Kitchen Safety Contract

Kitchen Safety Contract

Kitchen Safety Contract


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PREVENTING ACCIDENTS1. Keep cupboard doors and drawers closed when not in use.2. Stand on a short stepladder or a sturdy step stool with a waist-high hand bar to get at high orhard to reach items.3. Turn pot and pan handles toward the center of the stove or counter so that the pots or panswon’t get knocked over.4. Clean up spilled foods or liquids immediately with a paper towel and/or dust pan and broom.PREVENTING BURNS1. Avoid leaving the kitchen if you have food cooking. Fires can spread in seconds.2. Use medium or low temperatures for cooking greasy foods. If a grease fire starts, turn offthe heat and smother the fire with a tight-fitting lid, baking soda or salt. Never use water –it will make a grease fire spread.3. Keep all flammable objects, away from the stove. Be especially careful with your recipe,paper bags, potholders, oven mitts, kitchen towels, and plastic bags and containers.4. Use dry potholders or oven mitts when cooking hot foods and liquids or removing themfrom the stove, oven, or microwave.5. When cooking, remove lids by tilting them away from you to allow steam to escape awayfrom your face and hands. Use wooden spoons or long cooking spoons with heat resistanthandles.6. Don’t wear clothing with long, loose-fitting sleeves. The sleeves can catch fire.7. Tie back long hair.8. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

PREVENTING CUTS1. Keep knives sharp. Sharp knives are safer than dull ones.2. Cut food away from your body. Use a cutting board for all cutting jobs.3. Wash knives and sharp objects separately from other utensils.4. Store knives in a special compartment. Never play with knives or point them towardyourself or someone else.5. Never pick up broken glass with bare hands. Sweep it into a dustpan immediately. Thenwipe the floor with several thicknesses of damp paper towels, put broken pieces into a bagthat has been labeled “broken glass”, and place the bag next to the trashcan.PREVENTING ELECTRIC SHOCKS1. Always unplug a toaster before trying to pry food from it. Never use a fork or knife toremove food while the toaster is plugged in. Metal conducts electricity.2. Avoid using any appliance that has a frayed or worn cord.3. Dry your hands thoroughly before touching electrical equipment.4. Disconnect appliances by pulling out the plug, not by tugging on the cord. Keep portableappliances unplugged when not in use.CLEANLINESS1. Tie your hair back if it is long.2. Put on an apron.3. Wash your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds to one minute. (Sing theAlphabet Song or count to 100 to yourself). Use friction to wash palms and top of hands,between fingers, and to clean under fingernails. Completely rinse with clean water and drywith paper towels.4. Keep hands, counters, and utensils clean.5. Use paper towels for drying hands and dishtowels for drying dishes. Use a dishcloth forwashing dishes and a sponge or paper towels for cleaning counters.If you are caught doing anything unsafe, you will be removed from class,referred to the office, and measures will be taken.I, _______________________________ agree to follow these safety procedures.Print nameYour signature ____________________________ Period ______ Date________Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________

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