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Halfmoon Bay, Oban, Stewart IslandWildlifeA South Island robinStewart IslandSome 29 kilometres across the Foveaux Straitfrom the South Island is Stewart Island. With apopulation of just 400, most of whom live in andaround one township, Oban, the pace of life isrelaxed and the islanders are genuinely friendlyand welcoming. There are only 27 kilometres ofroads on the entire island, so to explore beyondthe immediate vicinity of Oban, hiking or boats arethe only ways to go. Most of the island has adense cover of native bush or rainforest andnearly 90% of it is protected within RakiuraNational Park. The original Maori name, Te Pungao Te Waka a Maui translates as ‘the anchor stoneof Maui’s canoe’ and positions Stewart Islandfirmly at the heart of Maori mythology.62As much of Stewart Island is uninhabited andprotected, it offers an excellent habitat for nativebirds such as the bellbird, kakariki, kereru, tui, kakaand New Zealand’s iconic kiwi. On Stewart Islandthe kiwis, unlike their mainland cousins, are activeduring daylight hours and their calls can be heardin remote areas throughout the day and night.One of the largest of New Zealand’s six varieties,the Stewart Island kiwi is found in relatively goodnumbers on the Island – 20,000 are estimated tobe living here. They are easier to see, however, onnearby Ulva Island, where tours combine a cruisewith a kiwi spotting walk. The unique environmentof Stewart Island is also home to Stewart Islandrobins, and large populations of mollymawks andalbatrosses. There are also five species of penguinswhich nest in this southern sanctuary and a trip onthe water often includes encounters with dolphins, South Island brown kiwisea lions, fur seals and even the occasionalelephant seal. Stewart Island Lodge,Stewart IslandAn unspoilt island retreat nestled in the naturalbeauty of the bush in Halfmoon Bay, StewartIsland Lodge has unsurpassed views of the bay andsurrounding hills. The main building includes adining room and lounge, suitably appointed withleather sofas where you can relax in comfort, takein the beautiful view and converse around a largefire. In finer weather you can soak up the sea airfrom the deck.Stewart Island Lodge

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