Textile Science and Apparel Design

Textile Science and Apparel Design

Textile Science and Apparel Design


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4 Carbohydrates- Composition <strong>and</strong> classification, source,functions, requirements principles of cereal <strong>and</strong> sugarcookery (in brief)- effect of moist heat, effect of dry heat,identity of grains, gel formation, gluten formation, Pecticgels, crystallization, caramelization.5 Lipids- composition, sources, functions, requirements,deficiency <strong>and</strong> excess; fatty acids- essential <strong>and</strong> nonessential,SFA, USFA, MUFA, PUFA, significance offatty acids, Rancidity, Emulsion, changes on heating,smoking point, frying point, melting point, processeshydrogenation<strong>and</strong> rendering; factors affecting fatabsorption (in brief)6 Proteins- composition, classification (complete,incomplete), sources, functions, requirements, deficiency,nutritional classification of amino acids (essential, Nonessential,semi-essential), mutual supplementation,Biological value, effect of heat on protein- denaturation,coagulation <strong>and</strong> Maillard reaction, foam formation,fermentation, Germination, Protein in Foods – Pulse,milk, egg, fish, meat.7 Energy- unit of energy, food as a source of energy,definition of calorie <strong>and</strong> joules, energy requirement <strong>and</strong>factors affecting it- BMR, RMR, SDA, growth <strong>and</strong>development, activity, effects of deficiency <strong>and</strong> excess.8 Minerals- distribution in body, functions <strong>and</strong> sources,bioavailability <strong>and</strong> requirement, deficiency <strong>and</strong> excess ofthe following. Factors affecting (enhancing/ inhibiting)absorption(1) Calcium(2) Phosphorus(3) Iron(4) Iodine9 Vitamins- classification, sources, functions,requirements, deficiency <strong>and</strong> excess of the following,Factors affecting availability of vitamins from the diet.(1) Vitamin A(2) Vitamin D(3) Vitamin E(4) Vitamin K(5) Vitamin C5 85 86 143 66 108 1633 | P a g e

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