85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow


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ENGINE ELECTRICALDynamic Testing of Electric Starter SystemCondition: Starter fails to turn motor or motor turns slowly.NOTE: Assure that <strong>engine</strong> crankshaft is free to turn before proceeding. For this test a digital multitester mustbe used.With tester on VDC, place tester black lead on batterynegative (-) terminal and tester red lead on batterypositive (+) terminal. Reading should be 12.6Vor greater. Is it?No-+Yes~(A) Page 4.32Disconnect red engagement coil wire from start solenoid.Connect black tester wire to an appropriateground and red lead to red harness wire at solenoid.Rotate ignition key to the start position. Metershould read battery voltage. Does it?No-+Yes~Reconnect solenoid, connect tester black lead tobattery positive terminal and red tester lead to solenoidend of battery to solenoid cable. Turn key tostart position. The reading must be less than .1 VDC. Is it?No-+Yes ~(8) Page 4.32Connect black tester lead to solenoid end of batteryto solenoid cable and red tester lead to solenoid endof solenoid to starter cable. Turn key to start position.The reading must be less than .1 V DC. Is it?No-+Yes ~(C) Page 4.32Connect black tester lead to solenoid end of solenoidto starter cable and red tester lead to starter end ofsame cable. Turn key to start position. The readingmust be less than .1 V DC. Is it?No-+Yes ~(D) Page 4.32Connect black tester lead to starter frame. Connectred tester lead to battery negative (-) terminal. Turnkey to start position. The reading should be lessthan .1 V DC. Is it?No-+Yes~(E) Page 4.32If all these tests indicate a good condition, yet thestarter still fails to turn, or turns slowly, the startermust be remove for static testing and inspection.Remove battery, test and/or service. Install a fullycharged shop battery to continue the test.(Continue with left column)With black tester lead on ground, check for voltageat large relay in terminal" circuit breaker in and outterminals, and across both sides (red and red/white)of the ignition switch with switch on start. Repair orreplace any defective parts.Clean battery to solenoid cable ends or replacecable.Replace starter solenoid.Clean solenoid to starter cable ends or replacecable.Clean ends of <strong>engine</strong> to battery negative cable orreplace cable.c4.31 8/94

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