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DESIGN OF THE KNOWLEDGE BUILDING COMPONENTDate: January 15-February 20, <strong>2009</strong>ObjectivesThe Knowledge Building Component, based on self study and on-line distance learningincluding readings and Papers writing, aims at deepen practitioners understanding andimprove their knowledge in the field of curing and preventing corruption in LocalGovernments organizations.Trainers/ tutors: Ronald MacLean Abaroa, Senior Governance & DecentralizationSpecialist, Urban & City Management, World Bank Institute, Washington DC whoworked together with Ana Vasilache and Nicole Rata in preparing and conducting PAPKB Component.DescriptionIn order to design this component we have:• Searched the website for identifying and checking the relevant readings andwhere we can purchase them• Developed the design and finalized it during our planning meeting organized inWashington with Ronald MacLean Abaroa, in the period February 9-15, <strong>2009</strong>• Finalized the schedule of the modules• Elaborated a letter for selected participants explaining the design, the criteriafor Papers evaluation and for the next component selectionThe Knowledge Building Component was organized in 4 learning modules:Module 1: Understanding Corruption in OrganizationsModule 2: Understanding OrganizationsModule 3: Understanding Local Governments OrganizationsModule 4: Understanding Change Management in OrganizationsPURCHASE OF THE BOOKS AND PROVIDING THEM TO PARTICIPANTSDate: February 20-March 25, <strong>2009</strong>Objectives: To provide participants the readings to be studied in each module, asdescribed in the Knowledge Building componentDescription• Search on amazon.com and identify the site that mail books in Romania. Onlyamazon.de was willing to send us the purchased books, and they did not haveall the titles we wanted in the necessary number. For the other titles we had toorder them to be delivered in UK and from them to receive the package throughpersonal channels.• For the first module, all materials were accessible in electronic format that iswhy the selected participants could start to study the first module withoutwaiting to receive the books. The electronic format of ‘Corrupt Cities” book wasprovided by authors, MILC was accessible on Internet.• The CDs with MILC were provided by WBI and we sent them through mail withthe first package of books• We decided to send all packages through UPS from Romania, becauseamazon.com did not deliver books in some of the countriesCONDUCT THE KNOWLEDGE BUILDIN COMPONENTDate: March 1- May 31, <strong>2009</strong>Description:• After studying the readings provided for each module, participants, working intheir teams, elaborated 1 Paper for each module, in which they applied the8

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