Feb. 13, 2013, Policy Workgroup Meeting Summary (PDF)

Feb. 13, 2013, Policy Workgroup Meeting Summary (PDF) Feb. 13, 2013, Policy Workgroup Meeting Summary (PDF)

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Healthy Sacramento CoalitionPolicy Workgroup MeetingFebruary 13, 2013Meeting SummaryMeeting Outcomes Agree on policy recommendations for the Evidence-Based Quality Clinical andPreventive Services strategic focus areaMeeting Attendees: Sydni Aguirre, Staci Anderson, Caliph Assagai, KimberlyBankston-Lee, Kelly Bennett-Wofford, Ashley Brand, Kendra Bridges, Jim Cibbs, LeslieCooksy, Richard Dana, Myline Divina, Mary Helen Doherty, Teri Duarte, Jennifer Ellis,Dana Fields-Johnson, Sumayyah Husnein, Jerry Jeffe, Dian Kiser, Margae Knox, DianeLittlefield, Fatima Malik, Carolyn Martin, Michael Negrete, Juanita Ontiveros, JamesPalmiem, Noe Paramo, Robert Phillips, Judy Robinson, Sandra Robinson, YvonneRodriguez, Glennah Trochet, Kim Williams, Stephanie Yang, and Rosemary Younts.Welcome and Agenda ReviewMinutes were approved with the addition of Juanita Ontiveros as an attendee on Jan 9.Focus Area 3: Evidence-Based Quality Clinical and Preventive ServicesBackground Information and Recommendations:a. Right Care Initiative – Michael Negrete and Margae KnoxPresentation was given with policy recommendations, see presentation andhandoutsb. Chronic Disease Self Management – Rosemary Younts and Sydni AguirrePresentation was given with policy recommendations, see presentation andhandoutsc. Parks Prescription Review – Judy RobinsonPresentation was given with policy recommendation, see presentation andhandouts.Discussion of Policy RecommendationsThe group heard a presentation on the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, whichhas been implemented in jurisdictions across the country and could tie in with several ofour policy recommendations in the Healthy Eating Active Living strategic focus area andThe Healthy Sacramento Coalition is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Healthy Sacramento Coalition<strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Workgroup</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>13</strong>, 20<strong>13</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Summary</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> Outcomes Agree on policy recommendations for the Evidence-Based Quality Clinical andPreventive Services strategic focus area<strong>Meeting</strong> Attendees: Sydni Aguirre, Staci Anderson, Caliph Assagai, KimberlyBankston-Lee, Kelly Bennett-Wofford, Ashley Brand, Kendra Bridges, Jim Cibbs, LeslieCooksy, Richard Dana, Myline Divina, Mary Helen Doherty, Teri Duarte, Jennifer Ellis,Dana Fields-Johnson, Sumayyah Husnein, Jerry Jeffe, Dian Kiser, Margae Knox, DianeLittlefield, Fatima Malik, Carolyn Martin, Michael Negrete, Juanita Ontiveros, JamesPalmiem, Noe Paramo, Robert Phillips, Judy Robinson, Sandra Robinson, YvonneRodriguez, Glennah Trochet, Kim Williams, Stephanie Yang, and Rosemary Younts.Welcome and Agenda ReviewMinutes were approved with the addition of Juanita Ontiveros as an attendee on Jan 9.Focus Area 3: Evidence-Based Quality Clinical and Preventive ServicesBackground Information and Recommendations:a. Right Care Initiative – Michael Negrete and Margae KnoxPresentation was given with policy recommendations, see presentation andhandoutsb. Chronic Disease Self Management – Rosemary Younts and Sydni AguirrePresentation was given with policy recommendations, see presentation andhandoutsc. Parks Prescription Review – Judy RobinsonPresentation was given with policy recommendation, see presentation andhandouts.Discussion of <strong>Policy</strong> RecommendationsThe group heard a presentation on the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, whichhas been implemented in jurisdictions across the country and could tie in with several ofour policy recommendations in the Healthy Eating Active Living strategic focus area andThe Healthy Sacramento Coalition is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

in today’s strategic focus area of Evidence-Based Quality Clinical and PreventiveServices (See handout).The group endorsed the Parks Prescription recommendation. During the discussion itwas pointed out that there would be need for active advocacy to make parks in the 15zip codes more attractive and safe; some parks require reconstruction of their facilities(amenities). Culturally, some groups view running or walking in parks as a yuppieactivity, in order to make use of the parks for exercise we need to develop culturallyappropriate activities and opportunities for park use.Regarding the Chronic Disease Self Management program, the group also endorsedthis policy recommendation. They saw this as an opportunity to develop leadership inthe zip codes of interest, but there was concern about how many people would actuallybe impacted by the six-week course. The group felt that smoking cessation should beaddressed either as an add-on or as a referral before or after the classes. It was alsoexpressed that there could be synergy if the program were expanded to all the hospitalsystems and it became a standard of care to refer patients with chronic diseases,especially hypertension and high cholesterol, to this program. The program is alreadyimplemented in this community in Spanish and could be translated into 25 languages;but we would need at least two people who speak the language to be trained and leadthe classes.Currently Dignity Health pays a small stipend of $300 for community leaders who teachthese classes. The group mentioned that resources would need to be found to keep thisgoing, as the precedent has been set. It was pointed out that many of the communityleaders are very motivated to teach, as many have struggled with chronic disease andwant to give back to the community.The group also endorsed the Right Care Initiative policy recommendations, but therewas more discussion here about how a community coalition could influence medicalpractice. Ultimately the consensus was that the Coalition and its Leadership team couldsupport the activities of the Right Care Initiative through communication with thecommunity regarding the initiatives to include a pharmacist in the care team and thebundled medications to address the risk factors for stroke, and also educatingcommunity members to ask their physicians if they participate in these evidence-basedpractices.Finalize Policies to Recommend to the Healthy Sacramento CoalitionBelow are the policies as endorsed by the <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Workgroup</strong>:1. Decrease cholesterol and high blood pressure through exercise and healthyeating.a. County Regional Parks and City of Sacramento Parks Departments willwork with the other Park Agencies and the Medical community to increasethe use of parks in the 15 zip codes of interest through implementation ofthe Parks Prescription program.The Healthy Sacramento Coalition is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

. The coalition will advocate for reconstruction of facilities in parks that needthis, in addition to improvement in safety and programs that are culturallyappropriate to improve exercise options.2. Improve medication adherence for people with high cholesterol and hypertensionusing a Chronic Disease Self-Management model.a. Train community leaders in zip codes of interest to lead these workshopsb. Engage community based organizations in hosting the workshops atregular intervalsc. Recruit healthcare providers to recommend and refer their patients to theworkshops.d. Pilot workshop – focus specifically on participants with hypertension andhigh cholesterol.e. Collect weight (BMI) and blood pressure before and post six-weekworkshops. This would be feasible at community clinic sites.3. Support the work of the Right Care Initiative in Sacramento, which encouragescommunity clinics and medical groups to establish and adhere to an evidencebasedprotocol for bundled medication therapy for those at high risk for heartattacks and strokes, and to include clinical pharmacists on the Care Team.a. Educate the community about the activities of the Right Care Initiativeb. Empower community members to ask their physicians to implement theevidence-based practices advocated by the Right Care Initiative.<strong>Meeting</strong> Evaluation– Kelly Bennett-Wofford, <strong>Workgroup</strong> Co-ChairPositiveChangeWell prepared speakersDiane’s presenceNeed to have zip codes of interest onthe agenda (map on website)Dr. Trochet’s facilitationList all presenters’ with contactinformation on websiteConsolidate e-mails as much aspossibleGreat participationPlan for 50 peopleGetting materials in advanceUse E-viteNeeds Assessment not readily availableon website, although it is in one of theValley Vision presentations. Need tomove it up on the website. It is stillunder being updated and revised.Need more time to discussimplementation of policies.The Healthy Sacramento Coalition is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Next <strong>Meeting</strong> Details: Implementation plan discussion. We will ask Robert Phillipsto give us an update.Next <strong>Meeting</strong> is March <strong>13</strong>, 20<strong>13</strong>, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.Please note: meeting date was changed to March 20 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.The Healthy Sacramento Coalition is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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