SIA Stakeholder Engagement Strategy - Security Industry Authority

SIA Stakeholder Engagement Strategy - Security Industry Authority

SIA Stakeholder Engagement Strategy - Security Industry Authority


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<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>1 Executive Summary1.1 This stakeholder engagement strategy outlines our approach tocommunicating and working with our stakeholders. <strong>Engagement</strong> is an integral partof developing our understanding of the private security industry and the risks itpresents to the public. This helps us to shape regulation and our future plans andpriorities.1.2 A stakeholder is an individual or group with an interest in the <strong>SIA</strong> and itsservices. <strong>Stakeholder</strong> engagement is a key part of our regulatory activities and animportant contributor to <strong>SIA</strong> objectives.1.3 The <strong>SIA</strong> has a large and diverse stakeholder group. We therefore recognisethat we should engage with different stakeholders for different reasons and thatwe should enable diverse interests and individuals to contribute to <strong>SIA</strong> policymaking and engage in constructive dialogue in which all voices have an opportunityto contribute.1.4 We recognise that our stakeholders have different levels of influence on usand on the private security industry and they have varying areas of interest, ourengagement will operate at different levels where appropriate. We intend todevelop new relationships and to recognise changing levels of stakeholder influencein the future as we work with stakeholder to effect transition to a new regulatoryregime.2 Strategic Goal2.1 Our goal is to ensure that all our stakeholders have an opportunity tocontribute to the consultations about current regulation and the future ofregulation so that the new regulatory framework will meet our stakeholders'needs.Page 2

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>3 Key Objective3.1 The key objective of the stakeholder engagement strategy is to delivereffective transition to a new regulatory regime whilst maintaining licence integrityand compliance with current regulation, by working with the industry andinterested groups.4 Present Situation4.1 We have had a published stakeholder engagement strategy since 2004 inwhich we recognise that the regulated private security sector and other associatedparties are extremely diverse in composition and needs from the regulator. Wedevelop engagement activity that fills gaps in respect of managing strategic priorityissues and that enables the <strong>SIA</strong> to achieve its objectives. We have effectiverelationships with key stakeholders and groups at operational and sector level andwe seek their contributions to the development of regulation and <strong>SIA</strong> policy andstrategy though appropriate channels.4.2 The strategic direction is to contribute to the protection of the public andcrime reduction.4.3 The strategic approach is to be a modern, efficient and collaborativeregulator, to develop regulation in collaboration with the industry, balancing thepublic purpose of regulation with the commercial implications.4.4 It is acknowledged that we have good tactical and operational level externalengagement with our stakeholders and this strategy will not attempt to interferewith that or disrupt business as usual.5 Scope5.1 This strategy outlines our overarching approach to engagement with ourexternal stakeholders, and the coordination of that activity across the prioritiesdefined below.Page 3

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>6 Purpose6.1 The <strong>SIA</strong> is leading the transition to a new regulatory regime; thereforerevising our stakeholder engagement strategy is necessary to ensure weunderstand the wide range of interests of our stakeholders and the impact of ourfuture plans and priorities on them.6.2 During the transition, we will maintain the current regulatory regime andcontinue to enforce compliance.6.3 The <strong>SIA</strong> leads on strategic engagement about regulation, and although the<strong>SIA</strong> contributes usefully to other forums about other issues, its main engagement isabout furthering <strong>SIA</strong> responsibilities and the future of regulation.7 <strong>SIA</strong> Commitment to <strong>Stakeholder</strong>s7.1 We know what is important to the <strong>SIA</strong>. We want to know what isimportant to our stakeholders; to understand the <strong>SIA</strong>'s impact and what peoplethink of us; to ensure that we respond to stakeholders' expectations and that wecommunicate those responses adequately.8 Core Principles8.1 Responsibility for providing advice and guidance on stakeholderengagement and consultation in the Cabinet Office lies with the Better RegulationExecutive (BRE). It is a requirement of better regulation that we demonstrate andpromote to our stakeholders that our regulatory practice is based on theprinciples of good regulation, i.e. it is proportionate, accountable, consistent,transparent and targeted.8.2 The BRE has produced a Code of Practice on Consultation which applies toall public consultations by government departments and agencies. The code appliesPage 4

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>to formal consultation on policy development. We already apply the ‘BRE Code ofPractice on Consultation’ in carrying out our Impact Assessments (IA).8.3 The BRE has also produced best practice guidance on consultation. Wealready use this guidance to plan our formal consultations with stakeholders aboutdevelopments to ensure that we identify and engage with a diverse range ofstakeholders; assess and manage risks; use appropriate informal and formalmethods of communication and evaluate our consultations.8.4 We will seek to gain clarity around consultation requirements and we willseek to be efficient in Impact Assessment arrangements. We will take consultationopportunities as they arise and we undertake to always take advantage of thoseopportunities where available and of interest to the <strong>SIA</strong>.9 Strategic <strong>Engagement</strong> Aims and Objectives9.1 In support of our core purpose of protecting the public:• To identify the opportunities for and threats to the private securityindustry and its contribution to public protection9.2 In support of the <strong>SIA</strong> mission, vision, aims and outline plan for the future:• To communicate effectively the <strong>SIA</strong> mission, vision and aims, and outlineplan for the future, and to influence and be influenced by the privatesecurity industry towards joint delivery of a shared vision9.3 The aims are delivered through annual business objectives and targets:• Enhanced protection of the public through increased public trust andconfidence in the private security industry by reducing criminality, settingand maintaining standards of probity, and improving the professionalism ofall who work in the industry• Businesses in the private security industry improving their standardsthrough the creation of a framework for developing, promoting andspreading best practice• Testing and establishing funding models where appropriate, in thedevelopment phase and post transition.Page 5

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>10 <strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> Priorities10.1 Our priorities for stakeholder engagement refer to the transfer of <strong>SIA</strong>regulation to a new regulatory regime and to key national events:• Enabling legislation• Establishing a new service model• New regulatory framework• Transfer of competency standards• Transfer of responsibility for hallmark scheme• Business registration• Establishing a new statutory regulatory body outside the NDPB sector• New funding models (change funding model and new regime funding model)• Establishing Trusted Service Partners• Olympics, Paralympics and Commonwealth Games11 Implementation11.1 The strategy will be implemented throughout the transition by the in-yearstakeholder engagement plan which will be driven by the <strong>SIA</strong> It is acknowledgedthat a number of projects and the Enabling Strategies deliver against key prioritiesand we will coordinate activity to ensure consistency and joined up activity acrossthe Change Programme.11.2 Feedback to stakeholders on key outcomes of engagement will be deliveredthrough our Communications <strong>Strategy</strong>.11.3 The strategy will be dependent on and will be enabled by theCommunications <strong>Strategy</strong> and the Research <strong>Strategy</strong>.11.4 The strategy will be reviewed as necessary.Page 6

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>12 Strategic Consultative Group12.1 The Strategic Consultative Group is a collaborative group with strategicoversight of plans for and progress towards the delivery of the transition to a newregulatory regime. The group will offer constructive contribution and challengeand will support effective communication from and to stakeholders.12.2 The objectives of the Strategic Consultative Group are:• To be informed about transition planning and the progress ofimplementation, including risks and issues;• To offer constructive contributions and challenges on the development of anew approach to regulation.• To collate and bring forward feedback from stakeholders to support the<strong>SIA</strong>’s consultation process.• To provide an informed view to other stakeholders as necessary12.3 The group will not be expected to steer or advise the <strong>SIA</strong> on the transitionnor will they be expected to agree with the transition framework and plan.12.4 The group is made up of representatives from the British <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>Association, <strong>Security</strong> Alliance, Skills for <strong>Security</strong>, GMB union, Department ofJustice, Northern Ireland, Project Griffin, ASIS, Home Office, ScottishGovernment, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), Worshipful Companyof <strong>Security</strong> Professionals, <strong>Security</strong> Institute and the International Professional<strong>Security</strong> Association.Page 7

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>Annex A: <strong>Stakeholder</strong> MatrixLevel:<strong>Stakeholder</strong>sGoal Communication What we willdo<strong>Engagement</strong>ApproachMONITORCustomersGovernment &RegulatorsMonitor<strong>Stakeholder</strong>s’viewsOne-way(stakeholder to<strong>SIA</strong>)‘we willmonitor yourviews’Media & internettrackingResearchINFORMStrategicConsultativeGroupCustomersInform oreducatestakeholdersOne-way (<strong>SIA</strong> tostakeholder – noinvitation to reply)‘we will keepyou informed’MeetingsMarketing &Communicationsmethods includingdigital and socialmediaPolitical<strong>Stakeholder</strong>sPartners<strong>Industry</strong> Media<strong>Industry</strong> & OtherTradeAssociationsTRANSACTSuppliersWorktogether in acontractualrelationship –we directobjectives andprovidefundingDevelopmentofinfrastructureto enabletransitionLimited two-way:setting andmonitoringperformanceaccording to termsof contractSet bycontractualagreement:‘we will dowhat we saidwe would’‘we will providethe resourcesto enable youto provide whatwe agree’Contracts(e.g.)MSP ContractAwardingOrganisationContractsACS AssessingBody ContractsPage 8

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>Level:<strong>Stakeholder</strong>sGoal Communication What we willdo<strong>Engagement</strong>ApproachCONSULTCustomersBuyers andreceivers ofsecurityGovernment &RegulatorsPartners<strong>Industry</strong> & otherTradeAssociationsGaininformation &feedback fromstakeholdersto informdecision madeinternallyLimited two-way:<strong>SIA</strong> asks questionsand stakeholdersanswer‘we will keepyou informed,listen to yourconcerns,consider yourinsights andprovidefeedback onour decision’RegulatoryImpactAssessmentsSurveysRoadshowsOne-to-onemeetingsPeriodic meetingsINVOLVECustomersSuppliersHome Office anddevolvedadministrationsWork directlywithstakeholdersto ensuretheir concernsare fullyunderstoodandconsidered indecisionmakingTwo-way or multiwaybetween <strong>SIA</strong>and stakeholders.Learning on bothsides, but each actseparately‘we will workwith you toensure yourconcerns areunderstood, todevelopalternativeproposals andprovidefeedback abouthow stakeholders’viewsinfluenced ourdecision-making’ACS Forums &RoadshowsPeriodicMeetingsSeek input tobranddevelopment,communicationscampaigns etc.COLLABORATESuppliersPartners<strong>Industry</strong>RepresentativeBodiesPartner withor convene anetwork ofstakeholdersto developmutuallyagreedsolutions andjoint plan ofactionTwo-way or multiway:Learning,negotiation anddecision-making onboth sides.<strong>Stakeholder</strong>s worktogether to takeaction‘we will look toyou for directadvice andparticipation infinding andimplementingsolutions tosharedchallenges’Projects, (e.g. MSPdevelopment).Memoranda ofUnderstanding(e.g. SfS)EMPOWERPartnersDelegatedecision-makingon a particularissue tostakeholders<strong>Stakeholder</strong>s haveformal role ingovernance ordecisions are delegatedout to stakeholders‘we willimplementwhat youdecide’Partnerships withpolice incomplianceactivity.Page 9

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>Annex B: List of our <strong>Stakeholder</strong>sEmployeeCustomerSupplierGovernment and regulatorsBoard and Senior Management Team (SMT)StaffNew and potential recruitsEx-employeesTemporary Staff and ConsultantsStaff ForumPublic & Commercial Services Union (PCS) and Staff UnionRepresentativesLicence-holdersPotential Licence-holdersACS CompaniesPotential ACS CompaniesOther <strong>Security</strong> Service ProvidersHome Office<strong>Security</strong> Service BuyersPublicPoliceLocal AuthoritiesManaged Service ProviderSuppliers of materials/ servicesTreasury SolicitorsCriminal Records BureauDisclosure ScotlandAccess Northern IrelandLegal RepresentativesAwarding OrganisationsHome Office/Northern Ireland OfficeResearch Agencies, Companies and ProvidersDirect Marketing AgenciesACS Assessing BodiesHome OfficeBetter Regulation CommissionBetter Regulation ExecutiveInformation Commissioner’s OfficeEqual Opportunities CommissionCommission for Racial EqualityDisability Rights CommissionParliamentary and Healthcare OmbudsmanOffice of Government CommerceNational Audit OfficeWelsh AssemblyScottish ExecutiveNorthern Ireland AssemblyLocal Government RegulationOther Government DepartmentsGambling CommissionGangmasters Licensing <strong>Authority</strong>Page 10

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>PoliticalPartnersLocal communitiesAcademicMembers of Parliament & PeersMembers of European ParliamentMembers of Scottish ParliamentMembers of the Legislative Assembly (Northern Ireland)Ministers at Westminster and Devolved AdministrationsLocal Counsellors and other elected representativesAll Party Parliamentary Group for Private <strong>Security</strong>PoliceAssociation of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS)Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA)UK Border Agency (UKBA)Local AuthoritiesLondon Organising Committee for the Olympic Games(LOCOG)CrimestoppersSkills for <strong>Security</strong>OfqualScottish Qualifications <strong>Authority</strong> (SQA)Crown Prosecution ServiceCrown Office Procurator Fiscal ServicePublic Prosecution Service of Northern IrelandOther Government DepartmentsNational Police Improvement Agency (NIPA)Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC)Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)Identity and Passport Service (IPS)Drug Action Teams (DAT)City & GuildsBritish Institute of Inn-Keeping Awarding Body (BIIAB)Buckinghamshire New UniversityCity & GuildsEdexcelNational Open College Network (NOCN)EDIHighfield Awarding Body for Compliance (HABC)Citizen’s Advice BureauLocal Authorities and Trading StandardsRoyal Automobile Club (RAC)Automobile Association (AA)Job CentresSporting ArenasPubWatchNational DoorwatchRemployBritish Parking Association (BPA)Motorists’ ForumSkills for <strong>Security</strong>OfqualScottish Qualification <strong>Authority</strong>Page 11

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>MediaTrade Associations(security industry)Other Trade AssociationsUniversitiesApproved training providersAwarding OrganisationsPerpetuity GroupInfo4<strong>Security</strong> OnlineProfessional <strong>Security</strong> MagazineRisk UKInfologueProfessional <strong>Security</strong> MagazinePress AssociationBBC and other media outletsBritish <strong>Security</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> Association (B<strong>SIA</strong>)PubWatchBritish Institute of Inn-keepingBritish Parking AssociationCCTV User GroupAssociation of British Investigators (ABI)Association of British Insurers (ABI)Association of Civil Enforcement Agencies (ACEA)British Association of Private <strong>Security</strong> Companies (BAPSC)Institute of Professional Investigators (IPI)Public CCTV Managers Association (PCMA)Scottish Investigators Forum (SIF)World Association of Professional Investigators (WAPI)International Professional <strong>Security</strong> Association (IPSA)Safer Doors (Working the Doors Forum)Close Protection World UKThe <strong>Security</strong> InstituteASIS InternationalAssociation of University Chief <strong>Security</strong> Officers (AUCSO)<strong>Security</strong> AllianceDoor Supervisors Union (DSU)British Retail Consortium (BRC)Confederation of British <strong>Industry</strong> (CBI)Association of British Insurers (ABI)Federation of Small BusinessesInstitute of HospitalityAssociation for Conferences & EventsAssociation of Event VenuesAssociation of Exhibition ContractorsAssociation of Exhibition OrganisersAssociation of Scottish CollegesBritish Association of Leisure Parks, Piers & AttractionsBEDA (Bar, Entertainment & Dance Association)BEDA ScotlandBritish Association of Conference DestinationsBritish Bankers AssociationBritish Beer & Pub AssociationBritish Beer & Pub Association ScotlandBritish Chambers of CommerceBritish Hospitality AssociationPage 12

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Engagement</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>British Institute of Facilities ManagersBritish Insurance Brokers' AssociationGMBUnite the Union, Transport & General WorkersPage 13

<strong>Security</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> P.O. Box 49768 London WC1V 6WYPhone 020 7025 4100 Fax 020 7025 4101 E-mail info@sia.homeoffice.gov.ukwww.sia.homeoffice.gov.ukGEN/11-12/17 (strategy)

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