10% reduction and the service is referred to aninterruption in absence of a net exit physical flow at the redelivery point of Vittorio Veneto (REMI34569001).<strong>Gas</strong> transmission tariff for firm capacity on infra-annual basisAccording to the comma 10.1 of RTTG, a firm transmission service is made available at entrypoints interconnected with foreign pipelines and with regasification terminals on semi-annual,quarterly and monthly basis. The related charges are determined by applying the coefficients shownin the following table to the CPe capacity charges proportioned on monthly basis.Multiplicative coefficients of the monthly chargeMonth Yearly Six-month Quarterly MonthlyOct 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Nov 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Dec 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Jan 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Feb 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Mar 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Apr 1 1,1 1,2 1,4May 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Jun 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Jul 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Aug 1 1,1 1,2 1,4Sep 1 1,1 1,2 1,43

The gas transmission tariffs for year 2012, as approved with Deliberazione ARG/gas 178/11 of theAuthority for Electricity and <strong>Gas</strong>, are listed in the following tables:GAS TRANSMISSION TARIFFS1 st JANUARY 2012 - 31 st DECEMBER 2012Table 1.1 - Capacity charges for the national transmission networkCpe EURO/y/Sm3/d EURO/y/Sm3/dMazara del Vallo 2,989504 Falconara 0,365766Gela 2,738260 Fano 0,365766Passo Gries 0,451774 Carassai 0,376781Tarvisio 0,908209 Cellino 0,376781Gorizia 0,754398 Grottammare 0,376781GNL Panigaglia 0,650370 Montecosaro 0,376781GNL Cavarzere 0,484285 Pineto 0,376781S. Giorgio M. 0,376781Stoccaggi Stogit / Edison Stoccaggi 0,173288 Capparuccia 0,376781San Benedetto T. 0,376781Casteggio 0,066435 Settefinestre/Passatempo 0,376781Caviaga 0,066435 Fonte Filippo 0,428280Fornovo 0,066435 Larino 0,428280Ovanengo 0,066435 Ortona 0,428280Piadena Ovest 0,066435 Poggiofiorito 0,428280Pontetidone 0,066435 Reggente 0,428280Quarto 0,066435 S. Stefano M. 0,428280Rivolta d'Adda 0,066435 Candela 0,533830Soresina 0,066435 Roseto/T. Vulgano 0,533830Trecate 0,066435 Torrente Tona 0,533830Casalborsetti 0,210065 Calderasi/Monteverdese 1,133172Collalto 0,210065 Metaponto 1,133172Medicina 0,210065 Monte Alpi 1,133172Montenevoso 0,210065 Pisticci A.P./ B.P. 1,133172Muzza 0,210065 Sinni (Policoro) 1,133172Ravenna Mare 0,210065 Crotone 1,632848Ravenna Mare Lido Adriano 0,210065 Hera Lacinia 1,632848Santerno 0,210065 Bronte 2,543381Spilamberto B.P. 0,210065 Comiso 2,543381Vittorio V. (S. Antonio) 0,210065 Gagliano 2,543381Rubicone 0,234231 Mazara/Lippone 2,543381Noto 2,543381CPu EURO/a/Smc/g EURO/a/Smc/gNOC - Nord Occidentale 1,251817 Bizzarone 2,729586NOR - Nord Orientale 1,006802 Gorizia 0,938093CEN - Centrale 0,991722 Rep. San Marino 1,853189SOR - Centro-sud Orientale 0,894593 Passo Gries 1,733014SOC - Centro-sud Occidentale 0,731627 Tarvisio 0,360866MER - Meridionale 0,634498Stoccaggi Stogit / Edison Stoccag 0,389855Table 1.2 - National capacity charge for the regional transmission networkCRr nationalEURO/y/Sm3/dCRr 1,264429CR D CR r *D/15 where 0

The percentages to cover own use gas, network gas losses and unaccounted for gas for year 2012, asapproved with Delibera ARG/gas 178/11 of the Authority for Electricity and <strong>Gas</strong>, are listed in thefollowing table:<strong>PER</strong>CENTAGES TO COVER OWN USE GAS,NETWORK GAS LOSSES AND UNACCOUNTED FOR GAS1 st JANUARY 2012 - 31 ST DECEMBER 2012Table 1.4 - Percentages to cover own use gasγFuel*Mazara del Vallo 0,759304% Carassai 0,095699%Gela 0,695490% Cellino 0,095699%Passo Gries 0,114746% Grottammare 0,095699%Tarvisio 0,230676% Montecosaro 0,095699%Gorizia 0,191609% Pineto 0,095699%GNL Panigaglia 0,165187% S. Giorgio M. 0,095699%GNL Cavarzere 0,123003% Capparuccia 0,095699%San Benedetto T. 0,095699%Casteggio 0,016874% Settefinestre/Passatempo 0,095699%Caviaga 0,016874% Fonte Filippo 0,108779%Fornovo 0,016874% Larino 0,108779%Ovanengo 0,016874% Ortona 0,108779%Piadena Ovest 0,016874% Poggiofiorito 0,108779%Pontetidone 0,016874% Reggente 0,108779%Quarto 0,016874% S. Stefano M. 0,108779%Rivolta d'Adda 0,016874% Candela 0,135587%Soresina 0,016874% Roseto/T. Vulgano 0,135587%Trecate 0,016874% Torrente Tona 0,135587%Casalborsetti 0,053354% Calderasi/Monteverdese 0,287814%Collalto 0,053354% Metaponto 0,287814%Medicina 0,053354% Monte Alpi 0,287814%Montenevoso 0,053354% Pisticci A.P./ B.P. 0,287814%Muzza 0,053354% Sinni (Policoro) 0,287814%Ravenna Mare 0,053354% Crotone 0,414727%Ravenna Mare Lido Adriano 0,053354% Hera Lacinia 0,414727%Santerno 0,053354% Bronte 0,645993%Spilamberto B.P. 0,053354% Comiso 0,645993%Vittorio V. (S. Antonio) 0,053354% Gagliano 0,645993%Rubicone 0,059492% Mazara/Lippone 0,645993%Falconara 0,092901% Noto 0,645993%Fano 0,092901%* percentages applied to energy injected at the entry point of the national transmission network, notincluding entry points interconnected with the storage system.Table 1.5 - Percentages to cover network gas losses and unaccounted for gasγGNC*γPE*Redelivery point 0,175178% 0,081463%* percentages applied to energy withdrawal at the redelivery points of the regionaltransmission network.5

TARIFF FOR METERING SERVICEYEAR 20121 st JANUARY – 31 st DECEMBER 2012The tariff for metering service has been calculated according to the provisions of the DeliberaARG/gas 184/09 published on 23 rd December 2009 by the Authority for Electricity and <strong>Gas</strong>.Tariffs for Metering Service for year 2012The tariff for metering service TM for gas transmission service on annual basis is defined by thefollowing formula:where:TM = Kr * CM T ;- Kr is the capacity booked by the user at redelivery point r of the regional transmissionnetwork, expressed in Sm 3 /d;- CM T is the transitory charge for metering service, according to the comma 2.1 of theDelibera ARG/gas 184/09, for the year 2012, related to the capacity booked at redeliverypoint r of the regional transmission network, expressed in Euro/y/ Sm 3 /d;The transitory charge CM T for year 2012, as approved with Delibera ARG/gas 178/11 of theAuthority for Electricity and <strong>Gas</strong>, is listed in the following table:GAS METERING TARIFF1 st JANUARY 2012- 31 st DECEMBER 2012TabLe 1.6 Transitory charge for metering serviceCM T EURO/y/Sm 3 /dCM T 0,0600306

NUMERICAL MODELA shipper has to supply a customer in Milan, with a consumption equal to 2,7 million cubic meter(38,1 MJ/Sm 3 ). The quantities are delivered at the entry point of Tarvisio and re-delivered at theRedelivery point of Milan. For this scope the shipper shall ask the following booking capacities:• Entry point of Tarvisio = 8.000 Sm 3 /d• Entry point of Hub storage = 2.000 Sm 3 /d• Exit point = 10.000 Sm 3 /d• Exit point of Hub storage = 1.000 Sm 3 /d• Redelivery point of Milan = 10.000 Sm 3 /dThe charge for transportation capacity is calculated as shown in the following example:Capacity charges for the national transmission network (see tab1.1)see Database Municipalities - Withdrawal AreasEntry Point TARVISIO HUB Storage. Exit point (homogeneous area) NOR - Nord Orientale HUB Storage. Rate CAPACITYCapacity booked Sm 3 /d 8.000 2.000 Capacity booked Sm 3 /d 10.000 1.000 RNGCPe Euro/y/Sm 3 /d 0,908209 0,173288 CPu Euro/y/Sm 3 /d 1,006802 0,389855 EuroCharge Euro 7.265,672 346,576 + Charge Euro 10.068,020 389,855 = 18.070,123Capacity charges for the regional transmission network (see tab1.2) +Redelivery Point MILAN (see database Redelivery points)RateDistance from RNG km >15 CAPACITYCapacity booked Sm 3 /d 10.000 RRGCRr Euro/y/Sm 3 /d 1,264429 EuroCharge Euro 12.644,290 12.644,290Unit Commodity Charge (see tab1.3) +VOLUMEVolume per year Sm 3 2.700.000Amount to coverRateAC+Pe+GNC Sm 3 13.124 CommoditySm 3 2.686.876CV Euro/Sm 3 0,003167 EuroCharge Euro 8.509,337 8.509,337Transmission charges del. 184/09 e 178/11 =TOTALEuro39.223,750Metering Charge +Redelivery PointMILANBooking capacity Sm 3 /d 10.000 Rate meteringCM T Euro/y/Sm 3 /d 0,060030 EuroEuro 600,300 600,300Transmission charges and Metering Charge del. 184/09 and 178/11 =TOTALEuro39.824,0507

Own use gas, network gas losses and unaccounted for gasOWN USE GASOwn use gas rateEnergy injected GJ 102.870 GJPercentage at Entry - Tarvis % 0,230676237Own use gas rate GJ 237Network gas losses Network gas losses rateEnergy withdrawal GJ 102.370 GJPercentage % 0,08146383Network gas losses rate GJ 83GNC GNC rateEnergy withdrawal GJ 102.370 GJPercentage % 0,175178179GNC rate GJ 179++=TOTALEGJ5008

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