Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing

Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing

Spring/Summer 2005 - University of Toronto Press Publishing


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GENERAL INTERESTLovers and LiversDisease Concepts in HistoryJacalyn DuffinJOANNE GOODMAN LECTURE SERIESCan a disease be an idea? A theory? Does diseaseexist without a patient to suffer from it?In Lovers and Livers, Jacalyn Duffin provides alively overview <strong>of</strong> the ideas around disease. Sheintroduces philosophical theories <strong>of</strong> disease anddelves into the history <strong>of</strong> two distinct afflictions– one old, one new – which serve asexamples to show how applyingtheory can uncoversurprising aspects <strong>of</strong> themedical past and present.Written with humour and compassion,and using poignant examples fromDuffin’s own clinical experience,Lovers and Livers is based ona series <strong>of</strong> public lectures andinnovates by utilizing audience participationand a wide variety <strong>of</strong>sources including art, poetry, literature,medical journals, newspapers.Duffin’s first example <strong>of</strong> a diseaseconcept – the now possibly defunct disease<strong>of</strong> Lovesickness – had its origins inthe poetry <strong>of</strong> antiquity and itsdemise in twentieth-century scepticism,but Duffin argues that it maynot be as passé as is generally thought. The secondexample is the new disease Hepatitis C. Duffindemonstrates that it too stems from ancient traditionand that it has been shaped by discoveries invirology and recent tragedies in transfusion medicine,as well as by legislators, journalists, andpatients.In any given time and place, coherent concepts<strong>of</strong> disease emerge from combining social, cultural,legal, and scientific preoccupations with currentepistemological priorities about what constitutesclear thinking. Lovers and Livers will be <strong>of</strong> specialinterest to scholars <strong>of</strong> history, philosophy, and medicine,as well as many others.Jacalyn Duffin is a pr<strong>of</strong>essor in the Faculty <strong>of</strong> HealthSciences, the Department <strong>of</strong> History, and theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Philosophy, and holds theHannah Chair in the History <strong>of</strong> Medicine, atQueen’s <strong>University</strong>.‘Lovers and Livers is animportant and well-written book on the waywe conceptualize, construct, and continuallychange our notions <strong>of</strong> disease. Jacalyn Duffinweaves an intriguing historical tale that combinesscholarship, originality <strong>of</strong> thought, andimportant ideas with a lively, bright, andwitty presentation.’Jock Murray, Medical HumanitiesProgram, Dalhousie <strong>University</strong>Of related interest:Hunting the 1918 FluOne Scientist’s Search for a Killer VirusKirsty E. Duncan0-8020-8748-5 / £22.50 / $38.00 / 2003HISTORY / HEALTH CAREApprox. 240 pp / 5 1 /2 x 8 1 /2 / May <strong>2005</strong>17 halftones; 6 tablesCloth ISBN 0-8020-3868-9 £35.00 $55.00 EPaper ISBN 0-8020-3805-0 £20.00 $29.95 CThe Liver from Vasalius, Tabulae sex, 1538.2

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