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Birds of theOtago PeninsulaMuch of the Otago Peninsula is managed by atrust as a wildlife sanctuary and many speciesof sea birds and waders can be found aroundthe tidal inlets, including oystercatchers, terns,spoonbills, plovers and herons. The rareStewart Island shag nests below the naturereserve viewing area, giving visitors on aguided tour an excellent viewing opportunity.Southern fur seals can be seen at Pilots Beachand often their pups can be observed fromthe clifftops playing in rock pools or sleepingin the sun. At sunset visitors can watch from adistance as little blue penguins return fromthe sea and make their way up the beachesto their burrows in the sand; the rareryellow-eyed penguins can sometimes be seentoo. This remarkable abundance of wildlife isdrawn to the area by the Southern Ocean’scold currents which rise above thecontinental shelf providing a rich and constantfood source. The peninsula’s Taiaroa Headhosts the only mainland colony of albatrossesin the world and the return of the first royalalbatross, the world’s largest sea bird, to itsTaiaroa Head breeding ground each season,is greeted by the ringing of Dunedin’schurch bells.Stewart Island shagRoyal albatrossNew Zealand bellbirdYellow-eyed penguinNisbet Cottage, near DunedinSet in a quiet area overlooking Dunedin, this isone of New Zealand’s finest eco-tourismventures. Staying in one of the two guest roomsfor either two or three nights, you will experiencesuperb hospitality combined with excellent localguiding. Your hosts will wake you before dawnfor a beach walk to observe rare yellow-eyedpenguins in their natural environment.The penguins are usually very active in the morningand you can spend time watching these fascinatingbirds from the private viewing hide. You may alsoencounter endangered New Zealand sea lions onthe beach. The tour is followed by a heartybreakfast, then an exploration of the OtagoPeninsula’s more remote areas, including a visit toTaiaroa Head, where you may be fortunateenough to see royal albatrosses in flight.Nisbet Cottage, near DunedinOtago PeninsulaEncapsulating the best of New Zealand, theOtago Peninsula offers rare and unusual wildlife,historic buildings, woodland gardens, a spectacularharbour and dramatic coastal scenery. Like somuch of the country, the peninsula is volcanic inorigin, forming part of an ancient crater wall.For this reason the landscape is high and ruggedalong the southern side and sheltered to the northalong the harbour front. A half day drive aroundthe peninsula offers the chance to explore therugged ‘high road’ which runs over the top of thepeninsula via Larnach Castle to Taiaroa Head,home to a royal albatross colony, fur seals andrare yellow-eyed penguins, as well as the moreprotected ‘low road’ along the stunning coast.Excellent wildlife cruises, which explore the area insearch of seals, albatrosses, dolphins and penguins,are also available from Dunedin.Fur seals, Otago Peninsulawww.audleytravel.com/newzealand l 01993 838 820 l South Island 59

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