85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow

85 engine electrical.pdf - Vintage Snow


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ENGINE ELECTRICALAlternator Output Test - Open CircuitCAUTION: Perform this test with a digital volt/ohmmeter such as the Fluke 73 (PN 2870659), orequivalent. Set meter to AC volts (V..-v) whenperforming the test.1 . Disconnect alternator connector from <strong>engine</strong>.2. Insert red test lead into yellow wire coming from<strong>engine</strong> alternator.3. Black tester lead must be grounded to either the<strong>engine</strong>, a brown wire at the connector, or theyellow/red wire at the plug. See plug wireidentification for proper hook-up.4. Start <strong>engine</strong> and observe AC voltage reading on multitester. Slowly increase RPM to 3000 and note voltage.The reading should be approximately 20 volts. Readings of 15 to 45 VAC are considered normal. If readingsare low, remove flywheel and look for damaged magnets, shorted or damaged lead wires or damaged lightingcoils. Repair or replace problem component and recheck.5. On EFI models AC amps can be checked between Gray and GrayIWhite. At 5,000 RPM reading should be 7amps.Lighting System Identification - Test between labeled wires.Used On:100 Watt Singles120 Watt Twins150 Watt Singles and Twins200 Watt Twins120 Watt 3 Cylinder180 Watt 3 Cyl. (Carb.)170 Watt 3 Cyl. (Carb.)1990, 1991 RXL1992, 1993 500 EFI180 Watt1992 to Current 650 EFI250 Watt Twin - 500 EFIGrayIWhiteCheck Lighting Coil BetweenYellow and Brown.Check Battery ChargingBetween Gray and GrayIWhite.Gray/WhiteGrayBrownlWhiteCheck Lighting Coil BetweenYellow and Brown.Check Battery ChargingBetween Gray and BrownlWhiteand GrayIWhite and BrownlWhite.BrownYellowNOTE: Gray, GrayIWhite, BrownIWhite are Bullet Type Connectors4.27 8/94

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