'Vulnerability': A Matter of Perception - nirapad

'Vulnerability': A Matter of Perception - nirapad

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‘Vulnerability’: A <strong>Matter</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perception</strong>5. Community people prioritize the elements at risk that need to be protected or strengthened. By convertingthe ‘crunch model’ into positive statements the ‘release model’ is created, providing thedirection in which people’s capacities (from step 3) should be strengthened to address root causes <strong>of</strong>vulnerability (from step 4). This puts capacities <strong>of</strong> poor people in a wider context, and risk reductionmeasures beyond the emergency and disaster paradigm.The Participatory Risk Assessment is part <strong>of</strong> a capability building process to transformcommunities at risk into resilient communities. To obtain reliable assessment results,there should be a certain level <strong>of</strong> contact and trust between the community and outsiders.The most common way aid agencies meet with communities at risk, is during anddirectly after a hazard event when they provide relief assistance. Relief boosts people’smoral and motivational senses, rather than fulfilling their urgent basic needs. However,relief aid could be an entry point to establish contact and to build initial rapport withcommunity leaders. From here a process <strong>of</strong> community capacity building can start toaddress their vulnerabilities. In the long run the need for relief interventions in aparticular high-risk community is reduced.Figure 1: Modified Disaster Crunch Model to analyze processes in Mindanao, Philippines, that led to armed conflictbetween Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Armed Forces <strong>of</strong> the Philippines, from community members perspective inMay 2000.Hazard:Crisisindicators• Rumors• Harassment• Isolatedkilling• Peopledisappear• Fire• Rape• Bombing• Shelling• Forcedresettlementin protectivecamps• Curfew• FoodblockadeElements at Risk(Disaster Situation)• People – killed,wounded, injured,exhausted, hungry• People are afraid,traumatized, suffermental illness• Women give prematurebirth, havemiscarriages• Family separation• Divided communities:Moro – Christian• Houses, schools andother assets lost• Animals lost / injured• Low mobility affectinglivelihood / harvest• Economic disruption• Education <strong>of</strong> childrendisrupted• Destruction <strong>of</strong>infrastructure• Environmentaldestruction• Spread <strong>of</strong> diseases• People are displaced• Cramped / poorfacilities in evacuationcenter• Feeling intimidated byaid workers• Tired <strong>of</strong> answeringquestions posed byaid workers / outsidersUnsafe conditions Dynamic Pressures Root Cases• Community situated in ornear MILF camp / militarydetachment• Community located intarget area <strong>of</strong> TNCs,mining companies, etc.• People not able to bringclothes, assets, etc. toevacuation center (EC),because no warning• Too dangerous to continueharvest, therefore acutehunger• Illiteracy (on Human Rightsissues, Mining Act, etc.)• No secure evacuation site• No water available in EC• Low employability• Poor health condition /malnutrition• Food shortage• Discrimination by othergroups• Accused <strong>of</strong> beingsympathizer with rebels• Dangerous to return toprevious home because <strong>of</strong>vigilantes• Traditional leadershipstructures not recognizedby aid workers• No say in local politics• Feeling inferior,marginalized• Internal refugeesbelong tomarginalized groups,because <strong>of</strong> origin orreligion• Low income levelsand unstablelivelihoods• No secured land rights• No access to basicservices• GO does not prioritizehumanitarianassistance• GO and TNCs forceaccess to exploitnatural resources(gas, wood, gold,land, etc)• Incorrect projection <strong>of</strong>conflict by media• Internal refugees usedby politicians forpersonal (election)gains• Cease fire violations• Since colonial timesdomination <strong>of</strong> ‘outsiders’over originalpopulation• Land grabbing lawsmade in Manila• Philippine Governmentfavors TNCs’ interestsover Moro issues• Philippine Governmentuses militarization toensure access tonatural resources• Philippine Governmentuses Abu Sayyaf andbiased media todeclare total war inMindanao• Laws, GATT, etc.further marginalizeoriginal population• Difference in politicaland economic IdeologyDisaster Management Working Paper 4/2001Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre14

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