Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...

Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...

Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...


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4.0 Analysis of Finding4.1 CorrelationMulticollinearity problem have been tested by preparing the correlation matrix usingPearson correlation test. The correlation result indicates there is no seriousmulticollinearity problem. Thus all the variables can be used to test the model. Table4 provide the value of correlation for the variables used in the study. From the result,there are mixed relationship between banks specific variables <strong>and</strong> credit risk level.Out of five variables, three variables have negative relationship with credit risk. TL,TE <strong>and</strong> CAPR have a negative correlation with CR. LLP <strong>and</strong> TA has a positivecorrelation with CR.Table 4: Correlation MatrixCR TL LLP TE CAPR TACR 1.0000TL -0.0743 1.0000(-0.6362)LLP 0.5553 0.1897 1.0000(-5.7044)*** -1.6619TE -0.2207 -0.2645 -0.1735 1.0000(-1.9337)* (-2.3595)** (-1.5158)CAPR -0.1781 -0.5183 -0.1729 0.5121 1.0000(-1.5361) (-5.1783)*** (-1.4996) (5.1291)***TA 0.3345 0.3033 0.1033 -0.2874 -0.2965 1.0000(3.0324)*** (2.7382)*** (-0.8935) (-2.6160)** (-2.6711)******, ** <strong>and</strong> * denotes significance at 1%, 5% <strong>and</strong> 10% confidence level, respectively.4.2 Regression ResultFive independence variables <strong>and</strong> three dummy variables have been regress againstcredit risk (CR). The estimation result shows that four BSV has a significantrelationship with credit risk. TL <strong>and</strong> TE have a negative significant relationship withCR. Negative relationship between TE <strong>and</strong> CR is expected as lower equity capitalindicates that higher debt capital. Higher debt capital will increased net interestmargin ratio. TL has contradicted result; TL is expected to have positive relationshipwith CR, however this study finds that TL has negative relationship with CR. Thisresult is same with Rahman <strong>and</strong> Shahimi (2010).LLP has positive significant relationship with CR as expected. Higher amount ofprovisioning indicates that a bank have a problem with loan quality. Lower quality ofloan will potentially increase loan default.9

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