85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow


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ENGINE ELECTRICALSystem III - Electronics TestingROM Chip Removal and InstallationThe chip can be removed and replaced with theappropriate chip puller and installation tool. You willneed to supply ROM Removal Tool (Digi-Key PNK158-ND; Call 1-800-344-4539); and Nyogel (PolarisPN 2871 044). Note the location of the indicator notchwhen replacing the chip (see photo). The system will. not function with the chip in backwards or with the chippins not properly in their sockets. See thespecification section in this chapter for chipinformation.CAUTION: The computer chip and the ECU areextremely sensitive to static electricity. The handlingof either component in a static electricity environmentwill cause irreversible damage. Work on a metalbench or other static dissipating surface. It is veryimportant that you ground yourself by touching thecrystal inside the ECU before any internal servicework begins on the ECU assembly. See theIllustrations 1 and 2. Ifthe ECU has not been removedfrom the machine, be sure to unplug it beforeproceeding.NOTCHFSM5631Connector1. Disconnect main harness ·connector from ECU.Remove phillips head cover screws and cover.2. Touch the crystal located inside the ECU box toground yourself before proceeding. SeeIllustrations 1 and 2. CAUTION: The chip and theECU are very sensitive to static electricity.Working inside the ECU without groundingyourself may cause irreversible damage to eitheror both components.3. In the event you are removing an old chip forreplacement, place ROM removal tool (Dig i-KeyPN K158-ND) over ROM chip. Pull up on triggersto securely grasp chip and pull chip out.III. 1White line on boarde sure notch on ROM ispositioned hereCrystal - touch beforeperforming service toground yourself[X/RXL ECU Box4. Check charts on page 4.35 to be sure you areinstalling the correct ROM.5. Coat the pins of the ROM with a light coating ofNyogel (Polaris PN 2871044).6. Carefully insert the ROM, making sure the notchon the end of the ROM matches the notchindication mark drawn in white on the circuitboard. See illustrations 1 and 2. CAUTION: If thechip is installed with the notch incorrectlypositioned the chip will be ruined and the machinewill fail to run.7. Align cover gasket, positioning cover rubberbumper above chip. Reinstall cover screws andreconnect wire harness. Install select monitor 111.2and check functions.8/94 4.52@Crystal - ___ IXtouch beforeperformingservice toground your-selfWhite lineon boardBe sure notch on ROMchip is positioned hereConnector500 ECU Box@@(

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