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Fiordland National Park cruisingViewing Fiordland National Park from the waterFiordland National Park epitomises NewZealand’s scenery at its best – dramatic,ancient, natural and pristine. The area hasachieved UNESCO World Heritage status andvisitors flock to see iconic vistas such as MitrePeak rising sharply out of the blue-green depthsof the glacially carved fiord. Although it ispossible to view some of the region from theair, to really appreciate the scale of thelandscape you need to see it from the water.Protected from the swell of the sea, themeandering waterways are tranquil and flat,ideal cruising territory for even the mostsickness-prone voyagers.Milford SoundThought by the Maori to have been carvedout by demi-gods, the fiords of New Zealandare a natural wonder, whether glistening inthe sunlight or dark and moody in the rain.Milford Sound is without doubt one of themost beautiful, and Mitre Peak, so-calledbecause of its resemblance to a bishop’s mitre,is best seen from its waters. Even the road intoMilford Sound has earned itself UNESCOWorld Heritage status as it threads throughlakeside forests, cascading alpine rivers andimpressive mountain peaks.Doubtful SoundEven more remote than Milford and thedeepest of all the fiords, Doubtful Sound isequally rewarding. Bright blue tranquil watersare surrounded by an untouched wildernessof mountain peaks, fiords and rainforests.The area supports a rich array of bird andmarine life, including crested penguins, furseals and bottlenose dolphins.Exploring the fiordsThese spectacular fiords can be reached bycar, but escorted coach transfers can also bearranged. The ultimate experience, though, isto combine an overnight cruise with a thrillinglight aircraft transfer. Please speak to your NewZealand specialist for further information.Milford MarinerThe majority of visitors to Fiordland flock toMilford Sound hoping to capture that iconicshot of Mitre Peak. However, when dusk fallsand the day’s visitors have departed, MilfordSound descends into silence and the MilfordMariner, with no more than 60 passengers onboard, quietly slips its moorings. Cruising southtowards the open sea, its passengers canappreciate the landscape in all its naturalbeauty with guides helping to spot marine andbird species and providing an unobtrusivecommentary on the magnificent scenery.Dropping anchor in the serene waters ofHarrison Cove, there’s a chance to explore bykayak or from the ship’s small boats. As theshadows lengthen, a delicious buffet dinner isserved in the spacious saloon before you retireto your private en suite cabin for the night.Milford MarinerFiordland crested penguinFiordland NavigatorThe Mariner’s sister ship, the 72 passengerFiordland Navigator, takes you on a journeyeven further from civilisation. <strong>Travel</strong>ling bycoach from Lake Manapouri, you cross thesteep Wilmot Pass before descending to DeepCove where the Navigator awaits. The ship willtake you the length of Doubtful Sound and itswinding waterways, venturing out to the sealcolony that guards the entrance, beforeanchoring in a sheltered cove for kayaking,swimming and exploration in small boats. Theon-board guides will alert you to any wildlifesightings along the way and the skipper willshut down the engines and generators allowingyou to hear the calls of the native birds. Dinneron-board is included and all cabins are en suite.Fiordland Navigatorwww.audleytravel.com/newzealand l 01993 838 820 l South Island 57

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