Year 12 Graduation Academic Awards - 2012 - Academy of Mary ...

Year 12 Graduation Academic Awards - 2012 - Academy of Mary ...

Year 12 Graduation Academic Awards - 2012 - Academy of Mary ...


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great opportunities that come with being in the ‘VCE Class <strong>of</strong> 2013’, it is essential that the girls devote sometime over their summer break to complete their holiday homework tasks.Semester ReportsTeachers are finalising reports in this last week <strong>of</strong> teaching. The reports for <strong>Year</strong>s 7 - 10 will be available forcollection by parents or students from the College on Wednesday December <strong>12</strong>. Parents can access a digitalcopy <strong>of</strong> the reports through the College Intranet from Monday December 10.Merry ChristmasI would like to wish all members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Academy</strong> community a happy and a holy Christmas season and arelaxing summer break. I want to acknowledge the support and hard work <strong>of</strong> all the Heads <strong>of</strong> Department whohave work closely with me in my role as Director <strong>of</strong> Teaching and Learning. I also want to acknowledge thewonderful support <strong>of</strong> Ms Pina Vrzovski in the Student Office who has attended to a vast array <strong>of</strong> curriculumadministrative tasks. Finally, I want to thank all the teachers for their dedication, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism and thepositive manner in which they worked this year.DIRECTOR OF FAITH AND MISSIONMr Mark Hyland, Director <strong>of</strong> Teaching and LearningReflection DaysLast week our <strong>Year</strong> 7 homeroom groups each travelled to Eltham for their Reflection Day. Invited by the fineweather and the wide open spaces <strong>of</strong> the Eltham Community Centreeveryone took the opportunity to enjoy relaxing in the outdoors.During the reflection day activities, many students surprised themselveswhen they reflected on the things they had written at the end <strong>of</strong> <strong>Year</strong> sixregarding their worries about secondary school. Almost all were thingsthat they quickly adjusted to, didn’t eventuate or were not the problemthey thought they would be.The <strong>Year</strong> 7 students <strong>of</strong> 20<strong>12</strong> have come a long way this year and havedeveloped a sense <strong>of</strong> cohesion as a group. The concluding liturgy atthe end <strong>of</strong> each day served as a lovely reminder <strong>of</strong> the Mercycommunity to which they belong.(Photo- 7 Green)End <strong>of</strong> <strong>Year</strong> Mass<strong>Year</strong> 11: The <strong>Year</strong> 11 students concluded their year and a week <strong>of</strong><strong>Year</strong> <strong>12</strong> Orientation classes with a celebratory Mass and Assembly onFriday 30 th November. Thank you to Father Peter Varengo for leadingus in prayer.<strong>Year</strong> 7-10: As I prepare this newsletter article a dedicated team <strong>of</strong> students who make up the Liturgy Groupare preparing the End <strong>of</strong> <strong>Year</strong> Mass for the whole school to be held on Tuesday 4 th December. Given the time<strong>of</strong> year there is a natural focus on Advent and the anticipation <strong>of</strong> the birth <strong>of</strong> Jesus. It has been a privilege towork with these students throughout the year, their contribution has been invaluable.Christmas HolidaysIn the Christian calendar, this Sunday is the first Sunday <strong>of</strong> Advent which marks our spiritual preparation forChristmas. While it is almost impossible for most <strong>of</strong> us, Advent for me also marks the time when I do my bestnot to go anywhere near shops! I have been known to head to a shopping centre and leave within 10 minutes<strong>of</strong> seeing the frenzy <strong>of</strong> gift buying and the money being spent on things that may not be valued. At that point Iwill find friends or family to visit instead. I know for most the shopping has to be done….but I need the balance<strong>of</strong> taking quiet time to be with those I love, reflect, be appreciative, remind myself <strong>of</strong> the real reason wecelebrate Christmas and to give myself time for the spiritual amongst the busy days. My wish for you all isthat you find yourself with time and opportunity for peaceful thoughts at this time <strong>of</strong> year.Wishing you and your loved ones a lovely Christmas and safe and happy holidays,Ms Karen Fogarty, Director <strong>of</strong> Faith and Mission<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

YER <strong>12</strong> REPORT<strong>Graduation</strong> Night, Tuesday November 27, 20<strong>12</strong>Now that the VCE exams have concluded, <strong>Graduation</strong> night wasan opportunity to <strong>of</strong>ficially farewell the class <strong>of</strong> 20<strong>12</strong>.<strong>Graduation</strong> night is such a special milestone and one <strong>of</strong> life’smost significant moments. It is something we carry with us for therest <strong>of</strong> our lives. For the parents it is a proud and symbolic eventin their lives also, and a reward for their patience, perseveranceand love.Congratulations to all our students who graduated on the nightand thank you to all who supported the night. We had 394 peopleattend the night at “The Centre” in Ivanhoe and it was an eveningthat marked the <strong>of</strong>ficial close <strong>of</strong> the 20<strong>12</strong> year.Our guest speaker, Ms. Cathryn Prowse, a partner in ColinBiggers and Paisley Lawyers, was an excellent example tostudents and spoke <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> persistence andresilience in life. She is so very proud to call herself an“<strong>Academy</strong>” past pupil and has proven that women can play asignificant role even in traditionally male dominated environments.Thank you Cathryn for your excellent input and for providing uswith “10 Tips for Living”.It was a pleasure to catch up with and talk to many <strong>of</strong> the parents andstudents during the evening. I would like to take this opportunity to thankall the parents for their support throughout this year and the past sixyears. The best outcomes can only be achieved through genuinecollaboration and open communication.It was a privilege to be the <strong>Year</strong> <strong>12</strong> Coordinator and I will miss the Class<strong>of</strong> 20<strong>12</strong>. Even though many students would hate to admit it I am surethey will miss the College also.I have very much enjoyed my role this year and have particularly enjoyedworking and interacting closely with all the students.I value each and every one <strong>of</strong> them for their individuality and uniquenessand thank them for their contribution to this great school. My hope is thatwe have provided an environment that fosters and nurtures theirindividual talents. Each student leaves their unique mark on the school. Ilook forward to catching up with them on their reunion night next March.I wish you all a safe Christmas break and an opportunity for you to havea well earned break with your families. May God always bless your livesand be that voice that guides you in that journey.Mr. John Andritsos, <strong>Year</strong> <strong>12</strong> Coordinator<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

FROM THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT<strong>Year</strong> 10 Mathematics CommitteeThe <strong>Year</strong> 10 girls have been busy preparing for the visit <strong>of</strong> Grade 5 and 6 students from Sacred Heart Fitzroyand St Joseph’s Collingwood. The girls prepared a range <strong>of</strong> interesting mathematical tasks for the students toparticipate in. This was the last event for the girls who formed the committee this year. The students include:Sharmaine Arachchige, Khoa Bui, Celine Cao, Alessia Castello, Yan Ru Chen, Indira Natoli, Suzie Nguyen,Jessica Incoul, Ashlie Kha, Mariana Lauretta, Emma Lightfoot, Chloe Smith, Jessie Tran, Delena Tran, SashaWidmer Sonia Doan and Clare Martin.2014 Mathematics Text Books.You would be aware that the implementation <strong>of</strong> the National Curriculum in 2013 has necessitated a change <strong>of</strong>Mathematics text books in <strong>Year</strong> 7 to 10. Unfortunately this means that there can be no secondhand selling orbuying <strong>of</strong> texts this year. Next year, however, every student will be able to sell their textbook and buy asecondhand text. The text next year will have an access code that enables internet access to the textbookand other resources. Students can enter this code into two devises and the code has a four year life. Makesure the code is kept in a safe place so it can be sold with the text book at the end <strong>of</strong> the year.On 3 rd December the <strong>Academy</strong> was visited by students <strong>of</strong> SacredHeart and Saint Joseph’s Primary School. Both came to take part ina healthy competition to help improve their mathematics andleadership skills. The day was organized and run by the <strong>Academy</strong>’s<strong>Year</strong> 10 Maths Committee, involving some activities on thecomputers on the site sumdog and other activities such as; greedypig, highest number and heads & tails.The day was described by the participants as;Mr Craig Tellefson, Head <strong>of</strong> Mathematics“Super awesome fun!”“I really like it”“The computer bits were my favourite”Erin-Rose Donohue, <strong>Year</strong> 10FROM THE IT DEPARTMENTOn November 29 th a group <strong>of</strong> eight <strong>Academy</strong> studentsfrom <strong>Year</strong>s 8 and 9 participated in a RoboticsCompetition at Melbourne University. The girls hadno previous experience with robots but had aninquisitive keenness to learn more. They worked withstudents from other schools to program a robot toperform specific challenges. The group with the bestrobot on the day won the challenge. Ruby Sinclairwas proud to be a member <strong>of</strong> the winning group – welldone Ruby!!In addition to the challenge, the students were veryfortunate to meet the founder <strong>of</strong> RoboGals, YoungAustralian <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Year</strong> - Marita Cheng – and be part <strong>of</strong>a documentary featuring Marita; which we understandmay be aired in 2013. Watch this space for details in2013.<strong>Academy</strong> Girls:2 nd Row: Olivia Brown, Olivia Martinez, Eva Franklyn, ,RoboGals Founder Marita Cheng, Anna Vuong, <strong>Mary</strong> Nguyen, Ruby SinclairFront Row: Ginny Vo and Lauren Crawford<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

<strong>Year</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>Graduation</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Awards</strong> ‐ 20<strong>12</strong>Company Award RecipientElynwood Cleaning Accounting Monica Voong (<strong>Year</strong> 11)Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd Art Stephanie Crowe (<strong>Year</strong> 11)Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd Art Tania RomanoNational Supply Biology Quyen NguyenWinthrop Australia Business Management Vanessa StoicovNational Supply Chemistry Amy CattapanCatholic Development Fund Drama Fae O’Toole (<strong>Year</strong> 11)Mrs Susan Danckert English Amy CattapanMrs Susan Danckert English Language Claudia LombardThe Catering Company Food Technology Emily LynchNational Supply French Giulietta BussoThe Catering Company Global Politics Emily ChanThe Catering Company Health & Human Development Monique O’MahonyElynwood Cleaning History‐ Revolutions Adriana MellsWombat Plumbing Pty Ltd Italian Emily SpieziaWinthrop Australia Japanese Jessie HunterCatholic Development Fund Legal Studies Tania RomanoMrs <strong>Mary</strong> Vereker Literature Claire BarleyWinthrop Australia Mathematical Methods Jessie HunterTimetabling Solutions Mathematics ‐Further Monique O’MahonyPeter CasamentoMusic PerformanceBridget OagPhotographyCatholic Development Fund Physical Education Phoebe JamiesonProduct Dynamics Physics Anna WisniewskiFuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd Psychology Clare McLeodSisters <strong>of</strong> Mercy Religion & Society Alexandra PiaiaPeter CasamentoStudio ArtThea SmithPhotographyPeter CasamentoTexts and TraditionsTess RobertsPhotographyFuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd VET Interactive Digital Media Emma NigroZart Art Visual Communication & Design Clare McLeod<strong>Academy</strong> Spirit AwardCompanyFinesse Carpet CleaningFinesse Carpet CleaningFinesse Carpet CleaningFinesse Carpet CleaningRecipientEmma NigroHarriet DarbyIsabella CavedonThea SmithThe Elynwood CleaningCaltex All Rounder Award for 20<strong>12</strong>Monique O’MahonyWe acknowledge with appreciation the sponsors <strong>of</strong> all these awards.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

Scholarship Recipients for 20<strong>12</strong>MERCY SCHOLARSHIP NOMINATIONThe following students were chosen according to the criteria stated by Mercy Secondary EducationIncorporated.• Exercise genuine concern for others• Be active in their involvement in fund raising and assistance for others less fortunate• Promote school spirit, act as role models for others• Be involved in community services and activities• Achieve excellent academic results<strong>Year</strong> 7 - Hannah CheeversHannah is a young woman who embodies the positive qualities <strong>of</strong> Mercy. She is a gentle andcaring individual who shows concern, compassion and empathy for others. During 20<strong>12</strong>, in herrole as Class Captain, these qualities have been highlighted. She has been proactive in arange <strong>of</strong> leadership activities and initiatives which have required problem solving, collaborationand being solutions oriented. She lives Mercy values in action and treats all with respect. Sheactively acknowledges the strengths and gifts <strong>of</strong> others. She is humble in her day to dayactions and finds ways <strong>of</strong> being <strong>of</strong> service to both students and teachers, especially in relationto fundraising. She listens well and has the capacity to build bridges between individuals andgroups <strong>of</strong> students. She has a positive outlook and always looks for the good in others.<strong>Year</strong> 8 – Millicent BoagMilly shows genuine concern for others. Her caring and trusting nature has resulted in herbeing elected into the <strong>Year</strong> 8 SRC and she is highly respected by her peers. During 20<strong>12</strong>, Millyhas been an active member <strong>of</strong> the Justice Group, and was a strong contributor to Mercy Dayfundraising. She was particularly helpful in dedicating her time and ideas for the Social, whichwas the major fundraiser for <strong>Year</strong> 8, as well as organising a whole year level collection for a giftto farewell a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Academy</strong> staff. Milly’s enthusiastic nature and willingness to getinvolved in social justice, has helped to create a culture at <strong>Academy</strong> to always think <strong>of</strong> thoseless fortunate.<strong>Year</strong> 11- Monica DoMonica has displayed a strong sense <strong>of</strong> social justice and Mercy and never hesitates to lend ahand. She is respected by her peers because she is willing to take a stand on social issuesaffecting young people. She is a member <strong>of</strong> the Justice group which promotes the awareness<strong>of</strong> inequity and injustice and is also a member <strong>of</strong> the Young Mercy Justice Tree group. In thepast she has been a member <strong>of</strong> the College Cantors, Speech Choir, Maths Committee and hasbeen a Peer Support Leader. She has also assisted with the College Musical. Monicamanages to balance her extra curricular activities with her studies and has completed Unit 3and 4 Psychology this year. She always maintains a positive sense <strong>of</strong> school spirit and she will be leading usas the Justice Captain for 2013.PAST PUPILS: Each year the Past Pupils’ Association <strong>of</strong> the College generously donates 2 scholarships tobe awarded to two <strong>Year</strong> 11 students who have achieved excellent results in their VCE Units 1 and 2Mathematics and Science subjects. This year’s recipients are:Sanja Vukoman, <strong>Year</strong> 11 GreenPast Pupils’ Science ScholarshipMonica Voong, <strong>Year</strong> 11 GreenPast Pupils’ Mathematics Scholarship<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

URSULA FRAYNE SCHOLARSHIP: Criteria for each Scholarship:• Outstanding <strong>Academy</strong> Ability across a range <strong>of</strong> subjects• Involvement in Extra Curricular Activities• Commitment to the Mercy Ethos <strong>of</strong> the College• Positive Contribution to the College CommunityTess Devine-Hercus<strong>Year</strong> 8 RedLucia Soriani<strong>Year</strong> 8 RedYolanne Carvalho<strong>Year</strong> 9 SilverHeidi Bula<strong>Year</strong> 9 RedSharmaineArachchige<strong>Year</strong> 10 GreenYan-Ru Chen<strong>Year</strong> 10 BlueThe Barbara Teycheney Spirit <strong>of</strong> Endeavour Award.The criteria for the award is:• Strong personal motivation• Persistent and resilient in the face <strong>of</strong> challenges• Consistently conscientious approach to study• Co-operative in the learning process.Doris Lam, <strong>Year</strong> 11 SilverADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award 20<strong>12</strong>The students who win this award do so because they havedemonstrated a very high degree <strong>of</strong> leadership ability; anappreciation <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> the contribution <strong>of</strong> everyone in theteam, have maintained a high level <strong>of</strong> integrity in dealing withpeople at all levels and have taken the lead in achieving difficulttasks in adverse circumstances.Emma Lightfoot<strong>Year</strong> 10 BlueHolly Harverson<strong>Year</strong> 11 BlueKwong Lee Dow Young Scholarship ProgramThis program will afford the participants the opportunity to mixwith like-minded peers and future leaders. A tailored program <strong>of</strong>events and activities will support and enhance their secondarystudies, inspire their career plans and provide opportunities tointeract with the University community.Yan-Ru Chen - 10Has been accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow YoungScholars Program at the University <strong>of</strong> Melbourne.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

Student <strong>of</strong> the Term - Term 4Isabella Doherty, <strong>Year</strong> 7 SilverIsabella exemplifies all the positive behaviours <strong>of</strong> a Mercy student. She is hardworking andcaring. She always goes out <strong>of</strong> her way to help others in the class. She encourages others todo their best work and takes much care and thought with her own work. She is alwayspunctual and takes care to represent the College community appropriately by wearing heruniform correctly. She treats all the members <strong>of</strong> our school with respect, this includesteachers, administration staff or students. She has demonstrated that she can work well bothindependently and in groups. She never gives up and her positive attitude makes 7 Silver agreat place to be.Lucia Soriani, <strong>Year</strong> 8 RedLucia is focused, enthusiastic, hard-working, mature and dedicated. She relates well toteachers and peers and is an engaged member <strong>of</strong> class. Furthermore, her determination to dowell is truly admirable and deserves acknowledgement. She is always immaculately dressed,well prepared for all her classes and always the first to help during homeroom when tidying upat the end <strong>of</strong> the day. Her polite manner and respectful nature makes her a wonderfulexample <strong>of</strong> a student <strong>of</strong> Mercy.Stephanie Gar<strong>of</strong>olo, <strong>Year</strong> 9 BlueThis young woman has continued throughout this <strong>Year</strong> to be an attentive, diligent and hardworking <strong>Academy</strong> student. Her teachers have all said she is a delightful young lady, alwayscheerful and friendly. Her homeroom teacher has indicated that she is a great help in thehomeroom and is always punctual and well dressed. She has been eager to do her best inher studies; seeking assistance whenever needed. She is also always prepared to assistother students’ needs and doesn’t think <strong>of</strong> herself first. Stephanie is a thoughtful andconsiderate person who is ever alert for those around her and she is a reliable friend. She isalso supportive <strong>of</strong> the extra curricular sporting program and was involved in the Intermediates<strong>of</strong>tball team, providing great leadership throughout the tournament.Indira Natoli, <strong>Year</strong> 10 GreenIndira is a quiet, conscientious and hardworking student. She works consistently in all lessonsand is always kind to fellow students. She has achieved excellent grades across all subjectsthis year and always ensures work is handed in on time and is completed to the very best <strong>of</strong>her ability. She embodies the Mercy values and spirit and is always happy to help others.She is a well mannered and thoughtful student who is always polite and friendly. During herweek <strong>of</strong> Work Experience at a Primary School she showed outstanding maturity andresponsibility and was highly praised by everyone with whom she worked. On the school tripto Japan, she immersed herself in the experience by always happily trying new things and engaging withothers. She has participated in many extracurricular activities throughout the term and is also a valuedmember <strong>of</strong> the College Band.Devi Langley, <strong>Year</strong> 11 RedDevi has been a valued contributor throughout the whole year, not just in Term 4. She hasbeen a hardworking and diligent student in all <strong>of</strong> her subjects. She is an extremely wellorganized student. She has managed a busy VCE timetable, that includes studying VET <strong>of</strong>fcampus, membership <strong>of</strong> the Concert Band and VCE Book group, but has continued to keepher classwork complete and submitted punctually.It is in homeroom that she has proven to be a star. She has shown the initiative to remind,distribute, record and collect.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

DATES FOR 2013Full Calendar will be distributed in January.TERM 1: College Office Opens .................................................... Monday, 14 th JanuaryAustralia Day Holiday .................................................... Monday, 28 th JanuaryStaff Preparation and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Days ........ Tuesday, 29 th January to Thursday, 31 st January<strong>Year</strong>s 7 and <strong>12</strong> students commence ............................. Friday, 1 st February (1.00pm finish)All Students commence classes .................................... Monday, 4 th FebruarySchool Photos ............................................................... Tuesday, <strong>12</strong> th FebruaryOpening College <strong>Year</strong> Eucharist ................................... Thursday, 14 th FebruaryHouse Swimming Carnival……… .................................. Tuesday, 19 th FebruaryHouse Athletics Carnival ............................................... Monday, 4 th MarchLabour Day Holiday ....................................................... Monday, 11 th March<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students finish classes - Term 1 .............. Wednesday, 27 th MarchStaff Spirituality Day ..................................................... Thursday, 28 th March (no classes)Term 1 Holidays .......................................................... Friday 29 th March to.......................................................... Friday, <strong>12</strong> th April (inclusive)TERM 2:TERM 3:<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students commence classes ................... Monday, 15 th April<strong>Year</strong>s 7, 8 & 9 Parent/Teacher Interviews .................... Wednesday, 24 th April (afternoon/evening)ANZAC Day Public Holiday ........................................... Thursday, 25 th AprilStaff Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Day ................................... Friday, 26 th April (no classes)<strong>Year</strong>s 10, 11 & <strong>12</strong> Parent/Teacher Interviews .............. Tuesday, 30 th April (afternoon/evening)Queen’s Birthday Holiday .............................................. Monday, 10 th JuneCorrection & Report Writing Day ................................... Wednesday, 19 th June (no classes)<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students finish classes - Term 2 .............. Thursday, 27 th JuneReport Collation / Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Day ................ Friday, 28 th June (no classes)Term 2 Holidays…………………………….................... Monday, 1st July to...................................................................................... Friday, <strong>12</strong> th July (inclusive)<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students commence classes ................... Monday, 15 th July<strong>Year</strong>s 10, 11 & <strong>12</strong> Parent/Teacher Interviews ............... Monday, 29 th July (afternoon/evening)<strong>Year</strong>s 7, 8 & 9 Parent/Teacher Interviews ..................... Wednesday, 21 st August (afternoon/evening)Staff Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Day ................................... Thursday, 22 nd August (no classes)Mid Term Break ............................................................. Friday, 23 rd AugustMercy Day ..................................................................... Friday, 13 th September<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students finish classes - Term 3 .............. Friday, 20 th SeptemberTerm 3 Holidays………………………… ....................... Monday, 23 rd September to...................................................................................... Friday, 4 th October (inclusive)TERM 4:<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to <strong>12</strong> students commence classes ................... Monday, 7 th OctoberLast Day <strong>of</strong> Classes for <strong>Year</strong> <strong>12</strong> .................................... Tuesday, 22 nd OctoberMid Term Break ............................................................. Monday, 4 th NovemberMelbourne Cup Day holiday .......................................... Tuesday, 5 th NovemberCorrection & Report Writing Day ................................... Friday, 22 nd November (no classes)Last Day for <strong>Year</strong> 11 ...................................................... Friday, 29 th NovemberCelebration <strong>of</strong> Excellence Evening ............................... Wednesday 4 th December<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to 10 students finish classes - Term 4 ......... Thursday, 5 th December (1pm)Semester 2 Report Writing,Report Collection andFriday, 6 th to Friday 13 th December2014 Course Consultation andCourse PreparationLast Day Teaching Staff ................................................ Friday, 13 th DecemberCollege Office Closes .................................................... Thursday, 19 th December<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Days for Staff:1. Thursday, 28 th March2. Friday, 26 th April3. Friday, 28 th June4. Thursday, 22 nd AugustPr<strong>of</strong>essional Learning Afternoons for Staff – Student will finish at 1.10pm.Term 1 Wednesday, 27 th FebruaryTerm 2 Monday, 20 th May and Thursday, 13 th JuneTerm 3 Tuesday, 13 th August and Tuesday, 3 rd SeptemberTerm 4 Thursday, 31 st OctoberParent Teacher Interviews – Students will finish at 1.10pm:Wednesday, 24 th April 2.10pm-8.30pm (<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to 9)Tuesday, 30 th April 2.10pm-8.30pm (<strong>Year</strong>s 10 to <strong>12</strong>)Monday, 29 th July 2.10pm-8.30pm (<strong>Year</strong>s 10 to <strong>12</strong>)Wednesday, 21 st August 2.10pm-8.30pm (<strong>Year</strong>s 7 to 9)Other student free days dates:Correction & Report Writing DayMid Term BreakMid Term BreakCorrection & Report Writing DayWednesday, 19 th JuneFriday, 23 rd AugustMonday, 4 th NovemberFriday, 22 nd NovemberDear Parents,STUDENT LOCKER PADLOCKS 2013Following a review <strong>of</strong> our current procedures we have decided to move away from the current system <strong>of</strong>student supplied locks. From 2013 each student will be supplied with a keyed <strong>Academy</strong> padlock.Currently our maintenance team cut <strong>of</strong>f approximately ten locks a week, representing a significant timecommitment as well as a safety risk each time a lock shackle is cut.The new system locks are 45mm solid brass padlocks, with a protected keying system. This will <strong>of</strong>fersignificantly higher levels <strong>of</strong> protection as we move into an era <strong>of</strong> higher value items being stored in studentlockers.Each lock has three keys. One will be supplied to your daughter, and the other two keys will be held atStudent Reception in case your daughter loses her key. If the reserve keys are subsequently lost, a new lockwill be supplied and charged to your account. <strong>Year</strong> level co‐ordinators will also have a master key to openstudent locks for their year level.The new locks will be supplied to students upon their return in February. A charge <strong>of</strong> $27 per student will becharged to fee accounts in January to cover the cost <strong>of</strong> the new padlock. Students are free to retain theirlocks at the end <strong>of</strong> their time at <strong>Academy</strong>.Yours sincerely,Sr <strong>Mary</strong> MoloneyPrincipalMr Adrian FullerDeputy Principal<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> ImmaculateMercy Education Limited. CAN 154 531 87088 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

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