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Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake TekapoA cloud level view of Mount Cook, Mount Cook National ParkScenic flight, Mount Cook National ParkMount Cook National ParkNow part of a designated World Heritage area,Mount Cook National Park covers an area of over700 square kilometres, of which more than a thirdis permanently covered in ice and snow. No lessthan 22 of New Zealand’s highest mountains arecontained within this park, and Aoraki (as MountCook is locally called), which translates as the‘Cloud Piercer’, is the highest at 3,754 metres.The road takes you as far as Mount Cook Village,the starting point for a range of treks, flights, 4x4tours, and cruises that explore the advancingglaciers. On a clear day the views are unsurpassed.Do watch out for cheeky alpine keas – inquisitivegreen and red parrots that inhabit the SouthIsland high country.Sir Edmund HillaryAlpine CentreThe Alpine Centre pays tribute to Sir EdmundHillary, one of the world’s greatest explorers, andalso serves to showcase the Mount Cook regionand its people. In a dedicated museum space thearea’s history is outlined through the key themesof transport, climbing and the history of theHermitage Hotel. A special area is dedicated tothe life and achievements of the nation’s mostfamous explorer whose mountaineering daysbegan on the slopes of Mount Cook. The centrealso houses a full-dome planetarium, 3D cinemaand state-of-the-art star gazing decks. Educationaland entertaining, this is a must for anyone visitingthe area.Glacier boat cruise, Mount Cook National ParkGlacier boat cruiseThe Tasman Glacier is New Zealand’s largest,and unlike most glaciers it terminates in a lake.This three-hour trip includes an alpine walk alongthe shores of Lake Tasman, sheltered below theMount Cook Range, from where you boardcustom-built boats to take you on to the lake.The grandeur of this ancient ice flow towers overa setting of ultimate serenity, shattered only by theoccasional wall of ice calving off the glacier faceand falling into the still waters of the lake.The Hermitage Hotel, Mount Cook VillageThe Hermitage Hotel,Mount Cook VillageThe Hermitage Hotel is one of New Zealand’sbest-known establishments and is synonymouswith the Kiwi spirit of adventure. Set in aspectacular but isolated location, it has a colourfulhistory and is a surprisingly substantial place forsuch an unpopulated region. The hotel makes themost of the impressive views on every side andoffers a good range of guest rooms from simplemotel units to luxurious suites with expansiveviews. The hotel also offers a selection of diningoptions meaning you can enjoy a hearty mealafter a day out in the alpine air.Hooker Valley, Mount Cook National Parkwww.audleytravel.com/newzealand l 01993 838 820 l South Island 51

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