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Useful informationFiji, South PacificResponsible travelWe’re passionate about travel but also deeplyaware of the responsibility we have to the peopleand places we visit. We believe that a visit from an<strong>Audley</strong> traveller should have a positive impact onthe destination and, wherever possible, bring realbenefits. We always endeavour to use locallyowned hotels, work with local guides andoperators, and promote community and wildlifeprojects. Our <strong>Travel</strong>ler’s Code offers tips andadvice you can use to ensure your trip does notthreaten the sustainability of the places you visit.We carbon offset all our staff flights and you canchoose to do the same, please speak to yourspecialist about this or follow the link on ourwebsite www.audleytravel.com/offset. Ourcommitment to responsible travel has beenaudited by AITO (Association of IndependentTour Operators) and we have been awarded fivestars, the maximum achievable. We also supporta variety of social and environmental charitiesand projects around the world.For more information about travelling responsiblyand the charities and projects we support pleasevisit www.audleytravel.com/rtTerms & Conditions and<strong>Travel</strong> InsuranceYour booking is subject to the Terms andConditions of <strong>Audley</strong> <strong>Travel</strong>, which we will includewith your personalised itinerary and can also befound on our website. It is vital that you haveadequate travel insurance and we are able tosuggest a number of policies either for theduration of your trip or on an annual basis.Maori boys at Waitangi Day festivalHoneymoonsThe South Pacific islands are iconic honeymoondestinations, offering powder-soft white sandbeaches, exotic swaying palm trees and sparklingatoll lagoons that for many make the archetypalhoneymoon destination. New Zealand, on theother hand, can offer a little bit of everything.Whether you are looking for relaxation on apristine beach, exploring the country’s spectacularmountain scenery or taking part in a wide varietyof activities, New Zealand has it all.When you arrange your honeymoon with <strong>Audley</strong>you can also use our Honeymoon Gift Service.This provides you with your own website, whichyour friends and family can visit to contributetowards the cost of your honeymoon.FlightsThere is a wide choice of airlines to choose fromwhen planning your itinerary to New Zealandand the South Pacific. The journey time to NewZealand is around 27 hours and it takes almostas long to reach most South Pacific destinations.The airline cabins are comfortable, well designed,and offer varying levels of leg room dependingon your choice of travel class. The average seatpitch in economy is 32 inches, 38 in premiumeconomy and 60 in business class, althoughthese do vary.On-board entertainment is excellent with achoice of films, television programmes and music.Complimentary meals and drinks, including barservice, is served by most airlines. Our specialistswill be delighted to make recommendations onthe airlines and routes to best suit you.Mount Cook National Park, New ZealandAITO Membership<strong>Audley</strong> is a member of theAssociation of Independent TourOperators. The Association represents Britain’sleading independent tour operators andencourages high standards of quality and service.<strong>Audley</strong> abides by the Association’s Code ofConduct and adheres to the AITO QualityCharter which can be viewed on www.aito.com.Photography in this brochureWe would like to thank the followingphotographers and organisations for the imagesused in this brochure:Alamy, AWL Images, Bill Hobdell, DestinationMarlborough, Dreamstime, Hawke’s Bay TouristBoard, Istockphoto, Nelson Tasman Tourism,New Zealand Cycle Trails, Robert Harding,Steve Allen, Superstock, Thinkstock, TourismNew Zealand – Chris McLennan, Tourism NewZealand – Rob Suisted, Tourism New Zealand– Scott Venning, hotels and suppliers featuredin the brochure and members of the NewZealand team.All images used in this brochure were obtainedin good faith by <strong>Audley</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> Group Limitedand in the belief that all necessary consents andclearances were obtained for their use. For anyqueries relating to photography please contact uson 01993 838 040.Visit our officesIf you would like to discuss yourtravel arrangements in person wewelcome personal visits, pleasecall in advance to arrange anappointment with one or more ofour country specialists. Our officesare at the New Mill, a 17th centuryconverted wool mill on the outskirtsof Witney, ten miles west of Oxfordon the edge of the Cotswolds.www.audleytravel.com/visit-uswww.audleytravel.comOur website is packed withinformation, features and advicecovering all our destinationsacross the globe. On the site you canbrowse by theme, special interest orregion as well as viewing additionalaccommodation options and itinerariesthat are not featured in this brochure.You can download all our brochures onlineor contact us via the website where thereis the option to tell us about your plans sothat we can start tailoring your itinerary.Useful information 87

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