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Relevance of the TOTs and Training MaterialsMaterials produced and disseminated by <strong>FPDL</strong> areof great value and are frequently usedTraining Materials are higly relevantTOTs are highly relevant and responsive to localneeds60%70%91,70%Relevance of training materials (source: survey)The program”Working Together” makes good use of materials and experiencedeveloped over a number of years both inside and outside of the region. The base ofvery good materials, good training of trainers and good personal contactsstrengthened by the training sessions and cemented in the annual meetings is a goodfoundation for future development. The partners in the network are themselvesincorporating materials and training into ongoing programs.However challenges are seen as:• Length of training events. Many of the training events are very short, whichthough good for cost and ease of attendance makes it difficult to go into depth,creating the risk of superficiality. The annual network meeting is only one day,which after procedural points does not leave much time to go into depth. Thisaspect should be reviewed.• Continuously evolving situation requires re-assessment both of subject areas andtarget countriesEfficiencyOverall the program was managed well and funds appear to have been properly used.Strong points include:• Creative use has been made of utilising already developed or partly developedmaterials and adding value to them. This has allowed considerably greaterperformance than would be the case if everything had to be developed from new.• The financial management of the programme was good and reporting was timelyand fullChallenges include:• The reporting of LGI funding would have been more useful if the context of othersources of funding was also reported so that the leveraging effect of the LGIfunding was more apparent.• Monitoring and Reporting is an area which could be improved. <strong>FPDL</strong> have mettheir commitments in terms of reporting and reporting has been full in timely.Analysis of impact would be easier if reporting was more consistent and if moreeffort goes into following up on indicators of impact. This is difficult to do inpractice, but it is important to build up hard evidence to support the investment incapacity building. An improved reporting format should be agreed between LGIand <strong>FPDL</strong>.ImpactOutcomes and broader impact of programs are, in general, difficult to measure. Thefactors influencing success are often beyond the control or direct influence of theprogram itself. However, this is not a reason to ignore the area, rather one to workharder at building evidence. From the materials, interviews and survey we areconfident that the impact is positive and significant. In particular, the broader impactresulting from <strong>FPDL</strong>’s work with international partners provides a considerably wider18

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