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ACTION THROUGH FACILITATION: TRAINING PROGRAM FOR YOUTH NGOSProject frameThe project was financed by the European Commission’s Youth in Action Program, under Action4 – Youth Support Systems, 4.3 – Training and networking of those active in youth work,having the period of implementation January – March 2008.Project Goal and ObjectivesThe project’s overall goal was to create a core of young experts in facilitation that wouldinitiate and support constructive conflict management in their multiethnic communities and inEuropean youth projects.The project included 2 components:• A 6-day training course organized, which took place in Busteni, Prahova County, Romania;• Technical assistance in finalizing project proposals.Project manager and trainers: Andreea Buzec was the project manager and, together withIvana Volf from Balkan Idea Novi Sad, designed and delivered the training course and assutedthe participants in finalizing propject proposals within the Youth in Action Program based onthe acquired knowledge and skills.Date and location: Busteni, Prahova County, April 3-9, <strong>2009</strong>Training course objectivesThe training course had the following objectives:• Improved knowledge and skills as facilitators in the design and conduct of participatoryproblem solving/planning processes;• Developed Action Plans to apply acquired knowledge and skills.ParticipantsThe project involved 20 young people active in youth organizations from Romania, Macedonia,Serbia and Turkey, aged between 18-30 years of ageProject description:Together with its partners, <strong>FPDL</strong> made the participants selection. The training course wasdesigned based on a careful need analysis so that the learning objectives, instruments andmethods fit participants’ expectations. In order to ensure a reliable learning process, thetraining course was divided in two modules:• 3 days for theoretical input on what is conflict, ethnic conflict, conflict stages, conflictmanagement techniques, facilitation, facilitator’s roles, what is participatory planning andparticipatory planning steps;• 3 days for preparation and simulation of a real-life problem solving/planning process in amultiethnic community.Training materials: the participants were provided with copies of brochures elaborated by<strong>FPDL</strong>: What is Conflict?, What is Ethnic Conflict? and What is Facilitation? together withother handouts on topics of interest for the training course.Evaluation and conclusions:Based on participants’ evaluations, we can conclude that the training session was successful:The organizer’s staff was sensitive and supportive to participants’ needs – 4.80 %,the way this training was delivered was effective for participants’ to learn – 4.61%, theyclearly understood the training program objectives – 4.76%, the program met all of its statedobjectives – 4.71%.27

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