Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing

Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing

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UTP CLASSIC BACKLISTThe Fiscal Sustainability ofHealth Care in CanadaThe Romanow Papers, Volume 1Edited by Gregory P. Marchildon,Tom McIntosh, and Pierre-GerlierForest0-8020-8617-9 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2004The Force of CultureVincent Massey and CanadianSovereigntyKaren A. Finlay0-8020-3624-4 / £42.00 / $68.00/ 2004Forever YoungThe ‘Teen-Aging’ of ModernCultureMarcel Danesi0-8020-8620-9 / £14.00 / $24.95/ 2003Founding FathersThe Celebration of Champlainand Laval in the Streets ofQuebec, 1878–1908Ronald Rudin0-8020-8479-6 / £15.00 / $30.95/ 2003From Fascism to DemocracyCulture and Politics in the ItalianElection of 1948Robert A. Ventresca0-8020-8768-X / £40.00 /$68.00 / 2004Frye and the WordReligious Contexts in theWritings of Northrop FryeEdited by Jeffery Donaldson andAlan Mendelson0-8020-8813-9 / £42.00 / $78.00/ 2004Gendered StatesWomen, UnemploymentInsurance, and the PoliticalEconomy of the Welfare State inCanada, 1945–1997Ann Porter0-8020-8408-7 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2003The Genetic ImaginaryDNA in the Canadian CriminalJustice SystemNeil Gerlach0-8020-8572-5 / £20.00 / $29.95/ 2004The Girl from God’s CountryNell Shipman and the SilentCinemaKay Armatage0-8020-8542-3 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2003The Governance of HealthCare in CanadaThe Romanow Papers, Volume 3Edited by Tom McIntosh, Pierre-Gerlier Forest, and Gregory P.Marchildon0-8020-8619-5 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2004Governing from the CentreThe Concentration of Power inCanadian PoliticsDonald J. Savoie0-8020-8252-1 / £18.95 / $32.95/ 1999Gramsci’s Politics of LanguageEngaging the Bakhtin Circle andthe Frankfurt SchoolPeter Ives0-8020-3756-9 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2004‘A Great Effusion of Blood’?Interpreting Medieval ViolenceEdited by Mark D. Meyerson,Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk0-8020-8774-4 / £40.00 / $65.00/ 2004Grettir’s SagaTranslated by Denton Fox andHermann Palsson0-8020-6165-6 / £6.95 / $19.95/ 2001The Growth of A la recherchedu temps perduA Chronological Examination ofProust’s Manuscripts from 1909to 1914Anthony R. Pugh0-8020-8818-X / £96.00 /$153.00 / 2004The Gutenberg GalaxyThe Making of Typographic ManMarshall McLuhan0-8020-6041-2 / £9.95 / $24.95/ 1962Health Care in Canada andthe Process of ChangeThe Romanow Papers, Volume 2Edited by Pierre-Gerlier Forest,Gregory P. Marchildon, and TomMcIntosh0-8020-8618-7 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2004Hebrew SyntaxSecond EditionRonald J. Williams0-8020-2218-9 / £9.75 / $17.95/ 1992Heroines and HistoryRepresentations of Madeleine deVerchères and Laura SecordColin M. Coates and CeciliaMorgan0-8020-8330-7 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2002The Historic ImaginaryPolitics of History in Fascist ItalyClaudio Fogu0-8020-8764-7 / £40.00 / $63.00/ 2003Historical Atlas of CentralEuropeRevised EditionPaul Robert Magocsi0-8020-8486-9 / $53.00 / 2002Canadian Rights OnlyHistory of MedicineA Scandalously ShortIntroductionJacalyn Duffin0-8020-7912-1 / $27.50 / 1999World Rights Less U.K. andEuropeThe House of DifferenceCultural Politics and NationalIdentity in CanadaEva Mackey0-8020-8481-8 / £14.00 / $25.95/ 2002How Theatre EducatesConvergences and Counterpointswith Artists, Scholars, andAdvocatesEdited by Kathleen Gallagher andDavid Booth0-8020-8556-3 / £18.00 / $29.95/ 2003Hrotsvit of GandersheimContexts, Affinities, andPerformancesEdited by Phyllis R. Brown, LindaA. McMillin, and Katharina M.Wilson0-8020-8962-3 / £40.00 / $60.00/ 2004Human Rights in anInformation AgeA Philosophical AnalysisGregory J. Walters0-8020-8550-4 / £16.00 / $28.95/ 2001‘I Have Been Waiting’Race and U.S. Higher EducationJennifer S. Simpson0-8020-8569-5 / £15.00 / $27.95/ 2003The Idea of a ColonyCross-culturalism in ModernPoetryEdward Marx0-8020-8799-X / £32.00 /$50.00 / 2004The Illuminated PageTen Centuries of ManuscriptPainting in The British LibraryJanet Backhouse0-8020-4346-1 / $42.95 / 1997North and South AmericanRights OnlyImagining LondonPostcolonial Fiction and theTransnational MetropolisJohn Clement Ball0-8020-4496-4 / £28.00 / $45.00/ 2004Industrial SunsetThe Making of North America’sRust Belt, 1969–1984Steven High0-8020-8528-8 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2003Insurance as GovernanceRichard V. Ericson, Aaron Doyle,and Dean Barry0-8020-8574-1 / £22.50 / $38.00/ 2003IntersticesStudies in Middle English andAnglo-Latin Texts in Honour ofA.G. RiggEdited by Richard Firth Green andLinne R. Mooney0-8020-8743-4 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2004Introduction to Psychology andLawCanadian PerspectivesEdited by Regina A. Schuller andJames R.P. Ogloff0-8020-4275-9 / £30.00 / $55.00/ 2001Irish TravellersRacism and the Politics ofCultureJane Helleiner0-8020-8628-4 / £15.00 / $27.95/ 2000Israel, Diaspora, and theRoutes of National BelongingJasmin Habib0-8020-8510-5 / £18.00 / $27.50/ 200470

UTP CLASSIC BACKLISTItalian ModernismItalian Culture betweenDecadentism and Avant-GardeEdited by Luca Somigli and MarioMoroni0-8020-8602-0 / £25.00 / $39.95/ 2004Italo Calvino and the Compassof LiteratureEugenio Bolongaro0-8020-8763-9 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003Jacob Burckhart’s Social andPolitical ThoughtRichard Sigurdson0-8020-4780-7 / £32.00 / $55.00/ 2004Justin and Pompeius TrogusA Study of the Language ofJustin’s Epitome of TrogusJ.C. Yardley0-8020-8766-3 / £42.00 / $98.00/ 2003Land Use Planning Made EasySecond EditionHok-Lin Leung0-8020-8552-0 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2003The Law and Economics ofCanadian Competition PolicyMichael J. Trebilcock, Ralph A.Winter, Paul Collins, and EdwardIacobucci0-8020-8612-8 / £55.00 / $88.00/ 2002Law and MoralityReadings in Legal Philosophy,Second EditionEdited by David Dyzenhaus andArthur Ripstein0-8020-8447-8 / £26.00 / $50.00/ 2001The LawmakersJudicial Power and the Shaping ofCanadian FederalismJohn T. Saywell0-8020-8656-X / £20.00 /$32.95 / 2002Legitimizing the ArtistManifesto Writing and EuropeanModernism, 1885–1915Luca Somigli0-8020-3761-5 / £35.00 / $55.00/ 2003Liberals at the BorderWe Stand on Guard for Whom?Lloyd Axworthy0-8020-8593-8 / £8.00 / $12.95/ 2004The Lindisfarne GospelsMichelle Brown0-8020-8597-0 / $45.00 / 2003North and South AmericanRights OnlyLittere BaronumThe Earliest Cartulary of theCounts of ChampagneEdited by Theodore Evergates0-8020-8762-0 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003The Lonergan ReaderEdited by Mark D. Morelli andElzabeth A. Morelli0-8020-7648-3 / £26.00 / $42.95/ 1997Love, Hate, and Fear inCanada’s Cold WarEdited by Richard Cavell0-8020-8500-8 / £15.00 / $24.95/ 2004Marian EngelA Life in LettersEdited by Christl Verduyn andKathleen Garay0-8020-3687-2 / £25.00 / $40.00/ 2004Marriage of MindsIsabel and Oscar Skelton ReinventingCanadaTerry Crowley0-8020-7902-4 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2003McLuhan in SpaceA Cultural GeographyRichard Cavell0-8020-8658-6 / £20.00 / $29.95/ 2002Media Violence and its Effecton AggressionAssessing the Scientific EvidenceJonathan L. Freedman0-8020-8425-7 / £15.00 / $27.95/ 2002The Medieval GardenSylvia Landsberg0-8020-8660-8 / $24.95 / 2003North American Rights OnlyMedieval VirginitiesEdited by Anke Bernau, SarahSalih, and Ruth Evans0-8020-8637-3 / $24.95 / 2003North American Rights OnlyMethod in TheologySecond EditionBernard Lonergan0-8020-6809-X / £13.50 /$26.95 / 1990Mi’kmaq Treaties on TrialHistory, Land, and DonaldMarshall JuniorWilliam C. Wicken0-8020-7665-3 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2002Modern DramaDefining the FieldEdited by Ric Knowles, JoanneTompkins, and W.B. Worthen0-8020-8621-7 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2003Money in Their Own NameThe Feminist Voice in PovertyDebate in Canada, 1970–1995Wendy McKeen0-8020-8544-X / £15.00 /$27.95 / 2004The Monstrous Middle AgesEdited by Bettina Bildhauer anRobert Mills0-8020-8667-5 / $21.95 / 2004North American Rights OnlyMoral Objectives, Rules, andthe Forms of Social ChangeDavid Braybrooke0-8020-8031-6 / £14.00 / $24.95/ 1998The Music of Harry FreedmanGail Dixon0-8020-8964-X / £28.00 /$45.00 / 2004The Myth of Print CultureEssays on Evidence, Textuality,and the Bibliographical MethodJoseph A. Dane0-8020-8775-2 / £40.00 / $63.00/ 2003Narratives in the MakingTeaching and Learning atCorktown Community HighSchoolMary Beattie0-8020-8533-4 / £14.00 / $25.95/ 2003NarratologyIntroduction to the Theory ofNarrative, Second EditionMieke Bal0-8020-7806-0 / £13.00 / $21.95/ 1997Natural Law ModernizedDavid Braybrooke0-8020-8644-6 / £20.00 / $29.95/ 2001The New Avant-Garde in ItalyTheoretical Debate and PoeticPracticesJohn Picchione0-8020-8994-1 / £32.00 / $50.00/ 2004Niki GoldschmidtA Life in Canadian MusicGwenlyn Setterfield0-8020-4807-2 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003No TrespassingAuthorship, Intellectual PropertyRights, and the Boundaries ofGlobalizationEva Hemmungs Wirtén0-8020-8608-X / £15.00 /$27.95 / 2004Northrop Frye’s Notebooksand Lectures on the Bible andOther Religious TextsEdited by Robert D. Denham0-8020-3766-6 / £80.00 /$125.00 / 2003Nurturing Hidden Resilience inTroubled YouthMichael Ungar0-8020-8565-2 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2004Odysseys HomeMapping African-CanadianLiteratureGeorge Elliott Clarke0-8020-8191-6 / £22.50 / $38.95/ 2002Of Philosophers and KingsPolitical Philosophy in Shakespeare’sMacbeth and King LearLeon Harold Craig0-8020-8605-5 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2001On the Edge of EmpireGender, Race, and the Making ofBritish Columbia, 1849–1871Adele Perry0-8020-8336-6 / £16.00 / $27.95/ 2001One Hundred Years ofCanadian CinemaGeorge Melnyk0-8020-8444-3 / £22.50 / $35.00/ 2004Origin Stories in PoliticalThoughtDiscourses on Gender, Power,and CitizenshipJoanne H. Wright0-8020-8812-0 / £32.00 / $50.00/ 200471

UTP CLASSIC BACKLISTItalian ModernismItalian Culture betweenDecadentism and Avant-GardeEdited by Luca Somigli and MarioMoroni0-8020-8602-0 / £25.00 / $39.95/ 2004Italo Calvino and the Compass<strong>of</strong> LiteratureEugenio Bolongaro0-8020-8763-9 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003Jacob Burckhart’s Social andPolitical ThoughtRichard Sigurdson0-8020-4780-7 / £32.00 / $55.00/ 2004Justin and Pompeius TrogusA Study <strong>of</strong> the Language <strong>of</strong>Justin’s Epitome <strong>of</strong> TrogusJ.C. Yardley0-8020-8766-3 / £42.00 / $98.00/ 2003Land Use Planning Made EasySecond EditionHok-Lin Leung0-8020-8552-0 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2003The Law and Economics <strong>of</strong>Canadian Competition PolicyMichael J. Trebilcock, Ralph A.Winter, Paul Collins, and EdwardIacobucci0-8020-8612-8 / £55.00 / $88.00/ 2002Law and MoralityReadings in Legal Philosophy,Second EditionEdited by David Dyzenhaus andArthur Ripstein0-8020-8447-8 / £26.00 / $50.00/ 2001The LawmakersJudicial Power and the Shaping <strong>of</strong>Canadian FederalismJohn T. Saywell0-8020-8656-X / £20.00 /$32.95 / 2002Legitimizing the ArtistManifesto Writing and EuropeanModernism, 1885–1915Luca Somigli0-8020-3761-5 / £35.00 / $55.00/ 2003Liberals at the BorderWe Stand on Guard for Whom?Lloyd Axworthy0-8020-8593-8 / £8.00 / $12.95/ 2004The Lindisfarne GospelsMichelle Brown0-8020-8597-0 / $45.00 / 2003North and South AmericanRights OnlyLittere BaronumThe Earliest Cartulary <strong>of</strong> theCounts <strong>of</strong> ChampagneEdited by Theodore Evergates0-8020-8762-0 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003The Lonergan ReaderEdited by Mark D. Morelli andElzabeth A. Morelli0-8020-7648-3 / £26.00 / $42.95/ 1997Love, Hate, and Fear inCanada’s Cold WarEdited by Richard Cavell0-8020-8500-8 / £15.00 / $24.95/ 2004Marian EngelA Life in LettersEdited by Christl Verduyn andKathleen Garay0-8020-3687-2 / £25.00 / $40.00/ 2004Marriage <strong>of</strong> MindsIsabel and Oscar Skelton ReinventingCanadaTerry Crowley0-8020-7902-4 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2003McLuhan in SpaceA Cultural GeographyRichard Cavell0-8020-8658-6 / £20.00 / $29.95/ 2002Media Violence and its Effecton AggressionAssessing the Scientific EvidenceJonathan L. Freedman0-8020-8425-7 / £15.00 / $27.95/ 2002The Medieval GardenSylvia Landsberg0-8020-8660-8 / $24.95 / 2003North American Rights OnlyMedieval VirginitiesEdited by Anke Bernau, SarahSalih, and Ruth Evans0-8020-8637-3 / $24.95 / 2003North American Rights OnlyMethod in TheologySecond EditionBernard Lonergan0-8020-6809-X / £13.50 /$26.95 / 1990Mi’kmaq Treaties on TrialHistory, Land, and DonaldMarshall JuniorWilliam C. Wicken0-8020-7665-3 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2002Modern DramaDefining the FieldEdited by Ric Knowles, JoanneTompkins, and W.B. Worthen0-8020-8621-7 / £18.00 / $30.95/ 2003Money in Their Own NameThe Feminist Voice in PovertyDebate in Canada, 1970–1995Wendy McKeen0-8020-8544-X / £15.00 /$27.95 / 2004The Monstrous Middle AgesEdited by Bettina Bildhauer anRobert Mills0-8020-8667-5 / $21.95 / 2004North American Rights OnlyMoral Objectives, Rules, andthe Forms <strong>of</strong> Social ChangeDavid Braybrooke0-8020-8031-6 / £14.00 / $24.95/ 1998The Music <strong>of</strong> Harry FreedmanGail Dixon0-8020-8964-X / £28.00 /$45.00 / 2004The Myth <strong>of</strong> Print CultureEssays on Evidence, Textuality,and the Bibliographical MethodJoseph A. Dane0-8020-8775-2 / £40.00 / $63.00/ 2003Narratives in the MakingTeaching and Learning atCorktown Community HighSchoolMary Beattie0-8020-8533-4 / £14.00 / $25.95/ 2003NarratologyIntroduction to the Theory <strong>of</strong>Narrative, Second EditionMieke Bal0-8020-7806-0 / £13.00 / $21.95/ 1997Natural Law ModernizedDavid Braybrooke0-8020-8644-6 / £20.00 / $29.95/ 2001The New Avant-Garde in ItalyTheoretical Debate and PoeticPracticesJohn Picchione0-8020-8994-1 / £32.00 / $50.00/ 2004Niki GoldschmidtA Life in Canadian MusicGwenlyn Setterfield0-8020-4807-2 / £32.00 / $53.00/ 2003No TrespassingAuthorship, Intellectual PropertyRights, and the Boundaries <strong>of</strong>GlobalizationEva Hemmungs Wirtén0-8020-8608-X / £15.00 /$27.95 / 2004Northrop Frye’s Notebooksand Lectures on the Bible andOther Religious TextsEdited by Robert D. Denham0-8020-3766-6 / £80.00 /$125.00 / 2003Nurturing Hidden Resilience inTroubled YouthMichael Ungar0-8020-8565-2 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2004Odysseys HomeMapping African-CanadianLiteratureGeorge Elliott Clarke0-8020-8191-6 / £22.50 / $38.95/ 2002Of Philosophers and KingsPolitical Philosophy in Shakespeare’sMacbeth and King LearLeon Harold Craig0-8020-8605-5 / £20.00 / $32.95/ 2001On the Edge <strong>of</strong> EmpireGender, Race, and the Making <strong>of</strong>British Columbia, 1849–1871Adele Perry0-8020-8336-6 / £16.00 / $27.95/ 2001One Hundred Years <strong>of</strong>Canadian CinemaGeorge Melnyk0-8020-8444-3 / £22.50 / $35.00/ 2004Origin Stories in PoliticalThoughtDiscourses on Gender, Power,and CitizenshipJoanne H. Wright0-8020-8812-0 / £32.00 / $50.00/ 200471

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