Wood Seating Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Wood Seating Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Wood Seating Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors


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GentryGuest ChairGentry chairs, designed byArnie Dammermann, providecontemporary styling with adistinctive design that featuresclean, simple lines andnatural contours.c See Gentry desk chairs,page 48.Back is fully upholstered.Arms are one-piece, solidmaple construction; openstyle arms curve gently forcomfortable seating.Upholstered seatfeatures a webbed panelconstruction.Legs are maple.Glides are 1 ⁄2" diameter.Actual DimensionsOverall depth 27 1 ⁄2"Overall width 24"Overall height 33 3 ⁄4"Seat depth 16 1 ⁄2"Seat width 20"Back width 21"Back height 19"Width between arms 19 1 ⁄2"Seat to floor height 17 1 ⁄2". Arm height from floor 24 1 ⁄2".Surface MaterialsSeat and back• Vinyl• Fabric• Fabric with soil-retardanttreatment (option)• Leather• Perforated leather on seatand back (option)Frame• Maple• Customiz stain on wood(option)Tip: Finishes applied tomaple will match the colorof stains applied to oak,walnut, or cherry but willnot show the same naturalgrain.Glides• Stainless steel onlyAll Steelcase seatingwith standard upholsteryfabrics complieswith requirements of theBIFMA First GenerationVoluntary UpholsteredFurniture Standard, as wellas State of CaliforniaTechnical Bulletins 116 and117. All standard seating islabeled to be in compliancewith California TB116/117.For soil-retardant treatmentPrograms & Serviceson COMs, please select “Soil-cSee the Surface MaterialsRetardant Treatment” underReference Manual for further“Optional Accessories.”detail about programs andMinimums or additionalservices offered for seating.yardage may be required.The Customer’s OwnPlease contact the vendorMaterial (COM) Programdirectly for specific informa-offers the opportunity for custiontomersto select fabrics thatare not offered through theExtended lead times may bestandard Steelcase surfacenecessary for this service.materials program for use onSteelcase products. ThroughContact your Steelcasethe COM program, SteelcaseSolutions Fulfillmentwill test your materials forTeam Representative atapplication on Steelcase1.888.STEELCASEproducts. Once approved,(1.888.783.3522).you can place your order.Steelcase will facilitate theFire Codesentire ordering process andcSee pages 136–139give you a production schedule.Steelcase will order thefor upholstery fabricsavailable for use with FCSCOM fabric directly from themodification.textile manufacturer. For upto-dateinformation regardingSteelcase offers Fire Codefabric test results for all COM<strong>Seating</strong> modification (FCS)fabrics and details regardingon nearly all seating models.yardage requirements forThe most rigorous fire codesmost <strong>Seating</strong> lines, visit thein the nation have beenCOM Web site. To locate thedeveloped in California, andCOM Web site:the Steelcase FCS modifica-• Visit www.steelcase.comtion is designed to meet• Click on “Knowledge &those codes. Fire CodeDesign”<strong>Seating</strong> (FCS) indicates that• Select “Customer’s Owna product is constructed toMaterial”meet the strict fire coderequirements of high publicSoil retardants are treatmentsthat provide long-termoccupancy areas such astheaters, meeting rooms,soil and stain resistance to aand lobbies. The FCS stan-fabric without affecting thedards will meet both theshade or the integrity of theState of California Homefabric. The followingFurnishing Technical BulletinSteelcase Textiles are availablepre-treated with soil133 (Cal TB 133) andBoston Fire Code (BFC).retardant. (You do not need toBoston adopted theselect the soil-retardantCalifornia Home Furnishingoption for these fabrics andTechnical Bulletin TB 133incur the $17 upcharge.)test standard in 1992.• Canzoné• CavalcadeLocal codes may have• Jacksspecial requirements for• Linkupholstery.• Regis• Roulette• SpyderResources• SweepstakesGentry BrochureSoil-retardant treatment isForm number S11076available on all other seatingChairs for People atfabrics at an additional $17WorkU.S. per seating unit. To orderForm number S11347this option, please select“Soil-Retardant Treatment” Quick Deliveryunder “Optional Accessories.” HandbookCasegoods and <strong>Seating</strong>Delivered in 12 DaysForm number S3461...70 <strong>Wood</strong> <strong>Seating</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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