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ContentsLast Date ForCommentThis technical regulation is concerned with the vehicle identification number (VIN) requirements. It appliesto passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, multi-purpose goods vehicles, trucks, buses, tractors,trailers, incomplete vehicles, and motorcycles.03/14/2010131415TBT NotificationG/TB/N/BHR/172NoCountry BahrainProduct ICS: 43.040.20Title" Motor vehicle head lamps - safety requirements" (available in Arabic, 42 pages & English, 33 pages).This regulation defines terms related to lighting and light signalling devices for road vehicles, and definesContentsthe essential characteristics for the installation of lighting devices on motor vehicles intended for use on theroad with the exception of vehicles which run on rails, agricultural or forestry tractors and machinery, and oilfield vehicles, and public works vehicles and similar.Last Date ForComment03/14/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N?BHR/173NoCountry BahrainProduct Mustard Sauce (ICS: 67)TitleMustard Sauce, Arabic (6 pages).ContentsLast Date ForCommentThis draft technical regulation specifies the requirements stated in the Gulf standard (GSO) “MustardSauce” under clauses 7 and 8 (packaging and labelling) as mandatory requirements. It specifies thefollowing:1. The product should be packed in suitable, defects free and tightly sealed containers to withstand thetransport, storage and handling conditions.2. The volume of packed material should not be less than 90% of the water capacity of the package at atemperature of 20 º C.It also describes label requirements such as :• The product name and type.• Storage conditions.• Net weight of container (International units).03/28/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/BHR/174NoCountry BahrainProduct Unshelled almondTitleVegetables, fruits and derived products - Unshelled almond, Arabic (8 pages).ContentsThis draft technical regulation specifies the requirements stated in the Gulf standard (GSO) “Vegetables,fruits and derived products - Unshelled almond” under clauses 6.2 and 7 (packaging and labelling) asmandatory requirements. It specifies the following:1. The product must be packed in a way that assures suitable protection to the content.2. The package should be free from foreign materials.4

Last Date ForCommentIt also describes label requirements such as :• The name of the product.• Trade name or brand name.• Name and address of the manufacturer or packer.• Batch number.• Net mass.• Grade of the product.• Producing country.• Harvest date (month – year).03/28/201018192021TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/BRA/355NoCountry BrazilProduct Biological Products.TitleDraft Resolution nº72, 4 November 2009 - Drugs (13 pages, Portuguese)This technical regulation establishes the procedures and conditions to perform stability studies to register oralter post-registration data of biological products. For imported products, the stability studies can beperformed in foreign countries, provided that they comply with the temperature and humidity conditionsContentsdefined in the Resolution. The deadline for complying with the conditions set forth in this Resolution is 24months after the date of entry into force of it. The Resolution will enter into force on the date of itspublication.Last Date For01/10/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/BRA/356NoCountry BrazilProduct Packages and equipment in contact with food.TitleDraft Resolution nº 79, 18 November 2009 - Packages and equipment in contact with food (15 pages,Portuguese)ContentsThis draft technical regulation establishes procedures for Good Manufacturing Practices and SanitaryInspections to be applied to establishments that produce packages and equipment in contact with food.Last Date ForComment01/19/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/BRA/357NoCountry BrazilProduct Fermented acetic products.TitleMinisterial Act Nº 398, 24 November 2009 (6 pages in Portuguese).ContentsDraft Technical Regulation that establishes requirements of identity and quality of fermented aceticproducts.Last Date ForComment03/20/2010TBT NotificationNoG/TBT/N/BRA/3586

Last Date ForCommentbefore upcoming amendments to these safety standards.A modification to section 106, Brake Hoses, of Schedule IV of the Regulations corrects the classes ofvehicles to which this safety standard applies. Section 106 applies to most classes of motor vehicles thatare regulated under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, including all motorcycle sub-classes(enclosed, open, limited-speed and motor tricycle), and not only to enclosed motorcycles, as was the casein the Regulations prior to this amendment. It also applies to trailers and trailer converter dollies, but doesnot apply to low speed vehicles. It appears that the applicability was overlooked and omitted when section106 was last amended. These corrections to the applicability of section 106 now make this sectionconsistent with Schedule III of the Regulations, which correctly indicates the classes of vehicle to whichsection 106 applies.03/12/201024TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CAN/293NoCountry CanadaProduct Prescription status of medicinal ingredients for human use (ICS : 11.120)TitleProposed Amendment to the Food and Drug Regulations (Notice of Intent - Project No. 1577 - ScheduleF) 5 pages available in English and French.ContentsThe purpose of this Notice of Intent (NOI) is to provide an opportunity for comment on the proposal toamend the current listings in Parts I and II of Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations by removing thelistings for four medicinal ingredients, thus allowing them to have non-prescription status.Since the coming into force of the Natural Health Products Regulations in 2004, all naturally sourcedsubstances meeting the definition of a natural health product are governed by these Regulations. However,products containing substances listed in Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations are explicitlyexcluded from the Natural Health Products Regulations.Health Canada has undertaken a review of the naturally sourced medicinal ingredients listed in Schedule F.As part of this undertaking, the Department’s Drug Schedule Status Committee (“the Committee”) hasreviewed science assessments for 11 naturally sourced medicinal ingredients and has recommended thatthese medicinal ingredients could be regulated (in whole or in part) as non-prescription natural healthproducts under the Natural Health Products Regulations.Health Canada is proposing that the following four medicinal ingredients be removed from Schedule F to theFood and Drug Regulations as none of the factors for listing in Schedule F were found to apply. This wouldmean that products containing these medicinal ingredients would not require a prescription to be sold inCanada and that manufacturers could apply for market authorization for these medicinal ingredients asnatural health products pursuant to the Natural Health Product Regulations.Description of the medicinal ingredients:Apiol, oil of — Apiol oil is found in the essential oils of parsley seed, dill seed, and, to a lesser extent, infennel seed, sassafras root bark and other plant species. Apiol oil is currently regulated as a prescriptiondrug although there are presently no known marketed prescription products that contain apiol oil. A reviewof the available scientific literature indicates that there is a wide margin of safety between the therapeuticand toxic doses of apiol oil. It has toxic effects in humans exposed to doses of approximately 1 g/day;however, the common presence of apiol oil in foods indicates a lack of toxicity at doses likely to be found inherbal medicines. No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with appropriate therapeuticdosages of parsley seed, whose medicinal properties are largely attributed to the apiol volatile oil content,and there are no reports of serious health risks associated with normal dietary ingestion or recommendedmedicinal use of parsley seed.Centella asiatica extract and active principles thereof — Centella asiatica extract is derived from a smallplant commonly known as gotukola. Centella asiatica extract is a concentrated preparation. An activeprinciple is the part of the drug upon which the therapeutic action of the drug depends. Centella asiaticaextract and active principles thereof have prescription status in Canada although there are presently no8

Last Date ForCommentknown marketed prescription products that contain Centella asiatica extract and active principles thereof.Centella asiatica crude herb does not have prescription status and is regulated as a natural health product.It is also available as a vegetable in South Asian markets. A review of the available scientific literatureindicates that there is a wide margin of safety between the therapeutic and toxic doses of Centella asiaticaextract. Centella asiatica extract and active principles thereof pose a low risk of undesirable or severe sideeffects. There is a very low percentage of adverse reactions compared to its length and frequency of useboth in food and medicine.Deanol and its salts and derivatives — Deanol, also known as dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE, is anaturally sourced chemical found in salmon roe, shellfish and fish oils. Deanol and its salts and derivativeshave prescription status in Canada although there are presently no known marketed prescription productscontaining deanol. Deanol is a precursor to choline, a chemical in the body used to make acetylcholine, achemical that is found in the brain and other areas of the body. A review of the available scientific literatureindicates that deanol does not have a narrow margin of safety between the therapeutic and toxic doses.Theobromine and its salts — Theobromine is a naturally occurring chemical substance that is found incocoa and chocolate and is also prepared synthetically for commercial purposes. Theobromine and its saltshave prescription status in Canada although there are presently no known marketed prescription productsthat contain theobromine. Theobromine affects humans similarly to caffeine, but to a lesser degree. Toxicityfrom the use of theobromine is very rare and is only seen at very high doses in humans; therefore, it doesnot possess a high level of risk relative to expected benefits. As well, theobromine has no known severeside effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels. Due to theobromine’s low potency as a drug and theavailability of more effective treatments, it is rarely used therapeutically anymore.Schedule F is a list of medicinal ingredients, the sale of which is controlled under sections C.01.041 toC.01.049 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Part I of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescriptionfor human use and for veterinary use. Part II of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescription forhuman use, but do not require a prescription for veterinary use if so labelled or if in a form unsuitable forhuman use.03/11/201025TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CAN/294NoCountry CanadaProduct Prescription status of medicinal ingredients for human use (ICS : 11.120)TitleProposed Amendment to the Food and Drug Regulations (Notice of Intent - Project No. 1651 - ScheduleF)ContentsThe purpose of this Notice of Intent (NOI) is to provide an opportunity for comment on the proposal toamend the current listings in Part I of Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations for four medicinalingredients to retain prescription status for specific strengths, uses, routes of administration or dosageswhile providing exemptions that would allow non-prescription status.Since the coming into force of the Natural Health Products Regulations in 2004, all naturally sourcedsubstances meeting the definition of a natural health product are governed by these Regulations. However,products containing substances listed in Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations are explicitlyexcluded from the Natural Health Products Regulations.Health Canada has undertaken a review of the naturally sourced medicinal ingredients listed in Schedule F.As part of this undertaking, the Department’s Drug Schedule Status Committee (“the Committee”) hasreviewed science assessments for 11 naturally sourced medicinal ingredients and has recommended thatthese medicinal ingredients could be regulated (in whole or in part) as non-prescription natural healthproducts under the Natural Health Products Regulations. Four of these eleven medicinal ingredients arepresented in this project.This proposed amendment would allow manufacturers to apply for market authorization for productscontaining the proposed exempted strengths, uses, routes of administration or dosages of the following four9

medicinal ingredients as natural health products pursuant to the Natural Health Products Regulations.Description of the medicinal ingredients:Dopamine and its salts — The current listing for dopamine and its salts would be revised to retainprescription status for injectable (parenteral) forms of dopamine and its salts. All other dosage forms androutes of administration at any strength and for any use would be exempt from prescription status.Dopamine is inactive in the body when administered orally. Therefore, there are no oral drug productscontaining dopamine on the market in Canada. Revising the prescription status of dopamine would mitigateissues with the licensing of orally administered natural health products with ingredients that might naturallycontain trace amounts of dopamine.Dopamine is administered by intravenous injection to treat kidney failure, septic shock and acute heartfailure resulting from a heart attack. It works by increasing blood pressure, heart rate and force of heartcontraction, and by causing constriction of blood vessels. Administration of dopamine by injection requiresdirect supervision by a practitioner and can cause serious adverse effects in the therapeutic dosage range.Retaining prescription status for injectable forms of dopamine and its salts is therefore recommended.Gold and its salts — The current listing for gold and its salts would be revised to retain prescription status forinjectable (parenteral) forms of gold and its salts and derivatives. The revised listing would be worded sothat it would not change the status of auranofin, an orally administered gold derivative that is listedseparately in Schedule F. Gold and its salts and derivatives in any other dosage form or route ofadministration at any strength and for any use would be exempt from prescription status.Gold is naturally occurring in trace amounts in nature, so it is appropriate to add qualifiers to the listing onSchedule F to avoid unintentionally subjecting products containing trace amounts of gold to prescriptionrequirements where it is not necessary.As prescription drugs, gold compounds are administered parenterally (by injection) to treat rheumatoidarthritis in patients for whom other treatments have been unsuccessful. Gold compounds administered bythe parenteral route can have undesirable side effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels and requiredirect practitioner supervision and routine laboratory monitoring.Lovastatin — The current listing for lovastatin would be revised to retain prescription status for all strengthsand dosage forms except when lovastatin is sold in oral dosage form that provides less than 1.0 mg perdosage unit or per daily dose. Oral dosage forms containing less than 1.0 mg of lovastatin would be exemptfrom prescription status.The proposed exemption for less than 1.0 mg is only 10% of the lowest therapeutic dose of 10 mg oflovastatin. This would allow red yeast rice products containing only trace amounts of lovastatin to bemarketed as natural health products in Canada. Red yeast rice is derived from yeast grown on rice and isused as food in some Asian countries. It contains several substances, including lovastatin, known to reducecholesterol.As a prescription drug, lovastatin is available in Canada and is used to treat high cholesterol and is usuallygiven in an initial dose of 10 to 20 mg daily, increased, if necessary, over a period of time to 80 mg daily toachieve target cholesterol levels.Uracil and its salts — The current listing for uracil and its salts would be revised to retain prescription statusfor uracil and its salts when sold for the treatment of cancer. Uracil and its salts for other uses at anystrength, dosage form or route of administration would be exempt from prescription status. Uracil is found inall living organisms so its listing in Schedule F without qualifiers is inappropriate.Uracil has been used as a prescription drug in conjunction with other anti-cancer drugs to enhanceantitumour activity and to reduce adverse effects. However, this therapeutic use is not currently in practicein Canada. If uracil were used in the treatment of cancer it would require the supervision of a practitionerand laboratory monitoring.Schedule F is a list of medicinal ingredients, the sale of which is controlled under sections C.01.041 toC.01.049 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Part I of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescriptionfor human use and for veterinary use. Part II of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescription for10

Last Date ForCommenthuman use, but do not require a prescription for veterinary use if so labelled or if in a form unsuitable forhuman use03/11/201026TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CAN/295NoCountry CanadaProduct Prescription status of medicinal ingredients for human use (ICS: 11.120)TitleProposed Amendment to the Food and Drug Regulations (Notice of Intent - Project No. 1656 - ScheduleF)ContentsThe purpose of this Notice of Intent (NOI) is to provide an opportunity for comment on the proposal toamend the current listings in Part I of Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations for three medicinalingredients to retain prescription status for specific strengths, uses, routes of administration or dosages,while providing exemptions that would allow non-prescription status.Since the coming into force of the Natural Health Products Regulations in 2004, all naturally sourcedsubstances meeting the definition of a natural health product are governed by these Regulations. However,products containing substances listed in Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations are explicitlyexcluded from the Natural Health Products Regulations.Health Canada has undertaken a review of the naturally sourced medicinal ingredients listed in Schedule F.As part of this undertaking, the Department’s Drug Schedule Status Committee (“the Committee”) hasreviewed science assessments for 11 naturally sourced medicinal ingredients and has recommended thatthese medicinal ingredients could be regulated (in whole or in part) as non-prescription natural healthproducts under the Natural Health Products Regulations. Three of these eleven medicinal ingredients arepresented in this project.This proposed amendment would allow manufacturers to apply for market authorization for productscontaining the proposed exempted strengths, uses, routes of administration or dosages of the followingthree medicinal ingredients as natural health products pursuant to the Natural Health Products Regulations.Description of the medicinal ingredients:Dimethyl sulfoxide — The current listing for dimethyl sulfoxide (also referred to as DMSO) would be revisedto retain prescription status for human use when dimethyl sulfoxide is sold for the treatment of interstitialcystitis or scleroderma and for all veterinary uses. All other human uses for dimethyl sulfoxide at anystrength and in any dosage form would be exempt from prescription status. Dimethyl sulfoxide is found inmany natural sources such as broad beans, alfalfa and garlic.Drugs containing dimethyl sulfoxide for human use are available in Canada with a prescription for treatmentof interstitial cystitis (a urinary bladder condition) and scleroderma (abnormal growth of connective tissuethat supports the skin). Several products are currently available as prescription drugs for veterinary use totreat conditions such as ear inflammation in dogs. These products would retain prescription status.Levocarnitine — The current listing for levocarnitine (also called L-carnitine) would be revised to retainprescription status for levocarnitine and its salts and derivatives when sold for the treatment of primary orsecondary levocarnitine deficiencies. Levocarnitine and its salts and derivatives for any other uses at anystrength, dosage form or route of administration would be exempt from prescription status. Levocarnitineoccurs naturally in animal products and in small amounts in most plants.Overall, levocarnitine functions in the body mainly in optimal fat utilization for energy production. Absorptionof levocarnitine is high from dietary sources but if dietary intake is low then the body can maintain abalanced level by synthesizing or reducing elimination of levocarnitine. In most people, sufficient quantitiesof levocarnitine are obtained from the diet or synthesized in order to meet human requirements.Primary levocarnitine deficiency is a genetically inherited condition related to the processing of levocarnitinein the body and can lead to muscle weakness and death from heart failure. Secondary levocarnitine11

Last Date ForCommentdeficiency syndromes are numerous, and include genetic defects of metabolism. Treatment of theseconditions with levocarnitine requires the supervision of a practitioner and routine laboratory monitoring.L-Tryptophan — The current listing for l-tryptophan when sold as a single ingredient would be revised toprovide prescription status for l-tryptophan— when sold for human use in oral dosage form as a single ingredient or in combination with otheringredients at a concentration of more than 220 mg l-tryptophan per dosage unit or per daily dose; and— when sold for human use or veterinary use as a single ingredient for any route of administration otherthan oral use.L-tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the human body and must beprovided in the diet. L-tryptophan acts in the body in the formation of the vitamin niacin and theneurotransmitter serotonin.L-tryptophan is available in Canada as a prescription drug for use in combination with antidepressant drugsto enhance the activity of the antidepressant. L-tryptophan is also sold in combination with other aminoacids in kidney dialysis and intravenous nutrition solutions without a prescription. The proposed amendmentwould not change the status of these products.Schedule F is a list of medicinal ingredients, the sale of which is controlled under sections C.01.041 toC.01.049 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Part I of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescriptionfor human use and for veterinary use. Part II of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescription forhuman use, but do not require a prescription for veterinary use if so labelled or if in a form unsuitable forhuman use.03/11/201027TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CAN/296NoCountry CanadaProduct Prescription status of medicinal ingredients for human use (ICS : 11.220)TitleProposed Amendment to the Food and Drug Regulations (Project No. 1624 - Schedule F) (5 pages,available in English and French).ContentsThis notification announces the availability of a letter that provides an opportunity for comment on theproposed addition of four medicinal ingredients to Part I of Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations.Description of the medicinal ingredients:1. Eculizumab is used to treat patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, a rare disordercharacterized by episodes of red blood cell destruction and blood in the urine occuring primarily at night.Individualized instructions or direct supervision by a practitioner is required. The patient may also requireroutine laboratory monitoring. Eculizumab may cause undesirable or severe side effects at normaltherapeutic dosage levels.2. Olmesartan medoxomil is used to lower blood pressure in patients in whom the cause of high bloodpressure is unknown. Olmesartan medoxomil works by acting on the naturally occurring hormone in thebody, angiotensin II which is actively involved in blood pressure. Individualized instructions or directsupervision by a practitioner is required. The patient may also require routine laboratory monitoring.Olmesartan medoxomil may cause undesirable or severe side effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels.3. Romiplostim is a protein used to treat low blood platelet counts in patients with immune thrombocytopenicpurpura, a disease in which the bodys immune system destroys platelets in the blood. Individualizedinstructions or direct supervision by a practitioner is required. The patient may also require routinelaboratory monitoring. Romiplostim may cause undesirable or severe side effects at normal therapeuticdosage levels.4. Ustekinumab is used to treat patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis is anautoimmune disease that causes scaly red patches called plaques on the skin. Individualized instructions or12

Last Date ForCommentdirect supervision by a practitioner is required. The patient may also require routine laboratory monitoring.Ustekinumab may cause undesirable or severe side effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels.The degree of regulatory control afforded by Schedule F (prescription drug) status coincides with the riskfactors associated with each medicinal ingredient. Oversight by a practitioner is necessary to ensure thatappropriate risk/benefit information is considered before the drug containing the medicinal ingredient isadministered and that the drug therapy is properly monitored.Schedule F is a list of medicinal ingredients, the sale of which is controlled under sections C.01.041 toC.01.049 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Part I of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescriptionfor human use and for veterinary use. Part II of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescription forhuman use, but do not require a prescription for veterinary use if so labelled or if in a form unsuitable forhuman use.03/27/201028TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CAN/297NoCountry CanadaProduct Prescription status of medicinal ingredients for human use (ICS : 11.220)TitleProposed Amendment to the Food and Drug Regulations (Project No. 1627 - Schedule F) (5 pages,available in English and French)ContentsLast Date ForCommentThis notification announces the availability of a letter that provides an opportunity for comment on theproposed addition of three medicinal ingredients to Part I of Schedule F to the Food and Drug Regulations.Description of the medicinal ingredients:1. Golimumab is a human monoclonal antibody that acts on the immune system and is used to treat adultswith active forms of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis (inflammatory diseases of the joints), andankylosing spondylitis (inflammatory disease of the spine). Direct supervision by a practitioner is requiredduring treatment and routine laboratory monitoring is required. Golimumab may cause undesirable orsevere side effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels.2. Lapatinib and its salts is an anti-cancer drug that is used to treat patients with HER2+ (receptor positive)breast cancer that is advanced or has spread to other parts of the body. Direct supervision by a practitioneris required during treatment and routine laboratory monitoring is required. Lapatinib and its salts may causeundesirable or severe side effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels.3. Vorinostat is an anti-cancer drug that is used to treat patients with advanced cutaneous T-cell lymphoma(a cancer of the immune system) in whom the disease has persisted, become worse or returned followingtreatment with other drugs. Individualized instructions and direct supervision by a practitioner are requiredduring treatment and routine laboratory monitoring is required. Vorinostat may cause undesirable or severeside effects at normal therapeutic dosage levels.The degree of regulatory control afforded by Schedule F (prescription drug) status coincides with the riskfactors associated with each medicinal ingredient. Oversight by a practitioner is necessary to ensure thatappropriate risk/benefit information is considered before the drug containing the medicinal ingredient isadministered and that the drug therapy is properly monitored.Schedule F is a list of medicinal ingredients, the sale of which is controlled under sections C.01.041 toC.01.049 of the Food and Drug Regulations. Part I of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescriptionfor human use and for veterinary use. Part II of Schedule F lists ingredients that require a prescription forhuman use, but do not require a prescription for veterinary use if so labelled or if in a form unsuitable forhuman use.03/27/201029 TBT Notification G/TBT/N/CHL/10913

NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentChileRubber hoses for LPG powered equipment that is used for welding, cutting and related processes.Protocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de productos de gas - Mangueras de caucho para equipos de soldeo,corte y procesos afines que utilizan GLP (Safety analysis and/or test protocol for gas products - Rubberhoses for LPG-powered equipment that is used for welding, cutting and related processes) (7 pages, inSpanish)The notified protocol establishes the certification procedure in respect of rubber hoses for LPG-poweredequipment used for welding, cutting and related processes, for normal duty of up to 20 bar and light duty(limited to hoses for maximum working pressure of 10 bar and with bore up to and including 6.3 mm.), inaccordance with Standard UNE EN 559:2003: Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes.02/14/2010303132TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/110NoCountry ChileProduct Gas fired atmospheric burners.TitleAnalysis and/or test protocol for gas products - Gas fired atmospheric burners (8 pages, in Spanish).ContentsThe notified protocol establishes the certification procedure for gas fired atmospheric burners, inaccordance with the scope and coverage of Chilean Standard (NCh) 3104.Of2007.Last Date ForComment02/24/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/112NoCountry ChileProduct LPG fired stoves not connected to an evacuation duct, for domestic use.Protocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de productos de gas - Estufas de uso doméstico no conectados a unTitleconducto de evacuación que utilizan GLP (Analysis and/or test protocol for gas products - LPG-firedstoves not connected to an evacuation duct, for domestic use) (8 pages, in Spanish)The notified protocol establishes the certification procedure for LPG fired stoves for domestic use that areContents not connected to an evacuation duct, in accordance with the scope and coverage of Standard NCh 1976Of2009.Last Date For02/24/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/113NoCountry ChileThe notified protocol establishes the certification procedure for LPG fired stoves for domestic use that areProduct not connected to an evacuation duct, in accordance with the scope and coverage of Standard NCh 1976Of2009.Protocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de productos de gas - Estufas conectadas a un conducto deTitleevacuación de tiro natural que utilizan combustibles gaseosos (Analysis and/or test protocol for gasproducts - Gas-fired stoves connected to a natural draft evacuation duct) (7 pages, in Spanish)The notified protocol establishes the certification procedure for gas fired stoves connected to a naturalContentsdraft evacuation duct, in accordance with the scope and coverage of Standard NCh 2293 Of 2009.Last Date For02/24/2010Comment33 TBT Notification G/TBT/N/CHL/11414

NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentChileBallasts for high pressure sodium vapour, low pressure sodium vapour, high pressure mercury vapourand/or metal halide discharge lamps.Protocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de seguridad y desempeño de producto eléctrico - Balasto paralámpara de descarga con vapor de: Sodio a alta presión, sodio a baja presión, mercurio a alta presióny/o haluros metálicos (Safety and performance analysis and/or test protocol for electrical products -Ballasts for high-pressure sodium vapour, low-pressure sodium vapour, high-pressure mercury vapourand/or metal halide discharge lamps) (7 pages, in Spanish)The notified protocol establishes the safety and performance certification procedure for inductive ballastsfor high-pressure sodium vapour, low-pressure sodium vapour, high-pressure mercury vapour and/ormetal halide discharge lamps for general lighting purposes, in accordance with the scope and coverageof standards IEC 61347-1:2007 and IEC 60923:2006 (NCh 3110. Of2008).03/15/2010343536TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/115NoCountry ChileProduct Motor VehiclesTitleTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.ContentsLast Date ForCommentThe regulation applies to : Specific components for passenger & multipurpose vehicles of category M andN1 using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system; Vehicles of category M and N withregard to the installation of specific components, for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) forpropulsion, of an approved type.* For the purpose of this regulation, refer to the definition of M & N category mentioned in Annex 5(Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), (documentTRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2, as last amended by Amend.4)).03/12/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/116NoCountry ChileProduct High-pressure mercury vapour discharge lampsProtocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de seguridad y desempeño de producto eléctrico - Lámpara deTitledescarga con vapor de mercurio a alta presión (Safety and performance analysis and/or test protocol forelectrical products – High-pressure mercury vapour discharge lamps) (7 pages, in Spanish)The notified protocol establishes the safety and performance certification procedure for high-pressureContents mercury vapour discharge lamps for general lighting purposes, in accordance with the scope andcoverage of standards IEC 62035:2003 and IEC 60188:2001.Last Date For03/12/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/117NoCountry ChileProduct High-pressure sodium vapour discharge lamps.TitleProtocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de seguridad y desempeño de producto eléctrico - Lámpara dedescarga con vapor de sodio a alta presión (Safety and performance analysis and/or test protocol for15

ContentsLast Date ForCommentelectrical products – High-pressure sodium vapour discharge lamps) (7 pages, in Spanish).The notified protocol establishes the safety and performance certification procedure for high-pressuresodium vapour discharge lamps for general lighting purposes, in accordance with the scope andcoverage of standards IEC 62035:2003 and IEC 60662:2001.03/15/201037383940TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHL/118NoCountry ChileProduct Motor VehiclesProtocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de seguridad y desempeño de producto eléctrico - Lámpara deTitledescarga con vapor de sodio a baja presión (Safety and performance analysis and/or test protocol forelectrical products - Low-pressure sodium vapour discharge lamps) (7 pages, in Spanish)ContentsThis standard is concerned with the method of test for the rear impact strength of passenger cars multipurposepassenger vehicles, trucks and buses with GVW less than 4500 kg using the moving barrier.Last Date ForComment03/12/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHN/714NoCountry ChinaProduct Microwave ovens (ICS: 27.010, HS: 8516)National Standard of the P.R.C , Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy EfficiencyTitleGrades for Household and Similar Microwave Ovens (11 pages, in Chinese).Articles 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 of this standard are mandatory, the others are voluntary. This standardspecifies the energy efficiency grades and minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, evaluating valuesof energy conservation, maximum allowable values of energy consumption for barbecue function, maximumallowable values of standby and off mode power consumption, target maximum allowable values of energyContents efficiency, test methods and inspection rules for microwave ovens. It applies to microwave ovens usingelectric-magnetic energy at ISM frequency (2450MHz) and resistance element as heating source, includingsingle function microwave ovens and microwave ovens with combined barbecue function and hot airconvection barbecue function. It does not apply to microwave ovens for commercial and industrial use, andmicrowave ovens with range hoods.Last Date For03/08/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHN/715NoCountry ChinaProduct Articles 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 andTitleNational Standard of the P.R.C., Safety of Woodworking Machines - Single End Tenoning Machines withSliding Table (28 page, in Chinese).Chapter 3, article, appendixes A and B are voluntary, the others are mandatory. This standardContentsspecifies the safety requirements and inspecting method for single end tenoning machines with slidingtable, which include the safety technical requirements and /or measures, protective measures againstmechanical and non-mechanical hazards, information of use, etc.Last Date ForComment03/08/2010TBT NotificationNoG/TBT/N/CHN/71616

CountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentChinaGlass-lined equipment and its accessories, tower sections, pipes and pipe fittings (ICS: 71.120;25.220.50, HS: 7309).National Standard of the P.R.C., Specification of Glass-lined Equipment for Industry (21 pages, inChinese)Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11 and articles 5.11, 6.4.3, 7.1.3, 7.6.4, 9.6, 10.6, 10.7, are voluntary, the others aremandatory. This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classifications and codes, design, materials,fabricating of metal matrix , inspection and acceptance, the process requirements, glassing product qualityand technical indexes, factory inspection, assembly, nameplate, packaging, transport for glass-linedequipment. It is applicable for glass-lined equipment and its accessories, tower sections, pipes and pipefittings which design temperature is from -20°C to 200°C.03/08/2010414243TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHN/718NoCountry ChileScrew type extruders for rubber and plastics, feeding systems and ancillary equipment (ICS: 71.120;Product83.200, HS:8477)National standard of the P.R.C., Extruders and Extrusion Lines for Rubber and Plastics - Part 1: SafetyTitleRequirements for Extruders (34 pages, in Chinese)Chapters 5, 6, 7 (except 7.2.1g) are mandatory, the rest ones are voluntary. This standard specifies thesafety requirements of screw type extruders for rubber and. plastics. It involves the scopes, terms andContentsdefinitions, list of significant hazards, safety requirements and/or measures, verification of safetyrequirements and measures, information for use.TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHN/719NoCountry ChinaProduct Die face pelletizers for processing rubber and plastics (ICS: 71.120; 83.200, HS: 8477)TitleNational Standard of the P.R.C., Extruders and Extrusion Lines for Rubber and Plastics - Part 2: SafetyRequirements for Die Face Pelletizers (15 pages, in Chinese).Chapters 5, 6 and 7 (except 7.2h) are mandatory, the rest ones are voluntary. This standard specifies theContentsessential safety requirements for die face pelletizers. It involves the terms and definitions, hazards andhazard areas, safety requirements and/or measures, verification of safety requirements and measures,information for use. This part is suitable for die face pelletizers for processing rubber and plastics.Last Date ForComment03/01/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/CHN/720NoCountry ChinaProduct Extruders and extrusion lines for processing rubber and/or plastics (ICS: 71.120; 83.200, HS: 8477).National Standard of the P.R.C., Extruders and Extrusion Lines for Rubber and Plastics - Part 3: SafetyTitleRequirements for Haul-offs (20 pages, in Chinese)Chapters 5, 6, 7 (except 7.2d) and 7.2h)) are mandatory, the others are voluntary. This standard specifiesthe essential safety requirements of extruders and extrusion lines for processing rubber and/or plastics. ItContents involves the terms and definitions, list of significant hazards, safety requirements and/or measures,verification of safety requirements and measures, information for use. This standard is suitable for allextruders and extrusion lines for processing rubber and/or plastics.Last Date For03/08/2010Comment17

51525354TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/EEC/311NoCountry European CommunitiesProduct Food.Draft Commission Regulation on the authorisation and refusal of authorisation of health claims made onTitlefoods and referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health(8 pages, in English).This draft Commission Regulation concerns the authorisation and refusal of authorisation of health claimsmade on food and referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health inContentsaccordance with Article 17(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods.Last Date For03/29/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/EEC/312NoCountry European CommunitiesProduct Food.TitleDraft Commission Regulation refusing to authorise a health claim made on foods, other than thosereferring to the reduction of disease risk and to children’s development and health (6 pages, in English).This draft Commission Regulation concerns the refusal of authorisation of a health claim made on foodsContentsother than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health inaccordance with Article 18(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods.Last Date ForComment03/29/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/FRA/107NoCountry FranceProduct Construction, decorating and home improvement products.Décret relatif à l’étiquetage des produits de construction et de décoration sur leurs émissions enTitlesubstances volatiles polluantes (Decree concerning the labelling of construction and decorating productsin respect of polluting volatile substance emissions) (3 pages)ContentsLast Date ForComment- Provisions concerning the labelling of construction and decorating products in respect of pollutingvolatile substance emissions (notification number: );- list of substances covered by the notified Decree;- description of specific information required on label;- Annex: standards conferring presumption of conformity in respect of the measurement ofsubstance emissions.03/12/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/FRA/108NoCountry FranceProduct Construction, decorating and home improvement products.Arrêté relatif à l'étiquetage des produits de construction et de décoration sur leurs émissions enTitlesubstances volatiles polluantes (Order concerning the labelling of construction and decorating products inrespect of polluting volatile substance emissions) (6 pages)20

ContentsLast Date ForCommentthe provisions of the draft Decree concerning the labelling of construction and decorating products inrespect of polluting volatile substance emissions (notification number:);- list of substances covered by the above-mentioned Decree;- description of specific information required on label;- Annex: standards conferring presumption of conformity in respect of the measurement ofsubstance emissions.03/12/201055TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/7NoCountry GeorgiaProduct “On the Safety of Hazardous Industrial Objects” (ICS: 13.300)TitleThe Law of Georgia “On the Safety of Hazardous Industrial Objects” (in Georgian).The industrial object except for the specially protected military and civil defence objects, is required toContentssubmit the safety declaration to the State Technical Oversight Inspection of Georgia upon request. Thedeclaration and its submission form shall be developed by the Ministry of Economic Development ofGeorgia in agreement with the ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.Last Date ForComment----TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/8No56 Country GeorgiaProduct “Food and Tobacco” (ICS: 65.160; 67).TitleThe Law of Georgia “On Food and Tobacco”(Amendment) (in Georgian).Contents The rules for permitting methods of manufacturing, manipulation and trade with food and tobacco.Last Date ForComment----TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/9No57 Country GeorgiaProduct “Unity of Measurements” ICS: 65.160; 67TitleThe Law of Georgia “On Ensuring the unity of Measurements” (in Georgian).The ministry of Economic Development of Georgia together with the Ministry of Finance of Agriculture ofContentsGeorgia determines which business shall be regarded as the peasant, farming, family or artisanundertaking. The Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia is also authorized to acknowledge theprimary certification of approved type and particular measurement devices undertaken by other countries.ContentsApproval of rules for the legal turnover of drugs, psychotropic agents and precursors in mentionedestablishments and analytical laboratories.Last Date ForComment----58TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/13NoCountry GeorgiaProduct Concrete and Ferroconcrete Constructions, ICS: 91.080.10; 91.080.40TitleThe Order by the Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia “On the approval of Building Norms andRules -Concrete and Ferroconcrete Constructions” (in Georgian).21

59ContentsLast Date ForCommentTBT NotificationNoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentThe given rules set requirements for building the constructions of heavy, fine-aggregate, light, cellular andporous concrete as well as stressed concrete.----G/TBT/N/GEO/14GeorgiaTimber woodThe Decree by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia “On the approvalof Rules for issuing Certification of Legality and Origin Of Timber Wood” (in Georgian).Issuing Certification of Rules of Legality and Origin of Timber Wood.----606162TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/15NoCountry GeorgiaProduct Technical Regulation on Automotive Vehicles, ICS: 43. 020TitleThe Decree by the Head of Unified Transport Administration “On the approval of Technical RegulationRules for the Alteration of Automotive vehicles” (Amendment) (in Georgian).The regulation is applicable for all automotive vehicles registered or subject to registration in Georgia,Contents except for the motorized bicycles, as well as vehicles on which gas cylinder are placed, removed,installed and adjusted.Last Date ForComment----TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/16NoCountry GeorgiaProduct Instruction on issuing rules of safety and permits ICS: 13.110The Decree by the Government of Georgia “On the approval of Guidelines. For Determining CustomsTitleWarehouse Technical and Safety Requirements and Issuing Relevant Permits” (in Georgian).It is compulsory to include the bordering for the perimeter of the warehouse in the general location plan orthe draft design of buildings and constructions to be built. This is the compulsory only if the warehouseContents consists solely of a open place, or open space and building, or several buildings that are located in adistance from one another. Relevant definitions are provided as well. The present rule envisages placing theCustom Control Sign on the warehouse building wall or the perimeter of the warehouse.Last Date For-----CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/17NoCountry GeorgiaRules and Conditions for Issuing Construction Permits (ICS: 13.020; 91.020; 93.020; 91.140.40;Product91.140.50)Addendum to the Decree by the Government of Georgia dated 24 March 2009 "Rules and Conditions forTitleIssuing Construction Permits" (in Georgian).Participation of the natural gas or petroleum transportation license holders - physical persons and legalentities, or the pipeline owner in absence of the above, in the process of issuing construction permits to theContentsestablishments within III and IV security zones of the main pipeline (petroleum, oil products, auxiliary oilproducts and transformation products of natural gas and oil) as per Law of Georgia on "Licensing and22

Last Date ForCommentPermits"-----63646566TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/18NoCountry GeorgiaProduct Individually Designed (Handmade) Vehicles (ICS: 43.020; 43.100)On the approval of the draft order by the Head of the United Transport Administration of the Ministry ofTitleRegional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia "Technical Regulation Requirements for theIndividually Designed (Handmade) Vehicles" (in Georgian).The present document determines requirements towards technical maintenance characteristics of aContents individually designed (hand-made) vehicle, its parts and devices and the procedure for assessing thecompliance of the handmade vehicle with the requirements of the present regulation.Last Date For----CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/19NoCountry GeorgiaProduct Electronic/Digital signature and electronic document (ICS: 35.020)TitleThe Law of Georgia on "Digital Signature and Electronic Document" (in Georgian).ContentsThe mentioned law determines legal grounds for the system of electronic document circulation and use ofdigital signature thereof..Last Date ForComment-----TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/GEO/20NoCountry GeorgiaProductSafety regulations for the construction (reconstruction) and use of underground facilities not connected tomineral extraction (ICS: 93.060; 01.040.13)TitleDraft order by the Minister of Economic Development of Georgia "On safety regulations for the construction(reconstruction) and use of underground facilities not connected to mineral extraction" (in Georgian).ContentsThe present document sets technical safety requirements for the use of natural or artificial undergroundsites (tunnels, caverns) used for purposes other than mineral extraction.Last Date ForComment-----TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/346NoCountry IsraelProduct Toys (ICS: 97.200.50; HS: Ch. 95).TitleSafety of toys: Migration of certain elements.ContentsSecond amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 562 part 3. This amendment introduces the followingchanges to the first amendment:• Deletes the phrase "in the formula" from paragraph 4.0 sections A and B, dealing with phthalate content.• Rephrases paragraph 4.0 section C dealing with phthalate content and documentation to "Themanufacturer of a toy and/or product for the care of children shall declare that he did not use thephthalates specified in sections A and B in the preparation of the product or toy. The manufacturer's23

ContentsLast Date ForCommentRevision of the Mandatory Standard SI 90 part 3. This draft standard revision applies to 96 octane unleadedgasoline or gasoline without a potassium based lead replacement. As of January 2009 marketing of 96octane leaded gasoline is prohibited (notified in G/TBT/N/ISR/231), therefore for car models that require theuse of lead or its substitute, this may be purchased in gasoline stations and added to the gasoline tankseparately after refuelling with 96 octane gasoline.03/18/2010717273TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/392NoCountry IsraelProduct Automotive spare parts (ICS: 43.040.50; HS: 8708.94).TitleAutomotive spare parts: Steering ball joint assembly.ContentsLast Date ForCommentRevision of the Mandatory Standard SI 210. This draft standard revision is based on the InternationalStandards SAE J 193 (June 1996) and SAE J 491 (November 1987), with the following changes thatappear in the Hebrew section:- Product's tests should be performed on original parts and not based on manufacturer declaration;- Determines a new method for comparing between original and spare parts.03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/393NoCountry IsraelProductPressure cookers(ICS: 97.040.20, 97.040.60; HS: 7311).TitlePressure cookersFirst amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 428. This amendment changes the standard's scope byContentsannouncing that the old version of SI 428 from December 1961 and all its amendments, as well as the newrevised standard SI 428 from February 2008 (notified in G/TBT/N/ISR/233), will apply until 31 December2010.Last Date ForComment03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/394NoCountry IsraelProduct MayonnaiseTitleMayonnaise and other oil in water emulsion spreads or dressings.ContentsSecond amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 431. This amendment changes the following:- Adds a reference to 7 Mandatory Standards dealing with fish conserves as well as a reference to anAmerican guidebook for microbiology laboratories as described in paragraph 1.2.- Changes paragraph dealing with eggs and egg ingredients.- Changes paragraphs and dealing with food colouring and additives.- Adds paragraph dealing with extracts for products marked as "with fruits" and amends paragraph2.2.2.17 accordingly.- Changes paragraph 2.2.2 dealing with additives and its sub-paragraphs and dealing withfish conserves and oil.25

Last Date ForComment- Amends the microbiological requirements described in paragraphs 3.3.5, 3.3.6 and 4.6 dealing with thepresence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes.03/18/2010747576TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/396NoCountry IsraelProduct Non-alcoholic beverages (ICS: 67.160.20; HS: 2009; 2202).TitleNon-alcoholic drinksContentsLast Date ForCommentSecond amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1071. This amendment includes the following changes:- Deletes paragraphs 2.1.5 through 2.1.7 and 2.1.9 through 2.1.13 and their headings and footnotes.- Changes paragraph 2.1.8 to be 2.1.5.- Adds new paragraph 2.1.6 dealing with food additives for non-carbonated beverages.- Deletes paragraphs 2.6.2 and 4.2.2 dealing with the minimal content of non-soluble solid ingredients andtheir test methods.- Changes the reference to Public Health Regulation (food) (Food additives) 2001 in paragraph 3.1 dealingwith ingredients.- Changes the reference to Public Health Regulation (food) (Food additives) 2001 in paragraph 3.6 dealingwith composition.03/18/2001TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/397NoCountry IsraelProduct Medical syringes and needles (ICS: 11.040.25, 01.070; HS: 9018.31, 9018.32).TitleSyringes and needles: Hypodermic needles for single use - colour coding for identification.ContentsFirst amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1268 part 6. This amendment adopts in full the technicalcorrigendum 1: 2008-03-01 to the International Standard ISO 6009: 1992.Last Date ForComment03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/398NoCountry IsraelProduct Playground equipment (ICS: 97.200.40; HS: 9506.91, 9508).TitlePlayground equipment: General safety requirements and test methods.ContentsLast Date ForCommentFirst amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1498 part 1. This amendment changes the following: -Add new reference to Israel Standards SI 1918 parts 1 and 2 dealing with the accessibility of builtenvironment.- Adds new definitions of the following terminology: ramp, accessible ramp, annual inspection, transfersystem and free wideness.- Amends the paragraph dealing with safety requirements.03/18/201026

7778798081TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/399NoCountry IsraelProduct Playground equipment (ICS: 97.200.40; HS: 9506.91, 9508).TitlePlayground equipment: Guidance on installation, inspection, maintenance and operation.ContentsLast Date ForCommentThird amendment to the Mandatory Standard SI 1498 part 7. This amendment changes the following:- Changes in the normative references.- Amends paragraph 6.2 (c) dealing with the main annual inspection.03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/400NoCountry IsraelProduct Playground equipment (ICS: 97.200.40; HS: 9506.91, 9508).TitlePlayground equipment: Playground.Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 1498 part 8. This draft standard revision adds a new chapterContents dealing with the accessibility of the playground area and equipment, both to disabled children and to adisabled person supervising a child.Last Date ForComment03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/ISR/401NoCountry IsraelProduct Communication cables (ICS: 33.120.10; HS: 8544.20-60).TitleCoaxial communication cables: Generic specification - General, definitions and requirements.Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 1113 to be replaced by SI 61196 part 1. This draft standard revisionContents adopts the International Standard IEC 61196-1 - Second edition: 2005-06 and adds a new requirement ofRoHS to paragraph 4.201 dealing with the reduction of use of dangerous components.Last Date ForComment03/18/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/JAM/20NoCountry JamaicaProduct Bituminous Materials (ICS: 75.140)TitleJamaican Standard Specification for Bituminous Materials (12 pages, English)This standard is a revision of JS 168:1999 Jamaican Standard. Specification for Bituminous materials. ItContentsspecifies quality and associated quality testing requirements for bituminous materials (penetration gradebitumen, cut-back bitumen and emulsified bitumen) used for construction of road and paving surfaces. Thisstandard does not include requirements for bituminous paving mixtures.Last Date ForComment03/20/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/JAM/21NoCountry JamaicaProduct Transportable gas containers (ICS: 23.020.30)TitleJamaican Standard Specification for Transportable gas containers (64 pages, English)27

ContentsLast Date ForCommentThis standard is a revision of JS 25:1992 Jamaican Standard Specification for Transportable gascontainers. It specifies requirements for the materials, design, construction and testing of containers for theconveyance of permanent, liquefiable and dissolved gases under pressure. It applies to steel containers ofwater capacity 0.5L to 150L (150 kg) having longitudinal and/or circumferential main seams, made by afully or semi- automatic welding process.This standard does not include requirements for the design and manufacture of portable fire extinguisherswhere the developed pressure of the contents does not exceed 25 bar* at the appropriate referencetemperature.03/20/2010828384TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/JPN/324NoCountry JapanProduct Radio equipment for multimedia broadcasting system for Personal Digital Assistance.Partial amendment of the Ordinance stipulating the Standard System on Transmission for DigitalTitleBroadcasting within the systems including Standard Definition Television (Ministerial Ordinance), thetechnical regulations on radio equipment (Ministerial Ordinance) and related Announcements and relatedAnnouncements.ContentsTechnical regulations on radio equipment for multimedia broadcasting system for Personal DigitalAssistance.Last Date ForComment03/19/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/KWT/23NoCountry KuwaitProduct Motor Vehicles,TitleContentsLast Date ForCommentTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.GENERAL CONSTRUCTION OF LARGE PASSENGER VEHICLES PART 1: Buses designed for thecarriage of persons in excess of 22 passengers, 60 pages.This Regulation applies to single deck rigid or articulated vehicles designed and constructed for the carriageof persons and having a capacity in excess of 22 passengers, whether seated or standing, in addition to thedriver, and having an overall width exceeding 2.30 metres. At the request of the manufacturer, approvalsmay be granted to vehicles having an overall width of 2.30 metres or less if such vehicles comply with theprovisions of this Regulation.03/07/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/KWT/24NoCountry KuwaitProduct Motor Vehicles, (HS 83023000)TitleContentsTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.Motor Vehicles – Requirements & Installation of Components in Motor Vehicles using Liquefied PetroleumGases (LPG), 154 pages.The regualtion applies to : Approval of specific equipment of motor vehicles using liquefied petroleum gasesin their propulsion system; Approval of a vehicle fitted with specific equipment for the use of liquefied28

Last Date ForCommentpetroleum gases in its propulsion system with regard to the installation of such equipment.03/07/201085868788TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/KWT/25NoCountry KuwaitProduct Motor Vehicles, (HS 83023000)TitleContentsLast Date ForCommentTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.Motor Vehicles – Requirements & Installation of Components in Motor Vehicles using Compressed NaturalGas (CNG), 161 pages.The regulation applies to : Specific components for passenger & multipurpose vehicles of category M andN using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system; Vehicles of category M and N withregard to the installation of specific components, for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) forpropulsion, of an approved type.03/07/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/KWT/26NoCountry KuwaitProduct Motor Vehicles, (HS 83023000)TitleContentsLast Date ForCommentTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.MOTOR VEHICLES:METHODS OF TEST FOR IMPACT STRENGTH PART 2: MOVING BARRIER REARIMPACT, 14 pagesThis standard is concerned with the method of test for the rear impact strength of passenger cars multipurposepassenger vehicles, trucks and buses with GVW less than 4500 kg using the moving barrier.03/07/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/KWT/27NoCountry KuwaitProduct Motor Vehicles, HS 83023000)Technical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Organisation. All notifiedTitledocuments are in English. - Approval requirements of large passenger vehicles with regard to the strengthof their superstructure (rollover test) (59 pages).This Regulation applies to single-deck rigid or articulated vehicles designed and constructed for theContents carriage of more than 22 passengers, whether seated or standing, in addition to the driver and crew forpropulsion, of an approved type.Last Date For03/07/2010CommentTBT NotificationG/TBT/N/MEX/186NoCountry MexicoProduct Transportable liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers.TitlePROY-NOM-008-SESH/SCFI-2009, Recipientes transportables para contener Gas L.P. Especificaciones29

ContentsLast Date ForCommentde fabricación, materiales y métodos de prueba (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-008-SESH/SCFI-2009: Transportable liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers. Manufacturing andmaterials specifications and test methods) (58 pages, in Spanish).The purpose of the notified draft Mexican Official Standard is to establish the minimum technical design,manufacturing and safety specifications and the test methods for transportable LPG containers with anominal storage capacity of up to and including 45kg. which are manufactured and/or marketed inMexico.02/22/201089909192TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/PHL/111NoCountry PhilippinesProduct Portland CementTitleDraft Philippine National Standard (DPNS) 07:2005/Amd.02:2009 - Portland cement - SpecificationThis notification specifies amendment to the provisions of the standards for PNS 07:2005/Amd.01:2008,Contents for the uniform application of the packaging requirement of Portland cement at 40 kg both for domestictrade or domestic consumption.Last Date ForComment02/26/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/PHL/112NoCountry PhilippinesProduct Blended hydraulic cement with pozzolanTitleDraft Philippine National Standard (DPNS) 63:2006/Amd.01:2009 - Blended hydraulic cement withpozzolan - SpecificationThis notification specifies amendment to the provisions of the standards for PNS 63:2006, for the uniformContents application of the packaging requirement of blended cements at 40 kg both for domestic trade ordomestic consumption.Last Date ForComment02/26/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/PHL/113NoCountry PhilippinesProduct Blended hydraulic cement with slag.TitleDraft Philippine National Standard (DPNS) 69:2005/Amd.02:2009 - Blended hydraulic cement with slag –Specification.This notification specifies amendment to the provisions of the standards for PNS 69:2005, for the uniformContents application of the packaging requirement of blended cement at 40 kg both for domestic trade or domesticconsumption.Last Date ForComment02/26/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/158NoCountry QatarProduct Cake mixes (ICS: 67.060)TitleCake mixes (8 pages in Arabic, 5 pages in English)ContentsThis draft technical regulation is concerned with cake mixes (which require only the addition of liquids whenprepared according to the make up instructions) and their test methods ( but it does not include cake mixes30

Last Date ForCommentfor special dietary foods), definitions, requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling,methods of test and labelling.03/28/20109394959697TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/159NoCountry QatarProduct Canned mangoesTitleCanned mangoes (10 pages in Arabic, 8 pages in English)This draft technical regulation is concerned with canned mangoes and its different types, definitions,Contents classification, requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling, methods of test andlabelling.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/160NoCountry QatarProduct Canned mixed vegetables (ICS: 67.080.20)TitleCanned mixed vegetables (5 pages in Arabic, 3 pages in English)ContentsThis draft technical regulation is concerned with canned mixed vegetables, definitions, requirements,packaging, test and labelling.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/161NoCountry QatarProduct Canned mushroomTitleCanned mushroom (9 pages in Arabic, 6 pages in English).ContentsThis draft technical regulation is concerned with canned mushroom (champignon), definitions, styles,requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling, testing and inspection and labelling.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/162NoCountry QatarProduct Canned pear (Elagas) (ICS : 67.080.10)TitleCanned pear (Elagas) (9 pages in Arabic, 6 pages in English)This draft technical regulation is concerned with different shapes of canned pears (Elagas), definitions,Contents classification, requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling, methods of examinationand test and labelling.Last Date ForComment03/281/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/163NoCountry QatarProduct Custard powder31

TitleContentsLast Date ForCommentCustard powder (6 pages in Arabic, 4 pages in English).This draft technical regulation is concerned with the requirements and methods of test for custardpowder., definitions, requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling, methods of test andlabelling.03/28/20109899TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/164NoCountry QatarProduct Edible essential water - Rose water - flower water (ICS: 67.160)TitleEdible essential water - Rose water - flower water (6 pages in Arabic, 3 pages in English)This draft technical regulation is concerned with edible essential water (rose water - flower water) forContents human consumption, definitions, requirements, packaging, transportation and storage, sampling,methods of test and labelling.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT NotificationG/TBT/N/QAT/165NoCountry QatarProduct Instant coffeeTitleInstant coffee (11 pages in Arabic, 7 pages in English)This draft technical regulation is concerned with instantContents (water soluble) coffee, definition, requirements, sampling, methods of the test, packaging, labelling,transportation and storage.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification100 G/TBT/N/QAT/166NoCountry QatarProduct Mixed fruit nectarsTitleMixed fruit nectars (9 pages in Arabic, 6 pages in English)This draft technical regulation is concerned with mixed fruit nectars intended for direct humanContents consumption. Definition, requirements, sampling, methods of the test, packaging, labelling, transportationand storage.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification101 G/TBT/N/QAT/167NoCountry QatarProduct Stores for frozen and chilled foodstuff part 2 : General requirements (ICS: 55.220)TitleStores for frozen and chilled foodstuff part 2 : General requirements (45 pages in Arabic, 29 pages inEnglish).ContentsThis draft technical regulation is concerned with general requirements of stores for frozen and chilledfoodstuff, symbols and pressure.Last Date ForComment03/28/201032

TBT Notification102NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentG/TBT/N/KOR/257Republic of KoreaMedical devicesProposed revision of Standards and Specifications for Medical Devices (99 pages, available in Korean).With a view to harmonizing domestic regulations with international norms, performance and safetyrequirements are established for intraocular lenses, balloon dilation angioplasty catheters, dental cartridgesyringes, non-implantable injection port caps.The proposed measure establishes standards and specifications separately for acupuncture needle forsingle use and reusable acupuncture needle, and sets limits for lead, tin, zinc, iron and other heavy metalsto be in line with international standards.-----TBT Notification103 G/TBT/N/KOR/258NoCountry Republic of KoreaProduct CosmeticsTitleProposed whole amendments to “Korean Quasi-drug Codex” (KFDA Advance Notice No. 2009-179,30 November 2009) (available in Korean)ContentsLast Date ForCommentTBT Notification104NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentThis proposed amendment is to incorporate into “Korean Quasi-drug Codex” specifications of quasi-drugsand insecticides, and testing methods of insecticides which are laid down in the Korean PharmaceuticalCodex.This measure requires manufacturers and importers to conduct microbial limit testing (E.coli, Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus) for sanitary napkins which contain herbal medicine as deodorant, andestablishes methods for such testing.Standards and specifications are established for 4 items including disposable sterile adhesive plasters,ethanol gel, compound nicotinamide ·dexpanthenol ·biotin solution.03/08/2010G/TBT/N/KOR/259Republic of KoreaFoodsProposed Revision of Labelling Standards for Foods (14 pages, available in Korean)For products such as candy, chewing gum, chocolate and jam, if a product of minimum unit for sale has theprincipal display panel no larger than 30 square centimetres, and the product is packaged in a way that maybe displayed and sold in a single container or package, label may be put on that single container orpackage.Standards and a design for front-of-pack (FOP) labelling is introduced for voluntary content of nutritioninformation intended to be placed on the principal display panel.Reference amount of a serving size for pizza is established at 150g and is revised for carbonated beverageand mixed beverage at 200ml each.28/01/2010TBT Notification105 G/TBT/N/KOR/260No33

CountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentRepublic of KoreaGrain moisture metersDraft of technical standard for Grain moisture meters.KATS will:- Revision of the technical standard for Grain moisture meters to classify grain species to measure. (1.scope)- Revision of the maximum permissible errors for metrological control of grain moisture meters by usingcapacitance (5.1 maximum permissible errors, ±2.0 % M.C. → ±1.0 % M.C.)03/19/2010TBT Notification106 G/TBT/N/KOR/262NoCountry Republic of KoreaProduct Medical devicesTitleProposed revision of Standards and Specifications for Medical Devices (106 pages, available in Korean).With a view to harmonizing domestic regulations with international norms, revision is introduced to names,Contentsand standards and specifications for 11 dental products including dental mercury. This proposal also deletesstandards for dental cement (zinc polycarboeylate, glass polyalkenoate, zinc phosphate) and establishesstandards for dental water-based cement.Last Date ForComment01/31/2010TBT Notification107 G/TBT/N/KOR/263NoCountry Republic of KoreaRefrigerator, Freezer, Kimchi Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Washing machines, Horizontal drum washingProduct machines, Dishwashers, Dish driers, Rice cookers, Vacuum cleaners, Electric Fans, Air cleaners andCommercial refrigerators."Regulation on Energy Efficiency Labelling and Standards" (MKE’s Notification 2009-317) (226 pages, inTitleKorean).Since 1992, manufacturers and importers have been required to represent energy efficiency grades (1st –5th) by each model under Regulation on Energy Efficiency Labelling and Standards. This amendmentestablishes requirements for the energy efficiency labelling (1st- 5th) of all new models of 13 electricContents products, including Refrigerators, Freezers, Kimchi Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Washing machines,Horizontal drum washing machines, Dishwashers, Dish driers, Rice cookers, Vacuum cleaners, ElectricFans, Air cleaners and Commercial refrigerators and for the estimated yearly operating cost as of 1 July2010.Last Date For03/20/2010CommentTBT Notification108 G/TBT/N/KOR/264NoCountry Republic of KoreaProduct Medical devicesTitleProposed revision of Standards and Specifications for Medical Devices (344 pages, available in Korean).Names, and standards and specifications are revised for 15 dental products including ceramic-basedContentsartificial teeth with a view to harmonizing domestic regulations with international norms. The proposedmeasure establishes separate standards and specifications for polymer-based dental modelling materialsand for gypsum-based dental modelling materials.Last Date ForComment01/31/201034

TBT Notification109 G/TBT/N/LCA/49NoCountry Sant LuciaPre-packaged products with declared net quantities in British Imperial Units or U.S. customary units,Product weights of non-metric denomination, measuring devices or instruments which indicate only in BritishImperial units or U.S. customary units.TitleLegal and Standard Units of Measurement Order(s) (English only).St. Lucia will prohibit the importation of products; Pre-packaged products with declared net quantities inBritish Imperial Units or U.S. customary units, weights of non-metric denomination, measuring devices orinstruments which indicate only in British Imperial units or U.S. customary units. The importations of theContents following products will not be prohibited; (a) Pre-packaged products with declared net quantities in dual units(metric & British, metric and U.S. customary) (b) Measuring equipment which can indicate in dual units(metric and British) (c) Road transportation equipment with speedometers which indicate in both kilometresper hour (km/h) and miles per hour.Last Date For-----CommentTBT Notification110 G/TB/N/SAU/124NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct ICS: 43TitleMotor Vehicles- Lateral Protection Of Truck And Trailer And Its Methods Of Test (available in English, 9pages).This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns the requirements for the lateral protection (side guards)Contentsof trucks and trailers having maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tones used for the carriage of goods. Thisregulation does not apply to tractors for semi trailers and vehicles designed and constructed for specialpurposes where it is not possible for practical reasons to fit such lateral protection.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification111NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentG/TBT/N/SAU/114Saudi ArabiaMotor VehiclesTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.• General construction of large passenger vehiclesPART 1: Buses designed for the carriage of persons in excess of 22 passengers (60 pages). ).This Regulation applies to single deck rigid or articulated vehicles designed and constructed for the carriageof persons and having a capacity in excess of 22 passengers, whether seated or standing, in addition to thedriver, and having an overall width exceeding 2.30 metres. At the request of the manufacturer, approvalsmay be granted to vehicles having an overall width of 2.30 metres or less if such vehicles comply with theprovisions of this Regulation.03/27/2010TBT Notification112 G/TBT/N/SAU/115NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor Vehicles35

TitleContentsLast Date ForCommentTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation. All notifieddocuments are in English.The regulation applies to : Specific components for passenger & multipurpose vehicles of category M andN1 using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system; Vehicles of category M and N withregard to the installation of specific components, for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) forpropulsion, of an approved type.* For the purpose of this regulation, refer to the definition of M & N category mentioned in Annex 5(Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), (documentTRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2, as last amended by Amend.4)).03/27/2010TBT Notification113NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentTBT Notification114NoCountryProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentG/TBT/N/SAU/116Saudi ArabiaMotor VehiclesTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation.All notified documents are in English.• Approval requirements of large passenger vehicles with regard to the strength of their superstructure(rollover test) (59 pages).This Regulation applies to single-deck rigid or articulated vehicles designed and constructed for thecarriage of more than 22 passengers, whether seated or standing, in addition to the driver and crew forpropulsion of an approved type.03/27/2010G/TBT/N/SAU/117Saudi ArabiaMotor VehiclesTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation.All notified documents are in English.• Motor Vehicles – Requirements & Installation of Components in Motor Vehicles using Liquefied PetroleumGases (LPG) (154 pages).The regulation applies to : Approval of specific equipment of motor vehicles using liquefied petroleumgases in their propulsion system; Approval of a vehicle fitted with specific equipment for the use ofliquefied petroleum gases in its propulsion system03/27/2010TBT Notification115 G/TBT/N/SAU/118NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor VehiclesTitleTechnical regulation based on Gulf Standards from (GSO) Gulf standardisation Oraganisation.ContentsThis standard is concerned with the method of test for the rear impact strength of passenger cars multipurposepassenger vehicles, trucks and buses with GVW less than 4500 kg using the moving barrier.Last Date ForComment03/27/201036

TBT Notification116 G/TBT/N/SAU/120NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct 83.160TitleMulti-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses And Trailers Tyres Part 2: Methods Of Test (available in Arabic, 12pages & English, 8 pages).This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns with methods of testing new tyres for multi-purposeContents vehicles, Light Trucks, Heavy Trucks, Buses and trailers. This regulation is not applicable for tyre typesidentified by speed category less than 80km/h.Last Date ForComment03/27/2010TBT Notification117 G/TBT/N/SAU/121NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct ICS: 43TitleMotor Vehicles - Rear Underrun Protective Devices For Truck And Trailer And Its Methods Of Test(available in English, 10 pages).This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns with the requirements for the rear underrun protectiveContentsdevices (RUPD) of trucks and trailers having maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tones used for the carriage ofgoods. This standard does not apply to Traction units for articulated vehicles, special trailers constructed forthe carriage of very long loads such as timber, steel bars etc.Last Date ForComment03/27/2010TBT Notification118 G/TBT/N/SAU/122NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct ICS: 43TitleMotor Vehicles- Front Underrun Protective Devices In Trucks And Its Methods Of Test (available inEnglish,This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns with the requirements for the front underrun protectiveContentsdevices (FUPD) of trucks having maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tones used for the carriage of goods. Thisstandard does not apply to off road vehicles and vehicles such that their use is incompatible with theprovisions of front underrun protection.Last Date ForComment03/27/2010TBT Notification119 G/TBT/N/SAU/123NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct 83.160TitleMulti-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses And Trailers Tyres Part 3: General Requirements (available inArabic, 9 pages & English, 8 pages).This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns with general requirements for new tyres for multipurposeContentsvehicles, Light Trucks, Heavy Trucks, Buses and trailers. This regulation is not applicable for tyretypes identified by speed category less than 80km/h.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010120 TBT Notification G/TBT/N/SAU/12537

NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct 83.160TitleMulti-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses and Trailers- Tyres Part 1: Nomenclature, Designation, Marking,Dimensions, Load Capacities and Inflation Pressures (available in Arabic, 12 pages & English, 8 pages).This Saudi/Gulf draft technical regulation concerns with nomenclature, designation, marking, dimensions,Contentsload capacities and inflation pressures of new tyres for multi-purpose vehicles, Light Trucks, Heavy Trucks,Buses and trailers. This regulation is not applicable for tyre types identified by speed category less than80km/h.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification121 G/TBT/N/SAU/126NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor VehiclesTitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System - Part 1: Braking Performance (11 pages in English)ContentsThis standard is concerned with the methods of test for the braking Performance of passenger cars andmulti-purpose vehicles.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification122 G/TBT/N/SAU/127NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor Vehicles (ICS: 43.140.00)TitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System - Part 4: Determination of Function of Anti-LockSystems (10 pages in English).ContentsThis Gulf standard is concerned with the determination of Function of Anti-Lock Systems of vehicles ofpassenger cars and multi-purpose vehicles.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification123 G/TBT/N/SAU/128NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor Vehicles (ICS: 43.140.00)TitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System - Part 5: Determination of Performance of BrakeLining Using Inertia Dynamometer (4 pages in English).ContentsThis standard is concerned with the method of test for determination of performance of brake lining ofpassenger cars and multi-purpose vehicles.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification124 G/TBT/N/SAU/129NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor Vehicles (ICS: 43.140.00)TitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System – Part 6: Determination of Coefficient of Adhesion (6pages in English).Contents This standard is concerned with the method of test of coefficient of adhesion of anti- lock system.38

Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification125 G/TBT/N/SAU/130NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor Vehicles ICS: 43.140.00TitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System - Part 3: Determination of Distribution of Brakingamong the Axles of Vehicles (10 pages in English).ContentsThis Gulf standard is concerned with the determination of distribution of braking among the axles ofvehicles of passenger cars and multipurpose vehicles.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification126 G/TBT/N/SAU/131NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Motor VehiclesTitleMotor Vehicles: Methods of Test for Braking System - Part 2: Determination of Capacity of EnergyStorage Devices (4 pages in English).ContentsThis Gulf standard is concerned with the methods of test for the determination of the capacity of energystorage devices of passenger cars and multi-purpose vehicles.Last Date ForComment03/28/2010TBT Notification127 G/TBT/N/THA/132NoCountry Saudi ArabiaProduct Alcohol BeveragesDraft Notification of the Alcohol Beverages Control, Re: Criteria, Procedures and Requirements for AlcoholTitleBeverage Packages or Pictorial Labels/Warning Statements on the Local Manufactured or Imported AlcoholBeverages, issued under…..BE…. (available in Thai, 3 pages)ContentsAccording to the Draft Notification of the Alcohol Beverages Control, Re: Criteria, Procedures andRequirements for Alcohol Beverage Packages or Pictorial Labels/ Warning Statements on the LocalManufactured or Imported Alcohol Beverages, issued under…..BE…., it is specified as follows:1. Definition of “Package” and the capacity of alcohol beverage contained in different types of containers.2. Either of the local manufactured or the imported alcohol beverages, the labels on their packages shall notcontain any word or statement that is likely to mislead the consumers to believe that the alcohol canimprove better health or have the lower toxic level than others, or in a manner of advertising the alcoholicbeverage directly or indirectly. The labels shall be eligible, printed as prescribed and contain the followingstatement:“Sale of alcohol beverages to persons under 20 years old is prohibited, Penalties for Violation: one-yearimprisonment or 20,000 baht fine”3. Pictorial labels shall be provided with the warning statements on the harm of alcohol wherein the pictureshall be printed in 4 colors and 6 types of which one of them is required to be rotated at 1,000 packageintervals. The following 6 types of pictorial labels/ warning statements shall be labelled in accordance withthe templates as appeared in the annex :Type 1. “Drinking alcohol causes the hypertension liver cirrhosis”;Type 2. “Alcohol intoxication leads to the accidents;39

Last Date ForCommentType 3. “Drinking alcohol leads to unconsciousness and even death”;Type 4. “Drinking alcohol leads to inferior sexual performance”;Type 5. “Drinking alcohol leads to adverse health effect and family problems”;Type 6.“Drinking alcohol is a bad influence on children and young people”.4. The publication of pictorial labels/ warning statements under Clause 3 is specified as follows:(1) If the package is in rectangular shape, the space shall not be less than 50 percents of the space of eachside with the maximum space or the front and the back side of the package, or not less than 30 percents ofthe total area of the packages if the package is in round or cylinder shape .(2) If the package is of the other shape than as specified above, the warning statements shall cover thespace no less than 30 percents of the total surface area of the package. To conform with the labelrequirements, the manufacturers or importers of alcohol beverages shall only provide the labels as well asadjust the size of statements from the template stipulated by Office of the Alcohol Control Committee,Ministry of Public Health.5. This draft notification shall not apply to the alcohol beverages manufactured or imported for distributionout of the Kingdom of Thailand, or for the specific purposes as samples for testing, analysis, or research; orfor non-commercial benefits in the Kingdom3/28/2010TBT Notification128 G/TBT/N/LKA/32NoCountry Sri LankaProduct HS Code: 9603.21TitleImports (Standardization and Quality Control) Regulations 2006 - Gazette Extraordinary of theDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1627/3 dated 9 November 2009 (1 page, English).Under the Compulsory Import Inspection Scheme of Sri Lanka, 102 Items are currently in operation.ContentsToothbrushes have been identified and published in the Government Gazette Extraordinary No. 1627/3dated 9 November 2009. Importers are not permitted to import these items to Sri Lanka unless they conformto the relevant Sri Lanka Standard, SLS 276.Last Date ForComment----TBT Notification129 G/BT/N/CHE/121NoCountry SwitzerlandProduct Telecommunication equipment: radio equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment.Draft revision of the Decree of the Federal Office for Communications on telecommunications installationsTitle(OOIT) (2 pages in French, Italian and in German).Partial revision of the Decree of the Federal Office for Communications on telecommunications installations(OOIT). This revision changes and give more spectrum to be used for short term by SAP/SAB and ENG/OBcordless cameras (1980 - 2010 MHz / 2170 - 2200 MHz / 2290 - 2400 MHz / 2500 - 2690 MHz / 3410 -3600 MHz / 3600 - 3800 MHz / 3800 - 4200 MHz). A license remains mandatory for the use. The use of the24.500 - 26.500 GHz frequency band for public point to multi point systems has been limited to 31December 2010. The frequency band for point to point systems in the 26 GHz has been extended (25.137 -Contents25.445 GHz / 26.145 - 26.453 GHz) and spectral efficiency class has been updated accordingly. The 42GHz frequency band (41 -42 GHz / 42.5 – 43.5 GHz) will be allocated for point to point applications. Alicense will be mandatory for its use. Hearing aids may use the 174 – 223 MHz frequency band with amaximum radiated power of 10 mW. This use will be possible without a license. The maximum output powerof wideband data transmission systems in the 57 – 66 GHz has been increased to 40 dBm EIRP (or 13dBm/MHz EIRP). According the ECC/DEC/(09)04, non voice transmit-only mobile satellite terminals may40

Last Date ForCommentuse the 1613.8 - 1626.5 MHz frequency band. The transmit power of inductive applications usingfrequencies between 9 – 135 kHz has been updated according the latest version of the Annex 9 of theERC/REC 70-03. Editorial changes have been made to the concerned radio interface regulations to take thefact that frequency band 470-790 MHz can be used from 1 January 2010 for all wireless microphones (notany more limited for applications in relation with broadcasting) in account. The maximum allowed peakoutput power for DECT cordless telephones has been corrected to 250 mW conducted or 4 W EIRP.03/01/2010TBT Notification130 G/TBT/N/CHE/122NoCountry SwitzerlandProduct Meat (HS 0208)TitleDraft Revision of the Ordinance on the declaration of agricultural products of 26 November 2003 (2pages, available in French, Italian and German)ContentsLast Date ForCommentMeat of rabbit, which was produced under rearing methods prohibited in Switzerland is subject tonegative mandatory labelling, i.e. indicating that the meat was produced under rearing methodsprohibited in Switzerland. Labelling is also mandatory in establishments where meals are served to thepublic such as restaurants or hospitals.Processed agricultural products containing rabbit meat are excluded from this mandatory labelling if theyoriginate in countries where equivalent prohibited rearing methods are in force.Meat from rabbit originating in a country where there is a proof of equivalent bans on rearing methodsbased on private guidelines is also exempt from mandatory labelling.04/28/2010TBT Notification131 G/TBT/N/TPKM/79NoCountry TaiwanFancy veneer overlaid structural glulam posts, Structural glulam, Fancy veneer overlaid glulam forProductdecorative use, Glulam for decorative use (HS Chapter 44)TitlePublic Notice under the Commodity Inspection Act (3 pages in Chinese, English translation available).Fancy veneer overlaid structural glulam posts, structural glulam, fancy veneer overlaid glulam fordecorative use and glulam for decorative use have been widely used as a kind of building materials thesedays. The public is concerned about pollution of indoor air by formaldehyde emitted from adhesiveContentsbonded wood products and demands restriction on the use of formaldehyde glue in the productsmentioned above. The BSMI, after having consulted with interested parties, intends to regulateformaldehyde of these products.Last Date For03/19/2010CommentTBT Notification132 G/TBT/N/TTO/81NoCountry TaiwanAromatic Disinfectants - Quaternary Ammonium Compounds - Specification (1 st Revision) (ICS:Product71.100.35)Aromatic Disinfectants - Quaternary Ammonium Compounds - Specification (1 st Revision) (14 pages, inTitleEnglish)This national standard specifies requirements for aromatic disinfectant fluids containing quaternaryContents ammonium compounds (QACs) as their principal anti-microbial agents. Requirements are specified fordisinfectant efficacy, storage stability, packaging and labelling. This national standard is applicable to light41

Last Date ForCommentduty QAC-based aromatic disinfectants primarily intended for general household purposes, marketed anddistributed in Trinidad and Tobago.03/13/2010TBT Notification133 G/TBT/N/THA/330NoCountry ThailandProduct Radiocommunication equipment (HS: 8526, ICS: 33.060)NTC TS 1023-2552: Technical Standard for VHF Air-Ground Digital Link (VDL) RadiocommunicationTitleEquipment Operating in the Aeronautical Mobile Service (7 pages, in Thai)Draft NTC TS 1023-2552 specifies minimum technical requirements for VHF Air-Ground Digital Link (VDL)ground-based aeronautical station used in aeronautical mobile service in the band 117.975-137 MHz, usingD8PSK for VDL Mode 2 and/or GFSK for VDL Mode 4, as stipulated in Annex 10 to the ICAO ConventionContentson International Civil Aviation. These technical requirements are based on ETSI EN 301 841-1 for VDLMode 2 and ESTI EN 301 842-1 for VDL Mode 4. There also are requirements for electrical safety andhuman radiation exposure.Last Date For03/20/2010CommentTBT Notification134 G/TBT/N/THA/331NoCountry ThailandProduct Radio-communication equipment (HS: 8526, ICS: 33.060)NTC TS 1024-2552: Technical Standard for Radio-communication Equipment Operating in the Land-TitleMobile Service in the VHF/UHF Frequency Bands, intended for the transmission of data and/or speech (8pages, in Thai).Draft NTC TS 1024-2552 specifies minimum technical requirements for radio-communication equipmentoperating in the land-mobile service in the VHF/UHF frequency bands, intended for the transmission of dataContents and/or digitized speech, used as base station, mobile station and hand portable station. These technicalrequirements are based on ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-10, ESTI EN 300 113-1 and NTC 001-2548.There also are requirements for electrical safety and human radiation exposure.Last Date For03/20/2010CommentTBT Notification135 G/TBT/N/THA/332NoCountry ThailandProduct Alcohol BeveragesDraft Notification of the Alcohol Beverages Control, Re: Criteria, Procedures and Requirements forTitleAlcohol Beverage Packages or Pictorial Labels/Warning Statements on the Local Manufactured orImported Alcohol Beverages, issued under…..BE…. (available in in Thai, 3 pages)ContentsAccording to the Draft Notification of the Alcohol Beverages Control, Re: Criteria, Procedures andRequirements for Alcohol Beverage Packages or Pictorial Labels/ Warning Statements on the LocalManufactured or Imported Alcohol Beverages, issued under…..BE…., it is specified as follows:1. Definition of “Package” and the capacity of alcohol beverage contained in different types of containers.2. Either of the local manufactured or the imported alcohol beverages, the labels on their packages shall notcontain any word or statement that is likely to mislead the consumers to believe that the alcohol canimprove better health or have the lower toxic level than others, or in a manner of advertising the alcoholicbeverage directly or indirectly. The labels shall be eligible, printed as prescribed and contain the followingstatement:42

Last Date ForComment“Sale of alcohol beverages to persons under 20 years old is prohibited, Penalties for Violation: one-yearimprisonment or 20,000 baht fine”3. Pictorial labels shall be provided with the warning statements on the harm of alcohol wherein the pictureshall be printed in 4 colors and 6 types of which one of them is required to be rotated at 1,000 packageintervals. The following 6 types of pictorial labels/ warning statements shall be labelled in accordance withthe templates as appeared in the annex :Type 1. “Drinking alcohol causes the hypertension liver cirrhosis”;Type 2. “Alcohol intoxication leads to the accidents;Type 3. “Drinking alcohol leads to unconsciousness and even death”;Type 4. “Drinking alcohol leads to inferior sexual performance”;Type 5. “Drinking alcohol leads to adverse health effect and family problems”;Type 6.“Drinking alcohol is a bad influence on children and young people”.4. The publication of pictorial labels/ warning statements under Clause 3 is specified as follows:(1) If the package is in rectangular shape, the space shall not be less than 50 percents of the space of eachside with the maximum space or the front and the back side of the package, or not less than 30 percents ofthe total area of the packages if the package is in round or cylinder shape .(2) If the package is of the other shape than as specified above, the warning statements shall cover thespace no less than 30 percents of the total surface area of the package. To conform with the labelrequirements, the manufacturers or importers of alcohol beverages shall only provide the labels as well asadjust the size of statements from the template stipulated by Office of the Alcohol Control Committee,Ministry of Public Health.5. This draft notification shall not apply to the alcohol beverages manufactured or imported for distributionout of the Kingdom of Thailand, or for the specific purposes as samples for testing, analysis, or research; orfor non-commercial benefits in the Kingdom.03/21/2010TBT Notification136 G/TBVT/N/THA/329NoCountry ThailandProduct Radiocommunication equipment (HS: 8526, ICS: 33.060)TitleNTC TS 1022-2552: Technical Standard for Radiocommunication Equipment Operating in the Maritime-Mobile Service in the MF/HF Frequency Bands (6 pages, in Thai)Draft NTC TS 1022-2552 specifies minimum technical requirements for radiocommunication equipmentContentsused as ship station, operating in the maritime mobile service in the MF/HF frequency bands (1.6065 - 27.5MHz). These technical requirements are based on ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-10, ITU-RRecommendation M.1173 and ESTI EN 300 373-1. There also are requirements for electrical safety.Last Date ForComment----137 TBT NotificationNoG/TBT/N/THA/328Country ThailandProduct Fuels (ICS: 75.160TitleNotification of Ministry of Commerce Regarding the Imposition of Fuel Oil to be the Commodity underAdministrative Measure for Importation into the Country B.E. 2552(2009) (3 pages in Thai and 2 pages in43

ContentsLast Date ForCommentEnglish (unofficial translation)).This Notification repeals and replaces the Notification of Ministry of Commerce Regarding the Imposition ofAdministrative Measures on Imported Fuel Oil into the Country (No. 127) B.E. 2541(1998). The Notificationprescribes the types of fuel oil that are under the administrative measure for importation into the country.----TBT Notification138 G/TBT/N/UKR/43NoCountry Ukraine- Small size tractors GOST29523-90 (engine capacity not exceeding 18 KWt), motoblocs, motor cultivators(HS 8701 10 00 00, 8701 90 11 00);- New ATV (categories L6, L7), not for use on the main road (HS 8703211000 – 8703219030; 8711100000– 8711900000);- Tractors for agriculture except small sized (including self-powering unit and tractor chassis (HS8701201000, 8701209000 (except tractor track); 8701301000; 8701309000; 8701901100 – 8701909000);- Tractors for lumber industry and forestry (HS 8701201000, 8701209000 (except tractor track);8701301000; 8701309000; 8701901100 – 8701909000; 8709);Product- Industrial tractors including equipped with bulldozing and loosening kit (HS 8429110000; 8429190000;8701201000, 8701209000 (except tractor track); 8701301000; 8701309000; 8701901100 – 8701909000);- Protective constructions for operators of: tractors, self-propelling chassis, viticulture small sized tractors(HS 8707909000 – 8708109098); tractors for lumber industry and forestry (HS 87079090; 8431); industrialtractors and construction road machine (HS 8431);- Hydraulic equipment for tractors, agricultural machines and other mobile vehicles: drive gear mechanism(dosing pump) (HS 8708701010 – 8708999898; 8413301000 – 8413609000); pressure hose (HS4009110000 – 4009429000);hydraulic cylinders (HS 8412109000 – 8412801000);- Diesel engines for tractors, agricultural and like machines (HS 8407109000 – 8408909900).Draft Order “On amendments to the List of products which are subject to compulsory certification inTitleUkraine”, (The List is approved by the Order of DSSU # 28 as of 01.02.2005 ) (6 pages, in Ukrainian).The draft regulatory act provides for adjustment of safety requirements for abovementioned tractors andContentsmachines for marketing in Ukraine.Last Date For02/15/2010CommentTBT Notification139 G/TBT/N/UKR/44NoCountry UkraineProduct All products that come under Technical RegulationsTitleDraft law "On making amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Standards, Technical Regulations andConformity Assessment Procedures" (1 page in Ukrainian).It is proposed by the mentioned above draft Law to introduce amendments to the Law of Ukraine "OnContentsStandards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures". In particular, it is proposed toabolish paragraphs 11 and 12 of the Article 32 of the Law concerning registration of manufacturer'ssupplier's declaration of conformity (SDOC).Last Date ForComment03/08/2010TBT Notification140 G/TBT/N/ARE/27NoCountry United Arab Emirates44

ProductTitleContentsLast Date ForCommentMotor VehiclesUAE and GCC draft technical regulation for Motor Vehicles: Dimensions and Weights (6 pages, availablein Arabic).This draft technical regulation is concerned with the maximum allowable length, width, height, grossweight and axle load for buses, trucks, trailers and semi-trailers used on roads.03/12/2010TBT Notification141 G/TBT/N/USA/504NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct Contact lensesTitleSauflon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; Filing of Color Additive Petition (1 page, in English).The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that Sauflon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has filed aContentspetition proposing that the color additive regulations be amended to provide for the safe use of disodium 1-amino-4-[[4-[(2-bromo-1-oxoallyl)amino]-2-sulfonatophenyl]amino]-9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2-sulfonate (CAS Reg. No. 70209-99-3) as a color additive in contact lenses.Last Date ForComment----TBT Notification142 G/TBT/N/USA/506NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct Nickel in fertilizer (ICS 13.020, 65.080)TitleCommercial Fertilizers - Additional Plant Nutrients; Registration and Guarantee; Warning On Label ( 2pages, English)Requires a warning or caution statements on the label for any product that contains three-hundredthsContents percent (0.03%) or more of boron in a water-soluble form or one-thousandth percent (0.001%) or more ofmolybdenum.Last Date ForComment----TBT Notification143 G/TBT/N/USA/510NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct Meat and poultry products, labeling (ICS: 67.120)TitleNutrition Labeling of Single-Ingredient Products and Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry Products (66pages, English).The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing this supplemental proposed rule that, if finalized,Contents will amend the Federal meat and poultry products inspection regulations to require nutrition labeling of themajor cuts of single-ingredient, raw meat and poultry products, unless an exemption applies.Last Date ForComment02/16/2010TBT Notification144 G/TBT/N/USA/511NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct Rotorcraft Structures (HS: 8202; ICS: 49.020,49.045 )TitleDamage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Composite Rotorcraft Structures (9 pages, English).This proposal would revise airworthiness standards for type certification requirements of normal andContents transport category rotorcraft. The amen dment would require evaluation of fatigue and residual staticstrength of composite rotorcraft structures using a damage tolerance evaluation, or a fatigue evaluation, if45

Last Date ForCommentthe applicant establishes that a damage tolerance evaluation is impractical. The amendment would addressadvances in composite structures technology and provide internationally harmonized standards.04/06/2010TBT Notification145 G/TBT/N/USA/512NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct Walk-in coolers and freezers (HS: 8418; ICS 13.020, 19.020, 97.130)Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Walk-In Coolers and Walk-In Freezers; Proposed RuleTitle(34 pages, English)Pursuant to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) isproposing test procedures for measuring the energy consumption of walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers(collectively “walk-in equipment” or “walk-in(s)”), definitions to delineate the products covered by the testprocedures, and provisions (including a sampling plan) for manufacturers to implement the test procedures.Contents The notice also addresses enforcement issues as they relate to walk-in equipment. Concurrently, DOE isundertaking an energy conservation standards rulemaking for this equipment. Any data gathered throughthe use of the test procedure adopted by DOE will be used in evaluating any potential standards for thisequipment. Once these standards are promulgated, the adopted test procedures will be used to determineequipment efficiency and compliance with the standards.Last Date For03/22/2010CommentTBT Notification146 G/TBT/N/USA/513NoCountry United State Of AmericaProduct School bus emergency exits (ICS 43.040, 43.080)Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Bus Emergency Exits and Window Retention and Release (7Titlepages, English).This NPRM proposes two housekeeping measures relating to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard(FMVSS) No. 217, “Bus emergency exits and window retention and release.” First, in response to a petitionfor rulemaking from the School Bus Manufacturers' Technical Council, NHTSA proposes to amend thestandard to specify that the exterior release (the exterior handle) for school bus rear emergency exit doorsmay be located opposite the door hinges. The standard currently specifies that the exterior release for rearemergency exit doors be located in the middle of the door. Second, this NPRM would clarify FMVSS No.Contents217 as to the number of force applications that are required to open a window or roof emergency exit. Forexits with one release mechanism, the exit shall require two force applications to open. The standardcurrently specifies that the “mechanism” shall require two force applications to open. For exits with tworelease mechanisms, there shall be a total of three force applications to open the exit: one force applicationshall be applied to each of the two mechanisms to release the mechanism, and another force shall beapplied to open the exit.Last Date For02/26/2010Comment46

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