Textile Science and Apparel Design

Textile Science and Apparel Design

Textile Science and Apparel Design


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Physiology <strong>and</strong> Reproductive Health(Practicals)OBJECTIVES:1. To utilize the knowledge learnt to administer first aid for common emergencyprocedures.2. To acquaint the students with basic principles of home nursing.Subject L Cr P/T D TP Internal P/V TPhysiology <strong>and</strong> Reproductive - 2 4 - - 50 - 50Health(Practicals)Sr. o. Topic <strong>and</strong> Details o. of Periodsassigned1 Estimation of one’s own Hemoglobin <strong>and</strong> blood group 022 - Demonstration of Peripheral smear of blood <strong>and</strong>pointing out various blood Cells.08- CBC <strong>and</strong> its significance.3 Method of estimating Pulse rate <strong>and</strong> blood pressure. 054 Urinary examination <strong>and</strong> significance 075 Basic principles of fst aid <strong>and</strong> home nursing withdemonstration of various types of b<strong>and</strong>ages <strong>and</strong>b<strong>and</strong>aging techniques.- First aid in-3. Wounds- bruises, abrasions, laceratedwounds.4. Foreign bodies in eye, ear, nose.5. Control of Haemorrhage6. Simple <strong>and</strong> compound fracture7. Sprains, burns8. Treatment of common poisoning.6 Method of Artificial respirations, External cardiacmassage, CPR- Cardio pulmonary resuscitation.0831 | P a g e

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