Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...

Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...

Financing Structures, Bank Specific Variables and Credit Risk ...


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Table 2: Independent <strong>and</strong> Dependent variables<strong>Variables</strong> Definition Expected Sign<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> (CR)<strong>Financing</strong>Expansion (TL)<strong>Financing</strong> Quality(LLP)Non-performing financing to totalfinancing outst<strong>and</strong>ingTotal financing to total assets +Loan loss provisions to total assets +Capital Buffer(TE) Total equity to total assets -Capital Ratio(CAPR)Total capital (TIER 1 <strong>and</strong> TIER 2capital) to total assets ratioSize (TA) Natural logarithm of total assets +/-DABDDBDSBDummy variables; „1‟ for offering assetbased financing <strong>and</strong> „0‟ for not offeringasset based financingDummy variables; „1‟ for offering debtbased financing <strong>and</strong> „0‟ for not offeringdebt based financingDummy variables; „1‟ for offeringsupporting based financing <strong>and</strong> „0‟ fornot offering supporting basedfinancing+/-+++/-3.3 Descriptive StatisticsTable 3 provide a summary of descriptive statistic for the variables used in this study.In average, credit risk level of Malaysian Islamic banks is about 4.35 percent (from1995 to 2010). This figure can be considered low as compared to the amount offinancing. As we can see, TL (total financing to total assets) is 50 percent. It is meanthat 50 percent of the assets in Malaysian Islamic banks is contributed by financingactivities.Looking to the provision for loss, Malaysian Islamic banks make quite a smallamount of provision. In average Islamic banks in Malaysia only make a provisionabout 0.7 percent <strong>and</strong> the highest is 9 percent. This amount of provision is quitelower compared as compared to the ratio of financing to total assets (TL).Size is one of the important BSV that will determine credit risk in bank. In this study,size is measured by taking a value of total assets (TA). Total assets value forMalaysian Islamic banks range from RM291 million to RM44157 million. The range isbig may due to the different in age of the sample banks.7

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