Enterprise Data Management (Managing Complexity)

Enterprise Data Management (Managing Complexity)

Enterprise Data Management (Managing Complexity)


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Conventional Network Theory(Based on Erdos)• 40 years ago, 6 seminalpapers that spawnedgraph theory• Influencing us to this day• Key assumptions:– Static– Passive– RandomErdos: Father of ‘network theory’

Conventional Network Wisdom(Degrees of Separation)5072.7918.59

The Network Other “Anomalies” Isn’t Random!FDR 22KnamesTelemarketingcall volumesRod Steigerprobability(10E-120)120)Web Pages: random probability 5 incoming links is 10 -99But a few pages have a MILLION !

Old vs NewNetwork Theory• 1982 Kenneth Wilson wins Nobel Prize(scale invariance predicts power laws)• Leads to new network assumptions:– Static becomes Dynamic (growing)– Random becomes Scale Free (power laws)– Passive becomes Competitive (fitness rule)<strong>Enterprise</strong> complexity requires adifferent type of System Engineering

Power Laws PredictHubs/Loose CouplersIt’s Capitalism All Over• Early Bird Has the Advantage• The Rich Get Richer• Fitness CountsApplies to All Large Networks• Web pages, Internet, Blogs• Referenced papers, Actors• Worm nervous systems, diseases, jobs

Loose Couplers In Large NetworksTakeaway ConceptsGroups + Loose Couplers Large NetworksWhat WON’T WorkMaking One Big GroupMaking Everything Uniformly ConnectedTreating Large Networks like Bigger Small Networks

5003 Network Value ModelsValueReed’s (2 N Exponential)Metcalf’s (N 2 Squared)Sarnoff’s (N Linear)01 4N7 10

Does This New Network ViewReally Matter?• We need to view the C2 <strong>Enterprise</strong> network as:– Growing (Plan for incremental spirals)– Power Laws (80/20 rule shows where to put energy)– Fitness Rule (Let the market have a say)• Can be applied to– Architectures– Network Availability Analyses– <strong>Data</strong> StrategiesIf we believed this, we would changethe way we are building the GIG

A Case StudyApplying Loose Couplersto<strong>Data</strong> Interoperability

Impossible to fully implement/testA Look At DOD Standards5 JVMF (non-compatible) versions & growingTADILJTADILJLink-22Link-22Nato-ExNato-ExJVMFJVMFUSMTFUSMTFEPLRSEPLRSACARSACARSR3R3R4R4R5R5K0.1K0.1K5.19K5.19K10.2K10.218,014,398,509,482,000 variationsEach version has about100 different messages(e.g., TIDP-R4 has 122)54 conditional“branch” fields

What’s a System to Do? Pick Subsets(but they’re never the same!)

Can We Use New Network Theory to Help?(Groups + Loose Couplers)Loose Couplers: Category, Name, Address, Phone NumberDoctors Lawyers Plumbers RealtorsWhat are the Loose Couplers for Military <strong>Data</strong> Standards?TADILJTADILJLink-22Link-22Nato-ExNato-ExJVMFJVMFUSMTFUSMTFEPLRSEPLRSACARSACARS

“Good Enough” Loose Couplerscomplement (not compete with) traditional“Best” big standardsA Different Approach• Accept existence of multiple COI standards• Connect COIs with loose couplers• 1 Common Language (XML is de facto standard)• Small Vocabulary (ID key items via Power Law)– Take intersection not union of all systems’ data needs– Look at frequency usage for what is really valued– Conduct due diligence analysis/modeling engineering

Take the Intersection not the UnionCursor on Target: What, Where, WhenDirect Fire Mission:What: HostileWhere: 72.558º...When: 1950Z—…Details: www. biggun.army//...Blue Force Tracking:What: FriendlyWhere: 72.31234º...When: 1930Z—…Details: www.4thBgd//...Surveillance results:What: ISR ISR dataWhere: 73º—74º...When: 1930Z—…Details: www. intel.af//...Air Air Space Deconfliction:What: ReservationWhere: 72º, 72º, 73º, 73º, 74º, 74º,When: 1950Z—…Details: www. batttery.army...

Look at What’s Used, not Spec’dTADIL J-Series Message Frequency100% of Network Traffic7550250L16 NetParticipant &ID (19% is J2)SurveillanceTrack &Points(66% is J3)WHATWHEREWHEN(J2, J3)TRACKMGT(J7)85% 10%Looks A Lot Like a Power LawMISSIONASSGNT(J12)PLATFORMSTATUS(J13)OTHER2% 2% 1%Source: Recorded Traffic, Joint Combat ID Evaluation, 2003 & 2004

Power Law in <strong>Data</strong> Standards• The more systems that must adopt acommon standard, the simpler it must be<strong>Complexity</strong>of <strong>Data</strong>StandardTADIL JJVMFLoose CouplersCoTNumber of Systems Using Standard

Is This “Too Simplistic”?• <strong>Complexity</strong> management is not new• Abstraction of key details is a provenapproach in:– Layered Architectures– Object Oriented– Evolution of Integrated Circuits• Disruptive TechnologiesTradeoff ‘Best’ for ‘Good Enough’ to shift from ‘Local’use to ‘<strong>Enterprise</strong>’ use and shift from ‘Long’developments to ‘Rapid’ developments!

Validating Theory withExperimentation10 Lessons Learned UsingCursor on Target as A Loose Coupler

Operation Northern Watch(Intel to F15E)F15EAWACSLINK16JTIDSADSI(AF)CoT1. No changeto existingcode sovery lowcostAOCCoTINTEL

OIF,OEF(Special Tactics to F15E)F15EBAO(SpecOps)AWACSLINK16JTIDS2. Programssynchronizestrategy notscheduleJSOTF(Spec Ops)CoTADSI(AF)CoTTCTF(AF)CoTCoTADOCS(Joint)AOCCoTINTELCoTSOLE(Spec Ops)

Deployed BAO Kit Improved TargetingAccuracy & Reduced Timeline By 70%Old ManualMethod: 27 Minutes“Cursor on Target…was right on target...magnificent”Gen John JumperCSAFM2M with CoTMethod:

AC130 Gunship Situational Awareness(LINK16 SA Picture-AC130)AC130FalconviewF15EBAO(SpecOps)JSOTF(Spec Ops)CoTAWACSCoTCoTADOCS(Joint)LINK16JTIDSADSI(AF)CoTAOCCoTINTELTCTF(AF)CoTCoTSOLE(Spec Ops)4. <strong>Data</strong> isagnostic toradio transport(e.g., Link16radios aren’tneeded to seeLink16 data!)5. Rapid design(typicallyweeks)

AC-130 Gunships Using CoT to GetLink16 Picture over ARC231 RadiosLINK16ADSILINK 16GatewayPC + ARC231Radio“no one had a solution…in 10 days it [CoT] wasworking in our labs”Mike StephensAC-130 Program Office

JBFSA ACTD (Foal Eagle-Korea)(FBCB2-GCCS-AWACS-JSTARS)BAO(SpecOps)CoTFBCB2(Army)CoTAC130FalconviewJSOTF(Spec Ops)AWACSCoTF15ELINK16JTIDSADSI(AF)CoTCoT CoT CoT CoTADOCS(Joint)GCCS-J(Joint)AOCJSTARSINTELTCTF(AF)CoTSOLE(Spec Ops)6. Really cansupportpub/sub service;profiling,dynamic rules,access rules,prioritization, etc.7. N-squared(really 2 N ) netcentricdataflows connectCOIs together

JSTARS ICAN Funded to SendKey <strong>Data</strong> Using IP Over Today’s RadiosIP Based SystemE-mailImagerySAChatIP TransportRadio DriverPC + LegacyRadioDr. Lin Wells (OSD/NII)supports our“IP over Legacy Radios”efforts

Joint Operational Testbed System (JOTBS)(JFCOM UAV Forward Look ACTD)UAVsGnd CtrlStationsARC210BAO(SpecOps)CoTAC130FalconviewJSOTF(Spec Ops)F15E JSTARSAWACSLINK16JTIDSCoTADSI(AF)CoTTCTF(AF)CoT8. Scalable:AF, Army,Navy, Marines,Spec Ops, IntelCoalition,UAVs,Munitions,Chat, etc.CoTJMSM(UAV Cell)FalconviewCoTFBCB2(Army)CoTC2PC(Army)CoT CoT CoT CoTADOCS(Joint)GCCS-J(Joint)AOCINTELSOLE(Spec Ops)

Deployed UAVsUsing Cursor on Target for SA“we are using the C2PC COT adapterfor our Scan Eagle UAV’s. ..workingextremely well…we want more!”S/F, Maj Rob BuzbyIMEF Info <strong>Management</strong> OfficerCamp Fallujah Iraq (11/12/04)PredatorUAV SA JFCOM Cmdr. James M. Joyner,called the cursor-on-target scheme “a defacto standard for tactical systemintegration." (1/06/05)Scan EaglePioneerDEPSECDEF initiativerecommending CoTfor sharing UAV SA

JEFX: Navy FBCB2 to F/A 18 BFSAUAVsGnd CtrlStationsARC210CoTJMSM(UAV Cell)FalconviewBAO(SpecOps)CoTFBCB2(Army)CoTAC130FalconviewJSOTF(Spec Ops)CoTC2PC(Army)AWACSCoTF15ELINK16JTIDSADSI(AF)CoTCoT CoT CoT CoTADOCS(Joint)GCCS-J(Joint)AOCJSTARSF/A 18DCSRAIDER(Navy)CoTINTELRaindrop(Intel)TCTF(AF)CoTSOLE(Spec Ops)9. Missionboundaries aremerging: TCT,BF, ISR willbecomeintegrated;Critical toexperimentwith user(warfighter)frequently


CAF-MAF Global Conops Synchronization(Tankers on Target)10. Netcentric strategy outruns & dramatically expands CONOPSUAVsAC130FalconviewAWACSF15EJSTARSF/A 18B52FalconviewKC135LINK16Gnd CtrlStationsBAO(SpecOps)JTIDSDCSARC210JSOTF(Spec Ops)CoTCoTADSI(AF)CoTRAIDER(Navy)CoTTCTF(AF)CoTCoTCoTTACC(AF/AMC)InternetCoTJMSM(UAV Cell)FalconviewCoTFBCB2(Army)CoTC2PC(Army)CoT CoT CoT CoTADOCS(Joint)GCCS-J(Joint)INTELSOLE(Spec Ops)NIPRNET

B-1 Reaction to CoT Sent overCombat Track II Radios“I flew with it and it was amazing…a huge leap in combat …this system worksnow and we flew it last night without any additional cost or hardware”GEORGE A. HOLLAND III, Maj. USAFAsst Ops Officer77th WPS, USAF Weapons School

Traditional Systems Engineering isDifferent than <strong>Enterprise</strong> EngineeringThe Watchmaker:Everything has its place.The Gardener: Plant,Fertilize, Weed; Repeat.“Good Enough” may be “Best” for the<strong>Enterprise</strong>, and what’s “Best” for 1 may notbe “Good Enough” for the <strong>Enterprise</strong>

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